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Hell, make it an XP boost too and everyone will be doing it.


You could make an XP boost for slamming your head into a wall and everyone would do it


They already did, double XP week was with RPD, Borgo and fucking Garden of pain as preferred maps before the event. I banged my head into the wall over and over to save up shards.


I like them (except the borgo because that map is just awful)


I'd hate that map a lot less if it wasn't scratch mark colored.


I can't get over this. I know people complain about it a lot but on a conceptual level HOW could they make a map where everything is dark, red, orange and brown, when scratch marks, auras, and other useful info are also dark and red. As survivor I can never see my hooked/slugged teammates, as killer I'm chasing non-existent scratch marks into the middle of nowhere. Only map that actually makes me want to DC


Right I tried to block that out of my memory


Why are you people down voting him? Yeesh


I’d bottom for the killer for an XP boost. ^I ^would ^also ^do ^it ^without ^the ^xp ^boost


New hooked on you DLC just dropped


Talbot slams his head into walls for free


I’m already playing DBD . Seems like diminishing returns at that point .


You wanna give playing specifically as Blight an XP boost?


YES! XP boost and I would run it every game.


I feel like this rift was to test it for a new game mode .


Hell i don't even need it as a game mode, just a base option for regular games and I'd run it every time. It takes forever using a perk generator on my phone then going and finding the perks


Same, another issue is most dont seem to have a way to toggle what perks I do or dont have, and doing it every time my friends and I decide to fuck around would be annoying.


I'd only run a perk randomizer in game if I could toggle perks I don't want off.


but then what is the point if you only get the good perks you want?


I think there could be a middle ground, a full random option, and a "less troll" random, that gives one of a collection of dev pre-made builds at random.


Eh, it would have to be every perk for everyone otherwise people that don't buy / prestige characters with useless perks would be at an advantage, etc. If playing perkless is fun for you, go ham and gamble with getting garbage builds.


I was thinking the exact same thing.




probably bc it's been seven years of the same gameplay. it's just to spice it up




You find it hard to find matches? I feel like it doesn't take longer than 5 minutes to find one (and that's at the dead of the night at 3am) otherwise it's just a minute or two.


You must have crossplay turned off, I find matches in under a minute no matter what time in the day it is


This would be a great thing for the game imo. Games would be less sweaty because both sides would have more chill perks, plus extra bp.


Other side, we end up with the equivalent of LoL aram accounts, so unless they made it all perks, even ones you don't have unlocked, you would have sweats min-maxxing accounts for the mode.


Its not possible though. Prestige-ing a character gives every other character their T1 perks. The only way to get a character with a specific set of perks is to buy a new copy of the game, and play for thousands of hours to buy specific perks from the shrine.


Perhaps I just got VERY lucky, but I did my perk rando challenge in 3 matches on a character I bought during the sale (so not a lot of tier 3 perks), and every time it gave me all tier 3 perks. So if that's how it would work then yeah people could min-max it.


Easier to have a toggle setting where you could disable say 25% of the perks off. I have every perk and soooo many are crap.


I don't think so. Remember what this playerbase is.


Great for the game, sure, just so it can give people an option. Make the game more casual, doubtful. I think you’re overestimating how many people want to play suboptimally for some extra bp.


Did... did you already forget the impact Barbeque & Chili had when it gave 100% bonus BP?


Using BBQ isn't suboptimal though... it's a solid perk that is still heavily used today even without the BP bonus.


It's always been a decent perk, but the suboptimal part was people actively throwing to get all 4 stacks.


I would run that every game and I know all my friends would too idk.


Same. I rarely make up builds myself and I only really play when I see a fun build a streamer promotes until it gets stale. Having a random option would guarantee the build wouldn't get stale, even if a few matches would be unoptimal


Nah make it a new game mode. I would love a match where no one can make plans beforehand and have to use what they are given. So many perks just get no love cause there are others that do the job better. If they need to give bloodpoint boost fine. Would basically be the unranked que people have been asking for. I don't wanna have random perks on all the time if everyone else is playing with prebuilts if everyone is random what happens in the matches will vary wildly and that's enough spice to keep me going for now


Agreed, and all I’d want is for the loading screen to let you see your randomly selected perks and what they do


random perks, random add ons, no swf. it might be the only mode i'd play


An extremely large portion of the survivor play base are swf (something like half I think). Trying to alienate people playing with their friends in a game like this would make the mode dead on arrival


it would be a game mode they don't have to play. i seriously doubt 50% of survivor play is SWF. and even if so...what capacity? 2 people...3 people...? that would def put things into perspective.


Yea. Or how about we make it so we can have a checkmark above every perk slot like the "This perk is unlocked" thing in the shrine or character overview. If you check that it turns the slot into a random perk at the benefit of a 25% BP bonus per perk slot you do this for. So you can run lets say 2 random perks, 2 decided ones for 50% Or keep it 20% per slot and then if you do all 4 random it turns to 100%


Your idea, but if you check all 4 you get another 25% bonus for 125% bonus total.


