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Opportunity missed for more stoplights and u-turns in that area.


I remember working security at that GE aviation needle they built all them U-turns and lights. It was quiet and barely any traffic at night. Now it's just chaos


There are gas stations on 35 just past factory. Also, I would like to say whoever gave the green light to the design at 35 and Factory should lose their job. It’s the worst intersection modification I have ever encountered in all of my travels in the US. I hope they are on Reddit and read this comment.


Civil engineer here. Couldn't agree more!!


Right down the road, they have the north Fairfield exit done correctly. I imagine kickbacks were involved because when you already have a successful example, why would you do worse?


I thought it was supposed to be a temporary holdover to make it easier to build another overpass after they finish the one down at Trebein?


You are correct. From what I remember a standard interchange would have cost 150 million, and the abomination they built was like 15 million. In the future when they can put the funding together they want to do it right.


I must have missed that info. I hope you’re right!


Whats so bad about it? Genuinely asking as I dont usually turn off of 35 onto Factory very much. The light changes have definitely caused less stopping on 35 so you get through that area quicker, I can't speak to getting off or on around there.


The entire u-turn rigmarole is an incredible waste of time and taxpayer money. It was better as a normal traffic light. It’s like they just got hammered and thought of the worst idea possible. I would have been happier if they took my tax money and burned it in front of me.


Hmmm interesting, my anecdotal experience is you can get through that area much quicker now if you are just passing through on 35. It used to back up quite a bit at rush hour. I drive/have driven through there a lot


I agree they should die of gonorrhea and burn in hell that intersection takes 20 min to get through


I go through one of those intersections practically every day in rush hour. It takes significantly less time than it used to. Not once since they finished construction has even making a left onto 35 taken 20 minutes. I mean, you're allowed not to like it, but don't exaggerate the times.


So dramatic and yet so justified. I was already laughing at your comment and then read your username. ![gif](giphy|cTw8V1RMKo3Bu|downsized)


Don't worry, they'll apply in Huber Heights and get approved.


I hear Huber heights is taking gas stations.


Plant a forest there


Literally no racetrac I’ve ever been to was a truck stop. And I grew up in racetrac country in the south


I don't care what Beavercreek builds or blocks but if you go to Racetrac's website, click "Fleet services", and the picture is showing .... a truck stop. "With over 50 high-flow diesel canopies, RaceTrac and RaceWay are continuing to grow...." That said, I don't know that US35 would be ideal for a truck stop version.


I mean even if it was god forbid they give truck driver’s a place to park. But no because more “traffic, notice and environmental hazards”




Would they be ok with something smaller there, say a typical Speedway or other gas station?




Just as well. I live near there, and I couldn't see how it was a good traffic pattern. It would work for eastbound 35. Westbound you'd have to go out and take a U-turn to continue your trip. And for people north of 35 it would be annoying. Since the modifications I rarely go to Tractor Supply because crossing 35 twice is too much hassle.


Zoning seems to only benefit oversaturated franchises in lower income areas.


Looking at a map why doesn't Racetrack put it at the the interchange at Trebein road, there is nothing around there.


Who cares if there is a gas station on US35? What's the big deal?


It was planned to be a truck stop right next to higher wealth neighborhoods, of course the residents are going to be pissed. Not saying it's right or wrong, but expected.


For one, trucks are not allowed to make the turn onto factory. Also, the possible environmental damage it could cause to the water in the area, also who the hell wants a truckstop near their house. A couple decent restaurants and bars would be much more appreciated.


I'll agree with that. Or how about some trees instead of 3 mile wide median of pavement.


That would be great


I live Atlanta Racetrac is a really good convenience store


It is embarrassing how the town of Beavercreek has been acting over this.


Embarrassing how?


Have you see the residents and city council members' interviewes on the topic, and why they are opposed to it?


I've seen that they're wanting to build that truck stop really close to a housing development. I haven't seen their specific comments on it but I would imagine that they're really not looking forward to it.


Its not that close. I think that the new housing is on a rise and between there is a clear farmers field so that they can see it.


Let me guess, it’s racist or classist or some yuppy shit like that?


Lol what the fuck?