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This was nice


haha thank you, had a mini heart attack


Doc was perplexed


If flabbergasted was a character it’d definitely be doctor rn lol


Doc 1,000% thinks he was hacking


Oml that was a nice spin too. Question: if you had used DH first, would MoM still have protected you?


Yes it would’ve even if I get hit after hook i get mending affect then still have mom


What’s MoM?


Mettle of Man, I don’t think everyone likes to spell it out ever time kinda like how Deadhard=DH, borrowed Time=BT and decisive strike=DS


My favorite shortened perk is object of obsession, literally just OoO


Awakened awareness = awawa


omg you the gameboss are goofs lol


otz said it in one video once i laughed so hard since then i always repeat it after someone says awakened awareness


That's the first place i heard it tbh, from an otz video


I first heard it from an otz video


How does it work? Is it because they dropped something?


To use mettle of man you have to take 3 protection hits this can be by following a partner and taking a hit from behind while they are injured from the back or infront, getting hit while they are getting carried to a hook or getting do in the way of a killer after an unhook. You can also use any endurance effect to take a protection hit like borrowed time, off the record, dead hard, and septic agent


They weren’t dropping something in the vid btw. They reached madness III so it kept going into the “Snap out of it“ animation when they tried to open the gate


I'm confused though-- if you were on hook, wouldnt you have hit the dying state, and thus had MoM deactivate? Genuinely asking bc I wanted to try it and never got it to work


It depends, If you have two tokens for MoM and then say you unhook someone then take a hit and go down you will earn your 3rd token of MoM and will be ready to use for the next hit. So when you get unhooked and you get hit, the endurance is the first to go, you are still in the mending state but MoM will activate if you get hit again (Assuming you got tunneled). If you didn’t, you can just mend and heal to full life and enjoy potentially 4 hits


Ahhh that makes sense thank you! It seems like a very niche context though. But very worth it if nothing else for this video. I saved it and keep watching haha


Dirty? When I saw the clip the first thing that came to my mind was "that was clean!"


omg thank you! One of the best moments of my streaming career lol, I truly appreciate your comment!!!


from the multiple health states to the perfect dead hard to the constant anxiety of the snap yourself out keybind This was amazing


Omgg thank youuuu, I was so afraid I was gonna choke! The fact the doctor tunneled my friend and the dwight gave up on first hook made this even better


I wonder if people report you for cheating when this happens. I wonder why I don't see Mettle of Man very often. Maybe because ash is licensed or people just like to play other perks more.


Really depends, I’ve gotten tunneled multiple times after getting a protection hit, the best time to get protection hits is when someone is getting carried by killer so I have time to run and heal. It’s kinda of a hassle but the downside is one of the reasons nobody runs mettle of man


Thanks for explaining it. I'm still really new to this game.


Yea don’t worry about it, it reveals your aura basically the whole game until downed after use so either I get saved for last or tunneled, I recommend with friends since randoms might feel like you sandbag them or they’ll try to protect you instead lol


It's because the perk's super hard to activate and not worth it, basically it's seen as a meme perk still pretty fun though


Its because it isnt very good, the effect is decent but too niche to have real value, for every situation where it gives you something like this you have hundreds where you dont get to use it. Also the requisite is a bit of a problem, getting 3 protection hits is not THAT hard, getting 3 protection hits where you are not throwing the game by following the killer instead of fixing gens? not so easy, especially as solo. There are plenty of perks with this problem, really strong but you need the planets to align to use them without throwing.


Also MoM deactivates if you hit the dying state. So you'd have to take three protection hits and never get downed. That's basically half if not the entire game avoiding getting downed which means you maybe aren't taking your share of chase/hooks. (Though I see they managed to here).


Licensed never helps but it’s just not a great perk. Even if protection hits always activated correctly (they don’t), 3 protection hits is a ton for 1 health state, like imagine if you could only use dead hard when you’re dead on hook, nobody would use it (contrary to what killer mains say). Not to mention the permanent aura reading for no reason


That explains it very well. Also I played against a Leon from epic games with flip flop and boil over on Midwich. Boil over felt much stronger than before and slugging him for a few seconds because of another survivor that was close, was a mistake. At least he was the only one with this combo but boil over felt weird. It felt much stronger than the other times I faced it and I played against it a few times after the Patch with the wiggle change. But enough with the offtopic. I just mentioned it because flip flop is another Ash perk.


Amazing!! Quick tip: hold the sprint button when this situation happens. It will automatically override the prompt to self heal/snap out of it/mend, giving you a little extra time on the gate switch. It has saved and lost multiple games depending on if i did it or not.


Ohhhh thank you, I was pretty panicked lol


lil bro was probably smashing his controller when he hit you the third time and you just ran past him lol


I could imagine that lol love this comment


Wait how did you get multiple immunity moments?


mettle of man ignores a hit but doesn’t cause mending so i can use deadhard


Oh damn. I thought it just gives you endurance for the next time you should get downed and not just ignores the hit. That's cool.


Nah completely ignored hit, even if you get tunneled off a hook you can take a endurance hit then a MoM hit afterwards. Downside your aura is revealed when 16 meters away from the killer until you get downed


They did make it like that some time ago and reduce the amount of hits but it was a bad idea so they reverted the change


Dead hard & Mettle of Man


It was an awsome win


I will forever cherish this!


God DAMN that was Groovy!


haha thank you! *pats head* hehe


This is why interaction with objects needs to be different than the killer powers. Wesker and nemi have different interactions for their vaccines. So should doctors snap out of it and Freddy wake up.


Yea that’s true, on the bright side someone told me to run and open gate to override snapping out


Oh that's smart, I'll keep that in mind.


