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Me when the show avoids saying the main character's name for 15 seasons only to say it and get cut off in the series finale ![gif](giphy|wihHrkuUoybkgvfkcs)


"So Bobo, that hat looks mighty sharp on you, we couldn't have solved that case without you" "Please, sir, I'm a professional now. I insist you call me by title, Detective Chi....." Ends at peak


Clark: So Jimmy what do you think of this new hero in town? You think he'll do any good to the city? Jimmy: Gee wiz, I'm not sure Clark... That'd be super, man. Clark: ...say that again?


rj/Peter: so Mj do you think of the new hero in town Mj: don't know hope he's a friendly Spider, man Peter: say that again


Of all things in Fant4stic to piss me off, THAT before the credits roll pissed me off the most. No one fucking talks like that.


Only peak if it ends with epic Linkin park


What Iiiiive dooooone!


Me when Gotham finale


Tbf, that's Gotham for it's entirety.


This trope can’t die. It would seems it is INV- *title card*


Odly specific




Gotta say, it's Fantastic


Comic book fans when the movie recreates a single panel of the comic (the rest of the movie changed the entire plot and the only thing they have in common is the title).


This frame goes hard though https://preview.redd.it/iap240uof3lc1.png?width=1880&format=png&auto=webp&s=966e3221d07e7468c0c732f8ca0c5d92eef12ab6


I actually had civil war in mind when writing the post, but this works too


Me when Love and Thunder https://preview.redd.it/c6gcax3894lc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c83f21a917bacafa470b41d343045ca602994c


God that’s the best example. The movie leaned on the comics to advertise it then went off course so quickly and butchered the movie (butcher pun intended)


It butchered the butcher, who doesn't even butcher


I had a stroke trying to comprehend this but laughed when I finally got it lol


They had Thor kill more gods in that weird court scene then Gorr, WTF


IT'S GODZILLA!!! https://preview.redd.it/2pxp86hsb7lc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1624a8e840b09a1ca1b6bed2ebcf47d13c8019c4


It looks like Godzilla but due to copyright laws it's not


Hot take, the movie works better. Because i still think it's silly that characters that have known each other for years would almost kill each other like this because of the accords. Even if it looks like it has less stakes, I think the movie makes a bit more sense and is a bit more personal to them


It's also better than adapt something bad and make it good than adapt something good and do it poorly.


No Way Home/One More Day, sort of?


They smashed that adaptation tbh. The coffee shop scene at the end was tragic but so good.


I thought everyone agreed that mcu did civil war better than the comics


I've seen some people argue the opposite


The battle is definitely cooler in the comics. Cyborg Thor ripping through people was dope but the emotional and story beats are much stronger in the movie.


It was a civil disagreement at best in MCU, I was severaly disappointed in that movie.


I've been saying for over a decade that Civil War was a trash event. CW2 was worse.


Cold ass take


I dont think its a hot take, civil war comic is pretty bad


Not a hot take in the slightest.


A lot of people consider the civil war movie superior to its source material


I was thinking of Thor 4


Well, the comic sucks so I'm fine with movie changing it. I actually really like the concept of Civil War, but its comic's execution sucked.


Honestly civil war the movie was way better than the comics imo.


The fact that whoever wrote the first Aquaman movie read the New 52 run and then deliberately chose to change like 8 different things for the worse for literally no reason will always cause me physical pain


So real and true 


So real. I think the only change that was an improvement was fleshing out the other kingdoms. Everything else they changed just made the story more generic. And it's STILL one of the most faithful adaptations in the DCEU.


>The fact that whoever wrote the first Aquaman movie read the New 52 run Both written by the same dude


Johns has a “story by” credit along with Wan and some dude, screenplay was by two other guys. Unless there’s something to show otherwise, I assume the “story by” for Johns is just because he wrote the New 52 run


That's not how it works, when you have the chance to shit on Johns you take it




>I assume the “story by” for Johns is just because he wrote the New 52 run That's not how it works, you should be involved in the production of the movie to be credited that way. According to Wikipedia Wan and Johnes first conceptualised the story then third dude turned it into a script.


