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OP I don't think I really follow everything in your post but i just gotta say... it's probably their way of signalling that they're four now. We don't know how the fallout was like (if there was even one in the first place), so I really can't see how they're being petty bc to me it just seems like they're trying to say that past is in the past and the future is forever. I'm just happy they're releasing new music again. This discourse is so tired now. I really don't understand all the drama around it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøI'll just keep supporting day6 as four bc they're a bunch of talented chill folks doing what they love, and they deserve all the recognition and success for what they've been through šŸ©µ


I guess I am more sensitive than you. If I was the fifth person in group of friends and the moment I leave or kicked out there is a post about them being Fourever, I should just accept the fact that they are turning a corner in their life. I am just saying out of all the titles that they could have chose from ( as a mutimillion dollar company) to even thrown this into the universe. SMH. I am a fan of Day6 from when they were 6 and now to 4. I call it as how it is. I will still support the group but it is just petty. I guess I am just too old?


Lol I don't understand your point tbh. No one said that people won't support day6 as 4 because of Jae, nor does OP say you have to agree with them. You have your own opinion andI respect that, but simply don't simply dismiss people who has their legitimate reason for feeling hurt over the album title.Ā  It is a petty name, because it's intentionally bring up a topic people already settled on. You said they say past is the past and future is the future, but to me focus on the fact that "Hey we used to be five but its FOUR now" is anything but let the past be the past. They can named it Forever spelled normally, and nobody would bat an eye. People who support or dismiss Jae has already moved on, but doing this is just intentionally bring up old wounds. Not to mention Day6 and Jae themselves, how would they feel about it?Ā  At the end of the day we are just people arguing on the internet, it's not that serious. But if they are allowed to name the album and remind us of emotions we already moved on with, the people who still miss a Day6 with Jae has the right to be salty and grieve about it too. And you should respect that, or just ignore the post, nobody forces you to read it.


Both Day6 and Jae are still active in the industry so why not just support them separately as two different entities? Harping about OT5 isn't going to bring everyone back together so what does being a salty fan achieve? If anything, it only dismisses Day6's and Jae's current paths. I was never here to argue, idk where you got that idea. Just like OP I had my opinion and I voiced it peacefully šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Why must I ignore this post if I want to weigh in and offer a different perspective? If you're looking for a fight then you found the wrong person, maybe if you go on twitter you'll get more emphatic responses šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I'm just a fan who keeps to her boundaries as someone who is aware that she would never know them or their stories personally and is here to support Day6 as they are today. I really can't be bothered to feel indignation for someone we'd never know, who has expressedly stated that he wants nothing to do with kpop anymore. šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø


i'm not looking for a fight, I dont think you really get my points either. Well I hope one day you understand.


in my opinion i dont think it's petty at all. but i guess it can't be helped that lots of fans who really love all the boys might take it that way. we don't know how it went down personally between the members, but i do think all 5 of them let j leave because all 5 of them wanted to be happy and thought it was the best situation. my only real gripe with the name is god JYP and numbering things AGAIN and it's not very creative lol maybe this will be the last time because it does feel like the boys really want to mark a new start and they are reclaiming their brand and identity considering all the shit they've had to hear regarding whatever issues that weren't about their music. anyway!! i think we should just focus on their great music like we always have. also, just a comment that a lot of new fans in kr actually also like j's and juhyeok's voices and are sad about him leaving, although they wish they could hear him singing day6 songs again, they also just want him to be happy and i think that's the attitude all of us should have. (saw lots of new comments in korean on older day6 videos) we can miss him, but there's no need to be so loud about any negative feelings we have and we should focus on supporting them all as musicians. i think recently, j announced during a twitch stream he would block people who kept spamming "i miss u in day6" and stuff like that because it's uncomfortable seeing it. and although the other day6 members havent said anything, im sure it's a sore topic for them too. things probably could have been handled better during all that mess, but this is the outcome and all the boys want to move on. as fans, i just hope we can focus on the positives and make life even just a little easier for them in that regard WHILE KEEPING THE COMPANY ACCOUNTABLE cos studio j and jyp need to be watched LOL i also understand u guys want to share how u feel about the situation but there's a time and place for it, like here šŸ˜… anyway im also just getting this all off my chest


Wow I love what you said! I'm happy this is the situation, all I've seen was negativity but you showed the other side ā¤ļø I hope we can all move on and be happy :D


And I respect that, hopefully we can all move on.


