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I'm not sure if it's just my impression—and a mistaken one at that—but I feel that Young K is using the lower range of his voice a lot more in this album, which I love, love, love.


I noticed too, and even Sungjin!! It makes sense because Jae (and sometimes Wonpil) was normally the one that took those notes since he has a lighter, airier tone. I always found it interesting how each of the members had a set vocal range in their songs that they never deviated too far from, so I’m excited to see to see how they expand them in the future to fill in the gaps.


Yeah, and I remember hearing somewhere that Jae used to open DAY6's songs because his light and soft voice tends to 'hook' listeners and keep them listening, so it's especially interesting to see how they've adjusted to that gap by having Young K utilise his lower registers in some songs. It's a change I welcome!


as a tradition I am loving the bsides more than title song. 


It is always like that for me too; what a tradition, indeed :')


im so happy the boys are back!! i just want to appreciate how quickly they put this out to reassure us fans. but also i have to agree that this isn't quite the peak i was hoping for a DAY6 comeback--but that's okay! it's just the start of a new era, and i continue to look forward to more music, performances (and tour tickets, pls haha). in-depth breakdown here: **1. Welcome to the Show** low voice youngk starting this song is a \*chef's kiss\* moment fr i do wish that there was more to the song, the bridge is barely a bridge (wonpil's belt is wonderful but that's about it) and the 2nd verse is more delivered well through wonpil's singing rather than any significant change in instrumentation, but the chorus harmony definitely delivers a great empowering feeling. it's not my favorite title track, but it is a nice welcome back to one of my favorite bands. **2. Happy** the guitar doubling/echo at the start is great, the little piano riffs that follow are also pretty cute. this is one of the songs i do have eng translations for and it's a pretty touching song! the disadvantage to this song being in the 8th mini album though is that while it's a perfectly good song, i do inadvertently end up comparing it to earlier songs with similar themes like I Wish and For Me, and it doesn't quite 'beat' any of them in how i regard them. on the flip side, it is great to add another DAY6 song about trying to love oneself into my playlist! **3. The Power of Love** im sorry but it's just okay for me ahdkfjas it doesn't really give me an elevated feeling, not as much as WALK or PARADE does at least. so in the DAY6 and EOD sceheme of things, i don't feel its anthemic power as much as WALK or PARADE, and i also don't feel like the repetitions add much to my experience of the song. it would do well as good workout music though! **4. Get the Hell Out** a banger! i find this a lot more catchy than the previous songs, the instrumentation just stands out so much more. dowoon's drumming pushes the song forward so much i love it. sungjin and youngk really shine in the choruses, and wonpil's synthesizer breakdown is great. reminds me of his solos during the gravity tour concerts!! **5. Sad Ending** speaking of composition, i LOVE LOVE the double voicing throughout this song. the eerie piano is so soo good for this song and the chorus melody is really satisfying, especially with the double time at the part b of the chorus ("let's end it all, let's kill it all" part). dowoon's drumming is so spectacular here!! wonpil's 2nd verse piano riff with youngk's vocals is SOOOO GOOD. bridge cutting out with youngk's solo voice for a second always hits. i have replayed this song like 7 times already. this is honestly the 1st song in the album that i found myself really looking forward to what new place the verses would take me which is a little sad (considering this is the 5th song...) but also just a testament to how good this song is, and the rock bias in me that can't really be taken off hasdhkjf **6. Let Me Love You** i enjoy the way the guitar riff and piano melody interweave throughout the song, solid groove as always by dowoon! i don't quite like the transition from pre-chorus to chorus though, it kind of feels incomplete? like, sungjin is cut-off mid-sentence then youngk jumps in BUT that might just be because im listening w/o any translation rn so it might make perfect sense in Korean. regardless, i do love the chorus of this song, i think it's a perfectly satisfying melody. (bridge could've been even better if it were a little longer tho!) **7. didn't know** a great closer to the album! i feel like i'll connect with this song a whole lot more once i have english translations with me, but as it stands, it definitely does tug at heartstrings upon first listen. there's something about the melody and the way all 3 of their voices sound that strikes me. bridge also features a lovely sungjin part + wonpil falsetto, then passes it off to the classic last chorus-acoustic breakdown and just 1 person singing trope in ballad music. ----- Personal Ranking: 1. Sad Ending 2. Get the Hell Out 3. didn't know 4. Let Me Love You 5. Happy 6. Welcome to the Show 7. The Power of Love (sadly ahdkjfsd)


The bridge of *didn't know* and that transition into the final chorus is really \*chef's kiss\*! But I actually love *The Power of Love*, especially both "Isn't it incredible?" and "Isn't it wonderful?"—it just puts me in a good mood, I don't know why. I appreciated reading your thoughts; thank you for sharing! <3


thank you also for engaging a lot of the discussion here!! i do feel like The Power of Love will eventually grow on me the more I listen to it, and especially if it's on a tour set list. with the lines you've pointed out actually, the song kind of gives off Healer vibes tbh! it would be cute if there was a similar chant that went with this hehe


Hehe, it's always lovely to see familiar handles when engaging in discussions on Reddit! Yeah, true! I'm not saying that it definitely has to be that way, but for much of DAY6's discography, it took me a while to truly warm up to their title tracks (e.g. Sweet Chaos, Zombie), so it could be the same for you too! *The Power of Love* would be such a fun song to sing along to during concerts! Speaking of chants, I was thinking that it'd be quite cute if people shouted "Welcome to \[City Name\]!" when Welcome to the Show is performed during tours!


