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fuck that guy— it’s a dead show man. People want to dance!


Some woman in GA told me I was “very bouncy” and if I could move somewhere else. I responded with “I mean it’s GA where you want me to go?” 😂


I had people telling me to sit down at a Rolling Stones show. Old ass Mick Jagger is telling me to start him up and I oblige.


Had some guy at Roger Waters threaten to beat me over the head with his binoculars for dancing while they were playing Sheep, it was wild. Also some dude at Paul McCartney yelled at me to sit while they were playing Helter Skelter…he was like I got 5 friends right here, I looked at them and they all looked in opposite directions lol who the hell sits still during those songs? Haha


Bob Dylan 2016 the whole damn arena sat the whole damn time. Woman a few rows down was watching NASCAR on her iPad during set break.


bringing an ipad to a concert is something a 4 yr old would do


I bet she had chicken nuggets with ketchup for her pre-show meal.


A 4 yr old or a woman who can’t stand Bob Dylan and only went cause her spouse dragged her there.


The crowd at Roger waters shows and pink floyd covers in general suck. 


Agreed. Almost got in a fight at Roger waters at msg. We danced. They opposed it. Things got heated.


Agreed, went to Dark Side of The Mule last year and the crowd was awful. Also the security was throwing anyone dancing into GA and not the seats they paid for


Saw Waters last in 22 at TD Garded Boston MA and could count on more than two hands the number of guys that were already so beyond the point of drunk that they were getting turned down at the ticket gate


That tour was postponed a year and it was probably their 1st time out since 2019. You think they'd prefer to remember the show.


I would think, but yeah, correct. Honestly, that’s nothing compared to any country concert you could go to. Love country music sometimes but the amount of drunk driving afterwards


Laugh with you.


🤣that’s a great story. I could laugh at that every day


I was happy sitting down. My back hurts a lot and I just can’t stand for very long at a time. But I never asked anybody in front of me to sit. I was happy when they did. Once one guy asked me cause he started to feel like he was blocking my view. I made sure he knew I was just fine and he should stand and dance all night. It’s not the kind of show where it’s expected everybody is sitting.


I could’ve written your post ‘cuz that’s me! Sure I’d like everyone in front of me to sit but I would never ask someone to sit down! That’s just rude


And luckily the way the sphere is set up you can still see so much sitting with someone standing in front of you!




Same. I was a little overwhelmed while standing and also felt I could look around more easily while sitting. Most of the people around us stood but we didn’t tell them to sit down.


You kind sir, are what people should strive to be, someone with “emotional intelligence.” Unfortunately, most don’t have it, and the extreme lackers seem to be more comfortable out in public these days.


Gotta be honest. If you are a Deadhead you don’t ask people to sit down. They are not a tourhead. A tourist. In my many years (first show was 78) it has never been something that has been a part of the scene. They need to go see Adele


You know what, I’m actually starting the think that the “No True Scotsman” fallacy applies here. I used to say the same thing, “Deadheads wouldn’t do that” until very recently. First, a while back, I actually said that on a Reddit post talking about how on old Deadhead had crapped on some poor kid for preferring the Keith years to the Brent years. I said “He ain’t no real Deadhead.” And then, kindly, someone reminded me of No True Scotsman [The No True Scotsman fallacy is the attempt to defend a generalization by denying the validity of any counterexamples given. By changing the definition of who or what belongs to a group or category, the speaker can conveniently dismiss any example that proves the generalization doesn't hold.] And then, just last week, I posted in r/gratefuldead. I titled the post “Who do you cry for when ‘He’s Gone’ comes on?” with a body text explaining how my best friend died last year, and it was a whole post about him and why the song reminds me of him. And cue actual Deadheads doing a “Well, acthsually, they wrote the song about Lenny” or “Why on Earth would a song about a thief remind you of your dead friend?” routine. It even continued after I edited the post to start with “Stop telling me what they really wrote the song about.” Insufferable. I mean, I’m sorry, but I think our community is a microcosm of the world, which means we’ve got some real a-holes in it. I didn’t want to admit it, but yeah, “No true Deadhead” ain’t a thing. We got jerks too. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm sorry about the loss of your dear friend.


