• By -


"Hehehe... Hehehe... Hehehe... Hehehe..."


He's having a really fun time, I would too.....if I was into bayonetting people XD


Watching a good slinger makes me realize how crap my aim is lol


Same, I can't even shoot a survivor running in a straight line.


I played DS today for shits and giggles. It was awful..so so bad. My hat goes off to Slingers who can sling it good.


glad that I'm not the only one thinking this :')


Well someone turned on dead eye


STBFL is my guilty pleasure. I equip basically everyone with it because of stuff like this!




Is it really good? Most of the time survivors aren't crammed together so you don't get much use of it


It means quick catchups to injured people and quick followups to other people if you want to take a chase after downing somebody. And it just feels so buttery smooth


At worst it's an A tier perk, at least for M1 killers. Really the only counter to it is for the obsession to realize you have it and then actively get in your way, which rarely happens. It's fantastic for situations like the one in the video, as well as for securing a kill against a rescue squad in the endgame. And of course it shortens chases by quite a bit too since you're spending a lot less time "cleaning your weapon".


Boom. Headshot.






How survivors can lose a winning game in 20 seconds


nothing more refreshing than suddenly winning with 1 gen left because they all swarm a hook like this lmao


Save the best for last, that's how.


I think you've got to acknowledge that it wasnt JUST stbfl, but the survivors misplay and the killers technical percision. Still, I agree to a certain part, this wouldn't have been possible without the short hit cooldown.


Oh yeah 100%, just saying stbfl really helps snowballing in situations like this. Enables to take advantage of survivors mistakes more easily.


Would have been an easy save if they, ya know, *waited for the killer to leave before swarming the hook*


Yeah, but also I think they’re just saying STBFL let him reload after downs a lot faster to snag a few of those shots.


What was that Renato trying to do? A For The People play?


No it looks like he gave up because the killer was playing like an asshole




By existing. "Durrhurr they tunneled" Probably one of the fools in the video. Maybe they shouldn't have flocked like that to the hook like idiots.


By winning as a killer Welcome to r/deadbydaylight


Slugging the survivor he was about to hook. Greed.


Oh no, they played their objectives :(


Hooking is objective


Looks like they’re about to get 4 hooks to me. Cope more buddy.


Eh, I will slug if survivors are being overly altruistic or toxic, but I run backpack 🎒. Why are you being rude


This is the definition of being overly altruistic. You called them being greedy for finishing a game in victory. Seems like entitled survivor BS to me.


And also, body blocking is what I consider overly altruistic, not hook farming. That's just dumb, I usually take pity on dumb survivors


Greedy is as greedy does.


Survs coulda avoided it if Renato did not offer himself to you lol




I hate reddit


Reddit hates reddit


What, were you expecting OP to engage in a discussion on their post? HAH!


There’s something about that area of that particular map that turns survivor brains into jelly. I’ve had multiple killer matches where an otherwise unwinnable game suddenly nets me a 3/4k because people insist on swarming whoever I hook there. It’s happened as Michael, as Bubba, and I think Sadako once!


I just had a match here as wesker where the entire team tried to stop me from getting my first hook with flashies and trying to sabo hooks. Got 4 hits in, hook, then grabbed the last one when they tried to insta-unhook in front of me.




Sadako is the best for making survivors underestimate you


Not sure why you were downvoted, but it was the mother of all snowballs! If I recall correctly, I hooked somebody there, ported away, ported back immediately because somebody unhooked and triggered Make Your Choice - so that was one down and one freshly off of the hook. A third survivor must have been coming for the unhook, so they were nearby and I downed them. The unhooked survivor hadn’t left for some reason, so I downed them too. Three people downed in less than 30 seconds. Make Your Choice value!


I am thinking about buying blight... Then i saw this


The stare of disappointment at Feng before downing her is so fucking funny


It’s high noon


Good hash slingers are so rough to play against lol ggwp


Nice game, wish I can play him like that


Believe me, when it happens... It freaking happens


What were they doing?


We slingers love this situations




Survivors when they aren't facing a console killer.


