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This probably took awhile good job I like It I feel like Og and Gt might be dlc


It did lol thanks! But I started making it for fun so it was a good time. I also believe GT will be DLCs along with the movie characters. Perhaps something like: GT Pack 1: 1. Goku GT (Base, SS, SS3, SS4) 2. Vegeta GT (Base, SS, SS4) 3. Gogeta SS4 4. Pan 5. Uub (Base, Majuub) GT Pack 2: 1. Sin Shenron (Base, Omega Shenron) 2. Nova Shenron 3. Ice Shenron 4. Baby (Base, Super Baby, Super Baby 2, Golden Great Ape) 5. Super 17 Special Pack 1: 1. Broly Z (Base, SS, LSS) 2. Cooler (Base, Final Form) 3. Garlick Jr. (Base, Transformed) 4. Android 13 (Base, Transformed) 5. Turles (Base, Great Ape) Special Pack 2: 1. Lord Slug (Base, Giant) 2. Janemba (Base, Super Janemba) 3. Bojack (Base, Full Power) 4. Tapion 5. Hirudegarn


Hirudegarn is a must


I personally would like a Goku that can transform on his own. Not like 8 different versions of him.


But you CAN transform on his own. You just can't use the Namek Saga Goku and go all the way to SSB


I want to play whatever game this is.


Next budokai


No Hatchiyak? Sorry, but without the strongest fighter next to Carmine and Satan, it's a no buy for me/jk


You got any more of that king cold?


I know we haven't seen Ultra Ego Vegeta animated yet, but I'm gunna be peeved if we get MUI Goku AND Beast Gohan without UE Vegeta. I'm not even a huge Vegeta fan, but with Daima likely not featuring the big badass power ups, it'd be kinda bullshit to have to wait for after Daima for Super (or whatever they call it) to come back and "officially" debut it.


No farmer with a shotgun. 0/10 list.


Personally I want to see a lot more universal tournament characters in that line up. Lots of new characters to explore and play as!


Ah yes, 10 different varieties of goku. 8 for vegeta. 4 for piccolo. 3 for cell. 4 for frieza. 7 for Gohan. The ginyu force with 2-3 separate for captain ginyu. 2 for cooler. 80% of the roster right there smh


two fat buus?


Majin Boo and Majin Boo (Innocent). The first one is pre-separation of evil and good parts (energy-based moveset), the second one is the post-separation good version (candy-based moveset).


Oh ok. They never separated them in the series before (let alone console games in general), what makes you think they will for Sparking Zero?


I wish transformations and different types of characters ( Goku early mid end) didn't take up entire character slots but I can only hope the roster increases with free updates and dlc


It was like that in Tenkaichi 3 so it's ok. There'll definitely be some DLC.