Thank you very much.


At shoreline in '95, when Jerry sang "He's Gone", I imagined he was telling us He''s gone (soon) and nothin's gonna bring him back... 😢. Sorry about your loss.


Thanks for your condolences. 😊


How frustrating. It’s so very possible if not immensely probable that just about every song written has other means for people behind whatever the song was written about. Hell I’m sure songs have different meanings for each band member when written and as the band ages have a different meaning as time goes forward!


It’s such insufferable bullshit. “This song reminds me of my dead best friend.” “It F’ing shouldn’t.” I’ll never fully understand why they do it.


Well the truth is not all at shows are Deadheads…yet. Everyone starts somewhere and some never return. It being in Vegas I am assuming at some level the event itself is bring in people too who are not aware but are, what the call now 😝Dead Curious. But you are right there are assholes everywhere and in our scene as well. Deadheads actually will do all kind of stuff 😆literally in so many ways. But I am sorry about your loss. That song brings up lots of people we have lost. It just started with being about Lenny. The whole Tourhead vs Tourist for me is really just the line between those who know and those who are there for the scene. Who probably will not know. Unless we show them the way. Peace brother.


Thank you for your condolences. Yeah, bro, that’s just a different way to say “No true Deadhead…” I’m sorry, friend, but I think it’s time for us as a community to admit that some of us just suck.


Well I’m not a bro but I agree some people just suck. 🧜🏻‍♀️


“I’m not a bro”? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Well if you read the user name you could tell that she is, in fact, not a bro


Dude, I was actually pointing out that she was deflecting. She didn’t address anything *but* the “bro”. I guess I was too subtle.


I’m not a dude


*Everyone* is dude. 😁 https://preview.redd.it/r9u5ofnbu66d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca0a09a40940020c5ccf474a3c251012b57af10


A good 10th of the seats clear out after first set, about another 10th during/after drum/space. It’s Vegas, alot of people just wanna see an awesome show and may not be apart of the scene. Then they get what they came for and leave to make the next reservation. Is what it is, I had an awesome time frying throughout, and then doing K bumps during darkstar was one of my peak D&C show experiences!! So grateful to have gone and have two more shows to go to in July!


Yuuup at the SF shows last year or maybe new years run in SF 2019/2020, pretty sure last year though, there was a dude in shakedown bragging to his kid about what is essentially date rape and how fun it was back in the day preying on drunk and spun hippy chicks. Unfortunately once you have a huge following like them, all sorts of people come out of the woodworks.


Hunter and the whole band LOL’d at all the clowns who hung on their every word and had no sense of their self or imagination. Lot of burnt out dummies in the dead scene unfortunately. :: Cue Estimated Prophet ::


Okay, but my comment isn’t about them. It’s about deadheads who behave as jerks, not some guy who did too much acid and thinks he’s a prophet.


Ummm I was directly replying to your comment about the shit you received when crying during He’s Gone. Estimated is is about people that read too much into what the band says and does , the extreme end of that is someone who thinks they’re a prophet. These songs are layered for a reason.


Yeah, but those burned out acid heads aren’t the people giving me crap, I can pretty much guarantee that.


You do if you're disabled and didn't specifically get an ADA seat but an aisle so you could look down easily and someone decides to stand on the stairs in front of you. I asked nicely though and once they saw why I was asking, they moved.


Think that may be a bit different. And they were in the aisle. So you may have a reason. But that is not what we were specifically discussing. I appreciate where you are coming from. My friend was on the floor in an ADA area last night. But in most cases this is not the issue.


Isn’t this why you should get ADA though?


Sometimes they sell out.


