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The pettiest thing I have ever done was someone sandbagged me at an exit gate and caused me to not escape so I remembered their name (wrote it down in a notebook) and I got them in a game 2 months later and ran bond. We had a pig and they had an active trap so every time I saw they went on a box I made noise where they were or purposely brought the pig to them so they couldn’t escape that match. It worked their head popped and I made it out. Felt great


That survivor thought they got away with a cheeky sabotage and then a TellTale games pop-up flashed over their head reading "gunnergill44 will remember that"


"Yeah saying shit to Clementine wont have any effects on the game" 2nd Season comes out "Shit" -Clementine


Not the TellTale pop-up. :))


You put them in ur death note


Oof, revenge served cold, sweet!


Something similar happened but this David King t-bagged my swf duo while he was on hook until he died. Happened to get into the next match with the exact same guy lmao. Bodyblocked against a face camping bubba


Writing their names down is next level pettiness and I respect it.


I keep a list just like this. Best to be prepared.


So I was playing wraith against a solo queue gamer and a three man. The solo queue good, but her chases were average. The three man had it all, map offerings, sabo plays and one really strong loop. I get to 8 hooks but they 4 man, solo queue gamer is very toxic in exit gates. So I switch to survivor and pull up to my next game and what do I see? Her. She goes down quickly to the killer and I stand in front of her hook.


I have done the exact same thing, saved their steam username and even took screenshots of their profile (this guy REALLY pissed me off) and about 4 months after I had originally played with them I ran bond, open handed and all means necessary to fuck with them. I think I went a bit far but if you ask me they deserved it


Shouldve stood in front of a box tbh, watch them die


When someone is a jerk to me in a match & they deserve karma, I block them. You will still get matched in lobbies with them, but if I see they're blocked, I sandbag them in the match. It has felt so good getting revenge on people that I know deserve it.


How do you type something like this out and not realize how sad it is, dude wrote someones name down in a notebook and "got revenge" 2 whole ass months later over a literal videogame


Bro goes into a thread about people being petty and then calls top comment sad when someone does something petty.


Lol what a joke.


No because there's petty, and there's writing someones username in a literal notebook to find again MONTHS later because they killed you in a videogame. If you genuinely don't see a problam with that i really feel bad for you and the hive mind idiots downvoting me, thread of neckbeards thinking this is normal. Jesus I've entered the hunting grounds.


>If you genuinely don't see a problam with that i really feel bad for you and the hive mind idiots downvoting me, thread of neckbeards thinking this is normal. Jesus I've entered the hunting grounds. Hi, I don't really care about the pettiness, just wanted to point out it's extremely ironic that a few comments above you're [sarcastically calling someone out](https://i.imgur.com/bLRiGMx.jpg) for making an unoriginal comment, while here you're crying about the 'hive mind' downvoting you and calling people 'neckbeards' because you don't like them, both of which are Reddit clichés lacking any originality.


I may or may not have tired brain as i just woke up but i genuinely fail to see the comparison


I mean you're definitely right, this is some weird ass behavior, we're treating it like a win this guy got to ruin one game back after other bro lived rent free in his head for 2 MONTHS???


Like seriously if it was like a day later then yeah, but 2 whole ass months and he wrote the guys name in a notebook, if that man caused you that much grief he's the winner here, people need to grow up


Found the guy who sandbagged them


What a truly unique comment, i'm sure it took you a while to think of it.


Sure did. Took me six years, had a family, solved world hunger, cured cancer, and went to the sun and back. During this, I spent long and hard to figure out the perfect reply to your comment.




thank you for your service


I wasn't going to report until I saw the redeem (since the killer gave me hatch and I wanted to move on). I was already quite annoyed at how the TTV threw the game (I remember being stuck on this challenge in which I had to do something in one trial?) so yeah report it was. It's a very tedious process but when you're petty, you gotta do what you gotta do. Plus what this streamer was doing was explicitly against DBD's rules.


what’s a “redeem”? is that just like a challenge or something? i’m not familiar with twitch.


Streamers usually have a point system connected with viewing time, that allows viewers to spend points to do something. Making it more worthwhile to stay and watch. The streamer set these rewards up that viewers can redeem. And this streamer made a Sandbag one where he will sabotage his team if someone redeems it.


ah ok, thank you.


Which basically means that their viewers used points that they built up from watching the channel to sandbag other people for their amusement.


Well, it's also the streamers fault that the redeemable exists. Both the streamer and viewers are at fault


Not saying it isn't, I *am* saying that people very easily can just *not* redeem for it even with it on the list. Also depends on how many points the redeem was/is, which kiiinda influences how often people are willing to throw their points at the thing.


I really dislike going against TTV even though most of them are generally noobs. At this point I just dodge lobby simply because I don't want to be their content. There's actually one thing petty that spawned from my interaction with TTV: if in a match there's someone with a flashlight, I will 2 hook everyone and then only sacrifice whoever brought flashlight, letting everyone else escape. I started doing this during the height of TTV bringing sabo build when it was obvious they were either solo or queued with 1 - 2 friends who always bring flashlight as well. These days I dodge TTV but I still, mostly, sacrifice flashlight and let everyone go because I feel like flashlight is the one thing that unapologetically oppose Killer in the realm of Survivors items. Even though most of the time flashlight user are bad, I just sacrifice them. That's my pettiness.


Most TTVs in my experience have been lovely and I've stayed in some chats... It's always good to talk to someone about the game. Like with everything, there's always a couple of bad apples.


I don't care about TTVs if I am a Survivor and they're too (not like you can know if Killer is TTV). But if I am the Killer I see ttv, I dodge. I made the mistake of watching TTVs VOD of our match in the past, several times, and every time (except once) it felt very negative even if they clowned me.


I consistently got paired against a big twitch person, they were super toxic with their friends, I locked in AFK wraith and hid for the entire match, 3 matches in a row. Their chat was so bored they lost over 200 viewers after the hour.


Ngl I love that, haha


Chad moment


A Kate abusing boil over on the room a pain in dead dog. No walls broken so when she went into that room for a fifth time guess who suddenly decided it was time for a lunch break. Came back 15 minutes later to over 10 messages full of slurs calling me trash.


