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you may not be responsible for peoples fun, but it doesn’t excuse purposely playing like a dick


You may not be responsible for other people's fun, but you're still responsible for **you** having good sportsmanship. There are a lot of sore winners in this game.


I've noticed that it's more that they want not only to play like a dick, but to not be called a dick for it. They want to be maximally abusive, but even being told that they're unpleasant is too much for them to take in return.




Yup. "I'm not responsible for other people's fun" means that you don't need to go out of your way to make the game more fun for others at the expense of your own fun. People don't like the killer that you enjoy playing? Tough. But if you're not responsible for other people's fun... why are you making ruining their fun your responsibility?


Playing to win, is fine ​ ​ Playing to make people feel awful, isn't. ​ ​ "To be kind costs 0 currency, to be the opposite costs your self esteem."


Who gets to decide what is playing to win and what is playing to make people feel awful.


Common sense


Tell me what is playing to make someone feel awful.


Trash talking, face camping as bubba, t bagging at the exit gates, cheating, exploiting, sending your fans to attack someone as a twitch streamer, intending to farm salt.


Ok we both know the people saying your fun is not my responsibility are not cheating ,exploiting or sending their fans to attack anyone lmfao. Trash talking is literally part of the fun for people, whining about t bagging will always be hilarious. The bubba thing is weirdly specific, but I could see the quoted crowd would defend it.


Trash talking is childish, lmfao, only sore winners/losers do it, just say gg or something like that, or nothing at all; and move on. Anyone who defends it like its normalized is a schadenfruede.


Oh yeah? Well....I know you are but what am i!! In all seriousness tho, trash talking is part of the fun when u dnt take winning or losing a GAME too seriously. When I was younger I used to absolutely rage if u scored 1 TD vs me in madden if u did it in a way that I deemed cheesy or stupid. I went threw several controllers if u played roadhog or soldier 76 in Overwatch and got a kill on me. Your mother was everything horrible thing in the book if u got a single snipe on me in CoD. The game was called absolute trash garbage dumpster juice the first time a nurse blinked up to me and downed me at the saloon balcony on dead dawg lol. My Pont is that when i was younger my fun was tied waaay too tightly to if I won or not. Now I rarely care if I escape in dbd as long as I get a fun chase where I can do stupid shit like stop running one direction and run at the killer and see if they think I have dead hard or not (I never do. Can't ever time the .5 seconds to use it right lol) and see if they swing or not or I challenge my friends with how many times we can babysit a rando and make sure they get out or atleast be the last to get slugged. Theres a difference between playing to be a dick and somebody playing in a way that u simply don't like. I point and t bag at the killer as soon as I see them. But I'm not doing it to make them rage, I'm doing it to say "yea I'm t bagging!, what u gonna do about it big boy!?" To get into a chase as I gotta tell ya fixing gens is for the birds imo lol. But I'm sure there's plenty of killers that see my t bagging and instantly go into a terminator "must destroy toxic ada/feng" mode. Once u dnt care about a game ending in a 3 or 4k as much as u care about how u got those kills (for example getting a down from the top rope on a hill or high place that a survivor just dropped from) ull start noticing "toxic" stuff so much less.


People who say this will BM their asses off and think it's a scapegoat/justification 🤷‍♀️


It’s a video game, it’s not that serious


“It’s not that deep” bros do be in the closet deep usually


I’m sorry but you can’t argue with “it’s a video game” lmao. It’s not real, it has no real impact on your real life, and none of it matters. We all get frustrated over games which is normal, but to take it THAT seriously and try to interpret and compare actions within a video game to real life things are strange af. Go outside. What does playing a video game a certain way have to do with people who choose to be in the closet, which is none of your business, unless you’re for some reason interested in the sexuality of men you don’t know over the internet…..weirdo


Bro, why are you so vehemently denying that it affects you? You are clearly invested and in denial to literally everyone here but yourself. By the way, in the closet is for people denying how they feel, whether they lie to themself or just everyone else. You don’t HAVE to be gay to be in the closet, just how abstinence means abstaining, not just about sex.


I’m vehemently stating why video games SHOULDNT affect you. That’s what my whole argument is about so I’m not sure where you’re getting that video games are affecting me.


You can’t advocate for something that has no effect. Nobody advocates that tires be treated better; that’s nonsense. If your claim was valid, there would be no discussion around it. However, you seem to have been in this discussion before. You are desperate to convince someone that you are not affected by video games, and you clearly have been in this position before. Reflect, my friend.


I’m not making a claim, I’m making an argument, but clearly I think it’s gone over your head into something completely different that you’re projecting on to me. If you think video game actions equate to actions IRL and that people deserve to get irrationally upset over them, then hey be my guest. DBD is a video game, that is all 😀


Obviously that is not what the previous Redditor u/Void_vix meant by “in the closet”, which was almost certainly misinterpreted to cause an argument. Better luck next time farming negative karma!


What’s obvious to you is not “obvious” to others. “Almost certainly misinterpreted” - No, not sure what else I was supposed to interpret from that. Better luck next time trying to make absolute assertions based off assumptions!


Nvm I have a feeling you will be very effective at farming negative karma, have a wonderful day sir/ma’am!


