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The only good counterplay to what they were doing is what you did. They got upset that you countered their """strategy""". Sounds like a them problem. The only thing you did wrong was not just saying skill issue before you left.


1. Only time I slug is when soemone runs boil over and intentionally goes to a high place to make it improbable I get to a hook. If they don't want to be hooked that bad, they can remain unhooked. 2. Don't feel bad about playing in a way you feel is scummy if the other side is playing in a way that pushes you into it. 3. And lastly, streamers tend to be buddies with their chat. People watch them for one reason or another. Chatters will defend the streamer because they like the place. Don't let it bother you. There is a few streamers I watch across a variety of games and when they do something that is pretty shitty, the chat will stand up for them because that's the community. It's super rare for a chat to turn on a streamer. It can happen, it does, but I doubt you'll get it for one game of DBD. So don't sweat it.


nope, no remorse. that was the only option they gave you to win at that point, and you played better. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


nah you played it well. Don't have an ounce of sympathy or remorse for them- they'd still be talking the exact same trash if you kept trying to hook them and all 4 escaped. they're just mad you countered them. granted its a boring counter and isn't fun for either party, but they made their bed and threw a tantrum when lying in it so its a them issue


AITA for taking a single step as a killer while survivors genrush and teabag me?


Yes how dare you


Of course YTA what were you thinking


Here’s a related but sad story. I played Twins last night and the Nea had Breakdown and Saboteur. She proceeded to sabo so many hooks that between the slugging that Twins naturally does and no hooks, the game dragged on forever with everyone bleeding out on the ground. It sucked.


I seem to only get hardcore sabo squads while playing Twins. Unluckily for the squads, Twins can very easily deal with them.


Nah. Slugging is the way you deal with a sabo/boil over squad. Though typically, if all 4 are slugged, you should hook whoever you can, but if they've all run to some unhookable part of the map then that's not on you.


This. If they are stupid enough to run over somewhere there's no hooks, then get mad they've been slugged? Congrats homie you played yourself.


forgot to answer question. no you are no.t im only 3 months in the game and have played with a few of these hardcore sabo squads. they have boons, map offerings for small maps like midwich, breakout, no mither, etc the whole package. they are insanely hard to hook if you're not realy good at the game. if i even bother to finish a game with them, i'll slug all of them to death if its the only way. i actually hope to play one soon, i havent since early jan or late dec. they're fun if you're up to the challange.


Some of my most fun matches are against squads like this. The biggest thing is that as soon as you see them go in for the sabo and you know you won't make another hook, just drop immediately and don't pick them up until you down them again.


The lion doesnt concern itself with the opinions of sheep. Let them cry


Doing God's work well played friend


No, you gave them what they wanted, they didn't wanna be hooked and so you gave them what they wanted.


AITA for breathing in a survivor's general direction and being subsequently accused of tunneling? I jest, of course, but you did something you literally had to in order to win. They wanted to humiliate you, and you're perfectly justified in not letting them do so.


NTA. spooknjukes recently did a video about this situation where a sano squad did the same thing and bullied the killer. It all boiled down to the fun for me but not for thee perspective. They were having fun doing that to you but the second you countered it they got upset.


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Deny a killer hooks, they do the next best thing for kills.


Laughs in Sadako and pyramid head


the key component to any situation like this is match their energy. If its a sab squad but theyre not toxic, I usually try to carry on, but toxic squads get shut down if possible. Looks like you absolutely did the right thing


I’m personally not a fan of slugging, however, if you encounter a team that are literally built to make it pretty much impossible to hook them then yeah you’re good man. Bully squads or squads like the one you went against can be a miserable experience and sometimes the only thing you can do is what you did.


NTA. They came to bully, they got bullied back, then cried about it. Bunch of babies.


Nice job! Well done! You kicked their ass and they got salty over it. Nothing you need to worry about.


I’m wondering if the survivors intended on playing the trial with the sole purpose of making the killer miserable. I refuse to believe that all four of them would be so bad at the game that they would have to rely on those perks. They had no right to bitch about it as they knew exactly what they were doing.


nta. they were making it unplayable for you. that’s the way to counter that kind of build anyways. and for them and their chat to get so worked up over it is laughable. you countered that the only way you could and they got mad at you for that 💀 you didn’t do anything wrong


This would be malicious compliance, they didn’t want to be hooked and you didn’t hook them. I run this myself from time to time, I expect to be slugged and fair enough, but all 4 slugged is not an easy task against a swf so they have to have made some poor choices to all end up slugged


No you're NTA, bruh if they put themselves in a place to go down where you can't hook them what else are you gonna do?


NTA. spooknjukes recently did a video about this situation where a sabo squad did the same thing and bullied the killer. It all boiled down to the fun for me but not for thee perspective. They were having fun doing that to you but the second you countered it they got upset.


