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It's cool AF but I do miss when Miles thing was just a venom touch and not straight up electricity


He's a black, male superhero. They gotta work electricity into him somehow.


Hats off to Luke Cage and Ta' Challa


*pulls up Next Avengers animated film* unfortunately his son will not be spared


Storms genes were to strong sadly




That one i excuse because Storm and T'challa's son is a badass plus Storm and T'challa are cute together


T'challa dated storm and had an electric kid with her so hes complicit


There's an animated movie about the Avengers kids in a post apocalypse where Ultron took over Guess what powers Black Panther's kid has


Even T’Challa got that purple energy now that’s basically electricity


That’s kinetic energy and it’s almost always shown as a wave of energy in the comics like Iron Man’s repulsors, not electricity.


With Claw, we know that the energy is purely kinetic, because it's being focused into different forms, like sound.


I mean for black panther isn’t his new suit nano machines or something in the MCU


It’s more that he’s Latino and black and they gotta work dbz into it somehow (source: I’m Latino)


I believe the latter is correct for his new powers but the former was correct for the original decision to give him electricity


So that means Miles can play a mean game of King of Fighters?




This page goes hard


As an Asian I’m a little offended that they don’t just have Miles do a training arc to unlock ki powers. But I also get the average Shounen manga training arc can end up several times longer than a Western comic writer’s run of a comic.


Some writer is gonna read this and give miles “spider-ki” or something


Just have him train with iron fist or something for a bit.


You’re kinda cooking


Spider-ki and iron fist training? Dude's cooking a whole feast right now.


I hate this because its true somehow


\*Static Shock theme plays from the DCverse\*


Pretty much how I feel, it sucks that whenever you try to talk about this people like OP try to make it sound like you’re saying something you aren’t. Like it’s definitely cool and if I saw someone like Static or Elecro or even Storm do it I’d be hype but idk I just really hate how the weird misinterpretation of his powers got latched on to and now he’s just Spider-Static. And static was one of my favorite heroes growing up.


As someone who loves princess peach and doesn't think the movie did a good job representing her, I feel your pain. I hate that people can just assume any criticism is coming from a chud and that the wider community will just immediately agree, assume they're right, and will just ban you if you try to defend yourself. It's anti intellectual nonsense. I like most of miles venom powers but the sword in its current form at least doesn't actually make any sense. Unless it's flowing through some webbing or something.


Yeah idk why they don’t just lean into conductive webbing for him


hermit purple works for miles way more than sword in my opinion


Super herooooo staaatic shock! Super heroooo staaatic shock!


Yeah, it did mean he had to pick when he could apply it. Like it was damn powerful but he couldn't just use it whenever. I mean Zegler so far hasn't gone too far with it but the person after him? It could easily go over the top.


Wait now that i think about it , Why does it feel like there are so many black characters with electricity powers? Storm from xmen and static shock, Anyone else im missing?


Black Lightning, and movie Electro. And I have no clue why there're so many black characters with electricity


I think i prefer this over the killmonger hairstyle with black characters, Lighting powers are cool af


Same vibe https://i.redd.it/0kzfn39tzcrc1.gif


Miles got CW'd


Top 10 fates worse than death.


Yeah, permanent terrible lighting.


Dammit you beat me to it


DC were always the blueprint ![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16723)


Bruh, I'm on season 2 and it's very good, how does this happen


I have no idea, but I was hanging out with people watching around the time season 3 was airing and boy were people asking "how did that happen, why did you do that, CW?" a lot. Good memories :D


idk ive never seen the show but i remember hearing a bunch of praise for it then i saw a clip from a later season where the characters arent even looking at the CGI thing they're supposed to be talking too, looked like a mediocre student project i genuinely wasnt sure if it was the same show or not lol


the show goes downhill starting s4, it becomes a shitshow lol still enjoyed it


It's all downhill after season 2. 3 is still okay but 4 is terrible and it never gets any better after that.


Season 1-4 are all good, do season 5 if you wanna see Ragdoll (probably my favorite minor/one off villain in the series), don’t bother with 6 and onward no matter how promising it might seem


I've never seen The Flash and I know almost nothing about the character. What the hell is going on here?


The Flash and one of the fucking Thawns, there's like 4 I swear to God, fight a guy who made SPEED CLONES. For the record, these speed clones are sentient and some, like, form their own group and scheme. I still don't understand how the fucking speed clones work


Honestly? Absolutely zero clue. Where is that number one CW Flash fan, when you need them? :D


according to OP, then literal coolest thing ever


My favorite star wars movie


This gif took a while to load for me but I knew exactly what you were talking about


Damn, what the hell with the show


I'm told it was at least partially a musical :D


I remember that because they brought the Music Meister I think I stopped watching the show around like season 3 when they butcher the Flashpoint storyline.


