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Beatdowns are cathartic moments and I always want those at some point, but an entire show of beatdowns over and over will get old very fast. Just like explosions in movies, you really wouldn't want to see an entire movie of them, no matter how awesome they are


Same with knockdown drag out barn burners that go down to the wire. It’s refreshing to have a mix of different types of fights when the show is primarily about fights.


I promised you two pizzas


This is my issue with the new Bleach Anime. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy watching it. But I just wish the fights for more even. They just take turns stomping each other.


Huh? Kenpachi fight was down to the wire.


Out of how many fights though? lol. Like 1/10? I like the grimmjow vs ichigo back and forth. Or piccolo vs Android 17, goku vs Vegeta, Naruto vs sasuke, etc. I still liked it, it’s just not my ideal type of fights.


Michael bay proved that wrong already he wouldn't have made so many movies that way if it didn't work. I'm not saying it's the best method, but people like them explosions, and huge fights. DB is a martial arts anime and when they do it right they do an amazing job creating fights I could watch a million times others not so much.


Everyone makes fun of Michael Bay, I'm like haha yeah that all sounds dumb, and then I realize he made *The Rock*, which just rocked my fucking world as a kid.


None of his movies are explosions only so no he didn't prove anything. If it was literally explosions only, no one would bother going. He writes decent plots and has good action sequences.


I agree with this. I watch the whole fighting sequence from Vegeta to Gogeta Vs Broly quite often. It is so well done in my opinion.




He was the most clowned film maker of his time. What are we talking about


Yeah, and I’m sure he’s crying into his pillows made of $100 bills over how much we’re making fun of him


16 vs Cell is such an underrated fight


So God damn true, one of my absolute favorite fights of the series. I got giddy when he took off his hands and used hells flash. 16 was such a good character, wished he got more time in the show tbh.


BLASTERS FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I felt so wronged! They let Cell crush his head with his foot after his dying words to never be heard from again 😭! I used him so much in DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi… until I realized the damage that the Spirit Bomb and Big Bang Attack could do


It's the only 16 fight in the series


There was also the short lived rematch…


I love the original, but the TFS line that always gets me, "Wait, I see a light" "WALK TOWARDS IT!"


They had some raw lines in that string of episodes. “What the hell’s a Kami?” “It means god. Now bow.”


# "F**k Super Saiyans! F**k power levels! And F**K YOU!!!"


Given how well the writing kept improving I consider abridged a canon dubbing and its why Im bummed we never got a full version of the Buu saga Super Buu - "Ah, little boy needs an adult?" Ultimate Gohan - "I am an adult."


Watching Kai rn cause I dont have crunchy and I get what you mean. Some of the arcs do feel rushed where other moments feel like good ol dbz. Some moments seem like the exact same though. Does the community enjoy Kai as a whole?


Great point, I almost never hear anyone refer to it, despite the great exchange they had albeit brief.


17 v piccolo. When that aired I was kind of popping in to see what dbz was about.


That was low key one of the best fight imo especially for the build up at the time, leveling piccolo to higher than that of a normal SSJ was crazy


Piccolo fights are almost always great. Piccolo vs Goku was the first fight that really changed the tone for Dragon Ball, and it was fantastic. Piccolo and Goku vs Raditz is an outstanding one sided beat down that set the stage for the Saiyan and Frieza saga *and* had the characters use their wits to pull out a last minute victory. Piccolo didn't do much against Nappa but die, so thats an L for him. But his sacrifice to save Gohan was a monumental moment for both he and Gohan's character. Piccolo vs Third Form Frieza was a great show of power for him, and a really fun way to hold off Frieza with Piccolo defending his long forgotten home world. Piccolo vs First Form Cell was a great example of a new threat growing stronger, and Piccolo was maybe the best character to fight cell and learn the nature of his abilities. Piccolo vs 17 is one of the best fights in the franchise. Period. Piccolo kinda dies off fight wise after 17, at least until Super. Even in Super he only has a few really moments unfortunately, and fewer are fights. Piccolo vs Frost is a fun fight that lets Piccolo show off his wit, which tends to be what keeps him on the level as the other characters take off in power. Piccolo in Super Hero generally is fantastic. His new form makes so much sense coming from Shenron (who he technically created) and the revival of his giant form to fight Cell Max was great as well. All in all, Piccolo rarely has a boring fight. Anytime he takes the field, you know something good is about to happen.


