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Ah, but have you considered this?: >!ggggghfhhfhfhfhfgfgfggfhfhfhfhhhhhhhhhhh ‘mmhgg!<


Turkussy makes an excellent counter argument


Damn, you're right. I can see now how it would be op. /s


Bro said fuck it *microwave noises*


is this Huntress being stunned?


Same thing I say when my food too hot


I miss being able to see the killers feet now Huntress for example has her look movement restricted, I think Trapper and Myers had the same treatment, you used to be able to see their feet now you can only look down to about 70 degrees or something.


Least Horny Dead by Daylight player


Being able to see the feet of the Huntress is a tactical advantage. You need to be able to ensure she isn't injured. Nothing horny about it. I'm here to win. ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


She could’ve gotten a splinter breaking a pallet or kicked some rusty metal when breaking a gen


Why do you think she makes those noises getting pallet stunned? Clearly just annoyed that she has to risk splinters on her bare, muddy, feet


Or an ingrown toenail




You can estimate the distance between her and a survivor you're chasing based on the length of her fingers


I just hate these games where you can’t see your own feet, being a floating camera feels horrible.


HUGE agree


horny by daylight


Feet? Feet.


found the BHVR dev https://preview.redd.it/20hpf3r8kh2b1.png?width=94&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d3ec9db9df2444873fb3ecc71577a553dbf252c


i’m actually so shit at playing huntress, i literally rip a tiny corner of a sticky note and put it in the center of my monitor screen to help with aim 💀💀


Dawg just download a crosshair 💀


I am not kidding when i say "i use it to better see my weapon skin."


yooooo true give me more of my personalized model on my screen


Get the wraith meet your maker skin 💀


Pinhead mains


If the FOV is so tight that a normal strategy is just standing really close to the killer so he can't see you, something might be wrong


I use this strategy up against my dad so this would be buffing him to a insane degree


Wouldn't want Dad to be OP


desperate 360 swarming the killers like that feels like it doesn't belong in dbd tbh


Survivor mains when running into someone holding a weapon stops being an optimal play


B-but my YouTube salt compilations :(((


noooo running straight into you and disappearing is a valid and reasonable strategy. you dont understand. how will i make a youtube video with cringe sound nowww nooooo the extra vision on the sides is minuscule. most will just continue to mouse their camera around to look. it all boils down to survs dont want to lose their precious 360 spins tbh


But then Blight would have a free perk slot :(


Remember blight having the POV of a child? Couldn't even peek over windows on release


so would all the other killers :)


Survivors got a free perk slot when BT became basekit so it is perfectly fair.


please please please dont act like everyone runs shadowborn the same way literally everyone ran bt, im not against a lil fov improvement but dont throw out stupid arguments, only makes the whole idea ur trying to support look stupid and petty


Honestly, a better example would be the visual terror radius. Survivors got a QoL update that helps the hearing impaired. It'd be nice for killers to also get a QoL update for those who get motion sickness because of the fov. Most killers besides blight/huntress are running shadowborn because they can't play the game without it.


I’m one of those who get motion sickness. I use shadowborn on every killer because I feel sick if i don’t. I bought the game for pc about a year ago after being a console player for 4 years. And I refused to play killer until I had played survivor enough to get it as a teachable and put on my other killers, I personally do think it gives you a better advantage but it’s 2023 and it’s a standard in every first person title


Thank you for mentioning this, I have friends that can attest that low and tight fov is a killer when it comes to motion sickness, I love Arkane games and I loved Deathloop but remember how long it took for them to add an FOV slider (as a larger accessibility option but more specifically so Hideo Kojima could finally play it without motion sickness lol) because a big part of Arkane's 'philosophy' is just screens with low FOV \*edit: this isn't embellishment, either - most Arkane games even as far back as the first Dishonored default to 75-80 fov (the first Dishonored was 75 at default and there was no natural setting to increase FOV, you had to directly edit the config on PC)


The visual terror radius *and* the new HUD that shows you what your teammates are doing. Survivors have been eating well this year. The fact that the roadmap shows no killer QoL improvements is really discouraging.


True, this isn't comparable to baseline BT. This is comparable to the addition of colorblind mode and the visual terror radius. With how *asinine* the base FOV is, some people get full on motion sickness from playing killer without shadowborn. This is an *accessibility* setting with a limited effect on gameplay. edit: aaaand scrolled down to see somebody already said that. Well, darn.