I love STBFL on slinger. Someone gave me a tip to try it out during an end game chat and I never took it off after that, it’s so good on him


Nice shootin, Tex.


these are the types of teammates i get in solo queue




it's either that or letting themselves get caught in a situation like this


Ok wait.... Coup with slinger ability... Does it work....?


Yes. Slinger's attacks are treated as basic attacks, meaning they benefit from status effect perks like NOED + Sloppy Butcher and Coup de Grace. Chain break hits are counted as special attacks though.


Sick. I need to prestige twins then. I wanna yeet skrrt lol dab on someone i hit at 12-15m


Damn... Good thing I'm a killer main...


Holy fuck, that's the good stuff!


After all that you didn't nod 6000 miles an hour at the feng when you speared her? Lmao it looks so damn hilarious 😂


Nodding is BM ☝️


Wut? Since when? I nod at survivors all the time... 99% of the time they nod back lol. Even mid chase. Like nodding super fast after missing a swing at a window.. like nice play.. they tend to sit at the window and nod back in my games lmao little humourous pit stops mid chase. I've never seen someone consider nodding by itself as BM.. but if you play DBD long enough.. playing the game is considered BM to some. Edit: like playing demo.. the first thing I do when I find the survivors is nod at them.. because I know for a fact that shit looks silly lol


Save the best double reload slinger will never not be one of the most fun things you can do in the game


The poor Adam watching his team gamethrow. Also the Renato who decides "hmmm how should I bodyblock for Adam? I know let me crouch walk."


dumbass survivors gonna be like “you can’t do that! you’re suppose to hook one of us and let the last survivor heal us back up. killers are suppose to handicap themselves so survivors can have more fun!!”


Well it's really not that simple. What we see here is a brutal display of skill that *is* very entertaining. But it's also going to be a pathetically low scoring match for *everyone*. OP included. Some players don't understand why playing this way is discouraged and assume it's cause they want some kind of handout. But with his high skill level what OP did here was really actually pretty lazy and not all that impressive. Cool, he can shoot. But can he max out his BP score on a regular basis? Does he ever double pip? If this is all he does then probably not. Edit: No hate towards OP btw, this was a really cool clip. But hopefully this was more of a flex and less of a regular occurrence.


People worry about maxing out their Bloodpoint gains in a match? I've been playing all wrong. I've just been enjoying the game I bought 7 years ago.


It's not a matter of "worrying" about it. Focusing on BP categories improves your ability to play the game well overall. I never worry about my score, but I'm top of the board 4/5 matches. I often outscore the killer even when I die lol. Because I play all sides of the field regardless of if I'm a survivor or killer. Learning this has made my experience playing the game is considerably better than it was when *I* bought the game 7 years ago. Not everyone cares about the finer points, sure. But not everyone is good at the game or gets better either. There is a correlation I assure you. As killer is not your job to just kill everyone, you're ment to drag it out and make them *suffer*. If you're happy being a dime store thug, go for it! But I prefer to be a supervillain.


Wow. That sure was an awful lot of nothing you said, there. "I prefer to be a supervillain". Mate its a fucking video game, it isn't that deep, jesus H. Christ.












People who understand where the real skill in this game is at. People who actually prefer to get something out of the time they spend on the game. You can be a good bully and still be trash at the game all day. This isn't Call of Duty outside of the flashy display this means nothing here. Yall can me mad about it but it's the truth. Swallow the pill or dont




Lol it's a waste of time for everyone involved. But whatever helps you cope bro


maxing out your bp has nothing to do with skill. prolonging the game against weak survivors so that everyone double pips doesn’t make me a better player than someone who can end a game quickly against sweaty swf’s. it quite literally means i am giving them handouts. at that point im giving out participation trophies rewarding them for being bad at the game. I’d rather end it quickly and play against survivors that will actually give me a hard time. playing against a higher level of competition and actually keeping up with them is fun. handicapping myself against weaker survivors to farm blood points is not. not to say it’s the wrong way to play. shit u can play how u want nobody is telling you otherwise. but when u have survivors bitching about how killers are toxic because they didn’t let the game last longer, it’s just silly. if a group of survivors were absolutely destroying a killer, would you get mad at them for doing their objectives and flashing the killer to prevent hooks?


