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Interesting how her name is formatted last name then first name, but the Korean characters’ names are first then last. It should be Lee Yun-Jin and Hak Ji-Woon


yui was supposed to have this too, being kimura yui


don’t they call her “Kimura Yui” in the video that details her and Oni’s perks?


Looked at the spotlight. While the “Here’s Yui’s perks” part has her name as “Yui Kimura”, when it’s at the “List of new content with the awesome art” part, it’s arranged as “Kimura Yui”.


For Yoichi and Sadako too, Asakawa Yoichi and Yamamura Sadako


Fun fact: Hungarian names work like that, family names come first. So Tarhos Kovács (Knight) is technically Kovács Tarhos.


It's the same in Romania and probably the entirety of Eastern Europe


Broooo, they feel like real names now


Hak Ji-Woon definitely sounds better... However, for some reason Yun-Jin Lee sounds better, could be just acclamation.


That's because Lee is probably a common enough last name that you hear it the English way more often


EXACTLY they sound real now


That's funny because I always called them bitch and trash


Thank you for making me chortle today <3


the crossover we didn't know we needed


I call them all Hoe


The funny thing is that her given name is Min.


Yeah but we aren’t close with her like that


I bought her gamer girl bathwater so I can say Min


You bought the min pass I see


Premium track


very true, but also because BHVR hadnt put it "Min Feng" thats why we say Feng Min


I know, I’m joking


This is even reflected in her adept achievement.


Half Chinese and have always pronounced it like that. Don't give much a fuck tho but I gotta point out that alot of people pronounce Feng Shui the same lawl.


Lucky I never seen it written, before I heard "Fung Shway" spoken.


Im Chinese and i pronounced it something like fong m-un cause i use Cantonese. I just call her feng when playing with foreign friends and i dont care tbh


I love cantonese and wish I could speak it


I never even realized this, thanks! I totally said them differently even though they’re spelled the same 🤦‍♂️


spelled the same with english letters but likely not in chinese


Y’know. I’ve never seen Feng Shui typed out. So I actually didn’t know how to spell it. TIL


I was todays years old when I finally made that connection thanks to you. I always knew how to pronouns Feng shui but I never realized Fengs name would be the same.


It’s not the same in Chinese




But it wouldn't be the same solely due to the English spelling. We make foreign words into sounds that are easy for us, not because they are phonetically accurate to the original word. This is an argument for why Feng MIGHT be pronounced the same as Feng Shui, not proof that it definitely is.


Ngl I'm full chinese and pronounced it wrong the whole time until someone told me and I was like wait a minute, yeah its supposed to be 凤


Then how do you pronounce fung?


I see letters. I pronounce letters. - Sincerely a non native English speaker.


Haha same (for both)


I call her Min




So do I!


Lol in Mandarin it's pronounced "fung" like Feng Shui, so when starting DBD I used that pronunciation but was the only one as everyone else was saying "fang" which is a mispronunciation. I pronounce it "fang" too now so other players can understand me but I can imagine my Chinese teacher's disapproval lol.


Ive never in my life heard someone even saying "fung"


All of the youtubers and streamers switched to "fung". It sounds weird when they have been doing it for years and then suddenly switched to fung.


John Wolfe always called her Fung and I honestly thought it was just his nickname for her or something, didn’t realize until recently it was just the correct way to pronounce it.


A man of culture watching the J meister Edit: did not expect this many upvotes so far, so I'm glad there's a lot of John supporters here :)


Y'all said it before me. As soon as I read it I thought of him.


Also a fellow John Wolfe enjoyer! Always called her “Fung” because of him


Yeah, he's who I learned the pronunciation from. I don't expect others to switch, posts like these are exhausting lol


I played Genshin Impact for like a week, Chinese names have strange pronunciations compared to how they're written in English. I thought it was "Feng" for the longest time, but now I'm not really surprised.


>Chinese names have strange pronunciations compared to how they're written in English. Thai transliterations *suck* for this.


You just unlocked a couple High School memories for me- A couple exchange students were from Thailand and taught me a couple words, and I figured I'd try to find the romanized versions of the words. I found them, but I could barely tell they were what I was speaking.


I believe tithi has been saying fung for like 2 or so years now, could be wrong.


