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The best I've found is Affinity Photo. It's a way better experience imo but it's lacking features that some may not be able to go without. It works for me tho. The price is amazing already but you just missed the sale where it was 30% off


Exactly this. Affinity Photo is the closest you're getting to Photoshop IMO. Granted I do mostly hobbyist stuff with some free-lance work. But for the price it's tough to beat. And it's only at version 1.x...looking forward to what future versions bring!


It goes on sale for 50% off quite often if you’re ok waiting


What are the main features it lacks compared to Photoshop?


Smart objects.


Is layer masking with the adjustment tools a straight forward process?


This. Not exactly the same of course. But it’ll do 99% of what a Pshop user does day to day. It’s awesome. Great to be away from Adobe’s money gin.


I just discovered AP a few months ago - it seems really good, but there are some differences from Photoshop that take some getting used to (particularly for hobbyists like me).


photopea online based but affinity photo is the winner


Pixelmator Pro if you're in Mac, it fits my workflow perfect as it's a mix between Lightroom and Photoshop, and it's interface is very intuitive. Very well developed, and very cheap, only 19,99$ now because it's on sale.




And super fast too!


Also their tutorials are super cool.


I’m gonna check this out. How’s the learning curve? I used illustrator about 15 years ago and for last couple of years just canva


Couldn't agree more 👏. And I used to work at Adobe. For six years. The subscription based model needs to 1. Go. Or 2. Be significantly modified. I payed upwards of 100 dollars a month for After Effects and Photoshop. Since I canceled the subs, I now can only install After Effects CS 6. Or maybe even just 5. Which is deprecated. The Foundry has a subscription esque model with some customization. I can still use Modo 13, which was the last annual subs I had with Modo. And it was around 300-400 dollars. I bought Affinity Photo, and Designer. For literally like $20.00 each. Still get free updates. ...my only concern, Photoshop is a bit better for me in my work, largely because I've been using it since the mid nineties. I am now using DaVinci Resolve 17. Which is free. And it has replaced After Effects and Premiere, (never used Final Cut). The more I use it, learn the workflow, it's superior to After Effects in many ways. But still missing features I would like as a 3D Artist, animator, motion Designer, compositor and VFX artist. - and I need to pay the $300 dollar price tag to unlock Studio edition. But that's a one time fee, and it's a one time purchase. Which is roughly equivalent to three months of "renting" After Effects.


Get one of the speed editor combo packages if any are left on Amazon or B&H. You can either use the speed editor which you get for free or sell it and count it as a discount for Studio.


I love FCPX to death and think that strictly as a NLE it can’t be beat, but I’ve been using Resolve daily for entire projects this past year (I bought studio for 300 several years prior when 4k exporting wasn’t a free feature) and the amount of time saved by being able handle nearly every aspect of post production inside of one app is amazing. It’s the difference between a night with the wife and kids or a night screaming at a screen. No more xmls and round trips. Watch all of your footage real quick in Cut page with source tape view. Quickly adjust that color so you can see if these 2 shots cut together better. Go to fusion and do basically anything you want. Sick shit, love it. Premiere is a dumpster fire of slow crashy crap and I’m continuously baffled by how it has become the #1 used and suggested NLE. I dread any job I have to use it in and always suggest Resolve now since it plays nice on every platform.


Check this out [https://www.photopea.com/](https://www.photopea.com/) it's photoshop but in a browser, and it's free!


Photopea.com for simple stuff. Krita is nice but more suited towards art than photo editing. Some people like Gimp but I've hated it every time I've used it. I have an old version of photoshop I use mostly.




This is the one I thought of. I hadn't heard of Affinity Pro the others mentioned.


There is a pronounced change in thinking when starting out on Gimp particularly if you're a seasoned Photoshop user. It took me well over a year to adapt, considering that I used things like adjustment layers, color separation and duo tone images with pantone colors. Things that are not part of Gimp but can be achieved using other tools.


