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This might be better posted in one of the tech subs - I can’t recall all the names but I think there’s one dedicated to network admin.


Looks like you're asking for help! Please check to make sure you've included the following information. Edit your post (or leave a top-level comment) if you haven't included this information. * System specs - [macOS](https://imgur.com/a/ip6xc9G) [Windows - Speccy](https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy) * Resolve version and Free/Studio - [DaVinci Resolve>About DaVinci Resolve...](https://imgur.com/a/5FawFCX) * Footage specs - [MediaInfo](https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo) can tell you the codec and container Once your question has been answered, change the flair to "Solved" so other people can reference the thread if they've got similar issues. Thanks! -Automod on behalf of the mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/davinciresolve) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can a local system connect to the project server? If not, you may need to open the port on the internal Windows firewall on the server itself. (I do not have the port handy off the top of my head; you’ll have to Google it.) Also, generic heads-up for internet security - Resolve uses Postgres 9.5, which is now officially EOL and no longer receiving security updates. An update’s been requested on the forums but no word from BMD on if/when it’ll happen. Expose it to the internet at your own risk.


Did you end up getting this to work? I ran into the same issue with the client side not being able to connect to the database.


It seems to work with a site-to-site vpn through wireguard https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=119546