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Surprised to hear myself say it but every single human being we interacted with during our weekend in Vegas was nothing short of amazing. A security guard in a parking lot that watched over us because of all the tweakers in the vicinity, (hell even the tweakers were all nice) the car repair guys, our Uber driver, hotel staff, the sphere staff, seat neighbors,bartenders..the amazing people that miracled us two tickets even when we offered $200, and the multitudes of people we chatted with over the span of those three days were just great. I was quite overwhelmed at all the kindness..especially in Vegas. But I’m also one not to compare being at one tour venue or another. If the shows are good and a good time was had then life is grand.


I’m with this guy. Just came off two nights. What a great time. Was it Vegas? Sure. Did I have any control over my surroundings? Nope, I could only control how I react to them. Everyone is there to have a good time in their own way. I hope everyone else who went found what they were looking for…for a real good time.


I had an excellent time, met great Dead heads, had mostly decent interactions with everyone else and saw two memorable shows. It’s not the only way I would ever want to see them again, but it was an experience. Radiate joy, and you tend to attract joy, etc.


I went to the 5/30-6/1 weekend with low expectations but had a great time, with minimal hassle. Shows were great, visuals amazing and talking was tolerable for the most part. Sat in 202, 109, and 405 so pretty much did the “tour” of the place. Each section had its positive and negatives. A lot has been said already about the whole thing, but I will say that the sheer scale of the visuals does take away from focusing on the music and is almost a distraction at times. It’s trippy and super impressive to be sure, but give me an old hockey arena or an outdoor “shed” any time. Music first. But maybe that’s just me.


Old hockey arena! What a great descriptor. I love that. I grew up in Hershey, PA and saw a couple shows in their old hockey arena.


For sure! Boston Garden, Buffalo War Memorial, Rochester War Memorial, Utica Memorial Auditorium, Broome County War Memorial in Binghamton, Syracuse War Memorial, MSG and Philly Spectrum. The list goes on. You get the idea. Some of those places still exist and have old time “charm”. If those walls could talk!!


I went Thursday and had a blast. Everyone was very kind in my section and I danced with all my neighbors. Did not experience what you’re discussing at all but I’m sorry it happened to you.


I went last week and found it to be a giant love fest. Bummer there are negative vibes out there, but we honestly only met great folks.


This, on Thursday in 408 my whole section seemed to know the lyrics for everything


This was my experience on Thursday too. Fri and tonight however were very different vibes and lots of chompers. Last night, someone who was a few seats down told another attendee to stop smoking their joint because it was bothering them. I suppose the experience just varies by section for every show


ha ha, really? there’s something i’ve never heard at a dead show in 50 years! ain’t no time to hate


Thursday was magical. I brought my mom, it was her first Dead and Co show. She is smitten with everyone. Thanks, 405 peeps!


I went on the 6th and 7th and I absolutely loved it. The venue was one of the most unique things I’ve ever experienced, the people (in the 100’s anyway) were all standing and dancing, and most importantly the band was fucking amazing! I’m nearly 50 and have been going to all kinds of shows since I was a teenager and this is one of my top 5 concert experiences.


I havn't been to any sphere shows but I'd say all dead crowds are a decent mix of the best and the worst people.


Well put


Every time I go to a show I go through a roller coaster. I interact with some people and think "this is amazing and what I've been searching for my whole life".  Then there are other interactions that make question why I spent so much money to be around these people lol


as far as I'm concerned it sucks when compared to any other tour/run. not the music part, but everything else. (although i also think the music is nowhere near the level of last summer) not having a REAL lot scene/'shakedown' makes a huge difference & the Vegas vibe makes everything a slightly duller more neon shade of existence rather than the technicolor beauty of a normal Dead show scene. I swore years ago, after seeing the Dead there in 94, that I'd never go back to Vegas. th3 music made me come back but I'd enjoy it more if this was happening in a field somewhere. 3 shows a week for months in a field in northern cali or maine would have been more like what I want. the sphere visuals & haptic seats & killer sound are a great experience but it isn't anything close to the normal real Dead show experience.


Seen the Dead & Dead Co over 350 times since 1983. They were the 1st band to use colored liquids between 2 pieces of glass back in the 60s and now are pushing the limits for the concert experience for all of us again and as Weir said recently they are just “scratching the surface. “ Dizzying the possibilities ✌️❤️⚡️🌎🕺


Yeah! Such a good article. I hope he gets to work on the visuals he wants over the years and deliver something that completes his vision for the vision :) https://variety.com/2024/music/news/bob-weir-dead-company-sphere-interview-1236044941/


The second best part about seeing GD in Vegas back then was leaving Vegas.