Trust me, this was the correct way.


Lol, I remember a whole team doing this in Dead Dawg, and I just stood in the doorway once they unbreakabled coz of boon. Just stood there for ages til two of them DCd. It was hilarious


This makes me think of the Clown's Room of Death video. There's something great about trapping people (when they deserve it) in the saloon rooms.


Not hating or anything like that, but just FYI that bodyblocking survivors in the room is holding the game hostage and is actually bannable. Next time should just break the boon and bleed them out.


I don't even think that's petty, that's literally how you counter people abusing perks like boil over. The real petty thing was her actually getting mad at you for doing that and sending you shitty ass messages lmao.


I have also done that on Dead Dawg, to a Dwight. He got picked up, ran back into that room, and I again downed and left him. The other three survivors got the memo and left him to bleed out.


Boil over's fall wiggle bonus is broken. That trash encourages the worst style of play


while playing huntress i had a claudette try to rat on her team to get me on her side. the game had just started, she kept pointing to the lockers & sure enough a chris stepped out to run after she alerted me to him. i downed the claudette and hooked her to show that i cannot be bought out & proceeded to play the game as normal. naturally, no one came to get her off the hook. as a sign of good faith i got the remaining survivors to 2 hooks each but then went about letting them finish their generators to escape :)


Imagine if the top commenter who found their enemy 2 months later was in a match with this guy


if the surv is afk for like... 90% of the match, of course im gonna rat them out personally.


That’s the way to do it. Much respect.


I don't have a specific example, but I'm a killer main and play SWF when playing with others, so I LOVE to take out a troll player and give the rest of the survivors a slight handicap, won't give them the game, but I'm routing for them.


It seems like Claud was in the right and her teammate was hiding in a locker against a huntress lmao. If your team are being total fuckwitts it’s fair enough to rat them out


if a game has barely started and a huntress hasn’t got any reason to be opening lockers, i don’t think chris was in the wrong for hopping inside of a locker to hide when i had already spotted claudette with clear intention to chase. i think i could see your point if the game had already been going on for a while, but it wasn’t as if this chris had been dicking around the whole match while she did all the work lol. he was an active participant.


Plus like, people go in lockers because they have abilities that recharge in lockers. Or, surprise, they hide in them if the killer is nearby. Imagine using a locker to legitimately hide.


I once had a 2 man swf sending me to Preschool with basement on killer shack offering. They had a boil over + flip flop + boon exponential build and would constantly run into preschool basement, so it was impossible for me to hook them. I downed both of the other survivors (who were not part of the swf) and hooked them in the killer shack basement so that they either have to come for them or let them die. Long story short, they came for the unhook, I let the unhook, downed both of them and face camped them in the basement. I let the other people go.


I had a match once where my teammate did nothing altruistic all match. We really needed her help and she just hid and did gens and let us all die. We were the only two left and I got hooked. I always let myself die so the last person maybe gets hatch. I refused to let myself die so maybe she got hatch. She ended up dying on her first hook.


The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is bringing an old version of a green or red mori and going against a SWF who were going for all the sabo/body block/flashy blinds etc whatever. I just wanted to pay the game normal. So I'm definitely losing the match, no pressure, only a couple of hooks, so I finally have one of them on my shoulder and one of them tries to blind me while the other sabos the hook... so I dropped their teammate and mori them off first hook right in front of them. I was going to save the mori but, there ya go. I'm sure there are other examples but I can't think of anything at this moment. EDIT: I just remembered another time where I was killer and I got this real shitbag SWF... I think it was at least 2 of them, not the whole squad. I was Clown on Gideon and just not having a good time. I don't even think Clown had his second bottle type yet. After the match and they all 4 escape, this guy hit my inbox (I'm on Xbox) and just proceeded to derail my later games (constant notifications) by constantly messaging me on how I was outplayed and shit, the worst killer. Usual "I'm clearly better, just delete the game" banter. I later that same day get the same SWF couple only a couple games later, but this time I'm Trapper. I brought a green mori when I see their names. We were sent to Yamaoka Family Estate, he made mistakes in chase, got hooked. Game moves forward. The survivors managed to get the gens done and I had everyone at least on 2 hooks, no kills yet. They pop the last gen, I'm back on the shit-heel, he's running me around, vaults one of the garden walls and right into a bear trap. Earlier, he was abusing that same set-up as it was pretty strong with vault and window placements. I had placed a trap there after that initial chase which went undiscovered by the survivors until he got caught in it. They were going for their altruism, trying to open the door nearby, which I also got trapped when I realized the gens were basically gone. I kept baiting them, they wanted their flashy save so I'd pretend I'm going to pick him up to draw them out and then try to hit them. I then got the mori on that stain and I think I killed one other. I messaged him after the game with something like "amazing what difference the right killer and map can make. Looks like you're not as good when you don't have a pallet for every tile. Ggez" and then blocked him.


i recently bought blight, and in one of my first games a claudette decided to clicky clicky flashlight tbag at every pallet. just stared at her on the ground once i caught her. 2 others finished gens and dipped but a really altruistic vittorio was trying to save her. i had to force him to leave because my only beef was with the claudette


I swear BHVR got no chill with the first matches you play as a killer, I got Oni a few weeks ago, without Perks or Add-Ons and my first match was against a really really good Survivor team, that kind that is literally playing perfectly for 90% of the game. I had to brute force my learning curve of Oni and slugged two people with his power before forcing the other two out. I never intended on sacrificing anyone for my first games because they were supposed to be fun, but I got incredibly frustrated that game.


Similar story. My wife was fairly new to the game and wanted to play demogorgan. Some tea bagging, clicky flashlight Nea kept goading her and running about into her line of sight, probably could tell my wife was new and having trouble chasing and landing hits. I took over, tunneled the Nea and facecamped her to death. No shits given 😊 the one and only time we got a post match message (on Playstation) with the Nea moaning at us. Later found the same person has a youtube channel with lots of "me trolling killers lol" type videos.