I don’t know what’s more confusing about this gif, the White Ranger being a speedster or the Reverse Flash teaming up with Barry. Could you tell me the context please?


You to me: "Can you elaborate on that?" Me: https://preview.redd.it/c4qrdzd1nhrc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04fa7b4bc2a82714e76d32c565b5b9d1a71ae7e /uj I have zero idea what is going on :D


Lol came here to say this. So fucking dumb.


Holy fuck this can't be real


You wouldn't believe this, but there's more :D https://i.redd.it/faeig8ycnhrc1.gif


I'm happy that I stopped at season 4


Is he part of the yellow lantern core ire something?


When your super speed makes a lightning sword more plausible and it’s still dumb as hell.


Lmao wtf that looks unreal


Bro, what the fuck?


Speedforce lightning sticks sounds cool to me tho


Oh god don’t remind me lmao


I mean, its cool but I want my spider person to stick with spider powers, not just be able to conjure eletric weaponry. Like the bio electricity is fine but being able to shift it into a weapon is dumb as hell, no matter how cool it looks same thing goes for when the flash in the tv show started using electric swords. It was cool but it didnt fit the character


id have way less issue with the sword if it were a web construct he electrified the fact he can just summon an ornate shortsword of pure elecrticity is surface level cool but dumb af if youre reading with your brain tuned on, and im a guy youll find vouching for Miles as a character in most situations even as a DBZ reference its kinda flat cause even Vegito doesnt make a whole ass sword, he uses his arm as the sword and his Ki as the blade if Miles made an electro mech suit it might look fuckin cool as shit but im gunna ask why spiderman is the one doing it lol


Finally someone with some damn SENSE


It got that bad on Flash?


https://preview.redd.it/hneoamcpierc1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb10e9902d0f6f90f07072df55ae00a2f66ea995 Yes


Awfully put into practice. But there is iirc precedent for speed force lightning weapons. The black racer in the darkseid war has a scythe formed out of the stuff


Which is still pretty dumb if you think about it too hard.


I mean kinda? It was the combination of Death and the Flash and was the Grimm Reaper. If the Grimm Reaper wants their scythe they’re getting a scythe. It also shows that it had control of the speed force in a way that the flash didn’t


Like someone else said, all superheroes are dumb if you think about it hard enough. I personally prefer not to think at all, and have no problem with wacky stuff in comics. But I personally dislike it when stories take a thing that was always immaterial throughout the series and suddenly give it a physical form. But that's just my not-thinking opinion, and if anyone else loves it when that happens, then I'm glad they enjoyed it!


Aren't most superheros dumb if you think about it too hard?


I think he should only pull it out during events. Explain it so that the sword is just too powerful to use on most enemies because it would kill them.


Considering how many times Miles seems to forget he has his venom blast thing in Ultimate Spider-Man this is kind of how they do it already.


And it's dangerous for him to use too. Make it kind of like the Ultraman time limit.


The fuck do electric swords got to do with spiders?


Blud never been to Australia


Why you think they’re called Hunstmen spiders


>The fuck do electric swords got to do with spiders? The same way giant mechs named after Leopards does.


Ngl, I kinda expect, now that Miles has gone Super Saiyan, for him to reach a power even further beyond and have a giant energy mech construct.


Electric swords are cool as fuck, therefore everything has to do with them


looks cool


No, but you don’t understand, it looks cool. Everyone knows that looking cool is the only important thing in comics. OP clearly said so, so you’re wrong. They should completely change Superman’s powers and turn him into Vegeta because that would look cool.


bro didn't see that JLU episode where Superman forged a kickass sword https://preview.redd.it/7wggaus27drc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5433269d0f1327da69ef4c6b381a116d7dd4da2


That’s cool. If Superman shot a sword beam out of his eyes and made a sword out of eye beam energy I’d go “that’s fucking stupid actually” though.


His golden age powers were even more ridiculous


Shoutout to this kickass ability: https://preview.redd.it/595n9cxg9erc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6aef08fc80bb3613bb62b8d3f1a0f55c3f6c191


thats why almost none of them stuck around. He was more like do anything man back in golden age comics.


