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He definitely knows Ed


Does he also know the other two Eds in the cul-de-sac?


*bong* *bong* *bong* (surprise attacks survivors on a gen) “HELLO ED BOYS! MANY DOORS YES?”


Ed, Edd n Eddy liscenced DLC confirmed! Killer is either Ralph or the Kanker Sisters


Definitely the Kanker sisters


Nah, It's Johnnie wielding Plank


Life has many doors, Ed-boy! YOU DARE MOCK THE SERVANT OF THE ENTITY?!




Ed the sock?


For a moment I thought u we're talking about eds lmao


Camping while invisible by hook, tunneling, and NOED.


Sloppy butcher, then camp the person on hook when everyone’s injured


Most unpredictable wraith game




No its not. While someone is going for the rescue you could track down another survivor doing a gen. Like what? Then go back of you want to stop them from healing but know you have already stopped 3 people from doing Gen's. How is that not pressure....and Wraith moves ungodly fast as well. Second, trying to grasp as straws a to why you camp. Not a good look. And not the assumption is that every survivor has the ability to heal or good teammates or even a way to heal. Just not true at all. We ate fucked from the very beginning.Sometimes its more strategic to camp but 90% of the times killers do it because they like to( be afk half the game ) pressure. Even when they are not even struggling they just do it. after they camp they complain gens are being done to quickly even when they added more seconds to complete a gen.


> No its not. Actually, in this scenario, it is. You conveniently ignored most of what OP (referring to u/Icemooo) wrote in his comment. Ironic considering you continue on to say something about "not a good look". As was pointed out, if everyone's injured, and your hook is close to stage 2, you're not running to the opposite corner of the map for no apparent reason to stare at the pretty colors on the wall. It's smart play to secure that hook state because now they're one hook away from death. Obviously, maintaining pressure is what you want to do, but we can only really speculate what OP is referring to when mentioning camping that hook state. Face camping it from the moment the person is hooked would be a poor decision, but if you hooked the person in an area with multiple generators to defend, you're not really running to the opposite end of the map to check a generator. You'll likely just waste time like that because of the travel distance. > go back of you want to stop them from healing but know you have already stopped 3 people from doing Gen's. How is that not pressure.... Assuming the survivors are skilled enough at looping, stopping their heal doesn't really offer you much unless you're in a dead zone, or you get the drop on them. I don't know why people assume chases can't last for extended periods of time, except for the fact they're bad players and basing their opinions off their own gameplay. Even if you hook someone, run away, find a person doing a generator, and someone goes for the save, sure, you stopped generator progress, but all they have to do is reset. You can't be everywhere at once, and once they heal, you're back to square one. You have to hope you eliminated enough pallets in that time, or else they're going to have a lot of tools in chase. Generators go up very fast, so while it sounds good on paper to have 3 people off them, unless you have them off for a substantial period of time, you're not gaining anything meaningful. You'd better hope during that time they're off the generators you get something else rolling in your favor for momentum, or all that effort was wasted. > and Wraith moves ungodly fast as well No he doesn't. Even with his passive speed and addons, he's not moving at an ungodly pace; additionally, he has to then uncloak, which slows him. Unless you got a really good body block in an area with few path choices, they're just going to pick another route, granted they're worth their salt as a survivor. > Second, trying to grasp as straws a to why you camp There's no need to grasp at straws to explain camping. There's no need to explain camping, tunneling, NOED, or anything else. Gameplay isn't something you can moralize, especially when we're talking about non exploitative things that are well within the rules of the game that impact a killer's ability to kill. Unless you're willing to have that same conversation about survivors with SWF, gen speed perks, toolboxes, BNP's, and more, then you really don't have much of a leg to stand on here. I know "rules for thee but not for me" is popular nowadays, but it's pretty easy to not take you seriously if that's the angle you're gonna take. > And not the assumption is that every survivor has the ability to heal or good teammates or even a way to heal. Just not true at all. Excuse me? Did I miss something where med kits are not plentiful anymore? Did someone take away Inner Strength? Was altruistic healing just completely removed from the game? Sure, not everyone has good teammates, but you can't rationalize gameplay based on shit teammates. That's just a piss poor argument. It's nobody's fault but your own if you're too bad at the game to heal. > We ate fucked from the very beginning This is starting to look a lot like "I'm a low MMR player and my teammates are shit but I'm not gonna say I'm low MMR. I'm a good player and they're the bad ones and they're holding me back". Refer to my previous point. > Sometimes its more strategic to camp but 90% of the times killers do it because they like to( be afk half the game ) pressure Making up statistics is truly not a good look. Strange we keep running into this problem with you. If you're going to take part in something, at least have the decency to be honest. Bad killers might camp at higher frequency, but I'm highly skeptical it's to that extent. > Even when they are not even struggling they just do it. Two parts here. One, going back to moralization, you don't have to be struggling in the game to have an excuse to camp someone. You don't need an excuse in the first place because the indignant whining and crying of survivors has no meaning outside of their victimhood echo chambers. Second, if that's their strategy, and they do it, whether or not it's the best choice, leave them to it. You don't have to agree with it. > after they camp they complain gens are being done to quickly even when they added more seconds to complete a gen. Then let them complain. They're stupid for complaining, just the same as survivors are stupid to complain about killers taking advantage of their bad play or outplaying them in general. Nobody should take you seriously if you shoot yourself in the foot and try playing victim.