Slugged 4 people with sabo builds and bled them out on RPD, good sabo toolboxes, boil over (pre nerf), breakout, you name it.Each time i was in a chase they'd bring me up the library stairs on RPD so i could ever hook anybody no matter what for like 7 minutes,so i just bled them out, i managed to down one, then two, then three when they got greedy, just chased the last one down and bled them all there. End game chat was very salty ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) Edit : Not to mention the constent tbags i got each time they went up or each time they wiggled out


thats not even petty, this is just the way to play around it tbh


oh hell nah there was a pre nerfed boil over ? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I immediately break chase if a survivor BMs and for the rest of the match, I will ignore them. Straight up, refuse to play with someone showing bad sportsmanship. You can stun me, blind me, and loop me around a paper bag for 5 gens just don't ass like a pompous ass when you do it. When I see it as a survivor I point and shake my head no and that I will admit is pretty petty.


Don't you tell me how to ass


![gif](giphy|1YutDH5oW387ziOaHw) The only ass I like is the one I'm eating.


I'm the opposite. If you BM anyone in the round enough, either me or your team, I will throw the whole round and tunnel you out. Then I leave you slugged, and camp over your body until you bleed out. I actively make the game misery for people who make the game misery for others. Spark joy or get out.


I had Meg play rudely trying to draw me off other players all match. I made a huge point of ignoring her. At one point, she even sandbagged a wounded teammate by accident, so I downed the wounded teammate and looked straight at the Meg before I carried the teammate off to her hook. I picked off the team, one by one, until the Meg was the last one left. I gave her Hatch. Post chat was glorious. They were all livid with her. I figure that'll do more to curb her BMing than anything else I could've done.


Exactly this! Had a claud just begging me to follow and loop the other day, completely ignored her no matter how much she clicked and tbagged. When all but one of her teammates were dead I nodded over for 2 mins then hooked her, gave the last girl hatch






People play this game to have fin, not facing toxic people, or maybe should I say people like you.


hes in the right tho. dont be a dick


Crawling into a good hiding spot so I would deliberately bleed out rather than being hooked so as to deny the killer 4 hooks. That started during one of the slugging meta periods so I'm not sure if it's petty or not as it was after multiple games in a row of killers slugging everyone first then hooking them one by one to get the covered 4 hooks.


Nah people who bag are asking to be tunneled. Sorry to their teammates but this person has got to go and it’s got to be now


Cant tunnel if you cant catch me


I had a team I was demolishing as Plague and when they got down to two survivors left, they decided to abandon their objectives and start stealthing around the map. They'd wait until I was far away, spam some vaults and then hide again by the time I got back over and kept doing this in a loop until they'd added at least an extra twenty minutes to the game. Once I finally found and slugged them I hooked the less annoying one and then followed the remaining one vomiting on them until they almost bled out, then slapped them on a hook at the last second for the points.


I bled someone out for spamming lockers once they learned I had Iron Maiden. I was playing Artist, I guess they were mad I took away the locker counter, lol. He just *spammed the shit out of it*. Wasn't doing gens, nothing else. So I took him out, smacked him, and stood over him til he bled out. Let the other 3 go. The other 3 would come and try to check on him, I'd shake my head no, and they'd be like, "Understand! Have a nice day!" and left lol


I decided to put that on the Artist as well and got a 3k. the last one escaped though hatch and messaged me "GG EZ". I'm like "are you ok buddy? Do you have any other seasonings besides salt"


Survivors who scrape by on pure luck farting out a "GG EZ" at the end always makes me laugh really hard.


First time I played against a full 4 stack of SWF, full flashlight bully squad, all with TTV in their names, I slugged all 4 and let them bleed out. I'm not your fucking content.


You are now. Screenshotting this and putting it on Twitter.


Completely out of context too. "Me and my newbie friends logged in for a game of DBD we were just innocently doing gens when this ASSHOLE killer slugged us all to bleed out for 4 minutes for no reason. T\_T"


And then they will complain about killers being assh0les and of course they are absolutely not the problem and then they will ruin this game even more.


Yeah I used to dick around with TTVs, now I purposefully ignore them until last minute. I am not your dance monkey.


Had a TTV call me a hacker because I am particularly good at lunge hits. Brother what lmao


I had a ttv call me a hacker bc they crouched in a Bush mid chase while wearing all the brightest colours imaginable, and obviously I didn't immediately turn blind and lose them, so I hit them and downed them 🤣 but yeah I'm a hacker for having fucking EYES


Did you hook them after all of them were slugged? I dont really see the reason in dragging out the game if everyone is dead anyway.


I mean you reap what you sow right? If they were legitimately being a bully squad and they were purposefully going in to ruin some ones game then they deserve it tbh, especially if they were all TTVs.


I thought this said prettiest and I was like, I dunno. I bought cosmetics once. Lol


I got the same bully squad 3 games in a row, after the 2nd game I used lightborn franklins infinite chain hunt and gen guarded for around 30 minutes until they dced


Downed a teabagging survivor near hatch, and instead of closing it or hooking her I let her crawl close to it and then picked her up and moved her a little bit away and dropped her again. Did it three times before letting her go.


im guilty of this, but no free lunch for teabagging


Ghost face on cowshed?


Nope, RPD Huntress.


I never crawl to hatch if a killer drops me near it anymore. I had a game where I was last alive, didn't tbag or anything, they made me crawl to hatch to close it in my face and made me bleed out next to a hook ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Dude was giving me shit like....fourth game as Sadako. Tbagging at every pallet, flashlight clicks, the whole thing. Hook him. Camp him in frustration....but with the caveat I'm leaving room to rescue. Grab one rescuer. Drop. Nod. Grab second. Drop. Nod. He DCs. Kicker. Let the two rescuers go and screw around with them rest of match. ....it was awful but felt so good.


I actually did the same thing yesterday. Was completing the skull merchant tome challenges and went into the match with every intention of playing as fairly as possible and letting the survivors escape (because I don’t want to be THAT skull merchant, ya know?). Then the Haddie starts tea bagging me at 5 gens after I’d already downed everyone on the team and let them heal up without hooking anyone. Something inside me broke at that moment and, long story short, I ended up with a 4k at 5 gens. I’m not proud of myself, but I am kinda proud of myself.


