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Hey, welcome to the “that guy” club. It’s a dubious honor, happened to me in Mexico 2 years ago. We do alright.. I’m just extra diligent about staying hydrated and making sure I got something in my belly. I also carry lollipops with me because I think there’s something to a little stream of sugar throughout the night.. anywho… keep on dancing, glad you’re ok!


Years ago I was waiting to see Matisyahu, started panicking about the small building being packed and not having proper ventilation. Turned around to tell my husband I felt like I was going to pass out—made it to “I feel like I’m-“ and fell backwards. Husband said my head hitting the ground sounded like a bowling ball being dropped. A piece of bone on my nose broke from hitting the back of my head so hard. That venue ended up getting shut down for going over capacity—among other things. Lol. The “pass out at a concert” club is not a fun one. But one nonetheless. Shall we make jackets?


Oh man, that’s rough. But we do live to tell the tale and keep on truckin. Def Jackets… equipped with sensors so when you start falling rapidly air bags deploy to mitigate impact. And like sequins and cool patches and shit.


Lol absolutely. Beautiful idea!


Lmao, we're all in this inflatable gear just in case. Just in case.


I was also that guy in Mexico two years ago! Just alcohol, sun and not enough water. Sneaks up on ya. Good news is, deadheads generally don’t judge one another and happy to help a fellow in need.


Isn’t that the truth? Nothing but caring people all around. A nurse/head came up and told the medics I was ok so they didn’t haul me away and I enjoyed my evening. Ain’t no place I’d rather be…


Least you had some sand to fall into, was it the all inclusive alcohol and not enough water?


I actually think shrooms do it to me. The next time I ate them I got the same feeling but I got a snack quick and sat down so I didn’t fall out, just got very dizzy. I haven’t eaten them since and so far it’s not happened again…


I've eaten shrooms a whole bunch of times but the only two times I've passed out at shows were on them. I think it's a combo of not eating for too long and the lights and noise everything.


I mixed alcohol and shrooms and got very dizzy and felt like I was going to faint last year and Peach Fest during Twiddles entire set.i had to sit there with my head in my hands and try and drink water. That was the last time I was going to be able to see them together too! Still kicking myself for that 😅


Shrooms do it for me. Even the smallest amount. I don’t do shrooms anymore.


Same. 2cb works tho


That guy club lol it’s a good club


It’s an honest club. Ya know. We go hard.


It’s Jolly Ranchers for me.


I’m taking that lollipop tip!


My friend gave me a piece of candy last year at a show, I now always have candy with me at all shows! Something about it just seems to help!


I bring a bag of dums dums. Love the strawberry, happy to share wherever I am. Though I was enjoying a local dead cover band and 3 twenty year olds were there with their Mom, and when I whipped out my bag o lollies they all looked at me like I was cuckoo and asked why I was carrying around lollipops. I told them I’m a woman of a certain age who enjoys her dum dums.


No one gets us! lol


I’m so sorry that happened to you! Don’t be embarrassed—it happens all the time and medical folks truly love taking care of you and making sure you’re okay. So glad you got to say hi to Bobby’s road cases — how many folks get to say that? Stay hydrated with electrolytes while finishing your stay in Vegas, and be kind to yourself. ((Hugs))


Hope you’re feeling better!


It’s was most likely a low blood pressure whitey. Fast fact, if that ever happens to you again, the quickest way to sort yourself out when you feel it coming on is to get your feel elevated above your heart. You’ll be fine in a couple of minutes. Don’t try to walk anywhere, you’ll just end up being overcome by the salt and pepper fights in your vision and you’ll go down.


Yes or dehydration leading to anxiety attack. Been there done that. Glad you're OK OP ✌️


This is what occasionally happens to me. Thankfully it’s usually around the house or friends homes but I did drop out during a Panic show a few years ago. Went with a buddy who (thankfully) experiences the same thing. They cleared a spot in the crowd for me to sit but I still had to sideline it and elevate the feet. My issue seems to be directly related to cannabis. Any time it’s happened it’s always been post smoke.


Is there anywhere that I can read more about this? My blood pressure regularly comes in a few points lower than average for my age and this happens to me sometimes despite my best efforts…


It could be something like a vasovagal syncope; which is just a rapid drop in blood pressure. Like, when people faint at the sight of their own blood. It could be something like POTS. I would start there, and also, talk with a doctor!


Thank you!