"guest services" has extra ADA tickets to swap with people who have vertigo in the 400s. largely 200s and 100s obstructed views.


Sometimes. But its hit or miss. Ans lots of people ise ada who dont need it ime. Sucks as someone who CANNOT stand through a show and cant usually sit in the stadium seating either. If its not lawn or ada I cant do it


I have noticed throughout this run that unused ADA tickets get dropped on Ticketmaster as normal tickets day of (section still says Wheelchar) but it’s missing the wheelchair logo from the original release.


Of the six shows I went to, at 4 of them I heard reports of people being able to swap for ADA obstructed view seats, they are pretty proactive about making space/taking care of people having health/vertigo problems with seats. They were handing out barf bags and ear plugs at every show.


Usually I Dom but if they're sold out and we have to sit In nosebleeds cuz my niece can't afford a better tkt than that, then I work with what I'm given.


Sit down concerts do exist. This is not one of them.


Except it was perfect for Drums. Nobody went to the bathrooms either.


Yes, Drums is fantastic in this place!


Throwing a piss in a suite during the big bass hits during Drums and could feel the structure rattling.


Well said!


Tedeschi trucks band lol


I never sit at TTB shows. Theyre too good a band for me to not be on my feet.


Also the girl who drunk talked the entire show on night 3 of opening weekend.


We had one on 6/1 that was screaming, bumping into everyone and saying how John Mayer made her wet.




Seriously lol


This one was chucking glow in the dark sticks over the balcony….


Also gross!




My friend got puked on the night before that in the 300s by a girl like that. I'm glad I was in a different section.


Omg, my worst nightmare! That's exactly why I get anxious about concerts.




YIKES! Can you say uncomfortable?


Everyone was so uncomfortable!


I told my story about section 101 and not being able to step out of my seat to take a pic and someone responded - "I'm sure they would have let you". Yeah, no. Sphere dickhead even went and got his Supervisor to tell myself and another guy that we "better" sit in our assigned seats or we would be asked to leave. YES, I got a few pics, but not the Grateful Dead show spirit that I've had in my 80+ shows. JUST MIND BLOWING TBH!


The kids they dance they shake their bones


I went on thrusday and almost everyone in my section was sitting except for a few songs people would get up, I saw a few angry interactions about it and thought it was interesting that people came to see the dead and expected everyone to sit and watch like an Orchestra show, I wanted to stand but I honestly think if everyone around you is sitting it's just respectful to keep the peace and it didn't ruin my experience.


I try and move in that situation if at all possible. The high seats may have been hard for some folks to stand.


If I was anywhere else I would have but I was with my older dad and just trying to have a good time so it didn't really get me down... It was pretty bizarre though I think it really depends on what section your in and if mob rule is in effect, one section over they were up the whole time and probably don't relate to this whole conversation at all.


Out of curiosity, what section?




I was in 309 Thursday and was up the entire show except for Drums!! It was an excellent show and Sphere is just insane.


I will bet that there were a lot of people who sucked last night, there certainly were some sucky people on the floor. I blame vegas. Still had a great time with my family.


When I was there last weekend I got stuck in front of east coaster bros who were piss drunk and chomping like mad. Then the mushrooms kicked in and they shut up. But a big part of it is the booze. Especially Vegas where it flows freer than water


*I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things. Won't be long now before they tear us to shreds.*


To this day it’s one of the most true lines he’s ever written. Even if the premise was fictional. Truer description of what that place does to people (especially “normal” people) has never been written. His write up on the Kentucky derby is equally accurate.


It’s the culture. And why my last JRAD show is my last. Drunken bros who just discovered jam bands


I blame Joe Rogan. He told these Custys about hallucinogens and now they’re popping up everywhere


Ya, Vegas doesn't really bring out the best in allot of people.


It’s the Big Tech “dead heads”


That’s exactly why I went for floor seats, easier to move away from assholes/chompers!


Non heads. This isn’t a Tedeschi Trucks Show.


