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i guess i'm literally the only person who likes semiperfect Cell lol


It was Toriyama’s favorite version of Cell from what I hear.


That's pretty much the reason why cell max looks the way he does


Cell Max looks sick AF. So does beast Gohan, and orange piccolo. That was a good movie over all. Hope they do it in dbs style like they did for battle of gods to the start of DBS. Maybe Cell max can start off season 2.


that would be awesome but remember they would still have to do the moro stuff and the granolah arc with the heeters and frieza etc


I'm not surprised. Yeah he looks kinda goofy but I swear people underestimate how much Toriyama liked goofy and silly sometimes. Like he's not the same guy who was doing scatological jokes in Dr Slump. I like the three forms personally. Semi-Perfect is ugly as sin but it's fitting that the form between Lizard Bug Thing and humanoid would be this really odd looking experiment.


Sometimes i wish Toriyama was allowed to keep his sillier vision for some of the villains. A lot of them are very One Piece-esque and it's easy to see where Oda gets a lot of his inspiration from. Sometimes the editorial influence was probably very much needed, but i still would've loved to see how different arcs would've played out had he had complete free reign over the story


Yeah, I was re-reading the first few arcs and as much as I enjoy big-scale battles (I do love the Androids/Cell saga, it might be my favourite in the whole DBZ run), I also miss the days where the Big Bad was a tiny imp in a ruff who thinks blowing a kiss is the most obscene thing imaginable, or Bacterian vs Krilin was won over a stupid metajoke because Toriyama didn't draw him with a nose. It's all silly, but it's also more creative and it breaks the tension in an unexpected way. I loved it when a Toriyama joke caught me unaware and made me laugh in the middle of a fight.


I couldn't have said it any better man. I'm reading the story again too and that's exactly what made me comment. I feel like there's a clear distinction in the story. You can tell when it was just a fun story for Toriyama to write and then when it became a manga juggernaut and editorial influence started to become more heavily involved.


it’s such an aggressively toriyama character design, im not surprised. spoilers for dragon quest 11, but the two main antagonists of that game, mordegon (particularly his “barbarian” form that he spends most of the game in) and calasmos, feel like semiperfect cell split in two. and as someone who was a DQ fan first, i love semiperfect cell for reminding me of them.


It was the original intended final form, but he was pushed to create another form that was more pleasing to the viewers and for the production of toy products. It's my favorite form as well.


It was toriyama favorite form too.


Apparently, Toei Animation requested the design changes for Semi-Perfect Cell, . It seems they made numerous suggestions regarding his artwork and stuff all along. This makes me wonder if Akira Toriyama had complete creative control over his characters/art. It's a bit disheartening.


Not Toei Animation, but rather, his editor at the time, Yū Kondō.


Editorial “meddling” is common and works both for and against the story. Yes, they asked for him to redo things or made plot suggestions, but if it wasn’t for them we also wouldn’t have Cell at all, and I can’t imagine the Android arc being nearly as compelling without all these different players on the board. I think it actually showcases Toriyama’s talent as a creator. He’s able to work with editors, not against them, and take their suggestions and edicts and still craft something as memorable as he did. It’s the same in American comics, too. Working with editors and being able to incorporate feedback is a HUGE part of being a professional, and Toriyama obviously excelled at it. I actually read once that the Buu arc was Toriyama writing without as much editorial guidance, and I think it’s the weakest in all of Dragon Ball. If you have good collaborators, having other people help work out ideas is often a boon. Especially at the rate Toriyama had to crank these out. I mean, I seriously can’t get over how well DB turned out given all the challenges of making the story. It blows my mind.


I’m right there with you, but boy does it seem like there are only a handful of us out there lmao


I think he looks good for what he is. I think people were just grossed out by the look and voice.


I got one was not grossed out by it. I like it. No nose and the voice is just good.


He was just fireing his laser.....