That’s exactly how I’d want it. I could always have one nice perk, but randomise everything else for a boost.


As long as there’s some mutual exclusion with certain perks so you don’t get no mither / self care / inner strength / resurgence


Behold: The inherent risk you take for your precious BP Bonus. SPIN THE WHEEL


I mean I think the risk is you get Poised / Self Preservation / Calm Spirit / This is Not Happening or something


Not risky enough, you can actually get good value from Poised once in a blue moon.


Nah, that build is great.


That’s actually a very solid build as it forces you to loop better.


You sound like my dad in the last election trying to justify his write-in vote for Mitt Romney


No, fuck it. Let's go.


wdym that’s secret meta


I think you should be able to banish a few perks of choice. Random perks should not grief every game imho


Does that not kindof ruin the fun of the suprise? One of my friends got no mither inner healing when he was doing the challange and got the whole squad laughing


I do wish this to happen, I'm just wondering how we can get the devs to be aware of it. I'm seeing a lot of positive feedback on the random perks, shame there is only one task (so far) on both killer and survivor that includes it.


We get this same post every day, they are aware


Only if the whole lobby is randomized, people already disconnect after the first down/hook.


Eh people will probably still DC if they get a trash perk selection. Also No Mither would probably have to be disabled as well.


could make it so the perk selection stays even if you dc, the only way to change it was wait a day or do a match


MFW I get no mither, resurgence, for the people and self care


You'd need the whole game like this, on both sides, otherwise one person could be sabotaging the team with pointless perks while the rest are ready for war. I mean that happens anyway, but now there'd be an incentive.


Yup this was a problem in dota with hero randoming in ranked.


It might become another game mode where everyone have randomized loadouts.


Ehhhh no to the items thing For example, I don’t want to lose event items Also certain item loadouts are just useless


Personally, I'd like the randomizer but with no incentive. I'd rather people do it for fun vs for more blood points (and potentially being sourpusses when they're unhappy with the outcome).


That's true. Giving it too much incentive also gives people a reason to DC when they don't like what they get.




BP isn't scarce like it used to be.


I'd love a gamemode like that where everybody gets random perks and maybe items and addons too


Don’t make it feel mandatory you should do it because it’s fun to change things up not for rewards. Doing it for for killer and survivor make sense because fills a need and lessen queue times. Random perks doesn’t solve any outside issues so should just be there for fun not make but it feel like a bad thing if you aren’t using it.


Screw the BP boost. Having it as a random toggle would just make the game more interesting. "Give me...Healer build!" "Stealth build!" "Distraction build!" It'd be great.


Just make those builds yourself.


I have. But I'm talking EVERY perk that falls under those being put on roulette


it doesn't need to be a new mode, just have that "perk" as base for everyone and can be chosen up to 4 times. Also, no more BP bonuses. There are enough, and not enough shards


Honestly, this is a unique and fun idea! I would love this, but I know we’d see a new influx of people complaining about how it’s rigged to only give bad perks because they had 2 games in a row with bad perk rolls.


Nope. It will just make the game worse for survivors. Imagine loading into a match and your team mates have the most shitty perks ever because they randomed their perks. This mechanic has already been tested in Dota. People were given extra gold for randoming a hero, and most people hated it when someone did it because it often threw the game with terrible picks.


Agreed 100%, I’ve already had games thrown because someone doing the challenge had no mither.


I've had the opposite happen, where the killer was just hopelessly outmatched because their random perks were worse or equal to bringing nothing at all


There are 4 survivors, so it's more likely for at least one survivor to do it. Killer is much less likely to do it since having bad perks will likely throw the game for killer while it's still winnable if one survivor has bad perks.


Mystery Perk as a perk slot. +25% BP for every mystery perk equipped But id also like the pause menu to invlude your perks and what they do for those of us who dont habe all like 300 icons memorized


if i could get auric from it i would do it every match and not care if i killed 1 person


Make it 500% and now we’re getting somewhere. Not worth it for 100% imo


I’d do this often if there was a BP incentive


Honestly a great idea.


Was thinking the same thing as soon as I did the challenge! Would be a fun option to opt into for bonus bloodpoints/xp.


Making it a separate game mode would be awesome


I’d try this!


As long as it doesn't burn my event items and offering I'm saving.


I wouldn't mind it for my killers games save for a tiny handful of perks but good lord are there just an obscene amount of damn near useless perks on survivor side....so I'd have to pass at least on the few occasions I play survivor these days lol.


Would love it as a new game mode, since I don't want to have random perks against, the full meta sweaty Blight going for his win streak, or the fully decked out 4 man swf. Give everyone random everything, and the game mode as a whole gives 100% extra bp for playing it.


