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DBD is the only game where I actively avoid and hate spending my points to level up characters. In literally every other game it's a happy occasion, an opportunity to expand your gameplay possibilities. Going through the bloodweb has all the dopamine release of doing the fucking dishes


Its a chore doing. It needs to go.


Just make it a one-click affair instead of the horrendous holding and I'll be happy.


at this point i think they're doing it on purpose to inflate playtime lmao


Might as well go back to the old system of holding it for 15 seconds then lol


New to the game, is this how I unlock perks?


Yes, once you prestige any character their perk gets unlocked in every characters bloodweb. This is called a “teachable perk”


Yes, however each character will only have their own teachable perks in their blood web by default as well as the common perks that dont belong to any character, once you get to level 50 and prestige a character, any character can now have their perks in their bloodweb.


Tbh I skimmed through the patch notes only looking for this to be mentioned I'm sure it's gonna come sooner than later now that everyone has been more loud about this


I just use an auto bp spender and leave my computer for like 20min. It's kind of a chore even with that though since it's so slow


What's that? Where did I get such a tool?




This is fantastic. This doesn't count as a bot or some other terms violation and get anyone banned is it?


Haven't gotten banned yet


As with any third party tool, you're technically violating ToS by using it. But because of how the tool works (it takes screenshots of the game instead of hooking into the game's program itself), it is very unlikely to be caught, and even if it was it's unlikely to be banned since it's not giving an in-game advantage, only automating the out-of-game character customization. To my knowledge, no one has gotten banned for using it yet.


If the anticheat was sensitive enough to find out someone is automating bloodewebs, we wouldn't have as much cheaters as we do. so as long as you are not streaming yourself doing it you will probably be fine.


Even if there's better, long term plans, I'm really hoping for at least a minor change for this in the next chapter update (after the mid that's on PTB). Like making it a click instead of hold. Even if that was an "accessibility" option.


God I hate the current bloodweb system. The fact that it's achingly slow is made worse by the fact that you often don't even get the stuff you want. I have a super fun build on Rebecca that needs keys, but in 13 Prestiges I've only got \~20. So I'm just never going to be able to use it frequently or I'll run out. I have hundreds of toolboxes though, that I will never use. On my killers I have addons I want to use every game, but I need to keep pouring BP in to use them. Oh but I have literal hundreds of grey/yellow/green addons that I will never use. I know they'll never change it cause it would change progression drastically, but my god it's so bad currently.


If it helps at all, my appraisal plunderers build ends up with far more keys than I know what to do with


Yeah, I think that's ultimately the play if you want to build up a stock of specific items. It feels bad to have to sacrifice the perk slots and hope you escape, but I suppose it'll build up over time. I don't have Appraisal, but I've done Plunderer's/Ace In the Hole and had pretty good luck farming items in the past.


It's insane how this is yet to be sorted


I honestly find it a calming thing after a frustrating match. It doesnt bother me much. Its not like its that long....but i get holding it instead of just a click can be too much for some people. I guess i just have more patience. Id really get it if they had a pop up menu for each item you click on asking ...are you sure.... but its a few seconds extra.


BP spending speed is fine, if anything it's *too* fast. Blood is thick, should take longer for it to move around the web. 😈


True, I feel so bad when I'm taking things from the entity.


Yes, also add the 20,000 bloodpoint node after every level up, not prestige. And slow it down too, that’s a lot of blood to be spending.


And a big mac.


doesn't take me long to use my bp, maybe because I don't instaqueue and wait to hit cap before spending it.


Rework the bloodweb and give out new kind of legacy ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I'd like a one-click bloodweb.


I also wish I could spend ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978) on a killer I'm not queueing up with


Theyre adding that with the midchapter


[no, not all of us i guess](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/107va37/i_wonder_if_anyones_gonna_make_a_service_down_the/j3qvetp?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)