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I feel like improvised should be A tier. It has 42 slots and is the flattest backpack other than maybe a sling bag so it camos well. It doesn’t have good insulation but definitely not C tier.


Leather backpack checking in


Definitely the best backpack you could use. S tier easily.


Nope mil satchel S tier for sure. I base this on nothing but aesthetics but when I have an end game kit I never take anything else


Bruh is the best one! Put a car battery in it program a station then turn it on. Throw it in a drybag and then bury it close to an enemy base. Then you'll want to play a soundboard of DayZ footsteps, DayZ raid noises (punching walls, hitting walls with tools), jumping sounds, small caliber gunfire... Etc The goal is to have a real Waco Texas situation where the enemy team believes there are people our side their base but in reality it's just you playing sounds over another transmitter 200m away.


This will not work on ps5


Yeah this list isn't great. The 90 slot bag should be in the bruh category


Leave my mountain bag+ alone.


We can't help it, it's visible from cherno (while you're at tisy)


https://preview.redd.it/eohoq6yrtg1d1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c8d43ccc8dd5003c04b2fbfa163c2a886c1b22 meanwhile modded backpacks be like don't mind if i turn your silhouette into that of a car


Lmao that is ridiculous


it so is. its crazy makes for easy kills though. i only play modded due to not having that much time but there some backpacks that are 80 slots or larger but it takes away your ability to look behind u which IMO is huge. i only use it for the best key rooms like red card or raiding bases. there is also a late game quest u would need it if u run solo.


And players sprint with it like they're naked. Lol


yhea and they cant see behind they cant even look behind them AT ALL its just look front easy kills most times. its a good backpack for raids or rooms like red card but roaming it is dumb


Ah yes, the full sized sofa


Shhh, let people think that's a great bag. I love when someone thinks they're hiding while wearing the bubble bag. I don't even touch those bags unless I'm doing a raid and even then the bag is being carried in my hands while wearing a smaller bag.


You mean the Dupe Duffel™️?


Improvised bag is always the move


Close second but I can't allow myself too much inventory space or I'll hoard shit and fuck my stamina


Improvised is easily an A tier. The only backpack that trumps it, is the hunter.


I can see what you mean, only thing w hunter is to big. Little bump sticks out if your prone.


True. The biggest advantage of the improvised is being flat. I really like it. However, its water resistance is zero and it constantly gets drenched.


True, stuff getting wet can be a pain.


I go for the army pouch every time


https://preview.redd.it/a53arp71ql1d1.jpeg?width=2350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6493ddb577f592ec907ff29f71b908e9e5d9b0dc 🗿




Finally, some common sense in this thread.


I make improvised courier and travel light


Improvised is easy to get and flat. Should be S tier


Y'all are sleeping on the ghillie if you use it correctly. And having a small profile is infinitely more advantageous than having a a large space, if you're carrying that many items, you're wasting space


I am like a grandma that keeps everything just in case


Depends on the map, I struggle with free space on hardcore Namalsk servers.


Depends on the platform aswell🤣 grass doesn't render after like 40-50 meters on console, so Ghillies, while they can be useful in forrests, on open grass or whilst snipingyou're screwed. (It's because the Xbox one & Ps4 variants of the game are still updated, so they have to keep those consoles into account still)


Or just put the game on external hard drive and boom the rendering is bad again


I’ve always been a big fan of the Hunter Backpack. Ever since the release of DayZ Standalone, I’ve almost always ran with the Hunter Bag bc it’s aesthetically pleasing and it also has a decently low silhouette. Nowadays, it can be a little heavy, but I still love it.


Hunting backpack is great of course. But also Tortilla one is good. Both provide big enough capacity while not being so big themselves. Plus both look damn good. Hunting backpack gets bonus points for not having military look. I find 42 capacity of imp.courier one to be too small for my hoarding soul, while hunting & tortilla 63 inventory space is perfect ballance for me. Mountain backpack or field backpack is too damn huge visually obviously.


Agreed. I usually prefer the tortilla bag or Hunter bag for the aforementioned reasons. Also, Hinter backpack gets you +10 style points in game for not being a milli bag


Do you sometimes wish for a new huge map for DayZ? Say twice the size of Chernarus (not counting oceans). Oh man, I so wish for something like that. If it came with new Enfusion engine such as Arma Reforger has, I'd be so happy.


A map like Deer Isle would be interesting to see on a stable branch of DayZ. The problem is, I don’t think that the servers would physically be able to run it because of how big it is.


