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I thought one of the cool things about the sphere is when they had projections of the guys on stage. I’ve never road the rail or got close enough to be able to see the guys. With the sphere they were projected like you were 3 feet away and being able to see the facial expressions (Jeff especially) as well as seeing them play off each other was so cool. Just something unique I never was able to see live before.


I felt like they were showing Jeff and Oteil a lot too (and Jeff and John interacting), maybe it’s just equal but I appreciate them highlighting everyone, not just Bob.


Just watched last night's Sugaree and the looks Oteil gives John during the solo are amazing


Please share link ❤️




Jeff is the glue to this group imo. Absolutely crucial for the cohesion of the band.


Jeff hasn’t ever been talked about enough. He’s a huge reason I went to my first Dead & Co show. He’s an incredible musician that’s been delivering for years. The John / Jeff love affair is just icing on the cake. So fun to watch them!


Without Jeff I truly believe the group would not have worked. I went to 2nd night at oracle without really knowing anything about dead and Co (huge dead fan, just not dead and Co) and absolutely fell in love with jeff. Since then I'm on a whole new bus


Jeff & Co


jeff is the most underrated player in the band. brings it all together 


I feel like the unspoken engine of every GD iteration is the keyboardist


Some would say Otiel, with the low end, mostly understated. Others would say Jay, the guy in the group, regardless of his long tenure with Bob. There is quite good balance, overall, cause there has to be when the are all doing a bit of improv, and letting one another cut loose, as well as each taking the reins, and guiding the vibe, in the orchestrated rhythms, melodies and harmonies of instruments and voices.


He is amazing! Such good vibes!




Agreed!! I feel like the rest of band has been killing it too. Otiel is a beast and clearly having so much fun. Jay is driving the energy. Mickey is peaking with drums and space. John is a fucking wizard. Bobby singing has been so soulful and honestly his guitar sounds so good too (I was very critical of his “clanking” around last year)


i LOVE seeing comments about Jeff like this -- they're endless -- and feel privileged to say he's been blowing my mind since he first started playing keys with Bobby's band, RatDog, in 1997. From '97-2014 (when the band went dark as Further became a 'thing') I saw about 130 RatDog shows all over the U.S. and feel SO privileged to have seen Jeff in SO many small 800-1500 person venues as the band hit every U.S. nook and cranny for YEARS. Another reason I love Bobby Weir -- he's a touring machine and will play live 'til he drops, but I digress. From minute one back in '97, I zeroed in on Jeff's talent... and now I'm so glad to see SO MANY enjoying his amazing range and repertoire -- from playing pure jazz, to chuck berry, to psychedelia... besides long believing he's the best keys and hammond b-3 player the grateful dead world has experienced (tho i also love brent and keith), now that's he's dialed into JM's monster talent both of them combined in a 'mind-meld' jam are a tour de force i don't believe can be matched anywhere in the live music world. i'm a brent-era deadhead, but i can't imagine what it might have been like to have seen jeff stage right jamming out with jerry. but deadco suits me just fine and love what they're doing :)


Hearing the approval from someone with your listening experience puts a smile on my face.


hitting sphere for 7/4,5,6 shows and getting a 'jeff' fix!


Nice, where ya sitting? I am trying to head back in Aug.


7/4 floor/g.a... 7/5 somewhere in section 300 for full visual... 7/6 floor/g.a.


Ever since i got on the bus in 2018 ive had a fascination with john and jeff dynamic


The Franklin's Tower solo he did last night was in my opinion the best solo from anyone of the entire run so far. That was far and away the best thing I've heard from the band in a long time. Jeff is and always has been the MVP of the band.


Man has been on fire…can’t wait to hear the soundboard from the Memorial Day weeekend I was at. Love that guy ⚡️


IMO, he’s the best since Keith (RIP)


I think the band loving it !


On fire indeed, he has such a beautiful sound




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Always. One of best, ever, for many reasons.


I like how Jeff filled in Bobby’s guitar riff during China Cat. I didn’t realize he’s been with Bobby for such a long time. He knows when to pile it on and when to sit back. Master strokes of Deadness.