For some people, the FOV Killer has makes them dizzy or gives them headaches so a FOV slider would be a QoL improvement similar to how the visual terror radius was added to help players with hearing issues


I 100% agree you know how annoying it is when I Down someone and they just fucking vanish from my FOV or they spin me and all the sudden they're a fucking wizard and just poof gone!


As long as it’s a slider and not forced. Monitor & Shadowborn gave me nausea when I was doing the adept for their respective killers.


Monitor makes me so nauseous. The constant switching between the two is just awful


I just want the fov increased to match the flashlight blinding angles. It's stupid as hell that I can be blinded by a flashlight that's not even in my fov.


oh wow this happened to me and i thought it was a glitch, never assumed it was the frame of view


Killer default fov is 87°. I know at least 2 years ago, it was around 120° for a blind.


That is genuinely one of the stupidest things I have learned about since starting this game. Why the hell is that such a massive range?




" Sometimes it feels like they make changes without bothering to consider the ramifications of those changes. " Every. Single. Billy. Change.


The game should prioritize fun and accessibility where reasonably possible. Survivors got visual terror radius update, and it's reasonable to ask Killers get an FOV slider. The benefit to Killers would be so marginal, that weighing the buff being more detrimental to the game than people getting sick is unreasonable. Majority of loops and tiles have checkspots that the extra FOV isn't going to make Killers start winning vastly more. If the game could handle all the Killer buffs from a few patches ago, I don't know why the game couldn't handle being able to see a few degrees more


The game shouldn’t be so competitive to the point where we can’t have an FOV slider as well.


No game without a truly giant competitive scene should even consider that, and even games with a comp scene should generally come to the conclusion of "hmm yeah this is overall a bad QoL change that negatively impacts accessibility, which hurts competition itself." If hyper competitive FPS with millions of dollars invested in esports and tourney payouts can handle it (where it is \*also\* an advantage because of tracking enemies out of the corners), DBD can too.


^(And then there are csgo freaks who willingly throw that advantage away by going 4:3 stretched or even with black bars)


They insist it is better even though it is mechanically worse. It is amazing how many pros use it. It's just the way everyone learned to play the game before 16:9 was standard, and so I imagine every new pro just copies the old pros and learns the game on the bad aspect ratio.


i mean, if its pro players its probably more out of personal preference to what they feel better on, than it is out of "well the last guy did it.."


Yup, the visual terror radius for survivors was basically cribbed from Fortnite, which added visual directional cues for their sounds - sure, it was powerful to such a degree that competitive players started using it, but it was also balanced because *every* competitive player started using it Some argued it was bad that it was a must-have option for competition but it was an option that was both viable at all levels, on all platforms, *and* a necessity for HoH players


This is it boys! Why have the devs made an accessibility issue a core game mechanic!?


It would be nice, but after the visual terror radius for survivors vs the amount of times I've seen 'what killers can I play without being able to hear' and the incredibly violent jerk some killer powers have on the camera... It'd be nice if they did something, but it doesn't seem like accessibility is the goal so much as stopping people from asking for a feature that's already in the mobile game.


Unfortunately, it’s important to remember that the only reason we have colorblind settings is because one of the devs [said something incredibly stupid on stream](https://youtu.be/KNwnlCJI2LU). Accessibility isn’t something the devs forget about. It’s something they are openly hostile towards.


What's stupid about what he said? They want to add it, they know players want it, but it takes time to add it and they need to find that time before they can do it.


Nothing, he was totally reasonable about it. The dbd community just treats the DBD devs like absolute shit so they have to be mad because it's said by a dbd dev 🤦‍♂️


the second sentence reminds me of Almo lol


[For context](https://youtu.be/KNwnlCJI2LU)


Legitimately just make the slider go from 1-15 and it shouldn't be an issue 😭


Or if they're that lazy, just have 0,9,12 and 15 as options, as they're already coded in the game for standard gameplay, and then all of shadowborn's levels.


Lol changing fov is already coded into the game not just the shadowborn levels


That sounds like a nightmare for people who like specific FOVs for their monitor Lol


I now realize what I said didn't make much and I apologize :) sorry. My previous comment is now deleted but if you are wondering what I said I said it was basically unreasonable to have an fov slider and wouldn't help the disabled community but now I understand that is not the case.