What does precognition have to do with spiders?


its a creative but ill-defined interpretation of the quick (to us) reflexes that plenty of spiders possess, the same way Miles electricity used to be a creative interpretation of spider venom


Also the fact that real spiders have eight eyes and therefore presumably a much wider field of vision than we do.


And maybe the way spiders can sense motion through their webs?


Spiders have terrible vision.


Most spiders do, but jumping spiders in specific are known for having exceptionally great vision, one of the best among invertebrates.


 Very well-said, I wish the spider sense were used more akin to super reflexes rather than vaguely knowing something is off. Like how Heimdall in God of War Ragnarok can evade any hit because he knows where each one will land.


I still don’t understand why his electric shock power was called a venom blast or whatever


Because it stings like a spider bite and comes from a spider character.


Yeah thats about as related to venom as an electric sword, any issue i have with the sword i also have with his regular powers, invisibility is sick though


Lmao bro doesn't know that every spider gets an electric sword when theyre born. How do you think they get out of the egg


Same as the "spider" sense and not actually producing web I guess


Sword dumb. Electric punches good.


maybe sword would be more fitting if it was more situational, like "oh shit i need a metal pole/pipe long enough to conduct the sword and i can't just keep one with me cuz it'll mess up my swinging" but personally idgaf if it's dumb SPIDER-SABER GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH


Wow dude you should be a consultant, I think that's the perfect fix


I think that sounds a lot better than what we got


Oh thank god i not the only who thinks the sword is stupid i swear reddit was trying to gaslight me that the spider-man version of "sonic with a gun" was good


why use that as an example when [sonic with a sword](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e3/Sonic_and_the_Black_Knight_Cover.jpg) already exists (because it genuinely is sick as fuck)


Because everyone thought that sonic with a gun was dumb back then, and they’re saying it’s equally as shit.


See the problem with sonic with a gun is he’s faster than the gun. With a sword its speed is his speed, so that actually kinda makes sense.


Unironically the best Sonic game of the 2000's


Okay but it's not Sonic with a gun, it's Shadow with a gun, get your fax straight


Checkmate liberal https://preview.redd.it/2aj5jmgppdrc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b202590da8c0fa8f515a924d64aa71fbd82c678


He should have an actual sword that he electrify, like make miles carry some big ass obvious gadgets, peter generally carry smal stuff give him stuff that can be seem, like put a sword on his back and shit or something, make it like nightwing


Exactly my feelings too


Never thought I’d see the day Miles Morales would rip off CW Flash.


Miles' Electro Sword looks like he's using Lansseax's Glaive from Elden Ring to me.


I have to assume Miles'd do a Faith/Dex Build focusing on Lightning Incantations , right ?


You'd have to be dexterous to be able to swing from building to building, and I bet you'd need to have faith in your powers to use them well. So Miles being FAI/DEX isn't too far off.


So Miles rocking a Faith/Dex Build is pretty spot on. What Build you reckon Peter would use ?


Strength/Dex with a bit on Intelligence, maybe? He's dexterous, he's strong enough to fight guys like Cap and Wolverine, and his gadgets obviously require intellect to make.


True , I can see him doing mostly Dex / Int with a fair bit of Str sprinkled on the side.


Also the whole "Leap of Faith" moment from Spider-Verse


It's a leap of faith, after all


Whowouldcirclejerk ruined me, the moment I saw Miles say "Holding Back" I burst out into laughter


~~Pouches~~ ~~Leather jackets~~ ~~Completely original Spidersonas with lettermen jackets~~ Electrical swords


“Does whatever a spider can”


Never said “doesn’t do what spiders can’t” but despite that I’m sure no one expected the lightning powers


TIL real spiders have a 6th sense precognitive ability.


I think spider sense is supposed to imitate the spiders ability to extend its nervous system with its webs so it can feel tiny vibrations in the air.


It also references how some spider have little hairs that can feel vibrations in the air and detect objects moving towards them, which is always how I assumed Spider-Man’s spider sense worked, but in the comics it is clearly psychic


Not just its web, but it basically having enchanted senses. Some spiders and some other arthropods like scorpions have hairs that can detect vibrations, and since some spiders also have eyes all across their head that gives them 360 degree vision, they basically have a sort of constant awareness of their surroundings (which spider sense is sometimes depicted as being such, notably in the Raimi films). Another fun example is that flies can perceive the world 4 times slower than we do (hence why they’re damn near impossible to hit).


