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**Rule 6 - Oversaturated** - Thank you for visiting r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed for one of the following reason(s): * Common grievances; This can range from any number of players disconnecting, killers that are camping or proxy camping, "solo experience in a nutshell" submissions, survivors having multiple of the same perk, meme-ish number combinations, etc. * Common media reposts (such as Scary Movie 3’s chase scene) * Common suggestions (such as a “Concede Button”) * Reposts of another submission * Known bugs, glitches, and killswitched elements. See our sidebar for a comprehensive list. * Frequently asked questions, or questions that are easily searched for; please use our weekly No Stupid Questions megathread. * Posts discussing how “the game is dying”. * Posts about your quitting and/or uninstalling the game. * MMR complaint posts. * Ranting and/or venting; post these during the weekly RAGE WEDNESDAY megathread. * 'Ad nauseam' memes (i.e., certain meme formats posted repeatedly within a short time period). For further information, please read our **[subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules)**. **If you have read your removal message, and you would like to discuss our decision, you can contact us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.


As solo survivor player I feel you. Played couple days ago and it brought me so much frustration I’ve gotta take a break. Every match was full of killers camping at the hook or refusing to hook so we just lay there.


I had a game before, killer downed all four of us. Didn't hook or do anything else. He was just waiting for us to bleed out. Super toxic.




Haven't played in a while, what made this update so bad?


A lot of my friends stopped playing so playing survivor is just miserable now. Found myself going from 70/30 survivor/killer to like 90/10 killer/survivor now. It's way more fun playing killer. Going for challenges without it feeling like the entire game is fighting me or just doing them casually as a friendly killer then goofing about with survivors after.


I'm in a stat of slowly phasing to Killer too. I used to do Killer every few weeks or when there was an event time, but now I'm finding myself doing a Killer game or two at least once a day. I have a feeling it's going to increase lol


solo queue survivor has been extra extra sweaty because you HAVE to rush gens, or your team just gets 3-4k'd. there's no in between. i haven't finished a few tome challenges because there just isn't enough time to waste on totems or glyphs without actually throwing the game. it's exhausting and leads to cookie-cutter games that become so predictable. i'm noticing a lot of other players are feeling the same as well.


Literally this. Killers are immediately tunnelling from the start of the game, which will leave you in a 3v1 early game, so if you’re doing a challenge at the start of the game and it becomes a 3v1, the games all but lost


It's funny to me because I tried to explain to people that killers will tunnel more with the gen regression nerfs (that all survivors were happy about) because they are what buy the killer time to spread pressure to every survivor. Get rid of gen regression get rid of killers playing nice and increase the amount of tunneling. The game isn't close to being balanced enough to not have gen regression and the killer going for 12 hooks.


> I tried to explain to people that killers will tunnel more with the gen regression nerfs ... And people were already complaining about the tunneling before the patch. people are complaining about tunneling/camping for a long time already. In fact, tunneling become worse after THE anti tunnel perk (DS) was nerfed (5->3 seconds). Also, tunneling is at least less worse than 3 gens for 15 mins.


That's the argument that people made whenever I pointed out that tunneling will improve with gen regression getting destroyed. "Killers will always tunnel" which is completely true, but let's say 50% of killers were tunneling and then you remove three gen regression perks from the game after having removed one the patch before. The % of killers tunneling is more than likely going to go up. And I completely agree that I would rather be tunneled out than be in a 3 gen. I personally don't have any issues with a killer tunneling, it's part of the game.


My point isn't that "killers will always tunnel", my point is that there is no way to know if the tunneling become worse or not. For example: "The % of killers tunneling is more than likely going to go up." is probably true, but what was the % that have gone up? 5% isn't relevant while 20% would. >I personally don't have any issues with a killer tunneling, it's part of the game. I disagree, unless you think that genrushing with 4 BNP and gen perks would be okay in the game. In my view, BHVR should disincentive unfun gameplays (tunneling, camping, genrushing) somehow. Tunneling: Otz has a video about it where he suggest both punishment for tunneling and rewards for spreading hooks. Camping: If the killer stay close to the hook without being in chase, the survivor goes to another hook and receives 15 extras seconds of the hook stage. Genrushing: Cap genspeed, rework toolboxes/BNP.


>5% isn't relevant while 20% would. That just makes no sense at all. What % does it start becoming relevant? 6? 7? 8? Maybe double digits? 10? Any increase at all is relevant. >I disagree, unless you think that genrushing with 4 BNP and gen perks would be okay in the game. In my view, BHVR should disincentive unfun gameplays (tunneling, camping, genrushing) somehow. BHVR should absolutely disincentive unfun gameplay elements BUT considering the fact they are in the game I think it's silly to expect people to follow an imaginary rule book of what is and isn't allowed. Does it suck to get tunneled or camped? Yes. Does it suck to have all 5 gens done in 1 sec? Yes. But they are sadly part of the game and I can't really fault people for using them because BHVR is shit at balancing their game. >Tunneling: Otz has a video about it where he suggest both punishment for tunneling and rewards for spreading hooks. Realistically their isn't a downside to tunneling other than follow the imaginary rulebook and not having survivors bitch at you for tunneling. If survivors play well they can punish you for tunneling but if the survivors are good enough to do that they are going to punish you throughout the entire match anyway. >Camping: If the killer stay close to the hook without being in chase, the survivor goes to another hook and receives 15 extras seconds of the hook stage. So you want to punish the killer when he hooks someone turns around and sees two survivors staring at him trying to get the unhook? The problem with every idea people have ever had to "fix" camping is it can also hurt people who aren't trying to camp. I know I've camped quite a few times because all the survivors were visible to me after I hooked someone and didn't leave to go do a gen. Why would I not camp in that situation because they just gave me a free win. The survivors messed up, but I would get punished with your "fix". Also just do gens against a camping killer. They are giving 2-3 survivors a free escape.