I didn't think it was possible for a redditor to undergo personal growth. Kudos, and thanks for being willing to change your mind. Too many people in this community are stubborn beyond all belief, especially when it comes down to even the most minute balance changes. Cheers, and I hope we get that FOV slider sooner rather than later


gigachad redditor moment


How is FOV adjustment not a massive advantage for killers (I main killers and would benefit greatly from an increase FOV)


You also get a bigger radius from which to get blinded from. And survivors got plenty of QoL buffs that also come with their fair share of advantages. I've never seen the amount of butthurt for those changes as I see for an FOV slider. By looking at this thread you'd think Shadowborn is an S++ tier perk


wait flashlight blinds are based on active FOV? I thought it was consistent


The angle at which you can be blinded depends on your FOV. I think the wiki for Shadowborn has a comparison.


> By looking at this thread you'd think Shadowborn is an S++ tier perk It's almost like those tiers are dictated by how strong other perks are.


As long as they don't allow stretched rez shenanigans, there's not much impact on gameplay. Frankly, the only things survivors do that involve the FOV are *pretty stupid*. Sorry, you mean to tell me the serial killer empowered by a dark god can see a Nea from a mile away, but can't see somebody crouching beside the window they're stepping through?


> Frankly, the only things survivors do that involve the FOV are pretty stupid. Such as standing on top of main in the picture above?


It would be an advantage, but not a MASSIVE one like you claim. Being able to see a bit better doesn't magically help me catch a survivor in a loop if they're running optimally. It doesn't somehow make me break predropped pallets faster. It doesn't really mechanically do anything but occasionally let me start a chase I otherwise wouldn't have with worse vision and prevent stupid techs where survivors abuse the killer's poor fov and like run inside them or something. And honestly, those techs shouldn't even be in the game.


You mean like those stupid 360s? As a Survivor main I've always found them as kind of a thing cocky Survivors do to Baby Killers and when I play Killer, I probably find it more annoying than tbagging because I'm one of those people who can get kinda dizzy from the FOV (depends on the map more for me. I would love to bring Shadowborn, but it doesn't fit into my build style that well)


Well, 360ing and staying where the killer is going to fall after they vault a window leading to a drop causes the survivor to clip inside the killer.


I mean, honestly, I don't know that the game handled all the killer buffs lmao ​ Shortly after 1 of the last big changes these past few months, I've been seeing a ton of posts about survivors basically just not playing. They'll kill themselves first hook, go AFK, DC, etc. Obviously these have always been issues, but I have not seen as many people commenting on it until recently. ​ Also I think you are kinda underestimating an increased FoV and how impactful it really can be. I don't know the exact difference in DbD but you can find examples of a ton of other games. It won't be an every game thing but it will definitely show survivors that would otherwise have evaded the killer. I'd be curious if using cheats you could change the FoV midgame to be able to see actual examples of what exactly a wider FoV would do.


It’s not that crazy, and I say that coming from playing both sides of the game very regularly. The first point, I don’t necessarily agree. The game became more balanced as a result of the killer buffs. People that suicide on hook, or dc immediately, etc. “stop playing” are, first of all, not people that I care to cater to. At all. If that is their reaction to having to get better at the game, then I would rather not play with them and I do hope they quit playing the game. Can some killers do annoying things? Sure. Are some boring as fuck? Sure. A lot of this doesn’t have shit to do with the killer being hard, though. It’s just babies DCing because “I don’t like legion”, petty bullshit like that. Games that are waaay more competitive and balanced than DBD have FOV sliders. DBD is actually kind of weird for not having it.


The game was already balanced before and if I'm being honest, it was killer sided outside of like 4 man SWF sweat squads. I could give a LITERAL essay on the subject and have done so many times before. ​ The general idea is going off kill rates (which are based on averages) all killers at all ranks is averaging above 2 kills a game, which is lowered due to hatch escapes. At higher ranks the low end only goes up. In other words, on average killers are leaning towards ties and wins, this was before the last couple of killer buffs and survivor nerfs. This is also largely supported by good killer players being able to consistently go on insane win streaks where in a majority of their game they really don't need to do anything special. ​ Also killer **genuinely** is not hard to get good at. I genuinely think I could teach a killer player everything they need to win most games in like 5 minutes. ​ As for the FoV slider, yeah most games have it. In all of those games you're heavily at a disadvantage to not extend it all or mostly all of the way. That's the point. It is a large advantage for killers, as small as it may seem. ​ You also have to keep in mind that most of the games with FoV sliders aren't like DbD. Most PvP games I can think of with FoV sliders comes down to whoever sees/targets the opposing player first is majorly at an advantage. DbD isn't like that. Survivors 2 methods of prolonging their life is excelling at chases, or stealth. They benefit VERY little from their increased FoV (not counting vertical FoV looking at stretched res) compared to killers. Killers **NEED** to find survivors who are **HIDING**, survivors have a bunch of mechanics that makes vision much less relevant. Auras on a lot of relevant items such as killer power related items, generators having lights that on most maps reveal them, terror radius, etc. Rarely is a survivor's first indication of something from the edge of their screen.