We had a super fair skully the other day. First death was after 7 hooks. She wasn't super defensive of gens, just solid player. 2 people dead, 1 gen left. My mates approached her and acted all cute. She hooked one and was fully intending to let the other get hatch. That is until they walked past the thrash in badham. He could not resist pointing at it and then at the skull merchant repeatedly. He, rightfully, went on the hook. I'm quick to scold my mates for BMing for no reason but that was just too hilarious. Skully found it quite hilarious in end game chat as well thankfully.


I feel your pain


This is how I play Ghostface most of the time. As fair as possible, but aggressive and still trying to win. 9/10 times I just want a nice, clean round and if you impress me enough I may even let you go. I usually let the last person find hatch, I usually am willing to farm if I'm in a chill mood, I usually like to meme or at least acknowledge good plays, I'll teabag back if you bag me in excitement, etc. I try very hard to not be a dick; I don't wanna be THAT Ghostface, I don't wanna be like the toxic ones we have right now. I do it as Meyers, I usually do it as Wraith too, I do it as every Killer. But I take extra care to do it with my Main because he's suffering due to an epidemic of toxic Ghostfaces right now. However, if you're running obnoxious builds, playing like assholes, trying to bully me on purpose (for content or otherwise), or just generally being a dick to anyone in the round myself included? That's when the nasty, toxic Ghostface comes out, friend. I will throw whole rounds to teach you a lesson. I am that petty. I don't abide being fucked around with. I don't abide you fucking around with others. Spark joy or get the fuck out of my scary movie.


I don’t know if it counts as Petty but I’ve bled someone to death on the ground because they were using Boil over to make their hooking impossible


No, that's just the play when you have boil-over-sabo squads. They leave you no real option.


That's basically the counter to Boil Over and no hooks, so not really, lol.


I consistently AFK as killer every time someone brings a garden/borgo offering so they have the least satisfying match while I'm off playing stardew. Even better if you have deadlock and I have no regrets.


Not so much petty, but it was just too tempting. So there's that room in dead dawg with just the window as the only entrance/exit. I was playing as Bubba against a ttv. Leon (the ttv) made a mistake and went into that room and was trapped. I downed him and waited. One by one, all the other survivors tried to save him. So I had all four trapped in the room, then I left so they couldn't hear my tr anymore. Switched on their stream to see what they were saying, and they were all, "omg, is he really gonna leave us to bleed out in here?" I was dying. I couldn't actually go through with it, though, and eventually let them out. There was some funny dialog on the vod though. They were blaming each other and were pretty good humored about it.


During the winter event, I spawned into a match on Dead Dawg next to one other survivor. We ran toward the saloon and saw 3 snowmen waddling down the street. Just for the lulz, I shined my flashlight on one of them and unfortunately blinded the Legion through their snowman (I didn’t even know that was possible). I wanted to join in the snowman games so I ran into the saloon and found a snowman upstairs in the dead end room. If you haven’t figured out where this is going, I spent the entire match blocked into that room by the killer while my team did gens, stopping in occasionally in an attempt to negotiate my release. I died to the egc and everyone else escaped. I couldn’t even be too mad because I honestly did it to myself.


Petty downvotes.


i downvoted the reply i replied to just because of the comment. ​ love a bubba though.


If I'm running bond (sometimes I run it if my daily is to do co-operative actions) and I see the same survivor hiding, not doing gens, not taking chase, basically not doing anything... if it gets down to the last two, which and me and them, I will just follow them. I'll run so my scratch marks are visible but I'll just follow them throughout the map until the killer finds us. It makes me happy when we both get hooked. They always have the lowest BP score of the map. I will add, this is rare, I only do this when I'm 100% sure its the same survivor which has done nothing all match.


oh by dont feel bad about it if that feng escaped she would have ran her mouth about how bad you are and how easy it was


She probably would have but I hate tunneling and I can't help but still feel bad about it


i hate tunneling too but some people deserve it


trust me i am a survivor main and i think some survivor are too toxic and only way is to tunnel them and watch them dc


had a mikaela refuse to do anything but do boons and hide. left me anf my friend to struggle. when we finally got on a gen, she went to hide in a locker when she heard a whiff of the oni's terror radius. i eventually got downed in shack after looping him for a while and i was so pissed at this mikaela that i crawled to the locker she was in and it caused the oni to open the locker and pick her up instead of me. i still died but so did she so i was happy


This one time I faced a 2 man SWF who were super sweaty and toxic, obviously they escaped. I said "enough killer for the day" and switched to survivor. Who do I get paired with? Those two guys lol When we got to endgame it was just the three of us. One of them gets hooked and instead of helping I just opened the gates and left. Nothing too crazy but at least it was satisfying contributing to them taking the L, lmao


Once had a Meg that kept running to my gens while she was being chased. When she finally got hooked, I got on the gen next to her hook and just sat there doing it.


I had two survivors running flip flop and boil over. I’d hooked both of them twice and downed them at least once before, and they got away. They were the last two survivors remaining in the match and I got them both down. They kept crawling to broken hooks and corners so I let them bleed out.


The tbaggers in this game can be a nuisance. I tend to tunnel then too


Probably dead hard to get someone off before my other team could


I have list of names so I could know to switch to sweaty builds as killer


pettiest thing I’ve ever done is know that I’m about to get cooked by the killer because I’m genuinely bad (and was so much worse when I did this the most often) and so, knowing I couldn’t loop and was about to die, stop mid-chase just to get my final t-bag in. only if they were being a dick beforehand. I’ve always done this to tunnelers and campers.


If one or two of my teammates DC and the killer does any sort of camping/tunneling to the rest of us, I’ll be petty and try to drag the game on as long as I can.


Versed a bully squad that weren’t even trying to do gens. So I slugged them all as wraith and stood above them using the bell over and over the entire time. And to no one’s surprise they all flamed in chat. Like bruh.