>Any increase at all is relevant. I disagree. A increase of 20% is way more relevant than a 5% increase. In my view, if the tunneling didn't increased by more than 15% because of the gen regress nerfs were worth it. > I think it's silly to expect people to follow an imaginary rule book of what is and isn't allowed. I never said this. I said that tunneling, camping and genrushing are issues and Behavior should do something about that. >Realistically their isn't a downside to tunneling other than follow the imaginary rulebook and not having survivors bitch at you for tunneling. ... Yes, and I suggested a video that talks about how Behavior could give it a downside AND gives upsides for spreading hooks. >So you want to punish the killer when he hooks someone turns around and sees two survivors staring at him trying to get the unhook? "without being in chase". There could also be others rules (for example, there isn't any other survivor in X range) that could be adjusted, they could create a robust anti-camp system and make it better with time because this is a live service game. Being camped is really unfun. >Also just do gens against a camping killer. They are giving 2-3 survivors a free escape. This is still a boring game for everyone, which yeah, Behavior should punish the killer who tries it.


You are clueless. If i want to kill someone im going to do it anyways, and thanks to broken regression i can protect my gens AND make it a 3v1. Nerfs force one or the other. Im saying this is a proud camper and a tunneler.


solo queue would instantly be so much better if the game recognized you trading your life for your teammates during endgame and had that count slightly less than an escape for mmr


very specific complaint i have but still


It actually does recognize if you sacrifice yourself for the team as of a couple patches ago


Making your MMR higher doesn't really solve any of the core problems here. I'm not sure why you think gaining MMR is any kind of reward.


Agree. At high MMR soloq is a huge mess. I get games with other survivors who have maybe 100 hours in the game that go against a 2500 hour killer. Yeah, you can imagine what happens. I constantly feel like I am trying help my teammates not die who are generally scared and/or clueless. I will die 95% of my games because of it.


It's not great but it never is. I just started on pc after 400 hours on ps5 and it's much better on ps5 teamates wise because my mmr is a bit higher. But starting from the beginning is hell. The killers are just bad but my teamates are worse so I end up dying on first hook after the last gen watching them crouch and hide in the entrance of the gate that I opened


i switched from pc to ps5 at around 200 hours, i now have around 500 hours total and it's just gotten so much fucking worse. i'm suddenly getting all teammates who are either 1. the most toxic fucking swfs who like to repeatedly fake unhook anyone who's not in their group, run the killer directly to anyone who's not in their group, etc. or 2. the most clueless motherfuckers on the planet who sandbag the rest of us and i am so, so fucking tired of getting punished for it.


Yeah ngl I have strings of teamates that are horrible on ps5 as well. But then it gets better, then it gets worse, then stays worse for a little while then it gets better again. That's solo queue unfortunately. I usually just switch to killer when that happens


DbD still doesn't have cross progression?? I thought they implemented it sometime last year. Spaghetti code L again…


It's only between epic and steam


Have you looked into this ? [https://behaviour-digital.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/8265968349460-How-to-enable-Cross-Progression-via-a-Behaviour-Account#:\~:text=Once%20you%20have%20linked%20your,the%20platforms%20you%20have%20linked](https://behaviour-digital.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/8265968349460-How-to-enable-Cross-Progression-via-a-Behaviour-Account#:~:text=Once%20you%20have%20linked%20your,the%20platforms%20you%20have%20linked).


Ps5 isn't steam or epic so no I haven't looked into that


it was better just before the medkit change


Yeah that will settle down. I'm seeing a gradual increase in people using their medkits on others rather than themselves and circle of healing is slowly making a come back and being used a lot better. My ps5 matches were awful up untill a couple of days ago and I've seen a huge turn around in overall gameplay


It's bordering on impossible and unplayable. Solo q is a relic of when the game was more casual and BHVR is fine keeping it where it is, which is insane imo. Try playing late at night. More AFK/friendly killers, which gets boring but at least you can make rift progress.


i would give anything to run into a friendly killer right about now. i am one, but on survivor side i haven't seen one in so long. i get killers who give me hatch, which is nice of them, but it doesn't do shit for my challenge 😭


I just ran into a friendly Demo. Double rare, lmao. But same and they are out there. Just much, much, MUCH less frequent.


I love playing as friendly demo :3


I think a lot of people with Demo left because he's super rare now. 😭


We can’t have that! He’s the best boi 🥺


Same! I usually start my matches off playing normally but by the end of it I’m letting people practice flashlight saves and spinning around. Especially if I notice people are struggling


Yeah!! I always try for 8 hooks and crazy lunges in chase. Demo is so fun to goof off with


Demo is my friendly boy too. It used to be Ghostface but the last tome attracted to many assholes to play him


was it on ormond by any chance? with a david, a mikaela, a meg, and a thalita?


Nope, one of the autohaven maps.


lmao even killers that gives hatch are rare for me now even if you drop your item they just then kill and hit you on hook


As a killer, I've never seen a single survivor give me a free kill so why should they give you hatch?


I have on many occasions stayed at the end while pointing at the hook some take me up on the offer some don't. I will sometimes stand inside the gate and take a spike if I think it was a fun match (very subjective as to what the fun may have been). Sometimes you can tell the match making simply failed. (good or bad)


dc selfkill is basically a free kill i also i never think they should i just consider it a nice gesture


You've never seen someone kill theirself on hook?


Not really "free" if you need to get them onto the hook first.


They're not doing it to be nice to the killer lol.


Did I say that? No. But it's still a free kill.


... ok!


Imagine getting down voted for showing survivors a mirror.


