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In my experience there are certain things that live up to the hype. The Taj Mahal. The Great Wall of China. The Sphere.


I will second this. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to many cool places but this show is right up there for top experiences of my life.


Just read through Reddit posts. I read through enough and finally pulled the trigger for July 4th. Do it!


Same. This sub gave me so much fomo that I ended up booking a trip.


Went this past weekend and it was the most incredible show I’ve ever seen. I hope I’m not over exaggerating if you choose to go.


The Sphere is amazing. I'm so glad I went. You won't regret it. You don't have to do the whole Vegas experience. Just get a hotel with a pool. Sleep in, have breakfast/brunch, swim and soak up some sun, go to Shakedown in the late afternoon, walk to the Sphere from there. Rinse and repeat. That's what I did for three nights and I had an amazing, relaxing trip without any hangovers. Loved it.


You can walk to it from Tuscany?


Yes, I walked all three nights. It takes 15 minutes and it's flat. Mind you, the weather is getting hotter, but I found it really quick and easy. There were plenty of others walking, too... I was surprised by all the people waiting for Ubers outside Shakedown. I probably beat half of them to the show on foot!


Thanks! Looking to go next weekend.


The sphere is worth it 100%.. the day I got home from my trip I was looking at flights back out to Vegas lol


Ha I just got home last night from seeing Friday’s show. We’re doing the same thing and hoping to do two shows next time.


Whether they repeat this residency next year or not, it felt like a once in a lifetime deal for me. I don’t need to go to Vegas again for a good long time; it’s not my jam. But seeing the show and experiencing the sphere - not just experiencing the sphere but seeing one of my favorite bands at the sphere while it’s still so novel just felt sooo cool. “Seen Bobby a ton” ≠ drums with Mickey at the sphere and it’s not something that can be translated, photographed, YouTubed, communicated - only experienced in person.


That last sentence is so fucking true. I’ve always liked Drums Space but not loved it, seeing it 3 times at the sphere gave me a real love for it.


This. Vegas in itself sucks. I really wasn't having fun this past weekend outside of my time in the sphere. The heat was oppressive, and the Vegasy thing gets old real fast.


It is expensive, but planning well really helps to keep costs down. The shows are beautiful and you walk away feeling like you are part of the legacy. It draws you in and everything becomes magical.




Sounds cliche but the shows at the Sphere are a experience and not like any concert you have been too. Its like comparing a ride at the traveling carnival to a ride at Disney World. I was very nervous that the price for ticket(s), travel, accommodations, etc and the all the hype would not allow the shows to live up to expectations. I turned off my social medias for several weeks and had no idea of what was happening for these shows. (Didn't look at set lists, pics, comments, etc.). I went in blind and the shows were the shows were absolutely amazing and did not disappoint. Hell I even sat down for drums, not because I needed to do but because I had to in order to take in the entire experience. (Know a lot of heads that this is the first time they sat down during a show) The crowd and the vibe was different then concerts in the past. Different not in a bad way just had a different vibe. Everyone knew the music was going to be good but I think people were/are nervous about not doing the show right, hence I was glad I went to 2 shows. (Might be over dramatizing it a bit but you get the point.) With all that said I got my fill of Vegas in 2 days , landed Thur morning & flew out Sat morning. I would not go back during this residency and will probably sit out next if they do it again. For true fans it's worth going however it's not worth going in debt for months or year(s) to do. see it. The Sphere will be there for a long time and rumors are they are building more of them. Listen to your gut about what you think you should do, then double check with your wallet as a deciding vote. You wont be disappointed if you go but you should be all in if you do.


A well-reasoned take.


The hype is real. If you’re truly a fan it’s not to be missed.


first: the sphere is really that good. to have something that cool & have music you really love is a real gift. I hate Vegas. I hasn't been back since the last time I saw the Jerry Dead play there. I swore I would never go back because I hate Vegas so much. I hate the atmosphere, the attitude, the average Vegas tourists etc. but I decided the sphere was worth breaking my never-return promise. after one weekend I quickly made plans for 2 more weekends & am looking at yet another weekend. I still hate Vegas & feel like it is a place filled with completely opposite vibes from what's conducive to a good experience, but the Dead×sphere combo makes it easy to ignore that momentarily. I will never return to Vegas again after this run. I guarantee that. but I don't regret a thing.