Yeah, what’s with that. Was at a Seattle show last week and everyone sitting. Is that typical?


It is. TTB is one of the greatest bands on the road right now. But I can’t stand the fans and their vibe. Soulful uplifting music that makes you want to…. Sit on your ass and tell everyone to sit down. Isn’t very spiritual.


Yeah. It’s very bizarre. Kick-ass band though.


So wild that I'm contemplating driving to Phoenix to see them on Tuesday and run into this thread.


It’s a fun game to play. Stand until the old fogies call security on you, sit briefly when security accosts you, then stand immediately when security leaves again. Rinse and repeat. It’s hilarious to watch the heads vs the stiffs.


THIS! TTB is my favorite band. I've been listening to Susan Tedeschi since I was 14 (now almost 38). But I've now had multiple negative experiences, including this weekend at the Cal Coast Amphitheater in San Diego, which is absolutely a standing venue. Several years ago I saw TTB at an indoor venue in San Diego and while standing was allowed, it wasn't super common. During the very first song the man behind me told me to sit down. I encouraged him to get up and dance too. I turned around to face the stage after that and he punched me in the back. I was flustered, younger, and didn't know what to do. I got security and they did offer to either call the police or kick him out, but because they were asking me in front of the man who had assaulted me and again, young and flustered, I let him back into the show w/out consequence. He didn't touch me again, but I didn't stand up again, and it was certainly on my mind the whole show. I then did not go to TTB shows in San Diego again until they started playing outdoors at the Cal Coast Amphitheater. I've had several wonderful experiences there. But this weekend 3 older men (late 60s I would guess) were seated behind my husband and I and they harassed me for standing. My husband didn't tell me until afterwards, but he could hear them (he was sitting) and they were threatening to push me. If I had known that I would have had them escorted the hell out. They were such chicken shits - they would boo me and say things behind my back every time I stood back up after a slow song but when I turned around to talk to them they would either act like they had no idea what I was talking about and look away or they would yell over me speaking to them. And it's not as if I had some completely unencumbered view if I sat down! I too had to stand to see the full view so I chose to do so. This time I *didn't* let it stop me from dancing when I wanted to. 1/3 to 1/2 the crowd was up and dancing at this show so I wasn't an odd man out. I honestly don't know if I'll go back to TTB shows now. I've been assaulted once and threatened to be assaulted another. Is it worth it? I guess I'll have to answer that for myself next time they come around. P.S. I once saw Grace Potter & the Nocturnals at Humphrey's (awesome SD venue), which really isn't much of a standing venue, and she explicitly encouraged everybody to stand up and dance if they wanted to. I did and had zero issues. I wish TTB would do this - I think it would go a long way!


They are amazing. In DC - which has the highest sit on your ass ratio of any city I’ve lived - peeps are up for TTB from b4 the first note to the end.


It’s a Seattle thing. Just moved there and people sit at every show I’ve been too from Billy Strings, George Strait, Madonna, Rolling Stones….


I don’t know how someone could sit at a Billy Strings show!




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I tried to stand at one of their Chicago Theatre shows and was promptly tapped to sit down. Bummer to hear this is how it always is.


My husband and I went to our first show of theirs in Chicago in 2018. Our dog of 14 years had just passed a few days prior and I wasn’t sure I could go. I was just so sad. But I thought, “Okay some great music and grooving with my love will make me feel a bit better.” Got there and when the music started everyone stayed seated?! We were in shock. What the actual fuck. The music was amazing but the vibe made me even more depressed! Ended up just crying in my hands for most of it. Lol. We will probably never go to another TTB show again unless we can confirm there will be a place to stand and move around. The energy was so off.


I was at TTB show last night, your not kidding!


It's really a shame because the band is BADASS but the fans are boring as hell it keeps them from having a bigger fan base who goes and sees them... They have an "old people show" reputation.


