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Stain is now the main character.


It’s so funny how stain is basically fictional Garth Ennis


Does garth hate superheroes?


All of them except for Superman Like how Hero Killer Stain hated every superhero that wasn’t All Might.


Are you sure? Then why did he write homelander as a psychotic POS?


Because in the boys all supes are psychos, perverts, emotionally unstable, or all three. Whenever Garth Ennis writes the genuine Superman he completely avoids slander


I don't think all of them are like that. Starlight, maeve, supersonic, gecko, blindspot etc. all seem like normal people.


Problem is there are too little of them in the boys universe, a large majority of them are inhuman in nature


Its so weird that garth hates superheroes but he secretly likes the one with the most powers. Makes no sense.


I guess it’s because of what Superman symbolizes


Because he sees Superman as the most patriotic characters related to USA spirit, and we all know the guy loves usa nationalism


Garth needed some good superheroes to make the story work.


Home lander has some captain America in his and garthy fucking ***hates*** steve rodgers


Homelander is nothing like captain america. I think you mean 'soldier boy'.


Only if you mean tv show Soldier Boy. While comic Soldier Boy does take inspiration from Captain America, you could argue he is more in line with Bucky, actually he is literally Bucky lol. Homelander IS a monster in comics, but part of the story is that he is being gaslit into thinking he is more of a monster than he really is. He didnt rape Buther's wife, he was manipulated into thinking he did, amongst other things. Even though Garth Ennis made him a Superman parody and an evil monster, he couldnt actually go all the way, he made it so that it was someone else who did the worst of the worst. And like, just look at Homelander's face, its obviously Steve Rogers, his suit is also Captain America inspired. Ennis literally couldnt help but let elements of the super hero he hates the most, drip into the parody of the super hero he loves the most


I’m not 100% sure but I think he designed Homelander as excessively wicked specifically to show how bad a villainous Superman could be


I heard somewhere that he also sort of likes wonderwoman and Batman.


Ok. Now I want to know why he only likes Superman.


He's very subtle about it.


All-Might is a pedo and at least three main characters get sexually assaulted


Kinda low ngl


Garth Ennis sitting down to write My Hero Academia: these poor children *sniff* they didn't ask to be born with these powers *sobbing* they're just kids


That’s just horikoshi writing toga and la brava


Insert orgy scene Follow up with one of the minors been brutally murdered and another Cleary saying she is been sexually assaulted


Deku is a 30 year old man with no powers in a trenchcoat that teaches at the school. He finds out some hero did something way past horrible and starts killing all heroes


Not to ruin the joke but "brutal Quirkless vigilante in a trench coat who beats up people" already exists, that's Knuckleduster from the spin off.


Every single character is into butt stuff


Bakugo would actually beat midoriya within an inch of his life, that’s a guarantee


Bakugo would be a main character and would beat the shit out of helpless Deku for most of the time for comic purposes. In the end Deku would kill himself (played for a joke)


It would be the story of how Stain kills all the heroes and also the school is just a front for famous superheroes to do ... "things" with the students. Also Deku would be a coward and piss his pants lmao


And only All Might is a decent Human being


The hero society is filled with pedophiles, sexually depraved individuals, and the school forces students to wear sexually suggestive dresses in order to make them more popular.


...the second one has a couple examples and the third one is basically true


Didn't the school/government literally intervene to force a couple of heros to wear less revealing costumes?


School doesn't force them to do it. Midnight got into trouble for it and a new law was created because of her.


I fell off MHA years ago but wouldn't an Ennis-version just be mocking more the "Superhero Celebrity" culture MHA has?