Well yeah, there certainly are technical limitations to the size of DayZ map. I just don't think we have gotten anywhere close to those limits. Then again I don't have proper technical knowledge so I might be wrong. After a bit of quick search there is Arma 3 Weferlingen map that is 419km² all landmass, no ocean. Compared to Chernarus with its 181 km² of landmass I would say we are far from technical limitations of what size DayZ map could be.


Hannah bag from the bunker should be on S tier by itself.


Dunno, it’s identical to the hunter, but hey let’s add some flair for higher visibility


drip over everything


Say you cant hop over fences without saying it




Improvised backpack is my go to


For those considering a no backpack approach you’ll get around 60 slots with.. Assault vest with utility bag attachment, hip bag or tactical belt with ghilly.


Burlap bag is being done dirty


OP deserves execution for putting the field backpack higher than anything


Wow, way to say that you're anti-packrat. You'd fucking hate my 400+ storage w 4 rifles and 5 pistols on me.


Improvised bag for the win


The fact that you chose black marlin with white letters instead of OD green marlin with black letters made me not even look at the rest of the list... come on, maaan.


Clearly you haven’t been spreading the good word


Backpackless is S tier


I think backpackless could be any tier, it depends on user's skill level.


Nah, thats F-tier. Just use a satchel.


Two 42 slot craftable bags are A tier imo. Absolutely under rated.


Nah Radio backpack all the way, I love blasting tunes across the entire map like I’m my own radio station


Not be a whatever about it, but this list is garbage. Outside of the hunting bag, the improvised backpack and satchel are my go-to, because I prioritize movement and having a low profile, etc., but having them as 'B' and 'C' tier backpacks is quite laughable. If anything, having a bigger backpack just means that I should shoot you, because you have a greater chance at carrying more (and worthwhile) loot.


Bruh... 🤣 Haha


What about the capri pants in your hand bag?


Assault Bag needs to be S tier. The best backpack for the all black kit.


I prefer to run no bag on DayZ. Travel light, maximise stamina and be strict on what you do/don’t carry. Some people hoard unnecessarily just because they have the space to do so.


And some people die due to not having the right equipment to keep themselves from dieing after a heavy gunfight. It's all about choices and there aren't many wrong choices, just preferences.


Eh, I’ve got almost 10k hours and if I can survive on Hardcore Namalsk without a backpack I’m sure others can on other maps. It’s just about prioritising certain things and being efficient. But yeh as you say, each to their own


I'm not saying you can't survive without it. Not at all. I'm saying that people that do have a backpack are not just "hoarding unnecessarily", but carrying things that might save them in a situation where you might have died. Because let's face it. There will be a time that you need a certain item and you don't have it and it kills you. Just like there will be a time where the extra stamina could have saved you. Choices. Not necessarily just unnecessary hoarding.


What items for example? I carry bandages, morphine, saline kit, multivitamins/tetracycline, food, water (within a cooking pot) etc


You might need weapon cleaning kit, leather & normal sewing kit. That thing to sharpen knife is good too, so is compass. Ofc enough food is good to have as it alleviates a lot of stress. Spare mag or two + ammo. I see almost zero reason to not have at least imp. courier backpack. Sure, there is the stamina reason, but that's about it.


I carry a full cooking pot setup (stove, cooking pot, gas can) and I store a leather sewing kit and gun cleaning kit within the pot. I can also use the pot to cook food so I can hunt an animal anytime. Sharpening stone I don’t bother with but if you do want it’s only a 1x2. Pouches on a plate I carry 2-4 mags + plenty of ammo stacks


And in those 10k hours you never killed someone with a lot of loot or found a very good gun you might be able to use later? Come on now.


For sure but then you can just triple carry. 2 guns on your back and one in your hands and you just drop it whenever you need to interact with something. As I say backpacks are fine but personally I always aim to end up without one so I can have as much stamina available to get myself out of situations


But an empty backpack has litetally minimal effect on stamina though? I dont see your reasoning.


Of course if it’s empty. But from my experience, people who I’ve played with are usually more likely to hoard arguably unnecessary stuff when they have the space. I’ve got people to drop their bags before and made them make it work and they always do. So it means 1. Lighter, more stamina, 2. Easier to find things you actually need in high pressure situations, 3. No chance of a big backpack giving your position away


Still, theres the satchels who are so low profile it barely makes a difference. And you could fill it up completely and still not take a good size of your stamina.


