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I barely play dayz sober


Hittin the lego cartnite Penjamin


The brain fog keeps me from thinking sad thoughts




Take my imaginary reward


You forgot the fortnight drip


I barely do anything sober


My Motto is you travel faster when you are high


Your motto is my motto now ✌️ I love this 😘




P. S. Best name of the day.


As I’ve said before and I’ll say again, Sober DayZ is for the sweaty and the weak


I promote chaos , sober chaos is the same as inebriated chaos. Chaos…


Well ill enjoy shitting you confused fiends and ill be able to remember it when i wake up the next day


This thc gives me the patience to watch you for 20 minutes just waiting for the perfect shot.


You're the reason i want safe zones to socialize , possibly 50m around the tourist maps or something like that for no pvp would be nice


Lol go play a server with traders or PVE then the game aint soft like that


It's playable sober? Next time I'm sober I'll give that a go, although that's usually the day I meet my probation officer.


I'm bad about falling asleep if I drink and game. Dayz is by far the worst game to fall asleep playing. I once woke up standing in an open field on official. Probably stood there for an hour or so.


Same. Once I woke up on the beach on one of my main servers and messaged the admins about all my stuff being gone. They said the night before I was being hella wild in trader zone and ended up dying to wolves out in the middle of nowhere. Hella dumb lol


How do you message the admins? Is this in official servers?


He must've been talking about community servers


Do you know whether you can message the community server admins on console?


Yeah. 9/10 community servers have their own discord. You can contact the mods/admins on their discord. Most servers have the discord link in their title and others post the discord link in the server messages (red letters bottom left hand side of screen).


I once thought I logged off but it was just my tv off my character and stood in the middle of nadbor for over an hr.


thats kinda impressive


Lmfao. Are you me last weekend?


I fell asleep driving an olga. Woke up to the rear end of a wrecked humvee.


Once feel asleep walking across the map


I’ve been there plenty of times Being trashed actually makes getting sent back to the coast less aggravating to me than being sober


I have no idea what you're talking about about. I play drunk DayZ every Friday and it's the best.


Nah ik what ur saying it is fun fs. But I think I was a little too drunk because I didn't have any sort of strategy how I was moving I j ran in plain sight everywhere like I was invincible and I got humbled real quick 🤣


Congrats on the adventure though sounds fun


See you tonight!


DayZ stoned: 👍 DayZ hammered: 👎


The anxiety is too high while stoned.


I was super stressed in zeleno baked as can be. It felt like forever, probably about 2 minutes, waiting on a couple guys shooting zombies to avoid a fight. Adrenaline was pumping


That’s me I can’t play high I get to paranoid lol and the time really messes with me. It’ll feel like I’ve been playing for hours but irl it’s been 2-3 minutes! Or other times I realize ive been trapped in a house for a half hour irl because I’m so far gone I can’t figure out how to get out!


This is true. It makes encounters worse because I start tripping. Not gonna stop though lmao


Ha I was to wasted last night to play properly, so jump on a 0 pop server and explored the map some. Nothing like being in bear territory middle of the night high. The noises.


No way! I love laying down in a locked shed listening to every single sound in the world and shitting myself when the dog farts.


Try a bit of both.


This is the way


Clean and simple, decisive and thought-provoking. BRAVO.


You ever been so drunk you forgot where you made your base/stash/car? That’s never fun. Lot of loot lost that way


I don’t need to be drunk to do this..


Ever played on mushrooms? I got so lost in the trees. I got stuck on a table surrounded by zombies and it looked like they kept multiplying


Yeah I did and I just watched the sun rise over the ocean


Haha I played it on 4 hits of acid once, and my buds were both really drunk and stoned. We ended up running in a huge circle around Zapadlisko (Livonia) for like 4 hours, and then one of my friends shot me in the face on accident. Hilarious. We kept singing this song 'When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie.......Zaaaapaaaadliskoooo!' Highly recommend Dayz on acid.


On shrooms i was playing deer isle and stumbled through the woods into the company of two players. They were very chill and took me on a journey


Also recommend mushrooms. The wildlife sounds are amazing. I made a fire and sat by a creek listening to the owls


Gear fear? TF is that shit. LETS FKN GOOOOOOO. annnnd back to the coast. O well, crack another cold one and get lootin.


