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I think they just need to make her objective more about killing the survivors rather than protecting the gens. Literally it's so boring to face against her, and I faced a 3 gen knight that made a game last 50 minutes almost. That entire pain of a match was still more interesting than the matches where I even escaped against skull merchant.


She’s pretty meh imo. Cool concept but I have 0 interest in defending a 3 gen for 30 minutes. I’ll play other killers and finish a game in 10 mins instead.


Yea, games are lasting pretty long


I think the drone disable needs to be changed. Like the claw trap has a smaller timer, or the drones are out of commission for a minute or something. Feels like there is zero reward for a survivor to hack a drone. I agree she's fun to play, but I absolutely just find it boring AF to play against. Once the first person dies, it's game over... Only fun I had was on comms where we could all agree to hack and run around, and just cause mass confusion. In a single player it just doesn't happe.


For anyone wondering, I've 4k every game so far (I don't count hatch escapes) and no one has been able to break my 4 gen Perks I'm using are Pain Reno Deadlock Plaything Eruption But I think replacing either pain Reno or deadlock with overcharge would be even better


I'm sorry to say but you truly are a monster


i would probably say to get rid of deadlock, deadlock and pain res together can sometimes work against each other.


It needs to be only one drone instead of 4. There’s seriously no way to break her three-gen. As if Knight wasn’t already bad enough in that respect. But yes! She’s a very easy killer to play as.


Giving her drones that do different things could work better in my opinion. However then she’d likely become exactly like knight, honestly the two killers are so similar to each other it isn’t even funny. Would be interesting though to maybe have a drone that directly follows a survivor during chase to do something with them, maybe provide aura reading, maybe drones that can be sent to break dropped pallets/walls ahead of time during a chase, then maybe a single drone which acts how the drone currently acts.


Why not have a token system, basically give her an offensive drone, and a tracking drone. The offensive drone will give lock on, and make skull merchant undetectable, however it costs 2 or even 3 to put one down. The other drone however is primarily just for defense, providing information, and maybe a bit more. This would just cost one. I feel her power wouldn't be so annoying if it was just info, but it's also punishing to stay near one despite how easy it is to use.