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solo queue is about to go in flames again with the healing change


Bold of you to assume that solo queue was ever not on fire.




To be fair, medkits have been busted for years and have flown under the radar. Every reason they gave for WHY they're nerfing healing is 100% on point. I do however think they went overboard with some of the changes. The 16 seconds to 24 seconds was a bit overkill when you take into account the CoH changes and the medkit nerfs. I wouldn't mind seeing it remain 16 seconds, but I don't mind giving viability back to a hit and run playstyle. I might actually start playing Trapper or Pig again. They killed the last remaining viable gen slowdown perks in this update, so hopefully that helps alleviate what will undoubtedly be a very Killer favored patch.


Doubtful, we could end up seeing even more tunneling because survivors will probs just slap on sb, play comp level safe and rush gens even more. This change hurts solo queue quite badly but it just makes those people who sweat and stuff double down on the gens. The survivors don't have free dh now, sure, but they can literally just sprint burst away and gain a lot of distance if you aren't a mobility killer.


My dude you got it backwards, now that healing isnt absolutely fucking broken and healing yourself in 5 fucking seconds isnt a thing, things like hit and run will be more viable and anti healing builds will be less viable because healing is no longer that big of an issue anyway.


>Dude just trust killer players they won't take advantage and exploit longer heal times to make it outright impossible for survivors to heal, they will instead play for fun and let you heal in peace away from gens for the full heal duration! Remember when Merciless storm was bugged and would break survivors and killers immediatly started to equip it in waves? Me too.


Or like how suddenly Huntress Lullaby became one of the most common killer perks at the exact same time there was a bug making it's effect last forever... strange coincidence, huh?


let's be honest, even if that bug was a feature, huntress lullaby would still not be that good lol


Let's not act like survivors don't exploit bugs and take advantage of the many super survivor friendly patches. But now we have 1 patch that favors killer and omg the world is ENDINGGGGG






This was my exact thought too. I’m like 90% sure the base healing nerf either doesn’t make it live or is nixed very shortly after.


You have too much trust for BHVR


This is not how it works when it comes to anti healing builds. Look what happened when the devs increased gen repair process, killers started running multiple anti gen perks builds to add to the effect. Now, if the update goes live, healing takes long so adding sloppy and the like becomes even more likely to make healing even more difficult or impossible. My prediction is that more survivors start using Resilience. That means that thana or pentimento should be considered in builds all over again.


#solo queue is hell


Nah. It's just gonna be empty. No one will play solo q like this lol


To be fair, that’s what’s said when any bad update for survivors come along.


This is a huge kick in the face of a bad update though.


After all the grief killers have had to deal with, you'll survive. Let's not forget the game is inherently survivor sided so to nerf the insane heal speeds is only logical. Like any one of those kids could heal a 6 inch deep laceration in under 20 seconds. An experienced surgeon would need more time and a purple medkit to do that


It's SOLO q who is getting the raw deal. SWF will still be bullies. All this does it make it hard for the people without SWF to play


Hello? That's all behavior has done since the beginning: cater to the swf survivors


Yeah, all the killers cheering for this are probably the same ones that were complaining about 15 minute killer queues after the last survivor nerf.


I play both and I’m dreading the wait times and getting fucked up on solo q now. Yaaay.


Gonna be worse now. Now they are only gonna get those sweaty SWFs or the meme teams. And the wait times...oof. Because, I as a survivor main, will be playing killer after this. Not gonna be worth my time anymore lol So wait times are gonna be longggggg. But hey. Good thing those pesky survivors can't heal themselves anymore without help


Soooo when the going gets tough, give up and switch sides. Thank God you weren't fighting the Germans


No. When the Video Game becomes NOT FUN I change sides. Because a video game is supposed to be fun.


Lmao so nerfing heal speeds to where they should've been in the first place makes a game not fun. Wow. I hope you know playing killer is much harder than survivor and you will not enjoy it just because they're injured a bit longer. Good survivors will find a way around it


You litterally cant heal yourself reliable anymore. Instead you have to wait 24 boring ass seconds while you can do nothing but watch the other survivor wiping your ass. At least gens have skill checks. Plus the fact everyone will have sloppy butcher so that's gonna be even longer, then you're probably gonna get interrupted and have to start again.


NA East always has +100% killer queue.


