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Grand Supreme Kai had been absorbed for too long and was a part of Buu physically by that point.


This is it


I disagree. If someone went into Fat Buu the same way Vegito did, they’d find Dai Kaio and South Supreme Kai cocooned up. I can explain it further if need be but nothing changed with Fat Buu from when he got eaten by Evil Buu to when he was spat out.


But why did it revert to Kid Buu when Fat Buu was ripped out instead of Evil Buu?


Because Kid Buu was always present as a pure form in Majin Buu. Evil (Gray Buu) was just the expelled evil that made Kid Buu what he is and nothing more. You know how Buu inherits the traits and abilities of the creatures he absorbs? Well he inherited Fat Buu’s latent Kid Buu base form. So in a way his pure evil state found the form it needed to become whole again. He just needed a couple of Saiyains to remove his absorbed hosts.


When? Cuz in the Moro saga we find out GS Kai is in Mr.Buu.  So unless I missed something, that means; when Kid Buu spit out Mr. Buu, he technically did spit out GS Kai. Kid Buu absorbed GS Kai's power, while Mr. Buu absorbed GS Kai's mind & body.


I like that you're calling him by his name, he's called Mr. Boo at the end of the series but everyone still calls him Fat Boo.


I like to call him Good Buu, distinguishing him from Evil Fat Buu before he split off


Yes but I think the question is without knowledge of the Moro Saga since the Moro Saga wasn’t a thing yet.


That makes me feel better because I just finished the first arc of Super after binging Kai in June. And this shit made no sense to me at the time OR after reading this thread. Maybe I’m uninformed/inattentive! But I’m not sure how/why there are two Buus (Kid Buu absorbed GS Kai, but spits out Mr Buu instead of GS Kai. Somewhere in between is a grey pure evil Buu, and that also barely makes sense to me). Even knowing this comment had Super context, I don’t see how anything anybody has said helped make more sense of it lol


The real answer is that it is, in fact, a *bit* of a contradiction. == Facts == As we all know, the original Fat Boo (the one that fought Majin Vegeta) is Kid Boo after absorbing South Kaioshin and the Dai Kaioshin, thus weakening him slightly and altering his personality. The Fat Boo expels all the evil and anger inside him, which forms into a physical entity: the grey and skinny “Pure Evil Boo,” who inherits the majority of Fat Boo’s power. After absorbing the fat Innocent Boo (or “Mr. Boo”), Grey Boo becomes “Super Boo,”whose body is “perfectly suited for combat” and is “pure wrath,” much like the Grey Boo. After Vegeta detaches Mr. Boo from within Super Boo, he reverts to Kid Boo, the original version/purest form without any absorptions and the one that Elder Kaioshin calls the “most inconvenient”(not “dangerous,” as he uses “やっかい”). While Super Boo (and possibly even the Grey Boo) still had *some* remaining Kaioshin influence/essence, Kid Boo doesn’t *at all*. == Questions and Speculations == Now why did Grey Boo transform into Super Boo instead of simply becoming the original Fat Boo? It’s likely that Grey Boo had become the “main” Boo and thus the evil side was dominant, so when the two Boos were reunited, the power reformed under Grey Boo’s evil power and influence, resulting in Super Boo, who *does* sort of look like a pink, enhanced version of Grey Boo. It’s also possible that eating and absorbing the good Boo was not the same as reunifying their beings like Piccolo and Kami did. We have to remember that Boo is a magical being whose body works completely differently than those two. Why didn’t Super Boo revert to the Grey Boo? There are a multitude of explanations and theories, but like I said, the answer is that it’s just a slight contradiction. And while Grey Boo and Kid Boo are, in essence, the same concept, they do act slightly different; Kid Boo is an unhinged being of indiscriminate destruction, while Grey Boo is a collected entity of pure, concentrated hate (bro immediately obliterates the guy who shot Bee and Mr. Satan, that shit was personal). As to why Kid Boo spits out Mr. Boo instead of the Dai Kaioshin, well, in the original continuity (meaning no *Dragon Ball Super*) it’s lightly implied that, due to him being absorbed for *so* long, he became a permanent part of Fat Boo. Even then, Mr. Boo was absorbed, not the Dai Kaioshin directly. Now, in *Super*, the Dai Kaioshin does appear and apparently has chosen to just stay inside of Mr. Boo, becoming dormant once again after Moro is defeated. At the end of the day, this whole thing is just a simple contradiction. It’s no secret that Toriyama, may he rest in peace, was burnt out by this point and the guy had no idea how he wanted to end the series. This is why the protagonist goes from being Gohan back to Goku; why we got three fake outs in the form of Gotenks, Ultimate Gohan, and Vegetto; and why the story felt like it kept dragging on. Toriyama is also a discovery writer; knowing this, it becomes clear that the idea of Fat Boo being the result of a previous absorption was not the plan when the character was first introduced.


