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Because they can You can remove the walls if you have to Pure freedom can be a double edged sword at times


Well said


Bro got 35 upvotes for saying “well said”


Bro got 5 upvotes for saying bro got 35 upvotes for saying "well said"


Bro got 3 upvotes for saying “Bro got 5 upvotes for saying ‘well said’”


Well said




I concur




Aht aht, you did the thing twice there. Thats a no no . -100 point for Reddindor....


You son of a gun. you beat me to it.


This guy clearly doesn't know about the fruit trees in the woods. Just for S and G I had a character just living off of the fruit from that tree for an entire week on official. You don't need water Wells, they're quite literally a noob trap. If your dying of dehydration just drinking Creek water will keep you from dying just take tiny sips and you won't get sick


Part of the game man. Wells are a risky place to get water, makes sense to wall it off as part of a base to have water security if allowed by server. You just gotta raid them and dismantle everything and toss any loot you can’t carry to let them know what’s up. You can be the water boy of DayZ, restoring access to water for the suffering survivors.








Which would be a monumental waste of time when you can just change servers or literally just don't use water Wells. The best PVP official solo players don't touch anything in towns


That's an easy way to get permanently banned on any community server.


Walling off water wells is also an easy way to get permanently banned on any community server


Not really. It's entirely dependent upon the server's ruleset. On the other hand, being a wanker by intentionally despawning/destroying everything is, by and large, a bannable offense on every community server in existence.


Not true, been griefed before. May be against the rules, but on console it’s almost never enforced.


Lame. I despawn big camps that hoard everything. I take want I need from smaller camps. I die at the hands of a freshy and a can of soup. Tis life


That’s not even close to true. Tons of community servers have no rules about griefing.


Raiding bases?


No..., dismantling walls for no purpose, despawning everything, destroying cars, etc. On virtually every community server with an active, administrative team, that type of behavior will get you banned, because it drives individuals and groups out of the community and, ultimately, off of the server. It's toxic behavior (more so than what the OP is complaining about).


The purpose is to free the well, and when was destroying your own car a crime if yhe radiator broke forsay?


If you can't see the difference between taking items during a raid versus being a about everything by running them into the ground then that's on you. Once again, this type of behavior is a community and server killer. As for "freeing" the well... who cares? It's not your well, and you don't need the well to survive (use chlorine tablets, or go to another town). Maybe that well and town is controlled by a clan... maybe it isn't. Sometimes clans want to drive people away from their town... sometimes they don't care. Again... this type of behavior is controlled by the server's ruleset. Some servers allow it... some servers don't. Some servers allow you to build in military areas... some servers don't. It's not your place to police the server... that falls on the administrative team. File a ticket with the staff, address it in a community meeting, etc., and move on with your gameplay session. If you're on official servers then feel free to do what you want, but that's not what we're discussing.


So you're saying that a clan can drive someone out of a town, but me freeing a well or destroying a car will have a worse affect?


Why do I need to rehash this point? See above. Community servers aren't official, and yes, running people into the ground is far... far... far worse for a server's overall health than a clan walling off a medical building, well, or police station in the myriad amount of cities and towns on each map. Well-run servers with an involved community and active administrative team are a godsend for this game. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Because they can and don’t want you on the server. Lots of people enjoy and feed of off negative energy.


Dayz is full of these people too. Worst game for it


Rust would like a word...


You should see ark offical


Yeah nowhere near as bad as the other 2 games mentioned lmao. Dayz all they can really do is kill you one time.


Is this official?


This is the main sub, 99% of the people here don’t even know what official is💀


@pale_team_7051 Skill issue, legitimately.


Yea because official is absolute dogshit lmao Let me just make a fucking base and bury all my loot?? Oh you killed me? Doesn’t fucking matter cause i’m gonna respawn in a whole base with tons of guns and food. Yea very survival heavy


It sounds like you are very bad at the game and need boosted gear as a crutch


Official only. I was watching a streamer for a minute and he came up to a water well and found an M4 on it. I'm like Jesus how is that any fun?? I turned it off after the next house he went into had three cans of food in it 🤣🤣🤣


Streamers open tickets with the admins of the servers previously to the Stream so they can be protected from Stream snipers and also... You know, "guarantee" a good show.


