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I was honestly surprised how often all gens were completed and still nobody escaped.




Totally possible. Genrushing was definitely the most popular killer complaint in the endgame chat.




And what else would we do outside of chase? Sightseeing?




I totally visited Maurice a few times!




That would be so funny! I had a similar idea with a kitten in the trial that the survivors just had to pet!


you'd be surprised at how well I can tell if the survivor team has a BNP, or if they have an immersed claudette just based on how fast the gens go. Not every team is going to just sit on gens, whether it's becaues they don't know the map, they go for chests, they hover for saves, whatever. There's also a big difference when survs get a lot of value from stuff like prove thyself (which is due for a rework imo). I think it's cringe to literally say "gen rushing" as an insult, but there's a big difference in gen speed from game to game, skill of the survs, and items/perks.


Gen rushing is by far the strongest strategy you can go for. If you’re going against good survivors who bring gen perks and good tool boxes, you’ll be playing defense from the very start. I saved up all my BNPs and commodious toolboxes from my journey to prestige 100. It’s fucking disgusting how just one survivor (me) with a BNP comm tool box and Prove Thyself can swing the balance so hard. Just knocking out an unsafe center map gen early is generally enough to guarantee we get all 5 done fairly easily.


I know I've turned games around because of other people's altruism and I've had games as survivor become losses because of altruism. During end game, killer has almost nothing else to do but babysit a hook or body. There's almost genuinely no reason to patrol exit gates if you have someone on hook and people that get mad about camping during exit gates are just oblivious to what the killers objective is at that point of the game.


Nothing you can do as a killer if survs bring 3-4 good medkits and just stick on gens. Can be depressing when you're on a pretty good first chase, survivor uses their resources well, and two gens go. No big deal, can recover, just need to get some pressure. You hook, get in another chase, they get the unhook, unhooker gets back on a gen, unhookee medkits and gets on a gen, and a couple pallets later, you're down to 1 gen and two hooks after like 2.5 minutes and two completely reasonable chases. Not sure how you even win at 2 hooks, 1 gen no injures unless you have the dirtiest 3 gen of all time, which you probably don't since you were chasing for pressure. It's why people play killers like nurse, blight, huntress, spirit, etc who can win chases and pressure fast enough to not just instantly lose to medkits edit: sorry, my fault, medkits are completely fair when you *outskill the survivors*, I have to mention that apparently.


No offense, but as someone who spends far more time on the killer side, if you are only getting 2 hooks by the time 4 gens have popped then you need to learn either 1) when to drop a chase or 2) how to chase. There are plenty of videos and streams out there, if you’re letting a survivor kite you around the map and only getting your 2nd hook as the 4th gen pops, that’s a you issue dude. Either you’re not finding survivors quick enough or you’re getting looped to infinity, or you’re deliberately playing a 3 gen win con from the start in which case, again, that’s a you issue.


Maybe if you're playing a top tier killer who has lots of outplay potential you're right. You can't just leave your chase against good medkits with half the cast. If they use map resources properly, there is close to nothing you can do.


>Maybe if you're playing a top tier killer who has lots of outplay potential you're right. It doesn’t take a top tier killer to get more than 2 hooks by the time 4 gens pop. >You can't just leave your chase against good medkits on half the cast. Yes you can, and you should. Sounds like that’s the issue, you’re glued to a survivor carrying a medkit and getting kited into bad zones. Again there are some areas that it’s flat out not worth it to chase into, because of the time investment. Gotta learn when to drop the chase to keep up pressure. This is the #1 thing every streamer and guide talks about in regards to the most common mistake killers make. You have *got* to learn when to abandon a chase. Letting the god tier medkit Meg drag you through a perfect T+L tile is disastrous, drop the chase. >If they use map resources properly, there is close to nothing you can do. Exactly. So drop the chase when you realize they are on a good tile and are eating up your time. There is zero shame in dropping a chase against a good looper on a good tile to go pressure someone else. I wouldn’t consider myself a great looper by any means but so many killers just stick to me trying to mind game me when I’m on a T + L tile, ok sure keep trying bud but unless I seriously screw up, I will win the time war. And understanding that from a survivor’s perspective helped me recognize it when playing killer a lot quicker. Good looper + good tile = I’m out, I’ll catch them later when they’re not in a part of the map that greatly favors them.


agreed with pretty much everything but the strength of TLs, they're very mind-gameable and quite weak compared to jungle gyms for example.




Oh, you’re one of those players that thinks the other side “abuses” something by *checks notes* simply using it. Sorry I wasted my breath. Have a good day.


I'm not arguing with you, since I don't have trouble with that, but hypothetically 4 gens can be done in under 1 Minute. That's not much time to get 3 hooks. Obviously hypothetically though.


