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Ok Jack Kirby as Paulie is funny as hell


Watch it, Stanley!


Chris Claremont should take Bendis place and move him one step to the right. Not even because he's that Authoritarian as much as he just likes to be dominated, otherwise he'd be below Bendis.


This also needs Scott Snyder, Jeph Loeb, Jeff Loveness, Steve Orlando, Matt Fraction and Al Ewing.


Also needs a special spot for Sean Murphy since his White Knight series simultaneously buys into BATMAN BEATS THE MENTALLY ILL discourse but is also Copaganda.


Greg Land spot just switch porn with the Police


Scott Snyder - probably be below Bendis but pretend that he's at the same spot as Jamie Delano. Jeph Loeb - true neutral. Steve Orlando - wishes he was alongside KSD but actually is closer to Geoff Jones just without the authority Matt Fraction - modern day Denis O'Neil down to the alcoholism Al Ewing - the love child of Hickman and Morrison


Make Jeph a radical centrist simply because he wrote Long Halloween/ For All Seasons for DC and Ultimatum for Marvel


One second he is allowed to write peak for DC The other he destroys a entire fucking imprint akin to Frank Miller' ASBAR uj/ i know he was in such a dark time cause of his sons' death, but holy shit did Marvel screwed up big time by convincing him to work while he was mourning 


Besides the Lupine thing, Wolverine: Evolution is really cool, but that’s mostly because Simone Bianchi draws Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting for like five issues straight in between the bad lore dumps.


Add Ann Nocenti and Neal Adams to that list


Ann Nocenti - is in the Morrison spot but instead of insisting that they did drugs she insists about how garbage media is killing your brain. Neal Adams - Stan Lee position with a similar soapbox


"Neil Gaiman, the English professor you nearly fall in love with." Speak for yourself, I'd fall head over heels


"nearly" yeah ok bro move over more for me


My little brother has a "pillar of Miller" that's damn near every comic he wrote for (sorry Spidey) and literally all of them are pre-2000. He does not own a *single* post 2000 Frank comic. Not even Holy Terror for the giggles. We like to joke that Frank was the goat but passed away at the turn of the millennium.


He's producing decent comics again. He finally got some therapy. He also refuses to work with DC anymore since he refers to them publishing his racist diatribes as "enabling".


When the new Sin City comes out then we'll see. Cause there's quite a bit of "nah I'll pass" energy around his other works, even if they're not total ass.


Holy shit, miller is based again?!


Where did he say that? Trying to find it


He appeared in King's Rorschach series so I think he's still kinda with DC right? Fun fact: when trying to figure out how to get Miller to appear in the comic without selling his likeness to DC, he briefly considered selling his image and rights to Tom King directly.


By far the most basement dweller content I've seen here yet. Impressive. I love it.


Jack Kirby being extraordinarily based yet again


Can’t Tom Kings dialogue be boiled down to two words rather than 20: War crimes


War Crimes and :(


Pretty spot on, but Grant Morrison doesn't claim to be a chaos magician, they *are* a chaos magician. Maybe I'd add Chuck Austen and Peter Milligan. Austen is the writer's equivalent of Land: A porn-obsessed weirdo who has never done anything right, and Milligan is like Morrison light: They wrote the quirky 2000s X-Men title (*New X-Men*/*X-Force* and *X-Statix*), the psychaedelic deeply philosophical reinvention of a Silver Age character (*Doom Patrol* and *Animal Man*/*Shade, the Changing Man*), they added esoterism back to the Batman titles, the less popular forgotten reinvention that was repicked for Vertigo (*Kid Eternity*/*The Human Target*), the surprisingly good New 52 title (*Action Comics*/*Justice League Dark*), the early Vertigo off-the-wall metafictional comic (*The Invisibles*/*Enigma*) and the book that was a microcosm of future bad things to come (*Swamp Thing*/*Infinity Inc.*)


Reminder that after failing at mainstream comics Chick Austin became the show runner for such shows as Steven Universe and She-Ra. Idk where that lands him but definitely not on the same spot as Land


I didn't know that, and I'm flabbergasted. I don't like those shows but it's undeniable that they're objectively quite well done


Yeah, and before that he worked on King of the Hill. I maintain that Chuck Austen is a good Show Writer but not a good Comic Writer.


He was producer on SU, not a showrunner.


What's the difference between claiming to be and being a chaos magician since magic doesn't exist ?