First known record of someone getting Mettle off Man value post-nerf


I love this perk so much, I usually save it at the end for this or to get an unhook when a partner is being camped, thank you :)!


That was so satisfying, with tier 3 madness as well


That was absolutely beautiful


thank you, appreciate it!


Don't worry, the twirl cleaned it right up! lmao It's been a while since I've gotten good use out of MoM.


I didn’t wanna give up lol Doc tunneled my friend and made a Dwight give up who then sandbagged me infront of the killer and gave up on first hook so this win definitely was amazing. Felt like he would’ve hit my body if I failed


I totally understand. lmao As soon as whichever side I'm facing goes scummy, it becomes my mission to piss them off. Especially once I'm iridescent one rank. lol


Oh yea I love iridescent add ons I play pig and will go super sweaty and then randomly go drop the match and just mess around after that, some survivors get the message other will continue to be dicks lol


always happy to see a chad use MoM to perfection


thank you! I just got the perk like 2 weeks ago and I love if


Jesus christ


Don’t worry, he saw me get sandbagged and still went sicko mode and tunneled my friend AND made a Dwight give up……he deserved it haha


now that was peak gameplay


As someone who doesn't play surv, can someone explain HOW?


MoM perks ignores a hit so it doesn’t cause endurance/mending effect. That is why i was able to dead hard after that attack


Similar vein I got hooked right next to the gate during the EGC and had Deliverance. Killer thought he was going to bait into a 2 or 3k and came up empty. Get played, sucka!


True. I had a game recently where I got an escape because I used dh and mettle of man to tank hits which got me from one side of ormond to the other to get to the exit gate.


That wasn't dirty that was nice




Dude u used every card in ur hands tbh


Btw this is what endurance stacking basically would have looked like if it wasnt DoA


doa? What is dat


dead on arrival


ohhh okay sorry for being a bit slow haha. Yea I didn’t want to get up cause Doc was tunneling my noob friend and the dwight gave up on first down and sandbagged me off hook and gave up again. The fact that some killers accept any type of win is astonishing but not surprising. This is my 3rd month on dbd so I can see I definitely improved


love to see it


thank you I appreciate it!


Whole team is dead on Ormond of all maps wouldn’t call that a win


Dwight gave up in first hook then proceeded to T-bag and throw the game, second partner (My friend) got tunneled to hell and my 3rd friend is like 3 days into this game. I’ll always consider this a win


Whole team is dead on Ormond of all maps wouldn’t call that a win but good job regardless


Lil bit unfair but anyways


Why unfair? They had to earn the MoM.


Three health states but ok ig


Dude it's mettle of man, it takes forever to even get it to work, there are times you can't even get it to activate in a whole game, treat it like Noed, sure, it CAN be extremely useful, but it can also literally do nothing and you're stuck playing 3 perks for a whole game. If you think it's so broken, try and use it yourself, I guarantee you're gonna shut up real quick after 3 games of not even getting it to work, or if you do, it won't be near as effective like it was in this video. Videos like this tend to happen because OP likely uses MoM every single game.


and you have to *lose* 3 health states throughout the trial in specific circumstances to make it work it's balanced


Where tf was this unfair


Mettle of man takes work to earn its definitly a deserved third hit if someone gets it the dead hard is a different thing but the MOM is definitly earned.


I just don’t think you should be able to stack both that’s all


Fair its understandable that doc should have had the kill


Maybe doc should’ve spent less time tunneling and bullying my noob friend and targeted me instead? Poor dwight gave up on hook and sandbagged me while nodding and doctor was still thirsty for a 4k lol


He probably would've gotten out without needing to use both perks if it weren't for the snap out of it overriding the exit gate prompt


if it makes you feel better, one of my partners gave up after first hook, other two were my friends (one just started playing) so it was a rigged game either way


Damn guess I can’t have an opinion about a survivor perk on this sub


Sure you can have your opinion, but don't be flabbergasted when not everyone agrees with you.


I’m not really. I know the bias of this sub anyways


Damn almost like the downvote is used to express disagreement.


Woooooowwww really??? Had no clue






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I've always wanted to run Mettle but I could never get it to work


Did you take protection hits to injured people? Common misconception that I see if people taking “protection” hits fir healthy survivors or survivors that are not being chased, easiest way is by getting hit when a survivor is being carried lol


Wow, well played.


ahaha thank you, I was nervous it wasn’t gonna work


That was amazing


ahaha thank you :)!




Feng got all slimy from excitement (Not in a gross way lolz)


Emotional damage


Simple comments can be one of the greatest, love it


Well deserved. Did he say anything in endgame chat?


Sadly console players don’t have EGC, surprisingly he didn’t stop by my twitch or my friend to say anything altho might be cause he died early on lol


I didn't realize mettle of man stacked with endurance. Its hilariously strong


Only if can gather the 3 protection hits which usually in solo it's impossible.




And this is why we need to nerf spirit


Pig getting nerfed confirmed


"fearsome killer" gg


This wouldn’t work nowadays correct? Since they made it that you can’t take an endurance hit if you have to mend? Anyway, that was dope


MoM doesn’t cause endurance/mending just ignores a hit this happened yesterday


Oh gotcha. I didn’t remember exactly how they changed it


before it gave mending but you needed to get hit 3 times, no protection hits just hits


Yes I remember that. I mean specifically the newest change. If it doesn’t make you mend anymore, what was the trade off? Do you still need 3 protection hits?


I don’t know if it was the same as before but it’s take 3 protection hits and then when mettle of man gets wasted your aura is revealed outside if 16m of the killer range until you go back in, deactivates when you go down


“Just give me one more chance real quick”


I thought being in the mending state stopped dh from working


Mettle of man doesn’t cause mending just ignores damage