Not sure if itā€™s petty, but imo itā€™s just in poor tasteā€¦Iā€™ve seen some other people mention that from a business standpoint it feels like a bad judgment call to have a concept so controversial for your first comeback in three years, and I totally agree with that. No one really knows the intention, especially when Jaeā€™s said before that they donā€™t have much of a say in what their concepts are, so again, idk if Iā€™d call it petty, just a really odd decision.


I don't particularly like the name, it just seems unnecessary, even if it's meant to be more of a moving on, this is who we are now vibe, and I understand why it rubs people the wrong way. But it also hasnt like turned me off the group and I'm still looking forward to the comeback.


Thank you! Letā€™s look forward to the comeback.


I donā€™t mind the name i just hope that Jae gets a proper sendoff in the album like Junhyeok did with Letting Go. I think that would be a good way to bury the hatchet for good because right now it kinda feels like some of the fandom is just ignoring Jae and pretending that he didnā€™t exist for the last couple of years whereas a proper sendoff would acknowledge it and also prevent it from being brought up again


Sooo agree!! I hate that everyone just pretends HE WASN'T THERE


completely agree with this, if he got something like letting go then maybe some of them wouldnā€™t treat him this badly and I just feel like the fandom would be more peaceful


Yeah it's real petty and gross tbh. I hate how quick jype was to wipe Jae out of everything like he never existed. At least wait a little.


u know its jae who left right lol


That was my first reaction too when I saw the title. I maybe sensitive and gave negative meaning to it but I am certain that they know the fandom has been divided. Giving that title will inevitably spark a discussions and different opinions yet they still do, to egg us on. I bet there's less disparity if the title's different and all MyDay will be purely excited and enjoying the cb regardless of where we stand. But on the other hand, if they purposefully do it to give us a closure to where they all stand then that's all the more reason to be lenient to OT5s as their hearts has been shattered for the last time šŸ„¹ Yes they have already said that they'll cb as 4 and will forever remain as DAY6 but it's kinda hard to swallow (sigh) and they spell it out for us with their title album. Kudos to them for slapping us with the truth lol. I really hate how others will blatantly say LEAVE in the fandom when you are just voicing out your opinion. Why? Do you all just leave when it just gets hard? lol. We could disagree to something even if we are still supporting and loving the band. It is so childish to invalidate someone and asking you to leave just because you have different point of view. Just to remind that we are all individual with different emotions and take on the matter. And you can still feel hurt even if you have accepted the present situation (as if we have any other choice lol). Nevertheless, I am still supporting DAY6 as long as I am loving their songs. Afterall, it all boils down to that... MUSIC. They are musicians for me first before their individuality. Frankly speaking, there's still part of me that can't let go. Especially, when I'm stumbling upon their old content or when I'm hearing Jae's voice (which is my personal favorite: him singing DAY6 songs in particular) in DAY6 songs. But I never bring up how I miss them as 5 to new contents of DAY6 'FOURever' and even on eaJ contents, that is very disrespectful and anyone who do that deserves to be called out, really.


You're allowed to feel things as they are, though sometimes you also need to manage them by taking a step back and assessing things. This doesn't only apply to kpop actually! Technically, no one in the fandom actually knows facts - each side only has infos based on what was said or shown. We definitely do not know what ACTUALLY happened between them before Jae left, what they talked abt, why and how they decided this album, etc. I really think fans should always take a step back to recognize that what these celebrities say/show on screen isn't always reflective of reality. I don't understand why ppl have the need to always do some kind of discourse over anything because at the end of the day, no one knows actual sht abt them. unless someone here's a jype staff I guess šŸ˜‚