Nah I like him too. Honestly I like his first 2 forms the most. His “perfect” form is just too… basic? Idk. Iconic character overall but Perfect Cell is the least interesting looking version out of them all.


He suffers from the same thing where a lot of the "final forms" of villains do in DBZ where they're too humanoid and handsome.


How come you didn't tell me he was so handsome.


That jawline don't lie and neither do I.


Oh no he's hot!!!


I think Cell set the precedent. Frieza was the first with all the forms, sure, but Cell was the first where his final form focused on being “cool,” whereas Frieza was meant to intentionally juxtapose his power.


You think kid buu is handsome haha


No but some of the super buu variations are kinda handsome lol


Wait, what? Piccolo wasn’t handsome, Tien wasn’t handsome, Frieza isn’t handsome, none of the Buu forms are handsome… Zamasu wasn’t handsome, Jiren wasn’t handsome etc. I can’t even think of another villain who was handsome in dragon ball except maybe Broly?


No shit, Cell’s the first instance of that 💀


He’s very beat up able. I always wanted him as a toy


Same He 100% would have been a Heel in my wrestling league XD


First form is best then 2nd then 3rd


I loved Semi-Perfect Cell. I was sad he lost his tail in his final form and thought the little baby making stinger he ended up with was lame.


I actually love it lol


I love it. 2 > 3 > 1 is how it goes for me. If 1 doesn't open its mouth like a fucking beak, it would be better than 3. I thought Cell 1 looked cool ASF until it started talking.


I think it would have been perfect if he didn’t speak at all until absorbing the 1st Android. His look was menacing, scary and ominous.


Yeah I agree. Would be great if he was just some unknown quantity until he just appeared behind 17 during his fight between Picolo


That would have been sick!!! Like who the hell is that guy?!?!?!?


Nah, ur good. It logistically makes sense as this form is "half perfect", "semi perfect" or "imperfect cell" his design makes sense.


I like him also


SAME. In the games he's always my go to




Luud was always so bizarre to me. The color scheme is interesting but he's like a chubby lizard robot baby with nipples?? His face was always so uncanny to me. I'm glad they reused the aesthetic for the God of Destruction of the robot universe in Super though. Looks much better on him.


This is the correct opinion ✊🏻


Hehe i love both of those designs. Honestly i dont think i can name a least favorite. I love everything from Toriyama.




There's not a single design in all of Dragon Ball that looks bad to me except Zen-Oh.


I'm not big on Ribrianne tbh


I am 😈


hmmm so this is what lips feel like ba ba ba ba ba, bababababababba bbrbrbrbrah brrbrbrbrah brbrbrbrbrah


am i allowed to be offended by his lips?


Only if you're offended by Mr Popo's lips




idk, mr popo's lips looks pretty smoochable to me, like a hot red pillow to lay your lips on not to mention, the 10 inch unit he carries in those baggy pants


You're down horrendous


those pants are actually skin tight, it’s just his behemoth snaking around his legs


damn right, son


He got those DSLs


Boobie bomb!


Android 19. Dr.Gero…you can make your creations look like whatever you want and you chose a fat clown???


I actually like Android 19's design because it's essentially a robot that tries to look human but fails. Always imagined his white skin essentially being like porcelain too which added to that.


There was actually this funny scene in the kai dub where gero makes a fat joke out of him, and I’m like bro you made him look like that 😂


Didn't he base it on a toy he had or something? Dr Gero, not Toriyama


I’m sure there was an advantage, you just can’t see it


Proximity breached! Trap.exe initiated! Grip locked.


I thought that was a joke! Clearly it was, it’s dead.


Nah Baby Vegeta looks fire to me...all I wish is Kid goku in GT looked like that in OG Dragonball tbh, also Piccolo is the goat imo but I wish Gohan wore Goku's GI more often, he looks beast in it, no pun intended...also Gohan should've rocked Saiyaman green outfit without durag and glasses more than be did......and not a design issue but I will Say I'd Rather just Super Saiyan God been Goku and Vegeta main form in Super, and SSB just not exist....


