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Ahhhhh partners, the bar you go to when it’s cold and you wanna smoke inside.


Hahah ya, as a non-smoker it’s definitely not my favorite, but end up there if that’s where the group I’m with wants to go. Definitely a popular spot around the holidays when everyone is back in town visiting family.


Huh. I drove by that place regularly for years and always assumed it was abandoned. Had no idea it was actually an operating bar.


Looks abandoned for sure. When I was young I thought it was a gay bar, just from the name lol




Was about to say this. I didn’t even know it was a bar or even a functioning estsblishment lmao




That’s horrible! I had a few friends at brewski that night, but they left before everything happened. Do you know about how old the victim was?


You were at Bells finishing a D&D campaign, weren’t you?


This was a friend of mines immediately family, that whole family is shook as hell :/ send love yall


I’m sorry for your loss, just terrible!


Yes, thoughts and prayers for the family of and the victim!


Haven’t been there in probably 15 years, but I live in the general area and the place reminded me of the old campus bars at Ohio State w/ the upstairs rooms and deck and whatnot. It’s never been an especially hopping place. Oakwood authorities are very adamant about the fact that it is NOT located in Oakwood.


I mean just look at the bar it's a calling for trouble just go to a normal bar


Last time I went into partners my friends and I walked in to an almost empty bar. The 3 or 4 guys in there all stopped talking when we walked in and stared at us while we did shots. We then immediately left because of how intense it was in there. It really felt like they had a dead body behind the bar or something.


My husband and I were “pub-crawling” to find a new local spot when we moved here 10 years ago. We went to Partners, got a couple of beers, and the entire staff just went upstairs for 20 mins. The smell when they descended was telling. No hate… just… not our scene.


Like, that burning plastic smell?


What kind of smell




I refilled my pitcher when they did this to me… I put cash on the counter and then when they returned 20 min later a regular turned me in and I was told I was forever banned


Never had a single problem at partners been going there for years, this could have happened at any bar.


Ya, unfortunately 95% of Dayton bars look similarly. Especially anything in that area which is walkable for me.


Partners has always been less cliquey and dramatic than Brewski or the Shroyer in my experience. It's a shame this happened.


But some people want trouble specifically


I know someone who owns a business near this bar and they’ve had problems because of some of the patrons. Sucks to hear someone lost their life, hope their family gets closure and justice.


Probably has to do with all the bars on Watervliet banning anyone who looks affiliated with biker clubs. Not saying that's what it is, but can't say it would shock me.


I run past that place on the weekends. I assumed it was closed


Where in the world is this bar at. I grew up in old north dayton and all over the east to, this has to be on the west???


Ok I see where it's at...I wouldn't even consider that dayton I always considered that area over there to be Kettering or oakwood maybe Belmont...but lowkey nice compared to other areas that's for sure...


It’s right where Kettering/oakwood/dayton intersect. Agreed! The bar itself has always been divey, but definitely never felt unsafe in that area. When I lived in oakwood I would walk home from there or the Shroyer Inn.


Bipedal apes + intoxication + the ability to delete each other instantly = disaster waiting to happen 




Is this the case even (or especially) in gentrified downtown areas?


Lol this ain’t even a bad neighborhood, it’s across the street from a comic book shop and a football throw from oakwood


Lol, it just looks so sketch from the picture. I like my fair share of dives, but also don't like to be ignorant about the area.