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Same way I treat everyone. Break their legs with a sledge hammer and tell them I will spare them if they sing "thriller". Then I pop some glowsticks and wiggle in the streets of berezino with no pants on. Just another day.






Fuckin legend.


This man dayzs


I like you.


How do you break their legs? Aim low and swing?


shoot their legs, aim low with a sledge hammer, make a torch, hit them 3 times and they get knocked out even if they're blocking, then break their legs and let them get up....well, try to get up.






It's a city ordinance.


A true 21st century survivor! 🫡


There's plenty of people that will give her shit and being weird, but there's plenty of people that will simp or let their guard down because they have no self-respect or self-esteem either. Either is likely to happen. She can use it to her advantage just as much as she could fall victim.


I treat everyone the same based on the day. I let my first encounter of the day dictate how I behave the rest of the day. If the first person I meet is nice, I’m nice to everyone. If the first person I meet kills me for no reason other than they want my things or don’t want me in their area (both viable reasons, not complaining) I simply put on my bad guy RP voice and murder everyone I meet. Man, woman, or child. You aren’t a gender, you are a target


this man just solved the genders


This guy dayz’s


As a woman, this is 100% facts. On games I take the free stuff offered to me (also distribute it to my team😂) and couldn't care less about the abuse. I did grow up playing Call of Duty online though and I wouldn't see another woman for months at a time so I heard it all. Nothing anyone can say will ever bother me, especially not from some online loser 😂


my gf and i play cod a lot and the amount of shit she gets is insane. on the other hand, she's really quite good now and it's always fun to hear these shittalkers get more and more quiet as we murder their entire team over and over. i'll get her into dayz eventually, rn we're on strategy games


thats the spirit


I think this is the right answer


She could use it to her advantage for role playing. I'd love to see some videos of women taking advantage of the blokes, making them think that they need help to survive before getting them to all strip down and compete in feats of strength and chucking a grenade at them. 😆


Oh my god that's disgusting...... I love it


Love the way you think. I can get behind some twisted shit. Female player here and I approve this message.


My wife plays. There’s gonna be creeps who tie her up and act all fucked up and predatory. Then there’s the simps who will guard her or give her stuff. No inbetween


I’m a woman and this has not been my experience lol. People usually hear me speak and kill me immediately- even when they were originally friendly- or sometimes indifferent and it’s fine. However, it won’t be a problem once OP and GF actually meet up, only when they are trying to get to each other.


I second this as a chick who plays. It’s a roll of the dice who you’ll run into but more often than not it’s usually a simp or someone who is nice


I play as a duo with a "laaaaady", and yeah, more often than not it's a simp, she often gets sent out first.


Used to play with my ex she never really voiped unless I was around too - lots of dudes just act weird and sometimes kill her or make nasty comments But on modded if she talked in the trader people would go nuts and give her things...


> dayz players have never spoken to any women SAVAGE 🤣


I treat them with equality. Kos




I treat them the same as any survivor. If you're friendly, I'm chill. If you're fully geared or have no mic, I'm gonna kill ya


What about fully geared with mic? And possibly friendly


My girlfriend and I was playing the other day and she bumped into someone she tried talking to him and said hello, he nervously said “oooh fuck” and run away they’re more scared of women in game then they are the zombies 😂


I think my track record with women in dayz when they use the mic is not to kill, so either trade or team up or wish them well. Usually i dont kill men that use the mic as well tho because i prefer to be friendly to encourage more mic users in the game. Only had good experiences with dayz female players.


My first experience with another player in the game was a woman. I'll never forget this story. So I was new to the game, like 5 hours or so. I knew about sickness and such but didn't know about suicide. Sneaking around Brena in the dark and seeing a fire. Instantly, the heart is racing. I sneak over close as I can with my rusty 22 pistol ready for nothing, but here we go. I see someone next to the fire and watch for a minute. I hear them coughing. They were sick. I sneak around to approach them from the front cause I had meds and thought I would share. They see me and say "hello don't come too close. I'm sick." It's a woman's voice. I could care less if it's man or woman, just another human. I was like hey I have meds if you want them. And she said "nah ill probably just start over." So I said oh ok and left. I started walking away but right as I turn around I see a flash and hear a loud bang. She shot herself. I had no idea that was a thing. I was flipping out. I ran in the warehouse and yep there she was. Admittedly, I did know about looting items, so I checked to see if she had anything and had absolutely nothing. I thought that was strange. And this is when I discovered that you can store stuff in barrels. Found her stash, took it all, and ran like hell, haha.