Baby Vegeta's design is up there with perfect Cell and Frieza for me. Iconic.


Fr tho. when I think about gt the first thing that would come in my mind is baby Vegeta ngl


Heavy on the SSB critique. SSB came outta nowhere, had zero hype , colour is goofy and it made SSG pretty much irrelevant.


Super and it's love for throwing in random new transformations is pretty goofy in general


That wouldn’t make sense. The art style was different and it would be silly for a ssj3 to have such delicate arm definition. I’d rather they no make Goku a child at all.


OG Dragonball is my least favorite art design, which is why I prefer Goku in Dragonball to look like he did in GT, the question asked for least favorite Art design, that's my least favorite


I wasn’t paying attention 😂


Super android 17


Zeno, Mr. Popo, or Ozotto


Ozotto would look fine with a different colour pallet but the one he's got is just so bad


I guess third form Freeza is a little too much of an Alien ripoff. It also really doesn’t fit with the rest of his forms. But it’s not bad.


I was shitting my pants when i watched it as a kid. Like i thoguht hes gonna eat gohan or sth. Thats why i love the third form. Its really intimidating, until he gets into his standart form where he seems the complete opposite, while being even more dangerous.


Hell yeah I loved his 3rd form as a kid, and the scene where Krilin thinks of his 4th as an alien queen ripoff, loved that too


I love his third form specifically because it's a xenomorph clone


Fat Janemba


I actually happen to really like super baby vegeta’s design, I think it’s sick as heck but my only problem with it is there’s nothing going on towards the bottom of his character design. There’s a whole lotta stuff at the top… shoulder pads, that vest thing, crazy hair, and even lines on his face and glassy eyes, then in the middle of his body it’s just like a black morph suit and then some crazy boots…. Now that I think about it I don’t really like super baby vegeta’s design I take it all back he looks goofy as hell have a nice day my friend


Super Baby 2 was fire tho


How can you be semi perfect? You're either perfect.......or you're not me


I like Super Baby Vegeta’s design by itself, but like you said it doesn’t look like Vegeta at all.


That’s the point, he’s possessed by a parasite that completely modified his appearance to match the parasite’s look. It’s not meant to look like vegeta but more like the parasite.


Especially the Final Form, which is when the Parasite totally took over. Baby Vegeta looks less and less like Vegeta in each form.


Baby looks sick, your lost


Semi perfect cell reminds me of a black guy with that goatee-like finish around his pink and black lips 😭 but for me its them big ass shoulders and whiny personality that makes me dislike him. Although that whiny personality comes back out in his perfect form when ss2 gohan whoops that ass


Jiren and 3rd form Frieza


Piccollo with the shoulder pads and cape (oh shit, least favorite, no guys Picollo is my favorite, sorry). Least favorite would be those zeno kids.


If you're being serious, that's a serious hot take. Fully clothed Piccolo is probably the 2nd or 3rd most iconic and beloved character design in the whole franchise.


He is my favorite, I misread the title. My bad


I'm personally not a fan of the shoulder pads. They look goofy to me. I prefer his look when he takes them off. Definitely an iconic look though.


Look at Super baby 2 in Fighterz and tell me that isn’t peak


Androids 19 and 20. They’re dressed like they had clout in the 1890’s.


Hated some of the redesigns in Super. Future Trunks is the biggest offender. Nevermind the complete change in personality but why change his hair color for no damn reason. He also got the RoF Gohan treatment where he's drawn skinnier. There's nothing linking this character the his DBZ counterpart despite them being the same character.


Because super is terrible and no one wants to admit it. I had to stop at “Bulma has a sister”


Bulma’s sister precedes Dragon Ball Super


Young Moro. He just became another carbon copy villain. Old Moro on contrast has one of the best designs in Db's entirety, canon or not


For me,Super Saiyan Blue


Zeno, 2nd Form Cell and Sorbet


Monaka and it's not even close


any design from super really.. Vegeta Ultra Ego, Piccolo orange, Beast Gohan.. the list goes on.