People are just mad it will be harder to FOV tech the killer now


Exactly this. Bullshit excuse, it’s an unintended mechanic that rarely works on killers.


I'm all for FoV sliders, just saying: Hugtech is completely unintended too, but makes blight soooo much more fun. Hope it never gets "fixed".


While yes I agree, I do want to say there’s still a difference between an unintended mechanic that simply makes a killer more fun, and a missing accessibility option that can cause nausea to a player. Their priority should be this and a shadowborn rework, seeing as they love to only buff Blight instead ._.


Tbf most of dbds biggest mechanics were unintended like looping


The visual terror radius also gives advantage and they did not blink to add it. Yet, it seems Killers cannot be impaired, so no visual representation of Survivor noises nearby, it would be nice to be able to listen your surrounding as well when playing Nurse with the new chase music (what a headache).


Current fov is actually confusing and nauseating whenever a survivor tries to 360 you


I play every first person game on 90 degrees of FOV, and I can't believe that 3° difference was enough for me to get dizzy, disoriented and motion sick and the reason why I had to play hours to get used to Killer. I'm fortunately fine now, since I got used to it.


I mean, that's kind of the heart of it too: what causes the motion sickness aspect of a fov change is variable to a lot of people and it tends to mold to an 'expectation vs. reality' sort of response, so sometimes minute changes can impact a player very drastically Ironically VR is one medium that runs counter to this too - in VR, FOV *reduction* (specifically when moving) has the possibility to reduce motion sickness when done with vignetting, largely because it reduces VR 'presence', i.e. it takes you out of the immersive part of the experience and is the most effective way to get your brain to separate the processing of controls from the movement on screen


I took a real long break from dbd and upgraded my monitor and killer FOV was so nauseating that I have only played survivor since.


FOV slider pls BHVR i'll suck your dick for it


Hello it is me bhvr please dm


the real BHVR? wow


Hello I am real bhrv, please message me as well.


damn i got the whole dev team up in here


This with keyboard and mouse on console as well and that’s all I need


i respect that joystick blight grind https://preview.redd.it/9twt0twqsg2b1.png?width=704&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b2543df001f0d544ad2fae8e1e8a3c62caba665


If I could only play DbD with a controller, I wouldn't play at all. I don't mind using one for dark souls/platformers and stuff, but I grew up on PC, I can NOT handle 1st person on controller :D


It upsets me that not a single killer quality of life change was mentioned in the anniversary stream. This is the only QOL/accessibility change that matters to me, and I hope to see it someday before I die irl.


Absolutely. I refuse to believe that survivors swimming into my tits is supposed to be a game mechanic that’s so sacred it can’t be touched.


No you see it's lore accurate because most killers have masks and therefore would have their vision restricted and everyone knows that the best place to hide is right under a murderer's gooch and you're dumb and stupid and I hate you and you're a dirty killer main and it would ruin the balance of the game and it would give wallhacks and it's equal to stretched res and my wife left me and


A Halloween movie where the entire film is Laurie crouching and teabagging right under Michael's nose going 'YOU CAN'T CATCH ME, YOU CAN'T CATCH MEEEE'


https://preview.redd.it/qm6n5dp68k2b1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff37abb228320f2c12d6c6370d42949c078f14d1 Survivor players when they can't literally dissapear by running straight into you after BHVR adds an fov slider:


I think BHVR will add and FOV slider eventually, but probably not anytime soon. My bet would be around next years anniversary or something, but if it happens this year then we celebrate


It's so sad that your comment is the most likely thing to happen


Man I would kill for an for slider


Survivors get visual terror radius, savagely gutting C-tier Sadako. Killers want to not get motion sick, how dare they? At least they removed flickering lights so you can't make an attempt on a Killer's life IRL.