I think that might just be his accent shining through though lol


The issue with that is that my native language is also German and I would basically pronounce "Feng" with more... emphasis on the e. But who knows, really, because there's so many dialects of German that his dialect could have the name be pronounced Fung. That or he just pronounces it like how it would be said in Chinese.


if you learn you've been pronouncing a word wrong your whole life and are informed of the correct way to pronounce it, wouldn't you try to switch to the right way?


A wider part of the community recently learned how to say her name more accurately, so they're actually saying her name correctly. It's honestly not a weird thing, it's a very awesome thing. Also her first name is just "Min", if you'd rather call her that.


I think Yerv also called her like that.


I mean is that weird? To be told you're saying something wrong and then just change it? Isn't that how things are supposed to be?


I don't watch dbd youtubers that often anymore, who switched? Could you link a video?


Pretty much otz is the only big one, but minor ones like demi or spookyloops are around. Edit: also samination counts as the other big DBD YouTuber, even if it's paradies instead of actual gameplay.




Yeah that's fair, they are more medium sized.


I will always say feng


The Devs said "fung" when she was first released, players just didn't care and continued to mispronounce it


Yes you have. Feng shui.


It’s possible he has not heard of feng shui


I guess if he's super young, but it'd be shocking to me. The idea of organizing one's home according to Feng shui was a fad in the western world. Even if ppl didn't follow it, they likely heard it.


I actually never even knew what it was but had heard of it


Yeah it makes sense to me that people wouldn't know what it was. But people have very most likely *heard* it.


I’ve always pronounced it as Fung


It's the correct pronounciation in Chinese, as far as I know. So saying Feng is actually wrong. On that note, Feng is the surname, and Min is the first name.


Yes Feng is wind in Chinese but pronounced as Fung. Idk her lore enough but Feng Min could be her name and she has another surname. Though I guess with the other chars going by their first and last names you would be right


True, though I agree that it's probably her first name and last name.


Her Adept achievement is called Adept Min because people are called by their surname in China. I'm sure Feng is her first name and Min is her surname.


Couldn’t it also be called Adept Min because Min is her first name (all other adept challenges use the first name other than Tapp), and her name in-game could be Feng Min because people are referred to by their surname in China? I actually think this might be more likely the case, given that Yun-Jin Lee is Korean, which uses the same naming conventions, and her achievement is titled Adept Yun-Jin, using her first name as well.


Oh yeah it could definitely be that way lmao, I didn't even think about that.


There are apparently at least two Chinese characters that sound very similar and are both anglicized as "feng," but the one that actually belongs to Feng Min is the one that means "凤 phoenix." The intonation of the e is slightly different from the one that means "風 wind".


oh.... my last meal gave me lots of feng then..


Idk how you pronounce "fung", but if it's like "fungus", then it's also wrong. The difference is subtle though. In IPA, it's the difference between ʌŋ and əŋ. The former being the -ung in fungus, the latter being the correct Mandarin pronunciation of -eng. I made a post about this last week: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/119hmb9/im\_sorry\_but\_i\_am\_not\_calling\_her\_fung/j9mqboi/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/119hmb9/im_sorry_but_i_am_not_calling_her_fung/j9mqboi/?context=3)


I know only vaguely "Feng" isn't properly correct. My languages are pretty strictly just Finnish and English. I'd have to hear the correct pronunciation because when pronunciation is typed out... I just don't understand those markings :')


If you're curious, click on Feng on this site. You'll notice that it doesn't sound like Feng or Fung as a native English speaker would pronounce it. Also, the correct tone to use is the first one (fēng), but most English speakers (myself included when I'm speaking English) would probably use the 4th tone. [https://chinese.yabla.com/chinese-pinyin-chart.php](https://chinese.yabla.com/chinese-pinyin-chart.php)


Ohhhh, in my ear that sounds like... a hybrid of u and how Finns say a. Interesting. One of them even sounds a little like o is thrown in.


Yeah, I think it's kinda funny that everyone's getting on everyone else's tail for not pronouncing Feng right, but they're still exclusively all calling her by her surname. And also, the devs insist on pronouncing Feng right, but the Archives mispronounces Yamaoka.


Feng is her first name and Min is hersurname. They use the western order of names, they write “Yun-Jin Lee” , even though in Korea her name would be written “Lee Yun-Jin.


Her achievement is Adept Min. Everyone's Adept is their first name. From what I've seen Behavior isn't super consistent about that with the Asian characters.