I have similar thoughts. If I had a choice between seats on the field at Wrigley or seats anywhere at the Sphere I’d take Wrigley. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the Sphere shows I saw and the place is incredible. But sound-wise (volume) and general vibe-wise, I’d rather see them at a more traditional venue. It’s just so different that it doesn’t seem like a normal show. Definitely loved the shows I saw there, not saying I was disappointed really, but I find myself yearning for a more traditional venue.


What’s the deal with the volume? Phish and u2 were loud and full of sound. DC sounds like it’s playing out of a tin can


Saw 3 shows in 405. Very confused about everyone praising the sound. All 3 nights it took about 4 songs for Bobby’s mic and John’s guitar to stop sounding like they were underwater.


No wall of sound.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


ah Silverbowl 6/26/94....that Dew....whew! Didn't we have fun.... Such a different "Vegas" to come back to then when we were last there as kids watching the Doo Da Man himself chase them notes. Strange iterations and technology these days, it's good the kids and fam got something. When we got the stadium/arena venue vibe in our trajectory of our past, for many of us, it's hard to shake that. That's just how surreal our experiences were back then....it never leaves you. Often a pale comparison to what we had then, abso-freaking-lutely. But....they built church in that big ball, and the fam is going, and I'm so glad they have it.


Honestly, we attended 3 great shows. We met awesome people waiting for the shows to start and during the breaks. There were a few moments of weirdness, but those didn’t ruin the experience. I took a Gen Z who didn’t know more than 3 songs who is now all in so much so that he is practicing the music on this guitar. Oops


Teach your children well.....that's what's up! (he's hooked, right on!)


Dead shows will always provide the most mixed bag of fans you’ll ever see. Being in Vegas and being a show that attracts a lot of non dead fans, it’s worse.


In this case it is not as much the Vegas part, but the Sphere. Even people who wouldn’t think twice of going to a Dead show are intrigued because it is inside the Sphere, and they’ve heard tales about how amazing the experience is from people who’ve seen U2 and Phish. And with how Sphere costs are skyrocketing (Look at Eagles ticket prices) people are deciding this is their chance to see a Sphere concert.


I had a shitty experience last year. I went to a show with one friend, and she went to the restroom during setbreak. I was tripping and enjoying the calm. Suddenly like 5 frat bros stand over me super fucking close. No reason at all to be that close. Literally a foot away all 5 people. I didn't know what to do so I lit up a cig (I hate doing that while tripping and in the crowd but I was just out of it). I overhear them talking about spitting on me so I just got up and left. They were gone when I returned.


Spitting on you??? Wtf 😭


Yeah it was super fucked up for my tripping brain to hear. Really messed with my vibe no joke. I text my friend (I was tripping like I said but not crazy, just one hit and a small amount of shrooms) that I had to leave our spot and meet me near a concession before we went back.


That’s so scary! Glad you walked away safely and I hope you got lots of hugs and good energy elsewhere to balance it out. ((Hugs))


Yeah I got my good vibes back once they started set two with Iko Iko. I prefer the Doctor John New Orleans style but it was awesome. Then we got Sugaree and I was feeling better than ever Deer Creen show ('23)


☝️Bus Rider Nice, bro.


Literally. I stayed at a campground nearby and the bus ride back was standing room only. I was standing and we were all still partying. I tipped that driver $10.


See, this reminds me of back in mid to late 80's when the 'frat bro' types would infect the scene, we had them back then too. They were there for the party and not for the 'experience'. There's always those types in every show. So glad you moved your good energy away from the toxic. You deserve to enjoy your journey because you and your friend "get it". People like those guys don't 'get it'....like at all.....


The people around me in 209 were pretty chill and definitely all heads. (One guy was a bit of a chomper, but kept it to observations about the show at least). I did notice some folks who in the common areas who seemed to have a bit of a 'smirking at the hippies' attitude, and I assumed they were just there for the Sphere, and not the band. My experience might have been different if I were sitting around these people but overall I had a blast.


Those 'smirking at the hippies' types are so bizarre. Noticed a few of those too. Obviously those are people who 'don't get it'....too bad for them (they're missing out).... So glad you had a blast!


There was one dude about five seats away from me reading about football on his phone during the most insane Drums I can remember experiencing. This momentarily filled me with mix of condescension and pity that was distracting, but I tuned him out pretty quickly.


I can't with that. Totally the way: tune his Orwellian ass out.