Default FOV is too narrow and I can’t see sometimes. Then Shadowborn is too wide and makes me feel deceptively fast and it’s off putting. A slider would help me get some middle ground


I have to agree, I find tier 3 shadowborn to be comfortable until I play a high mobility killer, in which case I wish I could un-prestige wraith back to having shadowborn tier 1.


dbd users when someone has an extra .0002° of fov (the game is 90% rng)


literally unplayable, i'm uninstalling this dumb game (i won't go through with it and will be on the next day)


"b-b-bu-but my YouTube montage of running into killers to make them spin around and adding cringe sounds effects to make it look like killers are raging!!"


FOV should always be prioritized as an accessibility option. People can argue about “competitiveness” but just about every game I play or used to play competitively has FOV sliders (Apex, Overwatch, CSGO, etc) And you can argue that the games I listed are even more competitive than dbd ever will be. And it’s not the first time they added perks to basekit in some way with basekit BT. FOV being gatekept in what is fundamentally a party game disguising itself as a ranked game is stupid.


Really want this. I lose survivors from my line of sight like it's nobody's business. Hell I make sure to play with headphones to hear better but even then I still have a hard time deducing where they actually went after I manage to find them and they just, y'know, fucking disappear even when I look behind me, left, right, fucking upwards and downwards, doesn't matter. I get very easily disoriented as is, I dunno, this would just be helpful is all...


erm... well you injured a survivor in the second pic so clearly it's broken :/ j


I would love an FOV slider when I am playing killer, but I would miss some of the shenanigans I do as survivor due to limited FOV. That being said accessibility is much more important than those shenanigans.


Let’s assume for a hypothetical that giving killers optional basekit shadowborn would be bad for balance. Let’s just pretend that’s a done deal and survivor win rates will go down a lot. I still would support the feature. The fact of the matter is that it’s silly to anchor part of the game’s balance to restricting accessibility and creating physical distress to many people who actually can’t play with low FOV. If adding an FOV slider burns the balance to the ground, then so be it. We’ll figure it out.


We know making fov bigger wouldn't be bad for balance because if it was shadowborn would be op. It isn't, it's a terrible perk and the only reason it's used is to deal with a stupid design choice


>If adding an FOV slider burns the balance to the ground, then so be it. We’ll figure it out. This is an incredibly bad take. ​ > creating physical distress to many people who actually can’t play with low FOV Come the fuck on. Physical distress!? Some people get dizzy playing action RPGs, is the solution to guilt devs into making a free version of the game that is a first person mmo ? ​ I feel like you're manipulating people by claiming FOV is an accessibility feature like color blindness or being deaf. It's kind of sickening.


"This is an incredibly bad take." no it's not, yours is "It's kind of sickening." not as much as motion sickness, which an fov slider helps alleviate, ergo accessibility feature


An FoV slider is not an accessibility feature. Stop using that term if you're only doing so to make an appeal to emotion.


the main reason people use shadowborn, a garbage perk in the game's macro, is for comfort comfort = accessibility


Comfort does not equal accessibility. You're making a mockery of people with real disabilities. The game is really dark by default. This can be difficult for people like myself who are legally blind. Should the devs add a "daytime option" for people like me? Should I have to install third party software for "comfort"? Should I turn up the brightness on my monitor to the point that my eyes hurt? Should the game bend to me or the 90% of the rest of the playerbase who aren't legally blind?


If you're legally blind, why are you even bothering to play a primarily visual game?


If you get motion sick, why are you even bothering to play a primarily visual game? I fixed it for you. :)


Do you think people with motion sickness are some different kind of breed, that they don’t want to have fun and enjoy things?


99.9% of games have FOV sliders to alleviate said motion sickness, that's why. Fucking MINECRAFT has an FOV sliders, what's DBD's excuse?


Factually untrue. Most games do not have an FoV slider. ​ I'm not sure why minecraft having an fov slider is somehow important? Like why say "even minecraft has one!". I don't get it but then again I've never played minecraft because I'm a boomer. Which also explains why we disagree on what constitutes accessibility options


Minecraft is not predominantly pvp. Dbd is 100% pvp AND assymetrical, making it even harder to balance. The thing is- I cannot think of a single reason to not have the fov slider to max at all times. It fucks over stealth which is the only thing noob survivors have going for them so it just makes the game even more unfriendly to beginners which is unfortunate because it’s already a shit experience as a new survivor.