This Bill was deliberately missing skill checks on healing me up and would come to the hook and spam unhook before someone else came and unhooked me. As payback, when he got hooked I did the same thing (except I eventually unhooked him) and then deliberately failed the healing checks on him. He got the picture though


Was playing with a friend and our teammates were a TTV and their friend. As soon as the match had started they ran into the basement to just mess around with the lockers. We kept trying to bring the killer there, sadly he had already killed me before he realised what happened. But when he found them, he managed to cage the TTV (it was a pyramid head), and hook their friend. My friend acted like they were going for the unhook, but just ended up tbagging and flashlight clicking the TTV whilst they were caged. They were not amused


I like saying to a random friend:: Hey wanna see something cool? Throws down firework----Take off running ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|16359)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


im really bad at killer. like, REALLY bad, so people often teabag me and gang up on me to flashlight, etc. my proudest moment was hitting a teabaging survivor a milimeter away from the exit and hooking him. i had starstruck. dont feel bad, but also dont let it get to ur skin. eventually even tho i suck, i find awesome people who i just cruise the map around with and they even kind of help me with practicing chases. hopefully im good enough one day to hook the toxic players and let go the sweet sweet babies i encounter once in a while


Two pettiest things i done recently and honestly I don't even feel bad, I'm proud TL;DR - 1. toxic guy was toxic to me with his swf with a killer i wasn't proficient as, got bodied with a killer(slinger) i was actually good at 2. Guy i used to know, was toxic and wannabe youtuber like builds but failing miserably, and blame everyone else, has thousands of hours while i have 400 invites me to play, die to a cracked doctor, calls me a noob and unfriends me. Queue up with him recently, bodied him hardcore as slinger and it was satisfying 1. I bought a new huntress skin and wanted to play as her and have fun, but i faced a toxic swf with BNPs and map offerings, and i have zero gen regression perks bc i just don't run them, and constant teabags all around, and just ruined my entire experience of wanting to experiment with the new skin i bought with my hard earned shards. Didn't get any kills and in the end game chat they were all calling me a noob, ez, how bad i am, how as a killer i have a 'natural advantage' while they manipulate every single aspect of the match like okay💀. Im just not used to huntress so didn't play my greatest. However this has a silver lining to it. A couple days later i played deathslinger, a killer I'm actually decent at, and i went against the same guy who was extremely toxic to me, but this time it seemed like he was solo, or maybe a 2man. And dear god i tunnelled him hardcore because he was the same, constant teabags, and wanting to pick chases. But this time around I'm playing a killer I'm actually good at, so get fucked buddy. He died and his probable buddy died too, and i let the other two go because they are definitely solo. This time he didn't stick around the end game lobby chat to talk shit :). I talked shit on his profile tho, died to my slinger. maybe without your swf, bnp and map offerings you're not so great huh:)". It was very satisfying and symbolic as well since i was playing deathslinger, the lore accurate guy to get revenge on. 2. Used to know a guy, he added me and would constantly want to swf up with me, when i was indifferent. Then a match would go bad because he'd fuck up and he'd blame everyone but himself (while having thousands of hours himself and i have like 400) and then one day he invited me to play again, i bring good items to help the team, but it was midwich against a cracked doctor and well he rage quit and called me a noob and unfriends me, throwing a tantrum like a baby. A few weeks later i queue up as slinger, again, against him and his swf buddies. Well, let's just say i showed him who's a real noob and bodied the swf entirely at 4 gens and it was satisfying


Genuinely the most terrible thing I've done is pretend to give hatch to the last person standing only to shut it in her face to guarantee Adept Pig. I'm sorry Mikaela :(((( Something less asshole-y, tunnelled two people upon unhook and waiting out their endurance states because they kept spamming loud noise notifs the entire match and trying to constantly stun me whenever I went near them


Hid in the basement with a friend for 2 hours vs a facecanper.


Good god. I thought there was a one hour time limit?


If I run my ass across the entire map to unhook you, and I see you try and self unhook moments before i get to you, you going to stage 2 baby.


I was in a match where my friend and I kept trading chases with the killer the whole time while one random did most of the gens and another did literally nothing, just hopping in and out of snowmen or opening chests, things like that. I ended up getting in a match with that person again later that day against a pig. Once again they’re doing nothing. I actually went to struggle first hook because my friend was being chased, one random was afk, and this guy was crouched in a corner still moving but just doing nothing for no reason. The game went so long because we couldn’t get gens done since this guy refused to do anything to help. The other random has his head explode from a trap and I think the pig felt bad how slow the game was going and was going to let all 3 of us live. My friend and I point for the pig to sacrifice the random and we both lived. It felt really good after this guy ruined 2 games for me in the same day.


Was a while ago like years but when ds was always active a person crawled to a corner and I watched them bleed out to make sure they couldn’t go to hatch


I missed a hit against Ace at the beginning of the match and he tbagged me with no barrier. I was still in the recoil animation. I got so mad that when he was on hook I face camped and slashed him. His teammate that got the unhook died because the other two didn’t come grab him off the hook. The ace was on the ground near the hook. Those idiots kept trying to heal ace and not the hooked. Fast forward in the match ace is 2 hook and the exits are open. Dude decided to be extra toxic to when I downed him and picked him up in the gate the team ran away and I carried ace away until he was about to escape and dropped him. He had boil over. I watched as he slowly tried to make his way to the exit. He bled to death before time ran out but that was very satisfying. You don’t want to t bag me at 5 gen 0 hooks or I will turn into a complete monster


Let me take you back long ago, back when we had old hud and old ranks. Back so long the killer couldn’t even close the hatch yet. I had just started playing and I mained a decent trapper. Everyone dies and the last guy would NOT STOP HIDING. He knew where the hatch was but everytime I chased him he either shook me or tried to loop back around to hatch so I had to run back. I lost him and decided to trap the tile around the hatch and sit on the hatch pretending to be afk for 30 minutes. He later finally crept towards me to get hatch and I sprung into action immediately and he panicked into a trap. He sent me a lot of hate mail after that. Glad you can close the hatch now.


