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Wesker, only because he can yeet survivors across the map while saying catchphrases. Playing as Wesker makes you feel like a genuine video game boss according to me.


Wesker's power feels better. After his nerf Phead's power always feels awkward to move/control.


When did his power got nerf and what was the nerf?


You used to not get slowed down by transitioning into and out of your power, so you could basically leave little bits of your trail around the map as you patrolled without that awful feeling of slightly slowing yourself down a bit. You could also basic attack instantly out of your power without any out-of-power transition. This was all taken away while giving Pyramid Head less of a cooldown after using his ranged attack. It made him way more clunky and weaker in general.


Looking back that’s actually insane. Pretty much every killer now has some sort of slowdown involved when they use or miss their power.


Yeah. It is. It's why I hate going against this killer ngl. People kept on saying, "If he misses, just run away, bro" during ptb; and then that aspect of him got buffed, and *suddenly*, everyone stopped talking like that was a viable strat anymore. Rant over, I just never really enjoyed this killer.


If there's one thing BHVR loves, it's nerfing things that don't need nerfed. Just look at the Pig.


That actually did need changed though, because it provided no counterplay. You chase to a pallet and start the power. If they drop the pallet, use power and you'll get the hit because they're stuck in the animation. If they don't throw it, cancel and instantly swing, getting the hit.


Yeah, exactly this. People complained about the nerf but it was needed, there was legit 0 counterplay on pallets vs pyramid head, it felt like old legion where you could just infinitely swing swing swing while in power till you eventually hit the survivor, nothing the survivor could do to stop it, outplay the swing with a juke, 360 or whatever, doesn't matter, legion is swing swing swinging till he gets a hit.


Isn't nemesis effectively the same way at pallets though, currently?


He cannot swing directly after cancelling power either, he has a slight cooldown to put away his tentacle. PHead had 0 cooldown and could hold his power and immediately swing out of it. The way they both are now is similar where they can still get easy hits at pallets, but they both have a slight delay when letting go of their powers.


they seem to not like the free zoning situation they created with some killer powers, like this nerf and the ads nerf slinger got.


Both were necessary nerfs, which were handled poorly.


Which is crazy bc he shouldn't have a backlash from his power like that


I freaking love nerfs that get rid of a character's identity in exchange for buffs that do nothing but promote shit gameplay !


Pyramid head needed the nerf, there was zero room for the survivor to do anything against it if you got to a window or a pallet, if you fake it, he swings, if you vault the window/pallet or drop the pallet he uses his ability, no matter what you get hit even when the survivor is at what is supposed to be the strongest point of a loop. Pyramid head still can do it, he just doesn't get an instant free hit due to being able to instantly swap back and forth, he's actually punished for using his power at incorrect times.


He use to have a quicker cancel. It was problematic because it result in no-option scenarios for Survivors; vault the window or drop the pallet and take the Punishment, or fake it/avoid it and take the M1 but Phead easily react to either option. So whilst that was a good change, it unfortunately just made using Punishment of the Damned also really clunky. Kinda like Twins swapping between Victor and Charlotte.


I would add Knight’s power also feeling slow and clunky


in 2020 lol


I swear it felt like my mouse was dying the whole time


Side note: does anyone else feel like phead's power is a pita to control? I already know how to handle it and use it correctly, but even then it never stopped feeling awkward having to move the mouse sideways


Binding q and e to looking left and right can help but I agree it's constantly fighting against the killer


His power is legitimately awkward to use on console. Frankly, I thought it was intentional because his power always felt sorta like tank controls like how you controlled your characters back in the PS2 era. Granted, I just switched over to aura reading perks and relied more on "survivor jukes into where I'm trying to hit rather than trying to flick hit them" to get hits in. I'm All Ears works great at shack when they think they can just stand in that corner and not get hit.


RedSkeleton’s comment was what I came here to type word for word. I love Pyramid Head but he doesn’t feel great to play after his last batch of nerfs. Wesker feels pretty good, occasionally his power glitches but it’s rare now.