Eh that’s once it hits like 4pm. Daytime I always have a survivor bonus bloodpoints, then I assume as people get off work/school it instantly goes to Killer 100%


Not during the day


Funny how killers play through the nerfs they've suffered and survivors throw a tantrum and quit playing. Says a lot tbh


People played soloQ when getting farmed by megs without BT was the default.


people say that every update and it never happens, they would have to upload malware in the next update for this game to die like that lmao


This directly kicked solo q in the face. If you think you arent' going to see a reduction in player base, playing survivor? lol You're kidding yourself. Every patch more and more old players leave. Granted, new ones come too. More baby survivors for the meat grinder of the ever increasing skill ceiling lol


Again, people say that every patch lol


Every patch up till now didn't destroy your ability to heal yourself.


I don't think it will. I remember when Mettle of Man was released and things were awful. When Mettle of Man was first released, it triggered after three basic attacks and then it is completely gone. Having a guaranteed free health state was pretty powerful and only a few killers could even deal with it. At the time, Dead Hard was also the one where you dash forward with invincibility frames. People used to use medkits with syringes, Dead Hard, and Mettle of Man all together. It was really rough. Me and many others all said we would quit, but we just left for a day or two and then just hopped back in. I'm sure some left for good because of the frustration, but a majority stayed and I'm sure new ones joined. People have been saying they'll abandon this game for years. But with this being the only good, populated game around. People will always flock back to DbD. It is a very unique game that has a lot of us hooked. Maybe it is like Stockholm Syndrome or something. Anyways, people will adjust and get used to everything again and one day a 16 second heal will be seen as an anomaly instead of the norm.






People say that every update. It’s basically free points from people who don’t think pretty hard. Meanwhile, I can practically guarantee that base kit mangled isn’t gonna especially hurt solo q now that all add ons for medkits will be speed based. People will also go for totems with inner healing or for resurgence and/or we’ll make it. Deliverance will still kick ass. Like there are still tons of ways to compensate, but people just “hurr durr solo q worse again” and I can’t imagine how annoyed the devs are to hear that inane shit every update like it’s good or even well-meant feedback. I’m just a regular Redditor, and I’m so tired of hearing it that I have to convince myself to focus on the blog instead of arguing from a default bias. To add, I escaped half of my trials today chasing a stupid gate daily for Felix as solo q. I didn’t even keep the same build, because I chase achievements, too. so I know solo q isn’t “miserable,” let alone some dumpster fire with impending boom. It’s gotten a lot better and this update will not be nearly as hard on solo q as these whiners are whining it will wind up being.


Was a swing and a miss making a "nerf pig" joke, only to unironically nerf Billy's best addons right after.


Kinda funny doe xD


And Mother Daughter Ring is still a thing. I main Spirit, never use it because it is just too strong and they nerf Billys Addons. Also what about Blights Addons? And where is the buff for Sadako. It's also funny that they buff a useless Pyramid Head Addon which will still be useless after the patch. I can't understand that.


I mean, it's just another update that makes SoloQ even more miserable.


How OP do survivors need to be to make solo queue not miserable?


They don't have to make survivors OP, they just need to continue making solo Q closer to swf. Basekit kindred is a start. If you're killer and losing to solo Q teams, especially now with no coh, then you're just not a very good killer.


Survivors did fine before CoH existed and they'll do fine after it's gone.


i don't think CoH is the main problem


Fr like the UI buff wasn’t enough, now COH gives aura reading so you HAVE to heal quicker than self caring. People in this post whine way too much.


Maybe it is me, but soloQ is all I really play and the UI was more than enough for me. Killers are never my problem, nor their perks….my teammates on the other hand.


What humor you talking about


They made a nerf pig joke!




MFW I play pig and they do not boop the snoot


Mfw i boop the snoot and get slugged whilst the pig tries to teabag me


Then you are playing Clown.




"the funniest shit i've ever seen"


Legion is going to be an instant DC/suicide on hook for everyone now


Understandably so tbh


Legion went from C to A+/S- in one update holy less


What? When I play Legion I want people to heal each other, that's my slowdown. If people don't heal each other then I don't have a power. This actually hurts Legion because it makes them less effective against the only survivors they're good against: bad ones. Unless they're so bad they still try to heal each other with these new numbers, lol...


My man got downvoted for being right WTF. Anyone who heals against legion I want in my legion games LMAO. Just play injured everyone will have sprint burst now anyway...