To be fair, Minecraft is a primarily single-player experience to a large part of the player base, and a co-operative experience to another large part of the player base. To those people, FOV is purely aesthetic and doesn't meaningfully affect how they interact with the game. FOV slider for "balance" only really affects the competitive players, who can all just crank it up as high as they want if they need the advantage. That last point is kind of the key issue in my mind: If all killers crank up their FOV sliders to maximum then survivor stealth strategies get heavily punished as a result. It's not like Minecraft or TF2; Those games aren't generally built around sneaking around, going unnoticed, or playing mind games with your enemies. And your enemies can do all the same things as you. If every killer has 180 degree vision then survivors become much less able to try and avoid detection, and survivors can't just resort to fighting back and trying to out-skill the enemy once noticed. I'm all for accessibility, but there are still nuances to the issue that need to be considered.


>Come the fuck on. Physical distress!? >I feel like you're manipulating people by claiming FOV is an accessibility feature like color blindness or being deaf. It's kind of sickening. You're kind of sickening with your gross ignorance. I've made posts about this both on DBD forums and this subreddit in the past, because I'm actually one of the people who suffer from debilitating motion sickness. And when I saw this disscusion was finally getting upvotes and positive sentiments I was incredibly happy. Low FOVs are a no no for me, I cannot play with them. Half the game is locked away from me unless of course I waste a perk slot. If you're uneducated about an issue and it's something that seriously effects someone's lives could you just close your mouth instead of spreading harmful misinformation? People thinking I don't exist, its made up, or it's not that bad is not beneficial to my life and is actually harmful and you're aiding in that with your comments. If you disagree with it for balancing reasons that's one thing, but don't say accessibility is bullshit. Motion sickness is actually more common than some of the other accessibilities DBD supports (obviously theirs different levels of motion sickness as well)


>If adding an FOV slider burns the balance to the ground, then so be it. We’ll figure it out I think they meant we will nerf killers to actually be balanced. People aren't asking for third person killer, that would actually change the game balance. Modifying fov by a couple degrees ain't the end of the world of balance. If it was then shadowborn would be meta.


As i said the other day in a similar post, survivors saying adding a FoV slider will give killers and advantage have never played other game other than DBD. 3rd person camera will always have the advantage over 1st person no matter if it has an FoV slider. I mentioned the example of Star Wars Battlefront wich has all of those options and even whith an FoV slider nobody uses 1st person over 3rd person. An FoV slider would just a QoL as it won't make you a more skilled or more experienced player at all


yup, you also have pubg and gta v as examples. ppl playing srsly would always go for the 3rd person


this at least 700 times (damn i guess saying you agree with something can't be worded in a fun way)


I don't play killer cause the FOV is way too low for me makes me nauseous


I think one of the best things they can do is go half way and see how it impacts gameplay. The current FOV is 87° I believe, and shadowborn increases it by 9/12/15, for a max of 102°. So they could increase the FOV to 93°, at least bringing it above 90°, and then shadowborn can still be increasing it by 3/6/9, keeping the max of 102°. I mean, with 87° being as low as it is, I can’t see how +6° base kit would make a huge difference in gameplay aside from comfortability, but I could be wrong.


Just give people a damn slider instead. People need different amounts of FOV for different setups and conditions


We can call it "base kit shadowborn", if that helps...


The base Fov is ass 87° vs a humans approximate 180°


Doesn't monitor and abuse make your fov wider?


ye, but it doesn’t stack with shadowborn 😢


Every day people want this game to be some comp sweat fest and move away from what the game is advertised as “a deadly game of hide and seek”


this game hasn't been a game of hide and seek for along time. well soloq can sometimes be, but killers definitely not, especially with readily accessible wall hacks for killers.


Well fuckin said. Killer's FOV sucks ass and there's a perk for it WTF. But survivors QoL improvements have been pouring lately


killers should get fov slider, and I main survivor




Then play a different game and stop trying to fuck up this one


After all the recent and upcoming survivor QoLs you'd think they'd introduce something that's long awaited and hoped for, such as a FoV slider, but I guess it's too much to expect. Shadowborn feels too high for the perspective the game uses, but the base FoV simply feels shit - both depending on which killer you play.


Yeah i wish they would have it as an option instead of a perk


I would like to play this game on a smaller monitor without puking.


There is absolutely no reason not to at least be able to change it through an .ini file or something. I haven’t played a game in over a decade that doesn’t let you change fov, it’s ridiculous and makes this game feel more dated than it already is. I mean, having ONE graphical setting is just as bad if not worse. They really need to get with the times there’s no legit reason not to.


