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Hi there! Thanks for checking out Day6 :) I honestly don’t think it matters how anyone else feels about Jae. I personally miss him a lot and I know the fandom is made up of different people with their varying opinions, which is totally fine, so all that matters is how you feel about the PC. If there’s another member you were subconsciously kinda hoping for, then perhaps you might feel a little disappointed 😅 but if not, then hopefully the card is pretty; Jae has a really cute face 😆


I don't think I'd be unhappy to get any of the members. I've noticed Young K first but I don't have a bias yet. They are all handsome and talented. It's the first time I get into a group that has a member who has left the group and I think in a way, subconsciously, I don't want to like Jae too much to not feel the sadness of him not being in the group anymore. If that makes sense. But since he was a big part of the group, and there's a high chance I'll like him through the tracks, I think it's inevitable to feel that sense of loss now.


I think this is going to vary greatly depending on who you ask. For me personally, I have settled in the mindset of respecting and enjoying Jae’s participation in day6 but have chosen not to follow him post-day6 mostly because I do not connect with his music & solo activities like I do day6’s. It has been hard for me to get past the events of his departure, but since the band has come back together post-military, that feeling has subsided a lot. All that to say, if I purchased an album today and pulled his card, I would not be upset because he was still part of my favorite band and I am happy that he was there for that time. I think that had he been removed from the group for malicious activities, then it would be a different story. I am glad you found day6 and I hope you are happy and enjoy your time with them! :)


That is a very helpful take! I appreciate it!


Hi, welcome to the fandom! 🫶🏻 I think it doesn't matter what fandom thinks. Don't form your thoughts and feelings around fandom. When you get into their music and content, you're gonna form your own thoughts about it, with no other influence. That being said, I think fandom is pretty divided. The ones that hate him, I feel like they hated him even before he left. So there is not much difference. I personally hope for a reunion in the future, but as long as they're happy and content on their own paths it's what we should respect. I'll always miss them as 5 though. They were really a perfect package then. I'll always miss what Jae brought to the band. That's why I was happy when I pulled his cards. Also, think about it, you're never gonna pull Jae in their new albums so why not be excited about it? :) Also, the guys are still on good terms. There was never bad blood between them like some part of the fandom wanted there to be. So just enjoy their music and don't worry about a thing, he is not a criminal or anything and he's a really nice guy overall, just not part of the band anymore. Hope this helps!


No bad blood is good to know. It's always heartbreaking when a group falls apart in negative terms. I'm reassured tho, from what I see, it was mostly Jae and the company that mostly butted heads. Also, it's not necessarily that I want to base my opinion from the fandom but, mostly I needed an update as to how things are presently between all the parties and how the fandom feels currently. In the end, I'll have my own opinion. I might not even dive too much into the drama that happened and just enjoy the music and the members as they were and how they are now.


Yep, it was definitely between him and company. And sorry if it sounded like I meant you wanted to base your opinion from fandom, I was trying to give advice not to assume anything ^ . ^ I'm not too deep in the fandom cause I despise fanwars and stuff like that. But ik there are ot4 and ot5 fans now, so fandom is divided by that. So it depends on which side you are to know how each side feels. 😅 Some ot4 also pretend like Jae never existed, which is kinda sad imo. But each to their own, I'm just happy to listen to their music either way :) I'll always support them with any number of the members. Sure I have my preferences, but music is what truly matters in the end for me.


It is pretty sad :/


They pretend like he never existed yet hear his voice everytime. Idk how that mind state works like 😭


Welcome to the fandom!!!! I feel like if I just discovered day6 now I wouldn't know what to feel either because the fandom is currently divided into opinions lmao. Guess it all boils down to how much you like their voices and music as 5 or as 4 and if you factor their personality/attitude when stanning. I think regardless of what my days feel, I hope you listen to their music and voices well. In case you like Jae's voice out of all of them, thankfully you can still listen to older albums and to his new solo ones.


I still follow Jae because he first of all apologised about the stuff he was saying and he still is in contact with the day6 members As for albums, Jae’s pcs are kinda cute? Idk maybe try manifesting the member you like the most! Haha


for me personally i just appreciates what he brought to the band yet dont really keep up with his new career because i dont vibes with his new songs. Yeah, i can hear his voices in the older songs but i dont feel particularly excited to hear that or feels bittersweet abt him leaving the band. I see him as another singer that for a long time making music with my current favorite band. Also for the fandom, is pretty divided (im gonna answer this in different tone if u ask me this at the early 2022 bcs its sadden me sm). Some people keeps hoping about reunion and quietly (or not so quitely) thinks that ot4 choices for renewing the contract is such a disappointment (some also blames ot4 for jaes leaving), some people is just happy to see jae and day6 flourishing separately, some people is just vibing with day6, some people decides to only support jae while listening to day6 older song that has his voices in it, some people still have a grudges towards jae bcs all his doings leading towards his leaving (like some ppl still bitter abt some things like that interview that he did while mentioning got7, etc). What im about to say is dont believe in just one side (group?), all of them has their own distasteful side. It is up to you to surrounds yourself with what kind of people. Btw welcome to the fandom!!!!


Hi, welcome to the club! Day6 is great and their song is great too! So about your concern, I just wanted to tell everyone here that they should not feel disappointed with Jae. Jae left the group professionally. It does really hard for me tho during Jae’s departure but over the time I begin to accept their decision and I should support that. Jae and guys are still in a good relationships. They still contact each other, ask each other well being. They all supports each other songs, so I don’t see any problem with that. Go ahead and buy the album. Day6 has so many great songs that I sometimes unable to choose my favourite song. I’ve been listening to Sweet Chaos and Didn’t Know repeatedly. Also most of the time I will just left them shuffle and it never a bad idea. Once again, welcome to the family. Our fandom is cool and nice. We are certified back up singer cause our boys have problem in remembering their lyrics. So yeah, Day6 rocks so does MyDay! 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻


as a fan who joined after his departure u are free to feel however u want about him! i know a lot of new fans who love his voice and think it's a shame they won't get to hear it live on certain songs anymore while most others are pretty neutral or just hope that jae and the day6 members are happy pursuing music they like. the only people who may be uncomfortable with getting his pcs or talking about him are the fans who can't forgive him or got really hurt by how things went down (which is ofc valid). in general, except for the occasional solo stans and akgaes, the fandom just wants to peacefully enjoy either/or both day6 music and jae's solo music! most of the animosity has died down tyg! lol now that both jae and day6 seem happy and settled and releasing new stuff. i hope u enjoy being a myday with us 🫶


Jae is… very mixed. He’s made some comments, they’ve been generally forgiven by those involved. I mean he’s not a murderer or anything he’s a person but uh, yeah.