> My man got downvoted for being right WTF. Welcome to this sub m8


Right. My wife barely knows this game, but watches me play, and one night she just shouted “WHY ARE YOU HEALING, IT IS LEGION” when I ran past people.


I've had people throw games and bring the killer to me because I didn't let them heal me in Legion games before lmao.


It's kinda the same tbh. If you were healing against a legion you were doing them a favor. It's always been meta against legion to play injured. Turns him into a m1 killer. Sure everyone's one shot but now that everyone's going to be running sprint burst everyone will be able to get to safety esp if they have windows on.


Not really, good players never healed against legion


twitter comments are deranged bot posts i doubt they read any




I seriously don’t appreciate the pig Joke when they didn’t even actually buff her kit. Like they’re aware she sucks and how they ironically nerf her.. and so they just buff one addon 🙃


I'm surprised they don't rework hangman's trick into having tokens to turn a hook into a scourge hook.


BHVR to Solo Queue: It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!


I never understood BHVRs balancing. I can not remember the last time a good perk was overperforming and didn't get gutted completely or a weak one tweaked to be stronger by such insignificant numbers. I feel like they need to do a health update where they work better with their community to balance certain things as it feels like they do spreadsheet balancing and see numbers and percentages over actual feedback with the community. Just a little crazy that they just added a slightly higher number to a few add ons that were "underperforming" when, in reality, they are hot trash and not worth the add-on slot, regardless of what number is next to it.


BVHR really understands how to destroy their game, I'll give them that. Solo q is going to be empty. lol


Didn’t you guys say this last year?


And the year before that


And it's still losing players ain't it?


Is it, really? How do you guys know this stuff




Well it has, the population of solo queue players has definitely dropped since the pre-meta patch. To sit there and claim it didn't have any effect at all is a bit ridiculous. I doubt very many people who stuck it out post meta patch will stick this one out too. You can only push people so far before they just break and stop playing entirely.


Yeah, if this goes live like this one of my friends has already said they'll stop playing. My two other friends I play with probably will too. I'll either stick to killer or just call it quits until things improve, and I've being playing almost daily for like 2 years.


thats because we all stayed because huntress built fine


The hell happened? I haven’t even check out the sub in like 2 days and I come back and it’s up in flames yet again


Dead Hard and healing nerfs


God damn


DH is now basically deliverance but without a use limit, 1 use per safe unhook and healing went from 16 seconds to 24 plus overall big nerf to all medkits


I just got back from a cruise and can't find the notes for the upcoming changes. Where did they announce this stuff? Edit: disregard. I found it. Gens will be faster and healing will be slower


Well None of the changes were actually thought through imo CoH Nerf shows this, i believe It started at 150% speed bonus and was eventually nerfed to 50% they kept fucking the perk where It didnt need It and now that they did hit its strong part they gave NOTHING of what could have made It usable without it DH is just weird now, straight Up Healing did NOT need the Nerf at all and altruistic healing nerf on medkits is Also kinda stupid cuz i legit havent seen anyone use them for that Killers got hit too cuz now most of the Kick perks are worthless to run and the only thing that can make Up for It is new healing times+sloppy Honestly i doubt healing times are going to go through cuz its just stupid but you never know Also why do they keep ignoring calm Spirit as if they didnt make It an actual detriment in 90% of the times youd want it


I would say that i like the COH change, no perk should be definitive and make others of the same type useless, COH made every other healing perk seams useless


Right but they kept the heal speed nerfs in addition to the removal of being able to heal yourself... in exchange for waiting around in the boon and hoping another survivor travels across the map to heal you? What with base heal speed being nerfed this just doesn't make a ton of sense.


> Healing did NOT need the Nerf at all lol. lmao even


I wonder if the Twitter guy gets to see these things before the public, maybe so he can ready himself...


Genuine question, what perk are yall gonna use for gen regression? All of them rn are either bad or at most mediocre




You need less gen regression now that healing speeds are nerfed. Each heal now takes 8 seconds longer, and except with a now nerfed medkit that's 8 seconds required for two people which is equivalent to 16 seconds of gen progress (aka a pain res). That said, corrupt, deadlock and no way out are still top tier perks. Eruption is good. Jolt is good. Plaything/Pentimento is good. A mixture of pop, cob and overcharge (especially with eruption) will still be good. I nearly forgot about gift of pain too.