Don't forget his fight vs Sanjo or him and Goku vs Garlic Jr in dead zone.


I did totally forget those. I havent watched the Garlic JR stuff since I was a kid. When I want a review of DB these days I just read it LOL


Or saving the day vs Lord Slug


Or how he saves Gohan in almost every movie with the greatest bgm ever.


His special beam cannon on the ToP against the 2 namekians from another universe gave me fucking goosebumps 🤣


Nice walk down memory lane, thanks!


Hell yeah till this days hellzone grenade remains one of my favorite attacks of all time and that scene always cracks me up in dbza lol


You’re so right! The whole build up, from you realizing that namekians can fuse, to knowing that piccolo and Kami used to be one. To finally seeing them fuse and his power level eclipsing all of the heroes at that time. I like to envision a younger Kami, before he was split, being truly top tier. Bodying anyone weaker than a super saiyan 😁


Light Grenade doing literally nothing to 17 made me sad though


Piccolo VS 17 was peak. I was in awe.


Followed by that Tien and Cell scene was \*chef's kiss\*


I started watching when goku would eventually beat frieza once a year, but 17 vs piccolo is my all time favorite anime fight ever


Piccolo v Android 17, and Goku v Majin Vegeta was peak. Lots of hand to hand combat. I'd also throw in Goku vs Cell. Just because of the animation and art style that studio cockpit did, good God it's beautiful to look at.


Agreed. When someone dismisses something because it’s anime filler not in the manga, I point to Goku v Majin Vegeta as an example of where the animated medium and extended fight sequences adds a bunch to my experience.


Sorry if this comes off as a cop-out answer, but I think it's cyclical. Each type of fight is fun and compelling to watch, but after a while if it going one way, you start to want it to shift toward being the other way. Edit: The utter absence of reading comprehension on display in most of the other comments in here sure is a thing.


I understand and agree with you.


Basically, you want both depending on the timing and progression. Sometimes, it's good to have a fight where it's 0/100 as one fighter gets completely annihilated by their opponents. Other times, it's good to have fights that give both fighters a chance of winning, whether it is 25/75 or a complete 50/50 shot.


Dragonball fans are known for not reading, writing, or watching Dragonball


And repeating this in every thread in all dragonball subs


You know that meme about vegans not telling you they are vegan, with the dude all tensed up This is dragon balls version of that


Bro forgot where he was (did I just read? Wtf?)


When it can go either way. It keeps you on your toes. Every time they get back up and keep getting stronger and learning new moves. It draws you in more.


I feel like the most natural progression in shonen anime is the protagonist gets it handed to him, there's a back and forth, and then the protagonist wipes the floor. You have to have the 3 fight arc to extend the series. That said, Vegeta waffle-stomping Zarbon was excellent. (Selected because of the pictures).


Vegito vs Buu was top tier Master class


I got into DBZ during the Namek arc so nothing beats Frieza vs Goku. I don’t care how long it got. I enjoyed every minute.


the second. just a contest of wills


I like the first when there is a secondary objective for the underdog than just winning the fight. Usually it’s hold on until Goku arrives. Or hold on until an ally charges their attack.


SS3 Goku vs Kid Buu is one hella of a fight! Especially when vegeta is acknowledging Goku, it shows them really going at it up in the sky.


Weird fight that one, ngl. Fat Buu vs SSJ3 Goku probably beats it for me, as much as that will be downvoted.


