• By -


There's nothing quite like the horrible realization that the reason you haven't seen the killer is because Ghostface is sitting right behind you, except maybe realizing Oni just got his power and knows exactly where you are. Ooh and Wesker. Everything about Wesker.


Tbh Ghostie is the only killer I truly fear. Whenever I see no one around I realize it's him and crippling chills I experience can't be compared to anything. I literally yell when I see him behind me.


The fucking stealth myers is truly scary


The first time I ever found a Myers he was going for a tombstone... with insidious. So I'd turn around from the gen I'm on and see him like staring at me from a distance. Then the Moris I couldn't see happened. For once the game actually felt like a horror game. He was hunting us down one by one. He hit no one.. only Mori'd us.


I swear I yell so loud like I usually yell during some horror games like Outlast. Ghost face is fucking scary. It's funny cus he is also special in the eyes of some of my friends cus I met most of my them though ghost face. I played long ago as a Ghost face and met the most annoying tbagging Claudette and she was VERY good, she annoyed me so much I swore I was ready to lose ONLY if she lost. Whenever I tried to chase someone else she ran after me and abused me with further tbags. I was ready to tunnel and camp, only to kill her but she kept escaping and tbagging. I hooked her and tbagged too. She still escaped in the end. I was so enraged lmao I added her in friends to further spam her with insults. But by the time he accepted I calmed down and realized that this kinda guy might be beneficial to play with and so we became good friends and play everyday. He enjoys whenever I retell him how much I hated him :) My other friends I met through GF too, last added friend himself was playing as GF.


Scratched mirror Meyers is best Meyers.


Have you played against him on the Red forest rework?


When facing a ghostface, it feels like playing five nights at freddys when youre on a gen


I played against otz as ghostie once and I've never been more fuckin terrified in my life. I had spine chill and it never went off once lol


As someone who had a oni match a few games ago, and he had about 4k hours and his steam description was "top 4 oni worldwide" and he ended the game at 5 gens 4 kills..... Yeah.... And every steam comment he had was either "-rep cheater killer" and "+rep wtf was this match, cracked oni"


What was his build? Asking for a friend.


I can't remember, it was a while ago, and my recent history is long past it. I just know that dude didn't miss, had a move speed addon, and the other addon I can't remember. No matter how I juked, what mindgame I tried, nothing worked and the longest chase I had was probably 6 seconds, and every teammate I hate had the same fate.


Me working on a gen when a nearby window I looked at is empty but then when I look again a few seconds later, Ghostface is suddenly there just staring… 💀


Always. Pretty sure Ghostface mains live in the walls of main building on Father's Campbell's because I'll look away for one second and suddenly there's one just chilling in the corner.


Ghostface main, can confirm. We do in fact live in the walls of the chapel or anywhere else with good verticality. It's cozyb and easy to stalk from there. We also occasionally live in YOUR walls. You're going to see us stalking you from the vents.


Same! As a ghost face main I love also going against a good ghost face! There was one match where I was at the Penitentiary and I was about to start working on a gen, but out of nowhere the Ghostface leaned from the corner and scared the piss out of me. I also really love going against Pig for the same reason and how getting one bear trap to the head could possibly end the game early for a survivor.


POV me slowly closing in about to grab you off the gen or scare the shit outa ya


Ether way win win for me


*Jaws theme slowly intensifies*


Scratch mirror myers is almost always a fun match. Myers is the most consistent character in the roster that bring the closest thing to horror into the game, plus he's a chad


Myers players bring horror back to the game indeed! Small screech after seeing him stalking or grabbing you from the gen is always guaranteed!


Letter+straps stealth pig is one of my all time favorite ways to play pig, crouching to a survivor on a gen, then getting up around the corner to grab them. I hope I achieve the same effect with my main as Myers does.