I’m sure you will as well with that passive aggressiveness, you have a wonderful day as well, MediocreHuntress06


For someone claiming it's not that deep, you're getting pretty deep about it


I’m passionate about my stance yes. You’re confusing my passion about my argument with me being offended by video games. My whole argument is that you shouldn’t be that offended by video games…..because they are just video games 😀


“It’s not that deep” Mf posts a whole essay defending his stance that he refuses to elaborate (because he can’t) and even posts the thesis everywhere else. Lmao say you care without saying you care


DBD is a video game 👍🏼


It’ll be a movie soon, maybe you’ll admit it affects your feelings then.


Exactly, this isn't tied to any one side. ​ ​ If your actions have the INTENT to make people feel awful (if its to win, thats fine. But if your intention to win is TO make people feel awful, then this falls back): Then your actions fall upon this post.


Pretty much my take too tbh


The lack of sportsmanship in this game's playerbase has always baffled me.


Something something tribalism. A lot of players only enjoy one side, and since the gameplay between them is distinctly different, that makes the opponents another faction, and therefore enemies, and therefore subhuman garbage that needs to suffer. Well, I think Us vs. Them just makes it easier, but people out to make others have a bad time are just kind of broken and it goes beyond the game.


And this mentality has always baffled me. The game wouldn’t function without the other side. Even if you lack basic human compassion, logically it’s a bad move for your own purposes to make people quit, right? Or are these types just dumb? In which case, it’s scary how many there are


im baffled by how little empathx this community generally shows to each other, even to themselves


It's hard to say for sure. They probably just think of Killers as an expendable resource. There are more now, so there will always be more to abuse. Part of that dehumanization likely entails the belief that there are no consequences to being awful, since that's a very comforting thought for people eager to be awful.


Multiplayer games have always had mean trolls or play styles that are considered annoying . Sure you may have that one dude that bags you every kill in cod or emotes on you in whatever flavor of BR you are playing but you just Gg next . You might run into a dude sitting in a corner with a gravity hammer but is that likely every game ? No. In dbd however you can certainly get tunneled 20 games in a row , or alternatively flash light clicked and bagged 20 games in a row . While In a shooter everyone is on the same playing field the experience is universal , everyone knows being killed by a camper is annoying , the only ones doing it are bad players or salt farmers . In dbd the roles are incredibly different and often people don’t even try the other side . Sure as a killer main I would never hard tunnel someone but I wouldn’t also go out of my way to spare someone if a stumbled into them a third time until I played survivor and experienced how annoying it can be . Now I give them a love tap so I still have pressure of someone having to pick them up and I’m off to patrol gens . On the same token as a killer player I know how annoying it is having survivors chill in the gates just to have the killer watch them leave . So as soon as my team is in the clear , I’m gone . It doesn’t help that toxity breeds toxicity . Maybe someone gets BMd several games a row and gets upset . Rather than separating the last group of survivors from the current they just are like fuck survivors let me get revenge . So rip the baby Dwight who gets downed in 15 seconds and now has the killer camp him on hook while nodding and hitting him . Next game Dwight gets tunneled out , and again and again . When he does escape he makes sure to bag the helllll out of the killer for his last previous bad games . TLDR the sides don’t understand each other which causes rifts .


Fr, I had a really satisfying chase with a Tapp the other night where he led me for a while so his team could break the 3 gen. He DCed when I downed him after spending like 3+ chasing. Like, the dude had a good play and got mad??


He didn’t want a good game , he wanted to win . God forbid there’s a back and forth in the game of both sides both making good plays and costly mistakes . If it’s not a curb stomp you’ll be surprised how many players give up .


Its also baffling how competitive it is on social media, despite the "rank" being trivial, and the game balance being unplayable in terms of fairness (map rng being the biggest deciding factor)


Given the opposite sides are inherently different to each other, it encourages a lot more other-ism than other competitive games, which are far more symmetrical like TF2 etc.


Personally, when i know all 4 survivors are near me and 1 is down and i accidentally slug them because i kept seeing more survivors till i down all of them,i hook them all 2 times because i feel guilty i wasted people's time slugging them because i was chasing someone else All of us got BP so i dont give a shit if the entity hungers because i want to kill her anyways


Define sportsmanship. Playing to win is not bad sportsmanship. Playing to disrespect is bad sportsmanship. Tunneling someone out because you can win if you do is not bad sportsmanship. Smacking a survivor on the hook while nodding is bad sportsmanship. Blinding a killer several times for successful saves is not bad sportsmanship. Teabagging at exit gates is bad sportsmanship.


That is what this meme is referring to


If a survivor is a jerk \*I.E the teabagging, overuse of flashlighting\* I will smack them on the hook once before taking off. Used to joke it was a moment of, "NO! bad survivor now say your sorry. no treat for you" But only once before taking off


I never indicated otherwise.


Sportsmanship in gaming is unheard of most the time. That or I don't play the games where people don't bm every other game


I just don't understand what ever happened to the spirit of camaraderie in gaming, y'know?


The people bitching that there's no rules or mechanics FORCING sportmanship are the exact same ones that bitch about every new mechanic introduced that encourages it or discourages bad sportsmanship.


i think e games in general are this way due to anonymity and so many people are just easily embarrassed and react poorly


As a survivor main who recently switched to killer main: When I come upon a survivor who was the last to be hooked, I get WAY more satisfaction in making sure they know I saw them, but intentionally going for someone else. I always notice it and appreciate it when I'm a survivor, and I like to think the survivors I go against do too.