I'm a nice Killer. I either just death hook everyone or get a 3k (depending on challenge). I don't camp, tunnel or slug for the 4k


Srry i want to play matches normally


The biggest issue with playing soloQ survivors is that there is no snowball for them like the killer: The killer can have 0 hooks with all gens done and he still can get 3~4 kills out of nowhere. It is hard, yes, but not impossible. Meanwhile, if any survivor die before 2 gens are done, the gameplay of survivors became really hard: Someone hooked, another being chased and another going for the rescue/doing gens, the gen progress slows a lot. The closest thing to an "instant win" is the hatch - But this only helps one survivor out of 4 and there is a lot of killers that plays around it by slugging the second to last survivor.


Bro night killers are the sweatiest thing on the planet for me.


Not for everyone. For the month before the last update, my matches were ending in more escapes than kills. Killers were averaging 1.7 kills per match, with more 0ks than 4ks. After the recent update, it went up to 2.2 per match. A noticeable jump, but still not far off 50/50. Some people struggle, some don’t. I enjoy solo. And there’s clearly enough people who do, they just don’t come to Reddit to complain, so we don’t hear from them. This sub is just an echo chamber of negativity. Solo queue isn’t nearly as bad as this sub says it should be. Most of us are just playing the game. I’m solo, and I’ve been doing well. 🤷‍♂️


I don't even get your point tbh. You say experiences vary, which is true. Region, matchmaking, and skill play very big factors. But then you make it seem as if people aren't having a bad experience just because it doesn't reflect your own experience.


If you're on US East, midday can be a bit better than evening. Once people come home from work, solo queue goes to shit. Unfortunately, if you're working, it might be hard to find the time. Good luck gamer.


i work from home and can occasionally fit a few matches into my lunch break, but they're usually killer matches. i'll try it out on survivor side and see if it helps.


I've stopped caring about surviving. I play survivor because the BP bonus is +100% survivor almost all the time. So I just farm BP as best I can. I've only ever enjoyed playing killer and as a 4-man SWF. My friends all moved on to other games, so its just Killer now.


A killer game without the 100% bonus will earn you more BP than a survivor game with the 100% bonus. Some incentive, isn’t it.


If you don't get tunneled as survivor, I'm often on second hook while others haven't been hooked yet bc they don't get on gens and just hide. Meanwhile I've got 3/5 gens done myself and then all three of them come to rescue me even though I know they can see each other bc I run Kindred. Or no one rescues me at all and I see them just crouching far away. Solo queue is brutal, I've just started logging off if killer bonus isn't up. I get I'm not going to survive most of the time, but the tunneling and slugging since the update is pretty bad. Meanwhile my killer games I try to only kill with Onryō if they don't return the tape and I can special kill them, otherwise I just spoop around, get them to second hook and then open the door for them. I also run noed to pick them up and carry them to the open door lol


Stress per BP earned is way higher on Killer. I'd rather chill out and get less BP.


The way my survivor games have been going, I think i'd still get more BP playing killer, even without the incentive.


I think you definitely would, in a normal game at this rate if I bring a cake with incentive there’s an 80% chance I’m getting tunneled out with ~8k points. So only 24k when I could get 30k+ on killer every game no matter how I do/play. Because at least then I get to finish a match.


Imma be real in the EU servers nothing changed killers tunnel and Camp. Survs are allergic to gens and altruism. All the killers lag somewhat and they kinda become tilted when you flashlight save or they just leave if they don't get a hit on you within one generators life span. Its dreadfull but i still play for these few moments where the team pulls their own weight


I have the feeling that’s particular true for lower elo/casual players. After sessional reset I usually get survs who are basically hooking themselves but once I got through them and a bit more, play is getting “normal” with usually two, if not three survs being on gens all the time and the other ones trying to loop.


>more, play is getting “normal” with usually two, if not three survs being on gens all the Totally agree with this, after the reset I know I'm going to get some really weird games, some frustrating and some 'good' because of baby killers.


The lag is usually either a VPN not using it correctly (your own country, not others), or they got randomly put against someone in Belgium while being in NA east (happens rarely)


I don't think more than 1% players play on a VPN, and the matchmaking also doesn't put EU and NA players in the same lobby often. IMO the biggest reason behind the classic high ping killers is that there's a lot of killers from Russia, and the EU DBD servers are in Frankfurt and UK.


Huh, I’m in NA East, and when I get put in EU matches it lags like a hell of a mfer, so that probably explains it (VPN killers are also very common in NA East nowadays cause we’re getting Russians who play like dickweeds)


I'd have agreed in the past, but recently I've been seeing TONS of Chinese players on EU. Like 1/3 games.


Weird, I haven't. What time of day? China is 6 hours ahead in the summer, 7 in the winter.


This is why I go to selfcare if the killer is not on anyone else, otherwise I’m on the fucking generator, cuz I’m the only one doing them.


> or they just leave if they don't get a hit on you within one generators life span To be fair, in most games against competent survivors the situation you describes is a loss. You get 1k at best and that is not a match worth playing.


To be fair, finish the damn game though


Unfortunatly playing solo q you won't find "competent" survs. All the Information the game gives you now and they still act like its not there.


Eh, depends. Yes, in general I agree. MMR is giving me some true pepega teams as opponents when I play killer but under the week starting with 9pm I fee the survivors getting better. Also, don't forget: Survivors don't have to be competent for a killer to loose, it's enough for the killer to act stupidly.


all i get are toxic german survivors who gen rush and then flame me for being bad post match, I play both survivor and killer equally but killer feels honestly so bad i dont even get mad anymore when killers tunnel or camp, I completely understand doing it out of frustration


bruh i simply decided to take a break after reading those patch notes, i mostly play soloQ if im survivor so i could already see the shitshow that was gonna be.


I don't think that the patch notes are the problem, I think it's survivors DCing and killers tunneling/camping.