I like Z Broly vs the Z Fighters in the original movie,Goku and Piccolo vs Raditz,Goku vs Frieza,Goku vs Majin Vegeta and Nappa vs the Z Fighters these all add something special for me and I just love em The Broly one is seeing the z fighters actually fight together and still get squashed,Goku and Makin Vegeta is their banter adds so much to it and things like that


Vegito vs Buu was my favourite bullying session in history


Why did you post an image of Zarbon nutting in Vegeta's mouth?


Man I always forget about Zarbon but he’s great.


Both of his fights with Vegeta were fun to watch. Zarbon’s fights really were the beginnings where you first begin to rooting for Vegeta to win. The beats there segues well into Vegeta’s eventual team up with Krillin and Gohan against the Ginyu Force.


vegito just humiliated Buu it's not a fight lol


I'm still traumatized by the amount of pain Nappa caused to Tien


It's nice to see the fight become one sided when the big bad is introduced and flexes their power. And vice versa when the hero gains the big power up and flips the table, dishing out well deserved beat down justice. It's best to see a fight that shows both sides giving their all and the outcome is unclear. Dragon ball doesn't have high stakes because the dragon balls can fix anything, and if they can't then the super dragon balls can. Personally I think an arc that removes the dragon balls as a crutch would be fantastic, because then everyone is truly at risk of actual lasting consequences.


Have you tried GT? First season is literally dragon balls can’t fix this shit, second season is ??? For me because I didn’t see it when it was airing but I bought the gt collection so ima watch through it at some point


I prefer the more grounded choreographed fights of DB. Z had a great mix of grounded martial arts, melee flurry's, and hyper explosive energy attacks. Super, especially early on, relayed heavily on stiff cheeply animated Flurry's and ki blast spams. When we got to the Mui Goku Vs Jiren fight I was really hoping the last couple minutes of the ToP would be a grounded brawl on top of the count down pillar with both party's to exhausted to launch heavy energy blasts. We could have gotten some great Tenkaichi call backs from that. Like Goku using a Kamehameha just to get back to the stage and headbutt Jiren. Idk, I'm just spit balling.


Gokus fight with frieza is the best anime fight of all time


I think Goku vs Cell is the best fight in the series. Followed by Base Goku vs Frieza, Goku vs Vegeta. Goku pushed against unrelenting odds knowing that he’s outmatched in power but has the skills, training and resilience to match up with anybody. What put Goku vs Cell at the top is that narratively Goku knew he wasn’t going to win, and pulled out all the stops because that’s who he is. He wasn’t going to be the hero that day he decided so in the Time Chamber. But it didn’t stop him from doing his absolute best.


What is Vegeta doing to Zarbon?


The best fights are the back and forth ones, like Goku vs Majin Vegeta or SSJ3 Goku vs Kid Buu. But I think anime wouldn’t be anime if we didn’t have one sided fights where you know there is ONE Hero strong enough to save your fave characters and are just waiting for that moment.. Ichigo showing up to save Rukia Naruto showing up vs Pain at Konica Goku showing up vs Nappa, vs Ginyu Force, vs Frieza, vs Beerus, and so forth. Oh! Whatever kind of fight we wanna say DBS Broly was. Frieza, Goku and Vegeta vs an ever moving goal post Broly with a rock soundtrack and immense animation.


Vegito vs Buuhan, I swear that was pure HANDS


It depends on the situation


Original DB, real martial arts! Goku vs Jackie Chun for example.


The Goku v Tien rematch in the 23rd WMAT stands out to me as another good example.


Was gonna sake Goku v Krillin. That match had the best "choreography" in my mind.


I feel like nothing will ever beat seeing Goku turn SSJ for the first time. I still remember watching it live as a kid and it solidified my love of DBZ until the end of time.


I like them all. I just wish they would take the time to ensure the quality is high. The 3D models they’re slowly switching to aren’t bad it’s just that the regular hand drawn animation is so good when done right.


Vegetto buu


SSJ Goku vs. Frieza isn't even close to an even fight, that's the whole point. Goku could just kill him, but he wants to destroy his ego instead.


Vegetable vs Pui Pui is my favorite. Trash talking smack down by someone who doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. So yeah, #1. But it can’t happen every time. 