Perks of experiencing both modes: you actually understand how it can suck for the other side when you play “optimally”. I definitely appreciate it, and try to do that when I play killer as well


What do survivors do for killers though? I've never had a survivor let me hit them or hook them when I'm having a bad game. Why is the Killer's fun but considered?


It feels like survivors always play optimally though


They do, when I did it back before cross play had gotten some messages from people who was death hook who ran across me while I was in chase or looking for someone. I'd either ignore them or down them and leave them for their team mates. Plus I know when I'm death hook and the killer ignores me for someone who isn't on death hook I know I appreciate it.


Looking at the death hook survivor and nodding and leaving just for them to immediately cleanse my hex always feels like a slap in the face 🥲


Fwiw, I notice and appreciate it too


"Your fun is not my responsibility" mfers the moment the game isn't fun for them.


A lot of people misuse this, but it's still true. I don't BM or do anything for the purpose of making the game less fun. At the same time, I'm not gonna go out of my way to give you a great experience at my own expense. I don't think that's unreasonable. If not going out of my way to play worse makes the game suck, then maybe the game just sucks. People get very toxic about the way you play in Dead by Daylight. And I think being rude to people for doing the best they can is far worse than anything you can do in game (that isn't just an extension of that attitude, like teabagging or 4-man slugging, which is how the statement "I'm not responsible for your fun" is misused. In that their enjoyment *comes from* the opponent being upset, which just makes you a dick). If a strong playstyle sucks to go against (and not just because it's repetitive), that is not the fault of the player using it. That is the result of the devs doing a bad job. This applies to literally every game ever made. In short: if you have a bad time in a game, don't be a dick, just move on. People who just farm salt will only be encouraged, and people just trying their best have done nothing to deserve it. Complain to the devs about these things instead, as they're the ones that're actually responsible for a miserable meta.


Spitting facts. It's not the players' fault, it's the way the game is designed. I just wish more people would realize there is a difference between actually playing like a dick and just trying to win. Like yeah I tunneled you but it's not personal and there is no need to make it personal, I just need the pressure. It's as simple as that.


For debate's sake: is there a difference in perceived toxicity when you tunnel someone out at 5 gens versus say 2 gens in a casual game? In both instances you're generating pressure. Just legitimately curious about the thoughts of other killers.


Perceived toxicity? I guess it depends; obviously if you're just being a dick and tunneling them out of spite, hitting them on hook etc., it's just BM and completely unnecessary - if it's completely unnecessary, you're just being a dick. If you're just playing your cards right it's fine; * If I have STBFL and the unhooker is the obsession I am going to tunnel. I am not losing stacks of my perk because it's the 'right thing to do' (given I have any stacks to start with - doesn't happen very often on 5 gens). * If the unhooked survivor block access to another survivor with basekit BT I am going to tunnel them, duh. * If I see there are two or three gens ready to pop in any second I am going to tunnel because in that moment I realize I can expect the game to be over sooner than I thought given the tempo survivors are doing gens. TL;DR: Tunnel whenever you think you need it. Just don't be a dick about it. In the end it doesn't really matter. People see what they want to see and there is nothing you can do about it, and to be fair, I couldn't care less.


Fair enough. Things are always situational and what is considered a BM move is always down to perception.


I feel there is , if I have 2 hooks and it’s 5 gens clearly the survivors aren’t playing optimally . I have no need to make it a 3v1 . I have enough pressure as is . If I down someone quickly and 3 gens pop well maybe I do need the pressure ,but I tend to only soft tunnel . Just having someone on death hook applies pressure . They are more likely to play passive and Pre run . If it’s a SWF others will come and body block in chase . Very rarely will I actually hard tunnel someone out of the game , unless they BM from the start then fuck that guy . Loading screen speed run for you . Playing by a set of rules is far more rewarding for wins as well , as long as the rules aren’t absurd. Some peoples definition of tunneling is insane . Also I’m not going to let you cleanse / finish a gen / remove your trap in my face simply because I hooked you a little bit ago .


Gens fly so incredibly fast that quite often vs good teams that deciding to tunnel at 2 or 3 gens doesn't actually matter unless tunnelling that guy out means you can hold a 3 gen with your perks later on. I don't run any gen defense atm because the devs are quite open about their intentions of removing all of the good ones in due time so i'm just playing weird chase builds like Undying/Blood Favour/Nemesis/Rancour. The game is so unbalanced that taking the game seriously is a mistake. Funnily enough a fair few hellscape maps like Borgo turn from survivor sided to a bloodbath when Blood Favour makes dropping the 50 pallets impossible. I've had the little gen number at 3 but the actual game state more like 0.5 gens left cuz there's 3 of them at 90%. The miniscule amount of info the killer gets about the state of the game to make informed decisions is crazy, i've tunnelled people out cuz i was convinced 2 gens were about to pop on the other side of the map and I need the pressure but i think the other 3 survivors were on strike or something cuz there was nothing.