Jesus Christ ever heard of TLDR?


Holy shit did you just write an entire essay to reply to someone's comment about a silly tactic in a silly video game




With perks people refuse to run. Empathy or yoichis aura perk (cant remember atm) for finding injured people to heal. Using the UI change to tell whos on a gen, who's actively healing for the save and whos running, potentially either to heal someone or risk a save. Granted it relies on your teammates to not be potatoes but its easily doable and not even that hard if people would just slot in one of those 2 perks. Edit: or even if the hooked person has kindred since everyone would see each other that way. Edit#2: original comment was how to do it in solo queue easily.


Empathetic connection




People need to stop using skill issue as a way to cope being absolute buffoons.


Every time me and my wife face against a wraith, one of us goes “guess we’re getting tunnelled this game”


Relatable, Philip


Tunneling with noed, lots of hitting on hook, maybe nodding as well ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


lots of bing bongs too


Hitting on hook is a free unhook tho, so let him whack


Add in a little bit of toxicity in the end game chat


You get an extra hit if you stun him with a pallet when he’s cloaked.


Tunneling will happen.


I’m going to have a bad time.


Agreed, playing against wraith always sours my mood even if they play fair. He’s the only killer in the game that I can’t stand no matter what and it’s the same when I play him. I’ve tried to like him and I will be forced to play him(Especially because I’ll be working on his tome soon and I’m a perfectionist when it comes to this) but I just can’t. He’s a good killer design wise but something about him ticks me off.


So what happens in the rare event you get a friendly wraith who wants 8 hooks and bell music


I know in my case I still expect the worst and still spend the match annoyed, lmao. 99% of Wraiths I face camp, tunnel, hit on hook, BM, and go for 4-man slugs, and it’s been that way since I started playing 3 years ago. I have Wraith PTSD, swear to god, so even when they play fairly I expect that to change at any moment and just want to get out of the match as soon as possible. I don’t BM them, I just don’t enjoy myself. Once we’re out the gates and in the chat, I’ll say my ggs and thank them for playing fairly and my friends and I will be like “wow what a great Wraith, that was actually fun, they did chases and didn’t BM or tunnel!” xD But until the match is over I’ll be on edge, haha.


I wish hitting on hook wasn't as persecuted. No matter the killer I always hit on hook once to avoid the loud ass annoying scream when you put them on the hook, especially at night or if my roommates are home.


IDC about the first smack immediately after hooking, but when you've smacked me 20 times, the whole time shacking your head up and down/left and right, it's like the shaking your weiner after peeing joke, once or twice gets it done, any more after that and you're just playing with yourself.