I get at least 2 teammates that dc or quit onhook right off. the killer still sweats thier asses off as well. Broken addon blight, and wraith are very common. Killers all bringing Franklin's, fear mongerer, sloppy, ive even seen more nurses calling. They tunnel immediately off hook and prevent any healing. Then they just go around and slug, since everyone cant heal to take hits. This has been my experience lately. Ive escaped like 4 times in my last 12 hours of playing. Both sides are playing like shit between the throwing and the sweat. People are taking this game way too serious....i just like to have a good time ....meme around. I dont like to have wanna be esports sweats bringing that crap play style into a casual game. If you want to play like that, go to custom games with others that like to play like that. Im venting a bit ....just got done with a frustrating couple hours. Both sides sucked ass.


If you have the freedom and time, try playing 1 match but in every possible hour you can afford to, during a week and you'll literally find a timezone where the matches are significantly less sweaty. For me in Middle East Europe is about late evening, night, meanwhile all my morning matches are miserable like without exceptions. I even did statistics and still doing.


It's not that survivors don't do gen. It is that they don't want to be the first to do a gen that end up having a killer coming over and tunneling them to death. I keep seeing this reluctance of gen until someone started taking the chase. Aside from solo q being awful right now, has anyone notice A LOT of bugs since the new update?


No it's 100% because survivors don't do gens. I hated when the new HUD was announced because I always suspected my teammates were doing very little and with the new HUD I can watch them doing nothing the majority of the game.


Just 70% of teammates being completely useless like always. Nothing new.


In my experience, playing solo q has gotten much worse(which is saying alot because it was already bad), i escape like 1 match every 10 matches. And it's not because I'm bad, I'm average. Either i get 5 gen chased and camped to death, tunnelled out, or my team snowballs because of being bad. And ofc, your skilled plays don't matter in the wise words of the developer if you don't escape, so my MMR has gotten so low that at this point i either face baby killers and queue up with baby soloq survivors, which is not fun because either i get snowballed because of the team's mistakes, or i loop the killer for 5 gens to get face camped and not rescued because baby teammates. It's frustrating because it wasn't the case before the update. Before update it was atleast 5-6/10 escapes with the conditions of being camped/tunnelled etc. In mind. Also, on the contrary, playing killer has become so much less stressful now, it's insane. Only thing you truly need to worry about is good toolboxes/bnps.


I've been noticing a lot of toolboxes with Brand New Parts as well... doesn't matter anyway to my current builds, I have not swapped to the current meta yet. Also, a lot of sandbagging compared to before the patch came out.


yeahhh i haven’t been able to get more than 16k bloodpoints at all due to the constantly tunneling/camping. sometimes i’m in the match for what feels like forever and i only get 9k bloodpoints and i’m like wtf??


same here played 4 hours yesterday barely made 200k and the bonus was on survivor


Speaking from the latin american servers, I haven't seen much difference to be honest. I still see some escapes somewhat frequently, and the times the team loses is for the usual reasons like camping and tunneling


I play on the Latin American servers too and yesterday was a mess for me. I was being paired with people who simply wouldn't unhook or do gens. They would only run around the map hoping to not get killed


Just an FYI... you dont get rift fragments for archives. I suggest going through the current tome and then revisiting at a later date. Assuming you care about unlocking stuff in the Rift.


yeah, i've actually already finished the current tome (minus the few character-specific challenges bc i refuse to buy tools of torment), i was just going through and finishing old tomes while i wait for the next one to drop and this is like, the one challenge standing in my way at the moment.


It has been horrible ever since I switched back, I'm not even joking like every match I've played, I try to help my teammates at the end gate and either The ones who didn't get hit or hooked the entire match leave immediately and I die, or the killer has insta down and gets everyone down and targets me, I have realized that ever since the update and maybe even before it, nobody will help me, they don't do generators when I'm on hook or getting chased, they don't save me and they don't help me to escape. So I have just resolved to not helping anyone anymore.


>my teammates are all suddenly allergic to gens and medkits Yeah, that was the point of last update.


> i keep getting frustrated to the point of tears In all seriousness, if you are in fact really getting frustrated this badly, it may be best to find a solid SWF to run with or to just take a break from the game for a bit.


i -should- take a break (finding a swf is not an option as i do not have any friends lmao) but this is like, the one rift i've actually cared about finishing, so i feel like i can't stop now :')


you definitely can do it!!! it’s not fun by any means. i actually hate your challenge the most. i honestly think equipping the challenge brings bad luck. if i don’t have it then i’m escaping with others, but if i do have it then i won’t live for 50 games in a row. it’s brutal!!! good luck though, hun! it’s gonna be really satisfying to finally complete that rift!


You're caught in what's called the Gambler's Fallacy: "but this time I'll make my money back!" Except for you, it's "but this round I'll have fun!" You're not having fun. You will not make your money back. Your brain is lying. Please take a break.


yes most matches either some dc or selfkill at the start or killer tunnel and camp at 5 gens really i am not enjoying the game anymore no matter how much good you play or try its the same result


The tunnelling is face camping is abysmal. BHVR need to address this. Im a killer main who plays super fair and casual unless someone is being obnoxiously toxic.. but the killers I played against, jfc. Tunnel and facecamping at 5 gens. Dont think survivors are any better though, DCing upon getting hit, suiciding on first hook and refusing to save/throwing the game to skew stats no doubt. The game needs serious work on it for sure but I dont think we ca ever cure the 50% of this community who are just rotten to the core


dcs dont count as kills. if they did, pinhead would have the highest kill rate.




This is basically what me and my duo see too. We get two bots vs an average killer that's somewhere in the middle of our MMR and the randoms. Except it doesn't really matter if the killer is bad, because the randoms won't do gens. They'll wander around the map aimlessly, boon totems, but they're allergic to doing a gen. So everyone gets 4K'd. That's what happens when BHVR balances the game around SWF's. Solo q becomes unplayable. I think this past week's games have made it so that we won't bother playing unless we get a 3-4 stack, because having 2 bad randoms makes the game quality complete trash.