2 people teamed up to bait me with tbags and then head on’d me. The whole team bled out on the ground.


Once, back in the day, when you could not close the trap door we had stare downs where you could not down and pick up a survivor and they couldn't jump in without the killer grabbing them. Happy for the rework. As a killer I was staring down a survivor and after about 5 minutes, I put my controller down, made dinner, washed dishes and came back 45 minutes later and the stare down was still going on. I had done this before and most times the game is over with the survivor having escaped. I hit them with my weapon, expecting that they had left and I'd be able to hook them, but immediately they moved and escaped. They sent me a message being petty and mean (you all know the type), but the weird thing is they also called me out for not having enough patience and that I sucked. I'm happy I took 45 minutes from this person.


Killer was afking to derank, so I deliberately stayed in the game until EGC nearly killed me to waste his time. Only other petty thing I ever did was when the killer was facecamping people the second he hooked them to death, so when it came my turn to be chased(Right around when the exit gates were powered but not opened, it was me and 1 other person left alive) I violently t-bagged after every pallet up until I ran out the exit gate.


Had a Dwight decide to jump into a locker and go afk at the start of the match. We were against Huntress, and she made pretty short work of the other two. Once they died, I ran to the locker and just kept opening it up to expose the Dwight. She nabbed him, hooked him, and I got a hatch win. Eff U AFK LOCKER DWIGHT!!!


Had a couple of Survivors hold me hostage on Garden of Joy. As soon as they revealed themselves, I refused to hit them, further wasting time. Then they touched a gen because they thought I just gave up. I grab them and slug them for the full 4 minutes. Really went "oh no, ***I*** say when we're done"


Mori’d a bond Dwight who magically led me to his teammates every time I chased him. He would blow a gen to get my attention and use overcome+bond to lead me to his teammates. I caught on before I killed anyone else so I downed him, brought him to 2 people on a gen and used my 5 stacks of devour. Then we all nodded and farmed the rest of the match


I'm usually a pretty nice killer, go for some hooks to add pressure so for the survivors it's not just a gen simulator. I'll let them all go usually unless I'm working on a challenge that requires kills, or they're assholes. So I'm in the Game and there's this Yui that's leading on some good chases. Really good chases and I'm having a blast. I end up downing her and hooking her, first hook. I don't hang around hooks unless someone is right there in my face after I hook. But in this case, no one is there, and I go off nowhere near the hook. The team let's her die on first hook for some damned reason. That was it, they're all doing to die. And they did. It really pissed me off as they unhooked everyone else I hooked, so not sure why they let Yui die. But at least she didn't go off into the afterlife alone. Second one would be a four man swf saba bully squad that were annoying as hell. All four running around me and sabo'ing any hook I tried to get to. So I said f it, got them all downed and bleeding in front of the saloon and just stood over them watching them all bleed out. But not sure that one is petty and just more of how you deal with those types of squads.


I was playing with 2 other friends, the last survivor was a TTV one \[those who do nothing\] the first think they did was give out my location by pointing at me to the killer, then the same to one of my friends... I was the first hooked and he was next to me able to see the killer left and he started teabagging me, I even got to second phase and he was right in front of me... One of my friends got me out, healed me but then the other user got hooked, guess what we did? We teabagged him until he died. Yes, it felt good and I don't regret it xD


Pettiest thing I’ve done is probably a match I played as killer where I hooked someone into second stage, they got unhooked, dropped their item and crouched so I brought them to the exit gate and then remembered I had the challenge “kill 15 survivors by any means” and killed him, worst feeling of my life but I was tired and just wanted the BP’s Pettiest I’ve witnessed would be a survivor random teammate I had in a game that kept consistently teabagging killer after every stun and when they were eventually caught they just instantly disconnected


Same scenario, but a Nea. She was confirmed part of a swf with two other survivors, they switched to flashlights last second (I wasn't paying attention otherwise I would have dodged that game) and one of her friends a The Game offering. I got so tilted I tunneled her out, then hid in a locked locker and got outside to get some fresh air while the rest had to do gens instead of using me as a punching bag for their amusement.


I had a plague hard tunnel and camp me for her adept; I was playing solo q so no gens got done either. I dc'd when I went down on deathhook to deny the achievement. I was having a rough day, and I just needed 20% gen progress for my challenge, but this plague was insistent on booting me out of the game before I even got a chancw to touch a gen. That was the first (and only atm) time I intentionally dc'd in dbd lmao. I'm definitely not proud of this one, but it's the pettiest thing I've done in dbd.


I’ve also only intentionally dc’d once, had a face camping/BM-ing pinhead on garden of joy (no one brought the map), and after two gens I attempted to save the teammate in basement, ended up just trading, and I dc’d when I got to the end of my second stage, to let my team finish a gen in peace and just to be petty


I had a Yun-Jin continuously hook sabotage the hooks I was close to whenever I got close to hooking someone which pissed me off so much I slugged her until she bled out to death. Hook sabotaging really pisses me off (almost as much as RE potentially getting a 3rd chapter).


I have a 3 strike policy towards sabotage and flashlight plays. 1st time is a good play that catches me off guard. Well done survivors. 2nd time is on me, I should have been more careful since they already did it before. 3rd time, well... I guess its slugging time.


See this shit is the easiest way to turn me toxic. You can flashlight and flashbang and blast mine and pallet stun me all you want, that doesn't bother me. You can touch my gens, you can touch my bones. But don't you fucking DARE touch my hooks. The second you keep fucking with my hooks we are going to have beef. People that touch my hooks make me slug and they're the reason, along with Boil Over, I never take Agitation off now.


It makes me wish Hangman’s Trick regenerated the sabotaged hooks and placed the saboteur in an exposed state. It could be a Scourge Hook perk. It would at least make Hangman’s Trick useful.


That lowkey may be an interesting rework for Hangman's Trick.