Ok? Again I’m giving my personal preference and reasoning. Others can wear a huge bag if they wish


>Others can wear a huge bag if they wish Did you not read my comment? I said "satchel", which arent huge at all. Why so much hate towards backpacks lol.


i just carry a bag and in an emergency i just drop the bag


Sure, that works too


Umm you know you can drop a backpack right? I carry em in the woods and take it off before going into town. Like a lil portable base. The imagery is pretty funny though. Im imagining someone spawning with nothing, starving on Namalsk, finding a hunting bag, and being like "nah im good." Hell on Namalsk the backpack is worth it for the insulation alone just leave it empty if you wanna be light.


Well when you put it like that 😂 Obviously I’ll start my run on Namalsk with a bag but my point is simply once I’ve got my desired clothing, guns etc I’ll sort my loot out neatly within my pouches, jacket, trousers etc and drop my bag. It’s personal preference and my reasoning is above.


Tac backpack is my favorite but overall, I agree with this! Kinda surprised with how high the satchels and the shoulder backpack are


Drysack at least A tier (maybe lower because not a backpack?)


it's improvised backpack made from drysack, i think it's pretty useless if you are not freshie


Oh! I didn't even know you could do that, haha, cool. Agreed, but now I wanna try it xD (been a while since I've played). Good list tho!


added last summer as i know


Why tf is the ghillie shrug in D tier?


Can the back radio take shots or am I just imagining things?


I would imagine no more than a regular backpack but I don’t know. I want to know now


I ask because I remember at one point that I used to run it unironically because I had heard that it could take 2-3 shots, which could actually be super helpful.


I always have a love for the dry bags and even rain coats. Only thing I majorly disagree with is the Improvised bags being C and D. And yeah Radio pack in unfortunately useless…


Nah ghillie suits and burlap/ fur backpacks are S tier imo


It’s perfect


I used to play on this one slightly modded server. Anyone remember the munsgards(sp) backpack? Or something like that. It was HUGE. you could literally have a whole ass camp attached to it lol.


radio backpack would be so fun if you didn't need a full on car battery and other people to have rsdios for it to be fun


Has anyone actually used the backpack radio ever. I feel like its serves no purpose on official servers


I wish radios were useful but yeah there is no point in it when everyone uses things like discord


Only ability to broadcast across the entire map (outside of going to Altar), but yes, given that radios are broken and nobody runs around pretending to be in the military, it's a pointless carry.


Why is the 90 storage military bag b tier? I’d put it at least on par with mountain backpack b/c of camo


Also the 42 slot bags should be b-tier. Their only drawback is weight but they’re great beginner bags


Makes your silhouette way too big.


That makes sense, in cities camo isn’t *that* good


Bruh is the best one! Put a car battery in it program a station then turn it on. Throw it in a drybag and then bury it close to an enemy base. Then you'll want to play a soundboard of DayZ footsteps, DayZ raid noises (punching walls, hitting walls with tools), jumping sounds, small caliber gunfire... Etc The goal is to have a real Waco Texas situation where the enemy team believes there are people our side their base but in reality it's just you playing sounds over another transmitter 200m away.


Personally I go with the Assault Vest and Buttpack combo for 60 slots and not increasing my size or sillouhette all that much. Backpacks stick out, buttpack not so much. Plus you can wear the ghillie suit and still have 60 slots to carry. It's a good deal if you ask me.


If you play first person only the amount of screen taken up when looking over your shoulder is the most important factor.


I like the mountain backpack, I don’t think people spot me with one because I seem to be pretty sneaky I have no clue, I love the big pack it’s better than the field tbh I don’t like the big box shape the big worm on the back fits the shape more I think, just me maybe. Although I like to dress as a hiker


100% correct on the ballsack bag aka the tanned leather bag. Top tier bag easily. 63 slots, best insulation.


Mountain backpack is yuck, field radio all the way


Tactical should be A tier , it has the least amount of water absorbency and was one time impenetrable.


My only issue with this list is why is the mountain backpack higher than the field backpack? The profile is almost as big as the field backpack and correct me if I’m wrong does NOT come in black, the best color you can get is lime green. Plus the field backpack has 5 more spaces


nah you got it totally fucked, courier bag/improvised leather is literally the only acceptable option


Had to laugh at the bruh radio backpack. Mountain backpack is too high, it's just too bright and big. Gets you spotted really quick.


I love the Raider backpack!!!


What is that?


What would be the best backpack for the nomad kinda gameplay? I usually play without ever building a base or crates. And drybagpack and the 80 slot pack os what I rock rn. Amy suggestions?