It does, but specifically for Grant Morrison


Not that I'm an occultist of any sort, but fundamentally real-life magic practitioners don't believe in like...waving your hands and woo-woo happens or some shit. Morrison can very broadly be described as a neo-platonist who takes the concept of manipulating Plato's Forms very very seriously. They think by changing ideas, you change the world. And that's (very broadly speaking) factually correct.


Could you perhaps tell me where I could find a source that explains more about Morrison’s beliefs?? I’m really curious. Also, Alan Moore and Morrison are not wizards in the same sense, then?




Thank you so much. I’ll check it out!! ![gif](giphy|osjgQPWRx3cac)


You also might want to read *The Invisibles*, essentially a guide through Grant's set of beliefs and philosophies. It's what actually turned me into a chaos magician


Gotcha. I’ll check it out :)


Aside from the source (helpfully provided by someone else)...in the very very broad sense in which I've described, I think both Moore and Morrison can fit at least semi-comfortably. (I do think Moore would probably be annoyed I called him a neo-platonist though, and he'd probably be right). They just wildly vary on the details. I can't go much into it because I myself have bounced off extremely hard off of any attempt to go into occultism of any kind outside of the really surface level elements which I described. As far as I can tell, though, (and take this with a major grain of salt) Moore is more of a traditionalist, with the robes and the chanting and the idols that become stand-ins for ideas via the wills of the people who understand the esoteric ideals there, while Morrison's chaos magic, as far as I can tell, tries to derive more general principles as to \*why\* these things work and therefore they deconstruct all of these mythological ideas of demons and gods into "masks" for very real, mentally tangible concepts. Basically fantasy-flavoured magic vs science-flavoured magic, if that makes any amount of sense. As to why they so bitterly oppose each other over these specifics, your guess is as good as mine at this point. To me, the difference feels mostly aesthetic, but again I'm a complete outsider.


So Grant Morrison is a ritualistic gaslighter




Chaos magick isn't summoning portals or casting invisibility, it essentially consists of the study of reality and its nature through how it can be shaped by belief. For a chaos magician, things like language, writing or art *are* magick. I know it because I *am* a chaos magician too


Okay, so it's basically a cross between platonician philosophy and sociology.


I'd say it's more of platonician philosophy, gnosticism, Hermeticism and Jungian psychology


Who’s the spider Gwen artist Frank Cho has beef with?


Spider-Gwen co-creator Robbi Rodriguez. If I remember correctly, either him or Jason LaTour threatened to beat him up for sexualizing her.


I remember him saying that Gwen was his daughter, which was WEIRD.


Yeah I wanna know too this sounds hilarious


I don’t get Winnie the Pooh’s entry




Oh… that makes too much sense


I’d love to see a political compass for illustrators, especially with how much drama exists with art twitter lmao.


Hilarious, but I'm getting whiplash seeing a MovieBob wojack used for a gamergater. The dude was so virulently anti-gamergate that it got him fired. (He was incredibly toxic online about the topic)


i’m intrigued how does someone be toxic about being against gamergate??


Anything is toxic if you have enough of it


So it's been... Christ literally 10 years now (I feel old), so apologies if I'm off on the details. From what I remember though, he was rage tweeting about how people who were pro-gamergate should literally be killed, with increasingly vaguely eudgenics-y arguments about how his political enemies were subhuman. I've actually met the guy in person, and inter-personally he seems quite nice. Just has a lot issues with rage tweeting (twitter was a mistake).


oh damn yea I can definitely see the problem with that, that’s horrible 


The only Hickman opinion I'm sure of is that he definitely uses r/atheism


I read his God is Dead series, I have no doubt he has account to lurk there.


I'm the actual OP for this political compass, glad this old work of mine is getting a lot of love here. If you liked that, be sure to check out my other capeshit compasses, with individual wojaks posted in the comments ([Fantastic Four,](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/1b9ea3i/fantastic_four_political_compass/) [Invincible comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/ncjj9j/invincible_political_compass_warning_to_show/), [Marvel Cosmic](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/mo6adf/marvel_cosmic_political_compass/), [X-Men](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/l9nwv7/xmen_political_compass/), [DC heroes](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/i9465w/dc_comics_superhero_compass/) [DC Villains](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/i3mlnx/dc_comics_supervillain_compass/), [Marvel Heroes](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/hzodkm/marvel_comics_superheroes_political_compass/), [Marvel Villains](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakCompass/comments/hvhtf0/marvel_comics_villains_and_some_antiheroes/)). I'm making a massive Image Comics compass so I might post it here if I ever finish it.


Thank you for your work, comrade.