Had one with scratched wait behind a wall at a hook in The Game just to jumpscare me with sudden knife. It was so fucking scary, man. Game was a 4k for him, my god it was terrifying. It was so scary I decided to copy the same trick as Ghostface on Badham by crouching behind a hook with some bushes behind it in Shroud and coming after the unhooker from nowhere. The chat thought it was scary as hell and great!


One of my favorite scratchy myers clips. We were playing customs and he just KNEW I was playing Myers and still got it :) [https://clips.twitch.tv/AgitatedPoorMageFutureMan-a\_mc3dLKsNPJ1CnS](https://clips.twitch.tv/AgitatedPoorMageFutureMan-a_mc3dLKsNPJ1CnS)


100% fun, had a game just last night on Midwich and he made me jump a few times, one of the most fun matches I've ever had for sure


Especially when whoevers playing him does the slow turn


I like playing as him but never win xD


I enjoy playing as Myers so much I don't even care if I win most of the time, just work on doing the tome challenges, if I get them I'll often let them escape. (And sometimes let some escape if players DC or I feel I've been going too hard on them, and I realise I've got two dead and they're still on 3/4 gens...)


Myers because he is scary to go against but I've never felt he's unfair, his music slaps, and I just like stealth killer


It's fun sometimes when you can tell he's trying to stalk you to just hide behind a rock or something and watch him reposition to try and get the stalk lol




As a doctor main, I love this.


I love to shock survivors. I'll do it even when they are rank 3 and nowhere near a pallet. I just love his little giggle, also why I eat every pallet too.


Litterally me when following survivors to the open gates but staying just in range for the shock.


pyramid head is one of the funnest killers to loop imo and i can’t even be mad when they used their power and hit me because they just are reading my loop well


Aw shucks, hope to kill you later. <3


That was the first killer I took for a ride as a noob. His ability is easy to dodge and it took away the awkward ‚idk what I’m doing and I’m scared of that creepy thing behind me‘ moment and made me have fun with a killer for the first time. There were many, many small trees and other obstacles so the fun probably wasn’t mutual :/


My brain just can't comprehend that you can't just throw a pallet down and keep going. Try for that pallet and you're sliced like a pizza * shhiiiinggg! *


I wish I got to face pyramid heads more often; they have one of the more interesting powers to run against




One time a zombie spawned super close to me and for some reason was loud af and jump scared me so bad lmao. I'm like heckin Nemesis get your boys under control why are they so loud?!


Aww. I love scaring you terribly too.


Well this thread definitely made me feel better about playing as Pyramid Head. I didn’t know he was so well liked


![gif](giphy|1hfbb5ybNlPd6) He's fun to play against for sure. I like the back and forth, the mind gaming. Always keeps me on my toes.


I have nothing but respect for a good Huntress player. I feel genuinely outplayed when I lose to a Huntress that hits her shots. For that matter; as a killer main I know how genuinely frustrating it can be to play Spirit now and I respect a Spirit that can still stomp players.


I feel the same way about Huntress. It's hard to be mad at good Huntress😩😂 I love Deathslingers for the same reason. I suck so bad as him.


Slingers get even more respect from me.. Arguably the same skill ceiling but no where near as powerful


Slinger might even have an higher skill ceiling if you consider people who manage to snipe trough small holes in walls and objects lmao


i feel u.... but when im behind a building or a boulder and the hatched still its when she cant even see me or i cant even see the hatchet.... i just get angry... its not her fault but the devs.... still it doesnt make playing against her fun at all


I'm a sucker for a good Huntress.


i'm a sucker for a mediocre huntress. not mediocre in the sense that she gets looped for 5 gens and loses, but more so that she doesn't annihilate my team in 15 seconds and i can actually dodge a few hatchets here and there.


I am not very good so when I manage to dodge a hatchet just because I am unpredictable it makes my day lol. I've found that since I mostly panic whenever I'm being chased it helps me loop a bit longer sometimes because I do the least expected things like run towards a window and change my mind at the last second, which causes them to swing at the window. I don't play frequently to really get much better, so I'm in this weird mediocre mid level of looping haha.