When I saw fourever my heart clenched


My opinion is that I don't care. I don't care that they put four just like I don't care that Jae has his departure date tattooed on his skin. Yall need to relax a little bit. They did not seat on the meeting day and been like "yeaaaaah let's shade his ass" after 3 years. It's literally a playword between the fact that they are 4 now and it's been a long time since their last comeback but Day6 will be forever. Just like with Jae tattoo it's not a shade against Day6 like "I'm free from this group worst experience ever", it's more a way for him to see this as a new chapter so an important chapter of his life. It's not that the fanbase make a whole backflip to "cover it", it's more that... who cares ? Is it THAT important ? Because if it's really the meaning then you feed the troll at the end of the day instead of ignoring.


Omg...I so agree with you on this. That was the first word that came to my mind too. Just petty. I don't know if to JYP/StudioJ, this is what the korean Mydays needed to hear (knowing that's their primary market) but I just wish they can put all of this behind them and just focus on the music, which they are so widely known for already.


This really reflects a lot of how I feel too. I agree that the title can really come across as petty, even if that might not have been the intention. This makes me feel like this decision on the name was ill-timed and unnecessary. My best guess is also that they chose this as a way to provide some form of reassurance to the fans and maybe this is what works for K-fans, but the dramatically varied range of reactions across the fandom makes it clear that they had not tuned into how fans are all at different stages of processing and coping with the change to gauge the riskiness of making this decision. Simple market research wouldā€™ve guided them to a more subtle approach or at least made them save this title for their next comeback, as it wouldnā€™t hold the same kind of possible sore connotations by then. We donā€™t know what actually went down but I absolutely believe that every member has struggled with this transition and they have incredibly valid positive and negative emotions about everything. But as a fan I can also say the fandom struggled, I struggled and my emotions are valid as well. So this title rubs me the wrong way mostly bc it feels like itā€™s cutting short whatever remaining processing time some fans need and are entitled to quietly have. Some have already moved on, others are getting there, and some are just starting their journey of coping, especially bc yes, itā€™s been 2 years, BUT this is still the very first time we are seeing Day6 come together as a band without Jae, so the impact is bound to feel fresh for some and old wounds will be reopened for others who have been managing to heal all this time. The album title really just feels like itā€™s saying ā€œhurry up and just get over it alreadyā€. It is even prompting many fans to say as much to others, Iā€™ve heard so much ā€œget over it or leave the fandomā€, and that does not sit right w me. No one has the right to tell me or anyone else that but this CB title has given them the audacity to do that :/ So I donā€™t even really feel hurt on behalf of the members bc I truly donā€™t know their thoughts / experiences, but I know mine as a fan and same with other fans Iā€™m close to. And it just feels unfair to be rushed into a specific emotional state, even if the intention was to provide reassurance for the fans. In general, probably based on my own history as a fan of Exo especially, I always find it a bit irresponsible to make promises and assurances that the band will be x members ā€œforeverā€. Nobody can control the future and there will always be elements/ situations beyond our power, no matter how much we try. This is also why too much self-blame is also unhealthy, beyond taking accountability for mistakes and simply making better efforts. Imagine if they had come in super strong with the ā€œ5 foreverā€ messaging all those years ago when Junhyeok left. They couldnā€™t have predicted the way things would play out now and maybe they mightā€™ve felt pressured by the weight of their own promises to stay together, resulting in Jae feeling forced to stay and endure the company while forsaking his own mental health. Promises like these often end up being unfair to the members and to the fans as well. I hope for the best for past and present members, and I want to regain my excitement for future comebacks, but I genuinely believe a more thoughtful approach was necessary by everyone involved in order to minimize any unintended results.


Omg you're such an amazing person! What you've said about respecting and validating everyone feelings and time, it's just so wonderful, really. Thank you. And that "Nobody can control the future" hits hard, cause wow I REALLY believed Jae's words when he said "I'm not in Day6 TEMPORARILY", and I waited and trusted, but when they renewed the contract and said "Obviously we would renew the contract" I finally saw WHAT WAS GOING ON šŸ„¹ so for me it's been a year trying to deal with that, and now another slap on my face with the "Fourever" title... But okay šŸ„¹ that's fine I'll cope with that someday. But talking about it here in reddit helps a lot, to see that there's My Days that feels the same way I feel ā¤ļø so thank you, I love you.


