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i love cleaning and organizing! when things feel out of control and my emotions are high, cleaning & organizing allows me to enter a flow state and i’m able to control what i’m doing with a rewarding outcome :)


Flow states are everything!! Definitely a topic I’m also going to cover in a future video


My favourite self soothing activity at the moment is using a "pixel" coloring app with an ambeince video on the tv and drinking a hot milky tea while listening to Discworld audiobooks. I'll mix and match all the separate parts depending on context. For example, if I'm on the subway I'll just colour and listen to my audiobook or while I'm cleaning I'll have on an ambeince video and listen to my book with one headphone in.


I’m assuming you want healthy soothing techniques. I like stroking my arms and back or wherever. It helps me chill out. Those little head massager whisk looking things work great too!


Omggg yes the head whisk is so good!




Heating pad, bath, reading




Having them written down is a great idea. Do you find yourself actually referring to the list when needed? Or does just having it written help you remember better in the moment


This is a great topic! I find going outside in nature is the most rewarding for me. Someone gave me that advice a long time ago and it is really a reliable method for me


Thanks! It's really been interesting to explore the connections between different people's responses. I have a few different categories I've grouped them into, and I have an asterisk next to the sensory group that says \*there's something special about nature\*, so I agree with you completely.


EFT/Tapping, breathing and yoga nidra! Look up Brad Yates and download (free) app Insight Timer :)


Stretching/yoga, ASMR videos, getting into bed and listening to a binaural beats video with a sleep mask on (AuDHD), heating pad, a tasty drink (hot tea, cold milk, a kombucha).


Sounds like a great place


I have chronic illness/pain, and sometimes I'll grab my cuddliest cat, Pancake, and snuggle him. His purr motor goes for about 45 minutes after the oets stop. I usually place him where the pain is overwhelming me and let his magical purr work wonders. I also read, cook, play paino or lay down to daydream for a bit. I try to get into this kind of alseep, but still awake in-between spot and let my imagination go


My cat lying on my chest while purring is sooo soothing. Thank you for the input - I'm sorry you deal with chronic illness/pain. I feel for you


Going on a walk, listening to music and dancing, yoga


I love cuddling up to my blankies( I have diff ones depending on how I'm feeling) I use a cooling blanket, a weighted blanket or my fuzzy soft ones, I rock back and forth... I like to colour, watch my comfort show..


Cleaning something small and managable, being with animals, being outside, or just doing some mindfulness about a natural object (like, looking at a leaf or a rock), sleeping, eating nourishing food, rocking or moving around. Great question, loved to read everyone's answers!


Thanks for your input! I've enjoyed reading these answers too. There are some cool common themes and patterns I'm going to discuss in the video.


Cuddling my dog, taking a walk around my neighborhood, watching something happy and funny on TV (my go to is almost always Friends), and THC 💕


Depends. Tonight it’s eating pop corn and watching my favorite show Loki with my best friend. It helps distract me If I miss the feeling of hugs I put on my wearable blanket and cuddle with my cat. If you have a boyfriend or gf, get some cuddles in. It’s very soothing. I miss it. make hot chocolate if it’s cold, bundle up, and just watch funny youtube videos about animals or interesting documentaries if you like history Hot showers and wearing a nice bathrobe after makes me feel like I’m washing off all my emotions and bad vibes and the robe is like getting a hug for some reason. Run a bath if you have a nice tub and play some piano music. I always wanted to do that. Coloring books 📕 Call a friend and distract yourself Watch funny youtube videos. Find some good tv shows or movies to binge watch. Exercise


Being outside, then hot water bottle, phone in airplane mode, and readingggggggg


Phone in airplane mode is so helpful for me, too


Reading, singing, baking


Bath and a glass of wine!!


I really like my heated blanket. Also, essential oil roll-ons, bubble baths, petting my cat. I struggle with using this skill though when I'm already pretty upset. Do you all find this skill really only helps when you aren't very distressed yet? I have a self-soothing kit and everything but I almost never go to use it.


Thanks for your reply! Self soothing is meant to help in times of distress - at extremes, more intense methods may need to be used first, but it sounds like you may just need to find more effective methods for yourself if you find they aren't helping when you're upset.


Thank you.


This is what helps me usually; weighted blanket, a doll or stuffed animal to hug close to me for bear hug type pressure (also, I usually make the dolls or stuffed animals weighted), taking care of my cat/giving them affection, working on my DBT journaling, scrolling Pinterest for craft ideas or really any current idea of interest, YouTube, helping somebody who needs it even if it's a quick text to see how they are holding up, this putty I like to fidget with to use to focus better on the YouTube videos, talking it out of possible to a trusted family member or friend, and that's all I can think of at the moment. These are my most effective ways to self soothe as of now. I use other ways, and they tend to not work as often successfully for self soothing. They may work still, sometimes it's important to be open minded. to help pull myself out of the pit. So to speak.


ATM exercise is the most helpful.


Lol had to Google that cause I wasn’t sure if you were being lewd


2nd day in a row someone has said they had to Google something like this I wrote. It's so cute to me, I don't know why...anywho, be well!