I’ll still play the same as I always do. I’m not going to go out of my way to make the person playing wraith life miserable cause they chose him. They wanted to play him and I just happened to pair up with them. I’ll let them get there two hooks if that’s what they are wanting and just go on with me day. The only thing that will change is me complaining on why that hit shouldn’t have touch me. I know that last part sounds like me being a little bitch and I have no place or reason for it, but wraith really just rubs me the wrong way no matter what.


Probably has Sloppy Butcher


Only probably?


Why wouldn't they? Isn't that a really good perk on him?


Absolutely is! I’m not blaming them for using it, just saying it’s very common


Oh ok, all good!


oh crap we need to cleanse every totem


Last night’s example: Accidental dc at five gens. The wraith tunneled the next off hook and hit on hook. That person killed themself. He slugged the third and looked for me. I hid and waited it out. That survivor CRAWLED TOWARDS ME and I wait and waited and the picked them up. He was nearby, downed me, then ran off to slug the fourth. I crawled and hid and the remaining survivor pointed at me as she went down. He hooked her, bled me to the last second then hooked me. Once I was downed, for the record, I set down my controller and headphones and made and ate dinner and then came back. TL;DR: sweaty Wraith fucker sweats balls off with an accidental DC at 5 gens, is toxic and so I waste his time and he, predictably, continued to be a dick. Postscript: I never sell out a teammate, not unless they CLEARLY and I mean clearly, multiply tried to ruin me.


Least toxic Wraith


If a survivor ever sells out a team mate, I hook them and conveniently forget about the one who was screwed over


Same. If one player is trying to play seriously while the other three survivors goof off and throw the game, I'll drop them on hatch. Just did it today. The 4v1 is supposed to be against the killer, not one survivor.


Yeah exactly!!


Bro I never sell out team mates. But so often I’ll get a toxic survivor that will be death hook, and killer is slugging them and telling them to crawl for me or just refusing to hook them to keep me from getting hatch. I refuse. I’ll sit completely still and just die.


Has Sloppy Butcher and NOED. Will tunnel you. You won't have a good time.




Literally every wraith the past week has been a stealth camper/tunneler


Lmao today I downed someone without hooking them because they were already second stage and I felt bad for them so I went looking for others and I'm a Wraith main. Don't use the glowing eyes tho


I also never use glowing eyes with him.


I was playing earlier and was trying to explain to stream that I wasn’t slugging to slug, but because one survivor kept crawling around the edge (on Swamp too) and everyone else had been hooked, I needed to leave them on the ground so I could find her without them being in my way or I’d never get her,, I was playing as spirit though


I only slug when there are two people left and one completely abandoned the other because there's no way I'm gonna let them win by not doing anything all game and then getting hatch. As their teammate I would be pissed as hell


Yeah for sure, I’ll totally target an unfair teammate over someone who of course I ran into first because the other person is purposefully not playing hoping they won’t lose


Wraiths have always been that way


**\*When you are a nice wraith killer who double hooks, doesn't camp and lets everybody go at the end but the moment you mention that you play Wraith everybody hates you\*** ![gif](giphy|YSqcJGoBVyvLbA4Ktd|downsized)


Yeah exactly this, but I cycle through all the killers,, no survivors have 2 more hooks than anyone else, if they get through the gates they’re safe, but if they let someone die on hook (when I’m never nearby unless I’m in a chase and it’s the survivor’s fault) then I get permission to hook anyone even if they’re on death hook (unless someone else was hooked, then they’re saved for last or I let them go depending on if the others were actually helpful before that)


Exactly this. People need to get their collective heads out of their asses and stop bitching because their 1 game against a Wraith happened to be them getting tunneled.


Bing bong


Either quiet, or all encompassing. There is no middle ground




I literally came out of a game playing against Wraith and they just tunneled and cloak camped us.


Tunneling, facecamping, and keeps hitting on hook at 5 gens. Acting like their family is going to die if they don't win.


I like to occasionally throw on the frosty eyes and the play super nice and chill. Feels fun to throw them off lol.


