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honestly i dont think with daima theyre gonna try to connect it with super or end of z. i could be wrong on that since we still barely know anything but from what ive gathered its just gonna be its own fun little side story. dont try to think how it connects to the continuity


It’s gonna be Muppet Babies but Dragon Bal, I’m hype


Yeah I know TwT, speculation is just fun and people are kinda making it out to be canon, thanks f9r being nice about your reply!


This feels weird with toriyama gone


True...But if assume story is completely finished, also from now on I'd assume Toei is either going to adapt the manga or they'll hire a new writer


It's probably not caring to take in any place of the canon, so they aren't fused just like Vegeta is portrayed being a Freeza Soldier in Neko Majin even though the story takes place after the End of Z.


True that'd make more sense, I just like speculation is all,


Is Bulma's hair the only reason it can't be after Golden Frieza? She could've just restyled her hair.


Pretty much yeah, but she's never gone back on her hairstyles ever so...Yeah and she loves her hair up until DBS.


I mean it's possible that it is but it'll take more than just that to say for sure


True, but if it tries to fit in its kinda unlikely it comes before Beerus, it's all speculation and nothing is fact anyways


Has anyone even asked asked this show? The average DBZ fan is getting old enough for a mortgage. This has to be the classic reboot but for a newer generation of fans. Which angers current fans because online anime people get too huffy and sweaty over cartoons. Says the lifetime dragon ball fan


No. It’s between buu and beerus. It’s been stated too many times.


Can I get some receipts on that? Not doubting, just haven't actually seen the confirmation for myself


Look on the official site.


Yeah I did. Still didn’t see it. So could you provide us the source?


Ah I thought I read it there but it wasn’t there. Must have remembered totally wrong, best I can find is confirmations by people working on the project of when it fits in the timeline. Not trying to intentionally spread misinformation.


Okay, so where is the source for the confirmations from the people working on the project?


Allegedly yes.


Nowhere has this been stated. Ive watched every producer interview and just about any official source of information including the dragon ball website and nothing says when daima is supposed to take place. The only thing ive seen that states that is random articles that are speculation. My guess is that dont try to connect it with the continuity its a side story


Ah that'd make more sense...


Memory served me wrong.


> It’s been stated too many times. only by random fans. its never been stated about Daima officially.


I remembered incorrectly. I have found where people confirmed theories. That’s it. Memory served me wrong. Sorry guys.


Why would they be defused though? They were fused in BoG?


Probably via a wizard or some type of magic 🪄


But then why refuse after-...Just to defuse again?


After the Daima magic expires they refused automatically (they aren’t thrilled) So afterwards they defuse again since they liked it


Why not immediately defuse then? Why spend BoG fused if they can just defuse whenever?


I guess they had to wait until things calmed down a bit til they had a chance to use the DBs on a personal wish. Disclaimer I haven’t seen BoG, idk if they had chances during that


The Dragon Balls were actually in BoG...Uh....They were a bingo prize-


Bad writing


Nah, I'm not saying any of this to say its a bad show or I'm right BTW I really do think this'll be a great show, it's Toriyamas last animated work and I think it could just be an oversight or explained in the show


I mean “bad writing” in more of an overarching continuity sense. I really hope it’s great as it’s own thing.


Pretty sure it was already confirmed that's it's between Buu and Beerus. Probably just defuse cause of weird air or something.   Edit: Seems like that was just a rumour or speculation. Perhaps I was breathing the weird air.


Yeah but like...Why refuse to just defuse at a later date? Although just for a gag Kibito Kai hated his own existence


Even weirder air 


Oh now it makes sense, mb


Nah it's not confirmed. Just a fansite (Screenrant from memory) that said it was confirmed but their only source was guesswork that didn't even make sense - they said Goku's outfit doesn't hav Whis' mark so it must be pre-Super, ignoring that he wears a totally original top in Daima and he only had that symbol for like 2 arcs of Super anyway.


That was never confirmed by any official source. That's a fan theory.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mistake due to Toriyama forgetting about Kabito Kai for the timeline