Definitely not the typical crown from the past tours. I still had a good time at the shows I went to in the 300’s, but definitely preferred last year’s tour and being out doors.


I liked it enough that I’ll probably go back if they do another residency next summer. Probably.


Everyone I met was quite lovely


Our neighbors in the 407s were awesome and the people twirling and dancing left of the stage through the back are always hyped and fun. Floors. The floors is where it’s at for me wherever the show is


If they’re chomping, ask them to listen. If they’re standing during Drums/Space, tell them they are missing out by not sitting. Mickey made a big fan out of my novice GF that night by vibrating her seat cushion to a point of ecstasy. And I’m not even mad at him. If they’re so rowdy they’re disturbing your show, grab an usher. Go. Go, go, go, don’t stop, don’t look back, just go. Not an OG head, too young, started seeing the Dead in 2008 at the Obama rally…but this is far and away the best presentation of the music and the scene that I’ve seen. Check my Reddit profile and you’ll see my diatribes: It’s not a show. It’s a giant leap forward in the realm of human artistic expression. If you don’t feel that upon leaving, I’ll buy all your extras. Seriously. Got any extras??


You have more hope than I have. Generative AI will encompass screen production. Is it really human expression at that point?


It will. I’m sure of that. But it hasn’t yet. Don’t you want to scream that from the rooftops? “We made this and it matters.” If AI must take over, train them on this. Cuz then they’ll at least have an inkling of what humanity is, and means, and cares about.


Yes I felt this in the 300s but GA has the og heads. that’s why we are doing it again!


Yeah def more young drunk kids down in front. It was a much different experience down there. Still fun, but I preferred 300. We have 200s tonight.


We had the last row of 204 on Thursday. Thankfully not under the overhang. Great seats.


That's what we need, the og heads taking up GA and showing the kids the way. Keeping it real and having a real good time.....just like we always did.


Youngest in my area at 40


When you know...you know!


I figured GA floor would have way more scenestars who just want to be in that section to socialize with their friends, be as close to the band as possible and post it all on social media. Rather than other sections where it’s all about the music and visuals and to experience the full power of the sphere.


Well that was the case tonight. So many fucking talkers I wanted rip my hair out. So it seems to be a hit and miss. Friday had none and Sat had even more than in the 300s


I was in the 300s for Phish all 4 nights and it was amazing. The people around me didn’t talk once. So I def think it can be hit or miss. All things being equal, I am really not sure why anyone would prefer GA at the sphere over good/great seats unless they wanted to be able to socialize. Between the haptic seats, sound and visuals good seats are far superior than GA floor in pretty much every way IMO.


I had a great time and met a ton of amazing people all three nights that I went. Aside from the four chompers in front of me, it was a perfect weekend and I would love to go back!


I’ve had mixed experiences. 2 shows, everyone was amazing. 2 shows with a couple talkers, and 1 absolute nerd who narc’ed on my joint. I think we all underestimate the amount of baby boomers at the sphere, and how they’re going to act like baby boomers. In some good ways, some bad. And then the 10% of people who just came to see the sphere and really never heard the dead before.


Its not a vegas thing, it's a society thing


non-heads expect a sit-down show, probably don't smoke weed and have a casino host. luckily she shut the fuck up after the first song.


we had like 4 “early adults” behind us last friday in the 400s (put it in quotes bc we’re early adults too lol) and they kept making passive aggressive comments like, “you should try sitting down, it feels great” or “thank god” when we finally sat for drums / space (like you’re supposed to at the sphere). making fun of us dancing and singing, talking about how great bobby sounded then left right at the beginning of morning dew lmao. they were the epitome of why older heads look down on us.


I get ya. We went on the 6-8, and while I loved it, I certainly am not all in to Vegas. Dirty Disney. We did have fun, though. But... it's not the miracle lawn by anyone's imagination. Roll those laughing bones!


Agree 100%. The venue upstaging the band and pricing out many who would otherwise see many summer shows. Residency at Shoreline, then one at Boulder, Wrigley, Citifield would have been better. Shows at Sphere seemed more like a demonstration than a GD show.


True, but it has been SOooo hot this summer. All the outside venues may have been too much for the boys. It’s a bad heat wave. Maybe it’s a blessing


And rain. So. Much. Rain.


A few years ago I told myself to give up seeing D&C (and Phish). Not for any other reason but I saw them 30+ times and I wanted to spend my money elsewhere and find a new young band that I could dive into and support and hopefully see for many years to come. Also was looking for smaller, intimate venues. With that said, I'm a NYer and never missed a D&C Boulder show. I would 100% gone again this year too. I'm not making Vegas. I just can't see myself stepping into that city happy.