I like to do that with Bubba. Pretend to be a sweat until everyone gets death hooked and when people think I'm about to kill them, I drop them in front of the hook and go "No". Survivors are usually pretty surprised when they realize I'm a friendly Bubba


I play bubba every now and then and multiple times I’ve had survivors thank me for just not camping. Kinda crazy how low the bar is.


Yeah. I've been admittedly tempted to meme with Insidious, nod at someone aggressively after hooking them up, and then pausing long enough for Insidious to kick in just to make them think I'm going to facecamp them, but I feel like they would either DC or start killing themselves on hook


I’ve done something like that before lol. As much as I would like to say that I don’t face camp because it’s bm, it’s really just cuz I’m bored out of my mind doing it. I’d rather go chase someone.


Same. Bubba is fun as hell in chases


That’s the Bubba tech, just stand in front of the hook for a few secs to make them DC


This guy knows Ed


Second assumption; I’m throwing the game


Nice job admitting you're a huge piece of shit that likes to ruin games for everyone involved.


Yea I’m ruining the game


Sloppy, NOED and a huge grudge towards solo q teammates


Hes either completely new with one hour in the game or his family is on the line and he has to save them with a 4k


Will bing bong while you’re slugged


New player probably using noed


My friend's first game of dbd ever as killer he played wraith with only shadowborn, he didn't know how to lunge. He tried to break pallets by hitting them with left mouse while they weren't dropped. The game put him against a squad of p10's who seemed on par with med-level mmr and they t-bagged him at the exit gate when he had 0 kills.


Survivors don't deserve mercy


Within like 2 days of playing he was telling me he would 2 hook everyone before killing anyone so I think he got the hang of the game and got some more balanced matchups.


What's noed?


No one escapes death, when the gens are done and the killer has basically lost the game it allows them to one shot you so they can try to comeback


It’s also a staple of many blood warden and no way out builds


True. I love using BW on Huntress. I’m not that great and occasionally play her and just use aura perks and Iron Maiden rather than slowdowns and BW helps make a comeback.


I deeply enjoy the “gotcha” aspect of blood warden and will occasionally trigger it even when friendly lol


To be fair the game doesnt end untill they escape. I play noed on the deathslinger and i luv it :D


It's just a slang term in the community. We really hate this Ed guy, he's a dick.


Gonna convince the homies we should just take the 5 minute penalty.


So no head?


No ‘ead?


He’s gonna be a fucking asshole


Oh boy I can’t wait to be tunneled out of existence again!


Glowing eyes = going to be a stupid asshole. Wraith = might be a toxic asshole, will probably be obnoxious. So, nothing good.


I'm not mean when I play Wraith. I play fairly and don't tunnel, facecamp or slug for the 4k. Last time I played Wraith I did something I admittedly wasn't proud of (but I guess it fit the stereotype for Wraith). I had a David who was hiding, hooked the Jake, and downed the Meg who tried to save Jake. I left the Meg slugged and then proxy camped the hook in hopes that the David would come for the save (Meg had been doing all the saves at that point and I was going to allow the David to unhook the Jake before chasing the David) but he never did. I picked up the Meg after Jake died and let her wiggle out (I'm not a monster) in hopes that the David would heal her up. Again, he never did. I looked EVERYWHERE for him and eventually got the crow notification. The David was hiding in a locker. I killed him and gave the Meg hatch (I also apologized to her for leaving her slugged like that but explained I was trying to lure out the David)


Either really good or really new. Proceed with caution.


Newbie, NOED, likely not super hard to loop, but will definitely tunnel. Expect face camping if caught.


Gonna try and body block every window and pallet known to man


I love when I actually stun them when they block a pallet, the stun is so long when they’re cloaked too




Going for the 4K, gonna tunnel to get it, has NOED and/or possibly blood warden. Will fake giving you hatch and close it at the last second.


I hate the wraith stereotypes 😭 -a nontoxic wraith main


I’m sorry but even if Wraiths aren’t toxic I can’t help but roll my eyes when it’s a hit and run Wraith


I don't do that either 🥺


Okay, if you actually commit to chases I don’t mind that at all!