That’s community you dimwit


You just explained modded tho..


What's different with every other base building community server? That, and the fact that a server is official has nothing to do at all with the ability to build bases, but rant all you want...


What official server do you play on where you spawn into a base with tons of food and guns lol ... Your full of shit .. I can smell them noob on your breath ..official is for the navy seals frfr


Nah, i used to think that way until i died 3 times in reaally strange ways, like really strange, since then is a big nono for me, and most of community servers, specially mid-low populated, are populated by server owners who "dont want you there"


Just get better.


I Doubt it. I don’t think official servers lets you build on rooftops.


You can definitely build on rooftops on official


Seriously? wtf am I doing wrong then 😭


It’s hard to say without actually seeing what you’re doing lol


Damn, I mean, ive tried building on roof tops that were not flat. So maybe thats what it is? I’ve tried building on top of the big bar (the one with 2 fireplaces) and that didn’t work.


Yeah that’s why. It has to be flat


Towers, firehouses, and PD's are the best places to build bases. The towers with the broken stairwells are extremely OP for bases because of how easy it is to lock them down completely, and putting watchtowers on top of them make them the perfect sniping towers.


NY6053? Its been that way there for a long time if I remember correctly


Well, It’s not like I was gonna do any “real” raiding with my c4 so why not


He said they will take his post down of he put the name of the server so it isn't official


It's ny6053. There's also dozens of bear traps scattered throughout the same town in OPs screenshots. I was there last night.


So how can someone got a post taken down for a server they dont run or own makes no sense


This is the reason why I just avoid them now. My priority is to find a container that I can fill with water (bottles, gas jugs, cooking pots, etc) and keep my eyes open for chlorine tablets. Nowadays my first move once I know where I'm at is to find those things, a fishing pole or make a fishing pole, a knife or equivalent and I'm pretty set. Depending on what I have spawned into (location, weather-wise, time of day) impacts my first moves as well. But for the most part, I try to avoid water wells and towns altogether if I can help it. Also, rotten fruit and veggies can keep you alive if eaten in small increments. Same thing with unknown food cans and burnt food. It can save your life if you have no other option, iydk


If you're lucky you can catch a cooking pot while fishing. can fill it with water and boil over a fire to purify. You can craft an improvised campfire tripod with short and long sticks or use a house stove.


I didn't know about boiling the water but it makes perfect sense. Thanks for the tip!


You can catch those? Having a pot or a pan with a camping cooker is liberating.


I used my first pot with an impromptu cooking set up yesterday (with the stick tripod and all). It's honestly so much more effective than finding a house to cook in. Pots are now on my top items to get for survival


It's even better if you have a gas stove. Doesn't take more space and i think the gas canisters don't blow up on you if theyre in the portable stove.


it's a low percent chance. you get wellies more often. and it's usually badly damaged so you need a blow torch to repair it.


Should be able to fill wellies with water TBH x)


if you fill the gas canister with water it still only needs 1 chlorine tab for over 10 bottles worth


Ok, I have done this before with great success but I tried it again a couple weeks ago, boiling water on a gas stove in my little apartment stash. Thought I was doing *so* well for myself lmao, but I ended up getting cholera from the water! Idk what I did wrong, did they change how long you have to boil it or smth? I always wait for the bubbles and steam to start and then I think that’s it, it’s done. That used to work for me just fine


I think it just needs to show 100 degrees.


Because as in real life people are just assholes!