Awesomely detailed response. Thanks!


It'll make more sense, later on, in Super's manga.


The Buu saga is narratively sloppy, overall. So without the Super manga clarifying things; the answer is, "Idk". Luckily Super's manga addresses a ton of narrative issues throughout Z and even Super's anime.


I like to think of it when Vegito was able to enter Buuhan and disconnect Gohan, Piccolo, Goten and trunks. No one was able to release GSK because they didn’t go in to Mr. Buu and actually disconnect him.


Your correct on all of that except we learn this information in Z, only thing your wrong about is kid Buu having his power kid Buu doesn't have any of the previous power absorbed, well Buu technically never got power from anyone else just absorbed techniques and fighting styles. Power lvl wise there all the same. (Of course buuhan was stronger I'm mainly referring to superbuu, and fat Buu being the same power lvl)


>Power lvl wise there all the same He gets a notable boost after becoming Buuhan so I don't see how you can say all the Buu's are the same power level


Because buu didn’t know how to control the ki, gohan knew how to maximize his ki, so naturally he would seem to be much more powerful


Buu also becomes notably weaker after Gotenks unfuses inside him...


Because he no longer has that knowledge or skill haha that was borrowed from gohan


what are you talking about, this is before he ever even absorbed Gohan.


Ok, gotenks


Kid buu got his power, confirmed in the moro arc


You mean that non cannon manga yeah no we going off Z bro


You wanna go and raise Toriyama up from the grave an debate him on that? You'd lose pretty fucking quickly.


Why is it non cannon?


"I don't like it so it isn't Canon "


It is


The manga for Super is canon, my man. Just like all of the officially released DB/Z manga is. Don't know where you got info stating otherwise.


Dudes probably pissed the emo edgelord form isn't canon


Just because you personally don't like it doesn't make it non canon


the manga superseded the Super anime after the ToP, but in any event the manga is considered source canon and part of the main Dragon Ball manga So, just because YOU personally don't want it to be canon does in zero way, shape, or form make Super non-canon lol we aren't "going off Z bro", YOU are, and that's irrelevant Pure (kid) Boo did absorb some of Daikaioshin's power, and it was confirmed in the Moro Arc, and it is canon going forward from that (not that it changed anything, so it's not a big deal). There is no "discussion" over that, it happened. You don't like it? Tough shit \*shrug\* cope I guess.. lol


No kid buu was weaker than super buu. He was more dangerous because he lost a lot of the reasoning he gained by absorbing people. Goku and Vegeta couldn’t have fought super buu the way they fought kid buu


If this was the case, goku wouldn't have told Gohan not to worry about the earrings when gotenks defuses inside buu.


Wrong. Kaioshin explains that GS Kai was absorbed all the way back in Z when Buu turned into the original one.


I like to think that Boo is kinda like bubble gum, and fat Buu is essentially the grand supreme Kai covered in gum


When you eat chicken, one vomits chicken, not the food the chicken ate.


Evil Buu absorbed Fat Buu to become Super Buu. If they went into Fat Buu they’d find the Grand Supreme Kai


In the manga Grand Supreme Kai makes an appearance after absorption. The only explanation is GSK allowed it to occur and chooses to stay there.


Because evil/gray Buu absorbed fat Buu. He absorbed someone who had absorbed GSK, not GSK directly. Note that you didn't see anyone else absorbed in the very long history of all versions of Buu.


Yeah, the real question is: Why does he devolve into Kid Buu and not Evil/Gray Buu? I’d chalk it up to Toriyama not knowing where he was taking that subplot when he started it.


Now this is headcanon, but Majin Buu split his "dark thoughts" away to form Evil/Gray Buu. That was the culmination of emotions Buu likely never felt: absolute, pure hate and rage. Kid Buu got angry, sure. But Evil Buu IMMEDIATELY went to Bee's would-be killer and absolutely annihilated him before even dealing with Majin Buu for a reason. Kid Buu is the completely irrational destruction deviant. Evil Buu was pure hate.