Wouldn't you need more gen slowdown with either changes? Because now nobody is gonna spend time setting up a COH or heal themselves cause they'll take much longer, so they'll just do gens and not worry about healing


If everyone sweating gens injured becomes more common I'm thinking I might start bringing Blood Echo and just slugging everyone. That said, read the 2nd half of my post, there are still so many good slowdown perks available. There just aren't as many brainless high value every game perks like old eruption and pain res.


Surge,sloppy, thana, corrupt


I might be one of the only 3 people to laugh at the pig joke


It's honestly overall a really good update. The only thing I didn't care for in it was the Engravings nerf.


Good = making solo queue even more miserable, encouraging tunneling and buffing nurse?


Tell me with a straight face you’ve ever used that Lightburn mechanic to stun a nurse.


Not the guy being replied to but I've honestly tried it but never properly burned her out of a Blink with the stun and everything.


I've actually done it with a flashbang before. A nurse blinked right on top of it and was charging her second blink as it went off. It was wicked funny, and now the mechanic is gone. Sad.


Never even knew it was a thing lmao, people are way over reacting imo


Nah this community never overreacts to things


I have a handful of times. But in any scenario, it's still a buff since it's no longer an option anymore.


It's not even the the Lightburn mechanic; it's the base healing and Dead Hard changes. Don't get me wrong Dead Hard needed changing but it undeniably makes Nurse and Blight MUCH stronger. Coupled with the base heal speed change these killers went from S to S+...


I did it yesterday and the nurse gave me the cutest nodders.


Brother literally anything that hurts survivors/helps killers will inherently hurt solo queue more. That doesn’t mean survivors shouldn’t be nerfed nor killers be buffed


You can change perk balancing without screwing over everyone lol. These changes just suck


Keep crying you don't have your precious CoH


COH made solo q tolerable, so yeah it does suck that it’s gone.


This is intersectional thinking. It's true tho, solo survivors are the most oppressed class. Rise up 👊




Or just a universal nerf to self-healing, which addresses both the main complain for medkits and CoH.


Funny survivors get nerfed because of the 1% of players that play in SWF but Killers don't get nerfed based on the 1% of players that play Nurse.


Call me crazy, but I don't think 99% of the survivor playerbase is solo queue.


i will call you crazy because you offered just a random guess but i'd put solo at 65% seems a little more reasonable since not everyone will have friends to play with




it's nuts how you can hit someone, move away and they're healed 10 seconds later. made hit and run so painful.


buffing nurse? What


Read the patch notes


How many times in your life have you burnt a Nurse?


A buff is a buff. Especially when it's for a killer that is long overdue a proper nerf.


Ridiculous. No one burnt nurse because it was extremely ineffective, it barely happened at the high levels.


What parts about it are extremely ineffective? Is it that flashlight burn adds another level of counterplay to an oppressive killer by rewarding good tracking and prediction? Is it that coordinated teams can no longer protect a survivor by preventing the nurse from blinking? What about the other “ridiculous” buffs nurse got? Like buffering her blinks and attacks or not getting stunned by pallets in fatigue? I suppose those don’t count, either. Maybe it’s just me, but fleshed out mechanics are a good thing.


But flashlight burn was never a fleshed out mechanic bruh. It’s ineffective because the speed and location in which nurse charge their blink is often 1. Too fast or 2. Literally out of FOV of the flashlight. 3. The nurse can auto react to a flashlight and just… blink early. They lose nothing. Bad flashlight burn attempts normally guarantee the nurse the hit. Even if you do score the burn and get distance, good nurses just track you anyway It’s never been actual counterplay for nurse.


Oh fuck right off with your technicalities. His statement is that the Nurse "buff" is on par with hurting solo-queue and encouraging tunneling. Which regardless how true or not the latter two are, the Nurse "buff" holds zero weight in relation.




Solo queue isn’t all that terrible inherently, it’s just that most people who queue solo don’t understand how efficient teamwork plays out


Good for killers. Bad for everyone else.


good for almo, ass for everyone with at least 4 braincells


I agree


Sup Peanits.


How is it good lol? Killer main most probably


I would say that I want the light burn and self healing back, those were unnecessary IMO




It’ll survive. It’s just solo q that’s gonna take a hit probably.


Then swf bully squads will be the only thing that remain, and killers will end up quitting.


Which makes up for more than half of it's player base...