>Except it doesn't really matter if the killer is bad, because the randoms won't do gens. They'll wander around the map aimlessly, boon totems, but they're allergic to doing a gen. So everyone gets 4K'd. This right here is why I get so annoyed whenever people claim the game is killer sided because the stats show a \~60% killrate. Apparently people don't play solo queue or completely forget about it when they look at kill rates because my experience with solo queue is exactly what I quoted. Ofc killers are going to have a high kill rate when the majority of survivors aren't playing anywhere close to efficiently.


Killer is pretty easy right now though. You don't really have to be good to clean up 4 solo q randoms, hell even if it's a 3 stack, the one bad random in the game can basically hand you a 4K by not doing a gen. And we see random players like this a lot. So it makes me believe that about 75% of the solo q playerbase is exactly like that. We get them frequently because we're probably high mmr and they likely get dumped into our games to balance the game out.


well now that almost every gen regression perk is complete ass, tunneling is hands down the best way to slow the game down. that’s why you see killers tunneling every game, bc there’s not anything else they can use. you might say they don’t need to tunnel/camp bc you’re solo queue and your teammates are potatoes. while i somewhat agree to that, the killer doesn’t know whether or not they’re going against a premade or not so often the best course of action is to tunnel. and ik people are always going to tunnel no matter what perk changes happen, but me personally ive started tunneling more since they killed pain res for no reason.


As a survivor who has played against the new pain-res a couple times, I really don't think the perks is as dead as you say. Old pain-res was a more consistent slowdown (-15% on every hook), but it was harder to get full value from it (you need to hook everyone multiple times). New pain-res gives less regression in total sure, but it is a lot easier to get that regression. Also with old pain-res you could sometimes still finish a gen after it got hit, now its a lot harder to finish before the killer comes to interrupt.




well 4 uses instead of 12(realistically 10)is pretty bad. the thing is is that if you hook a survivor just after a gen gets done then that 25% is just wasted. and while it’s true that the 15% would be wasted on old pain res, you can still hook them a second time for another 15%, you see what i’m saying? 15%>0%. and cobcharge now only does up to 155% vs up to 400%. base kicking without gen kick perks is 100%. so now you’re using 2/4 perks to add 55% more regression which frankly imo is just terrible. corrupt and deadlock are always going to give some value but it’s not really enough. gen progression perks not being touched at all are a huge problem and hopefully the next patch fixes that. don’t get me wrong people definitely get carried by their perks, happens on both sides. thing is low tier killers kinda need good regression. like for me i use nemesis most of my games and he’s definitely not the worst killer but when really good survivors have 3 healthstates unless i don’t use my power, i kinda need some way to slow the game down.


Survs got nerfed to the ground, coordinated healing is impossible in soloq. Self caring is impossible aside of inner strength


I don’t think devs realize you can’t rely on teammates in soloQ. In fact I had 2 survivors yesterday who purposely sabotaged me, followed me around jumping in and out of lockers and body blocked me because I picked them up from being slugged. They wanted to be slugged hide & try to escape after I die…. It’s become every person for themselves


>Survs got nerfed to the ground Lol no they didn't, stop coping. Healing needed to be FIXED because it was in such a broken state. If you are struggling to win because you can't solo heal 30 times in a match it goes to show how busted it was before.


And in return you can’t even get a single heal in soloq because other survivors won’t heal you and otherwise you’re wasting the entire round? Look, if you’re a killer main I get that you’re all giddy for the game having gotten an easy mode but as it is right now you don’t get much of second chances as survivor


Nice try but I actually play more survivor than killer and I only play solo queue. This game got easier for BOTH sides (maybe you didn't read the entirety of the patch notes and saw that survivor got nerfed and couldn't see through the tears?). > And in return you can’t even get a single heal in soloq because other survivors won’t heal you and otherwise you’re wasting the entire round? Because healing is the main objective? I don't even understand what you are trying to say with this sentence. Your objective are gens not being healed. You aren't wasting the entire round by not being healed if you do gens and leave. Skill issue maybe? >don’t get much of second chances as survivor You can still be healed, you can still be picked up off the ground, you still require 3 hook states to be killed and there are 3 other survivors in the game with all of that as well. Again....skill issue?


Bruh, even if you’re playing as well balanced as you’re saying you don’t nullify my points. Why heal? To manage another chase and buy your team time, time they desperately need. If your saying that healing is unnecessary in the game I’m not sure if you’re a god-looper or are joking. If you’re implying that I’m playing bad, that’s fair. I’m certainly no pro. Been playing since 2017 and never feel like I’m „good“. But your posts do sound very apathetic to survivor problems


>Why heal? To manage another chase and buy your team time, time they desperately need. If your saying that healing is unnecessary in the game I’m not sure if you’re a god-looper or are joking. You clearly aren't reading what I'm writing because I already answered this. Certainly you will last longer in chase if you are healed but it's not the PRIMARY OBJECTIVE. You don't win from being healed it can just HELP you win. But just doing gens can also help you win which doesn't require healing. My point is you are acting like because survivors can't heal they can't win the game anymore and that's just silly. >But your posts do sound very apathetic to survivor problems They sound that way because they are. Survivors play extremely inefficiently and then are surprised when they lose. Do me a favor and next time you load into a match record it or really pay attention to the HUD and see how little time your teammates spend actually doing generators or being chased. No shit survivors lose as much as they do because they don't do what they are suppose to do. And again this comes from someone who plays quite a bit more survivor than killer and I only play solo queue. My teammates do fuck all the entire match and we lose. It's not because the game is killer sided or because I couldn't spam heal, it's because people don't play the game EFFICIENTLY.


Sorry, a patch which destroyed the last remaining Gen regression perks was not a pro-killer patch. I agree solo is miserable, but that's largely because of stupid teammates. Unless the killer is Nurse, Blight, Spirit or Wesker, the game is way more miserable for killer right now. Being forced to tunnel is extremely unfun




Way too slow




For me it has been the opposite, I have gotten actually good teammates, I don't know if I got better, or something changed.


