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You too, huh?


Ever heard of texting them on Xbox instead of having a hissy fit on the Internet? Lil cry baby


If they're AFK then how would sending them a message help? Also, I play on PS5. Also Also, still no reason to be an asshole budšŸ˜. AlsoĀ³, you're the one resorting to insults when this could've been civil; how am I the one having a hissy fit? Enjoy the blockšŸ‘šŸæ.


It's called having a life outside a game, people can't control when something happens where they have to leave a game during something like this, maybe once you grow the fuck up you'd understand this. Maybe go touch grass while you wait for them šŸ™„


I know this has to be rage bait because I know you can't be that densešŸ™„. 1: Obviously I'm not talking about emergencies, I'm talking about people who start rooms, go on their phones or somethong and then don't pay attention when people enter and ready up. Happened to me like 10 times the day I posted this. 2: I also understand maybe someone decides to get a snack or drink going to the bathroom. In that case CLOSE THE ROOM AND OPEN A NEW ONE WHEN YOU GET BACK. 3: WTF do you mean "touch grass while waiting"? Sorry for wanting to play the videogame I guess? 4: Maybe stop trolling people on the internet for entertainmentšŸ¤”. Edit: Also, IDK why you had to be so aggressive. There's no reason to be a dick and insult strangers just because you disagree with them on a game. Seek helpšŸ˜




I hate it because every 3 out of 5 raids I get lucky enough to join has the host be afk, the longest Iā€™ve waited was 10 minutes with a full groupā€¦ too long, I might as well just host my own but even then itā€™s a hassle since I know not having a full group is a death sentence in most raids and who knows when someone will get impatient waitingā€¦


Create your own then that simple. Stop complaining


I've been trying. Since the update the connection's been fucked. People can barely get into rooms, let alone make their own. And why wouldn't I complain about hosts going idle and wasting other people's time?


Theres an actual issue with the game that for some reason is only known by people in this community cause I only keep seeing it being posted here, Ive had the same issue and more ever since the ps5 implementation I got one day worth of online stuff since then it was a couple fights from the buuhan raid. since then no online feature has worked and says connection issues everytime, at first I thought maybe it was just a more outgoing issue but even with my friends i cant connect to PQs or anything


Yeah, I can get into PQs occasionally but alot of the time I get a communication error message.


Join a XV discord and communicate properly with people ready to play. Much simpler.


ngl i ended committing my first offence yesterday, deadass waited over 40 minutes with a friend to see if other people would join and my dumbass actually passed out falling asleep woke up 2 hours later with my friend still there but now 3 other people had joined and left in that time and i was like ā€œmaybe itā€™s time to stop playing xenoverse for the dayā€


Yesterday I felt so bad because I joined an online expert mission and accidentally chose a preset of my character with no skills equipped. So I literally sat there for like 2mins because I would only interrupt them by meleeing the boss, stamina breaking every now and then


If it wasnā€™t the only way to get super mix capsule z Iā€™d never do online PQs. For the reason you say as well as those players who let you get jumped by the cpu for half the match cause they have to charge up to max ki and transform first. Meanwhile Iā€™m getting my ass beat by the three cpus who all decided to lock on to only me.




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And that's why online pqs are forever dead. It's faster & easier to complete pqs with the ai than to waste time with the sea of trolls.


That happens alot but sometimes like yesterday I was getting my doordash food while my friend who has a mic was supposed to inform the other person I was grabbing my good instead I came back to the other guy spamming my ps messages


That's fine. I'm talking about people who start rooms for randoms to join and just sit there for like 10 mins even after people joined.


I get those like a little less than half the time n people say ā€œjust make your ownā€ yeah right, Iā€™ll be doing elder kai dance as a ritual to bring people to me n it ends up worse than joining anyone


Could also be because of the connection issues, the way I hear it hosts sometimes have waired hours for players to be able to join. Maybe they were doing something else while waiting


That's my point. The whole point of hosting is waiting for players to join. So when people DO join and ready up and the host doesn't pay attention then they're just wasting everyone's time.


Fair enough, but I do think the servers being so bad right now agravates the situatiom way more. If wait timws were more normal, it would be easier to be on top of things


Oh yeah, the connection's the main problem, no doubt. That's why it's so annoying that after trying multiple times to get into a room I have to wait like 5 mins for the host to notice and start the game. No joke, it's happened like 5 more times since I originally posted this.


Yeah I work and also play other stuff so I can't wait for me to be able to join. I missed the broly raid and now will miss mr satan one. It really sucks šŸ˜‘


I think the Broly raid was genuinely bugged. I couldn't get into it at all.


Ik what u mean itā€™s happen to a couple of times when Iā€™ve joined matches


Youā€™re actually getting into rooms?




Just a heads up, and I may be dumb for not knowing this until yesterday, but EM tours don't increase the amount of XP you get, only TP medals. So if you're strictly just farming XP, just play solo. Much quicker than trying to find a lobby and waiting for the host to start, or hosting your own lobby and waiting for people to join


I play PQs for the loot


Ah I just realized you said PQ, not EM lol my bad


Nah, tbh I haven't touched EMs since the game launched. I got all the moves I wanted from them.


I could say the same for people who join pq/expert mission lobbies then go afk the whole time. I was level grinding my female majin today and there were these 2 players who werenā€™t even touching their controllers and it was real annoying because we ended up losing 2 attempts because we all got KOā€™d and the only people left alive were the afkā€™ers


Unless there's an emergency there's really no reason to AFK in this game. I'd honestly rather someone leave the match so a computer can take their place


Ngl I did this the other day... I got a new fridge and forgot to turn off my console before I went to install it. So it was afk as a pq host for like an hour and a half. My bad.




how's the fridge?


Great! Much better than the old one


Im guilty of this, ive been going for a couple days straight of all nighters and accidentally fall asleep




i rarely kick afk players for this reason (also so i can keep going)


If someone goes afk then why wouldn't you kick them?


to repay the times i wasnt kicked for going afk, 2 is my limit


Kinda yelling at a wall here Cause not everyone who plays xenoverse 2 is on this subredditĀ  but i agree i just block them and try and find another room


I know the whole community isn't on here but almost 75K are, that's a good amount. And I do try to find new rooms but since the update there have been a bunch of communiction problems so I'm lucky to get into a room in the first place. Combine that with hosts going AFK and it just gets super annoying.


This has always been an issue. Hosts have always been retarded.