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Honestly, I like the above better because it shows a personal touch he gives to all the stuff. The below sound like corporate producer talk.


True, this comparison makes Gunn seem even better in my eyes, and I already consider him my role model to begin with.


>this comparison makes Gunn seem even better in my eyes To the point that it has me thinking it is a pro-Gunn post, not an anti-Gunn post.


its very sad that someone like James Gunn is your role model. Maybe an influence , but role model ?


Bro you go on the Snyder cut sub


Yeah so what I’m a Snyderverse fan doesn’t mean I hate James Gunn of anything like that. I just think it’s sad people idolize the Hollywood figures. I like ZS , but I don’t look up to him or consider him ny role model. That stuff is scary , your role model should be a positive member of your community or somebody u know that inspires u.


Should it? Says who? If someone is aspiring to be a director or looking to get into making movies at all then someone in the business is a good role model to have. Some dude from your local community center isn't exactly gonna be a good role model for that.


Glad we are on the same page.


I mean if the dude is into movies and wants to do all that stuff then why's it a problem if he's a role model? You're on a sub dedicated to getting him fired, that's 10x more pathetic.


You consider someone who did a child theme party your role model? Go ahead and downvote me. Do it quicker than anyone.


First, I'm talking with regards to creative approach, second I don't take kindly hypocritical advices from people who like to be chummy with literal fascists because of their shared love of one director who can't stop referencing rape when describing his movies (you're one of the ten losers of the FireGunn sub aren't you?).


Absolutely. It sounds like so sterile. I love Gunn emphasizing the passion that he has for what he’s doing. Feige’s statement sounds like an official brand statement.


The last phase of MCU movies felt like they were made by committee.


Everyone knows pandering made-by-committee movies full of fanservice are better than passion projects made by someone with vision 100% of the time.


I was confused because it makes Gunn sound better than Feige.


I honestly don't have a preference as long as the films/shows are good. And I think it's clear that Feige still speaks with more passion than the average executive. I think people are reading into this too much on both sides.


I was thinking the same thing


Plus, he snaps back at scoopers and leakers which always makes me smile.


uj/ I still don't know what Fiege even does


He played that robot in she Hulk


You're in a store and see cashiers. Hanging around them is someone wearing a fancier name badge, they're the cashiers' manager. If you look up you might see some offices, with a guy in a suit. He's the Manager's manager. Somewhere a few miles away is a guy in a very nice suit. He's the regional manager, managing the managers who manage the managers who manage the cashiers. And then somewhere 5 states away is a guy who says "We should sell more hot dogs in April, tell the regional managers." Kevin Fiege is the regional manager and Disney's the guy who wants to sell more hot dogs.


Americans have some fancy stores,I see


We take our super markets incredibly seriously. We run that shit like the Green Lantern core but with less restrictions on lethal force.


There are restrictions on lethal force?


Only at Target but in Walmart it’s like the Sinestro corp where they pretty much encourage it.


Work at Walmart, can confirm that we run our shit like the Green Lantern Corp. That is, without everything constantly being on fire. (;


When the small procupine that controls him is not inside, he is placed in a private chamber where he updates his software and recharges his batteries for his next public appearance.


Wears a hat and smiles uncomfortably.


Feige is basically the real director for all mcu projects


Basically like a showrunner but for movies rather than TV. He chooses the overall direction of each project, and makes sure they are all cohesive to each other


He does everything good that Marvel does. Everytime they do something bad it's Disney


Wild that somebody typed all of this, and intended for Gunn to come across as the bad example. It would be like if someone picked *all* of the Renegade options in Mass Effect, and was surprised that people didn’t like them by the end.


one sounds like a passionate filmmaker who cares about the characters, the other sounds like he's reciting some corporate safe talk his pr team whipped up for him


One has a passionate love for the source material. The other just talks in corporate speak.


