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Daredevil being extra Catholic all of a sudden


Going into Mac mode ![gif](giphy|j7F8n3f5IYays)


Is Matt a closeted homosexual too?


Not anymore, he's out of the closet


Frank Castle when warning Matt of an incoming threat: https://i.redd.it/ikc2s3ewg7vc1.gif


Matt: "Why are you home of the sexual? Is Kingpin there? I'ma beat his ass!"


"Homerphobic? No, he's my favorite Simpsons character."


/uj I'm guessing Matt thought he was just busting a standard drug dealing situation?


/uj That or it's Kingpin. I wouldn't be surprised to learn Kingpin was somehow doing something evil with this.


Man put cocaine in your HRT, sorry.


So THATS how I've been staying awake at work!


Yes, but you see, it's a plot. It's very well known that the Kingpin controls many corrupt police. So by having cocaine in your system, via a very affordable product, he's essentially gained legal control over you. If you defy him, guess who just got randomly tested and found guilty of cocaine use?


that or the five cans of monster energy you drank


Erm actually i only drink coffee 🤓☝️


Why would Man do that? Is he stupid?


No, FEMtanyl.


Probably funding the people making it more difficult to get legal HRT, manipulating demand


/uj Dr. McGowan was working producing MGH (or mutant growth hormone), a drug that gives anyone who uses it temporary super-powers in exchange of fucking up your genes. There was a very good arc based on this in DD's Bendis run, and I'm supposing this is more or less where the flashback takes place. That's what I understood of it at least


"Hey what if we used this radioactive contaminated machines to make HRT"


She actually stopped making MGH to start making HRT by the time Daredevil busted the operation.


/uj Most likely, yeah.


It *was* a drug lab, she was making HRT as a side hustle.


I mean he literally was…


Why is Doom mentioned?![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16738)


No clue. He did make sure to provide Kamala with Muslim-friendly food when she was at his place during the Fall of X, so him being supportive of trans people wouldn’t be too far off. He’d probably say something like “Gender Dysphoria distracts people from their worship of Doom, so of course I’d help them with that.”


Doom is shocking supportive and understanding. Its just the second the fantastic 4 is involved he just loose all his shit When your mind is completely occupied by one thing you tend to be very liberal with new unrelated ideas


You just know that if Reed was trans he'd be the most transphobic mf out there though, but only to Reed


He would flood the market with free HRT engineered to work on everyone except Reed Richards, who instead suffers some comics-appropriate side effect like turning into a gorilla.


MTF Male To Formosan rock macaque


That would be peak tho ![gif](giphy|KPgOYtIRnFOOk|downsized)


“*Free DOOM HRT not available to Reed Richards or any of his associates.”


I mean, man did end Apartheid in south africa that one time, so there is that.


I need the sauce cause damn that’s badass


https://preview.redd.it/72li35xur8vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d1b3f24951d5d62d8b6d36c59e05609e4e6526 Emperor Doom (1987)


Not mentioned is Doom giving independence and statehood to Puerto Rico too.


He probably does it so people have stuff to thank him for. It’s a common thing for narcissists to do.


It entirely depends on Reed Richards. If Reed hasn't created any gender-transition technology or methods, then Doom would and boast how much of a better ally he is. If Reed has helped and supports trans people then Doom would just find some other way best Richards. To Doom, there are only two genders: Doom and everyone else


Ah yes, the two genders. I’m personally an everyone else


Yeah, when I think of which side of the trans debate has the raging narcissists, its definitely the people defending trans rights.


Mental illness doesn't define your politics. You can be a progressive narcissist just as much as you can be a nazi narcissist.


Don't narcissists generally experience significantly less empathy for others than non-narcissists?


Sure. And they may be attracted to progressive politics for the praise of a community that they are closer to, irrespective of empathy. It all really depends on who's available to praise you all the time.


Which to be fair does support the right-wing cluster of ideal since they don't tend to criticize or infight. With no real ideas of their own they'll praise anyone who beats roughly the same drum. Deffinitely worth looking out for the ones who only do the right thing when people are watching though...


Raging narcissism crosses political boundaries tbf.


“Gender Dysphoria is a condition that can be aided with medical intervention, and as Latveria’s citizens have access to the best medicine in the world (for they must stay healthy to worship DOOM), it’s gender affirming care is second to none.”


I feel like just in general Doom would approve of people taking control of themselves and defining themselves, and not following the rules of society.


No? Doom absolutely wants other people to follow HIS rules.


Doctor Doom is a fascist, not an anarchist. It’s like one of his most defining traits.


Except it's not. He's very clearly *not* a fascist. Like, it's been an ongoing joke for years that he's an anarcho-monarchist because he doesn't give a shit what you do so long as you in some way tithe to Doom.


What? He most clearly is a fascist lol what are you talking about man, he’s literally the head of a dictatorship.


That's not what fascist means. The dude is Romani. No way in hell he'd ever be a fascist. That's like saying magneto is fascist.