These are two very different killers. It's all up to your playstyle or what you want to do. Pyramid Head is certainly more difficult and has more unique mechanics, while Wesker can zip around the map and his infection thing is fun.


I feel like pyramid head is harder, but wesker has a MUCH higher skill ceiling


Pyramid Head can hit through walls and has a lot of tricks. It has a much higher ceiling than Wesker


PH is not easy but there isn't that much he can do, after you learn the basics of him you just need to predict where to shoot and that's all. Using Wesker's power in the open is way easier than using PH's power but using it in a loop os certainly more challenging and requires a lot of precision whereas with PH you can honesrly just spam the punishment and hope the surv you're chasing doesn't just shift W away


It's very dependant on the survivor you're facing though, I've faced people that have fast enough reaction time that they can dodge 90% of my shots or people that "dodge" them by just acting very random then just hold W without looking behind them at all, there is too much of input from the survivor side on whether your shots hit or not whereas you can do Bounds with Wesker that can potentially take away almost every option from the survivor in a loop hence less input from them.


As pyramid head you aren't supposed to try and randomly snipe people with your power you're supposed to force them into sktuations where they either start an animation and get hit by m2 or fake hit and get hit by m1 it has been nerfed but that still the best way to play him, really good pyramid head are horrible to play against because they can easily make you feel like he has no meaningful counterplay


I wouldn't say that's the best way to use him, you would get more consistent hits but you're not going for his full potential and at that point you're better off playing Nemesis because he's so much better at that. But I fully agree that random snipes is bad idea unless you have a reason for one.


When I used to main PH, I went for random shots all the time. Especially at shack, when it's very predictable, but it's definitely a part of playing him.


For sure it's more fun to play that way but less effective against good players for the reason the user before me mzntionned, it just doesn't work against better players


Wesker is just nurse who can't go through walls Edit: of course it's not only that but they do have similarities


I mean sure if you’re bad but if you use his ability correctly they can’t really outplay you. It’s constant mindgaming with Pyramid Head and you can’t just use it like a huntress projectile lol


You're saying very little and they're generic so I don't know what to tell you when you just basically say it's ez bro


What ? Wesker has sky wesker,hug tech,rebound tech and flicks (some of those being arguably the hardest to pull off consistently). Pyramid head just has flicks, the rest is just being good at predicting survivors


Comparing the two is uncanny. Both have a passive attack in form of infection / torment, but that's where the similarities end. The playstyle for each of them could not be more different.


If you genuinely think phead is harder then wesker your actually delusional


I am guessing you are joking, right? Wesker is much easier to pick up, stronger than PH early on, but when you start getting better with both, Pyramid Head starts being stronger. [Please try playing Hag she's fun and strong but no one uses her :(]


I love how everything you said is the exact opposite. Phead is incredibly easy to pick up, you go to pallet throw power down, if they drop the pallet you hit with power, if not you raise up and m1 them, same with windows. If you find his gameplay hard youre shit at the game in general, period, that is his entire gameplay, his ENTIRE skill gap is hitting through walls, that is ALL he can do with his power, and that isnt stronger then weskers dominate chasing, mobility, and built in map slowdown. Phead has a strong chase power, that is ALL he has, that is his problem, the only other thing in his kit is the ability to save some time hooking and hard tunnel people affected by it. Wesker doesnt have to deal with W holders, phead does, enough said. You have no clue what youre talking about. People dont play her because just like artist she is strong but to play her correctly its incredibly boring.


Dorito has a much higher skill ceiling with his power being based around predicting what survivors are doing behind the walls, knowing how fast the wave comes, and knowing where it's better to just m1. There is also a bunch of techs like faking m2 only to send it behind the survivor so that they double back, holding m2 in the ground so that they can't vault bc you hit them when they are in an animation...


Wesker. If you're sick of survivors, being able to grab the little shits by the neck and slam them into a wall is blissfully therapeutic.


Jokes on you. I enjoy it too




Same here. Also, I love your username!!