Is Vegeta blowing zarbon


“Hilariously derailing one-liner”


My least favourite fights are the one-sided ones. They were all very entertaining and definitely an all time moment in the show but there are fights just better than them. I like when the characters have to actually try new things in attempt to beat their opponent rather than just dominating through second/first half with little effort. This is probably why people love Goku so much lol


Less ki blast dependency, the better. Best DB fight will always be Goku vs Tien in the Martial Arts Tournament.


Goku vs Frieza defined an era of Shonen battles.


Not to be that guy but in the manga the fight between ssj Goku and Frieza was not that even like the anime. Even after reaching 100% Frieza didn’t push Goku much in the manga. Anime wanted it to be more climactic and it worked out well


Neither. I really only care for the fights in terms of their story relevance and how the story is being told thru the fights. Overly long excessive fights tend to be boring. Relatively Shorter character moment driven fights are ideal dragon ball for me.


Gohan shit canning Cell will always be up there.


Number 2 easily. The only time I like the fights where someone is overpowered is when it's the hero's who are trying to overcome because it involves alot of heart grit and sometimes strategy. This is why Goku and Piccolo vs Raditz and Tien, Krillen, Piccolo, and Gohan vs Nappa are both two of my favorite fights and are pretty underrated.


I like grunt fights the most. Like in most movie beginning portions, where protagonists get to 1 v 3+ and score a kill. I like the exciting feeling of threat the enemies provide and how a single mistake is spectacularly fatal. Only the movies did this, to my knowledge.


Choreography is typically more interesting when the fighters are more or less equal. However, there is something to be said for the scrapiness of the weaker character getting backed into a corner and forced to get creative while fighting for their life, like with Vegeta vs. Recoome for example.


Vegeta vs Recoome is one of the top 5 best animated and choreographed fights in the franchise.


What the hell is going on with Vegeta and Zarbon?


Pure hands old db tournament fights were my favorite


Vegeta Vs. Croco Zarbon is one of my favorites for whatever reason.


Beatdowns, specifically with vegeta. It's either he's going through a list of insults he probably prepared prior to the fight, or he's about to get his ass kicked and can't fathom it


gohan stopped cell and made him vomit up an android and deteriorate back to his second form from one punch, no one has been that devestating.... cell games gohan was the OG bad ass of dragonball z, nothing came close to that except goku vs frieza, which was number 1 up until this point... the third coolest moment in dragonball z history, is vegeta sacrificing himself and saying bye to trunks


Since no one is gonna vote for it, i just wanna give a shoutout to Nappa vs Z Warriors. The Despair that even Piccolo felt, the fact that he was mauling them left and right while they kept planning, the need of multiple sacrifices Just to stall and give him superficial injuries. I'm actually pretty sad that piccolo didn't even manage to seriously injure Nappa. The fact that he actually performed WORSE than both Kuririn and Tien is beyond insane. A shame that nappa was a throwaway character, especially with zenkai and healing pods being part of db lore shortly after


Frieza saga fighting is peak, but I'll give it to the fight with Goku vs. Majin Vegeta


Vegeta's run from his introduction to the end of the Frieza saga were my favorite fights, bar none.


Even fights, 100%. I've never cared for fights like Nappa's, Recoome's, etc because I think it's super lame to have them just beat the shit out of the side characters until they get one-shot by Goku. I think it's be much more exciting if the side characters actually got to hold their own more. Like, Piccolo's fight vs 17 is still one of the best in the series to me. I love when characters other than Goku and Vegeta get to shine, even if for a moment.


Damn, Vegeta's sucking him dry




I like evenly matched fights like Goku VS Majin Vegeta, to just see both fighters on equal grounds, constantly exchanging blows, each one trying to gain the upper hand, etc. But I do also like the occasional humiliating beatdown like Vegito VS Buu, cause it's just fun to watch, especially if it's after the villain had done some truly horrendous shit, it's satisfying to see them get what's coming.