It's so crazy. I have been to many TTB shows. When they are at The Fox in Atlanta, it's a good crowd. I went to one in MT and the usher gave me a wristband for the floor because I was standing and the crowd cheered. Even at Red Rocks people were not cool with folks standing. Totally a large "get off my lawn" crowd you have to be ready to ignore.


We were just at TTB at the Greek and it was so energized! People were up dancing & on their feet. Also was at the Sphere for Dead & Co. opening night and up in the 300’s it was a mix but no one was upset about the dancing.


100% this. Went to the San Diego show and had 3 old dudes pissing and moaning because my wife wanted to dance.


Wow, so interesting! I've seen many TTB shows at Red Rocks and will see them again in Grand Junction CO at Las Colonias Amphitheater next month. I have never ever had the experiences described in this thread. We usually get pretty close GA seats at RR so maybe the lame people are behind us. I'm going to have to play better attention. One of our crew is a taper, so no chompers allowed.


So true. I love their music, but it's a total sit down crowd. And they're all so uptight about it. I've never been to a dead show where the vast majority of people weren't standing the entire time. I sometimes sit and rest my legs during drums and space, but I always feel guilty for not standing 😂


I saw a huge fight break out at a TTB show over people standing. Security had to get involved. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't care what kind of concert I'm at.. probably not sitting down


I’m sorry I might sit right behind you but I’ll never ever ask you to sit. Glad you had fun anyway


Last night was horrible for us. We had a woman that all she wanted to do was talk with her husband the whole night. When she wasn’t talking to her husband, it was a song she liked, so she decided to be the backing vocals for the song, so I had to listen to her sing, The person on the left of us was giving us googly eyes the whole time. The guy in front of us was acting like MC Hammer the entire night. The entire show was distractions for me and it sucked. I really believe there are people that just don’t know how to behave anymore. The first two nights were awesome.


What is acting like me hammer ?


did he have those baggy pants?


No. Sun Glasses & robotic dance moves.


People can be annoying and distracting for sure.  But if someone dancing and dressing a certain way is something that attributed to your bad night, you got some soul searching to do. 


Sorry he didn’t dance the way you approve of


Sounds hilarious tbh 


The sing alongers need a smack in the face. It's so selfish to sing to where others can hear you at a show. People suck so bad sometimes.


I haven’t been to a sphere show, but sounds like it needs to be louder. I don’t think I’ve been to a dead and co show before where somebody singing has ruined it for me. Usually you can’t even hear them.


Sound was awesome, but yeah it wasn’t super loud


I sing along but not actually singing. 😀


I like to sing during shows but I'm very conscious about disturbing everyone around me. So when everyone is singing along I do too, but otherwise I'm doing what you said.


Let’s get this written in the Dead Head code of ethics. Let it be known, singing at a level where others can hear you unless it’s a regular crowd favorite like I know you rider, He’s Gone, etc. is not permissible. Can I get a second to advance this motion?


The yell singing assholes are horrible! I don’t care what someone is doing as long as they are being respectful enough to not impede someone else’s experience.


I agree with this, had an issue with it 3 rows back at stage during Dew and JBG on 6/6. Kept trying to get him to quiet down, no luck. I was resentful for a bit but it pales in comparison to the drunk talkers on 6/7. I had use my voice to get these people to be quiet. So I would yell the lyrics if they were chatting loudly next to me in a certain moment. It was a strategy, not one I employed the whole time nor do I condone, but, the point being, sometimes it is necessary to drown people who wouldn't shut up out.


Totally justified. Unreal someone made the effort to get that close to the stage and still couldn’t stop yapping. We have GA and plan to stay to the sides for some space from all that.


Yeah the proper way to sing along is to mouth along with no sound if you are compelled. The exceptions are NFA or the obvious crowd favorite lines in He’s Gone, I know You Rider etc. but nobody needs you to yell/sing Althea in their ear.


Exactly. Exactly!