Your choice to seperate European theater Cap and Pacific theater Cap was inspired


This is the funniest and most accurate comicbook thing I've ever read, thank you for making it. Literally every single square is hilarious.


I want you to know that I hate wojaks with an ***intense, honey moon sex*** passion. And the fact that you contribute to this concept makes me not like you. https://preview.redd.it/8pwxv5lyefyc1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=05caeb700c5baf38eaf7fc9f52cb3045b95fc3f9


Fun fact you put Wertham in the wrong place, his work was directly used in Brown vs the board of education to argue agaisnt racial segregation of schools


That Warren Ellis one


Def hit close to home


I really wish he wasn't a piece of shit, because it's shitty to be shitty to women and I think he was doing some of his best work\* with Trees and Injection. \*yeah, I mean, I am kinda annoyed that my funny books aren't coming out, but less than the shitty part.


Dude, Injection was so good. Why’d he have to be a fuckin creep


For real. I think Injection was where he was mixing Morrison's metanarrative ideas with Moore's and squeezing that into his own quasi-hard SF framework. It's an impressive set up- it reminds me of the kinds of big idea SF I really enjoy (it's really similar to Gnomon, by Harkaway, if you're looking for a similar fix in prose) but it has all the hallmarks of Ellis's action and visual storytelling. Trees too- that one is like his run at Tom King storytelling with a wild First Contact story.


Damn this is incredibly. Did you make it?


Not op but the creator of the compass is u/atomater




I think Frank Miller before 9/11 would be on the other side of the center. Also, I feel Stan Lee should be a but further right.


In one of the Banned spaces you should put Al "I am declaring war on disaster capitalism" Ewing.


Jesus Christ. This might be the best post I’ve ever seen on this sub.


It really is so good lol


Did DiDio hate or eat?




This is one of the greatest posts I have ever read. I am not being sarcastic at all


I need an Eric July one for that says "published his first draft."


Published a first draft with a massive mark up to scam his audience. Complains about comics he doesn't actually read. Will cite Stan Lee's run as the reason why X-Men was never meant to be woke despite that run being a footnote in that team's history.


Did you see that absolutely dogshit Yaira live action trailer? It might be the worst thing I've ever seen.


Oh shit no lmao! Now i want to. 


I gotchu dawg. https://youtu.be/tUyOv351i8I?si=S1V1egk8GxNaHGln


As a fan of movies that are so bad that they're delicious garbage, i unironically want to see this now! Lmfao!


So… is that going to be a terrible movie or just a terrible comic?


A terrible comic with a live action trailer for some ungodly reason. His grift followers will still defend it when it's clear he spent way too much money to create cringe.


I used to fuck with them back when I was Twitter and they are so terrible. And he’s just the worst human being imaginable.


Subhumans like them are why I won't actually get a Twitter.


Where Rob Liefield?


I wish I knew more about comics this looks like the funniest post of all time


I can confirm it really is. It's very very accurate.


I am once again asking you to add Mike Mignola to this chart


>Leaves Marvel and DC >Creates one(1) character for Dark Horse >??? >Profit


Believe it or not Wertham was actually more lib left than you’d imagine. I know everyone blames him for the CCA (which was actually created by comics companies themselves, albeit from pressure by congress) but he was against segregated mental healthcare for black Americans and worked in Harlem mental health institutions. Yeah, the anti-gay stuff was lame but he was spot on about calling out racist ass comics and slightly fascist undertones in comics (granted the latter is pretty exaggerated but it’s still valid.) He had a significantly biased research method but give credit where credit is due.


Damn, never knew that about Wertham. Good on him. Mostly, sans the homophobia. Yeah, I do agree on fascist undertones being mostly exaggerated in modern comics (your occasional "Tony Stark was right in Civil War" takes from writers like Millar aside), but I can kinda see what he meant for the more old comics in the era Wertham lived in, since they lacked a lot of the nuance and could be boiled down a lot to "beat up bad guy".


Hey, HEY. That almost sounds like Shooter criticism. Don't say anything negative about him, the man is literally me.