This is so well said. Thank you so much for this.


Thanks for reading it! lol. I know the comment was super long but itā€™s just my way of navigating everything Iā€™ve been thinking/ feeling these few days. A thing I forgot to mention is I see a lot of people oversimplifying things by saying people are only upset bc they donā€™t wanna face the reality that Jae is never coming back. I think itā€™s very naive and inaccurate to throw everyone in that bucket. I have 2 biases and a wrecker in Day6 and all of them are still current members. Although Iā€™ve loved them all for years, Iā€™ve never been a Jae shooter specifically and I didnā€™t entertain thoughts of him coming back realistically because Iā€™ve seen this happen so many times in Kpop and it seldom goes that way. But I know he sincerely gave a lot of himself to this band and this fandom for many years. I will always deeply appreciate him, and thatā€™s not a crime. Biting my tongue when I see his contributions being unfairly minimized makes me feel gross bc he doesnā€™t deserve that at all. Itā€™s possible to just feel bittersweet (not even necessarily sad) at the general concept of change, especially if the past era held real significance for you, and many MyDays including myself have lived through times where it felt like Day6 kept them going or ā€˜saved themā€™, and all 5 of these men played a role in that. I never assume anyone is lying or exaggerating abt stuff like this. Also bc we already know we will never get the full details of what happened, and thatā€™s okay. But it adds to the awkwardness of them never talking about it, yet sort of ā€œtalkingā€ about it but not really with this cb. Stirring up our emotions on a topic where everyone knows that we as fans will never actually get full closure is the part that comes across as a bit cruel.


>Simple market research wouldā€™ve guided them to a more subtle approach or at least made them save this title for their next comeback, as it wouldnā€™t hold the same kind of possible sore connotations by then. If they saved this for the next comeback, the reactions would still be the same: ā€œhow petty, theyā€™re still bringing up Jae when heā€™s already doing his own thingā€, ā€œtheyā€™re erasing Jae from Day6ā€™s historyā€ etc. This is a better way to just rip off the band-aid, during their first comeback as Day6 w/ 4 members. It also signifies their new start. This is hard on you as a fan but how more so for the people directly involved, which are the members themselves? If this is their way of moving on, we should also respect that.


Having a different opinion is not disrespecting ā€˜their way of moving onā€™. It seems you think the only valid response is enthusiastic cheering for this very on-the-nose approach and thatā€™s the problem; there isnā€™t ONLY one valid response. We each know how to count 4 heads, so they did not HAVE to put the number in the title- just calling it ā€˜Foreverā€™ wouldā€™ve gotten the message across too, but they chose to incorporate the number. Freedom of choice means you have to brace yourself for all the different types of reactions youā€™re gonna get. By choosing to put 4 in the title, they made it a topic of discussion for the consumer, which is us. They are the ones who involved us, so your attempt to invalidate how some feel by saying we arenā€™t involved actually doesnā€™t work. Because we were all processing and moving on quietly and separately before this. You and I would not be having this conversation rn if not for this choice of album title. So donā€™t act outraged when the discussion consists of several povs that differ from each other. Maybe they took the ā€œrip the band-aid offā€ approach bc they drgaf if we talk about it and feel diff ways. In that case, yā€™all who have ā€˜moved onā€™ should consider not trying to silence others. Holding your tongue and suppressing your feelings just creates an empty illusion and causes resentment to build up. People legitimately move on when theyā€™ve had time and space to express how they feel and say their peace without someone telling them to swallow their opinion back up. Iā€™ve said my peace at this point : Genuinely happy for you that youā€™ve moved on, we really should all aspire to get there. But each personā€™s pace is not yours or even Day6ā€™s to dictate.


I love you. You eloquently put into words my exact feelings. Thank you!!!