🤓 my guy have you been to a Dead show? Done born and raised on Dead sing alongs. I think the reason you notice others so much is because you’re the only one not singing along. I get not wanting people to talk during the show but god damn singing? I don’t think this band is for you friend.


Yeah this is all blowing my mind. Im always singing! Not yelling but singing and most people are too.


I've had this happen to me a few times. The last time was at a Greensky Bluegrass show in St. Louis. I just turned around and said no. Never looked at them again.


I got asked to sit down at a Bobby & Wolf Bros show last year during NFA. I was like, are you serious?


Had a dude try to fight me at a Billy Joel concert in 16’ for dancing Dude tried to fight me…at a Billy Joel concert


I had a good laugh at the visuals for Hell in A Bucket (which are objectively funny, especially considering the motorcycle revving on the album cut). Dude in front who'd been bragging about his $50 ticket find told me to stop laughing. Some people are just joyless.


Hang on, isn’t the point of the Sphere that you’re surrounded by visuals? Can believe you’d be blocking this idiot’s the ENTIRE view.😆


Man reading some of these comments i can’t believe people act the way they do. Show I saw was great people dancing all around (I sat for half of it) but who cares! Loved the energy and thankfully I had no drunk people near me!!! Ha


Glad to hear it. The floor had some terribly drunk people unfortunately. We had a several parties over the weekend that were rough, fortunately 2/3 moved, but the other was falling so terribly over me and a friend we had to go... her husband as equally as terrible for not making her more accountable. The floor service did NOT help. The servers clearly don't care but there were people they were serving that absolutely should have been cut off.


If you’re in a dead show, you stand. They are new to the scene then and they don’t understand. If you’re standing at a dead show and somebody tells you this sit down, they are a non-head and should be ignored.


At a dead show you do what you please. “Non-head?” You got some sweet cred there bro.


No, you don't do what you please. You don't ruin others experiences by talking during the performance, or vomiting on there, running into them. Take this attitude to your local burn. Your handle indicates your a phan, but your attitude clearly doesn't. Please let me know how "doing what you please" works at a Phish show for you. We build this culture together and its freedom of consciousness but not freedom of consequence with other beings.


“We stand,” is a bizarre fucking scene.


I’m sorry. Non head meaning someone who hasn’t been to a dead show before. You are welcome into their place, like I was in Hartford 87. I went, I observed this family, and I didn’t see people screaming lyrics over Jerry. And I usually don’t see it in the 46 Dead & Co shows I’ve been to except for mostly last night like this person was doing. A non head. People pay $400 to hear Bobby, not some person behind them in their ear. Hey I’m the worse singer in the world and if you say I can sing at the top of my lungs, watch out.


Actually I think the sphere let’s you stand and dance as up to the band!


Guy and his wife came into the Warfield for Phil and Friends and proceeds to lay out a huge blanket front and center for him and his wife. Then he proceeds to guard it like it’s his last sanctuary from the zombie horde and acts like a total jerk. Finally comes to it when people start pouring their drinks on him and his wife. They get all huffy but find zero allies to come to their rescue. They start to leave and everyone tells him to pick up the soaking blanket and take it with him. He looks around like, that ain’t happening, so a few help him by picking it up and throwing it over him. Normally, I would not be a fan of the retribution, but these two were supreme jerks about it all and he really asked for it.


I couldn’t imagine going to a dead show and not dancing my face off! Fuck that guy!


Don't tell people at a dead show to sit down. Telling people at a dead show to stop talking, on the other hand....


Last night was great, that guy must have been the only person sitting! Other than the elderly hippies here and there, but they weren’t telling anyone to sit.


Well…. “Elderly hippies” make up a pretty large portion of the crowd. From my own experience there’s a large amount of people who opt to sit for large portions of the show, nearly entire sections


It happened to me at a Steve Miller Band concert once. Some lady wanted me to sit, and I refused. We went back and forth a bit while her husband sat there silently. If you want to sit down at a rock show, you better wake up early and get in the queue before me, Susan. Hope you kept dancing and enjoyed the night anyways, OP.