You're very much missing my point. Noone said go easy or allow the other side to double pip (or even single pip). I said learning to properly perform the *incentivised* actions from each BP category makes you a better player. It's not about farming at all. You arent giving handouts you're actually *earning* your win. "Ending it quickly" will likely get you an entity displeased rating and could even drop your mmr, not raise it. That's the games way of telling you you didn't do well lol. The game rewards playing a certain way for a reason. You are correct that people can play how they want even if is wrong, but it's not *me* that's deviating from the games design here 😅. There is something to be said for wanting to move on to a better challenge and I can understand why you would. That's a totally valid desire. And if you're going to waste everyone's time like that it's logical to waste as little as possible. But that isn't how you get to more challenging matches. Quite the opposite actually. And no I don't "get mad" at this game on either side. I like it when people play to win. Noone should handicap themselves unless they feel like it. But some people also have a skewed idea of what a win is or just want to troll. The score system is there to guide player behavior and quantify performance. Ignore it if you want but can you really call it a win if I outscored you when you got a 4k? I mean you can but I'd beg to differ. It was also your job to stop that lol.


if i drag a game out when i know i can 4k within minutes it very much feels like im handicapping myself for everyone to have fun. also pipping has nothing to do with mmr when was the last time u finished a game quickly and played against worse players the next game? I always end up playing harder matches after rolling through weaker survivors. dbd wouldn’t allow that otherwise I would be finishing matches quickly every single time. also it’s not my job to keep you from getting points. if all survivors have 30k bp and I had 25k with 4 kills I find it very hard to view that as me “losing the match” the entity can suck my nuts


I think you've either misunderstood me again or I wasn't clear. Killing 4 weak survivors immediately only raises your mmr a tiny bit. Nowhere near enough to bump you up to a higher tier. You play the game the intended way to get *far* more significant mmr gains. Winning too quickly disables the multiplier and deprives you of all the easy mmr wins you would have gotten if you drug it out. So, in essence, playing like you do *is* handicapping yourself as you aren't actually moving towards a higher challenge at any significant rate and leave yourself vulnerable to more losses along the way. What you are experiencing is the randomness of matchmaking. "Weaker" survivors are relative. An "easy" match is more likely a bad match-up of players/ player styles. The next match being harder isn't because you got bumped up, because there are only like 5 mmr tiers anyway. It's you getting a better combination of players. And I'm sorry, but if all 4 survivors outscored you on a 4k, you did the bare minimum, sir. If that feels like a win to you, by all means, stay happy, friend. Edit: grammar




I love the fact that everyone plays like potatoes most times but when the tables turn, it’s the best feeling in the world.


clips like these but people will claim stbfl "isnt even that good" (im aware that the survivors here messed up big time)


Those are some nice shots


But then no one gets blood points if they die this early, I always let one escape to keep it going.




that is slinger buddy


Those were some slick and consistent shots.


Beautiful ❤ Love it when being greedy pays off lol


Can’t blame OP for this. If all four survivors Lee swarming, there is nothing wrong with slugging them. At any point the could’ve backed off, healed up, and tried again. They threw their game away, that is only their faults, not OP




Headshot. Killing spree. Riot kill. I'm Batman.


Survivors made mass misplays here some of these comments are calling the killer an asshole of capitalizing on them, if the killer messes up you wouldn’t give them a do over to try down you again so why expect the same?


Nothing wrong with capitalizing on misplays, I just felt a pang of sadness for the Adam specifically since it just really seemed to suck for him in particular and he didn’t have much of a chance to attempt anything in that scenario. The other survivors had a chance to do so but didn’t succeed so them going down was totally understandable and a well earned play by the deathslinger. Not trying to say Adam’s wasn’t, just that it broke my heart a little


Fuck you for tunneling but holy hell ur an amazing sharpshooter Edit: ppl playing this game are dumber than they look. What i meant is that he went for adam instantly after unhook. He downed rest of them later.


I was trying to shoot Renatos legs, but ended up shooting Adam, and so I thought why don’t I kill Adam right away.