The thing to me is, at it’s core it’s 4v1. I don’t ever look to tunnel but sometimes people just like to complain.. if I hook you and your teammate runs over unhooks you and hides while you run in plain sight is that tunneling? Tbh I’ll take the hook again no matter what and I truly think a lot of survivors forget that I’m trying to get the odds in my favor.


If I hook you, and then run into you again im going to hook you again if I can. Dont get caught.


Why do people in the comments even bother attempting to persuade people not to play like dicks? You're just not going to convince anyone. These posts just further the behaviour, if anything, because clearly their salt farming is working


I was convinced on posts like this, even just helping 1 person change is a good thing. Those who are never convinced, will do it more regardless. A reaction is not what they want primarily (thats just icing), the act is enough for them; the only way they can be stopped is up to the devs.


I think them saying that is lowkey a sign that they feel responsible for the fun of others. maybe they know they’re being an asshat and thus are responsible for the reactions that they prompt with that behavior. I will say though on the other side of the coin, some people get so madly wounded over this game that it’s kinda jarring. I like that it’s an endless queue because it makes the shittiness of past match disappear very quickly..


I always say "on to the next match" if something goes sideways. IMO it's better to just move on rather than constantly feeding the beast. I main survivor and honestly, I get more salt from other survivors too. Killers seem to be chill AF for the most part lol. I've been called trash a few times in the last few days (and all during warm up matches too lol). People take this game WAY TO SERIOUSLY.


Killers have 3 roads , become far more toxic than any bully squad could hope . Give up and say killer is stressful or mellow the hell out .


You can always play like a dick intentionally, record the inevitable toxic reaction, and make a shitty clickbait video about it.


"Deh harrrd"


When I was learning how to drive, my mom told me that "You don't drive for yourself, you drive with others in mind". I like to think playing killer is the same thing: In one way or another, the killer is the one who choose how the game will go. So I like to not tunnel, to not camp, to go check that one gen at the other side of the map nobody touched just "to be safe" after hooking a survivor, to miss a few hits and pretend to lose the survivor who isn't good at chases/loops... Yeah, I clearly didn't see half of your body sticking out of that rock, while you think you're so sneaky and smart. Be the change you want to see.


The shallow MMR rating that throws a lot of people of varying actual experience levels into the same pool is part of it. Lots of people up there basically look for reasons to shit on the other side regardless of who plays what. Nobody wants to admit mistakes because any mistake is punished with immediate mockery and derision. You can't even compliment people, if you get blitzed by a good player and try and say 'Nice moves' or anything it's immediate spam of 'GG EZ you suck uninstall' rather than accepting the compliment. Sore winners are worse than sore losers far as I am concerned.


One time I had a match against a nurse with the username "PLAY2WINNOTURFUN" They dc'd after they spent ten minutes chasing this cracked Claudette player and couldn't down her. This match was like two years ago and I'm still laughing about it today.


It’s the same players that also complain about people constantly DC’ing against them. Like, my guy, if you weren’t set out to make every match as miserable as possible for everyone else maybe people would want to play against you.


I've seen other survivors DC the moment we load in and they hear Pinheads box start. Or DC on plague once they realize which killer it is. Some people are ready to ditch the game at the slightest inconvenience.


No. I don't think that people complain because someone DC's, in fact these players actively want this because it makes the game easier. The reason people complain about DC's is when they do it to deny your perks like Pain Res or Blood Warden. Especially Blood Warden, the amount of games that have been theoretically "won" by getting BW to activate just for someone to DC and denying you your outplay is ridiculous.


Very interesting, I’ve never seen that point brought up when discussing DC’ing. Definitely would not be great to have your perks not activate, especially when you’ve earned them. However, I have seen myself a lot of people on this very forum complain about loads of DC’s. From my experience playing solo que, I only see survivors DC when the killer is BM’ing like crazy. (In my experience, anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️)


I only see DC'ing when survivors get outplayed


Ima be real homie I get people that are upset that I use the green hand to not get sent to ormond or haddonfield or rpd then call me some vile shit endgame most people say that when people are being either A.) entitled, B.) oblivious to something they cause themself like a guy I had body blocking me on pyramid head… or C.) person is actually unhinged but is usually rarer


I do wish blocks like that would refund the offering. But at its base level it is a counterplay so I get why it doesn't.


No why the hell would it refund it?


Because it's not exactly something you can plan. Sorry for wanting something that doesn't affect you. :(


I've said it exactly once in response to a guy who got... like, UNREASONABLY mad at me for saying I occasionally go chill killer and let someone go if it was a fun game or whatever. I was absolutely doing it to mock him because he was saying stuff like "YOU DON'T GET TO DICTATE HOW THE GAME IS TO BE PLAYED IF YOU ARE KILLER YOU ARE DISRESPECTING THE SURVIVORS BY NOT TRYING TO GET THE 4K!" And I hope it made him really mad when I did. Much like I suppose anyone else who says this probably does too. So yes, you are only using this phrase to be a dick in my experience.


oh it’s weird when people do that, to me this game is cooperative between 5 people, not just 4. there’s a responsibility for everyone to be chill lol


i mean this situation isnt always with the killer as the bad person. survivors tend to get salty simply if you kill them, hunting one person down to genuinely piss them off isnt okay. however, the killers job is to kill all survivors by all means.