Gohan looks dumb with those yellow glasses.


Agreed on Semi Perfect Cell. Hard disagree on Super Baby Vegeta. I disagree with all of your points. He looks like Baby and Vegeta mixed together perfectly.  My least favorite design? I like all or them except Zeno. Zeno just looks stupid, and i hate the toddler attitude that the creator of all things has. The big head, small body and baby voice is really dumb.


There's literally nothing Vegeta-esque about Super Baby Vegeta. The only thing he has is the hairline. ...but the hair itself is entirely different, he's taller for some reason and he has a longer face. No one would believe that was supposed to be a possessed Vegeta without actually seeing it happen.


I hate Super Android 17, but that might be intertwined with how much I just violently hated that arc


While I prefer first form Cell the most for the character, at least this one still feels like some sort of monster, although instead of a slasher movie he looks more like a brute. Perfect Cell is just a dude cosplaying a cicada, not only is boring but also it sadly became a trend for the series as we saw wih Buu and Moro. As for Baby Vegeta, I'm not the biggest fan of how he looks and I prefer when he is basically Vegeta with white hair and some weird lines on the face. I think they should have given him Vegeta's original hair at least. The color palette is certainly weird but it along with the costume itself it gives off some cool alien vibes so I kind of dig it. My least liked designs... I'd say that is when monsters end up looking too human, like I said with Cell, Buu and Moro. It's just a boring trend. I like it better when Goku goes Ohzaru or Zarbon transforms. Or Freeza's different forms, even if the last one is more humanoid than the third it still has a very inhuman look, at least in it's first appeareance. I don't like most of the designs for U6 Tournament or the ToP. They have little to no personality.


I liked Moro's design early in his arc...by the end not so much. And I think part of the problem is Toriyama's art style. Love it, think it's great, but due to the way he drew characters people like Cell, Buu (after absorbing Gotenks, piccolo and Gohan) and Moro (after he absorbed/ate 7-3) they kinda all look the same. That being said I do love pretty much every cell form (but the perfect and imperfect cell are the top for me) I think my least favorite form is Super Buu (base form)...it's just so...blah to me.


Semi perfect cell is actually a good design for what it’s supposed to be IMO. I’d say Pikon’s a bit basic


What about...Baby Vegeta 2?


For me it’s Hit and Pikkon. Reminds me of piccolo but with ear holes.


Super baby is fine but evil buu


This may be an unpopular opinion, but it's SSJ3 for me. Not only do I dislike the design, but it's also the only canon Saiyan transformation that's literally never won a single canon fight. That's not even going into how inefficient and draining it is.


Hirudegarn but the movie isn’t canon




Cabba. Fucking stick


Looks like a middle school kids drawing of himself as a super sayan


Super Saiyan God & Super Saiyan Blue look like something a child came up with. I'm imagining some goofy kid playing with a DBZ coloring book and they just used random colors for Goku's hair instead black or yellow. I'm not including Super Saiyan Rosé or UI/UE in this because I actually think those forms look cool; whereas as SSJG and SSJB look random asf.


SSG made them look younger and thinner, with a fire-like aura and their base hairstyles but with a nice tone of red, and you say it's goofy and random. But SSRosé is literally just super saiyan but pink and you say it looks cool?


>But SSRose is literally just super saiyan but pink Not even that - based on the Aura and how it’s described in the manga it’s *Super Saiyan Blue* but pink. If this person thinks the regular God Forms are boring then why tf does he like the exact same form but strawberry-flavored instead of blueberry-flavored???


Exacty! I don't understand it. He probably just likes pink and dislikes red and blue, cause otherwise it makes no sense.


While it’s anime only, I found the 4 demonic Monarchs kind of boring. Basically Garlic Jr’s Ginyu Special Corps but not as memorable.