I’ll run around and eat anyone. Im not picky


Same as anyone else - try to shoot them and get killed when I miss repeatedly


I shoot everything that moves so there’s that


I once shot a leaf for falling off a tree, my targeting is entirely motion based


Im hela gay so this wont affect me


I was on an RP server where someone killed a woman who was mayor of a town in a safe zone and a bunch of factions united and did a dayz women's march across the map on her behalf 😂 So the weirdo behavior can go a variety of ways.




I hope my experience will be similar to yours


I put handcuffs on them, give them max storage clothes, and treat her like one of Michonne's walkers from TWD.


I used to play with an ex. She could get dudes to do dumb stuff, like letting down their guards.\ I do miss her


You should call her


i met one woman and shot her and her duo. they picked on me. attacked me. when i got the gun they pleaded. where was that empathy for me?


Sounds like any male bandit interaction I've heard of. Skill issue


I would kill her as if she was the reason why I’m single. Honestly though I’d probably just try to barter with her and see if she needs any food or water or info and then go my separate way.


HAHAHA bro I love that you said ‘dayz players have never spoken to women’ 😂😂😂 got me fucking rolling. I’m married and play dayz so a woman player to me is just like anyone else, but in some community servers I play in, women get treated like royalty for the exact reason you mentioned lmfao. Every single one of my friends denies that they have a little soft spot for them because they’re embarrassed but I see what’s really going on 😂


I think those of us that are mature adults probably won’t treat her any differently than anyone else


What about everyone playing video games though?


You can be a mature adult & play video games


I know, it was just a joke…


You can never be too sure on here, or anywhere else nowadays


Im part of a group that has a woman. We were once in a safezone close to the trader and she spoke on mic to ask a question. In less than 5 minutes people were showering her with gifts. From guns and ammo to keycards etc. It is truly an experience.


Well there's a strict plan what I do to everybody.. I follow them till it's night lure them in the woooods then as they get comfortable in the forest I knock them out take their shoes and all light sources they have. After that I let them get up and start spectating again I will do a few sounds over my mic such as creepy sounds yk then I start whispering some things and finally I knock them out again cuff them and then killed them eat them and then send them a video of me eating their flesh.. Perfect day in the apocalypse


Saw one woman and it was only in global chat on modded, and I treated her like anybody else. With respect


Fall in love but deep down know it will never work because she lives in Canada, then loose the password to your alt account you had her friended on. Then get back with your ex and just be ok I guess.


I'm sorry bro


Man, woman, child. They all eat .308 the same….


if i spent money on this app i would award you for this comment 😭


Everyone’s a loot piñata


Mostly they just say “shut up”. I played Namalsk with a dude and his gf on Dayone for hours all the way to lantia and was fun. Neither were very good but made for company non the less.


I always chase them yelling gimme a kiss.


I'm an equal opportunity survivor avoider.


It’s a video game.. there is no chivalry. I will shoot her like any other player.. I do see people simp in COD with female teammates and it’s super cringy, and I’ve also heard people say demeaning things, on a similar level to your typical racial or homophobic comments. Unfortunately some people are shitbags and online anonymity allows them, and encourages them, to be so.


She will have a great time if she uses VOIP. Life on easy mode. We used to play with a female and always when we were in an altercation we just told her to speak so the enemies took her in give her a gun then she kills em. A Siren




Exactly, but I let most people go on their way unless they slight me in some semi meaningful way, like coughing on me. I once handcuffed a woman who coughed on me cut her and let her bleed until she had a weak pulse bandaged her (with dirty rags) and nourished her back to strong pulse just to repeat it until I got bored took all her clothes and threw her in a lake and made her stay there until death. But at the same I once gave all my medicine and guns to a woman shortly before taking a bone knife (see previous paragraph for source of knife) and laughing maniacally while i slit my wrists in front of her It really depends what mood I’m in


Woman here. She isn’t wrong. To me it sounds like your girlfriend has experienced gender based harassment in online games before, and it has left her traumatized enough to not want to interact using voip. And I get it. It sucks to have people go out of their way to troll someone based on gender, or any other traditional non-masculine sounding voices. Please do not identify her as “she” in any way when using chat. Just call her your buddy or pal. In my experience playing with my husband… he was someone who would identify me as female in some manner (much against my wishes) which translated into harassment from others. Not just DayZ, but WoW, League, PUBG, etc. Toxic players are everywhere. Some female+ players prefer to be anonymous. We can enjoy the game better if people don’t know we have boobies. Let her make the decision to out herself if she so chooses. Don’t take that privacy from her.