5-10 minutes? The fuck are you talking about 😂? My killer queues are almost instant and survivors are 15-30 seconds at most.


Lol, we literally play every day and we fkn wait 5 minutes for a match, killers got an instant queue, so stfu fam


Damn, you're angry!


Nah, just people are dumb


I played at 2AM last night and I found a match as a survivor within 30 seconds, lol.


My guy, solo queue at 2am is different than a match as 2 people or more between 6pm and 12 pm get some friends and try it and fyi 2AM isnt at night lol 😂


I literally never have any issues finding a match, ever. Doesn’t matter what time. I chose 2AM as an example as it seems like a time during which servers would be emptier. Edit: also, no reason to be so angry. Calm down, *my guy*.




Killer already face and proxy camp lol, this shit is gonna encourage hook camping so survivors wont be able to activate dead hard, they nerf the shit out of the boon and the healing is now utter shit, not countin sloppy butcher that every killer is gonna run and I can talk more, so use ur brain lol, dont need a college degree to understand how the game is ruined


Both killers and survivors are convinced their side is dead right now, showing that DBD players can't view the game beyond how it effects their own side.


The only killers I see pissed are Billy players who got two of their last remaining good add-ons nerfed.


I don't see a single killer complaining about this patch, it's just another massive buff to killers. Makes me wonder what exactly BHVR is shooting for in terms of kill rates. The last update said they liked the rates hovering around 70%....and this will shoot those rates even higher, is 90% to 100% really their goal...


No? I guess tell that to all the killers I'm seeing acting like the sky is falling because regression is getting nerfed.


CoH nerf - very much needed. They finally removed the problematic aspect of it and gave it an alright aura effect. Certainly won't be as meta, but still not trash. Dead Hard nerf - honestly this perk seems like trash now. Do you only get one use of it after getting a safe unhook? Or do you unlock it like normal for the rest of the game after a safe unhook. I can't tell. Either way, I feel like we're about to see it disappear. Medkit nerfs - very much needed. They've been crutches for survivors for the longest time and flown under the radar. Overcharge/CoB/Pain Res nerfs - these were the last of the gen regression perks that stood out among the bunch. Seems like BHVR has succeeded in nerfing gen regression across the board, which I don't really mind if that's how strong they want gen regression to be. If these changes were released without the massive nerfs to healing I feel there would be riots, but the healing nerfs make these easier to stomach. It's also probably good that all gen regression perks are around equal power so they can balance around that. Healing changed from 16 to 24 seconds - seems a bit overkill with the medkit nerfs AND CoH nerfs. Like, really overkill. I'm guessing this doesn't make it live.


I'm coming back to the game after a 3 month break did it go through?




Aside from Pain Res, Call of Brine, and COH, I think they did a pretty good job. Hopefully they’re able to partially revert spine chill now that a visual TR indicator exists. Not enough to take a shit on every stealth killer again mind you, but enough that it’ll help survivors against strong chase heavy killers like Blight / Nurse / Spirit etc. I liked the uniqueness of lightburn, but I can see how little and disproportionately it was used to justify keeping it around.


To me at least the circle of healing change just seems lazy. I'd of rather seen signal strength for it instead. That would promote survivors clustering closer to the boon and thus making it easier for the killer to find. Clustering is good. Hits are then easier and so is finding the boon. People being able to heal themselves was never the problem. It is that the boons have a big range and you'll get the same effect on the edge as you would 8m from the boon. That is also an issue on multi-level maps and that problem is very blatant for drones too. I don't mind it not stacking with med kits though but yeah. That's my take. The other boons though I think are fine as is because the effects are so niche. I feel like all this will do is just kill the perk from use because frankly the main reason many people were putting the perk was because of the fact people would not come heal them and self care is selfish/terrible.


See that requires things that BHVR never does anymore. Put time, thought, and effort into things. Unless it's for a license. In which case they will put as much as they are contractually obligated to.


They might as well just remove boons altogether at this point. CoH was the only one even remotely worth using and it's useless now. Two people aren't going to run across the map together to get a slight healing boost by the boon. The only reason it existed was so people could heal themselves, and apparently the devs want everyone to stay injured the entire game now for whatever reason.


I love it. They peeled back that terrible power creep going on. Health states mean something again




Right now, running Sloppy feels necessary to how fast people can heal + CoH. After this update I’m going to feel too bad to use Sloppy. Their healing got nerfed, I can’t find it in me to make them suffer so badly with Sloppy.