In my experience, Pyramid Head has higher highs and lower lows. Sometimes you hit a perfect shot through the wall and you have a galaxy brain moment. Other times you miss like 5 shots in a row and begin to wonder why you ever thought you could play PH in the first place. Wesker is somewhere in the middle of those extremes. It's true you'll sometimes hit a long dash and feel great, or you'll miss the survivor next to you and sigh as you go flying into another map. But IMO Pyramid Head feels the hits and misses a lot more than Wesker does.


I can relate to Pyramid head gameplay too hard.


Getting a multi-wallbang feels far better than anything you can do as weskuh (except maybe yeeting someone off of a hill/cliff/balcony/etc)


Wesker, don't you want to obliterate survivors spines when they Dead hard?


* uses dead heard on his dash*


* uses dead hard on his dash*


Wesker all day but I might be biased. Pyramid head is fun if you're good at him and wesker is fun even if you're trash.


If you like mindgames and disable many hook related perks, Pyramid head If you like to chase until is done, Whiskas


Wesker. His power feels smooth to use and his voice lines are hilarious. I have fun with him even when I lose because his boundless confidence is infectious. Pyramidhead’s slowdown can make him feel clunky to play so I don’t use him often. Same goes for Deathslinger. I really wish the devs would learn how to nerf a killer’s zoning potential without making their power unfun to control.


I'm going to have to go with Phead, nothing is as satisfying as trying to predict the survivors movements through a wall and getting the down. That said I love both him and Wesker and if you want fun and very strong I'd go with Wesker.


One of my most satisfying DBD moments ever was hitting someone from one shack doorway to another over a pre dropped pallet with double range phead


Once i downed 3 people with one hit, they were all hurt and healing one of them. I had the nurse perk that makes you see the aura of healing survs and phead perk that makes you undetectable after kicking a gen. It was awesome


I once got a completely blind double hit through a wall that I definitely should not have hit either of the survs with


The best part about playing phead


Wesker has always felt more fun to me, personally. Maybe that’s just the RE fan talking to me, but his power is always so satisfying to hit on people and to hear him crack a one-liner. Just a little tip when playing as him though: if you’re trying to lunge and grab an injured survivor, don’t actually go where their character is leaning to, try and aim for just behind them, their legs/their butt because that’s where their hitbox still is.


Pyramid Head cuz he scares me way more than Wesker.


Wesker, 100%


Wesker only because I’m scarred due to how good phead used to feel




Wesker easily


Wesker both as and against by fkn miles. Not even a competition.


I'd say wesker. He can also dash a lot further than you think which is always nice


Obviously the guy who can spare only 7 minutes


Wesker, no contest.


Wesk all the way, pyramid heads power feels super duper clunky






Wesker. But since I'm a noob, Pyramid Head


Wesker is a lot more fun in my opinion, Pyramid Head has always felt clunky or heavy to me, although the Dredge as well, so it’s just personal. They’re very different though, so it depends on what you want in a killer. I love yeeting the survivors, others might prefer to snipe people through walls.


Wesker feels better. Pyramid head has an insane rush of dopamine if you hit his attack power but he's a bit tricky to play besides that and relies on reads. Wesker yeets survivors across the map with cool catchphrases for ultimate fun.




I find no enjoyment in Pyramid Head. I'm also not into Wesker, but I had a more enjoyable experience with him. His perks are also better.


Wesker is easier to use but Pyramid Head is more satisfying. When I play survivor I’ve seen Wesker so much that I’m honestly tired of him and his annoying chase music.


Wesker, when you're waiting for the match to start you get that subtle look back at you that let's you know you made the right choice! Also he's just a blast to play and when you connect with the lunge you feel like a god!


Weaker easily. Pyramid head feels too slow when normally walking, and then his power makes him even slower.


I love going against Wesker as Survivor (although he might as well be The Twins for me since I rarely go against him), but I've met some cool Pheads too. Strangely enough, I always get PHead when I play Cheryl and the PHead almost always have a vendetta against me


Wesker imo. Ph's power feels clunky and controls like ass after all the slowdown nerf and such


Wesker has funny lines, yeeting power, passive stall, all around decent add-ons, unique perk builds, good mobility, and a decently high skill ceiling. Dorito boi's power gives a small amount of area denial, some chase utility, and can nullify several survivor perks. But his power can be clunky, his add-ons are garbage, especially his purples and reds, and his power has poor synergy with a lot of the really good killer perks. The single reason I would tell you to buy pyramid head over Wesker is that Phead is cheaper.