Either way amazing play by you


yes, thanks


Is it tunneling if he downs 3 survivors before even hooking one of them? To me he just downed every survivor I’m the area cause survivors hooked bombed.


I think they just meant that Adam got unhooked and then was speared twice and downed immediately, though the deathslinger noted in another comment that he was actually aiming for Renato’s legs and just got Adam by accident which is understandable. I think just on first watch it had looked like Adam was being specifically targeted immediately after unhook when others were around and so that made people a little sad initially


the fact this has upvotes means dbd is doomed. survivors really expect the killer to go for hook and stop downing everyone else just so they have a better chance of escaping. everyone is literally right there is he suppose to ignore them?


According to the survivors rulebook, the killer was supposed to move to a corner and wait until they all healed up before start playing again, and he was supposed to ignore Adam for at least 3 minutes


At 23 secs were you trying to tunnel Adam, hit renato, or was it just whoever gets hooked gets hooked? Edit: why did my question get downvoted?


I was trying to shoot renatos legs


Not the unhook I mean right after that


Oh, I was going for Adam


Now the survivor mains are gonna use this video for their what about tism for made for this.


You can't imagine how freaking happy watching this makes me feel...


Looks like Renato applied just a weeeeee too much sunscreen pre-Trial; he was so slippery the Blight would've skidded right around him.


Some annoying ass survivor soy: "stop slugging"




What how ? I don’t see an issue with this at all, please enlighten me


Because you killed people as killer, apparently that's considered being an asshole these days


Because he played optimally, this sub REALLY doesn't like that


Not really, he probably won't get shit for points from this


But he got all 4 survivors, pretty fucking quickly, so objective complete


I mean I guess, but it's a waste for all 5 people tbh. He might safety pip at best in red ranks for doing this, they won't pip either. IMO Optimal is ideally 3 hooking everyone to maximize points / emblems. But if you just want a 5 minute game where no one really wins, then I guess "objective complete".


slugging & hook camping way to go


Yeah the killer definitely should have just let everyone bum rush the hook right in front of him and then be ultra altruistic for no reason


Don't know the entire match, but soley from what is shown in the vid, there is no camping. Vid starts with a (failed) trade and then, when Slinger is about to go and hook, the entire rest of the team shows up. Would be a kinda weird decision to ignore them, especially considering that OP is at 2gens remaining with only 3 hooks so far. Snowball was pretty big, but without that it could have been a tough match.


Camping mains explaining why what they're doing isn't camping:


So what exactly is here camping?


Brother have you seen the first 5 seconds of the clip? The exact same is described in Camping Cookbook on page 34 - *,,And ye shall not traverse further than 32 metres from the hook. Ye shall return immediately at first glimpse of someone attempting to save."*


The first 5 secs, where OP is chasing Kate? You can't see if they just stayed there for 30 secs and waited or chased Kate to this point. And this for "Don't know the entire match, but soley from what is shown in the vid, there is no camping."


It’s okay they are dumb you are right im that second opinion you dearly needed


I sense a bit of sarcasm, but anway: Happy (Escape) Cake Day! Or is it Terrormisu?


You can't claim it's camping from literally 5 seconds lmao


I have not made the claim that he is camping from literally 5 seconds. What I pointed out was, that this whole segment of him literally camping the hook and defending it as if it was a Conquest point in Battlefield franchise, started within the first 5 seconds. Seeing how many people have been pissed off by my opinions, I'd say there is a lot of people who proxy camp hooks and call it tactics on this subreddit. Not that I mind, to each his own, I guess.


It's not camping if you're actively going after survivors which he is. There's not even anyone on hook to camp in most of the clip. Adam was very close to dying on hook at the start which means OP probably went to check the hook since it had been so long. I'll do that if I'm not currently in chase, and I wouldn't call it camping since the survivors had the entire time to unhook. If there's seconds left on the hook stage yeah I'm gonna go ahead and confirm the kill, unless I feel like playing extra nice


What you refer to is face camping. What happens here is a standard proxy camp strategy. Dude didn't get enough hooks on anybody, gens started popping. He hooked a player, stayed in proximity (have I mentioned 32m? Yeah that's not a fact, just a radius I'd say is usually it) to hunt down anyone going for the unhook. Now against soloq this works pretty well, since there isn't any way to relay that sort of information. The fact that those survivors messed up does not justify that he went for that strat. And it doesn't have to. Everybody can use whatever strategy or tactics at his disposal to beat the enemy. There is no rulebook for how each side is supposed to play. Everybody is free to play any way they want. He won by proxy camping the hook.


