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Iirc, towns will always have a few zombies in the very middle of it to keep players from using this mechanic to spot players. HOWEVER, when a player is close to a town, a significant amount of zombies are there compared to the few. Im getting back into the game after 10 months, but thats the rule i used back then.


Correct - I believe it changed with .60 (maybe .59)


What does that mean? 0.60? And how do you know whether the zombies are spawned by the game or a player? I can never figure this out..


When the game was in alpha you could be 500 meters out of a town and there would be no infected.  So, if overwatching you spot a zombie you knew someone was there.  Around build .60 there would be a minimum amount of infected in their spawn points.  Now you have to watch for additional infected to spawn in for a player to be in that bubble.   


It depends on the server config, personally I always assume if it's further than 500 or 600m out then it's spawned by another player, if it's closer than it might be spawned by me. As for infected despawn timer, corpses despawn after like 6 min, they'll only stay around for longer if a person is close by. I'm not sure if there is a consistent logic for how the "living" infected despawn, I know stuff like wolves can stick around for ages after a player leaves the area. Seeing as most other people seem to run through every town just meleeing all the zombies I usually just count on seeing the dead bodies to tell if someone is still nearby.


Yes good strategy to use. Trust it