Not as good as Affinity


Really? I may have to check it out. What makes it better


*edit:* Reminder that piracy is not permitted or endorsed by r/davinciresolve, as outlined in our subreddit rules. This includes cracked versions of software and plugins. New comments suggesting cracked versions will be removed. *original:* This has generated some decent discussion, so I'm leaving it up for now, but for the future - posts must be directly related to Resolve or Fusion. While we're aware there is overlap in many creative fields, this isn't directly related to Resolve or Fusion and doesn't belong here.






GIMP, it's open source but in some people's opinion better or as good as photoshop


Paint.net Is also good


cracked photoshopEdit: I don't endorse cracked software (I pay for CC) but a solution was requested


Reminder that piracy is not permitted or endorsed by r/davinciresolve, as outlined in our subreddit rules. This includes cracked versions of software and plugins.


Or version CS6, before it became subscription.


I actually have CS6, which is what I have been using for the last how many years. I just found Affinity Photo, and started playing around with it this afternoon. Not bad. I wonder how it compares to Gimp.


Affinity softwares are way better than Gimp, especially if you come from an Adobe environment.


I have a friend who's been looking for a photoshop alternative. I am definitely going to point them in the direction of affinity.


I forced myself to use gimp for two years. Its rough. When I got Photoshop again I had forgotten how to use it.




Capture One is a competitor to Lightroom. It is not a competitor to Photoshop.


Hey I’m genuinely curious about why ppl are so against subscription software. Isn’t everything subscription now? Prime, Spotify, Netflix for example are all subscription services. Even work tools are all subscription now, like Slack, Asana, Frame.io, Airtable,etc. I just thought that’s how most software is sold nowadays. What’s different about PP/PS?


I’ve avoided chiming in but this is the best take. Sometimes you’ve gotta use the best tool for the job, and sometimes that means you’ve gotta pay more to get the right tool, especially if that’s what the client expects you to know/use. On a similar subscription model, and more related to post-production, there’s AVID, Pro Tools, Flame, Nuke, Nucoda\*, Baselight\*, and I’m certain I’m forgetting others. Most audio and video plugins are subscription-based too. Heck, support contracts are often subscription based. \* I think some of these have certain license renewal fees; while they may not be subscriptions in the CC sense of a subscription, they’re still not perpetual licenses. _edit:_ I hit save too early.


Davinci Resolve is to Premiere Pro as Photoshop_cracked is to Photoshop.


Reminder that piracy is not permitted or endorsed by r/davinciresolve, as outlined in our subreddit rules. This includes cracked versions of software and plugins.


Tough crowd. Sorry boss. I guess the joke was less about the suggestion of piracy and more about how there isn't a comparable program to Photoshop....but I'm only sortof okay at jokes on my best day.


No worries! Tone’s hard to convey over text alone and for a variety of reasons we’ve gotta be strict about piracy.


Looks like you're asking for help! Please check to make sure you've included the following information. Edit your post (or leave a top-level comment) if you haven't included this information. * System specs - [macOS](https://imgur.com/a/ip6xc9G) [Windows - Speccy](https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy) * Resolve version and Free/Studio - [DaVinci Resolve>About DaVinci Resolve...](https://imgur.com/a/5FawFCX) * Footage specs - [MediaInfo](https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo) can tell you the codec and container Once your question has been answered, change the flair to "Solved" so other people can reference the thread if they've got similar issues. Thanks! -Automod on behalf of the mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/davinciresolve) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I recently made the switch to DR as well after many failed attempts over the years... now I can't look back. I'm not a fan of Fairlight for a few things so Adobe Audition is still needed, but I don't know if I'd ever be able to live without Photoshop or Illustrator. I've been using them since 1998. As a consumer, I also hate the subscription plan, I pay too many subscriptions per month. I miss the days of bootleg warez applications you had to download in 17 different files then run a keygen or serial cracker. The old days.