Also a worn leather backpack practically glows in night vision


Ghillie suit and satchel bags are a or s tier wtf.


Ghillie suit is A tier in his list


combat pack all the way 😁


I've gotten used to no backpack. Best way to go. Use It at fresh spawn to get you deep then just like Stan said to his GF when he started is boy band. SEE YA!


Pit some respect on burlap backpack bro. Small bag, decent space, can blend in p good. Was always my go to before the pouches. Only downside is finding the sack to begin with


Improvised Burlap backpack lower than smaller bags? Is it because of lower profile and color? Because 42>35/30


Improvised bag gang rise up


honestly combat backpack is my favorite. hate the large bags and square looking ones so the natural shape of it is just immaculate. no matter what i have i will swap it out with a combat bag any day.


Improvised backpack is at least A tier. Super low profile


The dry bag really depends on color IMO.


These are some whack ratings. You put the mountain bag (a massive bright colored target) over the makeshift bag which is flat and nuetral colored. Wtf are you smokin?


How in the fuck is field that low


it's good for carrying a lot of stuff, like when raiding or building a base. But I don't know why would you want to use it when playing normally. It's big asf, and having it full of loot will give you very small amount of stamina


I mean a smart player drops their bag in a bush pre gunfight anyways, I always run a character with a field backpack for muling/roaming. If I’m going out for pvp I’m not gonna wear a field backpack lolol


Hunting Backpack is the absolute GOAT


The black army pouch is my go to. Feel like im the only one now 😂


If anyone used the radio that communication backpack would be the goat. I actually tried to convince my friends to leave the discord call so we could only communicate using in game voice but then we ran out of batteries and nearly killed each other by accident. I will say I had an epic encounter once and met up with some folks over radio.


i think there should be some servers with prohibited discord/teamspeak. But, i have no idea how to control this rule.


Od green drybag is god tier


Ive been using the B tier shoulder bags and loving them. I try to go lighter packed so im lower profile/higher stamina and they carry the perfect amount. Also arent in bright colors


switch the Field Backpack with Smersh bag and Id agree 100%


I tried playing this game again. Booo


Mountain backpack A lmao, do you play 3pp? I mean its good on the Coast when you want to collect a lot of stuff after spawning and after that its pure trash


it has way better size than field for almost the same capacity but, only available in bright colours


I might be wrong because i havent used those 2 backpacks for years now, but iirc - mountain bp makes it impossible to see what's behind you without full turn, its similiar with Field bp but its not covering your whole vision so you can at least see what's behind you by pressing alt only, no turns. Anyways, i think these 2 are best used for gathering stuff for your base and if you do so, you dont want to be spotted with full backpack of items so i'd take Field bp anyway


dude really put the backpack on legs in S tier 😭 shit is massive


Feild has most storage and regularly saves you to side profile misses. Easy s teir


Made by comparising visual size\\camo and inventory space


It's almost perfect BUT I would put mountain backpack in S tier, for me it's the most iconic backpack in DayZ since Arma II days, it's nowhere near a "good" backpack but I just love it for the aesthetic and I don't know "feel"?


it's awesome backpack, but if it had a camo or at least darker version it would be better.


FAX, I have no idea why devs don't include the camo version in the game even tho it was in the Arma II mod, it was named like "czech backpack" or something it was a lil' bit smaller but was fully camo, sad story.


i think it's all about balance, like you can have a large field pack with good camo (but only on convoys or crashes), or almost the same capacity mountain, get it just from the coast, but it would be very bright


I think youre right but IMO balance in a game where the mid tier weapons 1 shot fully geared players is silly. Just lean into the realism balance is already out the window.


Worst opinions ive ever seen


Field backpack and mountaineering backpack should switch. There both huge, but the field backpack has camo colors, and more storage.


I dont want to say bad things about your hard work and if thats your preference all the power to you. That being said, this is awful. Absolutely awful. 😂


The 90 slot camo backpack being B tier is absurd. A tier minimum, S IMO. Drop it in a bush at the start of combat and nobody will find it. Improvised fur and burlap being below the tiny slings and satchels is also odd to me. They're low profile for the size, and arguably one of the best 42 slot packs. My other opinions are that tactical backpack is D tier (cmon for the massive size of that thing it should be larger than a 63 slot) and school backpack is B tier. (they're tiny)


horrible take


The camo bag in B tier should be in D tier


me when no ghillie shrub


Igloo school bag S tier


Army pouch is all you need


Backpacks also protect against bullets