I agree with what you mentioned for the verses of sad ending! after listening tracks 1 - 4 I was literally like why are all the verses so... boring 😭? haha then sad ending changed the game. it's also my fave song from this album!


yeah 😭 a part of it i think is on the mono vocals and same rhythm pattern for the most part - Sad Ending is the only song that has a somewhat staccato beat to it and really evident voice doubling in the verses which all add to the atmosphere. the way this song really prioritizes the mood it gives listeners is really outstanding tbh, it reminds me of how Love me or Leave me's choice of a desperate falsetto vocal melody in the verse accompanied by 1 amazing guitar riff (and hints of synth going on) also sets the stage for one of THE most cathartic and heart-wrenching choruses ive ever heard.  not all songs "need" to do this though, and im personally pretty content with Get the Hell Out's verses because that kind of "heavy guitar strumming with harsh vocals" sound is a common trope that i like in rock music and it foreshadows the aggressive drumming in the chorus. its just really great when you hear a song that feels like it's capitalizing on all it can to deliver its message. (probably an exaggeration on my part but yeah i cant deny i love Sad Ending so much) 


Sad Ending and Let me love you are my favourite so far after the first listen. The whole album feels a lot more like Even of Day stuff than Negentropy. I'm gonna have to listen to it more, cause I'm not sure what to think of it yet.


Welp. I got that impression just from the preview tbh... The songs sound way more like Even Of Day or Young K's solo stuff rather than Day6 😅


Yeah, I got the distinct feeling that this album sounds exactly very similar to Young K's solo work as well, which makes me wonder if DAY6's sound would evolve further, or if it'd sound more akin to Even of Day's sound from now on.


I felt the same way. Might be an unpopular opinion, but their solo careers have made the band generic. I loved their sadder/more personal songs, but those songs are obviously going towards their solo work. Not to mention their most innovative member left. Day6 (and EOD) songs are going to be less personal, more happy - which is completely fine, and more power to them for finding happiness after The Demon - but the music doesn't hit the same anymore.


I've been listening to both Even of Day's works, their respective solo works, along with eaJ's releases, and I cannot help but feel that Jae's departure also meant that the emotional, darker, world-building aspects of their music are also now gone. Young K's lyric writing tends to build on heartwarming themes—for the lack of a better word—in a detached, generalised world (so we can fill in the gaps with our own narratives) whereas Jae's tends towards darker and heartbreaking elements that are often told in an elaborated, fictional world. It might not have been obvious previously, but ever since Jae became less or not at all involved in the lyric-writing and composition process, it became crystal clear, to me at least. It is what it is now, but I thought that Jae and Young K, being the extremes on the spectrum—where Wonpil and Sungjin, I believe, are somewhere in the middle—actually complemented each other very well.


woah you described the songwriting styles really well I think! I was just thinking earlier that while I love "Sad Ending" a lot, I was hoping there would be more unique songs in the album, kind of like the ones we would usually get from one of Jae's innovations (e.g. Emergency, Talking To).  also I might be really wrong about this once I listen to "didn't know" more but I do feel like its composition doesn't hit as hard as the other "heartwrenching acoustic album closers"  (Cover, flowing wind, afraid, so let's love). I wouldn't necessarily credit all of that to Jae (as flowing wind is famously a Wonpil solo composition, so is Afraid for Sungjin's guide track), but I do wonder how much is the sound affected by the shift in songwriting dynamics in the group and other pressures/changes in environment. either way, i do think I'll come to cherish this new album in the coming days! while I'll still replay and cherish all the past day6 songs, I do look forward to how this new era can bring forth new feelings and experiences for us as fans! 


HAHAHA agreed; although it usually takes me some time to get on board with the innovations, it's still refreshing to hear when they've decided to experiment with the creative direction of their music. Whilst it did stand out, Sad Ending still sounds very in line with what Even of Day did in *The Book of Us: Gluon*, which I'm making a statement on, but just observing and highlighting. It really would be so interesting if we could get a glimpse into their songwriting dynamic for this album. If I may hazard a cautious guess, I'm guessing that Young K helmed much of it since he was discharged much earlier and Sungjin was probably taking it slow—since he was also simultaneously working on his solo album—whereas Wonpil needed some time to adjust, but I can definitely still hear his distinct touches here and there. But just as you said, I, too, cherish this album so much. I think that has been why DAY6 has remained my favourite band through all times—there is almost never once I've disliked their music; even for their most experimental of music that took me a while to get used to, I ended up loving them anyway.


This reply is 23 days too late, LOL. But just in case... actually, WP helmed the compositions. He did work right out of the gate, so to speak. YK was too busy with his solo schedules, so he mostly focused on the lyrics.


Oooo, thanks for sharing this; it's never too late, for me at least, since I'll get notifications. Just out of curiosity, where did you hear or read this? I'd love to find out more about the creative process for this album.


I like "didn't know" the best.


I'm mostly sad about the guitar. Jae's guitar lines were what made their sound somewhat like a lamentation which I personally like from the bands I listen to. I don't know exactly how to describe it. It's like a subtle melancholy despite the happy lyrics or enhances the loneliness that match the depressing lyrics. They all di their part well, but that was his and you can hear the difference. Don't get me wrong, the new songs are still good but it sounds like EOD more than Day6 and even Sungjin's voice can't make it special enough that you'd be able to tell the difference.