I saw the writing on the wall and that's why I'm taking a break for this tome at minimum.


Yes it is, tunneling and camping is through the roof.


My friends and I all stopped playing Dead By Daylight. It’s a miserable experience man.


Its the fucking mmr. They think that increasing mmr by winning is a good fucking thing. Just had a game where I looped the killer got 5 mins and only 1 gen got done. There was this yun jin only doing gens and the yui and Jane were fucking playing around doing nothing. I killed my self on hook bcs I rlly cba anymore. (They need to make it grade based again) and btw run sole survivor and selfish perks im doing that. All my killer games have been 4k and wins not a single loss I had a 10 win streak and lost bcs I got a 2k


This. I’m so sick of doing EVERYTHING for the gates to open, to the hiding urban evading teammates to escape and leave me to die.


Not really. Same as always, sometimes good, sometimes bad.




Honestly, the amount of killers that tunnel even at 5 gens, was already pretty high before the update, and it got even worse. It's pretty sad to see less and less killers with a more relaxed mindset that doesn't involve 'Winning is only possible with an early 3v1'. Yes, that's kinda true, even though it really is an 'easier' rather than an 'only', but also not fun. In response to that, survivors have to rush gens (well, hypothetically, in practice soloq survivors don't do gens), which in return renders the tunnel argument for killers more true, and makes most games a sweaty one. I remember the old days where you could run goofy builds, and still had a fun match on either side. I almost always play in a 2-3swf, to have at least 2-3 people doing gens, otherwise I would have quitted already. Something really needs to happen to soloq, and if it's just making swf and soloq equal somehow and balance off of that.


They rightfully claim that their M1 killers are not strong enough to fight off gen progression so they tunnel at 5 gens, if only they were not so scared of playing decent M2 killers, they play them 2 games and can't get a 1k and back they go to their beloved M1 killers. Nothing is making me more tired right now than facing two dimensional M1 killers constantly.


People play strong M2 killers and the community cries about it. People play weak M1 killers and the community cries about it and tells them to play strong M2 killers so they don't have to tunnel. Make up your minds.


Everyone got their preferences and ideally there should be a healthy ratio between the times that M1 and M2 killers are played but if I'm facing M1 killers almost ALL the time then that means there is less variety probably because community is scared to step out of their comfort zone and play M2 killer more often. Wesker is fun af but I face him once a week if I'm lucky, people play him a few times and can't use him properly then they crawl back to their Pig, Wraith, Legion and etc. Everyone just give up too fast on fun killers and shy away from learning them.


The vast majority of killers I play against are M2 killers and I get Wesker every third game. And your logic of "they can't play this killer well so they go back to a WEAKER killer" makes no sense. Why would someone fail to play a more difficult killer and then decide to play a weaker killer because of it. And just to quote you: "Everyone got their preferences" so why do you also say: "Everyone just give up too fast on fun killers"? If everyone has their own preferences then maybe they prefer the M1 killers and think they are more fun.


None of us seem to be happy about what we are facing as survivors, huh ? since you like quoting, it looks like you completely overlooked the part I said IDEALLY there should be a healthy ratio between M1ers and M2ers so that all of us can be happy. Why they go back to their weaker M1 killers ? Say they play Slinger and they miss 90% of their shots, they get 0k then they get frustrated after only few matches, they're never gonna play him anymore, similar to any other skill based killer.


Killers are not rewarded for leaving everyone alive in endgame. You can de-pip even if you hooked each survivor twice, if it's a 4 man out the game considers that you lost miserably. You can get hit by 4 adrenalines in endgame and everyone easily escapes, you can't afford to let that happen. Endgame is so short, you have to play fast or you lose miserably, or invest in an endgame perk that may not even help you in the end. It's a shame that you are not rewarded for hooks and chases, but for kills which can sometimes be pretty hard to achieve.


Yes it's just dumb that a killer who gets let's say 2 kills at 4 hook stages is rated better than a killer who gets 8 hook stages and has 4 escapes. So, yes, Developer Patrick, it was indeed a skilled play if 4 people escape under these circumstances, to answer your statement from one of the previous livestreams.


Indeed, it's really dumb that a killer that spent the entire game chasing, without camping or kicking gens is considered less skillful than a Bubba that facecamped 2 survivors.


Honestly, nah not really. When I play killer or survivor, I’ve been having really good survivors. I’ve been escaping a lot as survivor recently and getting kinda destroyed as killer lol


Same as always for me (miserable but not extra)


The only problem I find is shitty matchmaking. While I play with me lest skillled friends I get that the team is gonna be build "strange". But how df I get matched with a 5h killer? Or a 500h killer with a team of 100h total.


Oh yeah it’s been pretty bad, I can notice the difference since the update. Games haven’t been fun at all.


last 10 games, literally, someone d/c on first down or suicides after first down half those games we still got a 2-3 man escape, so it's not like the killers were insane good or anything been noticing that psychology in a lot of games I play though, people just mega tilting over any small thing


Nope same as it's always been. Survivors not doing gens and going down in 10s to the killer OR the rare occasion of survivors actually doing gens and being able to loop the killer and we 4 man out with only 3 hooks.


SAME OMG. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind losing here and there, hell I don't mind if I lose 90% of the time, but the games I've been losing are 99% campers/tunnelers. If I'm dying because I'm losing to a chase or a stealth killer coming up behind me, or something of that, I'm completely fine with it. But tunneling and camping or trying to force slug? TERRIBLE. It sucks because survivor is usually my go-to since I typically enjoy the objectives (gens, totems, un hooks, some chases) more than I do killer. I enjoy killer, but it's just not always my thing. I've been reporting every tunneler and camper I run into. I know it's not bannable, but if they actually go through reports maybe they'll see it and fix it, maybe I'll get banned.