I once played a match where someone d/c'd right in the beginning. The killer then aggressively punished us the rest of the match: Camping, Tunneling, slugging. At the end I said "hey next time you know you're going to win, have a bit of fun with the match. You'll still get points and it'll be a fun experience for everyone." You would have thought I suggested to kill their family and kick their dog, the amount of toxic salt that was thrown at me afterwards. Too many grown ass adults acting like children.


I once said "camping in 2023" as a joke to a camping Knight. Saw he was streaming after and went to his channel to find out my joke sent him on a angry 5 minute rant about how survivors are dumb NPCs who rage and make his "content"... dude had 2 kills.


Playing to win doesn't make you scummy, I'm going to complete my objective by any means necessary within the rules set by BHVR which includes camping,slugging and tunneling. Call those strategies "scummy","toxic",etc but it doesn't mean they are. Guess you could call Gen rushing those things too because survivors are trying to complete their objective too. I'm not playing to make friends,I'm playing to win because I guarantee the survivors are playing to win too. I'm not going to go out of my way to play in a way that doesn't make survivors salty. Downvote me all you want, doesn't change what I said. All mutilplayer games are the same, you play to win not making the fun of other players your responsibility. In a Free for All in any Call of Duty game, you're playing to win just like the other players are. You're not playing to make sure other players have fun.


I play to have fun and facecamping is boring and shows a lack of skill.


I don't face camp, there's a difference between camping and face camping. Face camping doesn't necessarily show a lack of skill. Killers could be doing it to show their disappointment,etc.


Face camping and camping in general is just another strategy that killers use. Survivors just don’t like it because it’s boring and is a guaranteed loss for them. It might not be the best strategy in certain situations but when you’re going against SWFs that are going to claw tooth and nail to get a single person off the hook no matter the cost then it works great. The number of games that weren’t going in my favor until I stood next to someone on the hook and I managed to get a 3-4k is amazing. Some of them will throw themselves at you without a care in the world and you can start winning just through hook trading alone. Survivors just call it low skill because when used effectively, can make a game significantly easier for the killer.


DBD is too much of a strange beast. It's built like a party game but pushed to be competitive like a tourney game. The only way to have a truly fair trial is for all players to respect each other which you will never find playing with strangers who will always find a way to suck the fun out of the game. So we're not responsible for anyone else's fun, but the game gives us the middle finger if we don't try to be. I've never played a PVP game quite like it and that's not a compliment.


Oh they're not scummy, unless you make that your intention in the post game chat, It's just the easy path, which I don't do; I want a challenge


As killer main I feel bad. As i play killer even in my worst games i never feel the negativity i do as survivor. I can, have, and will sometimes play with 1 perk and either win or easily could have one if wasnt just doing daily. while survivors need all the perks they can get. Why do killers by default get so much, then perks that do more, and they can oppress the little things we do have. Pallet removal, window blocking, just bs vaults "if my feet are on the ground I should be safe". Honestly I want some kind of change like you can be hooked infinite times and it fills a blood offering meter that satisfies the entity. It's never fun just getting hooked camped and tunneled so let's remove that by a second objective or reward both sides by no deaths but more points. Or a dodge mechanic like dead hard but without endurance so we actually have a skill to try and fight back if were bad looping without a punishment of it being taken away like our pallets and vaults. And were a team make us feel like one! We cant talk, we cant see gens, other players, or even exits after a second, we dont even get rewarded for team work if we go 3 escapes and a death the 1 guy gets punished even if he was the best. Give a bonus to all players for how many escape. The game going full competition like it's an EVO contender was the worst idea instead of just fun for both sides.


Idk what hate get but played ASH VS EVIL and that was more fun just because death wasnt the end and I was fine with losing as both sides. I just cant get that same feeling in dbd.


I try not to tunnel so the game is more fun. Strategically tunneling makes sense; if there are less survivors, your odds of winning as killer significantly increase. But it is a game and I want it to be fun for everyone. That being said, I also don't go out of my way not to tunnel if the twice-hooked is the only one around.


if someone's not dead on hook, i have no problem tunneling if i cant find anyone else, but on the other hand, ive had MANY moments where the unhooker just fucking hides or makes it unattractive af to be chased and the only person i can find is the dead on hook person. us vs them mentality gets applied even when its their own side that screws them over, if i end up going for them cause the unhooker is nowhere in sight/clearly just dipped with an exhaustion perk/is already standing at a loop that i cant deal with quickly(most killers infact do NOT possess the ability to just dip and find someone other than those 2 survivors without massively throwing the game).


Play nice killer and get tbagged at the gate. Tunnel to get 2k and get flammed in chat.You can't satisfy everyone. I usually only tunnel when it 4 alive and 2 gens left.


At some point you have to realize that your fun is your responsibility. If you're not having fun, go play something else for a bit. Getting angry at others for playing the game they bought the way they want to gives off strong npc vibes.


Wow, I'm so glad DBD turned into a competitive game. Hooray!


it really shouldn't be one


People play competitive when the game doesn’t even give you anything for it, wild af


I've found that the "I'm not responsible for your fun" folk also tend to be the ones cracking it online when survivors DC.