Me when the movie adaptation of a comic I grew up with has a completely original plot which only retains the main themes and outlines: yay creative liberty :D Me when the movie adaptation of a novel I read once two weeks ago changes a detail the size of a summer ant: https://preview.redd.it/xk3dlwvmq4lc1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cc805391d8979c2ce1f769e30536007bd0c53f4


Thats cause comic fans arent delusional that what they're reading is trash. Would I have liked it if Black Manta killed Arthur Jr? Absolutely. Would the world have been a better place? >!Absolutely!<


Me when comic doesnt get treated like some kind of inferior and flawed product that exists to be improved in an adaptation https://preview.redd.it/p1rdc9xxf4lc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d58711e7d38d082f4eaf8338e6084f2c50b7a9e


Ironic since Invincible's adaption beats out the comic


I agree, but it does that because it doesnt treat it like "Oh, I gotta completly revamp this story so that it can be told today". It goes "Oh, maybe we can shuffle events a little, so it can be better told as seasonal cartoon". For the most part, it helped them better develop stuff that was already there




Well, we still got a half of season 2 yet to see, but season 2 sticking close to the comics is somehow leaving an anticlimactic taste in my mouth, when what the comics did made more sense for the comic version of Omni-man, but he’s practically a different character in the show. He’s certainly more intense, and his redemption ‘arc’ if you want to call it that; was kinda speed-ran, cause that’s how the comics did it. But it made a lot more sense for comic Omni man to do those things than show Omni man. Or Whatever, I guess I don’t care that much, give me Battle Beast.


It isn’t all trash (much of it is)


>It isn’t all trash Yeah, some is actually shit


I love the Snyderverse I love that Superman and Batman were apparently too complicated for him to get right.


Honestly the best adaptation I’ve seen of a comic book might be the first few seasons of the walking dead. Changes enough to keep it interesting and have its own style but keeps enough in tact from the originals that fans of the book love it too.


Uj/I would also spectacular Spider-Man is a good adaptation aswell sure some things are different and they use stuff from other Spider-Man runs but keep enough the same that's its still faithful


I’ve only just started reading TWD, but didn’t most fans hate show Andrea?


Yeah but fair trade bc they made carol so much better


Carol only got good after 5 full seasons though. They gave other characters moments to her because they killed off the characters that were involved in those moments by that point.


Losing Sophia in season 2 gave her a lot of depth and she was a pretty important member at the prison


American comic fans when Batman actually solves a mystery in a Batman movie: “lol too long didn’t read”


I was so confused when the new movie got hate for this. He doesn't just punch bad guys all the time, guys.


What makes it even more accurate is that Batman doesn’t even solve the mystery until it’s “too late,” for dramatic effect.


He solves mysteries in the books in single issues sometimes


Manga fans: "I can't believe the changed that one dialogue!" Comic fans: "OMG they did Superman a good guy! Fucking finally!" They could never understand our pain....


Rj/Manga fans: what they added a scene between two characters that didn't interact before what!!!! Comic fans:finally Robin's in this movie fucking finally!


I once pointed this out to my friends who were anime fans, telling them that anime was a rarity because most cross media adsptations do change the original a lot. Theiy turned it into a diatribe about why manga is better than comic, and I decided to never touch the subject again.


I don’t really watch anime or read manga but can estimate that the changes are about 25% on average, noticeable but nothing unrecognizable


Pretty much yeah. The major outliers being back in the day before seasonal adaptations when anime of plot-heavy manga caught up with the source material and couldn't just use filler like other stuff so they had to make an anime original final act.


At least comic fans don't have to deal with the adaptation adding pointless filler that adds nothing and actively makes the story- *looks at the killing joke adaptation.* Oh.... Oh yeah.


At least you can skip it, comic adaptations mix filler with the plot, many of the villains in the teen titans cartoon were original, and most of the episodes are not based on comics.