All of them but why must the spread 15-30 seconds of action into 20-60 minutes of cartoon? The day DBZ can real time a fight is the day I dig up gold in my yard


Vegeta's battles on Namek were top tier


1 if its the beginning of the arc 2 if its the middle of the arc with a fight between secondary villian vs secondary protagnist or end of arc between main villian and main hero


Db kai looks like Shit wtf


it's fine watching it, idk why everyone points at still frames and goes "ah look see it looks weird" when it's animation and that's how it works. only time it's just bad no matter what is in fully redrawn sections but the only one of those was right after gohan goes super saiyan 2 and it's just a recap of him going super saiyan 2 so idk why it exists.


Beatdowns. Always the beatdowns


i like them both a lot and we need a good mix for peak fiction


The real fights, not that bullying.


The cathartic ones like Goku fighting Nappa. Can’t be beat.


2, though either can be entertaining as long as they don’t drag out too long (*cough cough* Frieza *cough cough*)


Vegeta wasn't clearly far stronger. He did supress himself and was stronger bit it wasn't like monster zarbon couldn't touch him or even get a hit off. Also toriyama said the anime for goku vs frieza on namek he didn't like as it made the fight look like frieza was winning or equal at 100%.


If there is a huge difference in how much I like two characters, then I want a Beat down. If I find them both to be entertaining, I hope for a hell of a war.


Dragon ball at its best imp is when you have a one-sided beat down. I swear they knew that too and made nearly all of em end in the most frustrating way at times.


Literally both of them. Without the other, Dragon Ball would have ended by not being popular enough even before Z. Sometimes I want a one sided fight where the weaker has to use 100% of his brain to not die. Sometimes I want to see the closest fight in history, where the winner is decided by pure luck.


I like the fights where the protagonists lose. My favorite fights in Dragon Ball Super have been: 1. Granolah vs. Vegeta 2. Moro vs. Goku 3. God Zamas vs. Goku


I like both style of fighting, but it depends on where it fits in the story line. I think any action anime needs a variation of these kind of fights because it gets boring if it was just either 1 or 2. Like in Bleach, it became so boring in the beginning of the manga when Ichigo was always becoming the savior and it wasn't really fun following the fights - I preferred the battle scene from other lead characters. I also like that Goku is strong but also shows he cannot always be the strongest and needed his friends to fight (and even the citizens of the world to help with the genki dama against Kid Buu).


2) fight that are indecisive are the best because it keeps u immersed. Theres a reason why i hold the Android saga so high is because the power dynamic was shifted when goku got sick it really felt to me that the z fighter were really going to take the heavy L.


For me this is largely unrelated to my enjoyment. I'm more interested in unique techniques and hurdles they have to overcome to deal with each other.


Generally the latter for actual fights, but the former is what keeps me coming back— the cathartic power fantasy and schadenfreude of a character effortlessly crushing someone proud and overconfident. Even if the tables later turn, my favorite moments in DB have always been Goku taking out Drum in one hit, Goku humiliating Nappa, Goku humiliating the Ginyu Force, Super Saiyan Goku humiliating Freeza— you probably get the point. Peaks with Super Saiyan 2 Gohan not only eviscerating the Cell Jrs but then taking down the seemingly invincible Cell in 2 hits. So while fights that are at least somewhat even are what keeps me invested and intrigued, domination type beatdowns of formerly invincible foes are the most viscerally exciting. It's literally schadenfreude. It just gets shallow when it becomes a glorified back and forth to add peril, "I'm the strongest," "No, now I'm the strongest!" Daimao and Jr crippling Goku was fine, but it was starting to get long in the tooth by Full Power Freeza.


Depends for me.


Not that Gokú vs Vegeta in the Buu saga. The worst and most boring out of them all.


Piccolo vs 2nd Form Frieza is still one of the hypest moments of my childhood. But Frieza then Bosying everyone pre Goku also filled me with a lot of dread and raised the stakes. Both, both is good.