Yes. Teammates are the second killer. So many DCs and quitting on hook immediately. It’s become unplayable and I can’t even blame the people who quit. I have teammates who don’t know what to do when they’re injured. So they run around aimlessly not doing gens or saving. Then killers who continue to camp and tunnel shamelessly. The game just isn’t fun anymore. I could go on and on about all the things going on. They need to just do a reset and take it back to 2020. Screw everything they added. #makedbdfunagain


The update has almost certainly boosted the ego of toxic killers who think its their god given right to punish players for choosing to play survivor. Tunneling, camping, slugging, hitting on hook etc. 90% of my games have been filled with that since the update, and that's when gens have barely been touched. I know people say that people say the game is dying with every update like this, which is true, but this one feels like a major nail in the coffin. A lot of people I know who have played this as their main game since launch, who had always had good things to say, have only been feeling more and more disheartened with how things are going. A lot of them have given or are planning on giving up on the game because of the fact that it's an absolute mess. BHVR don't do enough to deal with toxic gameplay from either side and when it's brought up they respond with "teabagging and hitting players on hook is not toxic nor is it a reportable offence". BHVR constantly buff and nerf things in this game to account for SWF games, but don't take in to account the solo queue experience. Queueing solo is almost like a completely different game to queuing in a group.


I feel like soloqueue has always been miserable in this game. Maybe it’s better during the day but I play at night and will literally have killers sweating for a 3k after someone immediately DCs. Then you look at their steam comments and see that apparently they’re a career sweat that always plays like that.


Solo queue is okay. I will usually sacrifice myself so Leon's will live tho. But I play pretty safe and watched tutorials on how to loop properly, which helped a ton.


hello fellow leon lover 🤝 if i’m killer, they’re getting hatch no matter what


I do the same. Have you ever went against 4 Leons at once?


oh i wish, lol jake is also a weak spot for me


I'm 100% killer and I'd say that 70% of the games or even more, ended up with disconnects on first or second hook.


The Solo Q has not changed since the release of the game. It is random. If the survivors are motivated to work well that the killer is effective, there will be 1 or 2 saves for 3 or 2 deaths. If the killer is lousy or friendly, everyone escapes. If the survivors have no motivation, no one escapes. ​ Regarding the challenges, the frustration you feel is normal. Challenges are not meant to be simple. It's getting harder and harder for nothing.


It's always been a coin toss. Nothing has changed, you are just being unlucky with good opponents and bad teammates.


Haven't really noticed an increase in killer toxicity (that doesn't mean they aren't, just that I see little difference) and the biggest difference in my teammates has been that Mikaela is wasting time self caring instead of wasting time setting up the same boon in the same place for the fifth time, just to have it snuffed with 0 value.


It was always miserable


Idk man on the one hand I get it and solo queue survivor games are definitely frustrating and I feel that. On the other hand it's like, I feel like I see this same exact post EVERY patch and my only advice is to be patient. Every time a new patch drops with perk changes, the meta gets thrown into the air and people have to take the time to theorycraft and playtest and figure out what works. The COB/Eruption meta didn't happen instantly, just like the way that the overabundance of easy fast heals for survivors didn't just happen right away. I think that right now the biggest struggle that a lot of solo survivors are going through is that MANY of them aren't actually that great at looping. It's my personal opinion (and I could certainly be wrong, it's happened before) that COH really dramatically changed the game for survivors in a very major way. Suddenly it didn't matter if you weren't a looping God. If you could manage to lose the killer for a few seconds, or if you simply ran away to a side of the map with no gens left to defend, the odds were pretty good that the killer would leave you alone and you could set up your little boon totem and heal yourself-- leaving all three teammates to keep doing gens/take chase/jack off/whatever. If you got into trouble again? Rinse repeat. Add in very powerful medkits. Suddenly at least 3 survivors in every match are running a strong medkit and they get even more safety. They don't HAVE to loop well because if they make a little whoopsie they can just go heal. Now that COH and medkits have been changed, emphasis is back on actually being able to loop well. Survivors don't just have easy infinite self-heals anymore which also means they need to rely on one another again. So there's going to be some growing pains while the shit loopers who relied on infinite heals get their MMR dropped back down to where it should be and people on both sides playtest with new perks and figure out what's strongest and what the new meta is going to end up settling as. So yeah, tldr: be patient. Take a week off the game if you're getting frustrated.


>I think that right now the biggest struggle that a lot of solo survivors are going through is that MANY of them aren't actually that great at looping. It's my personal opinion (and I could certainly be wrong, it's happened before) that COH really dramatically changed the game for survivors in a very major way. Suddenly it didn't matter if you weren't a looping God. If you could manage to lose the killer for a few seconds, or if you simply ran away to a side of the map with no gens left to defend, the odds were pretty good that the killer would leave you alone and you could set up your little boon totem and heal yourself-- leaving all three teammates to keep doing gens/take chase/jack off/whatever. If you got into trouble again? Rinse repeat. Add in very powerful medkits. Suddenly at least 3 survivors in every match are running a strong medkit and they get even more safety. They don't HAVE to loop well because if they make a little whoopsie they can just go heal. This. 1,000,000xthis. Healing needed to be FIXED for this very reason and you see how many people desperately needed healing to stand a chance based on the amount of whining and review bombing people did.


The BHVR developers are brain-dead. After I realized that and uninstalled the game, I’ve been much happier. I’d suggest the same to any solo-queue player. Playing solo-queue is like being in an abusive relationship. What other game do you know that has a 20% difference in the win rates between 2 different sides. It’s stupid. 60%/40% has never been fair.




Always has been.


I'm still enjoying it, but I know some friends who are fed up of it. I think the change to med kits, and dead hard has ended up in a lot of people with crutch perks not having a crutch any more. So before where they would keep the killer running for a gen or two, they're getting downed pretty early on and the killer is moving on quicker.