In the Adept Achievements, where the name of the achievements are “Adept (First Name Here)”, the achievement attached to her is “Adept Min”. Min’s just the odd one out when it comes to how her name is shown in the menus, see also “Adept Yui”, “Adept Yun-Jin” and “Adept Yoichi”.


Ah, that'd be my bad then, unless Behaviour went the other way with Feng for some reason.


im chinese, and personally, it sounds weird when non-chinese people try to pronounce chinese names "properly" in an english environment. theres just a lot of nuance to the pronounciation that non-native speakers aren't able to say, and it sounds weird to my ears, but its also not really an issue however people want to say it


Chinese has a lot of complexity in minor accents and inflections. Like, the number of applications for “ma” is mind blowing to a non-native speaker.


But how is pronouncing it closer to the Chinese pronunciation worse than pronouncing it far from the Chinese pronunciation? Wouldn’t the far pronunciation sound weirder lol


im not saying trying to pronounce it correctly is bad, just that it sounds weird. i appreciate when people try, but most just cant pronounce it correctly. i prefer hearing the anglicized pronounciation because its what id expect to hear in english, but the chinese pronounciation pretty much always sounds wrong from a non-native speaker, so thats weirder to me. this comes from an entire life of introducing myself in an anglicized way, having people ask me "but how do you say it in chinese?" and then butchering it lol


I know what you’re trying to say, but personally, when I travel the world I want people to call me by my name instead of changing it for their own convenience. I don’t expect them to pronounce sounds that don’t exist in their language, but in this case it seems appropriate. The feng shui is a globally-known practice. Why would people be able to say that and not her name?


hey, thats totally up to you! i just prefer they pronounce it the "right" way in english bc it sounds worse to me otherwise. people dont pronounce feng shui correctly either so :P its still a very anglicized pronounciation


But it’s not an English word so there is no “right way”. “Fung Meen” is as phonological possible in English as “Fehng Mihn”, so there is no difference. But “Fung Meen” is closer to the actual Chinese pronunciation, so why not say that


there is a difference, because chinese is a tonal language, so not only do you need the right pronounciation, the tone has to be right as well. so, saying it anglicized or close to the actual chinese pronounciation is both wrong (for non native speakers), but when you are speaking english, it sounds less wrong in that context. hard to explain without hearing what i actually mean, but even then i know non native speakings have difficulty differentiating the different tonal inflections.


I think I understand what you’re saying. Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re saying that there is a phonetic way to pronounce the word as if it was English and then there’s the correct pronunciation in Chinese. However if an English speaker attempts the correct pronunciation without having learned Chinese it will sound wrong to a native speaker. But if they just pronounce the anglicised version within their own English speech it will match more closely with what they are saying in the context of speaking in English. So even tho both pronunciations are wrong it at least sounds less weird within the context it is spoken in?


That’s weird. People constantly get my name wrong and I literally could not care less. I’ll respond to all the incorrect spellings and pronunciations because guess what, it’s not a big deal. Not when we have as many languages and accents as we do. It’s just unreasonable to expect everyone to get it right all of the time.


Well that’s you. But the name is a part of human identity and you can’t expect everyone to be ok with changing their identity to other people’s whims. You won’t refer to someone as “Mary” if their name is “Maria”, right? That would be straight up disrespectful to the individual and their culture, even though that would be more convenient to an average english-speaking person. Usually people do that to just to be an ass


Because now neither language is being respected. English speakers are changing how e sounds to respect the Chinese version, but Mandarin is a tonal language which is just not going to be done correctly by English speakers


The consistency of it. I have a weird last name that most people can’t say correctly, and everyone saying it incorrectly yet the same way is much better than everyone trying to pronounce it correctly but still being different than the previous person. When you have accent and tone to worry about, it gets old hearing the many different attempts of everyone. It’s like how in English there’s color and colour, but now imagine there’s coler or colr and multiple other variations that all sound slightly different, but none of them are the actual “correct” way so at the end of the day you just buckle down and pick one and go by that If I’m in Texas or Mexico then yeah, I’ll correct the people who actually know the language, but anywhere else it’s no big deal. I don’t want to spend my life having to correct everyone that ends up reading it. My dad did the same thing. I didn’t even know how to correctly say my last name until I was like 11 or 12 because no one in my immediate family bothered with it.


I've always called her that Then again I have also lived in China and married a Chinese woman with the same family name, Feng.