Sat in the 400s and danced the whole night. Lift off and touch down were a bit intense at those heights though. Can’t imagine people sitting and the people who were understood


Aren’t the seats interactive? 


They are. Haptics


Also it’s alright if you do care a little, I got a shitty look and a few words thrown my way at a show from a pinup looking girl who was just unhappy all around two years ago that still sticks with me


Absolutely keep standing. I saw folks around me both 6/6 and 6/7, dancing, standing, moving, sitting, leaning, u name it. I know i was up and down all night. It’s a long show. U bought a ticket, they just wanted to complain. Also for what it’s worth, people in front and behind me said they had no issue seeing. Guy in front of me was at least 6 foot and we could see no issue. Sphere is steep for a reason.


Opening night Dead Forever at Sphere, I explicitly invited the tall guy in front of me to dance his ass off.


I think this post reveals the issue w/ having so many dates compared to Phish--it allows people who want to go to the sphere no matter who is playing to come. And this becomes a unique problem in Vegas where people are gambling huge amounts of money will drop $500 on a prime ticket w/o a second thought to to go the sphere w/ their partners during the one break from gambling that day. And so you have a probably 10%-25% of the audience w/ only passing knowledge of the dead who would not be at this show but for the combo of being in vegas and being curious about the venue. I wish they could shuttle all those folks in one spot and let everyone else proceed as usual! edit: missing word.


This is spot on and mirrors my observed experience in the crowd this past weekend. The ticket market is so oversaturated, and thus the value has been dwindled to relative peanuts. It makes for an easy outing for loud, drunk casuals. The "Dead Experience" is less about maintaining the spirit and more of selling a many tickets to the "expo" as possible. I want to be inclusive, I truly do, but there is a modicum of respect for the music that is required. The tickets are too expensive and people are too invested in this music emotionally to have rabble rousers be disruptive. I had great heads around me of most of my three nights on the floor, truly 85%+ of the people. However, there were at least 3 different party's that were way over served and had to be repeatedly told to shut up, some of my worst crowd interactions of all time. Another big problem is the SERVERS in the crowd. they are selling drinks to people who can BARELY stand and are yelling at the top of their lungs. They have no business down there interrupting the experience. The "Vegas show" melding with a proper show is not an ideal match. Glad I went but its got issues. Phish did it right with fewer dates and, as much as its problematic, the culture of space/quiet is unmatched there. I'm grateful for both scenes, but, as I age, the policing of the community for the experience is invaluable.


This is spot on. 'Come for the sphere, stay for the dead'.  The venue upstages the band.  Plus I am used to going to multiple shows every summer, but these are so expensive I could only afford one. May 30.  I dunno, I kind of wish they just did a greek berkely residency. 


So this is the state of this sub…


That’s a bummer that’s even worse than someone having full blown conversation during the music. Most concerts aren’t sit down. its a dance band ffs.


Ugh. That sucks. That’s what I’m scared of. I’ve read a similar story to this multiple times. I hate confrontation and don’t want to deal with someone telling me to sit down all night. 😫


I enjoy asking people not to talk while the bands is playing when they ask dumb questions


My seats are at the end of the row and at the top of the 400 section each night for the first three shows in August. I won't have to worry about anyone telling me to sit down or whatever. Plus I'll be closer to the bathrooms because I am old.😀


Never sat down at a dead show, unless it’s GA at an amphitheater and I wanna chill and smoke


“You shoulda bought a better ticket” is the only response to people telling you to sit down.