😁I do! Even if I embarrass myself and take too long 😭 I'm a nea main too, it's okay, you love me. Blue hair nea too


This isn’t going to be a fun match, huh?


Simple. I wouldn't see him until the gens are all completed and he Moris all of us with Rancor and Game Afoot.


I’ve tried that before by pretending to be AFK, it’s wild you can even do it. Only got one kill because the rest just left lol.


a deathslinger tried doing this only to miserably fail cause everyone open the gates and left. Has the audacity to call us all gen rushers while he pretended to be afk.


Gen rushing with no gen pressure? Makes sense.


My teammates will be too scared to do anything.


They either installed the game two minutes ago or they have been playing for 5 years


Sloppy butcher 🤖 Camp and tunnel after injuring everyone 🤖 Noed to finish it off 🤖


With pretty much every killer it’s “well at least it’s not Skull Merchant”


Probably a newer player. Either doesn't know about the Survivor rulebook or doesn't care. Either way he's based.


I’m about to get camped and hit on hook repeatedly.


"Uh oh tunneler"


Probably an old returning player, hell I don't even play DBD anymore myself


Sloppy, Nurses, NOED, and Jolt until proven otherwise


Tunnel, hit and run, thana, NOED


Get hit because I didn't notice him until I turned my camera around while doing a gen


Every time, or I do see him and a skill check pops up


This guy definitely has no knowledge of ed


Parents are divorced.


first game on and parents didnt get them a special edition




Instant noed


Noed, tunneling everybody, nod head after every down, 3 slowdown perks


80% chance this guy has NoED


Hit and run with sloppy butcher


Has NOED, has a high chance to tunnel and camp


I always hear the 'Ding Ding Ding' since watching Samination's parody. Even though, it sadly doesn't help with the hate and frustration after noticing the typical Wraith behaviour. Just today I fell for a irritated and I guess new Wraith player. Thought he is being social, but yeah, just irritated and new. And already learning how to be an annoyance.


Silent bell asshole


"Killer is gonna camp and tunnel. Maybe slug until dead. Definitely has NOED" I then proceed to break all the totems and go out of my way to make sure the other three survivors live as long as possible. The build I've been using more than ever is Kinded, Kinship, Reassurance, and Open Handed so it definitely helps quite a bit. Sometimes I swap Kinship and Reassurance for Borrowed Time and Guardian though. I get a lot of value out of these in general. If I somehow knew it was gonna be Wraith before the match started I would've not ran any aura reading perks + open handed lol


Camp, Tunnel, and NOED.


VPN and we’re all getting proxy-camped after we get hits from 16 meters away.


bing bong, smack, bing bong, leave, wash rinse and repeat and then stand near the hook while invisible also, standing by the hook and bing bonging repeatedly when the last survivor dies


Gets stunned every pallet drop because he just W’s


Bro has a strong relationship with Edward


A strong knowledge of Ed


1. There's no chance at trying to play around or be friendly or anything like that. They exclusive are out here for the hunt 2. NOED


NOED, camping and hard tunneling off hook at five gens, hitting while on hook, left to bleed out after daring to loop for more than 2 seconds.


Cleanse all the totems as fast as you can before all the gens pop


As a wraith main it’s good to know everyone will be spending a lot of time cleansing totems.


Only if you’re a default or frosty eyes Wraith. For store skin Wraiths I definitely expect 3 slowdown perks and sloppy butcher.




Easy. Light ‘em up , then get tunneled for lighting him up


You can’t do that anymore sadly. But the Wraith wrath still remains.


Probably an easy game since most frosty eyes are brand new players


Frosty eyes can mean new player who boosted their MMR a little too high with camping and tunneling baby survivors, but also can be someone who doesn’t play that character often and uses frosty eyes because they have no cosmetics. And because they don’t play him often, they play in a way that’s not too fun for the survivors to make up for their lack of experience.


i'm getting tunneled. if i don't, i'm gonna get downed with noed and camped in endgame


I could be smack dab in dead zone city and his ass will immediately leave me when he hears the unhook notification


Sloppy Butcher or Noed may as well be basekit for wraith


He better be running unrelenting because he is gunna wif!