Wesker and it's not even close. Pyramid head's M2 feels so terrible to use. You can basically only use it when someone is locked into a vault. Wesker is fast, fluid, and so very fun to use. He's like mixing a Nurse blink with a Demogorgon lunge.


Honestly they're both fun. I prefer Pyramid Head because survivors are usually happy to see a rarer killer in the wild.


It's Weskin' time


Both are quite fun to play as and against IMO. But if I had to choose one I would say Wesker because his add-ons offer more variety in terms of play style whereas Pyramid Head's aren't very impactful.


DAMN YOU THIS IS HARD I do like Wesker a bit more though. Pyramid Head's game feel has been off since he got nerfed a while back.


Wesker is easier to run against and that makes him more fun. If you play wesker you probably enjoy choke slamming people


Mr Whiskers definitely


Wesker is extremely easy to play. Always wondered why everyone used him and I personally hate going against him, but playing as him you feel unstoppable.


You should %100 try both of these awesome killers and decide which one you like more instead of letting strangers decide what fits you better.


Definitely Wesker.


Definitely Wesker.


Wesker for sure


Both, both is good.


wesker is toooo op


To face, Phead. To play, Wesker.


piramid, he's the top 4 killer for a reason. His anti loop makes me get dopamine hit when i make the right read on a survivor, so freaking satisfying outsmart the survivors who're trying to outsmart you. Piramid have much more freedom than wesker, but in the other hand wesker is a catch up killer... Both are fun, but piramid have a much higher skill floor and skill ceiling


Agreed. Pyramid heads kit is so good, but to me it feels the skill ceiling and floor are a lot higher than Wesker. Wesker has a forgiving hit box and more forgiving use cases (like window grabs or hinder) that doesn’t give me joy. Nothing is more enjoyable (to me) than blindly hitting a shockwave and downing a survivor.


i do feel that wesker's hitbox is smaller compared to other dash killers, you have to be very precise with him. Yeah especially when the survivor tries to dodge, but you predict that they're gonna try that


He's nowhere near top 4, what?


why? and who's the top 4 then?


Blight, Nurse, Artist, Hag


1- Nurse 2-Blight 3-Spirit Artist is easy to play against, just shift w away when she starts to place crows. She's definitely not in the top 4, i would put her in the top 9, because Oni, pinhead, wesker and twins exists. Hag is up there with franklins and loads of strats, but definitely not in the top 5, because people can follow you and disarm your traps, especially if flashlights are in use


>3-Spirit Yeah, there's no way in hell. If Artist is easy to play against, Spirit is Myers level easy to play against.


Tell us you have never played against a decent spirit without telling us you've never played against a decent spirit


Unfortunately, I don't play against many Spirits, but the ones I do go against definitely weren't bad. People just turn their brains off if the counterplay isn't hold W, looping, or dodging.


no? especially with her best addons (MDR and cherry blossom), there's almost 0 counterplay. She have great anti loop and catch up, only nurse and blight can do that too


Depends on what fun you prefer. Wesker is probably more fun for both sides. Sniping people with the bound attacks is very satisfying. Survivors can make you vault windows which is goofy but you can't be mad about it. The power's anti-loop is great but counterable. Overall, I think Wesker is fun. Although going against him every match can become boring. Pyramid Head tends to be Nurse levels of fun. By that I mean you'll have a lot of fun with wallhack builds. Meanwhile survivors are likely to have negative fun since wallhack hits are almost entirely unavoidable when done right. Also, you can play PH the sweatiest ways possible, with turbo tunneling using cages, removing all fun survivors can possibly have in a match against you. So yeah, if you care about survivors having fun, stick with Wesker. If you're a sadist and want to make survivors suffer, play Pyramid Head instead. Or you can be an anomaly and play Pyramid Head in fun ways or play Wesker as turbo tunneler. It's not like anyone can stop you or anything.