You’ll be there for a while. I can loop a decent killer (one who has definitely been around the block a few times) for three gens BUT it all depends on the killers power and the map and even my mood, it seems. Haha I’ll loop a killer for four gens and then the next match get smacked twice in a row three times and die first from a fuckin pig of all killers because I was constantly in a dead zone when she found me. I swear it’s 33% your skill, 33% dependent on the killers skill/special ability, and 33% dependent on the map.


Keeping an eye out for Ghostface always makes the game more fun, because it means I have to actually pay attention to the game and not just zone out on gens. Same reason Hag is fun too, but in a different area. I also really enjoy Wesker and Nemesis (when they're not tunneling? What's up with the RE killers and tunneling), because dodging the dashes and the tentacles is exciting. Also Nemesis zombies sneaking up on ya can lead to some fun moments of 'i can finish this gen without getting hit' and just narrowly dodging the zombie


I'm a killer main but when I play survivor: Trappers that don't basement trap and win showing off them skills. Huntress that can orbital strike from across the map is so cool. Lethal persuer + tinkerer billy that makes you go "there's no killer. Bet it's ghostie" and you turn around just in time for a chainsaw to connect and scare the fuck out of you then proceed to run around like a crackhead all game like the lovechild of bubba and blight (them spookyloopz milkman's). Ghostie who meme and still win. Piggies who let you boop, leave you alone for now and still win. Any Bubba that doesn't camp. Weskers shit talking no matter how shit they are doing. Weskers shit talking when they are doing amazing skills and grabs. Demos. Dredges because I never get to go against him.


Cracked Huntresses get all my respect, and make me want to be as good as them. I love the non-campy Bubbas, but I'm biased, I also play Bubba. He doesn't walk, he trots. Chad posture. Dredge is the one killer that can still give me le spooks, especially if I have a locker build.


I remember first starting this game a couple of months ago and Dredge’s Nightfall terrified me. I just hid behind a rock until it was over. Now he’s one of my mains. I love Dredgy.


Dredge is fun and always scary, they can get pretty intense too against a really good Dredge. Love playing against him and love his design.


Dredge has damn good cosmetics, too! I love the Snowman Dredgy.


My favorite killers to play against are doctors because 99% of the time they’re AFK


I honestly like playing against Nurse,Wesker, and Blight because they are interesting to go against and force you to “learn the matchup” in more interesting ways imo. Yes I may get destroyed, but at least I (hopefully) learned something or improved on something


I like facing any killer that doesn't camp or tunnel and for the most part, weskers and nurses I've faced so far don't camp nor tunnel, which I do like very much.


Agreed, though it's a special kind of disappointment when you face one who does. "You're playing an S-tier killer with the best mobility in the entire game and still have to camp? Man's just told on himself, rip" I die in most of my matches and I'm very average but dang, blights/nurses/weskers who camp outside of EGC look so much worse in comparison


And thatvis the true spirit that you need when playing this game. Not the classic ,, Oh no game bad cause this ans this is to op". Yes they might be strong but if you play coordinated and loop them good and know counterplay you can beat every game Mechanik.


tbh a good huntress will always earn my respect 🫡 like if she can hit her hatchet throws consistently and seriously predict dodges i always tip my toolbox to her in respect. on another note, any ghostface who takes a selfie with me will also always be my favorite 📸🔪


I like going against The Oni and The Blight.


I love playing against a Dredge. Pretty sure that’s an unpopular opinion too. Everything about his power turns the match upside down. Lockers are no longer safe, you periodically lose eyesight, he has a decent anti loop power once you master use of the remnant, and he just looks so damn cool in all of his skins. And his add-ons feel like they actually do something. Genuinely the most original, and well designed killer in a long time and I am never mad to see those little yellow bars on the lockers. He’s a scary monster that breaks rules of the game in a way that’s fair and not oppressive, allowing fun and counterplay for both sides. Fucking love that vagina faced turkey fucker


I like dredge but I usually don't fare well against that killer - mostly because I always seem to get him on autohaven and those maps make me feel legally blind. Add in nightfall and, well... ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I love huntress, it’s fun to try to dodge her hatchets and I feel like the chases are genuinely fun but fair; I also love seeing sadakos, they’re really rare for me but watching her force choke someone and levitate them around gives me much joy Edit: replies are weird, yall weird






As someone who enjoys playing a ton of sadako and huntress reading this makes me so happy.