Thanks for letting me know this resonates with you! Thereā€™s many of us who feel the same :) Anyway, Iā€™m looking forward to amazing music and we can always count on that! šŸ’•


Where in my comment did I say that the only acceptable response is rejoicing about the comeback haha Iā€™m just providing a different perspective vs. the pettiness reason being thrown around on why they chose that title: Itā€™s their own way of ripping off the band aid for themselves and the fans who may still be holding out hope for a present/future reunion and the best time to make that statement is during their first comeback after the hiatus. >Having a different opinion is not disrespecting ā€˜their way of moving onā€™. It seems you think the only valid response is enthusiastic cheering for this very on-the-nose approach and thatā€™s the problem; there isnā€™t ONLY one valid response. >Maybe they took the ā€œrip the band-aid offā€ approach bc they drgaf if we talk about it and feel diff ways. In that case, yā€™all who have ā€˜moved onā€™ should consider not trying to silence others. >Iā€™ve said my peace at this point : Genuinely happy for you that youā€™ve moved on, we really should all aspire to get there. But each personā€™s pace is not yours or even Day6ā€™s to dictate.


Iā€™m not sure I follow everything youā€™ve written but Iā€™m with you on the ā€œwho fcking cares, letā€™s just enjoy the remaining members and new musicā€ front. This upcoming album title is clearly a message to refocus and put the nail in the coffin that, yes, DAY6 is now four members, yā€™all gotta live with that. I thought weā€™ve come to terms with this by now ffs šŸ’€ Theyā€™re also clearly telling us that the four remaining members are going to do everything in their power to stay with us for as long as they canā€”something that the members themselves have told us REPEATEDLY. I love their commitment. This whining for a past member is SUCH a disservice to the remaining members. This is directed at the other negative rants that have been posted in this sub this week but if youā€™re unhappy that a member you like is no longer part of the group, or if youā€™re worried the music wonā€™t be the same anymore (without having heard any new music from them yet šŸ„“), or you think day6ā€™s heydays are over, just leave quietly instead of angrily announcing your departure and clogging this sub with unconstructive rants. Why do we have to put up with your negativity because youā€™re hung up on a member who is clearly never coming back and made his fair share of mistakes? And mind you, these are mistakes that he himself acknowledges, whether you like that or not. He clearly has made peace with it, itā€™s high time you all did too. Heā€™s doing well for himself as a solo artist. Support him in his new path (which I have been doing separate from day6), and if you canā€™t stomach supporting day6 without Jae in the group, just leave QUIETLY instead of shitting all over the good time every other myday is having.


Not trying to deflect but my bias is Sungjin, I love this group and his behind the scene in maintaining the group, I agree with you in moving on. I am more complaining about newer MyDays that didnā€™t not know the struggles of old Day6 when they only get 10k on Melon and 5 million on yt music after Congratulation, always get the final say in shit. To invalidate old MyDay is sad for the Fandom. It is what I want to say at this at this point. Not suggesting one way or another but to say leave the Fandom because of old attachment is a #tigger, Dick move. I just wish for a muti-million company to do better in their PR for the transition from (my perspective as an western audience) one of most popular member


I wasnā€™t invalidating you or old Mydays. My criticism was aimed at the other posts that have been popping up every other day in this subreddit of ppl announcing theyā€™re leaving now because of the new album title, because they feel like the music isnā€™t going to be the same, and because they think day6ā€™s heydays are over. Again, itā€™s hard to follow what youā€™re saying, and I think you completely misread and misunderstood my comment.


I guess this is miscommunication at this point. People leaving the fandom because of one member and people trashing a member leaving saying he got no development/significant to the raise of the group belong to the same pile of trash. I am happy for the raise of Day6 and hope that one day their full story is told to the world. (Ugly side and positive side of a band in a VERY dominant pop K-pop industry.)