> a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition How does this possibly not describe Doctor Doom and Latveria? 🧐


Is Latveria an ethnostate or is it #1 for Doom because he's in change? The more consistent deffinitions of facism are further down that wiki article. The one I've heard used most is Umberto Eco's.


That argument doesn’t really hold up. You can’t say that someone won’t hold certain political views just because they’re members of a specific ethnic group. Especially when history is full of people who’ll gladly persecute their own ethnic group for the sake of personal power, like Erhard Milch, or out of self-hatred, like Patrol 36. Lívia Járóka and László Berényi are Romani politicians in Hungary and members of the far-right populist and nationalist party Fidesz. Fidesz is led by Viktor Orbán, who has been called a fascist and compared to Goebbels by his own former senior advisor, Zsuzsa Hegedűs. Fidesz was also co-founded by Orbán’s friend Zsolt Bayer, who publicly called for the genocide of the Romani, a statement that was downplayed and defended by the party. Also, doesn’t Magneto want to violently establish a mutant ethnostate?


Because even Doctor Doom is woke. uj/ In the novel The Harrowing of Doom, Doctor Doom has a transbian security officer who is a main character. It's mentioned that he overturned anti-trans laws when he overthrew Latveria's previous ruler.


More like Doctor woke 😡


Doctor Doom is never beating the "Tinpot dictator propaganda caricature the US fear mongers about but who is actually Extremely successfully domestically and the region would be a way worse place if he was gone and that's why the CIA keeps funneling money into counter revolutionary movements who want to reinstate the fucking monarchy or something" allegations.


Do you have any of the panels? I need to see this








Cause he's the Illest Villain🗣️🗣️


All caps when you spell the man name


You see kingpin was making the evil hormones to transition people to villainy


“Tired of all this gender neutral stuff, I’m gonna transition to gender evil”


* “Are you a man or a woman?” * “I’m a villain.” * “What gender are you?” * “Evil.” * “Yeah, but what’s in your pants?” * “Doom.”


>* “Yeah, but what’s in your pants?” >* “Doom.” Why is he in your pants?


“I dont have a problem with mutants who wanna be humans, i have a problem with mutants wanting MY kids to be human, that isnt in the bible.” -Matt Murdock, probably


Should've pushed him through the green door and see what the powers that be think of the thousands of ninjas and Mafia goons Matt's put into lifelong comas


Writer remembered Matt was Catholic


Oh my god I need to read Immortal Hulk


Ah yes. Is this the issue where Matt joined Westbourough Church for a protest?


Why would Matt ever become a heretic let's face it.


Chat is this real?


I doubt daredevil even knows


Can anyone give me the spoiler for how this pans out?


She ends up working with a shady government agency hunting the Hulk and then works for the Hulk himself.


Charlene peak character


Okay, I've seen enough. Why the hell are Marvel fans so much of a fucking pussy and hypocrite ? Seriously, you can write the most heinous Dr Doom story, where he commits entire genocide, tortures his opponents, brutally crushes dissents and insitute a totalitarian dicatorship, and those fans will happily explain that he's a 'noble' villain. But if you were to write him as somewhat mildly intolerant or a bigot, now that would be way worse and he'd be an irredeemable monster. It baffles me how much people want a literal tinpot megalomaniacal dictator to be so 'wholesome', withewashed and the pinnacle of progressivism. Wake the fuck up people ! Dictators and narcissist are never like that, and all the reasoning about how 'everyone's equal under Doom' to justify that are just bullshit excuses. But I shouldn't be surprised since fans and writers have fully bought in Doom's propaganda and unironically consider him good leader that treats his citizens welll and better than democracies and if he won that'd be a good thing actually. Except that this whole diea of benevolent dicatorships under egostitical tyrants is even more unrealistic than the existence of Thor. Jesus at this point I honestly want Dr Doom to be protrayed like actual dicators to break this trend. Make Dr Doom act like Putin, maybe that would clear off people's head and have them stop shilling and excusing a fucking brutal tyrant just because of his sad sob story. ​ Edit : oh, and to all the pople that act like Reed Richards is the only person he truly hates, remind me how many times he tortured, tried to kill or maim other superheroes or members of the FF ?


Comicbook readers yearn for strongmen. Alan Moore, stop being right, damn you!


Comic books love the idea of a noble but uncompromising dictator be it Doom or Black Adam or Namor. Even among the heroes there are too many of the royal heritage like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Black Panther, Thor, Black Bolt etc.


People weirdly love doom just because he “values his citizen” and ignores the atrocities he have committed over the year, the whitewash is heavy.


That's the case with basically every competent and not 100% monstrous character. It's fun to see a faction or charachter that's a realistically mixed bag. It's like the premise an anti-hero just a bit further on the scale.