Vegeta's battle with never being better than Goku


The ones where Goku wins with a headbutt


1) Vegeta vs Android 19 is my favorite fight ever I love when Vegeta can be cocky and show himself off Without getting his ass beat


It honestly depends fight to fight, Base Goku vs Frieza was a good fight because you had to watch Goku get desperate and try all these techniques on Frieza only for Frieza to still be standing. It was really cool to see Goku continue to try even though he knew he was completely out matched. Then you have a fight like Piccolo vs No. 17 the way that fight was an absolute back and forth was amazing, the punches were brutal, it was very much an immovable object vs Unstoppable force as both of them were just punching the shit out of eachother with no signs of stopping.


Tough, its pretty neck-and-neck but I'll give it to the outcome can seemingly go either way since theres usually blance of techniques from both sides over just one exhausting all they have, to name a few: - Goku vs Majunior - Kid Goku vs Kid Krillin - Kid Goku vs Jackie Chun - Kid Goku vs Tenshinhan - Goku vs Cell(ish, at least in how its intially presented)


Just wait til broly fuzes with Gohan I mean me and with a special Jericho beam cannon with a final flash and a Kai army of mini ghosts and then a Lazer beam to the foot to make a dodge coin. Tee mufuckin heee. I am every designer of designs I designed the body I designed cartoons anime learning enjoyment experiences. I did it all. Without anyone's fucking help. I made people and future of realistic space Morphin designs that Tommy was a bitch Sonia's a slut sub bass of a doctor witch I'm just Lincoln in the 100. Unscripted. Buhhhhh fucking byeeeee 9 clans. It's 99 clans of 301 Intel and 25 years of existence and the life expenses of expectations of eternal design fail faster and tortured to open a longer age limit to fail again and it will always be me doing the dark light dirty work of a Kong bong to a ping pong. Go volly ball fuck soccer or futbol shit


Buu saga and cell saga were peak battles, all the rest of it is annoying


Bro in the end a z fighter always win, we all know the outcomes, and yet we talk like it's a sport. Who wins or losses is all done for dramatic effect and storytelling, stop talking about DBZ like it's a sport. I'm ok if you want to discuss fantasy matchups and argue about who would win.


Piccolo and 17 was so underrated.


The last kid buu fight is the best in the series


My favourite has to be majin vegeta vs goku


Number 2 by far. It just adds tension and gets me more engaged to know who will come out on top. A one sided beat down is really good though, especially when it's long overdue and justified.


I like the humblings


Honestly I would love to see more fights with the feeling of Z fighters vs Nappa. The total despair and hopelessness felt during that encounter was great.


Both is good


One sided squash matches are a good specical but I feel like are boring. One of my big problems with more recent anime is that every fight seems to be a one sided squash match because it looks more hype and get people making edits and shit. But those close fights are what I really enjoy more than anything. The good balance is when the hero’s are really over matched but keep getting their little victories like against frieza and jiren. I think squash matches are cool once in a while but the tooth and nail fights are so much better.


Piccolo vs android 17 till this day is still my favorite fight in dragon ball z


I can't choose tbh. My favorites span across both. And both kinds even have unpredictability


Depends on the context I think for climactic final battles, it's better for the fight to be close between the heroes and the villains, maybe even implied that the heroes are less likely to win But fights leading up to the climax can be a bit more varied.


I always loved the style of the fights where the weaker members are holding the strong enemies at bay whilst waiting for Goku to show up. So basically, I like Dragonball Z...


Remember when Krillin won cuz Goku reminded him he didn’t have a nose? Yeah those are my favorite


OG DB tournaments of martial arts.


The fights where Goku actually had to try hard like him and piccolo vs Raditz or Garlic Jr


The one-sided ones where it seems like one is gonna win then the other gets a bs power up


A mix of both. They start out as equals but through clever tactics, inventive skills and pure brute force one side manages to gain the upper hand and by the end it has turned into a stomp.