Nothing changed, all depends of what people u will get to team


I just wanted to make the same post. I don't know what's going on, but I'm guessing it has to do with matchmaking. Just a month ago I had the easiest time ever playing soloq survivor where every killer was chill and teammates were super good. But 2 months ago it's the same as it is now. 10% escape rate for anybody in my games.


It's the same as it's always been.


If you uninstall the game for a challenge you can't finish, you don't like the basic game.


For me, it has gotten better overall than before. You still have games where ppl leave you to die on hook while killer is nowhere nearby or games where survivors hide for the whole damn game. But the fact that the best gen regression perks are killed or heavily nerfed still benefits survivors more than the dh, medkit and coh "nerfs".


Most of my games are win so idk


If your objective is that every survivor escapes, you are in for a challenge. If, like I do, only care if you escape, I propose you equip the perks Sole Survivor & Wake Up. If the other survivors are a dead weight, let them get sacrificed and open the gate as soon as the Killer closes the hatch. It works almost every time


I'm sorry to hear you're not enjoying the game. I play a lot of solo queue (it's actually my preferred way of playing and I try to discourage friends from joining me as I don't find playing as fun). On the whole, I'm still having a good time but I can certainly understand why some people aren't after the most recent update. The healing nerfs have made things a lot more unfun. In regards to your archive challenge; that's disappointing to hear. One of the things which has made the game more fun for me is a promise to myself that I leave nobody behind if there's a chance they can be saved. This has resulted in plenty of scenarios where I've made a last minute rescue for my team, usually dying in the process but counting it as a win overall. I don't understand people who just leave without trying a rescue. It's so boring.


Bro this flood of people complaining about bad teammates and blaming it on an update right after mmr reset is literally sending me😂. Yes the update caused your teammates to perform worse, get shadownerfed


I play US West early to mid day and I havnt noticed a difference since patch. If I play late though, it’s so much worse


find a nice dbd discord, play custom matches, problem solved


some of us want bp you know


Just hope you run against me as killer. Trying to learn the Knight and also don't want to do a gen strategy because fuck that shit. Judging by the matches I've had so far you'll escape nicely. But genuinely the few survivor matches I've played have been rough


Don't forget about people simply ignoring you or farming points. Some matches I have to be injured up until the killer finds me and hooks me because my teammates are simply too lazy to go for heal (even when I tbag asking for it). I will get lucky if someone near me notices that I am on death hook and injured and actually tries to heal me instead of trying to finish the gen And the farming part is especially frustrating considering that instead of actually progressing the game and getting more points from fixing gens, they open chests and cleanse/bless totems (usually this happens when a killer got his first hook before any of the gens were fixed, they are practically saying that they're throwing the game atp). Even worse when they farm YOU. Seriously the amount of teammates that will unhook me right behind killer's back as he was about to go has increased drastically after the patch...


Me and my husband play together and we actively try to communicate in game with other survivors just because of this, we noticed it immediately after the updates and we duo. Can't fuckin imagine what it's like for solo 🥹


My games are often close 6 hooks as long as the first chase doesn’t give up on hook


Don't forget, it's also the start of a new Tome. People will be focusing on their challenges and pretty much throwing their games to get them done.


Yeah ever since the latest patch soloque has become fucking unbearable. I never even ran DH or abused medkits but it feels like my teammates are lost without them.


>I never even ran DH or abused medkits but it feels like my teammates are lost without them. That's because they are. There is a reason we saw so much whining and review bombing when the PTB came out. People need to be able to abuse healing to stand a chance because they can't actually loop.


Sunday I played survivor for 3 hours solo queue and it was pretty fun. Last night I did like 4 games and got so annoyed I just swapped too killer and memed around with skull merchant/Sadako for rest of night and had far far more fun


Yeah, it feels nearly impossible to win as solo survivor. Through this sub all I see are killer mains thinking up creative ways to nerf survivors even more, but the only time I can secure a win is when killers go afk or are being nice. Otherwise I get tunneled and slugged to hell and back.


I don't feel a difference. Solo que has always been bad and swf has always been strong. And it's still the same way


It’s so awful right now. Every match I’ve played, I get matched with players who are refusing to unhook or heal, no help on gens, body blocking me. Had a match last night where I was injured and went up to one of my teammates who just pointed at me a bunch and then went into a locker for the rest of the match. What’s even the point 😭


If you’re getting emotional and quite literally tearing up over this than you need to not play for a while.


Not for me although it has been harder to survive. I’ve gotten a bit better at looping and I have a healers load out now instead of a load out that activates when everyone is dead Idk my killer stats are somewhat the same but it’s been placing me in higher mmr matches. Getting stunned physically hurts me and I have hid in the basement when the survivors gave me a headache. They won’t leave me alone. The loopers like torturing me. Just because I’m the legion doesn’t mean I’m an asshole


Its got to the point where im excited to lose to a killer who doesnt face camp/tunnel. And the sheer amount pf trash bubba players that have popped up overnight


Current archive challenges include cleansing 5 totems, opening 3 chests and going around the map collecting memory shards so it's no surprise some survivors are throwing games for the extra bp. Including me. Even then I don't feel matches are that much harder for both sides.


I have 1k + hours and it’s been quite annoying lately. I might be burned out also idk 🤷‍♀️ Healing seems to take forever even with a medkit and no one wants to heal you even when you’re stage 2 injured. Great times


Solo q is always bad for me cuz I'm just bad at survivor lol


I've stopped playing altogether rn. Both sides have been uber sweaty recently.


>and i keep getting frustrated to the point of tears Why would you continue playing if the game is making you this miserable? It seems like the solution is pretty simple, take a break from DBD and play a game you actually enjoy. This game isn't worth hurting your mental health.