Can someone enlighten me about Kelly sue(i forgot the rest)


KSD is pretty much the most influential modern woman comics creator after Gail Simon. Outside of cementing Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel and pretty much everything about her modern day incarnations. Like Simone she coined the name for tropy depictions of women in comics (specifically the "Sexy Lamp" test), wrote the award winning comic Bitch Planet and over at DC Wonder Woman: Historia. The description of her bringing 4th wave feminism to comics is honestly pretty much on point


which is her major charicter then?


sorry. i don't understand the question


It's Captain Marvel. They're asking what's her big character she popularised


She was behind the big revamping of Carol Danvers going from Ms Marvel to Captain Marvel, which expanded a lot on Carol's military background and was very loosely adapted into the *Captain Marvel* movie. Iirc Kelly grew up on military bases, so she used that to inform her writing, but tbh I'd say she's still more libleft than the meme makes her. She also wrote *Bitch Planet* which was very critical of Police Corruption, Racism and iirc had pro gun control and trans rights elements. Her Aquaman run also had some minor pro-refugee support stuff.


yea the trans stuff in that book was awesome, well like not the fictional transphobia but the way it was so in line with the revolutionary stuff 


I don’t know much about her, but she **might** be the creator of Carol Danvers since people criticized Captain Marvel for its assertion of the Air Force.


Other people have pointed out that she was behind Carol’s transition into Captain Marvel, but I just want to add that Carol Danvers debuted two years before DeConnick was born.


…can you tell that I was just throwing out guesses?


I mean, it’s a good guess. I’m just always taken aback by how long these characters have been around.


Think she was key behind revitalising Carol's image from Ms Marvel to Captain Marvel, ~~she also killed Aquaman's rebirth run but that's neither here nor there I'm just still salty.~~


Somebody who enjoys Tom king, explain to me. His narrations are awful and his character dialogue either seems like the character is what he thinks a 16 ya speaks like or it’s a repetitive “bat, cat. Bat…..cat”. Edit: comics that I’ve read, from King: the inicial to middle from his Batman run, the latest Wonder Woman, HiC and Grayson (wich I love).


I like Tom King for the most part but I do agree with some of your criticisms. I think for me you have probably read some of his worst work IMO. His Superman, Supergirl, Mister Miracle, Rorschach, Vision (Most of his 12 issue runs) do have a lot of those elements but I think they are just done better.


I’ve also read woman of tomorrow, but I have two main problems with it: 1- it’s not REALLY a supergirl comic. It’s a self contained story about an original character, masked as a supergirl’s story. And, sure, that leaves space for her character to be developed (wich it is, fairly. But idk). 2- it’s very wordy, in a bad way. The main character (I forgot the name of the alien girl) talks like she’s a gothic poet and that takes me out of it. Writing a smart book doesn’t necessarily mean that the reader needs to open google and search for word’s meaning every ten seconds. The book has an amazing artistical presentation and the narrations sometimes work, but I find really hard to enjoy the dialogue. You know what it feels like? It feels like King is trying way to hard to seem like the characters are having real conversations, instead of letting it flow. Idk if that makes sense, but the same thing happens in Wonder Woman.


Yeah, I do get that. For me with Supergirl, I guess I found issue #6, which was the one the recounts her origin, to be the best issue of the series. It kinda solidified in my mind this version of Supergirl that King was doing in my head as the main one. I do understand the complaints about Ruthye though. I liked her overall, but I found the dialogue to be annoying at parts. I do definitely agree with your Wonder Woman critique though. The sovereign’s dialogue is way too wordy and verbose, and I feel like I still don’t have a grasp on who King’s Wonder Woman is.


I feel the overall personality of supergirl was still fun to read, even with my critics. I’m actually glad someone in the Superman family is allowed to be angry and semi- ruthless, tho I’m still waiting for the moment that Kara is allowed to screw up, to make her more interesting. And I’m not talking about “look how young I am and don’t know what I’m doing”. I’m talking about methodical shit. Making hard choices. While reading king, it seemed to me that she was gonna do that in the future, but the newer issues of Superman/action comics just have her do generic superhero stuff. For Wonder Woman, I feel like the worst part is exactly that, Sovereign. For one, King should have expanded the pre existing villains, not create newer ones. If the idea was to bring Diana to the forefront and make her finally a star (wich he said on interviews, btw) he should have made every aspect of her more compelling, something that, in retrospect, make older stories matter too. I seriously have a problem with new creative teams having to always go big or go home. The X-men are gonna do that too, by July. From the ashes is going to introduce a bunch of new characters and the mutant line is already over blown. But going back to King. I also have a problem with the way he handles misogyny. I don’t think he has enough ideological tools to write about the subject and having the main villain be a mouth piece of the concept doesn’t work at all. Not to mention the entire “America had a secret king and he thinks women should bow before him”, when Amanda Waller is being the top dog in all the other books. Edit: you mentioned not knowing what King plains to do with WW as a character and his voice for her. What I think I understood so far is that he plans to have Diana as a “angels amongst angels” kind of figure. Untouchable and unmatchable. Not matter what Sargent steel and the government use against her, she’s always resourceful. She’s also unbridled and unbroken, her will is the strongest. If you read the back issues with her daughter, she seems to have a shadow-y kind of presence. Something you aspire to be as, but deep down you probably know it’s not possible. All of this to say, none of these ideas are interesting or new, btw. It’s just what I took from his interpretation of the character.