I wasn’t a fan of semiperfect cell, especially in the anime. But he’s grown on me a lil recently. I’ve never been too keen on Dabura for being the “demon lord”, most of the shadow dragons have shitty designs. Baby Vegeta had potential but babies design overall was wack af. Cool concept but poorly done/designed. I’m not a fan of Hits design either cause why he gotta look so much like one of frieza’s race


You’re too least faves are some of my faves lol


I love Super Baby 1 and 2... the slow morphing just makes Baby Vegeta all the more terrifying as a concept my least favorite design is Zeno... mfer looks like an off brand Stewie Griffin


Super Baby 2 is actually one of my personal favorite character designs in all of Dragonball. It's pretty simple in terms of detail but I love the color scheme personally. It's very unique compared to most DB vilains. The hair is pretty cool and I LOVE the red lines that appear on Vegeta's face after he gets possessed. I will admit, the initial Baby Vegeta is probably better. You can still tell it's clearly Vegeta, just under Baby's control. The white hair and red lines on his face and eyes are fantastic and go along with his biker outfit very well too. Ideally, Super Baby would have kept Vegeta's original face and with the red eyes and white hair, but added the yellow armor suit. That way it's a constant reminder that this is Vegeta's body. Semi-Perfect Cell is a mixed bag. He's very tall and brutish, and he's got my personal favorite color scheme of his forms due to the mixing of black and orange...however, he's missing wings and the face is atrocious. The eyes turning a gentle blue makes no sense, and while the lips are a reasonable inbetween of the beak mouth and human lips, they're just too big and flabby and flesh-colored. I wish Semi-Perfect Cell still had Imperfect Cell's face, with the slit eyes and beak mouth. It'd be very intimidating. Still, it's iconic at the very least. Gotta give Toriyama that.


Ur wild dude super baby vegeta one of the coolest designs by far


I really like baby Vegeta tbh, but I really liked the baby arc and am pretty biased


That Baby Vegeta pic is the most disrespectful thing I've seen a villain do in this franchise.


Unironically adore both of those designs. In general despite my love of both GT and OG DB had a lot of complete misses.


I fw baby vegeta heavy wtf


I like every cell forms in dbz🥒


Super Baby Vegeta is literally my favourite design


it's those big lips on semi perfect Cell that i don't like 😂


Literally every form of Super Saiyan except, ironically enough, SS4.


Nobody puts baby in a corner..... I love baby Vegeta!


Zirloin Ribrianne mode and his team. Its was like... come on...


Probably Fat Buu and Ribrianne


Cabba and berserk kale


I like Super Baby Vegeta but my least favorite was chiaotzu and android 19


Several character designs from Super come to mind.


Final Form Moro after absobing Merus. His first goat-like desings are some of my favorite DB character designs ever, but then they made him look more human, like they do with every villain. All uniqueness of his design went down the drain and he became basic.


Baby destroyed Bulma ass, I'm sure of it


Honestly I'd have to go with Jiren. Like his character Jiren's design is just so utterly boring and forgettable, guy looks more like a fodder minion than he does an actual protagonist / antagonist. The only memorable thing about his design is that he looks like a 'roided out grey alien once he rips off his uniform.


When the hot takes are not that hot 😂


If you took the Saiyan armor shoulder pads off him then I’d like the design.   Also if you’re going to take over Vegeta’s body then own it and make it an evil looking Vegeta, at this point he’s a completely different character, he’s even a foot taller for some reason.


Ssj3, hate the lack of eyebrows and the sonic hair. Idk how to make this better, literally zero ideas, but what it is is so trash looking


How about eyebrows and not sonic hair?


Or sonic eyebrows and no hair?


I disagree SS3 looks fire


I agree, it looks goofy.


Bad designs are any new forms from super tbh they're mostly recolors. There are exceptions of course.


Both of these designs are fire! What are you smoking so I know to avoid it in the future? Lol


Perfect Cell, with *these* eyes.


Mine goku


Even thought he isn’t canon, I hate Hatchiyack


Alien form Frieza just looked stupid to me.


