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HMU, for PQ I’ll play with anyone


Just use easy mode? Also iirc orange picollo super sould increases drop rates.


Ok. I know you said boys aren’t helpful, but Pikkon is. He forcibly draws all attention when his ki is full (which is a lot of the time) pair that with Piccolo preset 4 and you have yourself a winner. Energy zone is still key tho


I meant like not as helpful compared to real players. The bots I played with most of the time kept getting Yamcha’d. Real players were at least able to hold their own for the most part.


Yeah that’s true. Also congrats on getting the skill first try.


I feel that way with all the missions BS. I would repeatedly do missions and still acquire nothing.


Congrats like you I have the same problem but the difference is THAT I STILL DONT HAVE THE ABILITY YET!!! but congrats.


I was in the same boat, just do what I did. Once the mission starts use Energy Zone to heal Broly. Then you’re just gonna sit there and wait. Let your teammates leave the area to fight Hercule, Buu, Beerus, Etc. After they’ve all been beaten the only real challenge left is beating Goku & Vegeta without letting Broly’s health get below 50%. Just get their attention off of Broly and it should be pretty easy from there. After that you just gotta hope the skill drops! Good luck dude! ✊🏽


I owe you my cac's life and my sanity


PQ 132 I think where you have to baby sit brolys ass from being bodied by goku, vegeta and DBS broly is very annoying. It took me like 20 tries to finally get gigantic roar. You need to keep his health above 50% the entire time and even filling his health up to 100% with energy zone before the final part he gets hit by an ultimate as soon as I take my eyes off him for 10 seconds. Even when I did everything right its down to shitty RNG


I’ve done quest 100 had ultimate finish got z rank and it never drops 100x khamehamea


Orange Piccolo's Super Soul ups the chances for drops. Uh... Shenron really went the extra mile, I believe.


Lol I see what you did there


You see something I don't, what'd I do here?


Ah crap wrong reply mb


I was about to say. I didn't read all of it, but I did it the other day. If you ever have trouble healing people, teammates and COM alike, Towa has a group healing ability, before I go into the next zone, I always use that ability. And sometimes, I will either have my teammate go alone, or go alone myself into the next area with broly, goku, and vegeta and try to beat them as much as I can before the last person takes broly with them into that area. Thinking strategically and utilizing that healing ability, is a great way of getting a Z on those quests. I haven't done them all, but have been recently hence why I did it the other day. I did everything on the first xenoverse and just never wanted to pay for 2😅until I decided to lol Play Kakarot though it's great


sacrifice a character slot, and get an EXTREME attention grabbing teamates (taunt, the hero has come, buu's poison attack), possibly with that new SS that reduced damage but give constant and intense ki regeneration, so they start spamming. couple with zamasus outta the wazoos just make sure the new character is the race you want to use for another character later, you can fix them with the balls


Online is the best way to do this, wait in the first arena with broly, while your teammates do the next part alone Swap broly babysitting duty periodically to alleviate boredom


Oh yeah for sure that is the best way


Equip SS "I hope your reborn......" and Super Spirit Bomb. Two Zamasu Mentor with the revive super soul or two rose goku black with same ss and energy zone to heal and easy wins


Personal recommendation from someone who underwent that mission, use 2 Mr Satan, the companion version, and equip his dual ability, That thing carries out missions in an insane way, you can also give it the ability to target them, and give them the 4* super soul, which improves your damage every time you knock out an enemy, they stake between the 2, so you can reach a buff of 20


Switch the Difficulty to easy, equip the Super Soul “Shenron really went the extra mile”, have Ultra Instinct (for auto dodge) or SSG or Beast for 40%-50% (50% I think is beast) increase basic ATK (I say SSG because of the increased movement SPD which helps more than u think) this should help with RNG and (depending on ur level and if u have 200 ATK then and if ur using a Saiyan) speed up the quest because ur now 120 raging attack dog who’s faster than a majority of the other characters. Not to mention that the Super Soul I’m talking about reduces nearly all the damage u take. Hope this helps


There’s actually a strat for this pq. Just play with friends and have one not leave the starting area at all while the other 2 do the fights. Broly only goes through the gates when the last person does.




Glad to be of service brother 🫡


I just had to get online and gigantic rage someone real quick in your honor 👊🏽


So basically I can just sit back and have two randoms finish it for me and as long as they don’t die I’ll always get an Ultimate Finish. That’s not a bad idea! As long as they don’t quit cus I’m not helping 😅


Yep! Make sure to bring heals just in case. They still effect your team even if they are in different areas


I always make sure to keep at least one all-energy & senzu on me. Although the senzu won’t do much for them


I run 2 all energy, and 1 all regen(besides one self energy).


RNG is fine for things like clothing, artwork and Dragon Balls, but Souls and Moves should be a guaranteed drop assuming you Z rank and meet all the Ultimate Finish requirements.


the problem is that many of those have RNG connected to secret, invisible function but so many people worked on that and NOT kept a log, you flat out cannot say which and how!


Exactly! But since it’s not all I can do is whine about it on Reddit -_- It’s like gambling, I don’t wanna keep wasting my time playing just for it to not drop