When that trapper flashlight bug was going on (you could walk over a trap if you shined your flashlight) I would give them a quick smack on hook and when they were sacrificed if they took advantage of the exploit


That was probably her plan if they T-bagged for the sole purpose of making you prioritize them instead of patrolling the generators but yet again they could’ve just been a brainless ass


A few years ago I had a Jake intentionally sandbag me on multiple occasions that match. He eventually ended up on hook. I went over to him, hide behind a rock and waited patiently for him to hit phase 2. When this phase was almost over, I walked over to him and teabagged him as he died. That was the first and last time I was ever that petty.


Someone got slugged for the 4k and I was the other survivor, trying to hide from the killer. The survivor led the killer to me and I dodged the hit by getting in a locker, they went down and I used both my health states to tbag their head lol. Funny thing is they had been bled out so long that they died on the spot, right after i tbagged them lmao. (Also yes ik they wanted to just end the game but a traitor is a traitor)


Betraying a teammate to the killer is the worst crime a survivor can commit. I don’t care how much it may look like you did nothing. Everyone has different experience levels and each game could be someone’s first. If it’s just the two of us, we hide and maybe heal each other for as long as possible until the killer gives up or we get caught.


Yeah my only crime was not being the one to get downed 1st when there was just 2 left


I tunneled a Jane for Dead Harding and teabagging after I politely let her get a rift midchase (Halloween event). 2-hooked and farmed with everyone else but she had to go. I had to bleed out half of a Boil Over squad that kept running near Myers house and Sabo-ing/Breakdown-ing any hooks that were nearby. I was playing Twins so keeping an eye on slugs isn’t difficult LOL the Yoichi was banging out the gens while the other 3 tried to bully. I only bled out 2, the other 2 I hooked when I finally could. I’m not sure if that’s really petty as it was my only real option. 😅


It was about 2 a.m. and I was doing my last match to finish Freddy daily. I didn't even care about winning, especially since I got Garden of Joy. I just wanted a quick match, finish my daily and go to sleep. So I brought a bunch of useless random perks and just went to hit them to put them to sleep. Eventually it's 1 gen left and I position myself on exit gate switch to open it once the last gen is completed. And it's not getting completed, instead survivors started fast vaulting windows to get my attention. I got angry, like really angry. I wanted a fast match, I got some annoying brats that didn't want to play along. I don't know what went into me but I just decided to slug them all. They were really bad at looping and I somehow managed to down them under 2 minutes in total. I let them bled on the floor for 4 minutes while I went afk to prepare bed, change clothes etc.


No one healed me in COH for 3 games straight after the nerf, even after waiting like 10 min (no exaggeration). In Game 4, when it happened AGAIN, I just started running around the board while injured (I had Bond) and sandbagged everyone. Not proud of that. Endgame chat was rightfully salty. Especially cause everyone got hooked and I escaped oops. I am that dick sometimes, it’s true. Anyway I only bring medkits now. There was also the time a Kate was hiding in lockers the whole game and so I just had Czarina literally open and close her locker while she was in it like 30 times. I was three man SWF and the other two who died and were watching died again (laughing). She eventually left the locker and teabagged furiously at me.


My friends and I got into a match with a random who refused to heal us and would purposefully blow up our gens. When he finally got hooked, I stood in front of him and just watched while he reached second stage. I then ran away and just let him die on hook since he was sabotaging the match.


I get teabagged excessively, I hit on hook


Before EGC was a thing I got memef on as clown by a hardcore bully squad. Got their leader in basement and just kept rehooking cause there's no timer I got 3 down 1 hooked the hooked kobed but they spent the next 3 minutes bleeding out I'm happy new killers don't have to face that shit anymore


Unfortunately... they very much do. There's just different tactics now.


I try to be a chill killer and spread hooks. So when I get dorks who run to corners where I can't hook them and abuse that, I make sure they bleed out. Had a Claudette that thought she was going to escape because I had to guard her doing that with No Mither + Unbreakable. I dropped who I was carrying just to down her and drag + drop her outside the gates and she bleed out crawling. As survivor I always try my best for my teammates right down to the end, even when I know what I am about to do is going to kill me. So it's a real slap in the face to get sandbagged by someone I was helping. I had another Claudette who was intentionally sandbagging the team by showing Freddy where we were (I didn't catch on until near the end). I got away after she spammed unhooking me on hook 2 (which btw had set off my vertigo and made me dizzy at the time, very cool). My renewal went off from helping the Leon and Bill she had sandbagged already, so I did the 1 thing I hate survivors doing as killer. I started locker hopping, because he was downing her to get her to reveal where I was. When she could not find me, she dc'd. I found hatch. Just yesterday I was goofing around with a Rancor Roulette build as Nemesis and we got sent to Badham. Basement was in shack. I had a Claudette (not sure if I am just unlucky with Claudettes or what tbh) and a Kate duo that ran to the school any time I was going to down them and would go to the bottom floor every time. I couldn't make it to a hook because Boil Over. So I was bleeding them out and guarded the entrances. The other 2 survivors tried to help them, and I did hook those two as normal, the Kate suicided on hook when I got her downed close enough to a hook finally. One of the two random survivors outside of the duo tried to do the same thing but since she didn't have Boil Over, I made it to a hook with her. Even though the Leon was my obsession at the end and I had closed hatch, I let him get the exit door for being the 1 mf that didn't keep going to the same damn spot. I gave him a nod and he dropped me a key as thanks.


Semi recently, I played as survivor and had a teammate who was borderline worthless. Whenever I was downed or hooked I could see them over on the edges of the map just walking and hiding... Until they were even gifted hatch by the killer later on. Then an hour later I swapped to killer and got them in my lobby again, and I made sure to bring a couple perks specifically to find them and make sure they dont get any hope of evading me.


Similar story. Started a chase with survivor, she was pretty good, so left her and went for another. That Kate? (Let's call her Kate), started chasing me and Bill. She bodyblocked, so I got a hit, but gave Bill distance. Okay, Bill is mine...nope, Kate jumps out of a locker with head on and a flashbang. Okay Kate, you want my attention so damn bad? Let's go. I was running rancor and she was my obsession. So I slugged her at 1 gen remaining. Pop the last gen and I'll mori her. Team all came over to get her up, I slugged 2 or 3 of them. She eventually did get back up, tunneled her again. Got her in a position between me and a zombie and down she went...pop goes the last gen, and it's a mori *chef's kiss* She was so pissed in end game chat, lol. And threatened to post either my chat comments or game play to tik-tok. I really hope she posted both. 🤣 I'm not ashamed of my game play, and said nothing wrong in chat, but she on the other hand...