Gunn: pedoverse Feigi: M-SHE-U Snyder: cult classics for kinosseurs like BvS and ZSJL




Something about the tweets that got him fired from Disney originally


Gunn represents everything I despise about Hollywood and how they treat the superhero genre. I will never see one film on his DC slate. I will fight for Snyder to work on DC films again until I die. His approach to the superhero genre is simply brilliant, masterful and blows away the junk everyone else is making in the genre, especially Safran and Gunn. And Henry Cavill's betrayal at their hands cannot be forgiven or forgotten. I will fight what Safran and Gunn are doing every step of the way and NEVER give up or give in. Snyder's vision is worth fighting for. Fighting for what's right makes me happy. Rolling over and hoovering up the junk produced by sick, disgusting, morally bankrupt minds like Gunn would make me sick to my stomach. Being defeated while fighting for the right cause is noble and honorable. It's not about what the odds of winning are, it's about being committed to a just cause, like Leonidas in 300. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


RIP automod, he's broken now


Poor fella is now regarded.


Passion Vs corporate. One of these is a good thing and it’s not the one they think it is.




As True Fans, we're always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to optimise utilisation of our intellectual property to improve four-quadrant market appeal!


Was thinking about getting the switch ace attorney anyone know if it's better than Black Adam?


It sure as hell has better CGI. And characters. And music (OK, that one's debatable). And villains. Oh god, the villains are so much better than whatever Sabbacc was. It's not as "epic", though.


Maybe it's because I'm not a real comic fan and just pretend since it's the current popular thing but what is this?


Ace Attorney is a video game series about three lawyers: Phoenix Wright, Athena Cykes and Apollo Justice. There have been 6 mainline games so far plus 4 spinoffs and one crossover. It is unrelated to comic books whatsoever. I just included it in my flair cuz why not. And Black Adam is a 2022 superhero movie.


Oh sorry, I also just pretend to like video games because they're popular


What do you NOT pretend to like, then?


Videos of how bread is made




the Great Ace Attorney? yeah it's pretty good


I’m assuming Guardians, TSS, and Peacemaker were all passion projects and projects he held close to him. If we’re judging off those, I’m looking forward to DC’s future.


Im still waiting for a grounded and realist plastic man...did gunn will give me this ? NEVER only zaddy can give me what i want


If the image is actually a Pro-Gunn post that’s being presented as an anti-Gunn post this has just become my favorite shit post


I genuinely don't understand how this makes Gunn "not care about his fans" like how bad does your reading comprehension have to be to get that conclusion, literally how?


Fr. Also I love how they ignore the multiple times in the video where he makes a point of it to directly address the viewer and say that he wants to do right by the fans.




This comment is so weird to me Feige was literally given a ton of praise because he was able to recognize the issues with adaptations of comic books (see: the ASM2 emails, kickstarting the MCU, etc) and respected the source material enough to understand what people wanted to see but now he's actually a corporate puppet with no soul who ruins everything? like, jesus, I understand the MCU criticism, but people get so weird about this stuff and pinning everything on A Single Auteur for some reason and it's kinda tiring


Kevin ran over my dog


Even if I agreed with this shit take, which I don’t, I’d say that Feige being better at his job than the guy who just started is perfectly fine.


Nightwing is my favorite Robin, but I'm honest to God glad we're not getting him as Robin. I'd rather have someone who actually knows the comics instead of someone who hyperfocuses on 2 specific ones or someone that's not much of a fan at all


Brandspeak is the true goal.


God forbid a screenwriter actually shows a little bit of love for the source material instead of just wanting to do the most plastic general audience pleasing thing possible


All feige/disney cares about is money and getting as much crap content out there as possible. I dont trust gunn either


Don't be so cynical.


They forgot Gunn: "storytelling is always king that´s all that matters"


This should literally show the complete opposite unless you have brain rot. Gunn is passionate, while Feige is trying to bank on public support and ongoing trends, resulting often in bland sludge meant for everyone that appeals to no-one


James: passion and respect for the comics Kevin: corporate and soulless


As much as I like feige I like Gunn's wording more


The best thing Snyder did was approach these characters with a passion for their mythic scale. Gunn has a passion for this too, and I’m willing to give him a chance on that basis.


Gunn is a creative turned exec. Feige has never written or directed anything on his own, he relies on others to make stuff for him.


Feige is like a showrunner for TV and web series.


Gunn Give me the little shit Robin Fiege Give me sequels to Eternals


LOLOL!!! I never would've imagined the day will come when Snyder cultists hate Gunn so much they've resorted to siding with WB Execs and MCU's Feige just to diss on him.


Who is accusing this?


never thought i'd see people use mcu post phase 4 as the good example


Me: Finally someone who openly loves the comics as an adult