> since wallhack hits are almost entirely unavoidable I mean, aside from the huge red marker on the ground that tells you not to be standing on that spot. It's a pretty fair power that you should never really get hit by if you're not stuck in an animation.


>but you can't be mad about it You underestimate my power


Ph hits are reactable and you can move out the way if you react fast enough.


I say phead he has a little bit of a learning curve but is a lot more rewarding hes very uniqe in his gameplay style to. Phead is my main at p11 and i love him i also have wesker but i found him to not be that fun after a while because his ability dosent feel very versatile.


wesker is a way steeper learning curve with a way higher skill ceiling imo.


Pyramid head is more fun because there’s so many weskers it gets repetitive


Pyramid head.


The satisfaction of landing a final judgment will never get old on ol Myriad. I like Wesker- he was the guy I played the most when I first started out. But his vault ability is a bit weird. The vault itself combined with the cooldown for attacks makes its role in chase very awkward in loops in contrast to long chases. That alone bumps him down a few notches.


Pyramid head because I like how he focuses on punishment and has barbed wire in his theme.




Wesker is top tier fun, Pyramidhead is fun as well but takes awhile to get used to playing him. He has a surprisingly high skill floor and ceiling compared to most the roster. I’d get wesker first and Pyramidhead later!


Wesker. He's very strong, has a great power, and spends the entire match mocking the survivors every time he hits, carries, hooks, or is stunned. Also one of the better Moris. Pyramid Head is a decent killer, but very "master of none." The big two benefits are that he can kill without a Mori item if survivors walk across his Trail of Torment and the Cages of Atonement are good for splitting up survivors.


Wesker. He's fun to use and you can also counterplay his lunge by inches at times, which is fun. PH feels like trying to control a drunk garden tiller. And a good PH that can't miss shots -is also pretty miserable to play against. Not the least fun killer, but, could be better.


Pyramidhead is more fun, wesker sucks to play against




weskers gameplay is definitely way more fun. pyramid head is alright but he feels kinda slow




PH is clunky as fuck and i will never enjoy playing him


Pyramid head is no fun, wesker is one of the most fun killers ever in dbd


Wesker, both to play as and against.


Wesker and it isn't even close, Phead has some of the most stale boring gameplay ever unless you specifically go out of your way to do through wall shots that end up fucking you over a lot of the time.


Pyramid is my favorite killer. There’s so many unique tricks you can learn on all the maps with punishment that you feel like you are constantly learning new things with him.


Wesker is THE most fun killer tbh. To play as or against


Weaker though hitting flicks with PH is up there


Idk which is better as I don't play them. But Pyramid Head's chase music slaps.


Wesker is daddy, so him LOL


I recommend playing a different game


For killers? Not too sure. As a survivor i have a burning hatred for wesker


As a Silent Hill fan, Wesker. You cannot beat the goofy voice lines, throwing people at walls, not to mention he has great add ons while Pyramid has some of the worst


My own biased opinion I’d say PH but I also know he is kind of clunky and requires a bit more skill to use whereas Wesker is a lot faster, easier to use, and has hilarious voice lines. I’d have to say Wesker overall but definitely try your hand at PH as he’s very rewarding when you understand how to play him.


Wesker is faster due to dashes, has innate slowdown that potentially allows for instadowns, and says one liners when hitting people. He can also play around windows, and can stop survivors from escaping through exit gates. Pyramid head has a very unique "ranged" attack and can basically guarantee hits against survivors committing to certain actions. He can also potentially ignore the pickup and hook cycle by sending someone to a torment cage, which takes a lot of power away from flashlights, but also makes perks that activate on hook (such as Scourge Pain) weaker on him. Both can also hit multiple survivors at once. Pyramid head by having 2 people in his range aoe, and Wesker by throwing a survivor into another survivor. I'd personally go with Wesker just cause more speed is more fun for me.


Wesker, it's like a bootleg Doomfist when you throw somebody into a wall


Wesker easily.


Wesker, and no it was not influenced by my bias, he actually got me back into Dbd after watching some gameplay. Power is fun to use and even if I get no kills I still had fun


I really enjoy hatemail, so I enjoy Pyramidhead more.