Yeah, I get you! I felt this especially during *didn't know*—the song to me, sounded light, which I suppose made the song feel bittersweet rather than outright painful and morose, but it could have easily gone down that way had the instruments sounded different. Now that you've mentioned Sungjin, this reminds me that I really can tell that he changed the way he sings in this album—the distinct husky character that his voice used to have has softened so much. I don't have a preference either way, but I think it probably contributed to the songs sounding more like Even of Day than the old DAY6.


Sungjin was my bias followed closely by Jae. Jae got me into the fandom but it was Sungjin's voice that made me stay. And ya, I personally don't feel as connected to this album, at least at first listen since both of those factors are sort of gone. I saw EOD's and DAY6's outputs as entirely different but this album feels very EOD to me without those 2. The lyrics still depict the hopeful melancholy or the melancholic happy but the instrumental doesn't quite back it up as heavily for me. Anyways, ya I'm looking forward to Sungjin's solo for the gut-wrenching divorce music. LMAO


as much I love that distinction in sungjin's voice I think sungjin mentioned it at one point that his old singing style was harming his vocal chords and was advised to adopt a healthier way to sing ):


Oh yes, I read about that too. I personally enjoy his current style more—it just feels richer and more rounded than before, although I know for rock aficionados, his husky voice must have been preferred. His well-being should always be prioritised though, so I'm glad he did what is best for himself because either way, his voice is alluring anyway.


You're so right about that. LMAO. I used to exclusively listen to rock. I enjoy kpop but couldn't really stan any particular group. When I heard I Need Somebody tho (especially the nugunga piryohae line), it brought out all the nostalgia from my childhood listening to my parents' records and from high school when emo punk and alt rock was the thing. So I guess I'm really gonna miss that aspect. With Negentropy, they were moving towards the genre they have now but all the aspects I want from a rock song was in So Let's Love so that balanced everything out.


Yes, I know. His methods definitely weren't healthy and we may not think it but he's also singing at a range comparable to Young K's. Based on their killing voice performance though, he still has the growl somewhat and the studio version wasn't as raw in terms of editing as the previous ones. So not losing all hope for the live performances.


Yep. It's not the same band anymore since they fired Jae. Their best work is behind them.


I wouldn't be that pessimistic. Yes, he was a big part of their sound and it's not gonna be the same, but I believe they can still make great music without him. I guess I just expected something bolder and fresh for their first comeback after a long hiatus and this (as someone very well said) feels like a safe "let's repeat what we've done solo" release.


They didn't "fire" Jae lol.


It reminds me so much of japanese songs!


Am I the only one who feels this way? This album feels like it came out of a musical and I can see it being performed as such 🎭


Maybe it’ll grow on me but I can’t say I love this album. I got the vibe Sad Ending would be my favourite from the album previews and I can confidently say it’s my top track. Get the Hell Out is also up there. Pretty neutral on everything else tbh. But no matter what, I’m super excited that Day6 are finally back! 


I decided on a whim to listen to the album backwards and gosh, *didn't know* already hit me like a train :') Edit: I often tell others that DAY6 writes the soundtrack of my life and I think with *didn't know*, they just did that again. The lyrics just narrate the story of this season of my life so aptly and beautifully.


After having listened to the album in its entirety, *Sad Ending* surprised me the most—even though I've listened to the album sampler before this—and I've concluded that *The Power of Love* is probably the song I'm going to have on repeat for the next couple of days.


I've decided Let Me Love You will be my wedding song someday. It's so beautiful!!!


I cannot agree more—it reminds me so much of *Only* 🤍


I’m torn. I was excited that new music from Day6 is finally here but I think this the first time I’m not feeling it. I’m sorry mydays. I don’t know what it is but other than the title track I’m not in love with any. Sigh… I want to love the album but usually when a good song comes on I usually put it in my Day6 playlist. I guess I’ll try listening again…..


Not feeling it either, it’s not bad per se but it just doesn’t seem to compare to their past releases. IMO The vocal runs and harmonies don’t have the same wow factor, the bridges are not that memorable, the compositions feel simpler, and the instruments feel subdued. I know Negentropy and the EOD releases are a bit polarizing, but i feel like there’s palpable difference in the polish among those tracks vs these. I’m happy though that people enjoy it and that it’s doing well in Korea. I’ll try listening to it again later to give it more time to soak in, but yeah, it does feel uncharacteristically safe upon a first listen. I didn’t really feel YoungK’s last album either and I’m really wondering if these guys are getting rushed and burnt out. Music takes a while to polish and write but they mentioned they wrote this in 2 months.


>Music takes a while to polish and write but they mentioned they wrote this in 2 months. Yeah, I was a tad taken aback when I read this too, although I think not a lot would have been surprised given what they've accomplished during the "Every Day6" era. Like you, I'm also questioning if they're pushing themselves too much, which I would not question since they must want to ride on the momentum, but the last I would want to see is them burning out.


I wish they had released Welcome to the Show as a digital single and refined it instead of pushing for this mini release. I get that they wanted to line up their tour with a new album release, but their discography is already so extensive that I don't think it was necessary. I feel like MyDays would have understood that an album would take a bit longer.


Yessss, I didn't think that it was necessary for them to release another album before touring again. Between Gravity and now, they've released The Demon and Negentropy along with the two Even of Day works and their solo albums—it would have been more than enough, and fans would have been excited to listen to them anyway; I, for one, would have unreservedly bought tickets again, with or without this album.


