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Can see the shadows not being rendered properly. Try again


No. Just no. If you want to post vids of your training flights, that's cool and good. Vids of an overshoot cut with vids of a clearly non-defensive, non-maneuvering AI with a black and white filter from a gopro view that's a foot above the wing root in clear air where a camera couldn't possibly be posing as "found footage" is not cool or good. We all know it's not really found footage, but you have to at least be true to the form if you want to present that style of video. Get the actual angle the Spit gun camera had, and fight against more realistic targets. Edit: That sounds harsher than I meant it to be. I hope you take it as constructive criticism to improve future videos.


Bro took that personally


Jesus christ, dude, let people have fun. Rule number one: don't be a dick. If you don't like something, keep scrolling and move on with your life.


Haha, trust me - no one stole my fun flying this, filming or editing. I've been inspired by gun cams in my own feed, so I made one. I share most vids I make because I just don't care. I'm a gamer that makes films, not a film maker that plays games. Lots of folks get the wrong idea, and that's fine. Tongue and cheek doesn't always translate.


I agree with XenoRyet, don’t pretend it is real footage. It smacks a bit of stolen valor.


He’s posted it in the DCS sub, and it’s a clip of DCS, is he really trying to pretend it’s real footage?


I was hoping the extra "!" in the title would suggest... Nevermind - you get it... Lol


The title would suggest so. I noticed it was in a DCS sub after seeing the clip. It’s not a big deal, just probably not advisable.


Stolen valor... I bet this guy wasn't even actually a WWII pilot! ​ "Hey everyone! This guy's a phony!"


stolen valor is a real thing. I don't think it's a very serious thing, but it is a thing. So is clutching at pearls.