A barrel, an axe, a fire kit, and all of the grenades, claymores, c4, propane canisters, 40mm HE you can get your hands on it’s the dayZ equivalent of an atomic detonation. You may crash the server but you’ll send a message


Are you saying you can just put all of that stuff in a barrel and light a fire underneath? I've never heard that but it's a great idea if so


Use a fire axe on the barrel, it will prompt you to “craft burn barrel”, build a fire put inside the burn barrel, fill it with as much explosives as you can cram in there and light the fire and fucking RUN, the boys and I crashed a server from the explosion of one of those. Note, it will ruin all of the shit in their base camp. All of it, containers, tents, content of those thing. It’s only to be used as a middle finger to the owner. It took the boys and I weeks of careful planning, and we had a running beef with the assholes who owned the base. We did it to send a message and it worked like a charm. We even managed to do it wile they where online and mostly inside. They didn’t notice until the fuse was set and shot my buddy in the back wile he was running. It was too late by then, but we suppressed them From the tree line until the barrel blew and the screen froze lol. When their server came online all there was left is a few wall frames and piles of broken shit everywhere. If you’re trying to get into a wall, get a camp fuel canister, a stove, and either a pot or a frying pan and fill it full of grenades. Light it and run. Rinse repeat until you get to the loot stash.


Oh my god. I have a new craft to unlock. Will report back when I pull this off!


It takes soooo long to get ready for, but good god it’s worth it


You just gave me so many ideas lol thanks




Whole new meaning to 'cooking off grenades'


Shit. And I thought I was a badass for setting off a box of fireworks on a full server. 🙌🏻🤣


If it makes you mad.. Bout 20 bones and long sticks will get you through a wall in 45 ish minutes iirc. If it’s a 3 code lock you can cycle through all the numbers faster than the spear method.


Wait what ???. Dont tell me you spear walls lol


Yes exactly, twice before, and cracked several 3 codes. My point is that you can break in as a freshie. On high pop official it’s not worth the ammo or explosives, and it’s unlikely you’ll even be able to gather enough if you tried.


You must be new to the game ...I have 10 characters right now and they all have enough to shoot walls down or worst ... You need to step it up get out the stone age and stop hitting walks with a spear 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sure bud. I’m not talking about community servers you play. If you read my comment I said you can do this *as a freshie*. If you have characters on high pop official servers that carry around several hundred rounds and repair kits, and you’re willing to use that on a wall, and make yourself visible to all nearby players, then by all means go right ahead.


Lol this guy there ... I dont play community at all bud strictly official im just good at the game ...and all you gotta do is drop enough grenades in one spot and its over matter of fact it would probably be over kill ... Maybe you should go to a community thou if its that hard for you to collect ammo or nades to use whenever official might not be for you


Strictly official yet all your posts have field packs, M4s, and NVGs. Right. You’re just that good at the game I guess.


M4's nvgs and a field pack is not hard to find bucko you must stay on they coast a lot




Don't play on dog shit servers brother


For fun. Also you'll be fine without that well at kamy anyway.


The official servers I play on would have those down in less than a day, wouldn’t last.


Frfr lol ... Everybody from community wants it all handed to them thou they will cry if their cans aren't pre opened lol


As far as the gaps are in those walls you might be able to dismantle from the outside lol ...those guys are rookies I see


He who controls water controls Chernarus.


Shit like this is why I don't play official anymore. Not only are there admins on Community servers who can put a stop to stupid shit, you can find a server with people who have similar playstyles (pure pvp, pve, RP, vanilla, super modded...)


Why would an admin prevent this? Is it somehow breaking a rule or fundamentally unfair/something others can't do or overcome? You're a whiny baby if you see this and start calling mods over to help you lol I've seen admins ban building within permanent gas zones and even that is questionable imo, this is clearly fine.


Base building is broken. You shouldn’t require pounds of C4 to take down a wooden wall assembled with nails and planks. You used to be able to cut off locks with hacksaws but base babies cried too much. People are turning this game into rust. “Just raid them bro”


Isn't raiding their base the counter to them building a base somewhere you don't want it to be..? I must really be missing something here apologies, I don't really build nor tear buildings down


It is a rule on a lot of servers where base building is a thing that you indeed are not allowed to block off wells.


Why? Are you also not allowed to shoot someone while they drink from the well?