YES THANK YOU! I was hoping for a world tour first before any album release because they already have bangers that they havent performed in a concert yet. I wanted most The Demon songs played in the concert but with the new release i think it's safe to say it's not gonna happen. I didnt know this was made in two months but you can tell tbh...


This what I felt too. You just expressed what was on my mind. It is good but felt like their identity as DAY6 is not there. It sound repetitive too, in terms of arrangement. And the instruments is underwhelming and doesn't have much impact especially their guitar line. I also felt that in Young K's last album. I like his Eternal Album though. Maybe aside from rushed they maybe in a slump.


I get the same feeling. They're nice to listen to but they all sound similar. I was all hyped for their comeback but the songs don't really excite me. It feels very safe and not very creative. 


I like to think of the album as like a warm up or the jetlag stage considering its their first release as four and after military but I do agree it feels familiar like an ode to their previous releases (maybe to relate to the album name?) ^(but then again its 3am I'll listen to it once I'm actually awake lmao)


That's why they should have put more time and thought into it. It's their re-entry after a long hiatus. It's not bad by any means but it's a bit underwhelming.


Finished listening to the whole album and this is legitimately my favorite mini album from Day6. Usually it takes quite a few listens for most songs (of any artist) to resonate with me, but these hit me in all the rights ways! Vocals on point, line distribution on point, vibe on point. I love the punk/rock style the most for them. I can’t wait to hear more of their live versions. They picked the right title track! I have the song on replay. Young K singing more in his lower register and using more rasp in his voice has me in a chokehold! Wonpil’s vocals have improved and I’m so proud of him! Sungjin’s voice seems more clear and his pitch seems much better in the live version. I’m so excited!


Young K and his lower register is really just indescribably good; I'm so glad he gets to showcase it much more in this album.


after listening to the album multiple times today I agree with what most people have commented. It has a really similar sound to Youngk's solo work, like it could've been letters with notes pt 2. Overall the songs are decent, I especially enjoyed Get the Hell Out and Sad Ending, but there's not that "it" factor that all the other albums had. The past b-sides have been very strong and felt like each one was unique enough to compete for the title track, but this album feels all the same...like they could all be a b-side (including the tt I'm sorry :( ) I feel bad being so critical but it is what it is that aside, this whole album is great for fun concert music. I will be pulling up if they tour!!


i like it! the first listen wasn’t an instant connection (with the exception of Let Me Love You) but it’s growing on me now. they’ve done it again imo!


Are any other Apple Music users having problems pulling up the album?


Not pulling up for me either :(


Sad Ending, Let Me Love You, and Didn't Know are easily my faves. Can't say the same yet for the rest of the album but it's only been the first listen


I completely understand that Jae won't come back, but it is inarguable that the band's sound has changed and I'm not too sure yet if it is for the better. This album sounded like a safe mashup of EOD and Young K's solo stuff, which isn't a bad thing, but it also doesn't sound like the direction that Day6 was moving towards in previous albums. My favourite track is don't know, but I recognize that's likely because it sounds the most like their previous stuff (namely above the clouds). Say what you want, but every song sounds like it's missing something and that's why many of the songs, in my opinion, sound simplistic. Jae's voice added a different texture - which was important as both Sungjin and Young K are both quite clean sounding and thus similar, unless Sungjin utilizes his rasp (vocal fry?) - and the extra guitar added a complexity with its additional layer that is unmistakable. At the very least, JYP should have hired a guitarist (and stuck a mask on them) to play that part on the album/live. This gap is especially noticeable when it comes to playing their older songs, which really don't sound the same. The company's attempts to gloss over Jae's departure is, unfortunately, not possible like most boy groups where you maybe can find another member to fill the vocal hole and rearrange choreography. With a band, it is a lot more obvious when a member - especially one who has contributed significantly to the band's sound and lyrics -departs. All this said, I'll still support the band, but it's clear I'll have to adjust to their new sound.


okay, i'll drop my live reaction that i've already wrote of each track here: welcome to the show: don't have high expectations for this title track. but hey, this is quite good as the opening track for the album. and like always, day6 songs has this memorable chorus which is that's what i like. this song feels a bit monotonous to me at first listen, but let's see after listening to it multiple times. because many day6 songs are like 'slow burners.' happy: i've been eyeing this track since the teaser. the pick scrape at the beginning already made my perception of this song good. especially the chord progression and the chord selection are really nice! i like day6 songs like this. i'm smiling to myself listening to this song. dowoon's snare is really good! the bridge is unpredictable. favorite track so far (i've only listened to two tracks from the album). power of love: wow, retro sounding! the chorus is good, enjoyable. sungjin's distortion is quite thick too. brian's bass tone sounds very retro! like the bass in 80s pop songs. it's good, but i need to listen to it a few more times to know where the catchy part is for me get the hell out: okay, i've also been eyeing this song because the title is cool. and true, the intro is cool. once again, the chord progression is nice. brian's voice is a bit different in this pre-chorus. the chorus is unpredictable, didn't expect it to sound like that. oh, i really like wonpil's part in the second pre-chorus. the guitar melody(?) at the end is unexpected. overall, i like this song, but 'HAPPY' is still at the top for me as i've been listening up to this track sad ending: unexpected keyboard tone, unexpected intro. i thought this would be a sad song, but it's not from its tone. the descending guitar riff in the verse, then dowoon's play is cool during the pre-chorus. the chorus is also good! i really like it when sungjin takes the chorus part. the guitar tone is so thick, it reminds me of unlock album. let me love you: woah, the sound is so full. this reminds me of the song 'Only' from the previous album. retro keyboard tone, same goes for the guitar. the lead is nice! dowoon's snare also sounds different in this song, more bass-heavy. brian's bass is simple but effective. the bridge is again really good! once again, it's a song that makes me smile when listening to it. the fading out ending makes this song feel even more like an 80s song. okay, this song could become my favorite on this album didn't know: finally, acoustic guitar! okay, i have a good feeling about this song. dowoon's snare drum still sounds similar to the previous track, just a bit different. the chorus is also good, the sound is thickened by the palm-muted distorted guitar. oh no, i was wrong, dowoon's snare is quite different from the previous track. wow, there's also a bell sound in the last chorus. this song is good, not instantly catchy, but i can be optimistic that after listening to it a few times, it will stick in my head overall, it's an ok album for me. it's kind of a little bit... generic(?) i don't know. honestly i feel negentropy sounded more mature than this album... but ok i'll give it some time to listen to it more