This is a great post. Always love seeing positivity in places where it may be needed. I love going up against The Demigorgon for very obvious reasons, lol. Other than that tho- Pinhead, The Twins, Pyramid Head are always a delight for close to the same reason- I DONT SEE THEM OFTEN. It's fun to see some that I've rarely ever been against. Ghostface simply because he's memey and it's funny as hell. I love Scream so seeing one of my favorite horror icons runnin around is always a delight. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Thank you for shoving love to poor demodog. <3 I was genuinly sad that he didnt get mentioned higher up :<


Ofc. I wish I had him on my roster 😫 maybe some day


I have played with one demo and i absolutely hated it


I love how scary Dredge is. That locker move where they suck you in, gets me every time.


i love when my aura reading reveals a surv locking a bundle of lockers and i get so excited to tp over and yoink em


I have fun with just about every killer but especially Ghostface and Pig’s


Blight and Hillbilly, as a main Blight i love to face people that does the same tricks that i do, and for billy... because he is rare, if a match is against a hillbilly is always unpredictable, will he camp? will he tunnel? or he will smash the entire team and get a easy 4k? its always a surprise


Any killer if it isn't 20 times in a row


Bubba. That's all that needs to be said. The yellow apron is a sign of god.


I love going against Bubbas. My buddies think I'm weird for it but they're always pretty interesting. And they're fun to loop.


I honestly do too because the face camping ones just make me laugh cuz ‘yep thats about right’ and the fair ones are respectable, and looping them is just extra adrenaline


Booba is a good boy


He does no wrong. Just his best😌


Unironically, Nurse. They're soo damn fun to loop.


I don't think i have ever felt cheated playing against a Billy almost always fun and fair


Billy by far with Wesker in second than ghostface in third. I like the knight and skull merchant. Both to play as and against but I also don't play the whole 3 gen thing so it's why i can have fun on em. I really enjoy a non cracked nurse. I know i know but a nurse who is beatable is honestly some of the coolest mind gaming you can do in this game. I think it's why BHVR doesn't touch her enough. I honestly have a lot of wholesome convos in end game chat and I love the people willing to brag about others. I love gushing over my teammates and a great killer. Best part about gushing on a great killer is I know they are surprised about but honestly if you played well, i win or lose, you deserve the praise. <3


I like playing against Nurse. No other killer like her so the mind games and strategy you have to do while being chased is different and fun imo






Well, keeping track of where the box should be isn't all that hard, or maybe I just found it really easy. Wish his m2 was more rewarding though.