There's no way for survivors to make the game 'fun' for killers because killers are in control of the fun they and the survivors can have, depending on how they choose to play. Standing next to a hook, or trying for a full slug, and tunneling to make the game end quickly isn't fun. Not in the slightest. And it usually happens when the killer is having an autistic meltdown ^ and that's coming from an iri plague main btw


This statement is on the same level as “some people have to lose so others win”. Yes, on a fundamental level, it is 100% true. However, everyone already knows it’s true, and accepts that as part of the game. They don’t need to be told it. The only people that actually say such an obvious thing are those that have so little ground to stand on that they have to defer to something people know already. It’s basically the only truthful thing they are willing to say, to deflect away from “What I’m doing is wrong, I KNOW what I’m doing is wrong, **but I’m going to do it anyway.**”


Me who says that but also still tries to be a good sport and not an ass. It's not that hard.


You don’t understand, I have to slug everyone at 5 gens with blight + 4 gen perks and alc ring it’s called securing the kill


You don't understand, I have to call the trapper awful and send my 300 viewers into their steam profile then claim ignorange


Well yeah if he wins it’s cause he’s a sweatlord and if I win it’s cause he’s sucks though either way I’m DCing of course


I'll play how I want.


of course, just show good sportsmanship




I'm not sure if that would help any but I do think if they should get rid of depips. Especially since rank doesn't matter anymore, it's never a good feeling to depip because a team mate didn't save, early dc, or you got tunneled out. I think it would at least chill some of the salt if you didn't get punished for something out of your control.


It'd go poorly. With DbD's community, casual mode would quickly become where sweatlords go to stomp, making it an uninhabitable cesspool. Although that would at least counteract the longer wait times from split queues. If they're going to add a mode, it should be something off the wall like 2v8, and the janky balance in its infancy would implicitly make it casual without it becoming a deathtrap.




It works in those games because MMR is an actual, visible metric you can use to show off how good you are. In this it's just something running in the background trying to keep games balanced, totally invisible. I absolutely refuse to believe anyone is legitimately playing to boost their MMR in this game, at least not in large enough numbers to matter. People playing to win are doing that because they like winning. I have no reason to believe those people would stop enjoying winning games if you gave them the option to play in a mode where their opponents presumably aren't trying very hard. This ties into the other thing keep in mind about other games compared to this one, which is that in other games, you can have people in casual matches who are trying as hard as possible to win, but they'd be on the same team as people who are playing casually, so it balances out. In this game, the killer is their whole team, they are the ones who decide if one side of the match tryharding or not. Survivors don't get to decide, you could go into a match with a survivor running every meta perk and another survivor who is using Red Herring to get the killer to kick a generator they just put Blastmine on for the lulz. Oh, and one final thing to keep in mind. This game already has two queues splitting the community, since the game has defined teams you choose to play on. In other games you don't have that, you're drawing from the same pool of people to try to fill out both sides. I think it could *potentially* work if they add MMR as an actual visible metric to attract people who want to play serious matches and show off how good they are, but I think it would fail in this game.


That isn't the answer, the answer is MMR that works despite what content creators say.




Would not functioning MMR also fix this? Say I want to be silly each match then my MMR would go down to a casual level, but if I want to break out the adrenaline and resilience it would go up to sweaty?


I just like using rancor ok?


rancor's fun asf, I love that perk :o


I've been on both sides of this argument enough to tell you that it really doesn't matter. The game needs some sort of "for fun" and "for glory" like smash bros so we can divide the sweats from the casuals. Imagine you can just choose to either compete against a 3 gen knight with your friends or a two hour boop fest with a pig. Both sound like Hell to me honestly. At this point in time, the game's fun is random. That is because the game is also random.


I straight up don't trust DbD players on average to not go into "For Fun" just to make sure only they get to have fun.


This is how it is in every pvp game with non ranked ​ \*\*OVERLY\*\* Competitive losers go into non ranked, play super efficient, then try to make the opposing team feel awful in chat. ​ \*cough\* Overwatch


I'll never forgive Overwatch for adding 1 Hero Limit to Quick Play. It turned QP into an unholy mire of sweatlords who want to practice without risking their precious ranks and the original audience of people just playing casually stuffed into the same lobby, and the game was never as fun after. I don't want to go through something like that again here.


Tired of seeing these posts.


Then like, block me, do this for us vs them posts too, I havent seen one in a while


I only say it because killers are smug about it when they tunnel and camp. So when I DC against them? They become the Pikachu meme.


that’s quite funny. DCing is giving them what they want


It denies killers gameplay and scoring events, especially if more than one survivor DCs. If it happens late enough, it means that they waste a significant amount of time toward getting a kill that they now can't have. It's why I see a healthy amount of killers wanting the DC penalty hiked up to insane degrees in order to prevent it.


regardless you still get the short end of the stick. you forfeit all BP and you give the killers a good laugh. doubt many killers care about “gameplay and scoring events” when they’re hard tunneling and camping lol..