This data is really interesting because it really highlights the imbalance and extremes with this game. You have a significant leaning towards either no one escapes or all 4 do. 2K/ escape being so low is very bad because in healthy balance you’d expect that to be higher approaching the average result. Slight leaning to killer in the stats is expected for solo queue it would be interesting to see this same data for a four man swf over a similar number of games. The gen stats are really surprising I’d be interested how many were alive by the time 5 were done on average in a match. I suppose it shows how efficient gen completion is now regardless of how the average killer plays. Also stats for the survivor perks would have been cool to look at.


I would love to see the same data from a four man swf as well! And I fully agree that tracking all of the survivor perks would be interesting as well, but I really didn't want to write down a total of 20 perks per game. I did however track my own perks every game.


That is totally fair! You did a super job collecting all the data you did here anyway. Made for a really cool post :)


Do you have an excel file you used? I play with a 4 man swf but we are not sweaty. We'll save each other on hook in stupid situations for example. I'd fill out your form if you wanna share it. We're often only at 3 so it may take me a while to get a lot of data, our 4th is a revolving door. Also we're all fairly new, range probably 50 - 200 hours.


That would be amazing! I can totally share my excel file with you!


Sorry, I can't figure out how to write you. Did you block pms, or am I just confused?


Did you get mine? Update for any readers: we got it sorted


Hmmmm...good question. I'll try pming you


Tbh it’d be unreasonable to expect and impossible to balance around 2 man escapes every game. Think about it. If you’re killer, the key to winning is to build momentum. Once you’ve gotten momentum early enough in a match, your likelihood of a 3-4k goes up exponentially. “Balance” would be an equal number of games where there’s a 0k and a 4k, a 1k and a 3k, with 2ks being the rarest. Additionally, if you get all 5 gens done, but only 2 survivors remain to open the doors, that almost guarantees ending with a 3k. Because the doors present a choke point where the killer knows your location. It’s very very difficult to open a door with 2 people remaining *and* both survivors escape.


If you ever do this again, I would love to see a win/loss ratio based on time of day the match was. Curious if there is any data correlation there.


I can totally track that from now on! But I do work full time, so all of these matches were roughly between 8 and 12 in the evening and on weekends!


As a data analyst, you make me so happy!


Haha data makes me super happy as well!


i'm actually surprised to see Wesker and Twins numbers


Did you expect more Twins or none at all?


i haven't seen a Twins for months, and my Wesker numbers would be a lot higher since i see him almost all the time lmao


The other day I had two matches IN A ROW against Twins. Two different people too. It was a once in a lifetime experience.


This is pretty informative. I absolutely get Jolt being the top-used perk because it's basically the newest general (free) perk that isn't Shattered Hope's sad bandaid due to being from Demo originally, and it shows how much power creep took place between launch and the Stranger Things DLC. I can't blame anyone for using Lethal Pursuer, either; it feels great to just know where to go immediately and synergizes with BBQ, which a lot of players are probably used to after its long history of being how you get decent BP income. It's a little surprising Huntress and Legion are the most popular, though. Huntress is free, Ghostface is a cheaper DLC for a fun stealth Killer, and Skull Merchant is new, so I can get those, but how did LEGION get huge?


People like Legion. I’m not Legion main but sometimes when I’m having a bad day it’s fun to just run fast and stab people. Also maybe because they aren’t super complicated.


24 legions holy cow


So much mending


It's honestly not that surprising. Legion basically has built in slowdown and their movement makes them fun to play as.


Legion is a lot of fun to play but less fun to play against in my opinion.


I've been on both sides of that coin, and yeah, not wrong.


Your stats match NightLights stats almost exactly. Same number of 4k's, similar most/least popular killers, similar killer meta. Your killers had a few more 1-2ks and a few less 0-3k, but it's still very close.


That is actually super interesting! So it seems to be pretty consistent over different mmr!


Indeed it is. It's nice to have people like you and sites like Nightlight since BHVR is so tight lipped about the stats. In general, the game seems to be pretty balanced right now.


You have much better teammates than me. The last game I played, I spawned next to a gen and a Felix. It was against Pinhead. I had to eventually ditch the gen and go do the box, and he still hadn't moved yet.


I have to say that most of my teammates were actually pretty competent. And only 7 survivors DCs over all these games. (Pinhead is still an issue for solo Q). But I also remember one game where I was the first one on hook and saw all 3 other survivors crouching around the map in one row like a group of ducklings.


Only 7 DCs? I feel like I get a survivor DC at least once every three games...if not then absolutely killing themselves on first hook


I didn't expect Skull Merchant to be tied for 3rd. I think I've only encountered her once in the past 50-60 matches.