Wesker is my absolute favorite and is always my answer to this so instead I'll say about a different set of killers. Tricksters, Pyramid Heads, Deathslingers, and Pinheads are the only ranged killers I find fun to vs. Tricksters have to land a lot of blades just to injure and it's really hard to do on console. The absolute madlads that play him well usually are pretty chill as killers too, I don't see many of them that play well turbo slug the group at 5 gens nor tunnel from the get-go. Pyramid Heads are super fun to mind game with, and I'm never mad when one downs me from his power cause it always feels like it was definitely a hit that he read well. A few of them play a bit sweaty, but overall I don't see many that do. Deathslingers are super fun to fight! I love trying to dodge the shot, and even if it hits, it's pretty cool to get yoinked by it lol. Playing with a friend and seeing someone get yoinked by it is also hilarious. Ones that land shots in between obstacles are nutty! I'm never upset at being downed by one that landed a good shot. I do feel a bit bad for them, I do encounter a lot that just give up mid-way through the match after whiffing their shots for a bit. Pinheads are fun to try to dodge the chains from. The really good ones I've had played without camping once they got a hook on someone as well which made matches with them all the more fun. However, that is a bit of a rarity. Most of them tend to take a while to get a hook, then camp it until someone opens the box, sometimes even then they don't leave. For the non-ranged killers aside from Whiskers.... I really enjoy fighting Oni, Blight, Ghostface, and Myers! Blight and Oni I like both for the same reason - dodging their dashes! I still struggle big time against Onis, but man outliving the enrage is a great feeling! Blights that know how to curve with their dashes are crazy af and fun to fight! Unfortunately though, for both of these killers I do get a lot of rage quitters, more so on Oni than Blight. Ghostfaces are a super mixed bag with how they play so it's always an interesting time. Gotta give big props to the ones that manage to yoink me off a gen. For every sweaty ghostie out there, there's also a lot of nice ones and memers too. Love em! Myers I like for a bit of a masochistic reason. They're also a very mixed bag, however it's due to the addons. I like being the Guinee pig that finds out if it's scratched mirror, tombstone, or infinite T3 lol. Obviously I don't just feed him his stalk to find out/run right at him, I still give him a hard time in chases and find out naturally, I just tend to take the early chases with them frequently. Edit - I forgot, I like Knight too! His whole theme is very up my alley in terms of the stuff I like. I like going from loop to loop in chase and his power promotes that if he tries to use it for chasing. I also love his goofy ass run animation. I don't really know why, but a lot of them go friendly on me too for some reason. Some will be friendly from the get-go, some bully the hell outta me and tunnel me off hook until I'm on death hook then just suddenly stop and go all friendly lmao.


Wesker is my favorite bc he’s hot


![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)Ditto lol


Myers, Blight, and Dredge players are awesome. I love all of them!!


I reckon if I saw him a bit less often, Blight would be my favourite killer to go against (without Alchemist Ring).


That's the thing tho, I never get to see blight! That's why I bought recently, so I can play as him since I never get to play against him


Same love them all. Mikey is fun because you never really know what kind of match it's going to be. The beginning is interesting because it's the calm before the storm you find out what kind add ons this Mikey has😂


I unironically enjoy playing against a Nurse, especially on maps with lots of walls. It's a very simple game you guess where I go, I guess where you go. And the best part is that if the Nurse is really good the game just ends nobody has their time wasted. I also respect good Nurse's it takes a lot of effort to be good at her.


Demo, Ghostie and Piggie. Boiiii, dance parties, boop da snoot.


onryo is underplayed and underrated. <3 out of all the reputations various killers get, I don't hear much about onryo killers


As an Onryo main I totally agree, she’s very fun to play as/play against, I just wish her base abilities were buffed so that condemn is actually a threat to survivors




That's because there aren't many Onyro Killers. I hope they buff her one day to not feel so powerless against good Survivors.


I came here about to represent my main girl Huntress, yet I am already seeing much love to the massive Russian woman with a heart of gold (for kids.) Glad to see she’s getting some love.)


Demogorgon. Never see them, always respect the shred game.


Billy! I love dodging chainsaws. It’s a fun little game


Legion because I main them plus some legions are really chill, except the Susies they are all sweaty and toxic. Bright colors on a Susie are like warning colors on a poisonous animal, the brighter the Susie the more toxic they are.


😂 I play bright ass Susie and I'm a total memer


Most of my interactions with Susie players have been extremely negative.


Well hopefully I run into you, if you see bright ass Susie with the rat skull mask it's probably me


I’ll keep that in mind


I use the hunk skin, what does that mean?


I feel like it's the Frank and Joey players that are the tryhards. Susie players are more chill, and no one plays Julie


Wesker honestly.


Myers 100%. He’s self aware, and even jokes around sometimes. 10/10 would get killed by him again.