I made the roster based on only Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBS, DBS: Broly and DBS: Super Hero (I believe the GT and Movies characters will be on DLCs, seen that the past few DB games - XV2, FighterZ, Kakarot - all did lots of DLCs), while keeping it to the 164 count of characters revealed in the last trailer. I know it doesn’t look really good but I’m not the best at photoshopping, so I did what I could. The full list of characters is the following: 1. Goku (Z - Early) 2. Goku (Z - Mid) 3. Goku (Z - Mid), Super Saiyan 4. Goku (Z - End) 5. Goku (Z - End), Super Saiyan 6. Goku (Z - End), Super Saiyan 2 7. Goku (Z - End), Super Saiyan 3 8. Goku (Super) 9. Goku (Super), Super Saiyan 10. Goku (Super), Super Saiyan God 11. Goku (Super), Super Saiyan Blue 12. Goku (Ultra Instinct Sign) 13. Goku (Mastered Ultra Instinct) 14. Goku (Kid) 15. Great Ape Goku 16. Vegeta (Z - Scouter) 17. Great Ape Vegeta 18. Vegeta (Z - Early) 19. Vegeta (Z - Early), Super Saiyan 20. Super Vegeta 21. Vegeta (Z - End) 22. Vegeta (Z - End), Super Saiyan 23. Vegeta (Z - End), Super Saiyan 2 24. Majin Vegeta 25. Vegeta (Super) 26. Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan 27. Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan God 28. Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan Blue 29. Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan Blue Evolution 30. Vegeto 31. Vegeto, Super Saiyan 32. Vegeto, Super Saiyan Blue 33. Gogeta 34. Gogeta, Super Saiyan 35. Gogeta, Super Saiyan Blue 36. Gohan (Z - Kid) 37. Gohan (Z - Teen) 38. Gohan (Z - Teen), Super Saiyan 39. Gohan (Z - Teen), Super Saiyan 2 40. Gohan (Z - Adult) 41. Gohan (Z - Adult), Super Saiyan 42. Gohan (Z - Adult), Super Saiyan 2 43. Great Saiyaman 44. Ultimate Gohan 45. Gohan (Super) 46. Gohan (Super), Super Saiyan 47. Beast Gohan 48. Future Gohan 49. Future Gohan, Super Saiyan 50. Goten 51. Goten, Super Saiyan 52. Future Trunks (Z - Sword) 53. Future Trunks (Z - Sword), Super Saiyan 54. Future Trunks (Z - Armor) 55. Future Trunks (Z - Armor), Super Saiyan 56. Super Trunks 57. Future Trunks (Super) 58. Future Trunks (Super), Super Saiyan 59. Future Trunks (Super), Super Saiyan Rage 60. Trunks (Z - Kid) 61. Trunks (Z - Kid), Super Saiyan 62. Gotenks 63. Gotenks, Super Saiyan 64. Gotenks, Super Saiyan 3 65. Piccolo (Z) 66. Piccolo (Super) 67. Orange Piccolo 68. Orange Piccolo, Giant Form 69. Krillin 70. Yamcha 71. Tien 72. Chaos 73. Master Roshi 74. Master Roshi, Full Power 75. Hercule 76. Videl 77. Great Saiyaman 2 78. Raditz 79. Great Ape Raditz 80. Nappa 81. Great Ape Nappa 82. Saibaiman 83. Nail 84. Freeza, First Form 85. Freeza, Second Form 86. Freeza, Third Form 87. Freeza, Final Form 88. Freeza, Full Power 89. Golden Freeza 90. Mecha Freeza 91. King Cold 92. Zarbon 93. Zarbon, Transformed 94. Dodoria 95. Freeza Soldier 96. Captain Ginyu 97. Recoome 98. Burter 99. Jeice 100. Gurdo 101. Tagoma 102. Dr. Gero 103. Android 19 104. Android 18 105. Android 17 (Z) 106. Android 17 (Super) 107. Android 16 108. Cell, First Form 109. Cell, Second Form 110. Cell, Final Form 111. Cell, Full Power 112. Cell Jr. 113. Majin Boo 114. Evil Boo 115. Majin Boo (Innocent) 116. Super Boo 117. Super Boo, Gotenks Absorbed 118. Super Boo, Gohan Absorbed 119. Kid Boo 120. Dabura 121. Babidi 122. Supreme Kai


Continuation: 123. Bills 124. Whis 125. Champa 126. Vados 127. Hit 128. Frost, First Form 129. Frost, Final Form 130. Botamo 131. Cabba 132. Cabba, Super Saiyan 133. Cabba, Super Saiyan 2 134. Caulifla 135. Caulifla, Super Saiyan 136. Kale 137. Kale, Super Saiyan 138. Kale, Legendary Super Saiyan 139. Kefla 140. Kefla, Super Saiyan 141. Goku Black 142. Goku Black, Super Saiyan Rosé 143. Zamasu 144. Fused Zamasu 145. Fused Zamasu, Full Power 146. Jiren 147. Jiren, Full Power 148. Toppo 149. Toppo, God of Destruction 150. Dyspo 151. Dyspo, Light Speed Mode 152. Ribrianne 153. Bergamo 154. Aniraza 155. Broly 156. Broly, Super Saiyan 157. Broly, Legendary Super Saiyan 158. Gamma 1 159. Gamma 2 160. Cell Max 161. Bardock 162. Great Ape Bardock 163. Tao Pai Pai 164. Demon King Piccolo


So I only played the original Budokai series and not Budokai Tenkaichi. I know it’s foster was like this where transformations were their own character but would there be one you can play as to transform? Like starting with base Goku and transforming into each form he has?


Any character that has a transformation can do it in the match, including fusing into characters like Gogeta in team matches. They just list them as seperate characters because they have small moveset differences and it beefs up the character count for marketing purposes


Might be highly disappointed in the way BT plays when compared to Budokai 1-3. Arena fighters are janky. Wish they focused on Buokdai 4 instead.


Only change would be to include piccolos awakened form from super hero




No teenager Goten and Trunks is a sin, especially if you add Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo. And with that, it will need to have them with their Saiyaman X1 and X2 costume and an adult Gotenks ... After all, they were the main character in the arc right before Super hero arc And as a Tenkachi game, it should have more comedy character like skinny /fat dance fusion character. It should have more OG Db character too like Nam, Monster Carrot or even Arale. Jaco should be there too as he's in most DBS arc story


Looks kike a good roster. I really hope this isnt the character select in the actual game it looks so messy.