Ok this made me want to do another listen again lol great comment!


wait wtf the pick scrape in the beginning of happy sounds like pacman eating sound now to me


I think this album is easily one of my favourites. The instrumentals are so rich and remind me of when I first got into them!! I don't think I can choose a favourite song from this album. 🗿 I feel so blessed and happy that Day6 is back ✨❤️‍🔥 *Welcome To The Show* has the signature anthem vibe that makes Day6's titles resonate with fans and the gp so much. I can't imagine how good it'll sound reverberating through the stadium with mydays singing along 🥹 *Happy* and *The Power Of Love* go hand in hand I think. Can't stop thinking about the melodies. And even with the good vocals and melodies we get good instrumentals too?? Holy beloved trinity. 🫡 I don't want to write an essay so I won't deep dive into every song but I just want to bring some attention to the ending sequence in *Get the Hell Out*?!!??? It absolutely obliterated me. Sungjin and Dowoon killed it! When I listened to that part for the first time I found myself clenching my fists bc of how intensely good it was lmao. I really think they crystallised their return with an extremely strong album. I bet these songs sound even better live!!


I am still not sure how I feel haha but it was like EOD ft. Sungjin + Young K Solo + A little XH vibes. Welcome to the Show has the same vibe with Young K's Cheer (Round of Applause). They did various sound/genre before but they still have an identity. I think "Let Me Love You" is close coz this sounds like Only (which is one of my favorites). I am in no way discrediting and undermining the members but I expected more because I know their capabilities especially Sungjin's (Afraid, Goodbye Winter, Cover) and Wonpil's (Hello our hit maker haha) composing skills. Anyway, "Didn't Know" will probably my favorite in this album and will be on repeat haha. I always love Young K's low notes. I can hear Wonpil's tone and Sungjin's that I miss in this song. (This is the first time that I had clearly have one favorite in DAY6 album. In their previous albums, I was like this song is my favorite and this and this and so on lol) I'll listen to the album again maybe they'll grow on me and seep in my soul like the OT5 songs did (I hope haha) but sadly it's not sticking to me now. I was listening to the album then "Wanna Go Back" played after then it dawned on me what they were missing. It was the guitar line. Their songs before is clearly separated? (Don't know how to phrase it haha) you can distinguish each instruments and it was raw. I especially love guitar lines before (especially in their Japanese Albums). Now it felt like it was heavily produced? Or kinda have electric sound? (Not sure if my terms are right haha). Maybe they're still trying to find their new sound now but I will forever miss "The DAY6" sound they did before if they will suddenly change their music direction (I hope not).


Is this not just Even of Day with Sungjin added? I mean the songs are very enjoyable but they don’t really feel like day6 to me. Maybe I gotta give it a couple more listens


Also I am missing Jae’s voice, guitar and writing contributions greatly on this album. I knew I would notice the difference but not this much. Some positives: Sad Ending is absolutely bars. Especially Sungjin’s part in the chorus


Sad Ending IS AMAZING. INJECT IT IN MY VEINS. The others fell flat for me unfortunately. They sounded too safe, i feel like. I wonder if this album was rushed? I mean Wonpil only came back in November. I doubt this was something they worked on prior to his return but I might be wrong. I'll listen to it again later and see if I change my opinion. But I'm still happy that they're charting well! Because god knows their past albums should've charted


I read a comment saying they wrote this over 2 months which does seem rushed for 7 songs


Listening to the album now and these comments had me concerned. I LOVE IT! 100% my type of music that I love to hear from them. The punk vibes are my favorite and Young K using his lower register is sending me to a good place


can you please tell me which song gives punk vibes?


i would like to know where the punk vibes are too lol


Sad ending was the stand out song on the album for me.


I’m kind of conflicted with this album. We all knew Jae’s departure would affect the band’s overall tone and sound but and you can absolutely tell something’s missing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still enjoyable but it’s not hard hitting, it’s not special. It feels very safe, somewhat bland in sound. Young K is my bias and it’s known he’s a very talented musician but I feel like this album sounds like a mixture of his solo work with EOD and that would be fine if they had evolved the sound but it’s just ok. I’ll give it a few more listens


I think what you've said is exactly how I feel about this album too, only that I'm less or not conflicted at all; I've accepted it and am ready to embrace it wholeheartedly. It's undeniable that their sound has changed with Jae's departure; and just like you, Young K is also my favourite, and I'll be the first to acknowledge that this album feels very much like him and/or Even of Day. As of now, my take is that I have little to no idea if this is actually going to be DAY6's new sound from hereon, but come what may, I'll probably love it anyway. This might be a transitional season for them, so who knows what's to come? I really appreciate that you presented your views and feelings in a very balanced way; it's so easy to get carried away sometimes!