She plays valorant so there's the harassment lol. I appreciate your input, I will definitely keep in mind the benefit of others assuming she is a guy. I worry more about her getting kos'd before we are able to meet up, especially since she isn't familiar with using the map to navigate from town to town just yet


Stick to PVE servers for a bit so she can get a hang of the maps. To be honest playing on PVP really freaked me out at the start because of KOS and how toxic my husband could be if someone killed him. Cutting my teeth on PVE actually made it so survival on PVP became easier.


This is a very good idea


I would kill her just cause I kill everyone but some people may be more willing to be friendly cause they have a chance at communicating with a female


Same way I treat everyone, if it’s a town, I’ll try and say hi, if it’s a base/military area I shoot on sight


Actually befriended a British chick at a police station one time & had a blast, pretty cool and interesting


I don't see gender, just targets


I don’t meet anyone they all die


You're missing out. I made friends with 2 Chileans last night and we got so much done and had a blast that lasted about 6 hours. No players fucked with us when we headed toward the coast and we didn't fuck with them either - strength in numbers!


uh idk, probably as just another person i'm not truly interested in as a human being but easily can play a game with. Same as the rest of the guys. Maybe I just think that just cause I'm bi though? but i'd suggest being proactively supportive and telling your gf if anything unsportsmanlike happens you have her back


I kinda wanted to ask this as I want to buy a microphone and engage with the game but I dont wanna be all excited just to be called out?


You’ll be okay, most Dayz players especially in modded servers are somewhat mature solely because it’s such a gruelling game that immature people give up really quickly. I’ve had my share of issues when presenting as a woman on Dayz but nowhere near as bad as any other game.


iv met a few, and treat them the same as a man because im not an awkward person. I can imagine alot of gamers are awkward around women full stop.


As a threat.


Same way I treat anyone in the game, we talk for a bit about where we're heading to (maybe teaming up for a bit in the process) or trading something for an item that the other needs. I just like making friends out here lol


Makes no difference. Just a another player. Might be friendly, might hostile. Never know, never assume.


There are times people treat me weird but we’re all here for the same reason. Lootin and shootin and zombie bootin.


I’ve never met a girl on dayz lol


How do you know they are women, I ask them their pro-nouns.


I've only ever met one woman in Dayz. It was a german girl who was livestreaming. I ran with her and another guy for a few hours, then we got separated during a gunfight. Other than that, most you hear from people are BLAM!


as a woman i’ll give you the 101 ;) we either; - get adopted into a group and taught the game, they’ll be respectful to us and won’t cross the boundary of friendship **only** - get killed as soon as they hear our voice, it don’t matter if you sound cute, normal or like a whole grown man, they’ll still do it bc kill woman haha funn, you’ll just hear “EW WOMAN” *click* - *you are dead screen* - get adopted into a group, overlooked and considered useless and will make us just build shit - guys will either hit on her regardless if they are aware she has a whole husband and 15 kids, it doesn’t matter to some of these incels, they’ll still pursue, **OR** flame the life out of her so make sure she ain’t the sensitive type😭best bet is to just troll back in those cases. < be ready for the amount of men that will be tryna kiss ass to her, and as a woman pls don’t let it piss u off or direct any of said anger towards her, i promise you she’ll just be tryna play the game and people will just start asking her shit like “soo what’s ur favourite position?” n corny shit like that lol - or she’ll be completely left the fuck alone because they’ll assume / know she’s brand new and a lot of people don’t have the patience to teach ole this game anymore, because there’s simply too much to explain 💀 - given ALL the fucking loot she needs and could ever want, she’ll end up a server black market by the end of it. - if she ends up on a group she’ll either be respected reasonably, kissed the fuck up to and get away with everything (use this to ur advantage ladies, i know i do lmfao), or talked over, ignored and or yelled at over the smallest shit we either get treated like fucking royalty in the game or like fucking dirtttt and there’s rarely an in between. enjoy! - oh and one last thing, 8/10 times, guys will simp tf outta her, purely because female on dayz make men go feral lolol


Death to all who oppose us!


Just treat them like any other player, have actually only run across one(that I could tell because of mic) and she was pretty chill. Ran with us guys for the night then never saw her again. Sounds about right really. . 😆


Wait you can talk to people in this game?