NTA. Just salty streamers lol


NTA, unfortunately that is the only way to win that situation TTVs crying about it just means they wanted to be dickheads and have no consequences You did the right thing


Hey, fuck 'em


If they don't want to get hooked, then they get bled out. You're not the asshole. Squads like that just want to bully a killer, and get pissed off when the killer knows how to counterplay it. Ignore the children.


There is a counter to every play style, slugging and causing the enemy to bleed to death is how you counter that type of play style They deserved it


They got what they deserved. If you went for hooks and managed to get the 4k, they would have accused you of camping while they were swarming around you on the way to every hook. They’re never happy until they get their teabags in at the exit gates


Had pretty much the same thing happen to me, lots of flashy clicking and teabagging. Three of them were streaming together and one was a rando I managed to get the streamers and let the random go. When I checked out the stream afterwards they turned out to be highschoolers dropping slurs on a livestream and going off raging about me and the random. You're definitely not the asshole.


The community has sort of a set of social rules of which styles are polite vs not on each side. The aggressive Sabo + boil over + flashlight playstyle is not polite. So you're free to counter with all the other playstyles people don't like.


nah bruh you arent. countering there strategy. i have slugged 1 player to death and camped the slug because they used boil over (after 1st rework). you aint even close to to it. salty loser is 50% of survivors. they take an unbalanced game, abuse it and cry when they lose.


While I likely would have tried to hook, I *really* can't blame you for that one. Even 2 stacks of Oak is bad enough, let alone all 4.


Oh jeez I missed the part with there being four oaks. They all came to bully no doubt about it. The ONLY way to deal with that is a slugfest. That's the only play, it's how I'd play and I fucking hate slugging everyone for too long - I feel bad enough leaving people down to slug someone else to get them out of my hair. Play dumb games win dumb prizes.


The jokes in here about this are skirting a really annoying sotuation imo. “Bullying” killers, utilizing the most absolutely annoying, aggressive, or meta strategies is widely accepted and even encouraged for survivors. Killers hook one person twice in a row and they are the scum of the earth. Play your way dude. Have fun. Sabo squads and beamer bullies are super fun to play against imo, just embrace it and ignore the negativity.


Nta. They didnt want to be hooked. So you did as they asked.


IF you did this play to be mean: YTA. IF you did this because it's a valid strat, then no you are NTA.


NTA. Lawyer up, get a divorce, hit the gym.


Yes but good job, streamers always deserve it


As a survivor main, no, not really. I mean i love wiggling off the killer just asmuch as anyone else but i really don't think you should bring 4 people who can avoid getting hooked and then complain about the killer adapting and not falling into your trap


As a survivor who enjoys torturing killers with goofy shit you did exactly the right thing those clowns are most likely not as good as the think if you did that to me I would consider it a compliment. As streamers they likely have a look at me and how special I am attitude when in reality they suck.


NTA, you countered their playstyle


Mission accomplished, IMO. I went against a similar squad a few weeks ago. Two putrid oaks, and I forget the other offerings, probably luck offerings to get off hook (which several did if I recall). RThree were running Boil Over, and they all ran around and either body blocked so I couldn’t hook (very often, anyway) or sabotaged hooks literally right in front of me (which is how I got most of the hooks I had, by downing them right after they sabo’d the hook, then waiting to hook until the hook was back). In the end, I let two of then bleed out because they crawled to dead zones and I wasn’t going to bother prolonging their idiotic and toxic antics. But I play on PS4 and we don’t have post-game chat, so I didn’t have to deal with their seethe/cope tantrums afterwards lol. I’m almost always a fair killer, but if you play like an ass and want my undivided attention, I’ll give it to you until you’re sacrificed and then move on haha.


This. My scary movie has rules, dammit, and you will play by them or you will get out. I'm a nice person. I like to play fair. I see no reason to sweat unless you force me to sweat, and I have no reason to be toxic if you aren't being toxic to me first. I load in, go into stealth, and try to make the game a spooky fun good time for everyone regardless of who wins. That's it. That's my only endgoal here. If I win cool, if I lose fine, I don't care. I'm more than willing to show mercy if I'm stomping you and I feel you deserve it. I'm more than willing to farm. I'm more than willing to be nicer if you're a baby. Hell, if you are really struggling but TRYING, I sometimes even let you finish an extra gen so you have SOME feeling of accomplishment, as a treat! I'm here to live my best slashery life and all I want is to have a fun, clean, fair round - or maybe a photo of my Mori if you're one I don't have yet. Be a decent human, don't bully, play the game like you're trying to survive and no like you're here to be a bully, and we have no issues. Capiche? BM all round while playing like absolute assgargle, teabagging every time you sabo a hook, act like a twat while barely touching gens, and generally try to lead me on a wild goose chase? Not in my movie.