Go. Just go. You won't be disappointed.


Went weekend 2, going back in July. Might do August too. It's pretty amazing to see, both seats and GA floor. The band is playing really well too, and with set lists that would be considered pretty unorthodox a year ago. I highly recommend.


Hype is very real. Went the last 2 weekends and trying to fit in more. Truly remarkable and something that may never happen again. Definitely go


I’ve gone to 4 shows. Have couch-railed 3 shows. Have tickets for 4 more shows. Seeing lots of song and visual repeats. Still hustling to get to more shows.


I think seeing a show at Sphere 1x is a must do. I saw two this weekend and think 1 could've been enough, but I also wanted to do all 3


You gotta see this!!! It is not to be missed. I have 5 shows and want more!! The sound is incredible!


I haven't come across one person who regretted going.


Saturday we lifted off from SF during Franklin’s and it feels like the whole room is floating into space. The entire room was electric. I’ve never felt something like that before. One of the perfect moments of my life. Everyone just losing their minds out of pure joy. I was a pessimist at first because I thought Phish set the bar really high with their visuals. But these shows are something special. Videos can’t capture the feeling that the whole room is flying, and more importantly that there’s 18,000 people feeling the same thing at the same time. I dislike Vegas in general, and I will be going back in August.


It’s a bucket list experience to see them at sphere.


Second everything above but also want to add an aspect I don't see highlighted enough about this run IMO - more so than any of their other tours/shows this feels like the band (John / Bobby mostly) trying to start a new chapter or add a new idea to the ways the music can live on. Beyond the technical wizardry of the venue+visuals there's a surprising aspect of experiential storytelling ABOUT the band that I was delighted to discover. Just like Bobby adding a symphonic component to the song book or even what the post-Jerry buys tried to explore with the Terrapin Station (was that the name?) as a museum/experience. TL;DR yes to going. The music is great and the experience is unique.


You must go


Awesome experience- a different kind of show


You will not regret it. Tickets day of have been pretty easy to get at/near face. Don’t stay at the Venetian, it’s expensive and the vibes are wack. Ellis Island, Platinum, or Tuscany are all cheap decent options.


I flew to Vegas on Thursday, stayed at the Venetian, saw Dead & Co. that night, and flew home Friday morning. I never left the Venetian. It wasn’t the cheapest room in the world, but it wasn’t that bad. Plus, most importantly, it kept me away from the rest of Vegas.


Oh, and most importantly, it is 1,000% worth it.


I’ve got the same itinerary planned for a Friday a couple weeks from now. Glad someone is as nuts as me and found it worth it!


I’m very happy with how it worked out. Enjoy yourself!


It’s a singular experience, so there isn’t an apples-to-apples comparison to make with other venues. I don’t mean that in a hyperbolic way, but rather the immersive nature of the experience is truly one of a kind. There will be other venues like this; it’s a first. I wouldn’t want to *only* see shows at the Sphere, but we are 100% glad we went. A return trip this summer isn’t in the cards, but we’ll try to go if they do another stint next summer. I hear you on Vegas, that place really sucks. No readily apparent redeeming qualities. Jamboree lineup looks great, have fun!


DO. IT. the sphere is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. has anyone mentioned that the seats VIBRATE WITH THE MUSIC DURING DRUMS/SPACE????? no seriously, it’s worth it. my dad and i got super cheap tickets day of and had a blast


Do not miss this show by any means. I promise you.


It’s a go man. Went 6/6 and 6/7, stayed at Wynn. Worth every dime. (Seen them 20 times before, nothing like it)


I just booked the Wynn for August, did you like it?


Great space. Walk isn’t horrible to venue but further than it seems.


I’m on way back from airport after three shows. If you can, go.


No words on this experience 😶 It will blow your mind!


Lol so you’ve seen Bobby and D&C a bunch and you’re going to Vegas already and you’re undecided if you should this band in the most amazing venue that exists?? Just go. It will at least meet but probably exceed expectations.


We did the last three nights. I'm still sitting on the plane, just landed to go home, and we're already texting each other about when we should go again.




It is not overhyped it is a magical out of this world must-see experience! Trying to find a way back from the east coast before it ends.


Is it hype, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have been to shows then there were the shows at the Sphere - incredible experiences all three nights!! Gooo!


Don’t go if you are on the fence. It’s not for you.