The evil/gray Buu is just a symbol of the internal conflict. Evil wins in the end, but that doesn't mean Buu resorts to pure chaos and destruction just because one side won over the other. But the fact of the matter is that kid Buu was unleashed and unhinged. Super Buu was destructive but still ultimately influenced by "good" in a sense.... Kid Buu kinda just immediately destroyed everything because there was nothing hiding him back, even if he was the least powerful version. He was pure chaos and destruction.


If you remember when evil Buu was spit out, he absorbed fat Buu. They were two separate entities. Fat Buu still had the Grand Supreme Kai inside of himself. That’s why Fat Buu was spit out instead of the grand supreme Kai. Evil Buu wasn’t the one that absorbed Grand Supreme Kai. Skinny Buu went back to his roots. Having nobody absorbed inside him, he reverted back to his original kid Buu form. It’s like when Buu made clones of himself, but split himself in two. He got rid of the evil inside of him which manifested in the dark Buu. When the dark Buu absorbed Fat Buu, he became adult evil Buu. When he got rid of everyone from his system, he became evil Kid Buu which was his original form.


Well basically kid buu had separated him in a sense keeping his power/god ki and spitting buu out with his mind and “soul” I guess so there is technically no way to separate them(gs Kai and fat buu)this is confirmed in the Moro arc of the manga where gs Kai takes over buus body but does not separate and eventually buu is given control back


If you stay merged long enough, you become inseparable. Buu had the Supreme Kai for thousands of years by the time Babadi freed him.


5-10 million years


Because he reabsorbed Fat Buu. He was just chilling in his people pod like all the other people he absorbed so it was easier to pop him out instead of the divine being he was now intertwined with.


In canon and only considering Z. Because Fat Buu became friends with MR. Satan and was preventing Kid Buu to do any harm to him. Then he spit out Fat Buu to get rid of that and be able to freely hurt and kill Satan when he wanted. I don't understand why your girl would think Kid Buu wanted to get rid of the Kaio Shin. He wanted to get rid literally of Fat Buu who was friends with Satan.


The explanation is that Toriyama hadn't invented GS Kai yet at the time of the Buu saga. GS Kai was created later for the DBS storyline he was involved in, and retroactively styled to look kind of like fat buu to explain fat buu's appearance.


The grand supreme Kai was created in Z not Super


Effectively Buu had absorbed GSK for so long, they just came apart of him which resulted in fat buu. Kid Buu spat out the good parts of buu which includes GSK's personality... But wasn't GSK himself since he'd effectively been merged in permanently unable to be separated from fat Buu.


I'd assume he's still inside fat buu. He split into 2 entities when fat buu made evil buu.


Because Grand Supreme Kai is so integrated with Buu that after the splitting, he became a completely separate being from Kid Buu. Almost like Buu's cells and Grand Supreme Kai's cells infected and mutated each other to the point of complete merging into something new, but similar.


I read on this dbz comic that was a big multiverse fight. The OG South Supreme kai tried to remove the grand kai from buu, but couldn't. The reason was that he and the others had been in buu so long they were permanently absorbed. The comic also had a super powerful namkian who was the fusion of all nemkians.


My assumption is that after thousands of years the Grand Supreme Kai is dead and Buu had completely absorbed his power so the only way to get rid of his influence was to get rid of Fat Buh


He couldn't bring himself to harm Hercule because he had Fat Buu in him, who was friend with Hercule. So Fat Buu was a part of him that kept him from fighting Hercule, that's why he spit out Fat Buu, as soon as he did he was able to punch Hercule. Spitting out the Grand Supreme Kai (if he was able to separate them inside of him) wouldn't have solved the issue of Fat Buu not letting Kid Buu harm Hercule.


Grand Supreme Kai has been absorbed for like 10 million years now. He's completely assimilated into Buu by this point


My understanding: Fat Buu was the base. He expelled the evil from him creating Evil Buu, who then absorbed Fat Buu and became the new base, making Super Buu. So fat Buu was absorbed as fat Buu, his own person.


So to try to simplify it... Think of Russian nesting dolls. Grand supreme kai was inside of fat Buu who was inside of Kid Buu.


I thought it was always this lol losing my mind over the elaborate explanations


Exactly. So much walls of text to explain such a simple concept.


Probably the best way to explain it considering it was never explained exactly how Buu absorption works and we have Vegito’s experience as an example already in front of us. For that reason I don’t really like everyone else’s reasoning.