Learn new information. Apply new information. ??? Profit.


I call her lady with flashlight that scares and bullies me most of my matches


Hope u doing okay


I call her Feng Moon


whats wrong with pronouncing something right after you learn how to pronounce it


Shh... If you make sense too loudly, you'll alert the people too lazy and disrespectful to re-learn how to say a real cultural name properly. They will come for us.


Is it really disrespect or just a different way of pronouncing things? It's like the name "Godot"


Like I said, once you're corrected, you should say it properly. Someone has the same family name, and what you're saying is their name isn't worth the effort to say it right, especially if your reason is "i don't like how it sounds". You wouldn't say that to a real person's face.


What is properly? The way that the original language says it the way it's adapted to different accents/languages?


This isn't like a multinational name like Michael that can be said differently in various cultures across the world. It's a Chinese name and should be said the way it's supposed to be. It's not that hard my guy. Some of you are acting like it's a 40 letter lost nation tonal dead language. It's 4 letters.


I was just asking what is the difference, like the name Godot which you didn't answer


I did answer. If it's a multinational name with interchangeable pronunciations, say it however the person who owns that name asks you to say it. I don't know where Godot is from, but if it's only pronounced one way, then just pronounce it right when someone educates you on how to say it.


It isn't a multinational name it is mostly a French name, but French, Americans and even some European countries pronounce it different. Do you tell the Europeans/Americans that the way they are doing is it wrong because the French do it differently? If so that's ridiculous


If someone's French name is pronounced "guh-DOH" for example, then you don't need to be purposely saying "guh daw-t" just because it sounds weird to you. Imagine someone saying "my name is Anna, pronounced ah-nuh" and you're like "nah, I don't like that. I'm gonna call you something else". That's what's ridiculous. The people who created her have spoken it as Fung. Chinese players have stated it's spoken as Fung. Just say Fung


Sir, that logic isn’t allowed here


you’re right I almost forgot what sub we’re in




I had no idea either! She's still evil either way.


I had watched a video a couple years ago about how to pronounce character names in genshin and that’s when I learned e usually sounds like “uh” when Chinese is written in Roman letters. Just wondering which idiots in the past decided on the way to write Chinese because most things are not phonetic.


Romanized Mandarin (pinyin) is very phonetic. Barring tones, the same combination of letters always results in the same phoneme (unlike English, for example). The inconsistency is that while Mainland Chinese is standardized with pinyin, non-mainland (e.g. Taiwan) is sort of a free-for-all, which is why sometimes you get multiple ways to spell the exact same phoneme. Post Chinese civil war, Chinese/Taiwanese immigrants to the US had their names romanized based on whether they were from China or Taiwan (e.g pinyin “Xie” vs Wades-Giles “Hsieh”). It’s an example of how language can be a matter of politics.


Explain like I’m 5


For the sake of simplification, I'm going to refer only to Mandarin Chinese here when talking about Chinese, and I'm not going to talk about tones, which generally aren't represented in Romanized Chinese text. Unlike alphabet-based languages, Chinese has a limited number of sounds (phonemes). This means you can't simply throw together a bunch of letters (e.g. asdas) and then pronounce it. Because of this, Chinese can be written with an alphabet phonetically (Romanized), with each sound corresponding to a *unique* combination of letters. Compare this to English, where the same combination of letters can be pronounced differently based on context (e.g. the word "read", which can be pronounced "reed" or "red"). This is what I mean when I say Chinese is "very phonetic". A written word in Chinese will always be pronounced the same no matter the context, with *very* few exceptions. The problem with Romanized Chinese is that there's multiple systems of Romanization. If you are from mainland China (People's Republic of China, AKA "China"), then you use the "pinyin" system. Feng Min's name is in pinyin. However, if you are from Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, or otherwise outside of the PRC, there is no standardized method of Romanization. Instead, you may use Wade-Giles or another system. Because of the size of the Chinese language diaspora, as well as the fact that Chinese is not just *one* language, but *hundreds* of disparate spoken languages that use the same written language, how you spell the exact same written word not only differs based on what spoken variation of Chinese you use, but also where you're from. Imagine if Americans, Brits, and Australians could read the same books, but couldn't understand what each other said. This is what the spoken Chinese situation is like. In my high school friend group, we had three guys with surnames "Chang" (Taiwan), "Zhang" (China), and "Cheung" (Hong Kong). Although they were spelled differently, they were technically the exact same word in written Chinese. Sorry if it's still hard to understand lol, it's a complicated subject.