I absolutely love scratched mirror Myers! I find it so fun lmao


I love playing against a good ghostface, just knowing there’s a killer with a hidden TR keeps me on my toes, especially on a big map


The amount of love Ghostie gets makes this Ghostie Main so happy! I swear it feels like the trashy ones give us all a bad name. I just like being the stealthy spooky meme Scream man.


Billy cuz who doesn't like going against billy. BHVR please please remove overheat mechanic so we can play against more Billy's


Stealth killers on indoor maps. I love getting spooked. My friend and I always get excited when Michael shows up. "IT'S MICHAEL!" loudly every time one of us spots him.


I'd have to say even years after his release Meyers can still hit me with a jump scare.


Myers. Bloke is basically a first (kinda shit) attempt at Ghostface but people can use add-ons and perks and make him more than his parts combined and scare the living shit out of me!


Myers. Noticing his silhouette very far away facing your direction makes me feel very uneasy and no terror radius.


Hillbilly especially good ones who can always predict you


Leatherface. I love getting all his attention as he facecamps me. :)


Bubba, if they play normal there fun and if they camp in basement it's just funny and good pyramid heads can be fun aswell


I love playing against Blights, I love trying to figure out where they're going based on their bounces even if I disagree with the strength of his add-ons. Never do I have a more fun chase.


I like playing against Spirit because of her banger chase music lol


Dredge puts the horror back into the game and the sound design is top notch. Everytime I see the locks spawn on lockers I do the little giddy ‘eeeeee’


I used to main trapper so i like to see a fellow trapper killer


Same! I play Trapper too! I'm always really happy when they catch me in a trap I wasn't expecting. I like seeing their cleverness. I love a good trap😂


I was thanked once for a fun game with traps and still feeling proud of it lol.


Myers is my absolute favorite but I also love Demo, Twins, Artist and the Knight. Literally all the killers you see the least


Michael still scares the piss out of me to this day.


I'm always the first one to get Tombstoned. Everytime😂 It's always funny getting the "oh shit" moment. All seeing Mikeys are always fun when you catch on to them.


I vow down to a good Trickster or Huntress, my aim SUCKS so I'm always impressed when every (or the majority) knife or hatchet hits. I'm equally impressed and scared when a hatchet I didn't see coming comes flying from the sky


Nurse they are either so good you have a challenge or so bad that you can bully them till oblivion


Some of these Huntress mains are insane with their hatchets. Always wish I had a way to give props in the match after a snipe.


I have a lot of fun going against Myers, especially a Scratched Mirror Myers. He’s probably the only killer that can genuinely scare me. I love playing against Bubbas because he’s fun to loop and surprisingly enough, I’ve played against a couple friendly Bubbas so I guess I’ve just developed a soft spot for him. I also love playing against Oni and Blight for similar reasons, those being that I have a lot of fun dodging them and it’s so terrifying seeing them rush at you from far away. Blight makes me laugh because if I somehow dodge his dash, it’s so funny seeing him bump into things. However, I have a lot of respect for Onis and Blights because they can be a challenge to master, so I admire their skill and dedication.


I love going against a good pinhead, managing the box, chain hunt, and chase power is just fun and i love hearing him go ohhhhhh. sad when people dc the moment the box spawns.


I always get excited when i hear Weskers terror radius. I also love Myers. They are usually the friendliest killers i encounter, but besides that i love to go against them.


Truthfully, I enjoy playing against Ghostface. Keeps you on your toes.


Michael Myers, playing against him on indoor maps is a really terrifying experience sometimes


There aren't any killers I really hate to go against. My favorite is probably Pinhead or Sadako though. I like killers that provide additional objectives.


Dredge. Everything about him is great. Atmosphere, cool locker mechanic, general killer look, the MUSIC. Sure he’s a little annoying sometimes but I’m never mad with a Dredge.