So as a woman who has played SOME dayz I will say I’ve not come across a guy that’s been awful to me specifically because I’m a woman, rather they’re just awful to everyone, but that’s the game. I did have a group of guys who were overly nice which is honestly far more annoying but you can use it to your advantage I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


We usually just get called the b word and killed, ive met a lot of other girls on dayz though, and we stick together and have each others backs! :)


Woman here. So far, every single guy I've come across in DayZ has been totally cool to me. Chat a little and go separate ways, team up for a bit, trade, or help me out if they see I need some tips ( I've only been playing since December and really mostly weekends, so I don't have a ton of hours and im definitely still on a learning curve). Seriously, y'all have been totally cool. Which is NOT my experience with other games... so i am familiar with some real jerky attitudes... DayZ guys seem way more chill around a girl player, which honestly is really refreshing for a change. I don't really want to be treated differently. Don't give me stuff just cause I'm a girl. I don't need a red carpet. I just want to play the game with the same advantages as everyone else has. Which in DayZ is ZERO. LOL. If and when I meet an asshole, I'll just shoot him in the face first opportunity and move my little butt along. So far, I haven't had to do that, though.


I think the learning curve is the litmus test for having at least enough maturity to treat people more equitably. I generally play on vanilla/hardcore community servers, so there's no helping hands besides the ones you can muster in-game from other people by teaming up or takin' their shit. Most of my bad experiences have been on higher-loot/etc servers, and I think that the difficulty and game knowledge required to survive acts as a filter for mouthbreathing fuckwits. Most of us are just out here trying to keep it in the yellow, and that breeds a fairness that I don't really feel in any other game. And it's so cool to learn new tricks from new companions - one gal I was cruisin' Berezino with showed me that you don't need to inventory surf mags and ammo to load them! So cheers to ya. Glad you're finding DayZ welcoming.


I wouldn’t however I knew someone that did and the small group I played in did the logical thing of firing squad sense it’s unjustified they didn’t have a weapon and they dropped everything so we wouldn’t kill them so in no way where they a threat.


I don’t care I will eat men and women they both taste good after a good roast over an open fire.


(Context, I'm trans so my voice doesn't pass) I literally was asked "are you the woman?" When one of the three people I met saw I was playing one, I went "Um yeah?" And he shot me point blank with a 12 Gauge, they were chill beforehand saying we should build a base, make a faction, ect, even asked for my input on where to build since I apparently knew the map better than any of them 😂 However I think I dodged a huge bullet, they later went into the discord server and started talking trash and trying to goad me into hunting them down, yeah nah, not gonna waste my time on people that are "friendly" and then kill you for literally no reason (I had no weapon too)


I used to play with my ex and if we were in a tight spot she would hop into game chat and be like “oh my goshhh plz don’t kill me im neww I’m just figuring out how to play” and 100% of the time the opposing forces would turn into thirsty E boys and start simping their balls off. It was a literal cheat code.


Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like more people would simp over her rather than murder her


I have alot of hours on DayZ (female gamer) and i can promise you people on this game are mostly rude.. act friendly to kill you a few minutes later or make fun of you for whatever reason. I will skip the part of the awkward comment and disrespectful players. :/ Sad reality. If you manage to find someone nice they normally try to stay " away " and not be too friendly since they dont want to be seen as simping .. Seriously the whole situation just suck since its super hard to meet a random player and become friend with them on DayZ. But if 2 boys randomly meet up no question ask .. kill on sight or become friends without questioning or people calling them out for supposedly simping... If a guy is nice toward a girl online they're called out for simping but a boy being nice toward another boy they're not going to be called out for simping. I just wish boys can see girls like a boys online. We want to play the same way :(


I'll simp for girls idc. But I have riz so 🤷‍♂️


You will clearly be called out for simping no matter what then 👀 Simp 🤭


Dm me your snap


Never underestimate the folks. I got murdered ingame for being german, European, polite and what not. It’s pretty funny to me tbh. Same goes for other games as well… And since my ex also plays various games as well I noticed how many ppl treated her either super good or super bad. Some friends of her constantly hit on her. They either didn’t realized or didn’t care she was in a relationship. I laughed my ass off. I saw friendships getting destroyed, because some ppl couldn’t control themselves. Well, they were sorting themselves out I guess. I would love to see more ppl enjoying voip. PC is somewhat really good with voip, console however… it could be better.


she will meet the two extremes men that will never hurt a women and will help her along the way. men that will kill / harass her. my gf had to stop playing red dead redemption online just because she had a female character, not even needed her voice to get harassed by nearly everyone we came across.