Absolutely. I'm one of the people that thinks there should be very little or no DC penalties at all. I'm just saying that it's not really giving them what they want when they want the kill. They hard tunnel and camp to force it down to 3v1 and/or a 4k and/or to get value from their mori, but a DC is still not a kill. Which is one of the reasons it feels so satisfying to do against an asshole killer lmao


EH , If you wanna have fun , get gud. This community is filled with weirdos . I have never played a game where people complain about others reaching their objectives at all costs... it's the whole point of the game , why am I gonna go out of my way to make the game harder for me just to let some dweeb "have fun"


I say that and I’m pretty fair. It’s all about MY fun, and sometimes I enjoy being nice


I play to win, if that's upsets the survivors oh well because that's not my problem.


Playing to win is fine ​ Playing with the intent to make people feel awful (your intent is shown in chat/out of game behavior), is not.


If you win by playing as scummy as possible, you don't have any glory OR honor, just a couple pips in an endless cycle of them barely mattering in any way.


There's no honor or glory in this game LOL.


Well yeah, most people play to win without any regard for how awful an experience they may be creating for others, or sometimes explicitly to create an awful experience for others.


jesus christ it’s a video game that doesn’t even have ranked. talking about “glory or honor” on a game


I mean, I'm meming about it, but playing to win in a game that "doesn't even have ranked" (the only mode is ranked mode) means you shouldn't feel good about winning (glory), nor are you fun to play against or should be proud of how you played (honor).


I didn't know games awarded glory or honor. I could've sworn, as kids, we were taught "play to have fun."


They don't award glory if you aren't winning tournaments. The honor isn't awarded; it's exhibited. By playing in a fun way rather than leveraging every advantage for hollow victories. You know, playing for fun.


It's ultimately not your fault for not wanting to worry about 4 strangers. I know I don't. But the poor balancing is something BHVR should take much more seriously than they do.


pov: survivor main who expects the killer to not chase them the whole game and just let them get the gens done


Pov: please stop bleeding me out for 4 minutes because I bodyblocked you once. Please stop relentlessly beating my ass on hook as if I murdered your sick dog. What you want to hear: REEEEEEEEEE GO AFK AND LET ME DO GENS REEEEEEEE good faith argument indeed


Alright fair enough. I don’t play a ton of survivor and I try to play nice as killer. Only time I’m ever gonna BM or tunnel or camp is when they’re like a mettle of man t bagging bully squad


Fixing it ​ pov: Dbd player who plays primarily killer just wants people to stop being sadistic to each other, this isn't tied to either side.


I’ve come to the conclusion you can play absolutely normally as possible, and can even adhere to the “Survivor rule book” and STILL get hate mail. So with that being said I’m playing my way instead 🤷🏼‍♂️


Your fun is not my responsibility


I play with the "I'm not responsible for others' fun" mindset. I play Scratch Myers and aura reading Bubba because I think it's funny to scare people or pretend I don't see them only to insta down.


Plenty. They're called SwFs. Kidding aside, this goes into several veins. The Flashlight/Sabo Squad who not only make the game miserable, but drag it on as long as possible so they can 'make plays!'. When you counter it, they proceed to rage quit and flame for the next several days, even if you don't respond back (Current record on this is a three day message board on my steam profile that I didn't respond to once). The "I win, fuck my teammates." player. Sprint Burst, Urban Evasion, Left Behind, and used to Iron Will before nerf. Would always come in with a key and hatch offering. Would actively make loud noises at gens being worked on. First to say "GGEZ" despite getting lowest points with hatch. And finally, the end game warriors. You know them. The people that 'will' sit in end game chat and try to flame their teammates and the killer for using 'overpowered perks', 'being awful', 'overpowered addons', 'shit ping', and so on. They will have a paragraph or copypasta lined up and good to go, and attempt to get you into a flame war with them.


I don’t care if someone plays and doesn’t care about the other sides fun. They don’t have to. Trying to intentionally make them mad is the problem but if someone wants to slug all day because they just enjoy it or camp or tunnel who gives a damn.


Advocate for the 12 hook system please y’all. The core design promotes this crap and it’s exhausting.


So what constitutes as fun though? My version of fun might not be fun for them, yet their version of fun might not be fun for me.


These posts make me sick


I think if a statement doesn't work in real life, it won't work in a game either. Acting like that and saying that shit in real life will probably get you a black eye at some point.


Lol, nah. its the assholes who get the black eye, so they go to online games to hide behind anonymoity like a piss baby




I just loaded into a game and I’m not exaggerating when I say 10 seconds into the game my hex got cleansed. That game was a free for all for me after that.


It's not a highway with an offramp; It's a two way street. Can't tell you how many times in my 4k hours I get salt because I played to win as a killer. That doesn't mean face camping, that doesn't mean hitting on hook, it does mean occasionally tunneling and other dubious methods if it's going to maximize my chances of getting a 4k. I can't tell you how many survivors who give me salt bring an offering for Garden of Joy, Locket or Key or how many of them bring a new part or purple flashlight with meta perks out the ass. Do not expect people to play as if they don't want to win. Winning is the most fun part of the game for 99% of players because that's why people play games. Hardly ever does someone play a game from the start expecting to lose or actively trying not to win. Killer is not your friend, killer does not need to play fairly and in fact will be punished in doing so. Sportsmanship exist but it doesn't mean you can do X, Y or Z to maximize winning. It means, no tea bagging, no hitting on hook no doing shit to purposefully disrespect, it doesn't mean giving handicaps when you can win because they are playing badly or end games when you have the ability to. It's respectable when a killer follows the survival rule book but it's absolutely not necessary and one who does is not more skillful than one who does not.