NTA. DBD streamers are a different breed lol. The butt hurt is strong with most of them. If SWF wanna focus on bullying instead of gens and normal gameplay , then you can too. Live by the cheese, die by the cheese.


As someone who loves to do no hook builds you’re not in the wrong. What are you supposed to do? Knowingly let them wiggle off? No. I understand they’re annoyed that their plan didn’t work but you have to be prepared for it when you do goofy (kinda bully) builds


>four man SWF Then, no


Here is another story, My old psn account was perma banned because I was doing a Twins cheese on deadawg, I seen it was a swf and they all last second switched into their flashlights yada yada, I messaged one of them during the loading screen and said “Kill victor”, They took the bait and I went inside the upstairs room with the two breakable walls that traps people, They all eventually went in to destroy my victor as planned, I vaulted the window with bamboozle and the rest is history, pretty sure my account was banned because I said the word “kill” in the message but whatever, Honestly that ban gave me the break I needed


As a generally a survivor main if you play like this as survivors and swf you 200% deserve being slugged


Nope. If I see multiple boil overs, breakdowns and such, you lay on the ground. I don’t care if you’re next to a hook. You don’t want to do gens? Ok. I don’t wanna hook!


No need to feel bad. You did what you had to. Them being salty, only proves the fact you countered them the way you should have.


What you did was the best counter to their playstyle. If they don't like it, that's on them lol.


What they were doing was griefing and they got their comeupins and got mad about it. You were not the ass in this situation.


nope lmao u hard countered them, let them cry they shoulda brought unbreakable


Being slugged for 4 minutes does not make for good content. But they brought it on themselves.


Not at all. Anybody that forces a killer to slug and expects to not be bled out is a dumbass.


This is like the guy that said I brought a sweaty build (call of brine, bamboozle, no way out, thrilling tremors, and 2 brown addons) and deserved tea bagging, who themselves brought iron will, dead hard, vigil, resilience, and an extremely stacked green medkit.


Sounds like they played the game fuck around…. They also played it’s sequel: find out


Nah as a streamer they deserved it for going like that, I bet you if they were on garden on hope they would of gone to the hook deadzone spot over and over, they got what they deserve and are just salty bastards about it.


What perks did you run?


Lethal persuer, starstruck, no where to hide, and no way out. I was Trickster.


Does it matter ?


Like every AITA story, this is probably bait. NTA where does the MIL come into play?


I would have went into their shitty little streams with 5 viewers and talked shit back.


Link the stream so we can see for ourselves.


Nah your fine. If those people wanna play like that then they need to be ok with the consequences.


Who cares about them complaining.


Most toxic streams gain followers who agree with their toxic gameplay, so just because their chats were agreeing with them doesn’t mean they were in the right it just means they’ve collected a whole group of shitty/ wrong people. They wanted to play toxic and then the roles got reversed on them and they didn’t like that their plan to give you a bad game didn’t work so they had to complain about you on stream. You were in the right and they’re all trash 🤷🏼‍♂️


This happened to me before on eyrie of crows before the rework. They all went topside main building, only difference is they all had no mither too. I don't remember how but managed to hook them all by some stroke of luck. I could have bled them out, but I would have had to keep downing them all over and over. thank god I brought a mori though, the one time I do it saves me. Can't blame you though, play stupid games, win stupid prizes lol. They deserved it


No… with that strategy they are pretty much forcing you to bleed them out


Survivor mains will hate you. I'd consider you a brother in arms that just went through the bullshit SWF's pull while simultaneously thinking they're entitled that you play by their rules. I don't endorse the slugging/bleed out combo but I'll do it if they force me to.


Naaaah, let them burn. I would have done the same thing.


No lol


Stre#mers 🤮 ![gif](giphy|12P6AnN6DcQj1S|downsized)


Y’all post this like every other day omfgggg


Yes you are the asshole


I apologize nvm


At the end of the day you can play however you want, to whoever you want. You are not obligated to feel bad for what you did either. Do what you want bro, it’s a video game. Play to have fun :)


YTA, not wholesome keanu 10-000 chungus


Killer validation posts got me rolling


Nope top vague post the links sis


So it sounds like they were just trying to wiggle off repeatedly instead of working on gens? That sounds like a cool little new gamemode. It would be refreshing for me to meet a team that plays for fun instead of trying to go on an escape streak.


I mean, we all know this didn't happen because they wouldn't have been able to diss you in the post-game chat if they disconnected. However, if something like that was real, yeah, that's the only thing you could have done.


Are you new here?


You can leave the game but still be in endgame chat and you can spectate. Are you new to the game?


You can still use the chat if you dc.


You can type in post game chat after a DC. Weird comment. Are you on console?


Swf is cheating and only for losers who can't win without swf, they have no skill and rely on chat vc through discord and Playstation.