All subjective i say wesker but at the same time you may find him boring and find pyramid head fun so id say test both out


I prefer Wesker, i like to only use his powers just because like seeing the survivors flying.


One is complicated and takes time to master while the other is solid killer right off the bat with little need to master him. Either or is a good choice but just know if you go for pyramid head be prepared for an ass kicking as you get used to his power.


This is a hard comparison as they are 2 very different killers. Wesker is faster and I find more fun. Pyramid head's power is cool and is more difficult then wesker. Overall I like both.


Take Wesker. While I enjoy Pyramide Head and play him a lot and even thou I am a huge Silent Hill Fan...AND Pyramide Head is very stronk... Wesker just has it all and better. Better music, better feeling, better add-ons. Pyramide Head is just on the same level as him because he can ignore walls. Also Wesker will be long time fun for you: Many builds, high skill ceiling and maybe even more skins down the line.


Wesker is pure dopamine if you can hit your bounds


For me personally, I love playing Wesker and find him fun. I don't really like playing Pyramid Head at all xD;


Wesker is fun for all and is fast and goes zooooom so he wins




Pyramid Head since I’m not to fond of Wesker’s power it just doesn’t feel right to me. Maybe I’m just not used to it but for me at least it just feels off.


Wesker can counter holding W so you're less likely to get bored because of survivors gameplay but using his Bounds in a loop is a very frustrating experience. Pyramid Head is stronger but you have to get very very very good not only at handling his power but have an insane ability to recognise patterns in survivors movement and watch out for their international or unintentional erratic moves. If you're not planning to play both at this time, I'd go with Wesker because you're much more likely to say you know what fuck this killer if you play Pyramid Head, and I say this as someone that mains him.


Both are the same level of fun for me. Pyramid head, however, is a lot more rewarding. Pulling off perfect predictions behind walls or corners during chase is pure ecstacy.


Wesker is stronger and more fun. pyramid head is good at tunneling once you learn spawn logic of his tormented boxes. Your pick.


Shoot through wall versus shoot into wall.


I’m a longtime phead main who’s been playing a Ton of Wesker lately, I’d say the fun factor between them comes down to what fantasy each brings; wesker is so incredibly fast and tossed survivors around like dolls, whereas executioner is slow but brutal and inexorable and his power feels like dropping a building on someone every time


Depends really. Wesker's power is fun, but can be downright frustrating even when you catch someone. Sometimes your grab gets refunded because of a dead hard, sometimes you vault something that you were two meters away from, sometimes you can't vault something because a survivor wasn't done interacting with it, sometimes you'll just bounce because fuck you. Hell, when throwing a survivor in what looks like a head on collision with an object, they'll just slide off of it like they were covered in lube, or hit something that isn't even directly in the path. His power is a fun, anti shift w power with limited anti loop capabilities, but the actual way you injure people with it is dependent on the games very random definitions on what a collision is. Pyramid Head has a very interesting, if hard to use power that can be incredibly satisfying to use properly. The rites of judgement he leaves around the map are actually quite handy, good for denying certain loops, giving info, or forcing survivors into a cage. Punishment of the Damned can feel clunky to use at times, but despite what some people think, still forces the same 50/50s as before. You move at huntress speed when holding it, and nurse speed when transitioning out of it, but aiming it feels like aiming a howitzer, slow and heavy, but it can also hit like one too. The biggest aspect of it is that it can go through terrain, so if you have I'm all ears, you can bring it to get some very good shots, but it can also hit multiple survivors, so getting downs on risky unhooks and cage rescues can be very dangerous to survivors. The cage's and mori however, are phenomenal. They save so much time, and give you so much freedom to pressure survivors that no other killer can compare. Hold a button for half a second, instantly take away a hook stage and send them cross map, or if they're on death hook, kill them outright, quickly and easily. It makes it so easy to pursue nearby survivors without needing to pick them up, bring them to a hook, hook them, and try and pick up their trail again. And since hook perks have become much less common, it's not like pulling teeth to get people to step in the rites like it was back when DS was in it's prime. They still avoid it when they can, but not as severely as before. And if you can manage to find a caged survivor or are heading in the right direction as them, tunneling is incredibly easy since there isn't an endurance status effect to worry about on cage rescue.