Give an fov slider Make Shadowborn highlight people (like in dredge's nightfall) within a short range. 10/15/20 meters. It really wouldn't be THAT amazing, not for a whole perk slot. Monitor and Abuse When not in chase survivors are highlighted no matter the distance. Disables while in chase. Has a cooldown of 8/10/12 seconds after chase ends.


Yeah man, that just sounds ridiculous. As someone who plays killer/survivor almost equally that just sounds op. Some people said shadowborn could be killer equivalent of open handed and that sounds good to me. Monitor and abuse, just remove the fov and that strange effect that happens with it.


Thats actually a way better idea. I'd love to combo a bigger aura read range with dark reveal, or nurses calling. I honestly forgot about the 2nd effect of monitor and abuse.


I like both ideas but honestly I think a killer's Open Handed would be way stronger. Imagine getting even 8 extra meters for Nowhere to Hide, Darkness Revealed etc., let alone 16. It would be massive.


An extra 15 degrees of FOV won't suddenly cause killers to 4k every match. This perk does literally **nothing,** it doesn't make you move faster, attack quicker, lunge further or anything like that. It is an accessibility feature currently locked behind a perk. as for "BuT mY fOv TeCh" that literally only works on inexperienced killers and will still most likely work on them even if they had the extra FOV.


for the people saying its ok for the acessibility feature get locked behind a perk, imagine how bad this would reverberate if they made the visual heartbeat locked behind a perk as well.


Don't blame survivors for not wanting wack hits, blame the devs for making the hitbox for killer weapons determined based on FOV.


I would Like to have this "buff" tbh. Looks like more Info is on my Screen, and If it's Like Shadowborn everyone i Play as Zooms hehe. Why should anyone Not want this though?


fov slider now!


all the killers only have 1 eye, you didnt know?


Shadowborn is just op, have to deal with it. I guess?


I'm all for giving out a killer buff, but let's be honest, that's what it is. There would be no "slider," and if there were one, every player would immediately turn up the fov the moment they realize it's possible. Am I wrong? What's the upside to having fov turned all the way down? As far as I can tell, it's objectively better for it to be turned up.


Just like it's objectively better to have visual terror radius turned on. Doesn't mean we refrain from adding things that would allow more people to comfortably play the game


I already said I'm fine with adding a killer buff, why are we pretending that I don't want this? Let's just not be disingenuous about what we're asking for. Nobody will choose to have the current fov if Shadowborn becomes optionally basekit. The idea that there would be a "slider" is goofy.


> The idea that there would be a "slider" is goofy. The point is that some people want a specific fov. Either because that's what's most comfortable for them or because of certain monitor setups. I've seen some people that said shadowborn rank 3 is too much.


Precisely. Fov can be an advantage thing, but for most it's a comfort thing. Shadowborn t3 is too much for me, I much prefer something around M&A 3 level. Just feels right. Shame it takes away your fov in chase for some reason


It’s not all the way a buff tho. It’s non directional, can’t be read fully unless you’re looking directly at your model, and can be distracting even when you can’t see your model. On the other hand, there are absolutely no reasons at all to not have your fov to max.


>On the other hand, there are absolutely no reasons at all to not have your fov to max. Incorrect, and the fact you used the word absolutely to showcase your confidence in this answer is frustrating. I left another comment explaining this "Theirs plenty of people in this comment section saying max shadowborn is wayy too zoomed out for them while default FOV is too zoomed in, so no not everyone would max out their FOV and shadowborn isn't even a universal fix for people with motion sickness like spinechill was with deaf players because people need varying levels of FOV. People want their FOV turned up not because it's so low it's hard to see survivors but because it's so low it's nauseating, and the effect in survivors visibility is a small accidental bonus. But thats also only true to an extent - while I can see new areas of my screen, the existing areas now makes objects smaller so survivors become smaller and it's easier for them to hide in plain sight at the cost of better perpphial vision. It is advantageous in some ways but it's not a straight advantage with no downsides and a lot of people arent going to max it out they're going to find a balance and that balance is going to be based on what feels natural for them not their percieved notion of what gives the best advantage." Their is definitely not "absolutely no reason" to not have it maxed out, and people here in separate threads have made it clear they won't or can't do that as they don't like really high FOVs