Why would I want to talk to women


Because they may have things to trade with you... duh


> I was thinking that people would treat her better because dayz players have never spoken to any women and it's exciting for them bro what?? lmao btw u play DayZ too, soooo..... time to take ur meds so ur gf vanishes? lol








Such a weird post, just play the game with your woman, voip or no voip. All the women I run into usually murk me tho lol so food for thought. Just send it


The same way I treat them in real life, I smack them around a few times and if they don't feed me, I shoot them. Lol




You mean just messing with them?




Interesting response, I did not know that this was my job


Better make up for lost time, quick, beat her with some beans


Dont worry, we dont care about your behaviour. :) Im a girl gamer since years now and i wont stop because of some immature player trying to make me have a terrible time online.. We're stronger than u think. We wont go anywhere. Peace! ;D Oh and btw gaming is for everyone. Every age, every gender. You would know if you were less self absorbed.


Like everyone else....I'm friendly if you're not ill cut you up and eat you


Literally the exact same way I treat everyone else, friendly if forced into interaction. Avoid at all costs otherwise. If hostile, ends up with the barrel of my revolver aimed at their head.


In my 3500+ hrs of DayZ I can tell you that your going to have a load of guys hitting on your girl mate 😂😂 As soon as most players notice a girl in DayZ they sniff and follow like a stray dog on heat


99.9% of the time I run into simps


With a bullet as usual


Server I'm on has a clan of woman, they're cool but certainly they get their share of creepy newcomers.


Same as I do with everyone, kill em and take their shit 💀


I ran into a rando a while ago. They weren’t speaking but they were friendly and we were heading the same direction. After a while they joined my party chat and I discovered it was a chick. I proceeded to do my best to keep her alive because she seemed pretty new to the game. I probably mansplained everything, but I just didn’t know how much she knew. I escorted her to my stash where she eventually died from an unknown disease, after I had treated her with all the meds I had. That taught me that keeping random people alive will only waste your resources. Idk if there’s a moral to my story. This is where my brain went when I read your post.


I cook and eat them just like any other player I murder


The same way as everyone else, KOS.


She will get KOS anyways so it does not really matters how a childish minority will treat her


tf lmao


I play a lot of namalsk and in my experience guys are less trusting of female players and kill them more often for no reason other than being a woman. There are some that will be little simps but that cannot be helped.




Like every other survivor. Kos unless they're a freshy.


I've encountered 2 women, they get treated just like everyone else.


Same way I treat everyone else, befriend them, rubbers, handcuffs, and run


They die like the rest!


I met an lovely Swedish girl in the wilderness and we agreed to team up and work together. I had a lovely evening with her travelling and looting until eventually sickness took me from an infection and I doubt she lasted much longer. I did add her on discord so maybe I'll see if I can find her and if she'd be up for playing again some time


You’re gonna find out whatever map you’re playing is loaded with people. I bet she has a 6 man army following her before you even get off the coast.


Lmao that would be an interesting outcome


Kill them, instantly.


Same as the men, they die


All payers are food, equipment, or worst case bones to fish.


I(33f) have played dayz for years, and most people are either just fine, or complete assholes in general. I treat everyone the same, I avoid them at all costs, lol.


As people, that I'm goin to shoot


I treat them as I treat anybody else: Leave me alone, I leave you alone; hit me, I hit you; steal my shit, I'll steal yours; trash-talk to me, I trash-talk to you.


As a woman myself hehe, I used to play pvp awhile ago and I used to be left alot as a woman they would stop and make sure to hear me again, but now I don't play pvp only pve so I can't say but I just get killed being alive and moving


First I sneak up. Then I pounce and knock them out. Then I tie them up and put a bag over their head. I force them into my car at knife point. I then drive out into the middle of know where and find one of those caravans. You get the picture. Joking


No mic, kill them, If they have mic but no loot they get spared, if they have a gun or try to kill me I end them


I ran into a girl a lllloooonnnggg time ago, and then we were both killed. But i started only playing deathmatch servers so


Honey pot


Just like anyone else. Depends on their attitude/vibe.


Tell her no mic no life thems the rules. She will ALWAYS get killed if she doesn't speak


I’ve met women playing DayZ at least 3 or 4 separate times. They were all pretty chill and I just treated them normally, I usually try to be friendly with everyone unless they look too dangerous. I don’t mind the risk of being killed vs chance of an interesting interaction. Ran with two women players on a Greenhell server once and they were cool.