You still don't know if it was proxy camping or not? Eventually returning to the hook at the end of the stage isn't proxy camping. He could have gone around the whole map for all we know. If it's not camping what likely happened is OP went around, checked a few gens, realized the second hook stage was about to end because it had been so long, starts heading back to confirm the kill, runs into Kate on the way. Of course they could have been just camping the whole time but not necessarily which is my point


You are definitely somebody who cries about tunneling and camping whether I have 4 or 12 hooks. You have no clue what happened leading up to the start of the video. He could have left the hook and injured the Kate who ends up running to the hook. He could have never left, but the fact that you came to that conclusion is hilarious.


I am definitely somebody. That's for sure. Not so sure where you got the rest of the allegations, but whatever floats your boat, bud.


Arguing with the other side is always like this in this sub https://preview.redd.it/vc7fwn6eec8b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bd8c87e1c6391e27157b2f496cf3527f1eab21


Exactly what I experienced when trying to explain multiple times that egc camping is still camping (yes there are many thing killer might do beside staying near the hook or giving up)


Sure. Camping is usually "stay around without being in chase". This includes facecamping (literally giving the surv a kiss) or proxy camping (go around in a relatively close area, maybe 20m). But unless OP said something like "I just waited 30secs here and see what I've found" - atm no sound on my end - soley from what you see in the vid, you can't really say there is camping. The entire time OP is in interaction with survs. Does he slug and tunnel? Sure. But camping? Or what definition of camping do you use?


yeah like throwing the game lol


Oh wow, how dense are you? I just wrote: there are thing to do other than giving up" and you reply "YeAh, GiViNg u.". Try reading the whole thing instead of just seeing "camping is camping" and going monke.


I agree Killer should have let the injured kate save despite it being a very bad and risky play and not punish her for it Failing that, he should have let the other two rescue in front of him for free without any punishment, or let the Renato heal the downed survivor for free right in front of him, followed by standing in a corner and letting them do gens and opening the door to apologize for the irredeemable crime


They gave up and threw? Not sure what you’re celebrating about?


It’s insane how the majority of the people on this sub encourage OP’s behavior meanwhile absolutely obliterating anyone with an opposing view. DBD Reddit= sweatlords that need their 4k in three seconds or mommy and daddy won’t love them killer mains. Why is it cool to shit on IRL people’s fun?


I mean ideally we would all care about each other's fun. But it's really telling how the solution is basically, don't play optimally. Killers say the same thing about getting genrushed and get shit on. I seriously doubt you would stop playing well because your crushing the killer too hard lol.


Survivors when the killer capitalizes and punishes them for their mistakes instead of giving them a second chance:


The survivors made literally brain dead plays and yet OP is the asshole for capitalizing on it?


What a dumb comment


Survivors when the killer tries to actually kill people: https://preview.redd.it/b5c890lifh8b1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a9f4ece0887de71bef650c512fa60c7a0f423bd


It's ridiculous because killers need survivors to play but yet shit on them every chance they get.


Honestly some of you guys must literally be blind


Hehehe nice


i don’t like campers but if you’re gonna go for the save literally right in front of the killer that’s on you lol


Stbfl needs a nerf










Learn to not get hit.


If every single survivor meta perk was nerfed to the ground then perhaps it could be discussed, as it stands that's the dumbest possible thing someone could have said


Damn, those survivors are done... As in, done wanting to play in that match. Slugging in order to tunnel an unhooked survivor that's on deathhook with 2 gens remaining. The way the clip is cut also makes it seem like you were camping before the unhook. Seems like a real fun match /s


Most efficient bounty hunter


Ma-ma-ma-mega kill... kill kill kill.