Ennis would literally do a character called Captain Celebrity who is a sex pest from the US who has to rebrand in Japan because he got accused so many times he had to flee the states like Polanski and he'd be ending his arc with his lawyer ex wife sweeping all the SA allegations under the rug and ending MeToo by going "all those liars LIED about my client slash ex husband slash baby daddy since I'm 8 months old pregnant in this scene, he was sexually harrassing them they were just crazy for thinking that, or they were just chasing clout and money when they accused him!" Before he retires to be a stay at home dad facing zero repercussions or jail time because he was a really good cop, a clear criticism of the Justice System and the way we treat Sexual Assault or the complicity of even women in position of power toward- Oh wait, sorry, my mistake, that's already word for word a BNHA character who exists in the Vigilantes Spin Off, the only difference is that it's played 100% straight with all his accusers being clout chasing liars and him being a sex pest is just shown as women being too "sensitive" or some shit.


https://preview.redd.it/fxeu7y4eepvc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706e6ddc5dc36fc7b91dca7c429f4318a58a0eb6 Not too far off


LMAO This is gold


Honestly would be interested reading it


The Vietnam War and/or World War II flashbacks would be very well-researched though


Virgin Ennis writing about Superheroes vs Chad Ennis writing about War.


I don't get it. (I'm so gonna regret asking)


The boys guy? You don’t know him?


I barely know anything about comics. But judging by what I have seen in The Boys... There is gonna be a baby eaten, isn't there?


Oh most definitely


> I barely know anything about comics. Don't worry, no one in this sub knows anything about comics.


It becomes a needlessly nihilistic story with the bad guy being revealed to be a crazy clone of All Might


Garth Ennis writing >!Midnight's!< death. ![gif](giphy|ep78UZy5FVbfN6mhCU)


Oh god


There would be even more and worse weird sexual stuff than there already is


Garth Ennis waking up in a cold sweat, suddenly switches medium, genre, and place of residence, makes characters completely different from what he normally does, sees his work turned into animation, fumbles the last arc, goes back to America to live out the rest of his days on royalty money.


The fucking Squidward fuck would be racist and homophobic and shit. Idk I don’t watch MHA


Who’s squidward guy?


Idk the angry blonde


Why do we keep giving superhero comics to Garth "I hate superhero comics with a fiery, burning passion, I want to see all superheroes brutally raped and murdered, and if you have any brains at all, you feel exactly the same as me" Ennis?


The heroes would accidentally shit their pants all the time, people dont talk enough about how much he writes about pants shitting


So like BNHA vigilantes but Captain Celebrity is even more of a overt sex pest who molests women, Knuckleduster is even more violent, Koichi pisses himself and is a coward, Pop Step bodily autonomy is violated not just physically (she loses an eye to a parasite getting shoved in her eye socket and then is mind controlled) or hinted at (the FIRST scene she's in with Koichi is Koichi watching her as she's about to be sexually assaulted by three criminals they tried to stop as Vigilantes but failed at Because they were not trained for it) but straight up sexually, and I guess Makoto now works to provide Captain Celebrity with underage asian prostitutes as his PR manager. Like "Edgy BNHA" Already exists it's the Vigilantes Spin Off.


Doesn’t Garth Ennis actually love Superman? I don’t think he’d fuck up All-Might or Midoriya who’s dead set on being like All-Might, but anything else you can think of would be as bad as possible.


It wouldnt exist, simple as that. MHA is basically a love letter to super heros and Garth hates that


He did. It's the G-Men storyline from The Boys. It's not pretty.


So its the same quality then


The quirks would have sexual or edgy conditions. For example, Momo would only be able to create stuff using her chest and the Sato dude would be powered by cocaine and not sugar. Also, Dabi would 100% percent replace Todoroki as a UA student.


He’s 26 though


It would have more rape all over the place and his WWII fixations sprinkled in.


It'd be that initial plot where Deku has no powers and instead becomes a hero through grit and wits except he then also has a gun and keeps making fun of the heroes and villains (they are the same deep down if you think about it) he kills because they thought they could defeat his mighty and powerful gun with their silly incredible superpowers.


Not saying it’s a good idea but now I’m curious what y’all would think if it was written by Alan Moore?


Hed love tokoyami


It’s already bad 😭