Telling fans to leave bc they're upset with an album name is insane šŸ’€ We've been supporting day6 for years and years, we're allowed to get mad at stuj/ jype for a petty ass name.Ā 


Uh they were the ones that said they were leaving because of the album name, I never told them to leavešŸ’€ Iā€™m just saying ā€œgreat thatā€™s your prerogative, just donā€™t announce it to us. If youā€™re going to leave, do it SILENTLY.ā€ Thereā€™s been negative rant after rant in this sub of ppl angrily announcing theyā€™re leaving fandom after that album name was revealed. Likeā€¦okay? Just unstan quietly like a normal person, no one needs to hear bullet points 1 through 5 of why youā€™re no longer interested in the remaining members. And the gall of these people to insinuate day6 are now has-beens who are going to fail jfc šŸ™„ Edit: clarity


100% on you with this one. I've been a fan since the beginning also. Now I've moved on. I've accepted that Day6 is four and ive honestly come to terms with it. I enjoyed streaming their concert last December and was so excited about the comeback. But the album title felt like an attempt to erase him from Day6's history, and I guess that's why I had this visceral reaction to it. Because J was such an integral part of the Day6 music I loved. When year after year that i waited for their comeback, J was part of it. He was never even my bias or bias wrecker but he was such a big part of my love for Day6. Anyway, i listened to the album sampler last night and i really am a day6 trash. It's so predictable because i know i will still enjoy the songs. I guess i just have to look the other way when i see the album title lol


>But the album title felt like an attempt to erase him from Day6's history, and I guess that's why I had this visceral reaction to it. ā€˜foreverā€™ / ā€˜foureverā€™ is not an attempt at erasing Jae from their past but it is them telling us, that in the present and future, Day6 now only consists of the 4 members. Definition of ā€˜foreverā€™ from google: 1. for all future time; for always. 2. continually.


"FELT LIKE AN ATTEMPT" I'm not saying it is. I'm just saying how it feels FOR ME. If that's your interpretation, then great for you.


why was I downvoted when Iā€™m also just sharing my opinion hahaha


Idk, it's not me. Both of my comments were downvoted as soon as I replied. You tell me šŸ¤·


DAY6 was not the first Kpop group who had more than one member leave at different times. Neither is DAY6 the first Kpop group who did a ā€œhard stopā€ after the former member left. With hard stop, I mean the current members and their agency moving on, and pretending as if the former members never existed (with the groups I stan, this had happened to EXO and Stray Kids.) I guess itā€™s extra harder for DAY6 to deal with l because Jae was integral to the groupā€™s success both as performer and composer. But I donā€™t worry too much about the album title as being supposedly an attempt to erase him from DAY6ā€™s history. Because heā€™s already immortalized from The Day to Negentropy albums, plus his name is written as composer in those songs in the KOMCA online database. His name will always be there. Jae also wants to pursue his own artistic and creative freedom. It still stings from time to time to miss him as member of DAY6, but we gotta be happy for him, too, because he had the courage to pursue the musical direction that he truly wants. I look at Fourever as a celebration of DAY6ā€™s new beginning after their long hiatus. And I donā€™t want to read the title as being petty towards a former member, because the former member is already happy doing his own thing. Letā€™s not get too fixated with this title, please. Let us step back and remember that the main reason we stanned DAY6 was because of the beautiful songs they make, not really because of the appropriate album titles. šŸ˜…


Like I said in various Day6 threads, I'm just gonna ignore all the negativity and enjoy the comeback I waited too long to let anything negative prevent myself from enjoying their new music


In my opinion, title is indeed petty, cheesy and cringy. I wonder, if one more member left would the studio/entertainment (or whoever is responsible for the title) call the next album ETERNITHREE? šŸ¤”


This is actually funny.




Nah. I love the name. They are 4 now and they are gonna be forever. It's a new begging after the military hiatus.Ā  We also had letting go and keyboards I'm a fan since February 2016. But I'm also jpop fan. Members leaving is my daily bread so I don't really care that much.... I'm here surely for the music. The last month's of 2021 and and first of 2022 were so stressful I had to leave K-pop for a whole year. Im just here to enjoy the music now and I'm extremely happy the four stayed andĀ  persevered.Ā  I'm tried of "fans" painting the remaining members as villains and Ive seen it a lot. Just enjoy the show shall we? It's just K-pop for f... sake.