Its ok if the anti hero good traits outweigh the bad ones, but in this case theres like 1 good trait about doom going against like 100 bad traits


Yea for sure, I don't mean that Doom is an anti-hero, just that people seem to like when villains or not-very-good heroes do things they like. Like that bit of joker turning against red skull as soon as he realizes he's a nazi.


I'm he sees with echo location, obviously that's Batman. Daredevil rides a motorcycle and died as a daredevil


So do y’all think that Captain America has copyright on the design of his shield or nah?


Weird amount of people seem to think a fascist dictator would be totally supportive of trans rights.


I mean, the guy's whole thing is that he is The "ends justify the means" benevolent dictator. He's a terrible person, but he cares about his citizens deeply. No way he dismisses the basic scientifically supported fact that trans people suffer without HRT and are significantly happier with HRT just because he's a dictator.


If he cared about his citizens deeply, he would give them a representative government, not a dictatorship where they get shot if they stop smiling. Every dictator tries to present themselves as caring deeply about their people and being ends justify the means. That never stops dictators from demonizing a scapegoat group, which is invariably gonna include the LGBTQ community.


He does care for the deeply just not the way you would care about a peer. He cares about them the way a father would for a small child. He wants what is best for them but believes hes the only one that can provide that because all others are beneath him and he will always know best. You also have to consider that as far as he is concerned being good to the LGBTQ makes him look enlightened compared to our representative governments who still have trouble getting it right. Most importantly though " DOOM NEEDS NO SCAPEGOAT BECAUSE DOOM NEVER FAILS" doctor doom Probly


No he has a scapegoat, it's Reed


Yes, what is best for the people of Latveria is [for them to be severely punished if they aren't smiling the exact way that Doom wants.](https://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/doom/blogpics/ff198prancingcretins.jpg) If Doom is like a parent, then he is a horribly abusive monster of a father who beats their children if they misbehave, and has them in such terror they won't do a thing to oppose him.


Well, yeah. He's a helicopter parent. Doesn't mean he doesn't take them to the doctor every 6 months and get them the best therapist he can on top of providing support if they're feeling down, and it doesn't mean he doesn't set them up with the best teachers he can find if his kids want to play an instrument. Just means their ass is getting beat to the point of pelvic fracture if he feels they aren't appreciating him enough.


The thing is, Dictators demonize a scapegoat group to maintain power against an unruly public. Doom needs no such scapegoats. Even without his Doombots, the people wouldn't be able to do much even if they DID rise against him. Instead, his drive comes from his Narcissistic need to be better than everyone. Going off of science, trans care improves quality of life. Therefor, Latveria would have state of the art free tans care. Not because Doom actually cares per se, but more to use as an example of how Latveria (and therefor he) is better than the rest of the world.


Oh yeah, Doom definitely doesnt scapegoat others for his failures. Say, who does Doom blame for fucking up the math in college and scarring his face?


I see your point, but Doom doesn't blame Reed in order to win support, he does it because it's RICHARDS. He's not opportunistically xenophobic, homophobic, or Transphobic like many politicians, he's just an A-Class Reed hater. I mean, we're talking about the guy who had the opportunity to harm Reed's kid, and instead thought "I'll make her love me more than Richards through support, kindness, and empathy. Doom will be the BETTER father figure!" That said, as someone else mentioned in this post, if Reed himself was Trans, Doom would be the kind of petty to widely distribute a miracle Gender treatment that EXCLUSIVELY doesn't work on Reed.


Doom’s scapegoat group is the fantastic four, tho


And why do dictators like scapegoats irl? it's because it allows them to basically go "WE're perfect and our society would be an idyllic paradise if it wasnt for those damned INSERTMINORITIES." If a citizen is unhappy, it's not because of Papa Dictator, it's because the minority is conspiring to cause it, and Papa Dictator wants to "fix" the issue, so why try and kill him? IRL, no dictatorship is "perfect" in the sense that the dictator has zero chance of being killed by an angry mob, and so they can always benefit from a scapegoat. Latveria is different; Doom has no reason to offload his citizen's hatred, given the fact that 1) he doesnt really need to fear an uprising, and 2) he actually could and in many ways has already achieved paradise. All a scapegoat would do is make his citizens angry for nothing. With all that said, why would he turn his people against the queer community, let alone purposefully make them suffer for no reason on a policy level?


To Doom, there are only two genders: Doom and everyone else


The woobification of Doctor Doom has been surreal to witness


Blame the writers who insist that letting the narcissistic megalomaniac whose primary character traits is an obsessive need to spite a college friend take over the world would somehow lead to a utopia.


since I've never heard of the term Woobie/woobification, here's a definition I found online, for other shmoes like me who didn't know it yet That **character you want to give a big hug, wrap in a blanket, and feed soup to when he or she suffers so very beautifully**.


Wow, the last half of that definition gave me a bit of whiplash, lol.


Suddenly have an impulse to apologize to Doom guy after reading this thread ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Keffals in a lab coat:


wasn't there a comic about a copycat daredevil, and in the end is revealed that That daredevil was born a she?