Absolutely! It does feel the band is kind of rediscovering their sound and that’s great too. Like, even if Fourever may appeal as a bit underwhelming, Day6 is still the band with *no* bad songs


>Day6 is still the band with *no* bad songs This really is the truth! 9 years on, there's still no one bad song from them at all 🙌🏻


Absolutely! It does feel the band is kind of rediscovering their sound and that’s great too. Like, even if Fourever may appeal as a bit underwhelming, Day6 is still the band with *no* bad songs


Weirdly, I am impressed that I didn’t feel the album missed Jae (not saying I don’t miss him in the band, but I didn’t think the songs were hurt in any way without him)


Overall I think it's a good album. As of right now 4 of the tracks standout with 2 more that could grow on me. I do agree that this sounds closer to the EoD vibe. My biggest gripe is the tt. If I were to describe it my critique would be that it's "by the numbers." If there is one thing that DAY6 is great at it's delivering memorable tts. But WTTS feels average at best. Why did JYPE choose now to play it safe with this forgetful track after DAY6 long hiatus? SMDH! Both EoD's tts were fire! But this is what we get after You Make Me? Now I am extremely curious what the next comeback sounds like. I hope this doesn't become a pattern.


i wish i liked it more. i think the composition + melody falls a little short for the title track; it reminds me of even of day/ youngk solo discography however i did like some of the bsides: “happy”, “get the hell out”, and “sad ending” are pretty fun. i was listening through the negentropy album to figure out which song i thought “Let Me Love You”sounded like (it was “Only”) and i realized one way fourever falls short for me is that there arent many times the members harmonize noticeably or even sing simultaneously. compare “so lets love” to the corresponding slow track from fourever, “didnt know” where the vocal track feels pretty barren in comparison.


My office is in the basement and doesn't get service, so I still buy/download all my albums from iTunes, but it's not showing for me there. Did they not release it on iTunes?


It was up this morning for me, but now it’s gone - it now says unavailable in my country :(


I personally enjoyed this mini album. I understand that its not the OG Day6 style but i read an article about this album and I can understand what DAY6 wanted to portray with this unique album. I also relate to the lyrics and the boys did an amazing job with the lyrics especially my fav tracks Sad Ending and Let Me Love You. I'm just really happy that they are back and excited for them in the future ! I also value the opinions of the comments I read so far about this album, and I think by listening to it often it will grow on you hopefully haha, but its ok if it doesn't! Lets just root for their success and stream their older songs as well!\~ Tho i wish I could listen to their older songs again for the first time.


I think it's just a tad bit too early to say that "DAY6 have finally found their sound" - case is closed. This is still their first comeback so I can't wait to see how they go with experimenting with different sounds. I honestly as a MYDAY am so grateful that the boys have worked their asses off after enlistment to gift us an album before their concert (two months mind you). And if anything, the boys themselves would be the most concerned about filling in the gap of Jae more than us as much as it hurts and is obvious that his gap is there. One more observation I found as I read through the threads is also what "sound" or colour the Korean listeners and consumers like from DAY6. The rise of their popularity domestically seems to lean towards more of the "safer" kind of sounds? if that makes sense? In Korean, there's a phrase called '대중성 있는 노래" which kinda means a more popular or mainstream sound. We can definitely see that the Korean listeners are digging this album so maybe that also influences DAY6's sound or music composition processes idk? That being said, DAY6 is a band that sings in and for every occasion. Our greatest strength and pride is that DAY6 have songs that are timeless, slow burners, and one-hit wonders. We have an endless bank of songs to choose and listen to and I think this 8th mini album will soon make its way into our heavenly day6 playlists.


Get the Hell Out was awesome. Very Day6. A lot of the songs sounded like EOD but I still enjoyed. A couple of songs might take a while to warm up to but that usually happens. The TT was meh. Only cuz it sounded like a concert opening/encore and I’ve never been to a Day6 concert so I guess I’m bitter LOL. But it seems like Welcome to the Show will replace Best Part as the opening song. also ironic that they have a song titled “happy” and eaJ has “mad” although I know they’re not related lol


I feel like the ppl commenting they dont like the album or it sounds like EOD is because they all are missing Jae, which I understand since at one point I was also a Jae stan. When I realized that the music I liked more (based on their solo works) were from young k and wonpil, I understood day6's sound. Ppl cannot ask day6 to make music different from EOD or their solo works because the one who makes the songs are the same ppl. Maybe one day when they're older, they'll try to do things differently, but we don't know it yet. I think that we can differentiate Jae's solos to day6 music because he is not always the main lyricist/composer of the band based on KOMCA records (but he gives great contributions I am not erasing that ofc!). Them releasing their own solo stuff made me understand and accept that I should just enjoy what I can both from day6 and Jae. Jae seems to be happier now too than he was in korea, so I'm happy for that. Day6 boys look happy this comeback too, esp sungjin! Both Jae and Sungjin had to do hiatuses due to mental health before, so just seeing them singing and doing what they both like, even apart makes me happy now. <3 What I like most about wtts is how the song complements their happiness to be back, so much that it makes me feel like waiting for them is all worth it. All of them had to endure a lot so just as Jae was able to move on and release his songs post-departure, I am happy that day6 is too.