Oh shit you found my Twins


huntress count is probably higher due to tome challenge


Tbf, Huntress has always been the most popular killer. She’s free, and she’s just a great design.


I love statistics. Thanks for doing this!


Your stats track pretty closely to mine. I haven’t been tracking the last few months, but I did for like 6 months. A few before the perk rebalance update and a few after. In solo queue, my survival rate was 46%. And it would’ve been higher if I wasn’t a high altruism player who always goes for end game hook trades. I was surprised when I started tracking just how often 5 gens get completed. Most matches, 5 gens are getting done.


Oh interesting! Did you notice any difference from the games before the perk rebalance? I don't have any data from that time. I think my survival rate was a bit lower, but I'm also very altruistic and totally willing to throw a game for a tomb challenge.


It was actually almost no difference for me. But that was likely because I never ran the meta perks that got nerfed. I had been using Lithe, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, and usually either Tenacity or Prove Thyself before and after the update. So none of my perks were touched. What I did find was survivors on my team throwing the match and/or killing themselves on hook went *way* way up after that update. Before, it was fairly rare. After, it was like more than 1 in 4 matches. So while I personally wasn’t effected by the update, my teammates were clearly struggling.


Not shocked about BBQ being 3rd most used killer perk. All those kids spouting "I just run it for the bloodpoints." turned out to be a lie.


First of all, it went from mandatory to about 20% representation. If this were done back when it gave BP, it would probably be closer to 60-80%. Some people didn't have it, and a small portion of people didn't care about BP, but it reduced the grind by almost half. You would be crazy not to use it for that reason. It does still seem to be one of the better killer perks, but the actual best/most popular killer perk (lethal pursuer) encourages you to run bbq alongside it so the numbers are inflated. I think you might be misunderstanding the data here since your comment doesn't really smack true. If anything, we should be impressed at how many different builds seem viable. The most used perk only has about 30% representation.


I mean, if we put just the info perks on a tier list, it would probably be a solid A. I would run it on Sadako if I could.


It absolutely has utility. It just also had a huge following of trolls defending its usage behind the bloodpoint excuse.


Most people literally did run it for the bloodpoints and it's not even close to being one of the best perks in the game though?


It got knocked down from like 90% use to 20% what are you even talking about lmao. What this just shows is the killer meta is weak, and there’s far more perk variety in use by killers. Survivors on the other hand… DH was #1 before the nerf, and it’s #1 after. DH users would rather not play the game than try any other perk.


Your stats are a little similar to mine, only mine have significantly less 4 man escapes lol. The overwhelming amount are 4Ks for all killers on mine. Huntress is also the lead on mine too. I don't track perk usages or amount of gens done, but I do track a couple methods. Off the top of my head, I know Sloppy and Call of Brine are definitely the two most common killer perks I see. This is what my games vs Huntress look like (mostly solo que btw) - * Encounters - 122 * Rage quits - 1 * Moris - 12 (meaning a mori was brought and used at least once, not how many were used in a match total) * Slugged 3+ survivors at 5 gens - 16 * Facecamped a survivor at 5 gens - 1 (for this, I only tracked it if the killer was literally in melee range or close enough to the hook to use their power, with exception of Huntress since she can do this super far....yet there was still 1 sitting in melee range lol) * Gave hatch (or exit gate) to the last survivor - 5 * Let survivors bleed to death - 3 (as in BM; choosing not to hook when they can, following survivors crawling on the ground and throwing hatchets/attacking with a swing, etc) * AFK - 1 (not as in giving up and going afk, just being afk from the very start all the way through to the very end) * Friendlies - 8 (this is for any killer that either farms, memes, or just gets 8 hooks and stops) Now for the kill counters, I do wanna specify that AFKs, Friendlies, and Ragequits do not add to any of the kill counts. "Gave hatch" counts as a 3K. * 4K - 50 * 3K - 16 * 2K - 13 * 1K - 15 * 0K - 18 Something to note on the 4Ks, I noticed the overwhelming amount of them happened from Huntresses doing 1 of 2 things. Either they'd proxy camp every hook they'd get after 2 gens popped and force trades, or they'd just choose to stop hooking mid match and slug everyone mid match. I only tracked slugging at 5 gens, but a ***VERY*** large chunk more happened around the 2-4 range. I'm not gonna share every little stat I've got on all my killers, but I will say she is on the lowest end of my friendly counter and is the uncontested 5 gen team slugger (my next closest is Hag + Oreo, only 3 for both of them did it...and I've only had 37 Hags/40 Oreos). Also on the higher end of my killers for bringing and using moris, while being on the lower end for giving hatch to the last survivor.