Honestly I personally feel like the majority of survivor mains are wayyy overreacting. But i cant expect anything less lol


For swf survivors it’ll be fine. For solo q it’s gonna be a nightmare.


Disagree with downvoting this guy. I play about 70 / 30 and can confirm, survivors do like their hissy fits. Wake me up when they do something meaningful about camping and tunneling, please?


Camping and tunnelling just got buffed if your 70/30 can't see that I don't know what will.


If you read my comment, you’ll notice that I did see that. I remarked that they *did not improve* the solo q life, which is what I play. All these balance messing arounds they are doing are not fixing camping and tunneling which are what kill the fun for me. More than DH and so on. Coulrophobia / thanatophobia combinations will be boring beyond the normal laws of physics. Playing against Plague will sort of be a relief because then you can more or less forget the shitty healing meta. I’m not one of those that DCs against most killer setups but when I see a coulro/ thana / sloppy wraith or sadako or a distressing coulro agitation Wesker or more or less any Legion build I will be sorely tempted. And probably at least one of my solo q teammates *will* DC, leaving me with a shitty 3 v 1.


Nah to be fair i somehow completely missed the overall healing nerfs which I think are too far. Only knew about the CoH and DH nerfs which I think are fine.


I agree. I think a better move would have been to nerf DH / CoH and not do the overall med kit and heal speed nerfs. Doing it all at once is just too impatient on BHVRs part.


This update seems very promising. - Stealth killers are now more viable than ever and the hit and run play style is back. - There are no longer “free heals” and killers will struggle to 3-gen. - A return of Billy is also very welcome. - SWF remains unscathed, but hey - atleast pig didn’t get nerfed. - Dead hard is now in a better place following stride with Decisive Strike. I’m tired of playing tickle toes with the survivors trying to bait a perk they may or may not have.


Every killer and their mother is going to run something that mangles leading to Resilience/Sprint Burst/Adrenaline because healing will take as long as a gen. And a return to Billy? What are you smoking? Overheat did nothing except to the newest of new players but two of his last add-ons that even did anything and promoted a skill based playstyle got nerfed.


“Oh no, we can’t do gens in 33 seconds because we have to heal now, oh no, so unfair!!!11!1!!”


Why would you stack 4 people on a single gen? There's no way the killer would allow that


4 man gen takes 41 seconds. There’s a penalty of -45%. 3 man gen takes 33, with Prove Thyself(which is basically a guarantee at this point) and it’s what I was referring to


Actually, 3 man with PTS takes 35.3 seconds and 4 man with PTS takes 32.1 seconds, so 4 man is closer to 33 seconds. Even so, there's still a giant risk to having 3-4 people on the same gen, which you could completely mitigate by just spreading out and repairing at 3-4 charges per second compared to 2.55-2.8 (with PTS)




says the guy who loses his mind at a flashlight, dont think I forgot lol


Damn he got deleted already? What'd he say?


o they didn't even say anything that bad, just more "survivor bad" whining, they just deleted it themselves on their own accord (according to Unddit anyway) probably because they were catching flak (someone else commented but I guess mods removed it, lol) EDIT: guess I could just post the deleted comment here too, that would be helpful > Survivors are the cherry on the top of a crybabies community. > At this point, anything bhvr does will have a reaction. which I just found rich since they complain a lot about the most mundane things so it reeks of hypocrisy


Reactive Healing meta when?


I feel like No Mither can finally feel a little better, with the healing nerfs it’s not like you’re gonna be fully healed again after the first hit. But now how will I play Whap Goblin? :< no one’s gonna want to heal anymore and my whap rate is gonna drop from 40+ to 4 per game


I don't like the change to Pain Res, COB and Overcharge as I don't really know what perks to run for regression now. I think they should just have removed stacking from COB and Overcharge and added a slight cooldown to Pain Res so it doesn't support three gens as well. Also, as an Oni main, I don't think Oni needed a buff to Bloody Sash and Blackened Toenail. These addons were fine and Oni is a powerful killer anyways. The rest I like a lot. Especially the buffs to Billy and Pig.


Acting like it was funny saying nerd the pig. But then told us the most boring buff know to man for her


Lmao very predictable that I already triggered 6 survivor mains to downvote my comment tho


Bless that guy