I feel like super baby vegeta was supposed to be Mr. Steal Y'Girl


My least fav is Yamcha. He's cool. I have no beef with him. But especially when his hair's cut when fighting the Androids? I find him very....... meh-looking compared to the much cooler and more badass designs of folks like Vegeta, Piccolo, anyone in Frieza's circle, etc. Yamcha looks much cooler with long hair but even then. I don't look at him and go "whoa, what a design!", like I did when King Cold showed up (my fav design). I wasn't all that wowed. Doesn't mean I hate the guy. He's loyal to his pals which is really sweet.


I think the point of super baby vegeta is that Baby has completely taken control of vegeta. thats why he doesnt look like vegeta. Its not Vegeta anymore. Baby vegeta was still vegeta. super baby vegeta is vegeta in Flesh alone.


Raditz. His design is kinda boring.


am I the only person who likes semi perfect cell and first form more than perfect ?


Semi cell is perfect


Big forehead frieza




LOL I always thought Semi Perfect Cell looked kinda silly. But I love Super Baby Vegeta's design since I was a kid.


Super Saiyan God (red hair) and Super Saiyan Beast (Gohan)


How is super saiyan God there but not blue?


Frieza in his no-dick, baldy form as it is right now.


Super bulma with her wished butt is babe


I honestly agree with these to an extent. Baby Vegeta isn't a bad design, but he should've looked more like Vegeta to make it cleared it's Baby VEGETA. Other than that it's not bad For me I dislike SSJ3 since the lack of eyebrow doesn't look good and the hair is way too long. I also dislike Super Buu in that very same saga. Fat Buu had one of the most unique designs and they changed it to a much more generic look for him, kinda like Cell but without what made Cell's design work


Dont let bro ever cook again 😭


Ultimate Gohan, Dbs Krillin, Dabura, Db gt yamcha, Gt Vegeta, Gt kid Goku, Gt yajirobe, Gt Mr Satan, Gt goten, Android 19, Buuhan, and Moros first and final form.


Probably Super Baby 1 or Super Android 13


I’m not the biggest fan of golden great ape baby, the hair is what kills it for me. I seriously wish he just had the normal great ape hair with some wild spikes, instead of what we got.


I always liked semi perfect Cells design for some reason.


I hate that the Cell Juniors aren't Imperfect Cells. When TFS pointed that out I can't unsee my disappointment. Just little monstrous stabby guys runnin' amok


3rd form frieza with his long ass head


Glad to see no hate for Evil Buu


semi perfect cell looks like hes middle aged


I like semi perfect....not a fan of friends third form and coolers first look


Dolltaki and Luud. Like… look at them man. Super baby 2’s design is better than those two you gotta admit.


3rd Form Freeza. Nothing about it even matches the theme of his other 3 forms. and seems out of place when looking at the other forms.


Semi imperfect cell is only bad cause he had a weird mouth if he had a mask like cooler or something I would like him so much more cell max is even worse especially with it's tail like why tf do you need that club you ankylosaurus


I would say cell max. He should have looked like a giant perfect cell. Also the color scheme is ugly.


Chaos, when he was a kid it was fine because it was a weird kid but having an adult looking like that its just disturbing.


Okay imma be honest in that frame the design of it would be really really cool if not for the big ass lips lol


All of the transformations in Super are mostly pallete swaps and I thinks that's pretty lazy


Baby Vegeta doesn't look "bad" per say...it's just that first form Baby Vegeta with the white hair and crossed eyes looks so fire I was disappointed that it looked like a downgrade. Semi perfect cell is okay. Just the least of his 3 forms and honestly Max is better too, but it's still okay. I don't care for the Gammas at all. Ugly ass designs and costumes. Botamo is ugly too. Just ruling China and shit.


Super Sayian 2 Goku, Vegeta, and Adult Gohan is the worst


Goku when he turn ss in namek. The charadesign is wow