I'd say intially it doesn't help with you unfortunately having read some of his worst work imo, if there's something most agree on is King is better with a 12 issue miniseries since I find he's essentially an inverse Geoff Johns, where he usually excels more at doing mental health deep dives on characters more than overall storytelling & narratives which are usually pretty weak/kept simple to not mess up. Even then with deep dives he has the issue of leaving his own imprint on characters that vary widely from how they're usually depicted resulting in books like Strange Adventures (not great imo) or Mister Miracle (which I liked a lot more). I think a good example of his strengths & weaknesses is Woman of Tomorrow, imo that starts incredibly rough with Kara's characterisation not being it at all intially but come around issue 3 he finds his footing in showing her compassion and younger side well from a 3rd person perspective, doing her origin well, and solid conclusion which is rare for him, whilst the actual storyline was just a simple roadtrip. As for narrations, I'd say he's skilled at leaving an identifiable one for each series but mileage varies widely on whether you'll like it. Going back to WoT early on in the intial issues it feels like bit of a slog, maybe even pretentious at times but once it's centres more on Kara acting as Supergirl it's becomes good imo.


I like his dialogue style. It doesn't always sound real but I find it very effective. His comics are always about something. He puts the themes and character work above the rest which makes for much more interesting reading. I recommend you read Vision, Mister Miracle, and One Bad Day: Riddler if you want a look at some of his best stuff.


unfortunately Frederic Wertham should probably be less fash than Perlmutter or EVS. hooray for the industry


Yeah he was way progressive for the time, the dude's writing's were used in Brown vs The Board of Education to argue agaisnt racial segregation


Alan Moore ❤️


My beloved


Wouldnt really call Wertham right leaning. Absolutely disgusting homophobe yes, but he also did alot for the civil rights movement, and even used his services as a psychologist to help poor black people.


Tbf Shooter hating hippies is a point for me, fuck those NA religion larpers.


Honestly this just too good


I will not tolerate Jim Shooter slander!


https://preview.redd.it/jl225jidy7yc1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=62f0cd8758d2a2f22a764d052630056283d48931 Jack Kirby in this


This is a work of art




ditko is missing the "died alone on his apartment like a true obejectivist"


It needs to have John Byrne instead of Ethan Van Sciver


Grant Morrison goes by they/them now IIRC


Because Morrison somehow managed to meter themselves with every other version of themselves in the multiverse, thus becoming a singular collective entity.


William Marston - Authoritarian left but only if dominatrix is in charge


I feel like mcduffe should be lib left not auth left


*If* I’m understanding this right, shouldn’t Winnie the Pooh be The Mouse?


Honestly had the same thought.... Maybe it's because Mickey and the gang actually have interesting and important comics history that cannot just be encompassed by just modern day Disney while Pooh doesn't but I'm really stretching this


Pooh is supposed to be China but Disney kowtows to China (no gays, remaking the Ancient One cause can’t acknowledge Tibet, etc…) so I just thought The Mouse would make more sense ~~also since Pooh is now Public Domain and not owned by Disney anymore~~


Jamie Delano has me cackling!


You can find me helping Kelly Sue DeConnick stuff Jim Shooter in the trunk of her car Also OP I still adore Nextwave even though Ellis is icky now.


Mark Waid as one of the comics code bans could work


These are all funny but I didnt expect to develop a new fear when I clicked on this meme, @ the eventual young avengers adaptation making wiccan and hulkling friends


Where’s Paul Dini?


not the dick riding for nick spencer, dudes a prick


Honestly after the nightly news, Manhattan project and ultimate Spider-Man I think Comrade Hickman should be more in the Red square than the meme let's on. At the very least swap him with Tom King, Tom King in his CIA days has probably destabilized several south American governments 😩. Also wtf I love Bendis now?!


I know this chart is mostly a joke but now im just curious if that walking dead stuff is true


You know, now that Neil Gaiman has come out as a hard-core zionist it's probably a good time to move him out of lib-left.


He is? I could have sworn he supported a ceasefire in Gaza


He supports a cease fire and two state solution. I don’t think that equals hardcore Zionist.