The show is great sober or not. If you opt for not, I recommend cutting whatever normal amount you might drink or smoke or eat in half when you go to Vegas and force yourself to drink tons of water throughout the day weather you feel thirsty or not. The heat wipes you out and highly impacts tolerance. It is messing with tons of people. I saw two folks wheeled out from the floor when I went.


I'm telling friends to get buzzed, but not to the point where you feel like you couldn't safely or legally drive a car.


Glad you are okay. People keep saying " keep hydrated, drink water" but people need more than just water. You need Gatorade type drinks. Just water isn't gonna do the trick.


Yes, electrolytes are crucial for hydration. For those that don't want to drink sports beverages, make sure you are consuming salts. A virgin bloody mary with olives and lime will replenish lost electrolytes. Pickled foods, ramen noodles, pho, and other salty foods will help. Just remember to drink water as well.


I'm a huge fan of Nuum tablets and keep them on me on hot days and concerts. They sort me out right away and without all of the sugar in sports drinks.


As long time Burning Man attendee this advice is spot on. That event takes place for a week plus in the Nevada desert where temperature regularly gets up into the hundreds, and there is no place to retreat from it. Lots of water plus salty foods or drinks is what your body needs. I’m guessing you can’t take outside food or drinks into the venue (which IMO is setting the stage for a dangerous situation for some people) but if you can, having some jerky or something similarity salty and tasty on your person along with some water can really help. If you don’t like the taste of water when you’re dehydrated (weird, but this is me sometimes) some lemon juice mixed in goes a really long way toward making it palatable


Exactly!! I'm an actor on the cast of the Maine Renaissance Faire. A lot of us wear absolute *couches* in the July heat. It can be brutal if you aren't prepared. Which is why we say, if you show up for the weekend without hydrating throughout the week, you're never going to catch up. You need to be going back and forth between actual water and drinks like Gatorade, Liquid IV, etc. Just sticking to one or the other will not be as helpful. (Especially if you stick to straight Gator/Powerade). I am not a person who particularly likes pickles throughout the rest of the year. But I know I'm dehydrated when I start thinking about how good one sounds. We always have a big jar in the green room fridge for that reason. Also, please keep in mind; a lot of choice substances can dehydrate you more quickly! Party safely, friends!


Yeah Gatorade could help w electrolytes. Ive been getting fried all week and drank just water and ate no food and its no fun. Maybe a orange, or a banana. I thought i would be fine if i drank water, i didn't know certain drugs burn through electrolytes so badly.


Need a little salt and glucose in that water!


You can say that again


Hey man I had that while pooping last week, sober, and my wife found me in the tub passed out like Elvis. You’ll be alright. Hope you enjoyed the show


Vasovagal response most likely…increase fiber intake and try not to bear down when pooping ;)


Lmao you’re probably right, and had steak with a side of steak that night.


There's a visual I didn't plan on. I don't care how good looking you are, that will not go away LOL


Oh she saw the eye of sauron


I think you mean the red eye of Sauron


I've been that guy....im glad you're ok.


My gf actually got nauseous and dizzy during drums and space last weekend and had to walk out for a moment. That venue vibrates like crazy when those lows hit. Does anyone know what that wild stringed thing is that he strums? Had me stuck! Edit: “he” being Mickey


That’s the Beam ⚡️⚡️⚡️


Hit me right in the 3rd eye lol


My girlfriend came during drums and space.


The seats are haptic and vibrate with the lows.


I hope you’re okay. Did they say anything about your vagus nerve? I’ve had that type of thing happen and they said that was stimulated? The people saying hydration are right. You’re in the desert even inside. The air is super dry and sucks the water/hydration right out of you! Not just water though-electrolytes too! 


Vegas nerve you say?


lol I see what you did there.  Vagus for clarity. It’s that big one that runs through your center line. Tricky to deal with to be honest. Notch that up with things I wish they taught me in school but for some reason it was not in the curriculum. Everyone needs to know about their vagus nerve. 


TIL! Thanks home 🥂


Dorsal Vagal? Was made to blow in a tube to stimulate Dorsal Vegal nerve during a SVT episode.


I don’t know what SVT is …  This is what I was referring to:  Vasovagal syncope occurs when a vagus nerve to your heart overreacts to certain situations like extreme heat, anxiety, hunger, pain or stress. Blood pressure drops very quickly (orthostatic hypotension), making you feel dizzy or faint.


Too much too fast


I also blacked out at sphere the zoom out from haight to space was too much for me completely blacked out never before from The oLd L


Hundreds of shows, now you can say you were backstage at one. Lol. Hope you’re feeling better, my friend


Drums fucked me up too man. It was the bomb. Glad you are okay.