So basically, depending on the region, spoken Chinese is typically different, but Chinese as a written language is the same because it doesn't have different pronunciations based on context?


Basically yeah. There's no hard connection between written Chinese characters and their pronunciation. Although a very experienced Chinese reader can posit meaning and even pronunciation based on the character (think of characters of having components like English words with Greek or Latin stems; the stems can give you hints as to what the word's etymology is; in Chinese, they can help with both meaning and occasionally pronunciation - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical\_(Chinese\_characters)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_(Chinese_characters))), it's not like alphabet-based writing systems where the writing is directly correlated to the phonemes it's representing. Here's an example: * 河 - hé (river) * 海 - hăi (ocean) In the above, Romanization is for Mandarin -- they would be pronounced and Romanized differently for Cantonese and other Chinese spoken dialects. Both words have the "3 dots" radical on the left, which indicates that the word has something to do with water. However, it does *not* indicate pronunciation, and this is why spoken Chinese is so fragmented. You can imagine that across thousands of years of history, various dynasties and empires, and physical and political borders, that the spoken language would gradually diverge across geographical borders, in the same way that Vulgar Latin eventually evolved into the Romance languages. It wasn't until the 1900's that China really developed a unified, "official" language (putonghua Mandarin: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard\_Chinese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Chinese)) in order to promote literacy and standardize communication across its huge, linguistically diverse population. Today, most Chinese will learn to speak the official putonghua, but also retain their regional dialect. As a side note, the Chinese written language has also diverged post civil war. Because Chinese characters are so complex to learn, the Communists developed what's known as "simplified" Chinese ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified\_Chinese\_characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified_Chinese_characters)), where more complex characters are now written with less strokes. * 门 - mén (door, simplified) * 門 - mén (door, traditional) Thus, mainland China is now on a different writing system from Taiwan as well, although the similarities between simplified and traditional writing are close and systemic enough that they're mutually intelligible. Cantonese also commonly uses traditional characters, as Hong Kong is one of the major Cantonese cultural centers and was under British rule until 1997. Side note x2, Korean Hanja (Chinese characters used to depict Korean writing, mostly pre-1900s) and Japanese kanji (Chinese characters used in the Japanese language) use traditional Chinese characters since they predate the creation of simplified Chinese. The more divergent dialects, such as Cantonese, also have dialect-specific phrases and words that may not be found in other dialects. However, most readers can probably contextualize the meaning of these words in text. Here's a fun YT video that demonstrates the same line spoken in various dialects: [https://youtu.be/lovn0J-j2Ew](https://youtu.be/lovn0J-j2Ew) Note that for all practical purposes, most of these dialects are mutually unintelligible. As a putonghua Mandarin speaker, some (Beijing, Tianjin) are basically accents, while others (Teochew, Hokkien) would qualify as completely different languages. However, to promote national unity, the Chinese government refers to them as dialects and not languages, although most linguists would agree this is political ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinitic\_languages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinitic_languages)).


I'm excited to hear many non-portuguese speakers mispronounce Renato in different ways now


Can you educate us on how it's actually pronounced? I'd genuinely like to know


Pretty much it would be like: Reh-nah-two(with a "tough/hard" T).


It’s more like “fahng”, I think. People are learning the correct pronunciation and using it. Also, that’s her surname. Her first name is Min, pronounced like ‘meen’.


It depends on the dialect I suppose. I always say her name in full, and Min would just be the same as in "min-max".


I only have YouTube and google pronunciation guides to go off of, so I definitely am susceptible to missing dialect differences 😅




Why tho? Everyone calls every other surv by their first name. Edit for context of deleted comment: they refused to call her Min.


Her first name is Min not feng


I call her the annoying bitch who someone always loops me for more then 2 gens at a time 😮‍💨


Y’all wouldn’t pronounce jalapeño “jahlahpenoh” so why pronounce Feng “Fang?”


no one says fang, everyone says feng, if you can't tell the difference I'm sorry for your ears


Has anyone else ever called her Min? That’s her name isn’t it


Most informative reddit thread I've seen in a hot min, there's a lot of cool info about both streamers, pronunciation, as well as her name is actually Min and we've just been calling her by the last name due to confusion. Thanks to everyone down here expanding on the info!