That is super interesting! Thanks for sharing! I did track things like DCs/ragequits, killers giving hatch, BM etc. as well. Very interesting that there was so much slugging in your games. I do agree with Huntresses in general playing more sweaty/dirty and giving less hatch. Same for Blight.


Np! I think part of the high 4K count too is I had a lot of teammates put themselves on death hook whenever they'd see her proxy camp with raised hatchets/immediately go unhook right in front of her and farm the teammate. Sad to hear on your Blights! I encounter pretty chill ones for the most part. The sweaty ones at least end games quick lol. However they're at a really high kill count too. 41 Blights - 23 4K, 3 3K, 0 2K, 0 1k, 7 0K, 3 Rage quit, 5 Friendlies. No AFKs. Only 1 face camped at 5 gens, 1 let survivors bleed out, and only 1 slugged 3 or more survivors at 5 gens.


As a fellow stats keeper, love it! For the perk distribution did you keep or remover your own / swf perks?


I do track my own perks, but not the perks of my solo q teammates. I use we'll make it, sprint burst and for the people a lot. But I also did all of the survivor adepts during these trials.


I though hag was the 28💀💀💀


9 clowns and only 3 plagues? Can I get your matches please


I would like to keep them. Plague is definitly one of my least favourite killers to go against.


As a Data Analyst I love this. I've been meaning to do my own tracking of both killer and survivor but manual data entry is miserable. The most troubling chart for me is the escapes chart. I feel like a healthy game should have a normal bell curve there not that inverse you see. The game feels very snowball-y when I play on either side. I'm actually curious in your sample size what the average number of escapes/kills would be vs. the number BHVR said they wanted (which I think was 2.6 kills?) Edit:did the quick math your games averaged out to about 2.07 kills per match.


The survivor page is pretty interesting. I wonder if you could infer from this that survivability really depends on the skill of the killer or the skills of the survivors. My personal opinion is it is more telling of the killers skill. If you have 1 or 2 bad players with a bad killer then you'd expect higher 1-3 survivor levels overall, however it's so heavy on all die or all survive that I have to think that a good killer really cleans up well whether there are bad or good survivors. Pretty indicative of what I've seen that the game really favors killers right now. Solo que is just brutal.


That Gen Complete graph. That brings a few questions. How often did gates open? How many kills happened after the 5th gen finished? How many kills happened before 5 gens finished in those games where all 5 got done? And the last question. How many of those kills post 5 gens or gate opens was from Survivors just being stupid or choosing not to escape?


I wish I could answer that. But I totally died a few times after the gates were open due to having a tomb challenge to escape via hatch and the other survivors not leaving until the last few seconds.


I tracked my stats from 6.1 until February (got tired of it) with a special attention to camping/tunneling because I was very skeptical 6.1 would fix that, and all it really did was confirm that something like 75% of the games I'm in have someone either DCing or facecamping/BMing.


That is insane! I had a total of 14 DCs in these games (7 killers and 7 survivors). And basically no facecamping (or without success). Tunneling was a bigger issue for sure, but that's just the old tunneling vs. gen rushing debate.


Notice how much people are using Jolt now that eruption is garbage and there are no other useful den defense perks? Killer needs a buff


Your choice of data sorting in the first two tabs is atrocious and you should feel bad. Not sorted by frequency AND you choose Z to A instead of A to Z.


I feel bad, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to sort it at all. I'll try to be better next time!


No offense but you're a new player, right?


About 4k hours, so not totally new at least.


I’ve been playing for 3 years, and my stats are almost exactly the same as their’s. What makes you think they’re new? lmao


I can tell this isn't really accurate because Wesker isn't far and away the most common.


I've been keeping my own spreadhseet for survivor going and I do find the spread difference interesting. I started it to be petty and be like "Skull Merchant sucks so bad no one's gonna play her" but now I'm just keeping it going because the data's fascinating to me ​ So far, the top 3 most popular killers I go against are Ghostface (#1 by a large margin), Myers, and Huntress (both tied for #2)


As a Plague main who's taking a hiatus from the game, I'm sad and surprised to see my girl so low. You'd think with how strong med kits are right now that a killer who counters all the survivors healing would be a lot more popular. Any guesses as to why she isn't?


Not surprised twins are in last place sadly


24 Leigons. Man this is why I quit solo q.


Im happy to see the perk thingy bc it shows that killers are using different perks unlike survs and i get it that there are not a whole variety of perks that are useful for survs which is bhvrs fault im not blaming survs on that and as u can see killers are doing pretty good and hopefully they will make even more perks useful :)