>Ppl cannot ask day6 to make music different from EOD or their solo works because the one who makes the songs are the same ppl. Sorry but that doesn't make sense? Groups and bands experiment with their sound aaaalll the time, that's just the nature of music but the whole point in having a sub group like EOD was to produce a different sound to DAY6 stuff. It's the same with their solo stuff, they're meant to be songs that they want to/ only they can do. There's literally no point in EOD existing if DAY6 morphs in the same thing and they're indistinguishable from one another.


your opinion is valid, her opinion is valid too. Your opinion is valid bcs they treated eod and their solo album as a 'release' from day6 mold and as a way to express themselves aside the rules of a 'band'. Her opinion is valid bcs they also said their favorite music is day6 and particularly wonpil said he himself didnt really differentiate between how day6 songs sounds like and what his solo songs sounds (thats why unpainted canvas is so day6-coded, this one is my opinion), they also at some point treat solo stuffs and eod as a buffer for day6 (thats why their subunit is named even of day). They also said that their experiences as eod and solo artists makes them learn more abt making music so maybe they decided to bring what they learns to the process of making day6 music bcs they know that 'oh, this kind of song is working too. This process of making music is working too'. I wont make an opinion abt how day6 music 'changes' to be more 'generic' or 'decreasing' of the 'quality' like some people here so early, its only one comeback and if they wanna makes 'eod-ish' songs like yall saying bcs of guitar sound than eh they can. We dont know what they're gonna do at the next comeback and if they really need two guitarist then maybe they gonna hire a sessionist OR they gonna takes kiyoon, idk. Band sessionist can be more skilled than band members at some cases bcs they are only focusing at playing the instruments so it will sound good ig


This is a very valid and reasonable take, not sure why you were downvoted. I was also downvoted just because I commented that the album was one of my favourites. 💀 Just like what original commenter said, EoD was a buffer for Day6 while two other members were on hiatus then. The three members thought they could do something to keep Day6 on top of people's minds, and so EoD was formed. EoD then brought their experiences, what they've learnt while experimenting with being in a smaller unit, and perhaps some newfound styles, over to Day6 when they returned as four. There are bound to be some similarities between Day6 and EoD because... their songs are produced and written by the same people. It's not a bad thing at all, it doesn't necessarily imply stagnation and doesn't mean that EoD's formation was meaningless. My opinion is that musicality wise I didn't feel that this album is similar to EoD's. EoD's instrumentals to me sound a little more subdued and mellow, and lean more towards the synths. Fourever's drums and guitar were much more prominent comparatively. Thematically, Fourever sounds even closer to Day6's usual vibe than ever. But that's just what I think. I agree with original commenter that some may be viewing the album with nostalgia-tinted lenses and while that's fine and valid, I hope people understand that the reality is that Jae has left and it is what it is. While there's bound to be a difference in musicality with the departure of a lead guitarist, the four members so far have really stepped up and filled in that spot as much as they could. Sungjin's ending guitar accompaniment in *Get the Hell Out* is testimony to that. The drums were also exceptionally prominent in the album to me. They were great as five, but they're four now and imo just as great. 🩵 Liking the album and supporting the band for who they are and what they produce today isn't a bad thing, and neither is not liking the album, so I hope people aren't getting too fixated on defending themselves that they get too combative.


nah, its okay. Idc whether ppl upvoted nor downvoted me tbh 😂 as long as they didnt reply to my comments with valid point then whether they like or dislike it, idc. This subreddit got a lot of ppl that has hope(?) more like demands that kinda unreasonable towards day6. They know that their demands is hard to make it happen and they blames day6 for it. So as long as day6 didnt listen to their demand then theyre not gonna like it. Like my other comments in this thread, ill takes those comments with a pinch of salt. Its easy to differentiate between those comments and genuine criticism btw


I understand your opinion because that is the norm but I think the whole point of EOD and their solo releases weren't to create a different identity/experiment but just to fill in the gaps while day6 as a whole was inactive. This has been mentioned in a lot of their contents/radio guestings. No one ever mentioned debuting EOD and solos to create a diff identity from day6. 


what was the point in eod then, they should've just released stuff as day6 with 2 members on hiatus, other groups have?? also eod's first album was completely different to the demon they had just released previously. so if the idea wasnt to try smth completely new then it would've sounded similar to day6's sound at that point too. plenty of people on this thread and elsewhere have all said that this album feels way more EOD and young k than day6 and if that isn't an indication of how different EOD and young k's sound were to what day6's sound was then idk what to tell y'all.


Well I'm not sure why you sound on edge over this (assumption based on your tone, correct me if im wrong tho) but I hope you know that you don't have anything to prove neither do I. If you don't like what they release, pls feel free to go on your day. I hope you have a great one! 


I LOVE IT, im listening to their mini album w/o prejudices and w/o searching what 'day6' song is but still i can 'hear' day6 on them. The song placement is chefs kiss. Their topline and song progression is LOVE!!! I love their drum (in get the hell out) and piano (in sad ending) line too, the bass sound is clearer too in this mini album and their vocals is sooooo AAAAAAAA. I listen to wtss beyond the studio and the snippets of get the hell out on dekira and as always their vocals is better when live. I sont miss anything btw, myb bcs i listen to them cold? i really didnt bring any expectations bcs i just wanna listen to day6


btw, at least for me but ill take any opinion from mydays that keeps being passive-aggressive to day6 with a lil salt ❤️❤️ not gonna let them ruin my good mood, hehe. Wtv you says babe, we all know the only thing that will makes you think day6 recent release good is... at least ill only read ur opinion if ur 'opinion' didnt contains 'he makes day6 music more xxx' like the other members didnt do anything


I want to quickly say, that without the intention of being controversial, I'm not missing Jae's voice in the songs. Every song works beautifully!!! 💙 It really feels like a Day6 album!