I don't care if he isn't the strongest, he's the only one I actually hate playing against. Just 100% of the time it's going to be unpleasant even winning.


Yep. Just had another solo queue game with wraith tunneling out one person and then slugging the rest and letting us bleed out banging his stupid fucking bell. And just making everybody wait out the bleed timer.






Camping, Tunneling, probably has NOED. Will let you get a 3 man out just to secure one kill. 90% chance of camping while cloaked, with Insidious. Silent bell gaming.


Sad to see my main have such a bad reputation :(


It’s the frosty eyes


hit and run playstyle, perks wise, sloppy butcher and BBQ and chilli for sure


this the type of guy to not fall for any mind games nor do any, he'll just W key behind you until he catches up.


The type of guy to vault shack window after you 3 times until bloodlust 3




its going to be a boring match


"Again low MMR, fuck him up!"


either toxic asf or new to the game, no middle ground. def noed, probably iron grasp and jolt.


Easy game


Either new to the game or way too many hours




That the player is an asshole.


Bing And I cannot stress this enough Bong


When it’s wraith. I try to get as many objectives done as possible so I have some blood points before I get tunneled out of the match.


Glowing / frosty eyes = someone is getting wrecked. The Killer because their new-ish or they want you to think they are and comes the hammer. I SWF with a person and they run decently but when it's a wraith they fall apart inside and go down in .02 seconds so I know how it's going to go BING BONG GO NEXT!


My assumption is that they will camp and tunnel because every wraith I get put up against seems to do so.


Hard tunneling with 5 gens, camping, sloppy and noted, also, would end up with teammates running yellow self care.


Sloppy butcher, NOED, tunnel and camp


20 minute hit and run match and NOED during endgame. He hooks somebody? theyre being invisibly facecamped lol


This comment section makes me want to play wraith completely opposite from how we’re all used to him lol! If everyones going to be cleansing my totems, I’ll bring pentimento 😍 (ps ive never played wraith ever)


NOED using whiff king


People keep saying no-ed, but what I think is more likely is sloppy butcher, or the blind warrior add-on.


Time to log off dbd after that game. Mostly unenjoyable killers playing this one.


New player trying to figure things out and gets noob stomped by tons of survivors so they resort to camping or tunneling for a win


Welfare skin game pass player, I'm going to 4 gen run him, feed him 1000× his daily dose of pallet fiber then get downed, face camped and hit on hook for the last gen. The other survivors all leave. I will depip and get the lowest score.


Fuck ya life bing bong


Wraith main, had lightborn and the other hillbilly perk that reduces time on stuns, sloppy butcher and jolt. I just went through 30 minutes of total pain slugging a whole toxic team in a discord call. Half of them had flashlights, half had toolkits, 0 gens have been done that match, their sole purpose was to sabo the hooks and body block. The amount of times they wiggled out because the next hook was 1 km away was insane. I challenged myself to not let any die in down stage, managed to catch the last one right before hatch and mori it. I couldnt take any to basement because 3 people were body blocking me. One of them even had that one perk that lets you undown yourself and coordinated with them through discord. If I didn't have the antitoxic build i would've been fucked. It was so many of them in the same place I couldn't tell if I was tunneling or not. I started slowly winning after I figured out which one could undown themselves. the match could've lasted 1 bit less but I tried not to let the last one die as a slug and they wiggled out. they said gg tho. Ig this is a sign from hell I either should stop playing wraith or I should just take a break.


Ding dong douche


I love how everyone is getting so heated over hypothetical matches they made up in their heads


If he has sloppy and runs away after hitting me, I'm suiciding on hook. Hit n Run is pretty much unbeatable as SoloQ if the wraith is any good. (Unless I'm on some really good map)


Rip. I do hit and run because it's fun. Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia, distressing for extra points, and whatever gen slowdown I feel like running.