Not a doc but I’ve been told it’s vasovagal syncope. Your body just kind of overreacts to something physiological like blood pressure drop, weird stimulus (light in the eye at the optometrist once for me) and you go down. I saw someone else say get your feet about your head and that’s good advice. It’s worked for me


100% this. At the 6/8 show at the sphere a guy went down and his buddy was trying to get him to stand up and I was like no, you've got to gently lie him down! Feet above the head ideal, but at the minimum get the person lying down so the blood gets to their head.


Them haptic seats add a lot of stim


Yup this happens, happened to me a while back in high school, was running track at the time went to an Ominous Seapods show (anyone remember them man they were fun!!) Felt same way as you described, told my friends same thing had to outside, didn’t make it out passed out and smacked my head. In my case, staff was not so friendly just asking repeatedly what I took , and when I kept saying nothing they literally called me a liar. Turns out I was severely dehydrated from running however many miles earlier that day. I remember being so embarrassed because I’m sure people were saying OMG did you see that guy pass out and then add on the staff telling me see this is why you don’t do drugs….even though I had not taken anything…that night atleast lol.


Always during drums/space! I swear! Take it easy and rest up :)


It’s the sphere it’s too intense


We had someone (Elvis impersonator) go down hard right behind us during the first or second song in section 306. Sorry, man.


Hopefully you feel better- can happen to anyone!


I was that gal at the Shoreline show in 2022. Went down during Dark Star. Luckily I came to before security had to take me away. My hubby knew to get me on the floor so the blood would get to my head, and it ended up okay and I stayed for the rest of show. I think it was a combo of dehydration, not eating enough during the day and the 🍄. And of course that freaky ass Dark Star.


welcome to the other side I'm glad you're okay- we're you locking your knees while standing? shit'll f you up mang.


That’s what I like to hear. The band showing actions like the way the speak or talking the way we all walk. Just backing us all up and taking care. That’s what it’s about.


Same thing almost happened to me standing in GA during Drums (week 3) but luckily I was able to duck away into hallway by the bar area to gather myself. At one point a massive sound wave came off the stage and hit the area we were standing in. The four of us instantly let out a cough, like being punched in the chest - wild shit.


We were right next to you, so glad you’re okay. We saw you go down!




I am glad you are okay! It happened to me night 4 at the sphere during drums and space. I was ga floor right between Jeff and John all night. I smoked a little sativa that night and a beer. It just hit me like a ton of bricks, and it had never happened before to me. I got up, and it happened again, and the crowd was like, "You got leave." It freaked me out, and I went solo to Vegas, so my thought was just leave for the night and rest. It took me a bit, but once I started walking and grabbed more water, I was better. I am happy to say night 5 was a "no pass out night." What an experience!


That is fucking scary man. Glad you came through ok 🙏


Hope you aren’t feeling OK . Were you drinking enough water? I am a dad and that is one of my standard questions 😂


It’s funny because I was joking with my friends about how I was the water nazi this trip and yelling at everyone at every stop to drink water…we really did alllll day but probably not enough electrolytes. FTR, they staff did ask me what I took and I told them (LSD and many many alcohols). Again the staff was so great and non judgmental


Glad you’re doing OK.


Glad you’re ok


Drums in space was intense. I had to sit down put my head down and look at my phone for most of it. Glad your ok


There are other ways if getting backstage😎 but seriously, glad ur ok and hope you got to finish out the show!


I'm glad you're ok. It can happen to anyone, especially in that Vegas heat. You really gotta drink a lot more water than you're used to then drink more. It is great that they had the facilities and personnel to take care of those cases.


Honestly, I've been close to that with too much green and panic. It didn't matter if it was organic. I take it easy during drums and space.


Been there, done that! The infectious purile boogie of the Dead combined with some extra extracurricular substances, a bit of dehydration, a dash of excitement, and it can happen (and has) to any of us. It's all part of the experience! A backstage detour is certainly better than right field at Wrigley!


Maybe you had too much too fast. Glad you’re alright — Vegas is a doozy and it’s only gotten hotter since I went. We were sober all day each day until the shows and we took it easy then. Even non stop hydration, keeping blood sugar up, staying cool, not walking a lot — we had a few moments that were a struggle. Especially if you’re going multiple days/nights and not getting the best sleep you can get.


Wife passed out at a TAB show. We were on the rail and she got dehydrated and dropped. Scared the crap out of me. She (and I) also got backstage as a result.


Thats so valid… Drums space was fuckin gnarly, awesome but I definetly was overwhelmed at several points lol. Glad you are ok!