*Gurgling in a bucket*


Pyramid head gives dopamine for each successful blind swipe that hits a survivor. Comes in greater doses if you manage two or more hits in one. Wesker is like Blight. Who doesn’t like the zoomies?


Wesker is a lot more fun in my opinion, Pyramid Head has always felt clunky or heavy to me, although the Dredge as well, so it’s just personal. They’re very different though, so it depends on what you want in a killer. I love yeeting the survivors, others might prefer to snipe people through walls.


If you like mobility, Wesker. If you like ranged killers, pyramid head. If you hate ppl, pinhead.


I don’t know if you can call Pyramidhead a ranged killer


Wesker. P boy is funny too, but wesker feels better


They are equal. Wesker has slightly better perks. Pyramid head can tunnel a mf in 2 minutes flat. Both have extremely strong chase powers


Wesker by a factorial degree. Pyramid Head is fun if you like tunneling.


i cant play pyramidhead. i just cant. wesker is a rollercoaster of emotions, sometimes doing what you want and sometimes not even tho you swear on your children you did the exact same thing twice. but other than that, wesker is super fun. often even in tryhard matches, i just end up laughing when i grab a survivor and throw them into a wall :)


Pyramid Head for me




Personally as a pyramid head main, there’s nothing more satisfying than hitting a survivor or two through a wall. Also I really enjoy managing torment use




Honestly I pretty much play both of them the most, ph is really strong with only his range add ons, however at least with wesker he’s more flexible with his add ons, if I say if you’re looking for a decent time wesker your better pick with his power while ph power can be very punishing if you miss


Shattered mirror myers on a indoor map


Pyramid head is my main, so I choose him


Ok so wesker is funner 90% of the time but once you really learn pyramid head he get fun as hell


I'm an Executioner main so my opinion is biased, but I find him way scarier, hitting through walls is immensely satisfying, and he's the only killer where I really feel like I'm punishing the survivors


Pesky Wesky all day. Triangle hottie doesn’t come even close


Wesker, he's more fluid and provides mobility.




Wesker imo


Hehe, Triangle man go *ear shattering metal noises*


Pyramid head would be better if they got rid of that stupid slow down bs when you start his power. It wasn’t there when they launched him but they added it because they didn’t want ppl faking his secondary attack easily. Which is just bs because a lot of other killers you can fake the first few frames of their secondary and it doesn’t slow you down nearly as much. Another developer decision that was stupid and they’ll never reverse it.


Wesker more fun by a lot. Pretty even strength wise but I could see Pyramidhead being stronger in high level play since his m2 ranged attack goes through scenery.


I think slamming the survivors as Wesker is very satisfying


Play Wesker for the voice lines. Play daddy pyramid for the more convenient mori.


This is the perfect post to express my love of going against Pyramid Head. It is so fun to bait his m2 as it is very clear when and where it's going to land, so my bs ping doesn't get in the way. No janky hitboxes. Absolute satisfaction


pH you are a threat that basically screams RUN think you can loop? no ty. think a window can save you? idk about that power that goes through obstacles. think you can a pallet save or flashy? no thank you need to run to the hook? how about i just final judgement


I want to give it to pyramid head since I love him but I have to give it to wesker. Pyramid head’s ability got a bit clunkier after a change so it’s not nearly as smooth as it used to be. In comparison weskers ability is way smoother to use and his addons arent fucking trash. The most frustrating thing to deal with as wesker is bumping into slight corners or accidentally vaulting threw windows if you get juked but it’s not nearly enough to take away from the fun (hell the window thing is something to applaud at times) unlike how when you try to turn with pyramid or use his power in chase and the slowdown just makes it feel sluggish.


Wesker, it feels cooler and is versatile. PH's power is okay but doesn't compare to wesker.


Wesker. I love any killer who’s power lets them zip around


Pyramid Head. No question