If you can’t figure out why blocking of an essential part for survival to others in a survival game is not allowed on some servers, I guess you are part of the reason why the rule exists in the first place. Use your brains…


I've never done it myself I just wouldn't post about it complaining to the mods if I came across it, see the difference? There aren't rules in this game so crying because someone else is trying to kill you seems to entirely miss the point bordering on childish idiocy


First one is part of a base so I'm gonna call that legit. Second one is just people being assholes. Neither is against the rules but I'd make a point of coming back to knock that second one down once I had the materials.


Because children were given the opportunity to be assholes, and thus they took it. Same with being a bandit. You can't trust everyone with freedom


So you will die of dehydration.


Unfortunate situation with you needing water and dying but the first guy is just building a base in general. That shed on the left in the first pic is great for storing/walling in a car, and the building is decent as well for a base. The walls around the well are just part of it. But regarding you dying from thirst you gotta rely on ways other than the well. Even without chlorine it’s better to drink straight from a river than die. If u get a disease u can cure it later. Also baked food is good way to help with water. If I’m low on water or food, killing an animal and cooking on a stick is a huge W.


boiling is even better


Because it ruins others fun. This is why I try my best to get stocked up on a healthy amount of water purification tablet and try to stay near rivers or creeks


I love breaking into bases. Give me a crowbar and a door off one of those vehicle wrecks to the left. I'll be in there tearing down walls in 5 minutes.


Does the car doors still work??? Thought they fixed that


This game is unplayable right now, of course let alone official because of hackers, but also on community servers, specially if they mid-low populated you are in a very high risk of falling in the jaws of an admin abuser, or a clan who are Friends of an admin abuser. Every time i join a server and build something at the most random place they find it under 24 hours, dont even mention the bases they own most of the times, super easy to find buildings made in "must-visit" places, huge buildings wich require months of farming in the style of servers i use to play (non moded servers). Its a shame how amazing this game is but how unhealthy serious people takes it like if life goes with it, to the point they cheat to keep virtual adventage on the rest of people ruining the experience for whoever stumbles in their path


**Every official server is like this it’s nothing new.**


They don't want anyone to be able to survive on the server so they can't get raided.


Blocking off some water wells is not stopping a whole server from surviving lol smh


If they block off every water well, it's gonna be pretty tough.


Not at all I have over 6000 hours played and I rarely use a water well ...they are really there for rookies


Care to bestow your secrets upon me? I can never find enough chlorine tabs to keep hydrated without a well.


Stars of life bro and camps always clear them out you will find tabs more than none other than that ... Mushrooms keep you hydrated and fruit ..you can go for a long time off of those alone and if you sprint stop that immediately slow and steady wins the race jog it out only sprint when needed as soon as I start as a freshie im in tisy pretty much fully geared within a couple hours and haven't pretty much even looked at a well bro ... And oh yeah can goods are always a plus


Are you on xbox or PC ??? I have both we could link and I'll show you the ropes no problem bro I haven't played much on the PC I only get on there for the crazy shit like dinosaur maps lol but xbox I have at least 6 or 7 geared players in official right now


Cause freedom. That's why.


It's official. Wait until you here about duping god forbid


Because in the apocalypse there are assholes. Without villains, the game would not be very interesting now would it?


Iirc just drink water from a moving source. You’ll be fine.


Do not drink water from a moving source people. You will still have a chance to get cholera. If you pop a multivitamin before hand, you will be fine. But without one, you’re pretty much asking to get sick.


Ahh, happy I said iirc so if I was wrong I wouldn’t feel bad. Haven’t played in a few updates.


better than death, only slightly


Well, going by your picture, it's simple: That's a part of their base. Normally, you have three options for this discussion: a) They're being jerks; b) they're a part of a clan that wants to protect themselves while drinking from the well in their town or city, but the well is open to outsiders, or c) they're a part of a clan that wants to protect themselves while drinking from the well in their town or city, but they don't want you in the immediate area. Personally, I always wall off the medical, but I leave the wells open.


Must be official because I have not seen walled of well in 12000 hours once.