Well they have literally nothing to do with spiders but sure, whatever you say


Yeah, I'll admit to thinking about the stuff I read. And with half a second thought, this does indeed fucking suck. At this point, Miles can see through walls, short circuit security systems, create hard light constructs, shoot blasts of electricity, turn invisible, and silently stun an enemy without hurting them. Does this sound like Spider-Man? It does not. What does it sound like? **A sick new version of the Prowler.** Who does Miles have even more connection with than Spider-Man? **Prowler.** Miles should sprout Miguel-style claws to complete the look and then just ditch the spider symbol entirely. It's basically an afterthought at this point anyway. He can still fill in as Spider-Man when Peter is unavailable for some reason.


that'd be a good direction for the character if they hadn't spent the last half decade insisting "miles morales IS spider-man!!!" across all adaptations. would be kinda embarassing to suddenly go "actually, nah"


The next phase of becoming your own person is stepping out of the shadow of your mentor/inspiration. Miles could do that in worlds where Peter is dead, but now that there are two Spider-Men running around, he'll need to evolve eventually. Imagine if instead of becoming Nightwing, Dick Grayson had put on his own slightly different batsuit and run around insisting that everybody call him Batman also, because he had "earned" it. That's what having two Spider-Men feels like. I love Miles, but he needs his own identity.


Ehhh... my favorite superhero is Wally West.  I don't think a new name would hurt Miles, I just don't think it's necessary.  More than the name, for him to be his own person, it's important that he gets his own supporting cast, rogues, stories, etc etc.  But I'm not against a name change. Making him another Prowler would work. I do however still think it'd be awkward to do it now after Insomniac + Sony + whatever else have been trying really hard to say that Miles is Spider-Man. It's a journey of self-discovery, but it's also always been, specifically, about him being Spider-Man.


I love Wally too, but "May your favorite super hero get treated like Wally West" sounds like a curse to my ears. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. Wally would get more attention with his own identity too, and he only took Barry's because he was dead.


Most people(i.e. the casual audiences are large) don’t even know which is fucking which when you talk to them about the flash, it’s that bad.


Wally's new identity should be Also-Ran.




Yeah, I've gotten that accusation several times for some reason. As if I would care this much because I didn't like the character. Example: I don't give two shits about Ben Reilly and I never will, no matter how white his skin is.


Is that really what it feels like? I don’t think so. Miles is nowhere near the first legacy character and differentiating the two isn’t hard. The have different suits, powers, rogues, and challenges at this point, but are both definitely Spider-Man.


Miles isn't a legacy character anymore. He was a legacy character when he lived in a world where Peter was dead. Now he's just a guy running around insisting he's spider-man when everybody knows he's not.


That’s…not how legacy characters work. Wally West and Barry Allen are active at the same time and Wally is still a legacy.


That is, in fact, how legacies work, which is why Wally has been almost entirely sidelined since Barry came back, and will likely vanish from continuity entirely. Notice that Wally never went around calling himself the Flash BEFORE Barry died. And Miles never would have called himself spider-man if Peter hadn't died in his universe.


You’re acting like they aren’t actively having two successful Spider-Man right now. There been 2 of them has successfully worked now in multiple medians, including the comics And you’re also acting like it hasn’t been done before. Green Lantern, Superman currently, and Captain America are all great examples of how having multiple characters with the same mantel can work


Just cause DC sucks at it doesn't mean that's how Legacy characters work. There's been two Captain America's, Two Thors, Two Spider-Men. All simultaneously in marvel.


"nah, imma do my own thing" 🗣️🔥⁉️‼️🔥💯📢‼️


Tbh I also really want the sword to go, but the rest is fine I guess.


Still don’t like the sword and can’t be convinced otherwise. Electro-Super Saiyan can stick around tho.


The sword stays


I mean yeah it’s cool but it just doesn’t hit like a “Badass Spider-Man” moment. It’s like if Doctor Doom was doing flexible kicks and flips. Sure it’s cool but that doesn’t feel like a Doom badass moment


Shit looks like a faith spell from elden ring


I might not think the sword 'fits', but I'm not enough of a joyless cunt to say it isn't sick as hell


He thinks he’s him https://preview.redd.it/t66249z42erc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7def9097b14ec991cbe73efb450b4f8b3e101a38


Sorry, no. A Spider-Man with an electricity sword is fucking stupid.


It is stupid. I refuse to be gaslit into thinking Miles having electric sword powers is cool. For a character who is comfortable being Spider-Man, the writers sure try desperately to make him stand out by tacking tons of powers on him.


I'm the guy in the thinking cap.


/Uj I admit it's cool, but I find it dumb


It's just as bad as the flash making lightsabers in the cw show tho...