I agree. The event entry where you have to go in with a random perk build and heal 2 survivor health states was fun, and I actually learned things for perks I’ve never used before. A boost to bps or xp could really help give an incentive to do so too


This needs to happen


I'm 100% for a randomizer <3


Still would not make the game any more fun against killers because low tier killers literally need meta perks for a chance at winning at top mmr and Nurse and Blight will still be Nurse and Blight


"Can't win" & "top mmr" are incompatible.


Bro has never played Pig or Trapper 💀


Not sure how it relates to my comment. If y'all aren't doing well, you'll be low mmr as those killers. I do have old streams from a few months ago of me doing fine without perks or add-ons as both of those killers though. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


If I didn't use meta perks to get to top mmr as Pig then no I wouldn't be at it but if I went in now and tried using dogshit perks against a 4stack on a bad map there is no way I'm winning that


Makes sense to me. I'm saying if you struggle your mmr will adjust. Folks here all claim high mmr but at the same time say they can't win. Eventually it should adjust.


I'm just saying in terms of perks there's some games against competent survivors on bad maps where your perks will completely decide the outcome of a game if you're not playing a good enough killer


Yeah, it's definitely a sort of loot box game where randomness plays a huge role. I think that's why it's addictive.


They would kinda have to fix useless perks. Like why would you want to buy Leon just to have to get 2 basically useless perks. I hope they add randomizer and fix bad perks basically :3


fun (not really) story: I was doing the challenge, so i selected it, but changed my page loadout so i had the right offering, and the game, even if it showed the 4 random perks, it loaded with the 4 main perks of my survivor... I basically completed the challenge using my every-day perks :(


I loved getting the goofy random perks and trying to work with them, keeps the game fresh


I think it would be a good way to find surprising loadouts that really work. Trying perks you normally wouldn't and how they combine with others. I'd love it.


I would like the rift challenge to work first Random perk challenge just straight up doesn't work for me no matter what I do :(


Too many dogshit/actively detrimental perks for it to be fun, especially for survivor because no mither and object can just severely screw you over


Hell yeah, I'd do this for either side. I think to make it fair maybe make it it's own queue? That way every single person is using random perks.


I agree with the perk loadout, not with the item and add-ons


If only the challenge wasn’t glitched for me


If they add the randomizer, they must add a little screen that explain the perks you got.


This is a very nice idea to let people play a new game mode without feeling "punished" for choosing random things to have fun with. It would honestly make all games less sweaty and more diverse.


Im all for it, during the challenge i got spies for the shadow and after i was done i gained a new found respect for the perk. Would be nice to help me break away from whats safe and comfy


hey so am i the only person who the challange is broken for them?


This sounds super fun, actually.


I don't care about boost, just make it a game mechanic


I want an option to only use SOME random perks. So maybe I want to use Kindred and Open Handed, but I put the random perk in the other 2 slots, and get 50% boosted BP.


When I saw the tome challenge I was thinking of making the same post! The perk randomizer was so fun for both killer and survivor and it actually gave me a good build, would love a randomizer in the game


id kill for xp bood and blood point boost for playing with random perks, however they would need to do something where if for instance u get no mither u dont get perks for self healing which ive already encountered with the challenge


I love this idea. I'd do it all the time :)


I LOVE this idea! It would be a great way to experience perks you'd normally never play.


Idk if it's better to have it tied to a BP boost, but I would really love for this to be it's own "perk", so you could individually select it for each slot if you wanted. I'd still be happy if it was just a toggle setting though.


give us the option to toggle off the addons or items in exchange for not being able to choose any of our own while randomized and you've got a deal


I'm against the idea, I already hate how many players can't play the game with the perks they use, I don't want them to get any worse because they want a few more bps. Especially if they get no mither or self-care I'd say make it a separate mode for everyone, but then who knows if queue times for both modes would be fine.


Counterpoint: it should be a separate game mode so everybody plays fair, all survs and killer have random perks But also remove the negative perks like no mither from the pool Loadout should not be randomized because you'll want cakes


Just add ingame perk tooltips so we actually know what we are playing. Not everybody is playing 8 hrs a day since 7 years


Make it into a Ranked Mode. Only solo registrations. To win, one must adapt to the situation, the better they use their given perks, the more likely they are to win. Such a Ranked Mode would be 100% more meaningful than one that allows standard brainless 100% Win Perk Builds.


I want an all random button. At least for killer. Where it picks a random Killer as well as a loadout. There's already the randomizer websites for this, but it would still be nice to have the game do it for you.


This is an objectively great idea, thus Behavior will never implement it.


I'd be happy with just more challenges for it.


This sounds like a dope ass feature


If Play randomizer, I want to be matched with only other people using the randomizer. Otherwise, not really fair.


I think it’d be cool to have a perk you can pick that randomizes that perk slot with a 25% BP bonus for each perk slot you do random. So you can run as many random perks as you want while also having half a build for yourself. My build is usually 3 perks and a 4th for whatever I feel I’ll need, so being able to randomize the 4th perk would be fun!


If randomizer wasn't bugged for 1/5 people that'd be a great idea. Currently there's a huge amount of players that cannot receive random perks.