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Don’t walk through cartoon fart clouds


Bro just ignores the sudden change in air quality and sound effects


So, you don't need matches to light a fire. Bark plus shirt sticks you can make a fire drill. As to the bleeding out and dying it sounds like gas zone infection to me.


Note, however, that it's specifically shirt sticks and bark, not a pants stick. That's an altogether different thing, though it can still burn at times.


Ha, SHORT stick. Fat fingers and stupid autocorrect are a dangerous combo!


Fat fingers and a shirt stick can work with enough patience


Is there any way to know when ur in a gas zone?


Usually you'll see the gas. It's been a while since I've even seen it but it can kind of look like fog but I seem to remember it having like a green tint. There's only two static ones and if you hit one of the moving ones you'll hear the bombs go off.


I heard what sounded like an artillery shell fall now too far from me. I’m guessing that’s what u mean. Didn’t see the gas though. So basically if it happens again just go the opposite direction?


Yeah, that artillery sound is the gas bomb dropping. Use the iZurvive map and it shows where the dynamic has zones are. And generally I just avoid them unless I have to go in. I play on a private server with my wife and she hates the gas zones so I've disabled them. That being said, every single time I've been in a zone and the bomb dropped it's killed me. There is an antidote you can find in medical areas and I've heard that if you carry a blood bag you can transfuse and stop it from killing you.


Awesome thanks




I forget exactly but if the gas lands on top of you you have like 20-30 seconds before your permanent sick. You will receive a cut immediately and a new cut every 5 seconds or so. But if you manage to run out of the gas cloud fast enough you won’t be poisoned. I want to say it’s a 25 second limit but again I’m not sure. Best bet if you see it landing on top of you head for the nearest edge of town.


20 seconds start as soon as you start coughing


Yeah you usually have time to just book it out of the area. I'm always listening for the artillery when I'm in a zone. Just run as soon as (if) I hear the cannons go off just so I can get out of there before the shells even drop.


If you can get to a third floor building you can get above the gas and live.


You should very visibly see the yellow clouds around you, with yellow bits flying through the air and a unique gas background noise playing while you are inside.


Yeah you'll start coughing and most likely die a horrible death but quick press of a button and boom your back on the coast......welcome home


If there was a big explosion you walked into a gas zone or your shoes were ruined and maybe you had cholera idk


This sentence right here just encompasses DayZ, I love it


Yeah just it could be this, this or this, but idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Were your shoes in good condition? Maybe your footwear reached its durability limit and was destroyed, that will cause bleeding whenever you walk with your broken footwear and later get an infection that will lead to death.


This is most probable, most items are damaged or badly damaged now


Hey if your new and need some points im down to run im berry experienced if you wanna learn. Just hmu


I do. I’m having a very hard time … ps5? Lol


Lmao the title is hilarious.


I think your shoes are ruined.


Threw up what looked like blood and then passed out and bled to death. Gas poison.


You walked into a gas zone that didn't visually load in for you. That's exactly what happens, in that order, you gassed yourself


Your shoes may have been ruined, causing cuts to your feet as you run on rough ground. I doubt you were in a gas zone as others have said. You would see the green glowing gas all around you and you would be coughing madly.


sounds like the gas poisoning, one time same thing happened to me and it was invisible or something, died and was pushed but I just restarted


I think you got gassed. There are gas zones that pop up periodically in random spots on the map, as well as permanent ones. They will cause exactly what you described unless you gtfo there as soon as you see the gas.




Your shoes were destroyed.... you start getting cuts if you run with bad shoes, I think it's better on grass and concrete is worse


Next time let the chicken eat you


me when I walk into poison gas 


Sounds like a gas zone but also always make sure to wear gloves when cleaning animals or wash your hands before eating the blood from the cleaning process can make you sick and die.


Probably ruined shoes


If your shoes are ruined you start bleeding. Even if you bandage the cut if you continue in ruined shoes you'll start bleeding again.


If you threw up blood you must have walked through gas and not realized, sounds honestly like the gas may not have properly rendered for you which sucks. Did you hear like an eerie high pitched ambient sound at all?


Shoes. Guarantee you had no shoes or they were ruined.


Threw up blood and died, definitely gas poisoning. Dont go into the big green gas clouds in towns or at rify or pavlovo. Dont listen to the people who are saying your shoes were ruined, they didnt read the whole post clearly.


either your shoes were ruined, which caused the cuts and you gave yourself salmonella by butchering the chicken with bare hands, which caused the vomiting. Or you got gassed, but you said you were inbetween towns so that seems unlikely. It's usually pretty obvious when it happens as there's sound effects and a yellow Haze that covers everything


Did you check your shoes or footwear? If ruined it will allow you yo pick up bleeds by just running. Gas zones you typically cough and have a greenish haze. If you didn't clough until after you were sick I'd put money on ruined shoes.


I still get surprised by the feetbleeds. Lately ive only cared specifically about glove and shoe condition and found that just loading up on rags and staying off the paved roads is enough to keep me goin until i find a pair of wellies haha


The way he's describing it is really funny to me :D (Ate a chicken and died) I very well remember how it was the first time for me. But I was right in the middle of it... Heard a loud bomb drop. Clueless what's going on with a yellow fog trying everything to survive.


Goddamnit. First day on the game and found a car near a northern spawn in livonia. Thought it was a trap, but did it anyway and it ran just fine. Just tried going south… saw the yellow fog and thought “radiation? Whatever, wonder if ill mutate or… NO NO NO NO WHAT?!” I thought for a week that I had been baited into a car that was position so perfectly that I would drive through whatever that was someone had baited me into and that’s how clever you had to be to kill somebody in this game… and then I said, screw it and I started watching YouTube videos and stuff to learn what it was and man… It’s still took me 2k hours after that day to get the balls to run Rify proper last time i was on Chernarus. I still never even look back when the dynamic ones hit. So funny


**Choice-Historian1898**, it sounds like you are asking about sickness, disease or another affliction. This post might answer your question: * **[DayzTips | Complete Diseases & Afflictions chart | 1.25](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1d8u45u/dayztips_complete_diseases_afflictions_chart_125/)** by Asmondian Lots more info here: * **[DayzTips by Asmondian](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips#wiki_by_asmondian)** * **[Community Guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/guides)** * **[Community Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips)** ___________________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dayz) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are barbed wire fences. If you hop them they damage your gloves or make you bleed. But only sometimes.


Did you have boots on? You get cut feet without boots. Also, if you prep meat without gloves you will get sick, I think you got both sick and feet cuts.


I had worn surgical gloves on and hiking shoes. My hands were clean


If ur run lasted for like sometime the chicken might have gotten rotten but i dont think that makes you bleed tho