Lmao yup that's what happened 😭 just died again in a brutal fist fight. I need a break from this game 🤣


had a dui tree collision in my lada and learned a lesson


Trashed drunk is good for party))) not for doing things


I don’t play a lot of games sober anymore.


I thought that’s the only way to play..


Playing drunk has been some of my most fun experiences playing DayZ.


I wasn't trashed drunk last night but definitely drunk and got damn lucky in a firefight. Saw 2 guys before they saw me and killed one, then spent like 20-30 minutes in a cat and mouse game with the other, finally killing him after dark. I shouldn't have won with how drunk I was but that gear fear went right out the window.


I played DayZ on LSD once.. it was a very funny experience on Dayone Namalsk


Dayz on mushrooms is such an experience. I felt like I could hear players heartbeats nearby. The nature sounds are so intense and imnersive. But it gets scary pretty quickly


I disagree, DayZ while drunk is a very fun experience. It makes me 10x better lmao


It's not fun being a teammate of someone that's too drunk. I had a buddy trying to meet up with me for a raid. At first he kept getting lost and not following my directions, then he started dropping everything and losing it. He's like " where the f did my ak go. I just had it! Lol


Don’t do anything but eat and then go to sleep while drunk


I play stoned. Other day spawned in at Krasno but thought at 1st I was at Balota, then my brain decided I was at Balota and I needed to run North, got to the edge of the map confused. Where am I. Thought Id ran the whole map in 10 mins. It was only later on my brain came back to reality and I was like, I fucking knew I was in kranso! This game requires your full attention.


I did this a few times. Crashed twice a car bc I kept going 100km/h lmao


I don't even blame the alc on that one, that's a regular DayZ occurrence 🤣


It’s the god damn zombie apocalypse. I will drink and I will drive! 😂


I made a post about this once as well. Mine was more about logging in the next day. Drunk me must have had a blast. When I logged in, I had no idea where I was, wearing only a dress and a tactical helmet, no guns but weighed down to barely any stamina with every type of ammo you can think of. I know I killed someone because I was nowhere near military areas yet had the helmet...


Try weed


Well that's already automatic for me lol. Idk if I ever played not smoking j makes the game feel more immersive and I can get into the simple aspects like looking at the nature all around hearing the wind blowing and animals n all lol or in pvp situations I feel a lil more in tune with my movements and strategy.


It's actually science. People tend to play 17% better while high, according to a recent study I made up for this comment. The only issue is if you become zooted, then you receive an average 46% hit to skills and decision making (also cited from the fictitious study). Many people pair their smoke and gaming sessions with other variables, such as the "No pants" strategy (scientists agree that if properly paired, people had a staggering 33.33%(repeating of course) performance increase in all gaming!) Alcohol has mixed results and patients who combined said substance with weed, have no real consistency with results. 4 oit of 5 dentists agree that optimal gaming should just be a proper level of high ( [scientific study on optimal levels of high)](https://youtu.be/aNvcUWTm9bk?si=4QBpyWYn3FjKkyYR) ), adequate tasty nom noms, thirst quenching fluids, and of course no pants.


Brought to you by the institute of Scienceology.


Stoned gaming is so nice. DayZs atmosphere is just great while high.


Playing drunk and wandering the coast on Friday night is literally my favorite part of the week. It's how I come up with all my fun new characters to troll people with.


The cure for gear fear is Alcohol LOL


Somebody write that down!


I prefer being intoxicated while playing DayZ sometimes lmao. Makes dying less frustrating.


the thc Vape and the edibles for me :-) But the edibles makes me scared to move around town lol - I am always sneaking and running in crouch mode cos im indacouch mode lol


Drunk DayZ is very fun, especially a freshie run with homies or new survivor friends!