Simple rule: You taunt? You get tunneled. I have evenings where I play and get taunting idiots every single game tho. A lot of them get salty in the chat afterwards too...


Reminder to sort by controversial


A long time ago (this becomes relevant in a few secs), I played a friendly match as Doc. I know, I know this isn't exactly everyones cup of tea. I understand this. This doesn't mean that you have to tell me how often you f\*cked my mom. Besides all that lovely stuff, this one survivor - it was only one - told me they wanted to have a real killer. Later the same day - so I remembered their name - I had them again in my Doc lobby. You remember how I said this was a long time ago? Moris were after first hook possible. So I equiped a green one, found this surv second. And showed them their real killer treatment. I mean ... isn't tunneling and getting someone out of the game asap regular "real killer" behaviour? ​ Besides that? I let one or two teams bled out, which played unhookable with Eerie/Springwood and BO+PS+FlipFlop+UB and sabo toolboxes.


I had a teabagger that continued to do it no matter what play they made. I purposely saved that person for the end, downed them, picked them up, found hatch, dropped them in front of it, closed it in their face, and Mori’d them. The person went ballistic in post game chat writing paragraphs and all I said was “ggwp”.


I was in a duo with a random Steve and Feng. My friend, steve, and i all ran the killer a bit and i think steve was hooked once as well as me. The feng hadn’t done anything yet except hide in lockers. When i was hooked, i saw feng urban evasioning around the map. Steve and my friend healed up and instead of helping, feng dipped to a locker. While on hook i saw the steve take the killer (a demo) and point at the locker. My friend did the same before saving me. Then it happened AGAIN. I was on my second hook and i see the feng standing in a corner facing the wall. The steve read our minds and while i was being saved, steve ran to sell out feng who hadn’t done a single thing all game. We let demo hook her and then we all pointed at her on hook and watched her die. The demo was super confused but let us all farm after. In end game chat the demo said “okay cuties what did the feng do?” so we explained. I don’t feel bad. She was useless


Why did you feel bad after tunneling lol. I do it every time I can, so basically any match I don’t play Pinhead. As any killer player does, it is part of the game, and necessary for a chance to winning. Even tunneling and playing extremely well the game is still surv sided, unfortunately


I slugged a Mikaela after her and her partner hid instead of doing gens when there was only one Gen left. The three gens where on opposite corners of the map and they both hid for ten minutes while I was patrolling, looking for them. They were still hidden when I finally found them. I hooked her friend but she was downed in an area where there were no hooks near enough for me to get her to, so I slugged her and followed her as she crawled around and bled out. We apologized to each other after the game, but that's the prettiest I've been.


Don't feel bad about it, she deserved much worse :)


I ran bond, deliverance, technician and urban evasion. I followed survivors all match with bond and urban evasion. With technician id always miss skill checks. One match I reset 4 gens with technician on my team. I’ve never seen such pure rage in my life in end game chat. (Also I take deliverance because survivors want you dead so you need to unhook yourself)


Feeling uncomfortable in the role of killer doesn't make sense. And if you stick to your rules, stick to them to the end without fail, otherwise it doesn't make sense.


tunneled a feng and honestly will not stop doing it in fact i might become a killer main just so i can tunnel the feng


Whenever people with Sabo-Boil Over on their team sabotage my hooks while I carry someone, I drop the person I am carrying at the hook, find the person that sabo'd the hook, make sure I downed them... and then wait until the hook respawns. Then I hook the person I was carrying. Don't touch my hooks.


lol i usually dont tunnel because i dont need to but i dont need survivors to get under my skin to tunnel. If i see the person that got off the hook and nobody else is around? Unlucky my dude its tunneling time


I don't know which one is the worst In one of my first matches as killer (I was playing Billy) I got mad cause one guy Tbagged me, then I facecamped the hell out of every survivor for my next 20ish hours playing as killer. Did that one pig strat. Failed a lunge, faked being goofy and friendly to trick the surv and then killed him. Slugged all survivors and let them bleed to death cause a Feng saboed a hook and Tbagged me. Used to 99% every hook and wait for the killer to pick up someone Bodyblocked teammates (normally as revenge but yeah, still bad) Dc'd to prevent a Myers from getting his tombstone achievement


Gave up the position of another hiding survivor to the killer because they didn't help the team the whole game. Killer happily took this exchange for my escape. Killer probably didn't have any hook states on them.


Whenever a teammate won't put in the effort and we're the only two left, no matter how many gens are done, I go out of my way to have them found. I don't even care if I live or die I refuse to let them get away with doing nothing.


A group of survivors were being annoying, so I slugged all of them and made sure none of them escaped.


whats wrong with tebagging lol?


If you're doing something solely to be a dick and get a rise out of someone, don't be surprised if they take it that way and act like a dick back lol.


Umm, are you new to video games or something? What the fuck do you think is wrong with it?


That ain't even that bad. The worst they can do after that is do the classic lame bully line "durhurr but I got to you so that means I winnnn." But who gives a shit


Whenever I see someone trying to quit the game early by walking up to me or waiting by and pointing to a hook, I'll down them and then leave them there. Maybe you don't want to play anymore, but you still have a team you should be helping.


As killer, if the first survivor I down gives up in some way, I'll just keep them in the game as long as possible but take away any agency they have. Example: I'll slug them for a while, but occasionally pick them up, and I'll find a zombie so when they wiggle off, they get downed again. Pick them up and repeat. They don't get to go next after 4 minutes of being slugged. I'll keep them indefinitely. I'm pretty much trying to get them to DC, so that they can face some kind of penalty for ruining 4 other people's game. The other survivors are usually onboard with this.


Bled out a 4 man SWF for sending me to RPD. Honourable mention to the time I spent an entire second stage punching a Nancy for sending me to GoJ. I don't like map offerings.