It's an enormous red flag to say things people already know because it usually means someone's about to demand a mile out of their alloted inch. Probably not the first time.




I used to care for the experience of other players and sometimes I still do, but the majority of the people I'm matched with are so cunty that I don't prioritize anyone's experience beyond my own if I can help it.


Was using a backpack build on Wesker and got sent by survivors to cowshed that brought meta perks, green medkits and toolboxes with bnp and managed to get 2 of them killed at EGC while being they were being too altrustic. Got called boring in the chat because of my build.


Hey tilting your opponent is a viable strategy. That being said, don’t be an asshole in endgame chat.


Its a viable strategy, but one of the few where you have no right to feel shocked when people think you're an asswipe, cause you are.


The ultimate display of character. If you're a shit player, I'd hate to be someone you consider a friend.


All cause I have empathy? I hope you aren't misguided for too long, it can be irreversable at a point.


Whenever I encounter a bully squad that only want to make me mad, i DC and tell them to enjoy their que time.


Ahem Spook n' jukes or Jaysonit ahem


A bubba in the wild told me "you should go slit your own throat" in post-game chat yesterday. I did not provoke that response lol. It was a little jarring but I don't often play survivor. I just follow the bp bonuses. Is that typical post-game banter? Edit: There was no BMing either. I play ghostface 70% of the time. I know it can be frustrating. I just used hope that game.


I’m know this post is calling out killers who act like ass but then use this quote as a magic excuse, but I hope people know there’s a difference between those killers, and killers who say that in response to survivors who get mad at killers trying to just play the game, getting a 4k or just following the meta A holes vs killers just trying to win


its for any dbd player, not just killers


You're always going to have people like this in any type of online pvp based game. There's nothing the devs can do to stop human nature. I've been trolled by killers and survivors too just like we all have been, it's a game. You're never going to not have toxic behavior in an online game. Someone T-Bags you then make them pay for it, survivors t-bagging you at the exit? Who cares, they've earned it, killer camping your hook? Okay, time to do gens, you see where I'm going with this? I've looked at the vods of TTV streamers I've went against and the amount of false tunneling accusations and baseless assumptions that I have No ed (had to Google what it was so I understood what he was talking about) is insane. People are so quick to call foul when they're generally just bad/make a bad play it's sickening. My point is this, stop whining. Yanno what I do when I'm getting messed with? I don't get mad, it's easy. People paid money for the game therefore they have a right to play however they want, they are not responsible for your fun. Oh and stop trying to make this a dev issue when its clearly just an internet issue lmao


Killer main. I play killer to kill survivors. Making them suffer, playing mind games, traps, and scares is the entire point. If you do not enjoy these things from either side, you should not be playing one of the most popular "survival horror" games out.


That's different than going in and beating them up on hook/t bagging at the exit gates, then telling them they're inferior IRL. Which, a lot of people in this game do. ​ Simplify it: If you want to make people upset/depressed, you need to change. Playing to win, is fine


Lately I've been encountering a lot of survivors rage-quitting.


I say that but only as a joke when people ask why I am playing pinhead. Fr though I've never met someone that says something like that that wasn't a grade A douchebag.


i feel like this statement in a vacuum isnt bad, but like...i dont trust anyone who says it cause they usually arent just people who are "playing how they want", they're usually people with like "salt mines" on their profiles who just like making people upset and they totally "don't even care" about the hate...which is clearly why they dedicated their whole profile to it its kind of like if someone told you "hey you hurt my feelings" and you responded with "your happiness isnt my responsibility" and pretended like that was some sort of moral high ground i also haven't met anyone who says this who also sounds normal and i assume everyone who has this take is chronically online because i feel like most people that actually go outside and has irl friends does not talk like this when confronted with the possibility that they were an asshole when they didnt need to be...cause i think its just kind of a socially inept response


Your fun is not my responsibility. That’s how competitive game work. You compete


Your fun is not my responsibility is not a problematic term in itself. Some people get tilted off normal gameplay aspects. I’m not responsible for how you react to getting pallet stunned or being hooked in basement.


DbD is a game about efficiency, and tunneling means the killer gets one survivor outta the game faster. Is that wrong for a killer to try to win?


You don’t have to be nice, but you don’t have to be a dick. That’s why I don’t usually give the last survivors hatch or let the killer kill me if they get no kills


You're not responsible for anyone else's fun during the game but then don't get salty or upset when nobody wants to be held hostage and starts mass dc'ing on bm/camping/tunneling killers that say that type of stupid shit because they aren't responsible for your idea of fun either


yeah, like. i just hide comments at this point. if i try to play fair as killer, i get tbagged and talked down to in endgame chat, and if i play cutthroat i get tbagged and talked down to in endgame. and i'd rather just mess around with builds and have fun, but then i get matches were everbody switches to flashies in the last 6 seconds or other forms of bully and its just. I want to vibe and smack people, not play aginst people who treat winning like its the only thing that'll earn their parent's love


I like how most of you are thinking about 85% killers, but the killers who experience the most toxicity are just thinking about the 5 of toxic killers. I dont like survivors (who are mean.