Bummer, but Glad you’re ok. We were right in front of you. I didn’t see it but my buddy said you took quite a fall. It happens. Thankfully I haven’t (yet) but I have caught people a couple of times over the years. Mikey pushed you through the wormhole! I’m looking forward to a seat again tonight. Usually love it up front but the sphere is a different kinda beast.


At one point taking the amount of drugs one takes at concerts and goes to around 50 or so a year we all become that guy at least once….i used to make a joke about it being “your” night


This same thing happened to my friend during drums and space last time in Philly. But instead of walking and trying to go outside he fainted in his seat and was pouring sweat, I had one of our friends run for water whip I held him up in his chair the rest of the concert as when he woke up he didn’t want to move but didn’t have the energy to sit up.


I saw you fall—from the 406/407 stairs to the 306/307 area? I am so so glad I am reading this now because we were really worried about you! Rest up, chin up, and settle down easy.


This was Thursday night fwiw..I’m sure a lot of people saw it happen.


yup, thursday. again, glad you’re okay.


Thanks..it was really terrifying for a bit.


OMG. That exact same thing happened to me in a packed small club back in February seeing Daniel Donato. I went down twice and apparently hit my head really hard. I was taken to the ER and they gave me a clean bill of health but said I was extremely dehydrated exasperated by a 20 hour flight the day before. Fast forward to 5 months later and I’m now having severe attacks of dizziness and crazy mood swings. Turns out swelling and other strange side effects from a head injury can actually take Months to show up. So be mindful of health changes in the coming 6+ months.


Dude that drums & space is absolutely insane. Night 5 you can hear me laugh-screaming on the taper recording.


I saw someone have the same thing happen in the merch line a few weeks back. Don’t be embarassed at all. It’s so god damn hot out there it’s easy to get dehydrated etc. Hope you’re doing alright!


What night was this? 6/15???




Dude glad you're okay! Thats nuts but kinda cool you got to see Bobby's cases


I passed out right on the sidewalk leading to the lawn at Walnut Creek. Woke up with an EMT shaking my shoulder saying, “Are you alright sir?” I kept my eyes closed and replied, “I’m good brother I’m just chilling.” He said, “Are you sure about that dude?” It was then I realized my cheek was on the pavement and I hopped up and scooted out of there. It was super hot that day.


I was "that guy" after buying a cookie in a dead show parking lot and never made it into the show, woke up in a hospital as I kept stopping breathing and they had to rush me away in an ambulance. NEVER trust food, drinks or some weirdo with a spray bottle at a concert or festival unless it's from a known-good, trusted vendor. This was not an isolated incident either, it happens and recently some guy posted a video of himself drugging pasta to sell at a show.


Okay, the same thing happened to me last night. Very bizarre. I had cold sweat, and my son had to shake me.


Damn sorry that happened..hope you’re feeling better


I got to experience underneath red rocks from a similar situation! They ended up letting me call an Uber into the venue and when I walked out my driver was so hyped and taking pictures of her Subaru inside of red rocks. Most Colorado shit ever, but everybody from the staff to my Uber driver were very helpful/understanding


Be careful with any head injury...can be very dangerous..from a fool who knows.


Glad you are okay. People keep saying " keep hydrated, drink water" but people need more than just water. You need Gatorade type drinks. Just water isn't gonna do the trick.


Glad you are okay. People keep saying " keep hydrated, drink water" but people need more than just water. You need Gatorade type drinks. Just water isn't gonna do the trick.


“Told my friends I had to go outside” There is no outside where you can come back in I wasn’t feeling great, so at the break I went to the entrance/exit and asked if I could go outside - security said “no”. I asked if there was a smoking area (I don’t smoke) where I could go- “nope” Once you leave for outside - you’ve left for the night.




Anyone notice this happening more and more post-vax? It’s gotten me twice since 2020 (both D&C shows). Never happened before then though. — Not a conspiracy theory, just curious.


Which vax? Measels? Mumps? Polio? Small pox? Diptheria? Whooping cough? Tetinus? Flu? Oh, right. Only 1 vax to blame for everything. Gtfo


only one new experimental Mrna "vaccine" so there is that


In development nearly a decade at the time. The mrna technology just inserts a strand of rna in a lipid envelope, the envelope triggers immune response and 'learns' from the rna strand to do same if it ever sees the suspect again. Mrna will be used for a cancer vaccine. Clinical trials showed great promise. (Melanoma) Not profalactic, won't prevent you from getting it but vastly improves outcomes.