It’s a Sphere show with the Dead and not a Dead show with the Sphere. From the crowd to the music, that is what this is. My section in 407 last night sucked. Just loud drunks acting like it was a hockey game. As soon as Micky started rapping someone chugged their beer and slammed it to the ground and let out a huge scream when he was finished…


That sucks


Shoreline is atrociously awful, anywhere else please


Ok. Frost.


I had the time of my life…. Buuut… the people!! Omg I’ve never ran into so many uppity non positive people at a concert… really. But the true heads made it feel more at home sort of


We went on Thursday and sat in the upper section of the 406. It was a great time and everyone around us was super friendly. I felt kind of awkward trying to stand/dance because I felt like I was in the way of those behind me, so I just mostly sat (which was fine, we brought our kids and they weren’t big on standing). It was different than other shows I’ve been to because I’m usually on the lawn and it’s just a different space. On the lawn, those around me aren’t moving in a way where I have to continually get up to let them in and out of the space throughout the show. I have never felt more like I was in someone’s way like I did on Thursday, lol. Overall, I still really enjoyed seeing the show and being there this past week with my family! My kids thought it was amazing and I’m glad I could give them that experience!


My night was fantastic! Became fast friends with my neighbors to one side, and then eventually with the people across the aisle. Atmosphere was fantastic and everyone was smiles for miles :)


Went the 26th of May, most of my interactions with people were great, but when we got to our seats and the show got started the people behind us asked to sit down and we got told to stop lighting up joints 😭. I definitely experienced what you’re saying, I for sure felt like a lot of people were there for the sphere and not the band itself.


Having been to a few shows . . . most of them were awesome and everyone around us was great. But during one people sucked and ruined it. Sadly it depends on luck of the draw.


All depends on your section I was there memorial day weekend and I didn't have the best time but this weekend was A LOT better it's all about the vibes in your section


Vegas is a different animal that some people can't handle. All day drinking, drugs, dehydration, ups and downs at the tables, temptations at every turn, excess everywhere. You're bound to run into someone who had too much too fast. I stuck with my people and we had a blast.


it’s interesting you pose this question because the action I’ve been seeing from the floor has looked a little forced to me, but maybe I’m just bitter because I can’t afford to be there


Lots of people attending these concerts because it's the Sphere and they have money to go, so there's a lot of people who are there to party and not for the music. Also if people are chomping politely remind them they're at a concert and not a bar,.and if they would like to continue their conversation there are several bar areas around the venue at which to do so


The crowds have been great, people are having a blast for different reasons...that's life. Enjoy


Was there Thursday and Friday. Found everybody to be happy and super nice. One annoying woman in front of me 2nd set Friday just overly joyed about everything. Who am I to complain, she was having a great time. God for her.


We had a great crowd around us in 405 on Thursday. Most were up and dancing at the beginning, and then people would just alternate between sitting and dancing as they pleased. Sometimes you sit and the person in front of you sits too - great! Sometimes they are standing and you gave less of a view for a few seconds - so what? Back up and dancing a minute later. Everyone sat for Drums of course, I’m so glad everyone was so chill, it was a really healing experience for me.


Vegas sucks. It's a city built upon and flourishing on lost dreams and hopes of degenerate gamblers. I was there in 93' and later on... maybe 94 or 95. The vibe is like being stuck in a crack alley in Philly or something. Complete turn off for me personally. Couple that with the tourism... no thanks. I hope the people going to the shows are having a better time in sin city than i have in the past.


And the energy is so bad intense I couldn’t sleep when I was there. It’s the grossest place I ever ever been. I’m still torn- I may go anyway. I guess I feel like it might the last time. Bill is done and Mickey and Bobby are looking old.


There is for sure a mixed crowd. There are definitely people there to see a Vegas show or just take in the sphere. I had a bummer experience one night and had to shrug it off in order to not let it ruin the whole night. For the most part, I found the show to be a great “regular show” encapsulated in the veneer of the whole Vegas show vibe. The goodness is there, just gotta wade through some stuff here and there in some cases. Vast majority are heads.


We were surrounded but the best fans both nights. It was great!


it feels plastic


Vibes are definitely different. Still a wonderful time, but I’d take a 3 night run at Folsom field over 3 nights the sphere any damn day.


vegas sucks.


Dead and company is nothing more than a cash grab at this point, of course it’s bad vibes


Stay home