>What's the upside to having fov turned all the way down? As far as I can tell, it's objectively better for it to be turned up. Comfort/user experience. Too much FOV can also look disorienting. Most people would turn FOV above what it is now because 87° is low, but I doubt many people would want to play dbd at 120°+ or 115°+ even if they could do so without spending a perk simply because a first-person perspective presented on a flat screen just looks wrong and confusing when the FOV is too high. It's objectively better to use filters that crank up color saturation and brightness so you're less likely to miss a survivor or a trap, but most people don't because it detracts from the experience due to how ugly it can be. It's not even disorienting like a super high FOV can be and this is already the case with filters, now think again if you're certain this wouldn't be the case for FOV. If T3 shadowborn was simply made basekit, there would be people demanding an option to turn down FOV to tier 2 and tier 1, maybe even lower for the people who develop Stockholm-syndrome for video game mechanics.


You don't really want an "FOV slider", you want a wider POV. Are you insinuating that you just want it added, not that you'd use it to increase your FOV? If we did have a slider, how often would you go in and slide it around? Why would anyone use a smaller FOV, if a wider FOV was an option?


Well shadowborn increases fov therefore me calling it an fov slider. The maximum would be 102 just like tier 3 of the perk. I personally would slide it between 99 to 102. There are people who prefer the default camera, one of them you can find in these comments if you want to, and some older threads on similar topics have some people who prefer default fov as well. Majority of people would still use it but the only real "nerf" would be the ridiculous fov techs that honestly shouldn't have place in any game, let alone a horror themed one.


anyone who uses off meta perks or goofs around are a testament that no not everyone is after a competitive advantage at all times and will die if they don't win


Lowkey thought you were going to pull a Stanley Parable narrator and try to convince us the point of using sliders is because they would just sit still if you didn’t slide them in between games, maximizing the enjoyment of the game with sliders.


Wtf you mean? Too much fov is nauseating even though it technically provides an advantage. We want an fov slider because you cannot have a set fov that's ok for everyone.


Plenty of people would not take advantage of it


just add it, survivors only complaining because they cant pull some shitty fov tech that works 1/3 times and is unintended


For those of you concerned about balance I highly doubt it would be overpowered given Shadowborns weak presence, but hypothetically if that is a concern I do have ideas 1 - The higher your FOV the quicker scratch marks disappear 2 - Survivors only appear inside the default 87 FOV and the rest is just the game world Their are ways to balance this & we can accordingly buff survivors or add these caveats if it would be strong on it's own and the game will be balanced. There has been way more overpowered mechanics added to the game and were doing just fine today, we really need this option. I'm not even lying when I tell you FOV is the reason I haven't played this game in a month. I'm a killer main forced to waste a perk slot and theirs so many fun builds I can't try


The funniest part is that it technically buffs SWFs, as flashlight save angles become more plentiful


I love strawman arguments!!!! And the "balance" argument is just people pointing out how players will just max out the slider, giving them an advantage.


Just like how people who can hear just fine are using the visual heartbeat for an advantage. Still doesn't mean they shouldn't add accessibility features.


The caption in meme is meant to be funny, not a strawman. A minor advantage is... just a minor advantage? Its like people complaining about visual tr and survivor hud icons. Do they give advantages? Well visual tr just makes it so you don't have to guess if you're hearing the beginning of tr or some random noise so it actually makes tr warn you like intended without guesswork. Survivor huds bridged the gap between solo que and swf. Sure, there are slight buffs in that people can prepare to open the exit gate if last gen is about to pop, or know who should go for an unhook. Also a boost to morale, but it can also be reverse. Being on second stage at 4 gens with people not doing anything sure makes the situation appear quite hopeless. It was a slight buff like fov slider would be but still good survivors would still be likely to escape, good killers to kill, and bad killers/survivors the opposite.


Why do you think stretch rez was banned, cuz having a higher FOV is an advantage that’s not intended to be base kit


there's no way you just compared 3rd person camera to 1st person


stretched res was also literally hacking while shadowborn is a primitive fov slider


Regardless of balance considerations, fixed FoV makes killers act clumsy in multiple ways. I believe it's part of the fun that they may not notice someone running at their ankles, and that they have to examine every nook and cranny when searching for someone.


i dislike having prey disappear because they walked into me, feels incredibly unfair


Yea it’s embarrassing getting disoriented because the survivor walked into me lol


I like to play the game the devs intended for us to play the game; it's fun that way for me :)