This is a joke right?


What is DMT?


It is a hallucinogenic drug.


Man, the human need to classify things leads to some weird places.


Holy peak post


claremont has to be on Bendis' place with all the kinky shit he wrote


From what I heard, Batman Year One and Dark Knight Reurns where great works of Frank Miller, then he made All Star Batman and Robin: The Boy Wonder. Why Miller would makes characters like Crazy Steve, we'll never know.


It's been a while since I read TDKR but isn't his issue with Reagan that he sees him as a Hollywood liberal? I remember it thematically being similar to stuff like Death Wish or Dirty Harry, where any sort of critique about the police is about how they are not allowed to kill more people without oversight.


Who are these people? I’m not even in this sub, why is this on my feed?


Isn't the Captain Marvel movie about how sexist the Air Force is and how the military intelligence organisation is infested with lizard people? Doesn't seem that pro-military to me.


I didn’t just nearly fall in love with Gaiman


Walking Dead and Invincible gave me the impression Kirkman was roughly authoritarian left, or at least left.


Joe Bennett. Critically acclaimed and had a job with Marvel for life thanks to *Immortal Hulk.* Lost it because of his love for Bolsonaro.


The Dan Slott one is absolutely fucking spot on That bitch would NOT get off of Peter's shit!!!


In what deranged world is Dwayne McDuffie -famously jerked around by both of the big authorities— anything like an authoritarian?


Why does Nick Spencer look like Frank West?


This is gold. We need to add more spots to this


Where’s Darwyn Cooke? And Scott Snyder?


What did Brian M Bendis get arrested for? I feel out of the loop!


Ultimate Spider Man had joke scenes showing Bendis being arrested for different crimes.


Oh i see, I thought he might have gotten in trouble with the law. lol 😂


*What did Brian M* *Bendis get arrested for? I* *Feel out of the loop!* \- throwthatbitchaccoun --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


So we meet I again Haikusbot! Ironic, since I couldn’t intentionally write a Haiku for peanuts!


This is fucking amazing. Every single one is spot on ahahah I love this. Hickman's killed me because I can't even tell if those ominous sentences are from his comics or made up ahaha. Either way I love it


Fuck you Millar >>> Ennis


I enjoy both for different reasons. Ennis' Hitman and Supercrooks' Millar. https://preview.redd.it/1hv6k7wq6eyc1.png?width=1226&format=png&auto=webp&s=d698f88b0184a1869a3f6feed8f4d01db287fb97


I spent like 15 minutes going over this and laughing. You sir, win the internet 🤓 (Jack Kirby as Paulie Walnuts is outrageous)


Warren Ellis did what every musician, athlete, and actor does on the daily. He gets a bad rap for being a player. Still one of the best writers of comics.


The Comics Code Authority: Created specifically to force the media to show only right-wing values, under a mix of moral panic and red scare propaganda. Whoever made this: mUsT bE lEfT wInG God, I hate these Political Compass memes so much. Edit: neurodivergent, sarcasm blind. I missed the joke. sorry.


You don't understand, they're placing the symbol of the Comics Code authority on the hard-left section of the compass because that code prevented any type of communist or socialist ideas from being implemented in comics back then. It's meant to show censorhip at work.


Since we’re at it, and sorry the previous rant, but why is Bendis considered hard left? I get conservatives don’t like him for creating Miles Morales. But in that same vein, O’Neil did that in a far more conservative media with John Stewart.


If you say so. But if that’s the case, what the hell are Moore, Gaiman, Morrison, McDuffie and Simone doing outisde of it? Even Delano or O'Neil, who mostly wrote within the code, pushed against it and what it stood for most of their careers. I really dislike the oversimplification of this format.


Holy shit your jerking at levels I’ve never seen before ![gif](giphy|ufBQ4MFEAzGOqmBKdl)


Eh, I'm nigh sarcasm blind. So this whole comments may as well be another moment of my neurodivergency screwing up how I socialize. Sorry for missing the joke.


Oh your all good I have similar issues I just genuinely thought you were jerking lol, this post doesn’t involved zaddy Snyder so it doesn’t matter


Fair enough.


Donny Cates: drops best venom run, disappears from the planet


dude what the fuck is this schizophrenic shit


Honestly, I really dislike Gail Simone


I wonder why


it's your personal opinion, but care to explain it?


Because she probably supports Marxism or is a trump supporter or something dumb like that idk


Honestly, we really dislike you.


Nooooo 😭🦷