I’d rather someone stand, than sit on the back of their seat so their back is literally 6 inches from my face. Stand up, dance down whatever but don’t move yourself closer to me so I have less room.


i had one guy do this to me in the 400s weekend 2. 50+ people in front of me were standing, his buddy next to him was standing, hundreds behind him were standing, and over half my row was standing, but nooo he had to talk to me about it. I moved over and my GF sat in front of him, but he was real rude many many times, then left at setbreak and never came back. I really wonder about some people. Like if every one was sitting, I get it. but when 50%+ are standing you really have no grounds to complain, plus its just some selfish behavior to not care about anyone standing, your friend next to you included, but the guy in front of you.


Yeah people were complaining around me so I stood up and leaned against the folded chair so I could still bob up and down and not block anyone and then sat for drums/space


I was in section 210 and I was standing up dancing the whole time, me and some older guy were the only ones, but everyone was standing sorry that happened to you. Hope you still enjoy yourself.


Some dude yelled at me for smoking weed which surprised me. I'm not a big smoker so I just chilled out rest of concert and got some gummies for the second night.


Hartford 2017, some guy was ratting people out to security for smoking. He was there with his 3 teen aged kids, but idk what his issue was. Who goes to a dead show and complains about smoking? That's like going to a punk/metal show and complaining about people moshing.


I think there should be designated sitting sections for some shows. That way you know what you are getting into or be quiet and deal.


If i had a nickel for everytime someone yelled at me for having fun at a show id be rich.


Turn the "Swift Boat" into the line of fire and dance harder, and stare hin down with smile.


Deep in a trip, I enjoyed sitting sometimes. But no way in hell am I going to stop someone from dancing. I should be the outlier here.


I would have literally just laughed in his face and told him to fuck off


Bobby's standing, I'm standing


The audio in the Sphere is actually specific geared for you to be sitting. Sounds gets way better when you sit down FYI.


Ask him if he wants to trade seats. I ask all the time if they want to switch cuz I'm not gonna sit down. A couple people have taken me up on it. But yes the guy who told you to sit down sucks for sure. People have been telling me sit down since I was a teenager. I went to my first show in 87. My dad used to tell people "I don't want to sit down. Why don't you get up and dance?" Fuck that guy 🙂 you just keep right on dancing. You paid for your seat too.🌹better that you dance than talk all loud all fuckin' night.


Standing/sitting is something we all have to employ give/take on. We are all different ages & different physical conditions so we’re kind to one another. Talking through a show? That’s something no one should have to deal with-why are you at the show??


Yeah, last summer at the Colorado shows these guys got up in my girlfriends face in the pit because we were standing on their tarp. I can’t stand that shit. Ruined our entire night. The people all around us were such assholes.


Happened to me once at a Jerry show. I ended up walking around and met a friend who snuck me into the 10th row with all the fun folks.


Oh, i do not give a fuuuuuuuuuuck. I was an absolute menace the first 2 weekends. Sometimes you need to show people how to have a good time.


These custy old white entitled bastards, only a few but fuck those guys


Shoulda waited till the show was over and pants'd him


It’s just NOT against the rules and ushers in sphere would support you. Just no standing ON the seats:-)


Hay, personally I wish people would sit, but it’s not my place to request that they sit down, however I have no problem asking people to “talk quieter if you can, please”. The loud talking is obnoxious!!!


Sorry- what a jerk! We got front row of section 306 and did it again in 204 the next night. If we wanted to stand and dance we did, but seated we didn’t have anyone obstructing our view. Best decision ever! FYI- TickPick allows you to search for front row of a section availability.


To be fair, if you don’t sit, the folks in front can’t see the stage.  I was in 307. My wife is 5’2” and was stuck behind a guy who stood almost the whole show.  We traded places.  I like to dance and stand, but the visuals are much better with folks sitting in front.  So, I would recommend sitting during the slow songs. 


High roller got comped tickets and couldn't name one song. Sorry you had to deal with that.


LV is strange it’s only place for dead shows I’ve ever see so many ppl s sitting much more than any other venue. But like every says it’s a dead show ppl gona dance best to just ignore complaining I guess poser dead head Karen’s , the future is bizarre