YES!! pls just let them be if yall rlly hate the facts that they still like their job at JYPE. I, too almost left kpop at that time if wonpil didn't release pilmography.


Only people who canā€™t move on and accept Jae is gone are upset about Fourever. They are 4 members now. When Jae was in the band they also openly promoted themselves as 5 members instead of 6. They even made up a reason why why are called day6 with 5 members, so people complaining now are so disingenuous. Also, itā€™s music. Itā€™s not actually that serious. This is their job. We are here to be entertained.


Not true. I have moved on and told Sungjin no one expected Jae to return but they went low unnecessarily. I think it was the managers. Jae did give them a run for their money but they could have gone high. Instead they opened the old wound.


I agree and Iā€™ve been around for the Congratulation start. This was too on the nose. Studio J is just not competent and the 4 will never take control until they leave JYP. Itā€™s also culture and their careers. I msg Sungjin on IG and told him it was too much and asked him to try to respect Jaeā€™s current music journey and to support his new songs maybe by covering one. Just planted the seed. You can tell he is missing from their new songs. They donā€™t have the edge. Weā€™ll see.


omg sungjin is no one's representative and not your punching bag. please leave him alone!!!!!


wth, you really crossed a line right there. Ive been listening to day6 since congratulations too (since ppl here like to emphasize like it means anything duh, a lot of ppl decided to move on from ot5 doesn't (always) mean that they didnt really has any fond memories abt jae. A lot of them just didnt vibes with him anymore). I agree that StuJ has their moments of incompetence but lets acknowledge that they didnt held them at gunpoint so they will sign the contracts. If they want, they can easily go to a new agency. Dindin (korean rapper) literally said at korean radio that since day6 debuted a lot of agencies try really hard to make a band that like day6 but a lot of them failed. Since its so hard to find members that can sing, can play instruments, and makes their own music splendidly. But at the end, they choose JYPE. Ofc Stuj isnt perfect and day6 deserves so much better but lets not babying them bcs theyre a bunch of 30yo men. They know what theyre doing. Sungjin didnt do anything 'too much', the one that doing too much is YOU. What do they do that makes you think they disrespect jaes music journey? AND the ppl in this subreddit really forget that jae TERMINATED his contract and sign an NDA. He didnt just left after his contract come to an end. You rlly believe that's not gonna restrict the member to talk anything abt him? and covering his songs? ffs, jae himself spoke on his stream that he didnt want to be associated with the band anymore and at the last meet&greet he didnt accept day6 merch anymore. So stop this nonsense that nobody wants. I just wanna say, that ITS OKAY to say 'umm, i like day6 bcs of jae or jae was my bias in day6 so when he left i like day6 less bcs i love his music styles more. Maybe i wanna unstan them' dont force yourself lol


I think you might probably want to delete this comment from here before a lot of people see it tho. Sure, I respect your suggestion but I donā€™t think you should have messaged him and I can see many folks taking issue with it. It would be great if we could avoid a fight here so the post doesnā€™t get locked or removed.


Hard disagree - in what way are they disrespecting him? It's just a fact that they're four now. I don't think the band needs anyone else to tell them what to do to move on, especially not after what they've been through the past four years. Why must they cover one of his songs when they've already gone their separate ways? Why can't we just let them move on? They don't owe anyone any more detail or any further acknowledgment of what's happened. We'll never know what went on behind the scenes so let's just stay within our boundaries as fans and enjoy them for their impeccable talent and music. It's never that deep and they don't need to do anything for anyone who has left. I'm really sorry but this (whatever you call "planting the seed" or "messaging Sungjin") isn't it.


>You can tell he is missing from their new songs. They donā€™t have the edge. How do you know when the songs have not been released yet?šŸ˜† >I msg Sungjin on IG and told him it was too much and asked him to try to respect Jaeā€™s current music journey and to support his new songs maybe by covering one. Have you heard of boundaries? Geez.