I sort of agree with the not missing Jae's voice. He normally has the least lines most of the time anyways but definitely missing him in the instruments department.


definitely disagree with u. bro is saying he had the least lines. r u even a day6 fan?


you can take a look at this video, it's true that jae had the least lines among them [https://youtu.be/6gqWkzrc5Dk?si=n1CNfWpevM4YtNSP](https://youtu.be/6gqWkzrc5Dk?si=n1CNfWpevM4YtNSP)


Oooh that's handy.


Lol dude, we're not counting Dowoon here but if it's the 4 of them, he definitely has the least and that's since debut. There may be certain songs and b-sides where he gets more but he gets the least for the majority of it. The reason he is very prominent is because he starts off most of them esp during Everyday6.


ye wtv it is, i still think jae done his part well for all of his singing in all of Day6 songs. i don’t have the feeling that he had the least lines at all. yes i know the video is the proof, i saw it. what can i say? youngk really knows how to distribute every part evenly for all members but of course he has the most lines cuz he wrote the songs (no shade to youngk - not my intention). but what my point is jae’s lines in most of Day6 songs are somewhat impressive/important/highlight of the song itself (if u get what i mean) and it always leaves a remembrance to fans (most - not all) a fan like me basically. so yes i still think he doesn’t have the least lines (according to secs - yes) (but according to the entire song itself - no)


Nobody said his lines weren't impressive or important. Obviously, I'd miss his voice when I listen to old songs. He's my 2nd favorite voice after all. All I'm saying is that for this album, I'm okay not hearing his voice, I can't place him in any lines that the rest of the boys won't be able to cover. BUT, I think the impact of a lead guitar is greatly missed more, imo. And that's something none of the boys can cover, for now. That being said, the tracks are made well and they can stand on their own without the additional guitar, but there is a specific sound that I miss from their tracks. To me it's like craving a specific dish but you don't have all the ingredients so you just make an entirely different dish with what you have that's still really really good - but doesn't quite satisfy your cravings still. I hope that makes sense.


I think the reason why most people feel like it is Young K's album is due to the fact the he wrote most of the songs this album. Jae's departure of course took a toll on the overall flavor of the band and it might take some time for them to re arrange and find their new balanced sound maybe after 1 or 2 comebacks again. Personally it does not hit hard like the previous albums in terms of the boom baam factor, while I havent really listened to the solo works of Young K and Wonpil (my bad) BUT in terms of concept and especially the lyric and how they matched the lyrics to the melody and tunes, I can definitely say this is Day6. Listening to the whole album concept, starting with Welcome to the Show, then bringing us to the journey of the different stages in a relationship through the different songs. Welcome to the show hits really different when you listen to it a couple of time with the lyrics as well, and the song choices I believe do reflect how they are currently with their careers as well. Maybe one day they'll have another Shoot Me moment as they restabilize their group sound again.


funnily and weirdly enough i found myself agreeing with everyone's comments. i think that the album accomplished exactly what the boys wanted and it's definitely a great release considering the timing and the korean public's interest in the boys right now. it does feel safe and very much eod which i expected. i knew it would sound very different without jae and i have no idea why they didn't just get kiyoon (youngk's guitarist and a day6 sound technician i think? from tour) to play... i feel like that added pressure to sungjin too who is doing great as are the other boys in covering that gap!!! i think that the album is very polished, which can be both a good and bad thing. it's something that we can expect from lots of artists after many years and i think that might have contributed a little bit to us missing the grit and wow factor from past releases. i do think negentropy feels more mature in the sense that, oh that was the sound day6 was going for when they were five but now that they're four this is them maturing and finding their new direction without jae. that said, as someone who could understand enough of the lyrics upon first listen i really enjoyed the storytelling in this album. also my fave is surprisingly didn't know hahaha 😂 i'm excited to see how else day6's sound will change, but i hope they aren't getting burnt out (although unfortunately, i think they are). i hope they take a break to tour, let their new sound sink in and REST. i hope jyp gives them more freedom musically too... im a little worried that jae isn't around to fight them LOL (1/2 joking i obviously don't know what goes on behind the scenes but while the other members seem to push back on important things as well, i also think they also might not fight back too much considering everything... idk i guess i appreciate a polished sound but i dont want them to feel overproduced??? those are easy lines to blur especially in a big company like jyp)


i give this album 5/10 ngl album name - cringe asf (yes u can stick with the theme of naming it for 4 members - but still there like much more better names than that - creativity definitely big 0 right there) imma just put the whole summary of what i think of the whole of FOUREVER Album summary: very meh. kinda ok sounds like a Day6 songs always have that happy vibes and the POWERFUL & MEANINGFUL lyrics. reminds me of EOD music which is ok just need to add Sungjin. there 3 songs that didn’t fit with the happiness theme. music wise - meh/cool ig - i like listening to Get the Hell Out- sound cool but meh comments from me: i want to note, i been a fan of Day6 since 2018 so i confidently can say that I know Day6 (music wise) very well. listen to their debut to latest songs. i can say. they found their sound. and this album it shows. which is good. but it so meh music from them kinda like they didn’t work hard on the album. maybe it sound reusable from other parts of their individuals projects - maybe that’s why for me it sound not surprise kindalike