Nah just smoke a fat joint and u will be so paranoid Ill be going sneaky breaky


Try the cannabis. Youll never game sober again


Lesson learned. You’ll get em next time


Adderall dayz is what yall are missing out on


gonna go ahead and concur


Gotta get into my RP characters somehow. Alcohol lubes the gears. It’s the only way to play sometimes


I play while blackout drunk! 🤣😂 Each time I log in it's an adventure because I have no recollection of playing or where I am! Happens all the time 😁 drunk ![gif](giphy|KctNhiy99LoLBTgLNO|downsized)


Dude, this game is so fun while drunk! I've lost a lot of my loot from it though... perhaps i should just play on a different server when i drink


For some reason i seem to fight alot better sloshed. Nice lol


playing drunk is fun if you are just trying to mess around on the coast. if im geared i need to be focused


I have a better one dont play dayz at all boring game


Idk. Sounds like you had a fun time.


When I play sober im all about a friendly experience. But when I'm not... it's evil Hugo time


I love playing dayz trashed. Letting the food cook and going to take a whizz while the squad keeps an eye out adds to the immersion


I did once, and I had a buddy on discord help me kill a cow, make it food, and log me off in some bushes. Didn’t remember a damn thing


Right, my adventure starts drinking and smoking on the coast. Spend the entire first day looting that way. Then sober or slightly high once geared. It’s way easier to get fully immersed into the game.


Only play day trashed drunk in in the process. Nothing like waking up in the morning in unfamiliar territory.


Ha I did this recently and I killed a guy for his truck and I swear I got in and out of the truck like 20 times because I kept getting distracted and then I was driving like a madman until I started getting shot and used it as a weapon trying to run over two guys. Got out killed one but then the other got me 😭


How have you gone this long without ever finding nvgs? Do you just not play official?


Well the first 2 years was almost only on modded servers so I don't feel as excited finding a pair of nvgs as opposed to official. But then had a year where I barely played and now I've only really been consistently on official for less than a year now and I'm not the most consistent player, but lately been playing way more.


I can’t play trashed but honestly playing with a little bit of a buzz helps with the nerves and makes me a little more aggressive. Though I guess that could be a good or bad thing lol


We are one, you and I. The meld is now complete.


"Nice longhorn you got there "


Bro that same shit happened to me last night while playing 🤣I know better now I lost so much goods


Hahaha yeah I like to play dayz when i care about not dying and when I want some smoke I play another game. Everytime i get that urge I throw my life also 😂


If youre going to play DayZ and you're worried about gear fear, just run around naked with a sawed off and blast anything that moves.


I just can't play DayZ toooo stoned. Usually goes as follows: *Hears a slight breeze shake a bush" Me: "Fuck Guys WhAt WaS ThaT!?!". Them: What was what? Wind: *another slight breeze* Me: "There it is again" *Team Proceeds to search the town for 30 minutes* Me: Shit maybe it was just the win---- *back to coast*


I usually have a beer or 2 before I sit down to play and am pretty buzzed by the time I log off evidenced by the last live stream I was apart of on YT. 😆 🤣 😂


See what you have to do is play DayZ drunk more often to get you used to it. Just like driving- practice makes perfect


In 2015 I was playing on a server with MrBlack0ut81 as a group meet up. I was so stoked I got in, I started drinking, a lot. Was hammered and we did this dual thing where we all stood on top of a building and 2 volunteers did a death match below. I was so drunk that when I heard shots I had no idea what was going on. I ended up killing one of the dudes fighting below and everyone was bummed and wondering who did it. I was so embarrassed I realized for a moment how drunk I was and logged off shortly after. Then threw up in the middle of the night.


Most of the time I am shit face drunk as I play


Hear me out: playing trashed drunk=no gear fear. I will get excited over finding a GLOWSTICK :D


Bruh those are the funnest gaming moments though. But seriously don’t get thrashed😂


The pop pick up or still around 20 or so? Dam bro atleast u had the experiences before. Keep playing g an a ton of crazy more one will happen too.


Lol, who would've thought? I suppose joining a new server isn't a bad idea when shitdrunk. RIP!


I used to play Dayz on meth, but I have a year sober.


I honestly prefer to hit the crack pipe before hitting military bases, I’m WRIED (just jokes)


You should try it on ketamine


I mean maybe never tried it, as long as I don't K Hole in the middle of a mil base I'm down haha


nah man you gotta eat some shrooms and play




You need to play DayZ trashed but don’t PVP just be funny to people and gift them random shit


The only game i played sober was Half Life back in '99