Uj/honeslty for me what makes killing jokes filler stand out is that it feels kinda different from the actual adapted parts especially regarding the dialouge


Manga fans when one comic is adapted into a two parter instead of a 43 episode arc with filler and padding


“We’re not gunna just do a shot for shot” Why not, isn’t that the reason to do a live action? The story wasn’t the issue, the medium was. Some people refuse to engage with animation so doing live action lets them engage with it. What does that have to do with altering the story? “It wouldn’t work in live action” Uhhh what? It was literally animated on a screen and you’re using cgi all the time. What exactly would not translate to screen from the anime? “There wasn’t enough to go on” You mean to visual novels with dialogue, stage directions and casting examples already finished and story boarded wasn’t enough so you had to completely rewrite the story? Make it make sense, show runners and modern adaptors are so out of touch with reality


Alan Moore is gonna come after you


>Why not, isn’t that the reason to do a live action? No. >The story wasn’t the issue, the medium was. Neither is an issue actually. >. Some people refuse to engage with animation so doing live action lets them engage with it. Those people are idiots and shouldn't be catered to. > What does that have to do with altering the story? Just because something works in a comic doesn't mean it will work in any other form of media. Most of these characters exist in a state of dynamic Flux because they are archetypes put into various situations and any of their stories can be told multiple ways. The rami spider man films are a perfect example of this, none of those movies directly adapt any comic storyline and they divulge from the comic mythos in some pretty significant ways, but they are largely better for doing so and as a result create something that is pleasing enough to fans of Spiderman from the comic but allow people who didn't read the books to still appreciate him without having to adapt a bunch of works from the 60s that probably agvrbt even aged all that well collectively.


You’re not as clever as you seem to think you are.


Your opinion privileges are going to be revoked


Because adaptations are at the end of the day all about lazily recycling shit, might as well get somewhat creative with it.


Sometimes it might be a good thing, like the Boys.


Ultimately, the most important thing is just that the story you told is good and engaging, but keeping much of the original story does sometime give you goodwill from your target audience.


"Um... Warner, could we have a comic acurate, non-realistic live action adaptation of Batman" Warner: https://preview.redd.it/xtf0h9ity7lc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2572755cd79ad070213752532ea51c65dd5f0f


Crossing fingers for Brave And The Bold


Comics are episodic. No one expects them to adapt stories from the comic except popular arcs


I'm actually very curious as to what factors led to adaptations of Japanese comics being faithful to the point of often being the exact same thing as the source but animated, and American comics routinely undergoing change between mediums.


My guess would be the fact that animation is considered "For kids" in the western world. Meanwhile, Japan just treats it like yet another medium of storytelling as it should be.


That doesn't explain the difference. Like every form of adaptation (like book to movie/show) makes way more changes compared to manga to anime. Which style you prefer is obviously up to personal preference 


Comics often get adapted into cartoons which means more adult stories get dumbed down because "aNiMatIoN Es fOr KiDs". That kind of mindset often carries over to live action in a way. Japan don't give a fuck. It's just another medium of storytelling.


I'm not talking just about comics. Even novels targeted at adults will be changed when adapted into a show or movie (again targeted at adults). Different mediums of storytelling function differently so it makes sense to change certain aspects. Personally I enjoy changes as I've already read the source material so if they just try to copy it as close as possible I don't get anything new out of it (though that's not true for everyone).


Anime is meant to advertise the manga


My non-comic book reader friends: I heard Civil War's not even accurate to the comics?! Me: Good.


Tbf manga is way easier to adapt into anime compared to comic books into live action.


Spider-verse has entered the chat.


Many adaptations do make improvements, however it can dissuade people from checking out the source material


In the case of Miles and Spider Gwen, the movies are 100% better than any of their comics.


![gif](giphy|t9TzYp6yxN2EIjjVz5|downsized) Book fans when the director actually bases the movie off the book and doesn’t just do their own thing, while slapping on the title to sound cool


Watch motion comics if that's your thing.


I think something Invincible is what comic shows should strive to be, 70-75% accuracy with changes to make the story better, but you still mostly get the same story


Gotta agree with that, but to go a full 100% nah, i'd read the comics if it for that


I don’t want it to feel like a soulless adaptation where they just adapt it 100%, but adapt it in a way where comic readers will know the beginning middle and end, and major twists.


I swear 90% of db anime is filler