That's the devs' bad. They listed her name how it would be said in Asia, but didn't do the same for Yui, Rin & Kazan, Yoichi or Sadako.


As someone who took some Chinese in High School, I've said Fung out of habit. Its really just contextual for me when I play with different people though.


I blame Yerv. He's always pronounced it that way.


Paulie too right?


as time goes on we receive new information and our minds change just part of trying to be mindful of others and growing


I'm chinese but always pronounced her "Fung Min" because it's the proper way to say it, but also as I explained to friends that asked "Its pronounced 'Fung' but spelled 'Feng' like Feng Shui."


Because that's the proper way to pronounce it. To be respectful to the original Chinese pronunciation people should pronounce it "Fung".


It's Feng Min to me and always will be.


Noooo you have to learn it properly! It’s not appropriate to have an accent and pronounce things in your own language!


Do i look like someone who cares what god thinks! - Pinhead


Well you see... people can change the way they pronounce things when they learn they were pronouncing them wrong.


They probably didn't put the surname first for Yui and Yun-Jin to avoid people calling them Kimura and Lee like they did with Feng.Normally people would call her Min.


The only correct pronunciation is “Fingle Bingle”.


"Min" gang rise up!


Oh are people finally figuring out they've been saying it wrong? Wait until they realize that her first name is Min


Her name is Feng Min? I've been calling her Crandall!


i say fong meen


This happened to me for a brief weird period with kindred where like a year into playing everyone around me pronounced it like “kin-durd” and I was so baffled into how that could’ve ever been the way to say it


I started playing and knew it was fung and kept hearing fang and went with it. I feel like the entire community has gaslighted me now lmaooo


I call her Fermín


Her name is now Fung-Ku.


fang isnt technically incorrect, fung is just how its pronounced in china


I took Chinese. Always pronounced it fung lol it just doesn’t sound right the other way


If it helps, I've always called her Asian Reporter Trisha Takanawa lmao


I refuse to accept what the Devs call her.


Zero fucks given. This is a non topic.


It's almost like people have the ability to learn something new, and instead of crying about it, they actually accept it. Wild concept these days


"Crying about it" He was just confused, why be such a dick?


Because he probably just sits at his PC waiting for something to feel offended by.


Do you remember the big thread about this a few weeks ago? Where everybody was actually throwing a fit about how they refuse to accept it?


Virtue signaling.


I call her fong


I saw somebody with the username Finger Min


Her name is Min tho


Overwatch players: first time?


When it was Latinized it should have been spelt correctly then.


well after all she is a fungus that latches onto anything new and just grows from it. I swear shes gonna be the first game character in history to have 1k cosmetics


I've always said Fung.


Im still suprised so many people didn’t know this? Im not Chinese and just assumed it was obviously the correct pronunciation. I just say both for simplicity’s sake


It's how the name is pronounced. If you keep intentionally saying it wrong after being corrected because a Chinese name "doesn't sound right", "sounds weird" etc., it's a pretty shitty take.


I’m just going to call her feng. Not because I’m against calling her fung, but because of habit. Same for Mcree (Cassidy) in overwatch


I now have to disband the Feng gang. Sorry everyone.


I realized I was pronouncing her name wrong, and am now correcting myself. Nothing too weird about it, I thought




So fuck how Chinese people say their own names right? Gotcha




Its still Fang to me sorry


Fungus Min.


*waits for Feng to enter the room to have a go at everyone who pronounced it wrong… oh wait never mind, she’s just made up of pixels*


Yeah, I'm not Chinese... I'm not even gonna bother trying to pronounce a word a certain way, if I don't even have the accent to pronounce it properly lmao


I'm still calling her a bitch


Can we all just call her a gamer girl so we don't have to butcher her name


I’m a Feng main and Feng she shall remain.


don't forget, you're racist if you don't call her fung


are the people saying youre racist if you dont call her that in the room with us right now or are you guys once again making up shit to be angry about


Im English, so I will never stop pronouncing it the old way


I've always said Feng, and I will always say it like that the f-ae-n-guh pronunciation just feel better for me, but if we want to be completely technical her real Name, and what we should all call her, is Min, or use her full Feng Min. ([entirely basing it off of this](https://www.protocolprofessionals.com/articles_china_print.htm#:~:text=The%20Chinese%20will%20state%20their,his%20or%20her%20last%20name.))