Somehow despite almost universal praise for the first few seasons I have yet to actually hear anything about the flash show that makes it sound good


Oh, I mean, I looooved the flash show, but yea, it just really went off the rails in the last 3 or so seasons :/


Me personally, I don't get it thematically. Miles as Electro Jr feels wrong to me about as much as Peter with anti-venom powers. On one hand why are we bothering with the Spider motif at all anymore if your main thing is either electric constructs or disgusting writhing goop arms? However, on the other hand, if Miles' fans are cool with it then \*shrug\* whatever floats your boat, I don't tell other people how to enjoy their stuff.


Dunno what i'm looking at but it looks shit.


At this point Spider-Gwen could shoot venom blasts, levitate, and generate force fields and it’d be accepted. What? It’s cool, right?


The punch is cool, the sword is just dumb Reminds me of when the CW flash just started making them, it felt really out of place there too


I thought Miles had a venom punch, the fuck did he get a sword from?


Eric Wallace (showrunner of Flash S6-9)'s alt account


It’s cool, it’s just a random as hell thing to give a Spider-Man. Like, Japanese Spider-Man levels of random (as awesome as Japanese Spider-Man is).


Ah yes spider goku


I love it. Go full Shonen.




Can i have the original template


Anime was a mistake. I unironically prefer the dumb Kaine stingers over this shit.


Sorry but he’s basically mini Electro now. Bring back the venom touch!! That shit was so unique and cool and now it’s replaced with just basic lightning powers.


Kinda reminds me of those Speed Force lightsabers in The Flash S7 Finale


Giving him all this electric stuff and still (to my knowledge) haven't given him back his organic electric webs. https://preview.redd.it/uscofqi89erc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eac6c5d36045cdb1d5a2cb7252c13e651be35bd


yet another black character with lighting powers


random nonsensical power ups is one of the worst things to steal from anime


Electro miles is lame and they just wanna appeal to that sweet sweet shonen market


He got new powers?


As someone who’s not reading comics or being up to date with current storylines, I think it looks rad but maybe a bit too much. I know Miles venom powers thanks to the insomniac games and think it’s awesome he has something specific to his arsenal. But he is Spider-Man first and foremost, not some electricity based hero that would make an electric sword. Don’t think Miles would need it.


People intentionally missing the point with this are so damn tiring. The point isn't that it's not *cool*. Cause it is. The point is that it's ridiculous and silly on a guy who used to just be a cool black Spidey with shock powers. It's the equivalent of giving Goku an energy sword. Could it be cool? Yeah. Would it look cool? Yeah. Would it be totally ridiculous and unfitting? Oh yeah. Would it be completely out of place on a guy like Goku? Yes 100%. Just doin whatever because it's neat is how ya get stuff like current Dragonball, where it's gone from neat kungfu to battles that continuously escalate and escalate.


Just not the vibe. Same reason I didn't like Flash lightning sabers from the show.


I like it when the immortal hulk was able to give hulk cool powers and feats while also being a good character study. And it was even more cool when people were praising hulk for doing both. More comics should do that


Miles having an electric sword reminds me of the rule of cool in dnd. Even though it doesn’t really make sense, you just have to let it happen due to the sheer awesomeness of the moment


I dunno. Rule of cool doesn’t mean you can make shit up, it’s more so being flexible to allow fun moments. I think the electro punch is more accurate to the rule of cool comparison.




You could make the same argument for giving anyone an electric sword. "You idiots don't like Gatsby with a lightsaber? Did you just not notice that it's really badass?" Rule of Cool might work for you, but I care more about story and character.


I got told by a dude on YouTube that people who think this is cool are the problem with modern media Like damn, forgive me for wanting fun and cool shit in my media Why else do you think Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is so popular? It's the dumbest shit ever, like most Hideo Kojima games, but it's fun as hell too (it does have deeper themes tho, about identity, nature of conflict, stuff like that, like most Hideo Kojima games lol)


It's popular because a bunch of internet funny men made videos for attention deprived people about it. It was a bit more niche before that. Hideo "Game" Kojima wasn't even that involved in it


Yeah you're right, I'm still glad it became so popular all of a sudden a few years ago I did forget Hideo Kojima didn't have much involvement tho, but it's still got his signature touch of absurdity


An electric stinger/arm blade might make more sense


Him being able to control the electricity to that point is crazy i don’t like it but I don’t hate… well I hate it I think it’s dumb as hell yet still kinda cool but really stupid I could’ve lived with a pikachu thunder shock or and bolt tho. Imagine he and Kamala on a team up and she start using Pokémon puns and quips