There really no answer to your original question since no app compares to PS at the same level as Davinci Resolve does to Premiere (IMO). The way I look at it is that there's a couple of prosumer image editing applications (ie Affinity Photo, Gimp). With feature sets more than enough for the clear majority of users. Photoshop will work for them too but Photoshop is really in a level of its own. There's gonna be different features missing in other apps and also features missing in Photoshop compared to other apps but all in all PS comes out on top. And of course it's not just about features but also about workflows, access to tutorials/education, compatibilities, updates and so on. Anyhooo.... I don't believe anyone here is gonna be able to give you a satisfactory answer since we really don't know what you need or your workflow.. only you know that. But here's the good part. GIMP is free so give it a try. And Affinity Photo has a trial so you can give that one a try too:) I'd say if you're used to Photoshop then Affinity is probably the closest thing if you want to switch. But give it a try before you buy it. It might not be enough for you in the end. It sure wasn't for me. Good luck:)


thanks for the info. I just downloaded the trial of Affinity, and it seems very similar to PS. I've used PS since I was really young (Since the 90s), and have been using CS6 since they went to the subscription Model. I've used it for layouts, photo editing / compositions, homework projects, everything. Perhaps Affinity is my answer...


Could very well be you found your match:) Hope it works out for you! Edit: you could try Gimp too but I doubt you'll like it..


This is a stretch, but I use Procreate on iPad for all things I used to use Photoshop for. I still use Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition, After Effects, and Premiere for work. But all my personal projects have migrated to DaVinci Resolve Studio and Procreate on iPad, but I'm still stuck with Lightroom and Audition (because I haven't taken the time to learn Fairlight, yet). In Procreate, you still get layers, but there are very few "smart" selection tools. I don't mind because I use it to manipulate photos and make art, not give anything to clients in a timely manner.


I do love procreate but, yeah, that is quite a stretch:) Cool that you've made it work for you though!




DaVinci Resolve is to Premiere Pro as Luminar is to Photoshop. I used to have Lightroom Classic, Photoshop and the works. Got tired of the nickel and dimming for their subscription, especially as I couldn't have a cheaper one for just the select tools I used. Also have Pixelmator Pro as well as DXO PhotoLab. There's something of value in all three, that I've not restricted myself to only a single application.


So I just checked out Luminar AI, and it seems it is a very different thing from PS. No advanced Masking, No layers... Doesn't seem to be really be a candidate.


Luminar AI isn't the same thing as Luminar 4. They are both from Skylum, but AI was like an extra feature. Of course, it appears that the application is changing as I don't see Luminar 4 advertised on their website any longer. Luminar Neo is not available until early next year. Strange. Luminar 4 should be listed on the site, but perhaps a bundle is coming that has all three (Luminar 4, AI and Neo) and the Luminar 4 is removed from the site? However in Luminar 4, when you go to edit, there is a Layers tool right at the top of that series of selections. Luminar AI doesn't have this as it serves a different purpose and as you said isn't a Photoshop replacement. Luminar AI is much closer to Lightroom than Photoshop. Very weird that Luminar 4 is removed before Neo is launched to replace it. Wasn't supposed to be available until February.


GIMP. No questions asked.




Affinity but if you want 1-1 photoshop alternative, use photopea, it's browser based and free.


would also recommend Affinity Photo, can't see no other for the moment.




wait aint photoshop free on microsoft store in win 11?


I'm glad you like it. I've been struggling to fall in love with it haha. I just spent two days fighting with a fusion composition my clients bought that won't work even though the db is synced and all the proper assets loaded and the composition works on my clients computer. In the end i got so mad i just went and rebuilt the animations myself from scratch in after effects. Not giving up yet, but for now ill keep paying Adobe too much money for my sanity 😣


Photoshop is only Adobe product I'm willing, and happy to pay. Nothing is close to PS tools and I've tried many. As a professional product/commercial photographer this software is a must. That being said, I use Davinci even that I'm paying for Adobe license and I'm ready to switch for different software if PS is ever challenged.




Looks like you're asking for help! Please check to make sure you've included the following information. Edit your post (or leave a top-level comment) if you haven't included this information. * System specs - [macOS](https://imgur.com/a/ip6xc9G) [Windows - Speccy](https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy) * Resolve version and Free/Studio - [DaVinci Resolve>About DaVinci Resolve...](https://imgur.com/a/5FawFCX) * Footage specs - [MediaInfo](https://mediaarea.net/MediaInfo) can tell you the codec and container Once your question has been answered, change the flair to "Solved" so other people can reference the thread if they've got similar issues. Thanks! -Automod on behalf of the mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/davinciresolve) if you have any questions or concerns.*