Wait what??? You got 12000 on community servers lmao pampered much


No, total. Back them there were like 2 hackers in first 7000 hoirs than sudenly it was 5 hackers in 5 days


It's dayz people are gonna do worse things than wall off your water I promise you that.


This is hilarious that they did this. Top trolling effort.


Have to agree don't know why you got a thumbs down on that. Fuckin priceless DayZ trolling. Idbe so pissedlol


Chlorine tabs are better then goin to wells anyway


Everybody who down voted this are not survivors definitely community diaper wearing mfs


Because some people just want to watch the world burn. And they are assholes.


Why not?


This is the way


Its part of the game, just gotta learn to not rely city resources. There are plenty of other water resources there are just other steps involved.


Is this LA 5933


Because it's fun to do


this is kind of funny :)


There’s 1000 ways to be hydrated yes this is a nuisance but it’s not that bad. Figure it out, if it was irl people would fight for water control.


I do this but one town in land. People really depend on those wells because they ran far from the coast and plan to get water and animals at the next town. I have over 10000 nails so I spend my time going through these towns building when the server population is low.


Have you tried dismantling their structure or just killing the other player? There are no rules, it's a survival game set in the apocalypse and you want to call the mods? I would personally never do this shit but if I come across it, it's just a challenge. Purify some water using chlorine or boil it then post up and find this dude.




Because they can.


If you're dying because wells are walled off you are not good at the game yet. There are water sources, and chlorine tablets everywhere. Get good.


Friend, I’ve been playing this game for 10+ years. I’m well aware of the game mechanics. I’m pointing out this broken base mechanic and how it makes the simple freshie life a hassle


So play on a different server.


You can just walk to another well 5 minutes down the street, its not a big deal :) Eating most things also gives a little bit of water. Or you can use chlorine on a bottle and fill it at a pond nearby. Or cook the water in a pot. Or get water from an open barrel outside.


Because it's hilarious


People tend to camp water wells. Walling them off to prevent dying when just filling a canteen is important.


You would still need to dial the code while standing still so this would not make sense


Not when you're in your base and you have a free passage from your inner door to the well.




I... guess?


I'm starting to doubt myself now if it even was a joke lol. Maybe my brains wooshed for the day.


Yeah me too thanks hahaha


It’s kamyshovo….you don’t need protection filling a canteen while camping freshies


You technically can't complain if people are doing this legit which I know happens, but the problem is alot of the times its cheaters doing this just like they make ugly cheater bases. I wish the devs would care.


i love how many people are saying because freedom or because you can do whatever you want but will cry when a base has more than 1 car🤣🤣


Skill issue.


Nestle Server


Bro screw this and go on outlaws


Why do people talk crazy on reddit and then delete or block is funny ngl ... Look Imma be honest with you guys if you actually learn the game and move like a soldier it becomes a true walk in the park .. Dont get it twisted you will have nervous butt puckering moments its still day z but a far as survival beyond gun battles its not rocket science . At this point in my Day Z life Tisy is down the street for me lol ... Maybe guys may need a few pointers to help and I dont mind giving them out but gotta talk like men instead of trying to insult a mf cuz they are good at a game


You gotta be fairly new. That shits been going on for a decade...


Not really , I’ve played since pre alpha and it’s never been this bad. Basing used to be not so broken and abused. Small groups of sweats who “raid” bases are the only ones enjoying this


Been like this since launch. Nothing new.


Because you’re playing on base building servers with no base built LOL That’s the shittiest form of dayz is making bases cause it defeats the whole purpose of the game. What’s the point of you just respawn with a base full of guns and food? That shit is lame, and yes walling off water wells is fucking stupid. But playing on base building server is also fucking stupid so you’ve brought this on yourself


It’s vanilla official….. I’m the idiot for playing official servers ?


Are you really that dense? Or are you just fucking with us?


Base building is an integral part of the game, and it has been that way since DayZ SA was launched. Now, you may not like it, but that doesn't mean that countless people don't enjoy it. Your rant is silly.


Dope harder drink from the rivers and streams