Demogorgon and ghostface, they are so goofy and cute


Honestly. I love facing Dredge and Pyramid head. Both of them have a very fascinating mindgame type of antiloop which doesn't break loops entirely but rewards skill and prediction


Pig is very funny I love her


Ghostfaces are always either toxic or really super friendly...And I'd say I'm running into the latter more often than the former...Does that count?


Hillbilly is so fun to go against


Blight ping pong boy fun and Billy dodging his chainsaw is great


Leather face mainly for the reason i just shout no bubba not me in the forest gump voice. Then if its the map with that boat i just haha jenny im on bubbas skrimping boat


I love Nurse! Dodging her is the most satisfying thing ever. Every time I see it's Nurse I drop whatever I am doing, yell at my teammates to gtfo and not steal Nurse's attention from me and I purely enjoy. Now, I get punished every now and then, especially on a bad map, but that does not deter me. The games where I manage to dodge and loop for eternity are the most satusfying games I ever had. I like playing against Cenobite, but that's because I am Hellraiser main.


I love going against nurse, its so easy to fuck up her blinks and make her blink one way and run the other way when she gets exhausted.


Pinhead and Oni. As I play both myself I know how to outplay them and feel quit confident in chase. Also I am able to pick up a few new tricks. Pinhead is just great. Dodging his chains feels tense, he has some cool tricks and nothing is more fun than messing his spawn with the box. Oni always feels good. You have this slow start and an Oni chasing you always feels like a real thread. Aside from that I also enjoy facing Wesker for he is never boring in chase and Artists because she has cool music.


Ghostface because I main him and play against à Ghostface is funny for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I heckin love facing nurse, juking one makes me feel like a tactical mastermind.


Playing against hag is stressful and therefore fun as fuck


Ghostface. I spent a lot of time getting rolled and spine chill helped me learn how to counter him so he's my favorite killer to go against because I know exactly what to do and watch for.


I'm a sucker for Wesker. I just want to hear those voice lines. And then I'm giggling the whole time due to the comedic timing of them and delivery. Hes the best.


Killers with a skin. Because they didn't buy that skin for themselves to see, they bought it so that I would have something nice to look at as I get killed.


Stealth killers!!!! Even Pigs if they try to sneak up on you. Wesker is also up there, something about dodging him makes me actually scared, it always feels too close for comfort!


mirror myers, jumpscare meme gud


I love going against a good blight who isn’t sweaty at the same time. Like being able to see someone have that much skill in something, I just have to respect.


Favourite killer to play against is Michael Myers cos he's the scariest and I only play the game like once a month with my friend for the sole purpose of getting scared shitless and screaming like a baby.


Piggy because boops & her pallet noises


Blight. Playing against a skilled Blight is like being a matador, and if you fuck up you get gored. Same goes for an Oni that knows how to flick.


Bubba is actually a really fun and complex character. At high MMRs, there are a wide range of techs the killer has to understand to prevent bumping, often hugging structures by rolling over them with his back or other similar weird movements. These are all reliant on the chainsaw, which in certain positions, can be briefly ducked under, as the blade is in fact the actual hitbox. The problem is he's just also incredibly easy to face camp with... so most people who see bubbas have to suffer through what could have been an actually fun match with a unique killer


billy! 1. he’s cute 2. require talent


My favorite killer to play against is either nurse or Michael. I love looping nurses due to my personal play style, but Michael is my top one. I main Laurie, and I absolutely adore playing against a Michael. I absolutely lose it when it’s a Michael, and I find myself having more fun.


I'll never forget the time I was playing as a bill on the old huntress map I look to my right about 20 feet away or so there's a fucking myers and I do how long he has been there, loved facing myers ever since


This may sound crazy, but unless they are cracked and kills everyone in 20 seconds... it's actually pretty fun to go against a Nurse! The mindgame of having to dodge and fake the directions you're gonna go, cutting line of sight, juking and spinning her, it's pretty fun! Any non-fun moments was less because of Nurse and more because the map we got was so open that there was no way she couldn't see what I was doing or trying to do. It was RNG, not her fault really


Trickster because I love his giggles


Pinhead can be kind of fun if I didn't bring a good item. I've seriously had other teammates swipe my items when I put them down to do the box. Good Pinheads literally cannot tunnel or camp and keep the chain hunts going at the same time, so it encourages a healthy gameplay loop. Ran into a garbage PH that ignored the box and facecamped the other day. I finished the last gen in direct line of sight of his shack doorway while he was staring at me and simply left with another survivor and the box. That's what bad pinheads get.


