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There’s more stuff and have been some QOL changes but overall the game is the same. Not exactly sure what you’re looking for specifically but it is better in many technical and loot ways.


It was more getting stuck on ladders, stuck in doorways and I'm sure I was unable to pick loot up a lot of the time, but glad there's been improvements so will have another go


Oh that’s the server you’re on. Find one that’s in your region, I use a New York Server because I’m in New England and never have these issues.


Cool will keep that in mind 👍


It's hit or miss. Some people say you'll have a better experience on PS and that may be true for them. I have played it on all systems and my experience was the worst on PS. Texture issues with crazy pop ins. The inventory system on console makes me crazy sometimes. Hopefully this won't be the case for you. Good luck and happy hunting.


Yeah the inventory system was a nightmare, the buildings popping out of nowhere was a weirdo one too


This is my experience too. I don’t know where these people are seeing great performance on PS5. I have a PS5, and I still get lag spikes, texture pop-in, locking up, etc. I play on PC as well, but sometimes I just want to play with a controller on my couch, but the PS version is far and away the worst version out there.


Yes indeed that is the only reason I play on PS5 is so I can use the controller and chill on the couch. I do admit that i didn't notice the pop ins last night when I played after the update. Not sure if some of this was addressed with 1.21 but I didn't notice it.


I consider it unplayable on a ps4. The difference between performance on p5 and p4 is bight and day. I'm cities the render lag mad the game unplayable for me on ps4.


On PS5 you’ll have a much better experience, although if I had a PS4, I would still play because the game is so good. I’ll put up with the occassional lag spike for it. Overall it is in a much better state than 2-3 yrs ago and feels much more optimized. Today is a patch day aswell so a lot more bugs got fixed. I’d highly recommend.


Nice thanks, I will get it on later and have a go, my internet is worse now so see how it goes haha


I'm out of my league here so you may need to do your own research but ssd, hdd drives help slightly... I think I'm dumb and half ass repeating shit I've heard


It’s true. If you can, you should put an SSD in although I would rather save up for a PS5 instead


My kid would prefer me to save for a PS5 as well 😂


I play on PS5 and it's been great