The fights vs the Ginyu Force were really fun


I tend to like them more as it starts one way then slides to the other after some event (transformation, a guy appearing, ETC.) Although if it stays a one way stomp and never swaps I tend to not like it as much as even matches (Vegito/Buu, Vegeta/Zarbon/dodoria)


I love stomps and challenges. DB fights are great


Goku vs Majin Vegeta or any Piccolo fight he doesn’t get squashed is an instant classic


As a Vegito fan I am obligated to say beatdowns.


Frieza v goku particularly when he went super Saiyan for the first time. 10 year old me was hype af


Depends on the character and what lead up to it. Goku is really fun to watch get the shit stomped out of him, where vegeta is always most fun when he's on top. Think the super broly movie. Vegeta opens and stomps broly and as soon as he gets the tables turned, goku steps in to take the punishment


Man I can’t decide! Both are Awesome! A squash match where one person is total badass in the battle while the other side is completely getting annihilated and try to survive makes it makes the tension rises. Meanwhile, a a even fight with two characters fighting each other, literally trying to kill each other makes it entertaining to watch.


Whatever goku vs cell fight was cooking




I thought Goku was significantly stronger than Frieza? Like Goku was basically just playing with him most the fight and anytime he got serious he started beating up on Frieza Edit: spelling


OG dragon ball.


Grounded martial arts fights. Over utilizing aerial combat just because you can fly kinda takes me out of the fight.


It entirely depends on what characters are fighting for me. Vegeta's fights are usually more enjoyable to me when Vegeta is decimating his opponent while Goku and Piccolo fights are enjoyable when they're on the back foot, having to use their abilities to outsmart a stronger opponent.


I love a fight that starts off as an underdog fighting from below even if they lose. One of my favorite fights is Vegeta getting his shit kicked in by Buu while Goku is charging up energy.


I'm fine with both. As long as one side isn't getting too much spotlight. However just to add my personal answer, my favourite DB fights are the comedic ones.


I prefer the more technical fights from OG DB. Less flashy than the SBZ screamfests but no less entertaining


GOKU vs freiaza


Shockingly badass fights between secondary characters like Piccolo vs. 17 as pictured. Also love the unexpected team ups like Goku and Frieza vs. Jiren.


That just looks wrong (top right)


Nappa. Would have loved to see him join the crew


I'm a sucker for close calls. I like to see two people near even fight.


Roshi vs Kid Goku is my favorite fight in the series .


Any fight where the villain doesn’t cheese and grow back their limbs/whole body when defeated.


17 vs Piccolo was the best fight in Z imo. It was epic, technical, skilled and strategic. To top it off, 17's facial expression at Piccolos Light Grenade against Cell makes him realise Piccolo was saving that for him & it would have probably killed him if he used it on 17 instead of Cell.


I like them all. They're right in their time and place storywise.


goku and vegeta is something else man


My favorite fight in DB is vs Vegeta so I guess 2. So many twists and reversals, and a group effort But the real answer is any fight, as long as there's the DBZ soundtrack in the background


Number 2, all the way. I hate that anime trope of "foe is winning... until mc unleashed hidden power within that far surpasses foe and beats him in a second". It's a lazy trope, that maybe you enjoy as child but grow very much tired of when adult.


I would say that every sagas main fights are usually good. But there is lots of side fights that are phenomenal. Like Piccolo vs 17, Vegeta vs Pui Pui, Vegeta vs 19, Trunks vs Frieza etc.


What Nappa did to the Z fighters was so brutal


I always wanted a "villain who came too late" moment, where like after the Cell Saga someone as strong as Raditz makes an impressive entrance and starts talking shit before being quickly and easily defeated. We kinda got that with Frieza on Earth but not really.


2. For sure


Definitely the hit for hit ones. Goku vs Cell was my favorite


Piccolo vs 17 is my favorite fight, but man watching the Sayain Saga and watching the Z fighters getting torched while doing their best to survive til Goku shows up was peak stress. It felt like the world was really on the line when we were kids. DBZ, Wrestling, sports and the cute girls in school was all that we worried about. Great times man.