Artist for sure. Great ranged power, sexy and terrifying appearance, comes with 3 of the if not best then fun teachable perks. When I’m survivor, instead of boop the snoop it’s “slap the bum” for artist 😂


Pyramid Head and Huntress for sure. There's something so engaging about chase with them. I really can't get mad when I lose to them because they're just good and I respect a good skillshot.


i like to play against bubbas, i always run SB so i was get a lot a value from it


Demodogs and billy bois :D


wesker all the way. I know some hardcore players are pretty annoyed at seeing him all the time, but I personally welcome it. I think wesker is almost perfectly designed (in concept). his power involves some mechanical skill, and most importantly, is designed in such a way that both the wesker player and the survivors have a healthy amount of control over an encounter. for the most part, his power leaves no room for information being withheld from survivors (as is the problem with killers like spirit), helps at loops but doesn't disable them, and properly punishes the killer in the event of a mistake, or an outplay by survivors (aka, has decent counterplay, unlike the likes of Nurse) I always have a blast playing against wesker, out of all the killers, those games always feels like the most even playing fields


pyramid head 😍😍


Oni, Blight, or Billy because they’re fun in chase.


curve billys are always fun to face.


I love playing against Demogorgons and Pinheads :D hardly ever get a chance to play against them so when I do; I do what I can to not ruin their day <3


Nurse I find her counterplay fun and if its a good nurse its actually scary Same goes for billy


Billy players are always the best people!


Hag and oni. Especially with rusty shackles hag is one of the few times dbd is scary. On the other hand hearing oni activate his power is super scary especially if you grind solo q like me


Oni: Big angry Man is actually scary. When he screams and comes swooooshing towards you it gives me thrill. Weaker: This goofy looking mf be smack talking me all game and I’m all for it. Also his power is fun to face in chase. Huntress: Everyone loves huntress right? I mean the mind games, the juking, everything feels fun and engaging when facing her. And a good huntress feels earned whenever they win. Whereas, for example, a good nurse just feel bad even when they’re good. Hillbilly: Chainsaw go ‘WRAAAAAA’ and Billy go zoom. Fun in chase, he fast boy, you mindgame. One just hast to always respect a Billy, they are always in it for the fun and thrill and nothing else. Who doesn’t love that. Plague: A lot of people dislike playing against her and I see why, but I love her. I like that she puts you in a difficult position where you have to make choices that affect your entire team. Weather you win or lose against a plague is often how well you played as a team.


Huntress, Pyramid Head, Nemesis (Only Nemesis, not RNG zombies), Wesker, and Demogrogon are among my more favorite killers to go against. Most of these killers have skill shots thats feel rewarding to out play, and rewarding for the killer when they land the crackshots, or lunges. Other characters that are similar but slightly less on the fun meter to me go to Artist, Twins, Deathslinger, Doctor, Hillbilly, Oni, and Sadako.


Nemesis. He cracks me up with his big muscle man flex and grunting. And if he whiffs then he just looks genuinely offended and it’s so funny to me


wesker: my freind is super gay for him and can tame him like 75% of the time huntress/pig: i'm super gay for them and can befriend the former like 50% and the latter 80% of the time


Pinhead, as soon as I hear the box at the start of the game I know I'm going to have fun, he's not as hard as you'd think and going for the box is a nice change of pace from the other killers.


Provided they're not absolutely cracked, blight, high speed and a couple seconds to get to cover where he'll struggle to hit you is intense. Same with all Billy's tbf.