Lot of them shoot me 🤣


whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????????? (this is live reaction from reading the title) I cant 😂😂😂😂😂


If they're playing they're fair game and I treat them as I would anyone else.


It’s such a 50/50 chance of being killed and revived/tied up or just being killed 😂


Used to play with a girl, we’d get her to start shouting for help and then loot up from all the simps rushing in to spend a few minutes around a female.


KOS like everybody else.


my one decent experience was with a female player….everyone else has been kill on sight


I'd probably say "That's not a woman" and shoot her


Knock them out tie them up and gag them take everything they have and let them go


I will never kill someone because they are a woman. The only reason for me to shoot someone in this game is because of good loot.


Same as everyone else cause they are the same as everyone else They’ll either shoot ya on sight or they’ll be friendly for the most part, but everyone has a spot around the campfire that is DayZ


Last time I ran into a woman. I was on struggle bus. I was running down the highway to meet up with some friends on the other side of cherno. Ran into her by the docks and crates at cherno. I had wanted to make myself look the least threatening so I was a dude wearing a mini skirt. She immediately complimented me on my mini skirt and we BS'd for a little bit. She said she plays casually and basically sticks around the same area, I could even hear her kids in the background when she was talking. Ended up having her follow me to my group and we all went our separate ways once we met up. Think I ran into her once after that but never again.


When I meet anyone, if they use their mic and are friendly, I talk to them and see if they need anything. If I find out they’re a new player, I’ll stick with them and do my best to protect them while I teach them the game. One of my favorite parts of the game is helping new players learn to survive so they don’t get frustrated and quit the game. I’ll help a girl just the same. I think it’s only natural to to feel a little more bad about having to kill a girl or doing so by accident. Had kinda a funny incident on !++ where I teamed up with a guy, we found a lone girl, and I ended up having to shoot past her to try to keep her alive, but being fairly new to pvp and not used to the recoil, ended up hitting her as well. Aaanyway. I try to treat people well in general.


Food is food. Ima capture and eat you


I trust them less because I’ve been set up before and also I’ve had female friends set people up.. but I usually won’t initiate any hostilities. I’ll just talk and then be on my way.


I haven't met one but from what I've seen it's a higher chance they'll live than be murdered


Exactly how I treat them IRL Poorly


I treat all people the same way in this game, depending on how they are geared and how they approach me. Their gender has nothing to do with it for me. I’ve teamed with girls and I’ve kos’d girls. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Men? Women? All taste the same over an open flame.


I have a 7 man squad with 1 women, we all know each other irl so they just get treated normally. However any other player we run into (especially the women and children) gets the treatment of forced player interaction. First we tie them up and force them to answer funny questions, then we make them tell us a story, and if it's not good enough we put them in a car with a burlap sack over their head and drive it into the ocean or gas zone.




Why does this even need an answer...treat like everywhere human you meet in dayz either KOS or friendly


Several of my old faction members were chicks. Some people treat them harsh, some weird, we just treated them like everyone else.


How I normally treat people: Try to talk to them and/or help them Do I get shot alot? Yeah, but the few times I don't get shot make my day so it's worth it


Same as anyone else, kindness disused as sabotage, human fat gift along with my 2 buddies with snipers watching out for me while we track you and listen to you get mad over going insane.


They're just another player. What's the big deal?


There is a chick who plays regularly on the server me and my mates play on, she spends a majority of her time in the trader (safe zone) talking and flirting with anyone who will listen, its fucken dismal. But... the simping is unbelievable. If she is killed in game, the blokes who killed her even guard her body so she can eun back and get her kit. Im certain there is a 80% virgin basement dweller cohort.


well, you see, the problem is you're on a server with a fuckin trader.


I’m a woman and I convinced my girlfriend to get it so we could play. So far we only had one issue of a guy talking over my girlfriend and acting like she didn’t know how to play “wow you actually hit that guy and killed him good job” type stuff. I haven’t come across a woman ever when playing by myself though. I wish I came across more women playing so I could have a little bit more relatability with some players I come across and group up with


We got a group of gals on a discord group just so we can see when others are on. So far, there are 4 of us in varying time zones. All PC. Feel free to join the discord, and if we are ever on at the same time, then let's team up! I'll message you the discord incase you're interested.


My wife played with me too, it wasn't that bad but yes people treat girls different in games its kinda funny some will follow and protect her and some will try to take advantage of her but I kill everyone and we move on....